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Department of BME, GRTIET Department of BME, GRTIET

Abstract—Motor Neuron Disease (MND) input with the respective dialogue. Use the enter
is a medical condition where the motor key to start a new paragraph. The appropriate
neurons of the patient are paralyzed, it is spacing and indent are automatically applied.
incurable. It also leads to weakness of muscles
with respect to hand, feet or voice. Because of There are many methods introduced for
this, the patient cannot perform his voluntary motor neuron disease patients to communicate
actions and it is very difficult for the patient to with the outside world such as Brain wave
express his needs as he is not able to technique and Electro-oculography. Loss of
communicate with the world. The proposed speech can be hard to adjust. It is difficult for
system detects the eye blink and the patients to make the caretaker understand
differentiates between an intentional long what they need especially when they are in
blink and a normal eye blink. The proposed hospitals. It becomes difficult for the patients
system can be used to control and to express their feelings and even they
Communicate with other people. The cannot take part in conversations.
objectives of the system are: Capturing the The proposed system detects the voluntary
frame from the video using the system’s blinks of the patient and accordingly sends
camera initializes the execution of the the message about the requirement to the
proposed system. We used the Python Library
called OpenCV to capture the image of the
patient, and we use the python The system uses an inbuilt camera to capture
language to do the Communication with the video of the patient and with the help of a
paralyzed people using Eye Ball blinks. facial landmark algorithm, it identifies the face
and eyes of the patient. The system then slides
Keywords—Open-CV, Motor Neuron a bunch of images one after the other on the
Disease (MND), Image processing, Face screen and the patient can choose to blink over
detection, Eye detection, Eye blink the image he wants, just to convey message of
his desires. The system identifies the blink
with help of eye aspect ratio and then sends a
I. INTRODUCTION message to the care taker of what the patient
wants and also the system initiates a call to
To do the communication with paralyzed people the care taker where in a voice is audible
we use eye Face Detection Algorithm. The Face saying what the patient wants.
Detection Algorithm then processes captured
video frames to give out the rectangular Blink To Speak offers a form of independence
boxed face. This output from Face Detection to paralyzed people. The software platform
Algorithm then gets processed using AdaBoost converts eye blinks to Speak. Every feature of
Classifier to detect the eye region in the face. Eye the software can be controlled by eye
detected will be sent to check if there is any movement. Thus, the software can be
movement of the eyeball. If it’s there, then this independently operated by paralyzed people.
movement will be tracked to give out the Using the sofware, patients can record
combination the patient is using to express the messages,recite those messages aloud, and
dialogue. If not, then the blink pattern will be send the messages to others.
processed to give out the voice as well as the text
A. Problem Statement: only required peripheral is a basic webcam. Not
only is this software accessible to paralyzed
Patients who lose the ability to speak and write people, but paralyzed people of almost all
they can only contact the outside world financial classes as well.
through human-computer interaction; e.g.
controlling brain waves or tracking eye
movements. Currently, brain wave-controlling
devices need to be worn by users, so they are not
convenient for people to use. There exists eye- C. Scope of the Project:
motion-based software which enables the MND
patients to write in the computer by using their 1. To make the Paralyzed people to
eye functions only. When they are away from PC communicate with us.
and lie on the bed, they cannot communicate with 2. To make the Perfect Assistance for
care providers. With the goal of helping MND Paralyzed People
patients on the bed to call for other people with a
simple and easy approach this research aims to 3. To give all the services for the paralyzed
develop a real time video processing system, people after they communicate their needs via
which can successfully research aims to develop blinks.
a detect the eye blinks regardless the head
directions, day or night.
B. Proposed System:
Now-a-days, the rapid growth of technology
The proposed project aims to bring out a solution
has made our PC become outdated. The tasks
for the paralyzed people without any harm to
that once we used to do with PC are now being
their body externally or internally. It overweighs
handled by mobiles or other smart devices.
the previously developed prototypes in this field
because none of the components are in direct Introduction of network enabled devices
contact with the patients body hence it definitely or IOT devices have led to advanced
will prove to be safer. home automation systems. However, the
usage is limited for people with physical
Cost effective: The main objective of developing
disorders as remote control of an
algorithm of a real time video Oculography
appliance becomes difficult. In this paper the
system is that to provide cost effective for those
project is about for those people who are
people who cannot afford. The existing technique
suffering from Paralysis (As example,
for such patients to communicate is too costly.
Tetraplegia Patients) and the difficulties which
Thus, it is necessary to design a system which is
they face while controlling home appliances.
affordable to common people which includes cost
Tetraplegia Paralysis is brought about by harm
effective components for designing.
to the cerebrum or the spinal line this patient;
Fast: There are few algorithms which are client needs to control the appliance. We try to
developed for video Oculography system for take care of their issue utilizing eye blink
communication. The main objective of this sensor. An eye blink sensor is a
project is to develop an algorithm which is transducer which detects an eye blink, and
extremely fast compared to the existing ones. gives a yield voltage at whatever point the eye
is shut. This project is about eye blinking
Accuracy: The main objective of this project is to for instance, in systems that monitor a
develop an algorithm which is more accurate paralyzed human so that he/she can operate
compared to the existing ones that can afford the home appliances, such as light, fan, Air
technology. Blink To Speak focuses on a Condition and so on. Also, this is
different demographic that is often ignored. Blink connected with Android Smartphone
To Speak is free and open source. The software Bluetooth radio, so that patients can
runs on a wide variety of low-end computers. The communicate with others in case of
emergency via sending text SMS, just by making zero and ones combination of white and
blinking their eyes. black pixels. We are considering 68 point pixel
for face and 6 point pixel for eye lids. The Face
D. Taneral, 2016. Presents Drowsy driver Detection is done using AdaBoost Algorithm
detection system using Eye Blink patterns [8] that processes on the captured video frames which is
is based on monitoring the changes in the eye converted as gray scale image to give out the
blink duration. In addition to tracking the face rectangular boxed face. The output from Face
and the eyes to compute drowsiness index Detection Algorithm then gets processed to detect
Garcia has also presented a nonintrusive face. Eye detected will be sent to check whether
approach for drowsiness detection based on the eye is closed or open. The outputs are in the
computer vision. It is installed in the car and it is form of image display, text alerting, audio played
able to work under real operation conditions. In and message sent to the concerned person.
this an IR camera is placed in the front of the
driver, in the dashboard. In order to detect his
face and obtain drowsiness clues from their eyes
H.S. Prashanth, 2012. Assistance for paralyzed
using Eye Blink Detection [9], The main aim of
this paper is to design a real time interactive
system that can assist the paralyzed to control
Abdul Rahaman Shaik Journal of Engineering
Research and Application ISSN :
2248-9622 Vol. 9,Issue 8 (Series -II) Aug 2019,
pp 63-69 appliances such as lights, fans etc. or Fig 1: System Architecture
by playing pre-recorded audio messages,
through a predefined number of eye blinks. A. Visual Communication
Image processing techniques have been
Visual communication is the practice of using
implemented in order to detect the eye blinks.
visual elements to convey a message, inspire
DeepBose, BRAC University, Bangladesh, change, or evoke emotion. It’s one part
2017. Home automation with eye blink for communication design—crafting a message
paralyzed patients [10], The constant demand that educates, motivates, and engages, and
to improve daily living standards for paralysis one part graphic design—using design
patients or general people serves as a motivation principles to communicate that message so
to develop newer technology. The tasks once that it’s clear and eye-catching. Effective
performed by big traditional computers are now visual communication should be equally
solved with smaller smart devices. The study appealing and informative.
here talks about the development of a blink
sensor device which used for automated home
designs for disable people. B. Image Processing:
III. MATERIALS AND METHODS Image processing is the process of
transforming animage into a digital form and
The design part includes the system architecture.
performing certain operations to get some
It explains the workflow of the system proposed.
useful information from it. The image
The architecture mainly explainshow the data is
processing system usually treats all images as
being modified. How it is being used. and how
2D signals when applying certain
the results vary with it. Capturing the frame from
predetermined signal processing methods.
the video using the system’s camera initializes the
execution of the proposed system. The frames are Types of Image Processing
converted into grayscale image and we are
There are five main types of image processing:
• Visualization - Find objects that are not Fig 2. Face Detection from video frame
visible in the image image

•Recognition - Distinguish or detect objects in the

image D. Eye Detection
•Sharpening and restoration - Create an enhanced Eye tracking refers to the process of measuring
image from the original image where we look, also known as our point of
•Pattern recognition - Measure the various gaze. These measurements are carried out by
patterns around the objects in the image an eye tracker, that records the position of the
eyes and the movements they make.Near-
•Retrieval - Browse and search images from a infrared light is directed toward the center of
large database of digital images that are similar to the eyes (pupil), causing detectable
the original image reflections in both the pupil and the cornea (the
outer-most optical element of the eye). These
C. Face Detection
reflections – the vector between the cornea and
Face detection has progressed from the pupil – are tracked by an infrared camera.
rudimentary computer vision techniques to This is the optical tracking of corneal
advances in machine learning (ML) to reflections, known as pupil center corneal
increasingly sophisticated artificial neural reflection(PCCR)
networks (ANN) and related technologies;
An infrared light source (and thus detection
the result has been continuous performance
method) is necessary as the accuracy of gaze
improvements. It now plays an important role
direction measurement is dependent on a clear
as the first step in many key applications --
demarcation (and detection) of the pupil as
including face tracking, face analysis and facial
well as the detection of corneal reflection.
recognition. Face detection has a significant
Normal light sources (with ordinary
effect on how sequential operations will
cameras) aren’t able to provide as much
perform in the application.
contrast, meaning that an appropriate
amount of accuracy is much harder to achieve
without infrared light.
In face analysis, face detection helps identify
which parts of an image or video should be THE CENTER OF THE EYE (PUPIL
focused on to determine age, gender and CENTER) IS TRACKED IN RELATION
emotions using facial expressions. In a facial TO THE POSITION OF THE CORNEAL
recognition system -- which maps an REFLECTION. THE RELATIVE DISTANCE
individual's facial features mathematically and BETWEEN THE TWO AREAS ALLOWS
stores the data as a faceprint -- face detection data THE CALCULATION OF THE DIRECTION
is required for the algorithms that discern which OF THE GAZE.
parts of an image or video are needed to generate
Light from the visible spectrum is likely to
a faceprint. Once identified, the new faceprint can
generate uncontrolled Specular reflection,
be compared with stored faceprints to determine
while infrared light allows for a precise
if there is a match.
differentiation between the pupil and the iris –
while the light directly enters the pupil, it just
“bounces off” theiris. Additionally, as infrared
light is not visible to humans it doesn’t cause
any distraction while the eyes are being
Types of Eye Tracking Technologies:
1. Screen Based Eye Tracking
2.EyeTrackingglasse Step 8: Sending the text (or) if emergency
situation means doing calls

Fig 3: Screen Based Eye Tracking

Fig 5. Output image

Although blink detection systems exist
for other purposes, an implementation of a
blink detection system with the end use of
controlling appliances has not been previously
Fig 4. The Relative Difference In Location Of accomplished. While the system is intended
The Pupil Center And Corneal Reflection Allows to assist the paralyzed and physically
For Deduction Of The Gaze Direction. challenged, it can definitely be used by all
types of individuals. The main challenge
involved in the implementation of the system
is the development of a real time robust blink
detection algorithm. Many algorithms have
Blink detection is actually the process of using been developed to serve the purpose, with
computer vision to firstly detect a face, with eyes, some being more accurate than the others.
and then using a video stream (or even a series This paper presented a blink detection
of rapidly-taken still photos) to determine system based on online template matching.
whether those eyes have blinked or not within a
The first phase involved the blink detection
certain timeframe.
phase; the second phase involved the counting
Steps for Implementation of blinks and subsequent control of appliances
through a micro controller. By enabling the
Step 1: Capturing a video paralyzed to gain control of albeit a small part
Step 2: Capture images from video of their lives, the system can offer some level
of independence to them. The helpers who are
Step 3: Converting images into grayscale assigned the task of tending to paralyzed
Step 4: Fix landmarks on the images persons through the day can then be afforded a
break. The system needs moderate processing
Step 5: Detect Blinks power, making it suitable for practical use.
For continuous video input, laptops with
Step 6: Detecting Eye-ball movements
built in webcams or USB cameras will suffice.
Step 7: Converting to text
The constant demand to improve daily living
standards for paralysis patients serves as a
motivation to develop newer technology. The
task once performed by big traditional REFERENCES
computers is now solved with smaller smart
devices. Paralysis is defined as the complete loss 1. Alberto J. Molina-Cantero, Clara
of muscle function in any part of the body. It Lebrato-Vázquez, Manuel Merino-Monge,
occurs when there is a problem with the passage Roylán Quesada-Tabares, Juan A. Castro-
of messages between the muscles and the brain. García and Isabel M. Gómez-González
The main objective is to design a realtime “Communication Technologies Based on
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patients to control appliances such as lights, fans Received April 10, 2019, accepted May 20,
etc. In addition, It can also play pre-recorded 2019, date of publication May 27, 2019,
audio messages through predefined number of date of current version June 11, 2019
eye blinks and it also helps to alert the doctor or 2. Chu-Lian Xu and Chyi-YeuLin “Eye-
concerned person by sending SMS in case of Motion Detection System for MND
emergency by using eye blink Sensor. The eye Patients” 2017 4th IEEE International
blink sensor is able to detect an intentional Conference on Soft Computing and
blink from a normal blink, which is useful for Machine Intelligence
the paralysis patients especially Tetraplegic 3. AsfandAteem, Mairaj Ali, Zeeshan Ali
patients to regulate their home devices easily Akbar, Muhammad Asad Bashir “Eye
without any help. The system is limited by Monitored Device for disable People”
the efficiency of the blink detection algorithm and 2017 20th International Conference of
efficiency falls further under limited lighting Computer and Information Technology
conditions. Since the initialization phase of (ICCIT).
the algorithm is based on differencing between 4. Milan Pandey, Anoop Shinde, Kushal
consecutive frame background movement in Chaudhari, DivyanshuTotla, Rajnish
the frame may lead to inaccurate operation. Kumar, Prof. N.D. Mali “Assistance for
Paralyzed Patient Using Eye Motion
Detection” 2018 IEEE
Typically, background movement causes non eye 5. Mohit Agarwal, Raghupathy Sivakumar
pairs to be detected as eye pairs. This is overcome “Blink: A Fully Automated Unsupervised
to some extent by limiting the search region to Algorithm for Eye-Blink Detection in EEG
the face of an individual, by implementing a Signals” 2019 57th Annual Allerton
face tracking algorithm prior to blink Conference on Communication, Control,
detection. However, this in turn can lead to and Computing.
reduced efficiency in blink detection. By giving
an option to the user to choose between the
system with and without face tracking, a level of
flexibility can be reached.
The application of the blink detection system is
not limited to the control of appliances but can
also be used for a variety of other functions.
Playback of audio distress messages over an
intercom system is one of the other
applications of the system.Future applications
of the system may include playback of video
or audio files by eye blinks and making a VOIP
call to play a distress message.

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