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RISA Busan Friday, October 26, 223 Our Ret: Subject: Thursday, October 5, 2023 We send the following approved drawings: (Enel 3) PUEL/2023/173/XCH File No.:(X3/2023/M3/01/151 ) 1105136 H 1291 - DRAWING FOR APPROVAL Copy to:3) PTASL SHIPYARD INDONESIA JALAN BRIGJEN KATAMSO, TANJUNG UNCANG 29422 Batam IDN INDONESIA Pr RINA. Indonesia Batam Survey Station Graha Pena Batam Sth Floors, suite 905, JL. Raya Batam center 29461 BATAM (EE) INDONESIA Number Sheets Date Title OF Drawing /Your | Annuls/Replaces Ref PUEL-10668 a Friday, October 20, __| Electrical Load Analysis - 2023 H1291-ASL-£.001 RO Remarks to the drawing to be managed by client and verified by the attendi Centre is not required): ing surveyor (a written reply to this Plan Approval BI. The emergency source of electrical power (in this case accumulator battery) Is to be capable of supplying simultaneously ‘emergency users listed in RINA Rules Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, Para 3.6.3 for 12 hours MANNED" for ships having notation "COASTAL NAVIGATION, PUEL-10670 7 Friday, October 20, 2023 Electrical One Line Diagram - H1291-ASL-E. 002 RO ‘The following drawings are kept in file for information: Number Sheets Date Title Of Drawing /Your | Annuls/Replaces Ref PUEL-10671 a Thursday, October 19, _| Lighting Layout - H1291- 2023 ASL-£-003 RO Additional Information The above drawing is assessed based on the ship having notation "UNRESTRICTED NAVIGATION, WHEN UNMANNED & TOWING COASTAL, WITHIN 20 NM FROM COASTAL, TUG - ASSISTANCE & MANNED" RINA Services S.p.A. Korea Plan Approval Centre 24th Floor Centun Green Tower, ret 78 Centunjungang-Ro, Haeundae-Gu 912-026 Busan - Republic of Korea +82 51 4655412 FAX: 482 51 4055535, segpupce na.0rg Page 1 of 2 The arrangements in subject are to be surveyed and tested in accordance with all the applicable Rules. In particular, on the basis of our experience, it is deemed useful to highlight that the following characteristics are required for the arrangement, in ‘addition to what shown in the approved drawings. 1. Cables are to be of type approved by the Society. A copy of type approval certificate is to be available to attending Surveyor Upon request. 2. Each navigation light is to be provided with an automatic indicator giving audible and/or visual warning in the event of failure of the light. If an audible device alone is fitted, tis to be connected to a separate source of supply from that of the navigation lights, for example an accumulator (storage) battery. Ifa visual signal is used connected in series with the navigation light, means are to be provided to prevent the extinction of the navigation light due to the failure of the visual signal 3. All the ightings installed are to have at least the degree of protection as required by RINA Rules Pt. C, Ch. 2, Sec. 3, Para. 4, In particular, the minimum required degree of protection is to be IPSS for luminaries and IPS6 for socket outlets which these are located on open weather deck. 4. Where the emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery it shall be capable of: a) carrying the emergency electrical load without recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery through-out the discharge period within 12% above or below its nominal voltage; b) automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard in the event of failure of the main source of electrical power; and «o) immediately supplying at least those services specified in [3.7.7] of RINA Rules Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3 In case of any question please contact KYU-OH CHOI at Yours faithfully, RINA Services S.p.A. HO-SEOK YANG RINA Services 5.9.8. Korea Plan Approval Centre 24th Floor Centun Green Tower, TEL: +82 51 46ssai2 78 Centunjungang-Ro, Haeundae-Gu FAX: +82 51 4655535, 912-20 Busan - Republic of Korea E-MAIL: Page 2 of 2

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