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Scene 1: The scene goes at St. Peters Church where
Friar Laurence one of the advisers of Romeo inspects
herb, plant and stone.
[He examines a flower]
“Inside the little rind of this small and weak flower.”
“There is both poison and powerful medicine.”
“If you smell it,it makes you fell good all over your body.”
“But if you taste it,you die.”
“There are two opposite elements in everything, in human as well as
in herbs—good and evil.”
[Romeo knocks and enter]
Romeo:”Good morning father.”
[Notice that it is Romeo]
Friar:”What sweet voice greets me this early?”
“Young lord,it implies a distempered head.”
“Leaving your bed too early and not having enough sleep.”
[He stops talking for a second]
“Or if not so,then here i guessed it right.”
“Our Romeo have not been in the bed tonight.”
Romeo:”That last is true,I even have sweeter rest than you.”
Friar:”For god’s sake,was it you with Rosaline?”
Romeo:”With Rosaline?”
“I have forgotten and ignored that name,and that name’s voice.”
Friar:”Really,that’s surprising,but where have you been then?”
Romeo:”Before you ask me this,let me tell you.”
“I’ve been celebrating with my foe.”
Friar: “Clearly confess your sin or else,you won’t receive clear
Romeo:”Just simply know my heart’s dear love is set.”
“On the fair daughter of a wealthy capulet.”
“As mine on hers so hers is set on mine.”
“We met,we make love and made exchange of promises.”
“I’ll tell you as we walk,but I hope that you give permission to marry
us today this afternoon.”
Friar:”I’ll tell you.”
“Is Rosaline,whom you love so dear Already forsaken?Then,young
adolescent love lies.”
Romeo:”You scolded me often for loving Rosaline ever since.”
Friar:”For these type of relationship,not for loving,student of mine.”
Romeo:”C’mon,don’t scold me,the girl I love now returns my
happiness and love.Rosaline did not so.”
Friar:”Your love did recite from memory that could not read.”
[Choir singing]
Friar:”Come young son,go with me.”
“For I will be your assistant and giving you permission to marry this
fair daughter of lady capulet.”
Romeo:”Really,let’s go,I can’t wait.”
[Romeo stumbles while running]
Friar:”Wisely and slow,they stumble that run fast.”
Friar:” Think carefully and wisely about your decision to marry

SCENE 2:At the street,Benvolio and Mercutio are

talking to each other

Mercutio:”Where the hell Romeo have been?”

[Brings down phone]
Benvolio:”I spoke with his manservant”
“The nephew to old capulet,have sent a letter to the residence of Lord
Mercutio:”A threat,on my existence.”
Benvolio:”Romeo will answer that letter.”
Mercutio:”Unlucky guy,he is already gone,stabbed with a small
dagger or a gun.And is he that guy who will fight Tybalt?”
Benvolio:”What’s so scary about Tybalt?”
Mercutio:”You want to know”
“Man,he’s the courageous captain of the fencing etiquette.”
“He rests very shortly.”
“A combatant,a combatant,a man of honor at the best police school.”
[Notices Romeo]
Benvolio:”Here comes Romeo.”
Mercutio:”Senor Romeo,Bonjour!”
“Let me tell you that you handed us a fake fairly last night.”
Romeo:”Good day to both of you,Did I hand you guys anything?”
Mercutio:”The counterfeit money,bro.Can you not follow me.”
Romeo:”My fault,good Mercutio,my business was important,and in
such case as mine a man may bend the rules of politeness.”
Mercutio:”That’s as much as to tell such a case as yours forces a guy
to bend from bowed legs.”
Romeo:”In short,to kneel.”
Mercutio:”That’s right.”
Romeo:”A most polite explanation.”
Mercutio:”Nope,I am the perfect illustration of politeness.”
[They laugh until…]
[nurse enter]
Romeo:[sees nurse]
“Here comes the beautiful nurse.”
Mercutio:”Good afternoon delicate woman.”
Nurse:[pointed at Romeo]
“You,we need to talk.”
[Romeo followed the nurse.]
Mercutio:”Hold on Romeo,will you go to Lord montague?we will go
there later.”
Romeo:”I will come after you.”
Mercutio:”Bye-bye old lady”
[Mercutio,Benvolio leaves]
Nurse:[Pushed Romeo to his bodyguard]
“Don’t even dare to lead my young lady to a foolish paradise as they
“Because of my lady being too young,that being the case,if you
should cheat on her,frankly,it’ll be a horrible offer to mylady or rather
any lady out there
Romeo:”Ask her to find some way to come to confession this
“And there she will meet Friar Laurence chamber to give confession
and be married to me.”
Nurse:”HMMMMM”[She walks feeling disgusted but happy at the
same time]

SCENE 3:At the capulets house

[Juliet enters]
Juliet:”It’s already late and yet nurse wasn’t coming,as she promised
that she will return early.”
[Nurse enters]
Juliet:”[Runs to the nurse]
“Sweet and dear nurse,what’s news?”
Nurse:”Give me a break,I’m tired.”
“What a tour I have my bones ache!”
Juliet:”I wish you had mine,so that you can bring news fast.”
[Nurse doesn’t speak and ignored her]
“Dear lord,I pray that you speak,good nurse speak!”
Nurse:”Oh god,can you wait for a while.”
“Are you blind and not seeing me run out of breath?”
Juliet:”How are you out of breath when you have breath to say to me
that you are out of breath?”
“Respond to this,is the news good or bad?”
Nurse:”Let me think,you have made a foolish choice!You have no
understanding about how to choose a man.Romeo?No,not he!But to
be honest,his face are better than any man,so far his leg excels all
men,and for a hand,for a foot,and a body,although all of that are not
Juliet:”I know all of that.But what does he say about our marriage?”
Nurse:OMG,my head aches!”
Juliet:[Sits next to nurse]”Oh dear,I’m sorry that you are not feeling
“Charming nurse,tell me,what did my lover says?”
Nurse:”Your lover says like a polite gentleman,and a gracious,and a
compassionate,and a handsome,and I believe, a righteous---
“Where is your mother?”
Juliet:”What question is that?of course,she’s inside”
Nurse:”Are you impatient,really now.”
“From now on ,do your messages by yourself.”
[Nurse attempts to leave]
Juliet:”such a joy killer,again,what did Romeo said?”
Nurse:”Have you got permission to go to confession today?”
Juliet:”I do”
Nurse:”Then,hurry up and go to Friar Laurence’ chamber,there waits
a husband for his wife.”
Juliet:”For real!oh thank god”
[They share hugs as they exit]
Scene 4: At the church,a boy and a girl is being
[Choir singing]
[Juliet walks as choir continues singing,Romeo and Juliet holds hands
and both of them faces Friar Laurence and the altar]
Friar:”These extreme happiness have disaster in the end .”
“And at their peak die,like fire,and gunpowder,and that,as they put
their lips together,are used.The sweetest syrup can make you feel sick
in it’s own taste.”
“In conclusion,love within limits;that’s how love lasts.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
[They hold hands and kisses]
Friar:”Come,you two,we will work quickly,for begging your
pardons,you cannot stay alone till this holy church join you two in a
[All of them leaves]

SCENE 5:Bloody brawl at the street

[Mercutio is playing with his gun and dagger]

Benvolio:”Come on,Bro,lets go home.”
“The capulets are out,in addition to that,it’s very hot”
“If we do meet, we shall not break free a fight.”
Servant:[called Benvolio at phone]
Servant:”We have spotted tybalt and the other capulets you should
immediately leave there!”.
Mercutio:”Am I like one of the fellows that are scared?”
Benvolio:[Notices Tybalt and other capulets]
“Look behind you Mercutio”
Mercutio:”The capulets right,hmmm,I don’t mind”
[Tybalt and other capulets walks slowly to the direction where
Montague boys are located]
Tybalt:[To capulets:”I will talk to them,follow me”]
[To montagues:”Good afternoon to all of you gentlemans.”]
Mercutio:”Really?,to all of us,couple it with something make it a
word and blow!”
Tybalt:”You shall find me happy enough to that mister,if you will
give me a reason!”
Mercutio:”Could you not make your own boring reason?”
Tybalt:”You hang out with Romeo---”
Mercutio:”What,[Proceeds to attack Tybalt]
Tybalt:”Come here you weirdo”
Benvolio:[Grabs Mercutio]
“Either we retreat and calmly discuss your complaints or leave!for all
eyes gaze on us here.”
Mercutio:”Men’s eyes were made to look,just let them gaze.”
[Romeo enters]
Tybalt:[Noticed Romeo]
“I give thanks to you,here comes my guy”
Tybalt:Romeo!The hate!,I have little love for you,but let me say this:
[He reloads his gun and unleashes his dagger with an annoyed face]
[Romeo didn’t release any of his weapons and slowly approached
Romeo:”Tybalt,the only reason that I have to love you do much
excuse,the rampage you deserve for such a greeting.Villain am I,not
at all.
“To sum up,farewell,I see that you don’t know me well”
Tybalt:”Now boy,this doesn’t count as an excuse for the injuries that
you have done to me.For that reason turn and fight me!”
[He punches Romeo making Romeo fall and covered up with blood]
Romeo:”I do believe,I never hurt you.”
“Instead I love you better than you can imagine.”
“Until you learn the reason of my love.”
“Furthermore,brother capulet,which name I care the most,be pleased.”
Tybalt:”You little!..[he punches Romeo]
Mercutio:”let the best battler win[Draws his gun]
[Tybalt continues to beat up Romeo]
[Tybalt pointed his gun to Romeo but Mercutio saves him]
[Mercutio pointed his gun too at Tybalt]
Romeo:”Put that gun away”
“Benvolio,stop them,the captain have already commanded and
forbidden us to fight with a capulet.”
[They continue to fight]
[Tybalt pointed his gun to Romeo seeing that Romeo had not seen
Tybalt: DIE!
[Mercutio pushes Romeo but he was the one who is shot at]
Romeo:”Hey are you ok man?”
Mercutio:”Yeah,yeah a scratch.”
Benvolio:”Does it hurt?”
Mercutio:”Just a scratch don’t think about me [He looks at his wound]
“A scratch!,simple scratch!,Just a scratch baby!.”
Romeo:”On my perspective,that hurts.”
Mercutio:”You shall find me a grave next day man.”
[Walks with frustration]
“A plague on both of your houses!”
“They’ve made worms meat of mine,or rather I say I’ve been.”
[Romeo walks unpleasant towards Mercutio]
Mercutio:”I was hurt besides your arm.”
Romeo:”Forgive me,I thought all for the sake of us.”
[Mercutio died while holding Romeo’s hand]
Romeo:”NO!,this can’t be real,MERCUTIO!”
[Capulets exit,while Romeo cried]
[Romeo stands and walks slowly and furiously to his car to chase
Romeo:”Mercutio’s death have bring me to this place!”
[Romeo caught up to Tybalt’s car and they fight.In the middle of their
fight both of their guns runs out of bullets]

“Tybalt,take that villain insult back again that lately you gave to
me,for Mercutio’s soul!
“He is waiting for your soul to keep him company!Either you!I !or
both!,must go with him to heaven!”
Tybalt:”You,wretched man!,that kept company with him here,shall be
with him from now on!”
[They fight until suddenly Romeo managed to disarm Tybalt]
[Romeo stabs Tybalts chest,Tybalt have lost and died]
[Balthsar enter]
“Away we go Romeo!”
[They exits]
[Citizens,Lord&Lady capulet,Lord and Lady Montague,and
authorities enters]
[Lady capulet crying]
Benvolio:”There lies Tybalt.”
Prince:”Who began this bloody fight?”
Benvolio:Romeo,Ro,romeo did all of this.”
[Lady capulet reacts and strangled Benvolio.]
Lady Capulet:”If that was true,I beg for justice.”
“Romeo have killed Tybalt.Romeo must go with him also!”
Benvolio:”Tybalt,ha,have slained Mercutio,Romeo cries aloud which
leads to this incident.”
Prince:”Romeo kills him;he kills Mercutio who now cost his own life
[Lady capulet cries again and tries to confront prince]
Lady capulet:Police man please I beg for justice.
[she laid at the body of Tybalt]:”Tybalt!”[Lady capulet cries again]
Lord Montague:[talking to prince]”His crime concludes only what the
law should end also the soul of Tybalt.”
Prince:”And for that crime,right of the bat we do banish him from
Lady Montague:No that is not fair!
[Prince shouts and announces]
“I’ll not hear any pleading and excuses,Nor tears!,nor prayers! and
god’s word that shall make an excuse or consideration out of this,and,
“Let Romeo go away in hurry!”
“Else,when he’s found,in that minute will be his last step here on

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