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Here are 100 sample questions for the IELTS Writing Task 1 (General Training) with bullet

1. Write a letter to your friend inviting them to your graduation ceremony.

- Mention the date, time, and location of the ceremony.

- Explain why their presence would be important to you.

- Provide instructions on how to RSVP.

2. Write a letter to the manager of a hotel to complain about the service you received during your stay.

- Describe the specific incidents or issues you encountered.

- Explain how these problems affected your experience.

- Request a resolution or compensation for the inconvenience.

3. Write a letter to your local council requesting more facilities for young people in your area.

- Identify the specific facilities that are lacking.

- Explain the importance of having these facilities for the youth.

- Suggest possible solutions or locations for the new facilities.

4. Write a letter to your neighbor apologizing for the noise from your recent party.

- Acknowledge the disturbance caused by the noise.

- Apologize for any inconvenience caused.

- Assure them that you will take measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

5. Write a letter to a company expressing your interest in a job advertisement.

- State the position you are applying for and where you saw the advertisement.

- Highlight your relevant qualifications and experience.

- Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and request further information.

6. Write a letter to your landlord explaining why you need to terminate your lease early.

- Clearly state your intention to terminate the lease.

- Provide valid reasons for the early termination.

- Request information on the necessary steps to complete the process.

7. Write a letter to a local newspaper expressing your opinion about an issue in your community.

- Clearly state the issue you want to address.

- Present your opinion and supporting arguments.

- Suggest possible solutions or actions to be taken.

8. Write a letter to a friend recommending a book you recently read.

- Introduce the book and its author.

- Explain why you enjoyed reading it.

- Highlight the key themes or lessons that make it worth recommending.

9. Write a letter to the editor of a magazine expressing your views on the importance of recycling.

- Explain why recycling is crucial for the environment.

- Provide examples of the positive impact of recycling.

- Suggest ways to promote and encourage recycling in the community.

10. Write a letter to your family informing them about your decision to study abroad.

- Share your reasons for wanting to study abroad.

- Explain the benefits you expect to gain from this experience.

- Address any concerns your family might have and reassure them of your safety.

11. Write a letter to your boss requesting a leave of absence for personal reasons.

- State the dates for which you require leave.

- Provide a brief explanation of the personal reasons necessitating your absence.

- Offer potential solutions or suggestions for managing your workload during your absence.

12. Write a letter to a company to inquire about their product or service.

- Clearly state the product or service you are inquiring about.

- Specify any specific details or requirements you have.

- Request information on pricing, availability, or any other relevant details.

13. Write a letter to a friend congratulating them on their recent success.

- Express your sincere congratulations for their achievement.

- Highlight specific aspects of their success that impress you.

- Offer your support and encouragement for their future endeavors.

14. Write a letter to a local shop owner complaining about the quality of a product you purchased.

- Describe the product and the quality issues you encountered.

- Explain how the product did not meet your expectations.

- Request a refund, replacement, or a resolution to the issue.

15. Write a letter to a colleague thanking them for their support during a difficult time.

- Express your gratitude for their support and assistance.

- Explain how their support made a positive impact on your situation.

- Offer to reciprocate their kindness in the future.

16. Write a letter to your child's school requesting information about upcoming extracurricular activities.

- State your interest in the extracurricular activities.

- Inquire about the types of activities available.

- Request information on how to enroll your child in these activities.

17. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your concern about pollution in your city.

- Clearly state your concerns regarding pollution.

- Provide examples and evidence of the pollution problem in your city.

- Suggest possible solutions or actions that can be taken to address the issue.

18. Write a letter to a company to inquire about internship opportunities.

- Express your interest in gaining practical experience through an internship.

- Specify your area of interest or department preference.

- Request information on the application process and deadlines.

19. Write a letter to your local council suggesting improvements to public transportation in your area.

Apologies for the incomplete response. Here are the remaining sample questions for the IELTS Writing
Task 1 (General Training) with bullet points:

19. Write a letter to your local council suggesting improvements to public transportation in your area.

- Identify the specific issues or areas of improvement in the current public transportation system.

- Propose potential solutions or changes that can enhance the efficiency, accessibility, or affordability
of public transportation.

- Provide supporting arguments and examples to justify your suggestions.

20. Write a letter to your favorite author expressing your admiration for their work.

- Introduce yourself and mention the specific book(s) or work(s) of the author that you admire.

- Explain why their writing has had an impact on you or why you find it inspiring.

- Share any personal experiences or connections you have with their work.

21. Write a letter to your university professor requesting an extension for an assignment.

- State the specific assignment and its due date.

- Provide valid reasons for requesting an extension, such as personal circumstances or unexpected

- Suggest a new deadline and offer to provide any necessary documentation to support your request.

22. Write a letter to a travel agency requesting information about vacation packages.

- Specify your preferred travel destination, dates, and any specific requirements or preferences.

- Inquire about available vacation packages, including details on accommodation, transportation, and

- Request information on pricing, availability, and any additional services or discounts.

23. Write a letter to your local MP expressing your views on an important political issue.

- Clearly state the political issue you want to address.

- Present your opinion and arguments regarding the issue.

- Request your MP's attention, support, or action on the matter.

24. Write a letter to a hotel manager to compliment the excellent service you received during your stay.

- Mention the dates of your stay and the specific staff members who provided exceptional service.

- Describe the positive experiences and interactions that made your stay memorable.
- Express your gratitude and appreciation for the outstanding service.

25. Write a letter to a friend describing your recent trip to a foreign country.

- Provide an overview of the country you visited and the purpose of your trip.

- Share your experiences, highlights, and memorable moments from the trip.

- Include details about the culture, people, attractions, and any challenges you faced.

26. Write a letter to a colleague requesting their assistance with a work-related project.

- Clearly state the project you are working on and your specific requirement for their assistance.

- Explain why their expertise, skills, or input would be valuable to the project.

- Suggest a timeline or meeting to discuss the project further.

27. Write a letter to a company to complain about a faulty product you purchased.

- Describe the product, including details of the purchase (date, location, receipt, etc.).

- Explain the specific issues or faults you encountered with the product.

- Request a refund, replacement, or repair for the faulty product.

28. Write a letter to your local council requesting more recreational facilities for children in your area.

- Identify the specific recreational facilities that are lacking.

- Explain the importance of providing such facilities for children's well-being and development.

- Propose possible solutions, locations, or types of recreational facilities that would benefit the

29. Write a letter to your friend explaining why you were unable to attend their wedding.

- Express your regret for not being able to attend the wedding.
- Provide a valid and sincere reason for your absence, such as prior commitments or unforeseen

- Extend your congratulations and well wishes to the couple.

30. Write a letter to a local restaurant praising their food and service.

- Mention the specific date and time of your visit to the restaurant.

- Compliment the quality of the food, presentation, and taste.

- Appreciate the attentiveness and friendliness of the staff.

31. Write a letter to a company requesting a refund for a defective product you purchased online.

- Provide details of the product, including the purchase date, order number, and description of the

- Explain how the defect has affected your ability to use the product as intended.

- Request a refund and provide instructions for returning the item.

32. Write a letter to your local council suggesting ways to promote recycling in your community.

- Explain the importance of recycling and its positive impact on the environment.

- Propose ideas for raising awareness, such as educational programs, recycling bins, or incentives.

- Offer to volunteer or collaborate in implementing these initiatives.

33. Write a letter to a friend recommending a new restaurant you recently visited.

- Describe the ambiance, menu, and overall dining experience at the restaurant.

- Highlight any particular dishes or specialties that stood out to you.

- Encourage your friend to visit and share the enjoyable experience.

34. Write a letter to your employer requesting a salary increase

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