Diary and Report Demina Alyona

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Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education



Academic (introductory) internship
(4 semester)
Type of internship

Student: Alyona Demina 14.6-150 ________________

(surname, name, group #) (signature)

Internship period: 09.02.2023 - 10.03.2023

Internship supervisor:
Associate Professor, PhD, Yuliya N.Gorelova __________________
(surname, name, position)

Kazan, 2023

Diary of academic (introductory) internship
Student surname and name, group: Alyona Demina 14.6-150
Place of internship: Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication,
Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, KFU
Signature of
Date Types of activities internship
09.02.2023 Briefing on labour safety, fire safety requirements and
internal regulations
10.02.2023 Search for general information about IBM
11.02.2023 Writing chapter 1.1
12.02.2023 Day off
13.02.2023 Search for mission, philosophy and image of IBM
14.02.2023 Studying competitors and writing chapter 1.2 and 1.3
15.02.2023 Detailed study of organizational and management
structures in IBM and related topics
16.02.2023 Analysis of previous information
17.02.2023 Writing the complete chapter 2
18.02.2023 Making corrections
19.02.2023 Day off
20.02.2023 Search for information about the management functions in
the IBM in detail
21.02.2023 Writing the complete chapter 3
22.02.2023 Studying of company management and leadership styles
23.02.2023 Day off
24.02.2023 Day off
25.02.2023 Writing chapter 4
26.02.2023 Day off
27.02.2023 IT analysis in the company
28.02.2023 Writing chapter 5
01.03.2023 Thinking about recommendations and advice
02.03.2023 Writing conclusion
03.03.2023 Writing resources and bibliography
04.03.2023 Final error checking and correction
05.03.2023 Day off
06.03.2023 Creating a presentation
07.03.2023 Report printing
08.03.2023 Day off
09.03.2023 Final preparation
10.03.2023 Passing an internship

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education



Academic (introductory) internship
(4 semester )
Type of internship

Major: 38.03.02 «Management»

Profile: «Economics. International Business» (Bachelor’s degree)

Student: Alyona Demina 14.6-150 ________________

(surname, name, group #) (signature)

Internship supervisor:
Associate Professor, PhD, Yuliya N.Gorelova
(surname, name, position)

Toral grade _______________________ ______________________

(supervisor's signature)

Date of submitting а report 10.03.2023

Kazan 2023


Introduction 5

1. General characteristics of the organization «IBM» 6

2. Description and characteristics of organizational structure 14

3. Management functions 20

4. Management methods and leadership styles 28

5. IT technologies employed in management process 31

Conclusion 35

Resources and bibliography 36


Practice takes an important place in the learning process. It is a necessary component

of the educational process in the training of specialists. Its main purpose is to assist in the
formation of the student's basic ideas about practical skills necessary for the implementation
of direct professional activity in the future.

The objectives of the training practice are to consolidate and deepen the theoretical
knowledge gained; acquaintance with the basics of future professional activity in the field
of management, to master the necessary skills and abilities in the chosen specialty; to
expand ideas about future professional activity.

Other internship objectives:

- to familiarize with the organization, its type, history and industry, where it operates;
- to study company management system, management functions, leadership styles;
- to study IT technologies employed in management system.

During the internship, I conducted a full analysis of the IBM company: the main
characteristics of the company, history, management methods and their functions and IT.
Moreover, I learned to independently select and systematize information within the
framework of the tasks assigned to me.

Internship period: 09.02.2023 - 10.03.2023

Place of internship - Department of Foreign Languages and Professional

Communication of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of K(P)FU.

1. General characteristics of the organization

1.1 The history of the company establishment, goals, objectives, the scale of
operation, legal status and its production profile.

IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) was founded in 1911 in the USA.
Its founders were Charles Flint, Thomas Watson and John Perrin. At the beginning of its
activity, IBM was engaged in the production of punched cards, which were used to
automate accounting.
In 1924, the company acquired the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company
(CTR), which became its predecessor. After that, IBM began to develop and manufacture
computers, which became its main product.
In 1937, IBM released the IBM 601 computer, which was the first commercial
computer in the world. It was designed to automate accounting and data processing.
During World War II, IBM became a supplier of computers and equipment for the US
Army. The company has developed computers for encoding and decoding messages, as well
as aircraft control systems.
After the war, IBM continued to develop and produce new models of computers. In
1964, the company released the System/360 computer, which became the world's first
compatible computer. This meant that software created for one computer model could work
on other models.
In 1981, IBM released the first personal computer, the IBM PC, which became very
popular and led to the proliferation of computers at home.
In 1993, IBM released the Deep Blue computer, which became the first computer to
defeat a human in chess.
Today IBM continues to develop and create new technologies. The company develops
and manufactures computers, software, cloud technologies, artificial intelligence and much

IBM's current goals and objectives include:
1. Development and sale of software and hardware:
IBM develops and sells software and hardware that help customers solve complex
problems and achieve success in their businesses. The company offers a wide range of
products and services, including cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, data analytics,
cybersecurity, blockchain and much more.
2. Creation of innovative technologies and products:
One of IBM's main goals is to create new technologies and products that will help
improve people's lives and business activities. The company invests significant resources in
research and development to create innovative products and services.
3. Development and improvement of existing technologies and products:
IBM is also committed to improving existing technologies and products to provide
customers with a better user experience. The company is constantly working to improve the
performance, security, reliability and usability of its products.
4. Expanding the company's global presence:
IBM is looking to expand its global presence and increase market share. The company
is actively working to expand its customer base, conclude new partnership agreements and
acquire other companies.
5. Improving the environmental efficiency of products and processes:
IBM strives to improve the environmental performance of its products and processes
in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The company is actively
working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and resource use.
6. Support of socially significant projects:
IBM supports socially significant projects and programs aimed at improving people's
lives and the environment. The company actively participates in charity events, provides
assistance in various fields, such as healthcare, education and the fight against poverty.

IBM is one of the largest technology companies in the world, with a global presence in
over 170 countries. The company has a large workforce of over 350,000 employees, making
it one of the largest employers in the tech industry. IBM serves a wide range of industries,
including healthcare, finance, government, transportation, and more.
In the enterprise market, IBM is a major player, providing hardware, software, and
services to large corporations and government agencies. The company's offerings include
mainframe computers, servers, storage systems, cloud computing services, artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools, and more.
That’s why IBM's scale of operation is vast, with a broad range of capabilities and a
global reach that allows it to serve customers in virtually every industry and region of the

IBM's legal status is that of a publicly traded for-profit corporation that is subject to a
wide range of laws and regulations at both the national and international levels.
As a publicly traded company, IBM is subject to various laws and regulations that
govern the operation of corporations. These include securities laws, tax laws, labor laws,
and environmental laws. IBM is also required to comply with the regulations of the
countries in which it operates, which can vary widely depending on the jurisdiction.
In addition to these general regulations, IBM is subject to specific industry-specific

IBM's manufacturing profile as a technology company includes a wide range of

products and services. Some of its main activities include:
1. Hardware: IBM manufactures a wide range of computer hardware, including
servers, storage systems, and mainframes.
2. Software: IBM develops and sells software solutions for businesses, including
operating and file systems, middleware and applications.

3. Cloud Computing: IBM provides cloud computing services, including infrastructure
as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS).

4. Artificial Intelligence: IBM is a leader in the development of artificial intelligence

(AI) technologies, including machine learning and natural language processing.
5. Consulting Services: IBM provides consulting services to enterprises in various
industries, including strategic consulting, technology consulting and business process
Thus, IBM's manufacturing profile reflects its status as a leading technology company
with a wide range of products and services aimed at helping enterprises improve their
operations and achieve their goals.

1.2 Mission, philosophy and image of the organization, level of organizational

IBM’s corporate mission is “to lead in the creation, development and manufacture of
the industry’s most advanced information technologies, including computer systems,
software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. And our worldwide
network of IBM solutions and services professionals translates these advanced technologies
into business value for our customers. We translate these advanced technologies into value
for our customers through our professional solutions, services and consulting businesses
worldwide.” This mission statement shows what IBM’s business does. The details cover the
company’s aims and its activities on how to fulfill these aims. The following points are the
main components of IBM’s mission statement:
1) Leadership in creating, developing and manufacturing the most advanced
information technologies
2) Worldwide network that translates advanced technologies into business value for
3) Professional solutions, services and consulting businesses worldwide

IBM has always been a leader in openness. But today, customers need not only
openness, but also reliable compatibility of applications and platforms from a variety of
vendors, as well as the secure ability to organize data sharing.
Openness is IBM's philosophy. Following this philosophy, the corporation announced
the launch of three solutions that are designed to raise the industry bar for compatibility and
openness to a new level:

1) IBM Multicloud Manager is the world's first open solution that simplifies the
management, relocation and integration of applications between different cloud platforms.
2) IBM Watson OpenScale is an open, scalable platform that will enable customers to
monitor the transparency of the artificial intelligence tools they use, regardless of where AI
applications were created or in what environment they work.

3) IBM Security Connect is an open cloud platform for the formation of communities
to combat cyber threats within the ecosystem of customers, business partners and solution
providers. IBM Security Connect enables users to use machine learning and AI tools to
identify threats and risks, as well as optimal response.

As practice shows, the company's image is not necessarily related to the products it
produces. When answering the question: "What comes to your mind when thinking about
the image of IBM, thousands of respondents during a survey conducted in the mid-1990s in
the United States did not even mention computers. First of all, they noted the standards of
clothing and the professional image of the company's representatives: many respondents
concluded that a company whose employees adhere to such high standards of clothing and
appearance simply cannot fail to produce products of the highest quality
Thus, with its conservative image, IBM has formed in the eyes of consumers as a
company producing high-quality and reliable equipment.
The brand’s value is based on product popularity and time-tested effectiveness, and the
company’s expertise in providing hardware and software solutions to clientele.
IBM's corporate identity is also worth noting. Its development was facilitated by Paul
Rand. In 1956, Rand designed a new logo for IBM and then collaborated with the company
for many years — the identity he created is one of his most famous projects. Rand worked
with IBM until the early 1990s and for several decades developed advertising posters for
the company and created packaging designs. One of his most famous works is a poster with
a logo that consisted of an eye (it replaced the letter I), a bee (B) and the letter M.
(picture 1)

Picture 1

IBM has an organizational culture of THINK. This type of organizational culture is

based on Thomas J. Watson Sr.’s efforts to integrate the company, which was originally
known as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR), formed from the
amalgamation of four companies. His efforts created the foundation for IBM’s current
corporate culture of think. The cultural characteristics have been formally redefined in
2003. At present, the following elements are most notable in IBM’s corporate culture:
1) Radical thinking: IBM managers encourage employees to engage in thinking that
has potential to disrupt the status quo and deviate from traditional ways in the business.
2) Dedication to every client’s success: This feature of the organizational culture
focuses on client’s needs, which guide employees’ decisions for business development.
3) Innovation that matters: The emphasis of this feature of the corporate culture is on
addressing market demand through product development, which is one of the company’s
intensive strategies for growth and competitive advantage
4) Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships: This cultural characteristic
promotes trust, personal responsibility and respect for the individual.

1.3 Industry where the organization operates, its main competitors in the

IBM operates through four business segments: software, consulting, infrastructure, and
1) Software: IBM's Software segment bridges the company's software solutions with
its hybrid cloud platform in order to help clients with their data needs and to help them
automate and secure their systems. The segment includes all of IBM's software offerings
except the software included in the Infrastructure segment.
2) Consulting: IBM's Consulting segment advises its clients in helping them to
transform their businesses and implement new technology. The segment designs and builds
hybrid cloud architectures, optimizes workflows and business processes, and co-creates
products and solutions with IBM's clients in order to help digitally transform their
3) Infrastructure: IBM's Infrastructure segment provides hybrid-cloud solutions. It
provides clients with infrastructure platforms that help to meet the new requirements related
to hybrid multi-cloud and enterprise AI workloads.
4) Financing: IBM's Financing segment helps the company's clients acquire its IT
systems, software, and services. The segment typically provides financing for products or
services that are critical to the business operations of the client and are supportive of IBM's
hybrid cloud platform and AI strategy.

The company competes with Alphabet Inc., Amazon.com, Inc., Cisco Systems Inc.,
Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Salesforce.com, SAP SE, Accenture,
Capgemini, Computer Sciences Corporation, BMC, Dell Technologies, Pure Storage,
General Electric Company.

2. Description and characteristics of organizational structure.

2.1 Organizational structure, its components.

IBM has a product-type divisional organizational structure. ( picture 2) The main

characteristic of this type of organizational structure is the representation of business
processes involved in managing the development, production, distribution and sale of
products. The following characteristics define IBM’s corporate structure: product-type
divisions, function-based segments, geographical divisions.
1) Product-Type Divisions.
These product-type divisions in the organizational structure represent the core
business offerings of IBM. This primary structural attribute is based on efforts to focus on
the firm’s core businesses that match the transformation of the industry and market. IBM’s
corporate structure has the following product-type divisions: cognitive solutions, global
business services, technology services & cloud platforms, systems, global financing.
2) Function-based segments
It focuses on key functions that support the global information technology business.
The main objective of having this structural feature is to provide organization-wide support
for each of the product-type divisions. The following are the function-based segments in
IBM’s corporate structure: global markets, research, development and intellectual property,
integrated supply chain.
3) Geographical divisions.
This characteristic of IBM’s corporate structure is based on the need to effectively
manage the global business despite differences among regional markets. IBM’s
organizational structure has the following geographical divisions: Americas, Europe/Middle
East/Africa, Asia Pacific.

Picture 2

2.2 Relations between various structural divisions. What regulates operation of
structural divisions?

The activities of IBM's structural divisions are governed by the company's corporate
governance policy, which includes the board of directors, the executive management team
and various committees responsible for overseeing various aspects of the company's
activities. In addition, each division has its own management team, which is responsible for
ensuring that the division works in accordance with the company's policies and strategies.
The relationship between these divisions may vary depending on their specific roles and
responsibilities in the company.

2.3 Management structure. Top management. Structure and authority.

IBM's management structure includes:

1. The Board of Directors. IBM's Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the
management of the company and ensuring that it acts in the interests of shareholders. The
Management Board consists of 14 people, including the CEO.
2. Senior Management Group. The senior management team includes the CEO and
senior executives responsible for managing IBM's day-to-day operations.
3. Committees. IBM has several committees that control certain areas of the company's
activities, including the audit committee, the Remuneration committee and the Nomination
and Management Committee.
4. Shareholders. IBM shareholders have the right to elect the company's board of
directors and vote on important business issues.
5. Code of Conduct. IBM has a code of conduct that sets out the company's ethical and
legal standards that all employees must follow.
6. Corporate responsibility. IBM has a corporate responsibility program that focuses
on environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices.

2.4 Analysis and evaluation of the company structure and management

The following is an analysis and evaluation of the IBM structure and management
IBM structure allows company to focus on specific areas of expertise and allocate
resources accordingly. However, this structure can also lead to slow decision-making and a
lack of innovation. The company has recognized this issue and has implemented measures
to encourage collaboration and innovation across business units.
IBM has a strong reputation for management efficiency, with a focus on strategic
planning and execution. The company has a well-defined corporate strategy that guides
decision-making at all levels of the organization. IBM also has a strong culture of
performance management, with regular performance reviews and goal-setting for
However, IBM has faced challenges in recent years with declining revenue and market
share in some areas. The company has responded by restructuring its business units,
divesting non-core businesses, and investing in emerging technologies.
Summary, IBM's structure and management efficiency have allowed the company to
remain competitive in the fast-paced technology industry. While there are challenges to

overcome, IBM's focus on innovation and strategic planning will likely continue to drive its
success in the future.

2.5 Proposals to improve company structure.

Thus, in summary, the following are the recommendations to improve IBM’s corporate
1) Shift the structure to one based on function-type groups to further emphasize
research and development efforts that address the threat of imitation.
2) Create a new structural division that addresses opportunities for diversification
based on the trend of technological integration in various industries and markets.
3) Streamline business operations: IBM could benefit from streamlining its business
operations to reduce costs and increase efficiency. This could involve consolidating
business units and eliminating redundancies.
4) Split current geographical divisions into multiple smaller ones to account for
significant differences among regional markets, such as differences between the European
market and the market in the Middle East.

3. Management functions

3.1 Planning: Principles of planning. Time horizons for planning. Types of plans.
Officials involved in planning.

Planning entails different aspects, which include formulating business objectives,

determining the action to be undertaken and methods to be used in order to attain the pre-
determined objectives, deciding on who will undertake the tasks, and how the results will be

IBM uses a number of planning principles, including:

1. Focus on the customer. Understanding the needs and requirements of the client is
crucial when planning.
2. Embrace change: IBM is aware that the world is constantly changing, and the
company must adapt to remain competitive. Planning should be flexible and able to adapt to
changing circumstances.

3. Think long-term: IBM takes a long-term approach to planning, not limited to the
current quarter or year, to identify future opportunities and challenges.
4. Cooperation. Planning at IBM is a collaborative process involving all levels of the
organization. This helps to ensure the completeness and realism of the plans.
5. Making decisions based on data. IBM relies on data and analytics in the planning
process. This helps ensure that plans are based on accurate information and conclusions.
6. Continuous improvement. IBM believes in continuous improvement, and planning
is a continuous process that is constantly reviewed and refined.

IBM's planning time horizons are usually divided into three categories:
1. Strategic planning horizon: covers a period of 3-5 years and includes the
development of long-term strategies and goals of the company.
2. Tactical planning horizon: covers a period of 12 to 24 months and includes the
implementation of strategies and goals developed at the strategic planning stage.
3. Operational planning horizon. It concerns the day-to-day operations of the company
and focuses on short-term goals and objectives. This planning period usually lasts less than
12 months.
Each of these planning horizons is critical to a company's success, as they help ensure
that IBM can set and achieve both short-term and long-term goals.

IBM offers various types of plans in its planning function, including:

1. Time-based plans. These plans allow users to schedule tasks based on the date and
time of the calendar.
2. Event-based plans: These plans allow users to schedule tasks based on specific
events, such as a file download or a trigger being triggered.

3. Dependency-based plans: These plans allow users to schedule tasks based on task
dependencies or relationships, such as when one task needs to be completed before another
can begin.
4. Resource-based plans. These plans allow users to schedule tasks based on the
availability of resources, such as personnel or equipment
5. Flexible plans: These plans are designed for agile software development teams and
allow users to schedule tasks based on sprint cycles and iterations.

IBM has a complex structure and many departments that are involved in the planning
process. The main participants in planning at IBM are:
1. Company management: The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and other senior
managers determine the strategic goals of the company and participate in the development
of long-term plans.

2. Business Development Department: This department is engaged in market research,

trend analysis and forecasting of future trends. He is also involved in developing business
plans for new products and services.
3. Marketing Department: This department distributes information about the
company's products and services, as well as conducts marketing research and competitor
analysis. He is also involved in the development of marketing plans.
4. Sales Department: This department is engaged in the sale of products and services
of the company and participates in the development of sales plans.
5. Finance Department: This department deals with financial planning, budgeting and
financial management of the company.
6. Technology Department: This department is engaged in the development of new
technologies and innovations, and also participates in the development of plans for the
development of technical solutions.
7. Regional departments: IBM has many regional departments that are engaged in
adapting global plans to local conditions and requirements.

3.2 Organization: rules and regulations that determine the relations among
various structural divisions, delegation of authority and responsibility among
managers of various levels. Communication and decision making in the company.

The organizing function enables a firm to bring together resources such as workforce
and raw materials necessary to accomplish the predetermined goals.

IBM has a number of rules and regulations that define the relationship between the
various divisions of the company. Some of them include:
1. Code of Conduct: This document defines standards of ethics and professional
conduct for all IBM employees, including senior management.
2. Privacy Policy: This policy defines the rules for protecting the confidential
information of the company and its customers.
3. Company Charter: The Charter defines the goals and objectives of IBM, as well as
its organizational structure and management rules.

4. Risk Management Policy: This policy defines the rules and processes for managing
the risks associated with the company's business.
5. Cooperation agreements: IBM enters into cooperation agreements with other
companies and organizations that may affect its business.
6. Project Management Policy: This policy defines the processes and standards for
project management within IBM.
7. Personnel Management Policy: This policy defines the rules and processes for IBM
personnel management, including hiring, training and employee development.

Delegation of authority in IBM is based on the principle of "responsibility for the

result". This means that each manager is responsible for achieving the goals of his
department and must make decisions that contribute to achieving these goals.
When delegating authority and responsibility, IBM managers take into account the
following factors:

1. Employee competence level: Managers determine how ready an employee is to

perform certain tasks and make decisions.
2. Scope of work: Managers take into account the amount of work that needs to be
done and determine which tasks can be delegated to other employees.
3. Degree of control: Managers determine the level of control that is necessary to
complete the task, and delegate authority according to this level.
4. Risks: Managers assess the risks associated with delegation of authority and take
measures to minimize these risks.
5. Deadlines: Managers take into account the deadlines in which tasks must be
completed, and delegate authority in accordance with these deadlines.
In general, delegation of authority and responsibility is an important management tool
at IBM, which allows the company to improve the efficiency of the departments and
achieve the overall strategic goals of the company.

Communication and decision-making are important aspects of management at IBM.
The company strives to ensure that communication is open, transparent and effective at all
levels of the organization.
Decision-making at IBM is based on collaboration and collaboration. Decisions are
made based on data analysis and discussions between various team members.
IBM also uses various tools and technologies to ensure effective communication and
In addition, IBM actively uses the Agile methodology, which allows you to quickly
respond to changes in the business environment and make decisions quickly. Agile also
promotes the development of communication skills and improved collaboration between
team members.
The company strives to ensure that communication is open and effective, and decision-
making is based on collaboration and collaboration.

3.3 Motivation: monetary methods of motivation (wages, salaries, bonuses etc.)

Other types of motivation used in the company. Evaluation of their efficiency.

Motivation is a purposeful management activity aimed at encouraging employees to

work effectively to achieve the goals of the organization. The purpose of the motivation
function is to create a system of motivating reasons (motives and incentives) for employees'
labor activity.

IBM uses a number of monetary methods to motivate its employees, including:

1. Salary: IBM offers its employees a competitive base salary, which is reviewed and
adjusted annually depending on the performance of employees.

2. Bonuses. IBM provides bonuses to employees depending on their individual and
collective results. These bonuses can be based on sales plans, project performance, or other
3. Stock Options: IBM offers stock options to eligible employees, which allows them
to purchase shares of the company at a discounted price. This gives employees a financial
incentive to help the company succeed.
4. Profit Sharing: IBM offers a profit sharing program that allows employees to
receive a portion of the company's profits. The amount of profit participation usually
depends on the position and duration of the employee's stay in the company.
5. Commission fee. IBM sales staff often receive a commission for their sales. This
provides a powerful incentive for sales staff to work hard and make deals.

In addition to monetary and intangible methods of motivation, IBM also uses other
types of motivation, such as:
1. Encouraging Innovation: IBM encourages its employees to come up with new ideas
and innovative solutions. The company holds contests and programs that encourage
employees to develop new products and services.

2. Training Support: IBM provides its employees with access to training programs and
resources that help them develop professionally and personally. The company also supports
the participation of its employees in conferences and other events that help them expand
their horizons and knowledge.
3. Teamwork Support: IBM puts teamwork first and encourages its employees to work
together to achieve common goals. The company conducts trainings and events that help
employees improve their communication skills and learn how to work effectively in a team.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of motivation at IBM is carried out on the basis of

various indicators, such as the level of employee satisfaction, the level of their productivity,

the quality of work, as well as the level of staff retention. The company regularly conducts
employee surveys and analyzes the results to identify problems and improve the working
environment. In addition, IBM uses performance evaluation systems that help determine
which motivation methods are most effective for each employee. Thanks to its many years
of research and experience working with talented employees, IBM has created an effective
motivation system that helps to achieve high results in work.

3.4 Control: types and stages of control. Frequency of control. Decisions based on
the control results.

Control is one of the functions of management, it is, on the one hand, a thorough check
and analysis of the progress of work, and on the other, monitoring of the processes of
activity in order to prevent and eliminate deviations from them.

Types and stages of control in IBM include the following:

1. Preliminary Control: IBM uses this type of control to determine what needs to be
done to achieve goals. For example, a company analyzes the market and competitors to
determine which products and services need to be developed.
2. Current control: This type of control is used to track the processes and actions that
are performed in the company. IBM uses performance monitoring and reporting systems to
monitor employee performance.
3. Quality control: IBM actively uses this type of control to ensure the high quality of
products and services. The company has strict testing and quality control procedures to
ensure that the products meet the quality standards.
4. After-sales service Control: This type of control is used to assess customer
satisfaction and improve service. IBM conducts regular customer surveys and analyzes
feedback to identify problems and improve the quality of service.

The frequency of control in IBM depends on the type and stage of control being used.
For example, pre-control may be done periodically to assess market trends and competitors,
while ongoing control may be done daily or weekly to monitor employee performance.
Quality control may be done at various stages throughout the product development process,
while post-sales service control may be done regularly to assess customer satisfaction.

4. Management and leadership styles

4.1 Description of a management style used in the company.

A democratic management style prevails at IBM. A democratic management style is

an approach to leadership in which decisions are made through consultation and consensus
building among team members. In this style, the leader encourages the participation and

contribution of his team, and everyone has an equal say in the decision-making process. A
democratic manager provides leadership and direction, and enables his team to take
responsibility for their work. This management style promotes teamwork, collaboration and
creativity and can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and motivation among employees.
However, it may not be suitable for situations where it is necessary to make quick
decisions, or in conditions of a clear hierarchy of powers.

Now IBM has decided to develop a new system that would allow identifying and
developing transformational leaders who are capable of cooperation and focused on the end
result, placing the responsibility for achieving results on managers. The new system is
based on technology, design thinking and continuous learning, paying special attention to
the alignment of leadership development with strategic goals and results. The company also
pays special attention to the development of leaders with the skills and behaviors necessary
for the company to succeed.

4.2 Evaluation of the management style efficiency.

IBM rarely fires workers. They are confident in their employment. There are advisory
programs for workers and managers. There are a large number of different committees with
the participation of workers at all levels.

IBM has successfully implemented a system for encouraging innovation proposals,
and remuneration is paid for each accepted proposal. This system uses the creative potential
of workers and creates in them a sense of pride for the company, since their contribution to
its prosperity is always encouraged and receives monetary appreciation. IBM does not
apply individual or group monetary incentives in other cases.

Opportunities for individual education are widely available to employees of all levels,
and this opens up new prospects for them to work at IBM.

IBM applies an hourly wage system not only for managers, but also for workers at all
levels.IBM pays due respect to the personal qualities of a person, regardless of what
position he occupies. She is aware that good relations with employees are the basis of
success and applies this principle in her progressive policy.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the management style is good and effective

4.3 Proposals for improvement.

1. Increase transparency: IBM can improve its management style by increasing
transparency in decision-making processes and providing more information to employees.
This can help build trust and improve collaboration within the team.

2. Encourage feedback: IBM can encourage feedback from employees to understand

their concerns and suggestions for improvement. This can help the company identify areas
for improvement and make necessary changes.

3. Develop leadership skills: IBM can invest in developing leadership skills of its
managers and executives to ensure they are equipped to lead teams effectively. This can
include training programs, coaching, and mentorship.

4. Emphasize employee development: IBM can prioritize employee development by

offering training and development opportunities, career growth paths, and mentoring
programs. This can help attract and retain top talent and improve overall team performance.

5. IT technologies employed in management process

5.1 Description of IT technologies employed for the purposes of management in
the company.

IBM uses various systems for management purposes, including:

1) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for managing customer
information and interactions.
2) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for managing operations and
3) Supply Chain Management (SCM) software for managing the flow of goods and
4) Business Intelligence (BI) software for data collection and analysis for decision-
5) Human Resource Management (HRM) software for managing employee
information and benefits.

IBM is also using technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and
blockchain to expand its management capabilities. These technologies allow IBM to
increase efficiency, automate processes and improve the decision-making process.

5.2 Description of information flows in the company (collection, registration,
transmission, processing, storage, analysis and employment for decision-making)

Collection, registration, transmission, processing, storage, analysis and employment

for decision-making are the main stages of working with data at IBM.

Data collection:
Data collection is the process of obtaining information from various sources. IBM
provides various data collection tools, such as IBM InfoSphere DataStage, IBM InfoSphere
Streams, and IBM InfoSphere Information Server. These tools allow you to collect data
from various sources, such as databases, web pages, social networks, IoT sensors, etc.

Data registration:
Data registration is the process of verifying and confirming the validity of data. IBM
provides data logging tools such as IBM InfoSphere QualityStage and IBM InfoSphere
Information Analyzer. These tools allow you to check the quality of data and identify errors
and inconsistencies.

Data transmission:
Data transfer is the process of transferring data between different systems and
applications. IBM provides data transfer tools such as IBM MQ and IBM DataPower
Gateway. These tools enable secure and reliable data transfer between different systems.

Data processing:
Data processing is the process of converting data into the desired format and structure.
IBM provides data processing tools such as IBM InfoSphere DataStage and IBM
InfoSphere Information Server. These tools allow you to convert data into various formats
and structures, as well as to clean up and transform data.

Data storage:
Data storage is the process of storing data for long-term storage. IBM provides various
tools for data storage, such as IBM Db2, IBM Cloud Object Storage and IBM Spectrum
Scale. These tools allow you to store data on local servers or in the cloud.

Data analysis:
Data analysis is the process of extracting useful information from data. IBM provides
data analysis tools such as IBM Cognos Analytics, IBM SPSS Modeler and IBM Watson
Studio. These tools allow you to analyze data using machine learning, statistical methods
and other algorithms.

Employment for decision-making:

Using data for decision-making is the process of applying the results of data analysis
to decision-making. IBM provides tools for using data for decision-making, such as IBM
Cognos Analytics and IBM Watson Studio. These tools allow you to create reports,
dashboards and other analytical applications for making decisions based on data.

Thus, the collection, registration, transmission, processing, storage, analysis and use
for decision-making are the main stages of working with data at IBM, which allow you to
effectively manage and use data

5.3 Automation of business processes.

In addition to data management, IBM also provides solutions for automating business
processes. Business process automation is the process of optimizing and automating
business processes in order to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of
products or services.

IBM provides solutions for business process automation, such as IBM Business
Automation Workflow, IBM Robotic Process Automation and IBM Operational Decision
Manager. These tools allow you to automate business processes, manage workflows,
manage decision-making rules, etc.

IBM also provides content management solutions such as IBM FileNet Content
Manager and IBM Case Manager. These tools allow you to manage documents, content,
and processes related to them.

Thus, IBM provides not only data management solutions, but also solutions for
business process automation and content management. These solutions allow organizations
to increase the efficiency of their business processes and improve the quality of products or


Internship is a mandatory stage of training, it acts as a logical continuation of the

educational process and an important stage of professional training of a specialist.
During the internship , it should be noted:
- consolidation and transformation of the received theoretical knowledge into elements
of practical activity;
- acquisition and improvement of professional skills;
- deepening of interest in the chosen specialty;
- development of skills of independent scientific and practical work.

Having fully analyzed the company, I can make the following suggestions and
1. Develop and improve solutions for business process automation, taking into account
current trends and market needs.
2. Improve data security and protection to ensure customer trust and strengthen its
position in the market.
3. Use cloud technologies. With the development of cloud computing, IBM should
continue to focus on its cloud offerings, such as IBM Cloud and Red Hat OpenShift, in
order to remain relevant in the market.
4. Invest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Given IBM's expertise in
artificial intelligence and machine learning, it should continue to invest in these areas to
create new products and services capable of solving real problems.
5. Expansion of partnerships and cooperation: IBM should look for new partnerships
and collaborations with other companies and organizations to expand its presence and
6. Cybersecurity priority. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, IBM must
prioritize cybersecurity in its products and services to protect its customers and increase
brand credibility.

Resources and bibliography

1) https://www.thestreet.com/personal-finance/history-of-ibm

2) http://webno.ru/vysokotekhnologichnye-kompanii/ssha/ibm

3) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM#Деятельность

4) https://www.ibm.com/blogs/ibm-russia/2018/10/17-cloud-ai-security/


6) https://www.os-design.ru/blog/znachenie-firmennogo-stilya-v-uspeshnom-razvitii-

7) https://fourweekmba.com/ibm-organizational-structure/

8) https://panmore.com/ibm-organizational-culture-radical-thinking

9) https://www.investopedia.com/how-ibm-makes-money-4798528

10) https://studycorgi.com/ibm-companys-leadership-and-innovation-management/


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