When Where and How Class 6

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SESSION 2021-22

When, Where and How

Importance of Timeline-
It is one way of depicting events of the past
It is an useful tool for studying history.

What is History?
It is the study of our past.
It helps us to understand and explain past events and their effect on
human lives.
We learn in history how humans have interacted with nature and created
rich cultures and civilisations. We also learn how nature and even
humans themselves have at times destroyed all that people have created.

Why do we learn History?

We learn history for various reasons. It helps us to-
Examine and Question facts.
It educates us so that we can learn from the mistakes of the past.
It helps us to not repeat the mistakes of the past.
It teaches us the value of freedom, sacrifice and helps us to develop a
tolerance for diversity thus making us more open minded.
It helps us develop a sense of identity and pride and respect for our
country’s diversity.
It teaches us how we should be in the future.
History and Prehistory
History- It is the written accounts of events of the past
Prehistory- It is the study of events that happened before humans learnt to

Times and Dates in History

B.C/ - Before Christ
B.C.E- Before the Common Era.

For the time period before the birth of Christ historians count the years
A.D- Anno Domini i.e, ‘in the year of our Lord’
C.E – Common Era

For the time period after the birth of Christ historians count the year’s forwards.
Currently most historians prefer using B.C.E and C.E instead of B.C and A.D

Circa (or ca in short)- this term is used when the date of an event is not
known for sure.
Decade- a period of ten years.
Century- A span of hundred years.
Millennium- A period of thousand years.

Naming Centuries

When we name a century, it is different from the actual date of the event.
For eg- India became independent in the year 1947 which is in the 20th
The Geographical Framework
The Geography of a land has a powerful impact on its history. India’s major
physical features have thus affected our history in numerous ways like-

The Himalayas:
-They acted as barriers against enemies.
-Travellers and traders have used the passes to travel in and out of India.

The Oceans and Seas:

-Peninsular India is protected by seas on three sides.
-The various ports and harbour have encouraged trade with far off places.
-Kings of South India had strong navy.

The Northern Plains:

-The land between river Ganga and Indus.
-It is a very fertile land.
- Powerful kings set up kingdoms and empires. Example- The Maurya’s.

The Deccan Plateau:

-The Satpura and Vindya ranges separate northern India from south India.
-That is why could develop a strong and independent culture of its own.
-Many powerful kings set up kingdoms here. Example- The Chalukyas.

Sources for the study of History

Archaeology is the main source for studying Prehistory.

Whereas manuscripts, inscriptions, coins and seals are the main sources
for studying History.
(1) It is the study of remains of life in the past.
(2) Archaeologists dig up places where ancient people lived,
(3) They collect and examine human made objects like tools and ornaments.
Such objects are known as artefacts.
(4) Human and animal bones, seeds and remains of plants can also be found
often at these sites.
(5) Importance- By studying all such remains archaeologists can tell us about
what people ate, what were their occupations, trade relations, religious
practices, dressing habits and burial practices.

(1) They are hand written documents.
(2) Materials used- Stone or clay tablets (originally)
In India- dried bark of trees, thinly beaten copper plates
and dried palm leaves.
Parchment (the dried sink of goats and sheep) was used
in the Middle East around the 8th century C.E.
Paper only became popular after 15th century C.E.
(3) Language- Sanskrit, Prakrit or Pali. Tamil in South

Written Sources of Ancient Indian History can be divided into the following

Religious Literature Secular Literature Traveller’s Accounts

Writings on religious Writings on subjects other Written accounts left by
topics than religion like politics, travelers about India who
medicine, grammar etc visited India from
different parts of the
Example- Example- Example-
The Vedas give Harshacharita by Xuanzang or Hiuen
historian’s information Banabhatta (8th Century Tsang
about the coming of the C.E) informs us about the ( 7th Century C.E)- Came
Aryans to India around social, economic and to India during Harsha’s
1500 B.C.E. political conditions during rule and wrote an accurate
The Ramayana, The the rule of Harsha. description of Central and
Tripitakas etc. Arthashastra by Kautilya South Asia during that
These books give us (4th century B.C.E) is a time.
information about the manual on government, Megasthenes a Greek
nature of society, religion economic policy and Ambassador to the
and politics during those military strategy. Mauryan ruler
times. Chandragupta wrote a
detailed account of the
Mauryan rule in his book

(1) They are words written or engraved on rocks, pillars, walls of temples,
palaces, forts etc.
(2) Importance- We get to know from them numerous things like-
i) Information about victories of rulers in battle
ii) Donations made by rulers or people to temples
iii) Messages from rulers to their subjects.
(3) Decipherment- The process of reading and understanding the script used in
an inscription.
(4) Epigraphy- The study of inscriptions.
Example- Ashokan edicts found all over India.

(1) Numismatics- study of Coins.
(2) Coins were issued by the rulers of the country so that people can buy goods
and services by exchanging them.
(3) Importance- Coins help us to find out various things like-
i) Name of the king and the year in which the coin was issued
ii) Some have battle scenes, faces of kings and queens, scenes from the life of
the rulers engraved on them based on which historians can draw conclusions
about those time periods.
iii) Historians use all such information’s to counter-check facts.

They are mostly found at the Indus Valley civilisation sites.
Importance –
i) They often show animals and figures of gods.
ii) They also have inscriptions which if deciphered will give us a wealth of

Model questions and answers-

1. Define millennium. (1 marks)

Ans- A millennium is a period of thousand years.

2. ‘Inscriptions are regarded as important sources of history’-Explain? (3 marks)

Ans- Inscriptions are regarded as an important historical source as we can get

various information’s from them like-
i) Victories of rulers in battle,
ii) Donations made by rulers or people to temples,
iii) Messages from rulers to their subjects.

3. What are the various reasons behind learning history? (5 marks)

Ans- We learn history for various reasons. It helps us to-

 Examine and Question facts.
 It educates us so that we can learn from the mistakes of the past.
 It helps us to not repeat the mistakes of the past.
 It teaches us the value of freedom, sacrifice and helps us to develop a
tolerance for diversity thus making us more open minded.
 It helps us develop a sense of identity and pride and respect for our
country’s diversity.
 It teaches us how we should be in the future.
(any five points)

Question Bank-

1. What is the difference between history and prehistory?

2. What is History?
3. How did the following geographical features affect Indian history-
The Himalayas, the Oceans and Seas, the Northern Plains, the Deccan Plateau.
4. Discuss the importance of Archaeology as a historical source.
5. What are artefacts?
6. “Accounts left by travellers are also an important source of information
for historians.”-Justify the statement.
7. Define the following-
- Epigraphy
- Century
- Decade
- Numismatics
8. How is B.C and A.D differentiated? What is the full form of B.C and
A.D? What terms do Historians prefer using presently instead of B.C and
9. Name some religious literature of ancient India. What information do we
get from such books?
10. What does ‘secular literature’ refer to? Give examples of such literature
of 4th and 8th century India.
11. What are manuscripts? What type of materials were used to write
manuscripts? Indian manuscripts are mostly written in what languages?
12. Identify the following sources of History. What type of information can
we gather from these sources?


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