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Syngas production from fast pyrolysis and steam gasification of mixed food

Article in Waste Management & Research · April 2022

DOI: 10.1177/0734242X221093948


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3 authors:

Dr Dharminder Singh Aayush Raizada

Shiv Nadar University Shiv Nadar University


Sanjeev Yadav
Shiv Nadar University


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WMR0010.1177/0734242X221093948Waste Management & ResearchSingh et al.

Original Article

Waste Management & Research

Syngas production from fast pyrolysis and

© The Author(s) 2022
Article reuse guidelines:
steam gasification of mixed food waste
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X221093948

Dharminder Singh , Aayush Raizada and Sanjeev Yadav

Food waste generation is a worldwide phenomenon and disposing off it in an environmentally benign way has been a challenge.
Thermochemical processes have the potential for not only processing mixed food waste effectively from an environmental point
of view but also producing bioenergy in all three forms: solid (biochar), liquid (bio-oil) and gas (syngas). In this study, two
thermochemical processes – fast pyrolysis and steam gasification – aimed for producing syngas as main product were carried out
at three different temperatures: 600°C, 700°C and 800°C, and resulting syngas was characterised and compared for syngas yield,
syngas composition, hydrogen yield and high heating value (HHV). The steam flow rate (SFR) was maintained at 0.625 mL min−1 for
all gasification experiments. The syngas yield obtained from steam gasification was higher (1.2 m3 kg−1) than the syngas yield from
fast pyrolysis (0.81 m3 kg−1). In addition, the hydrogen fraction was much higher in syngas from steam gasification (63.58%) than
that from fast pyrolysis (45.03%). Furthermore, carbon conversion efficiency (CCE) and apparent thermal efficiency (ATE) were
determined to compare the performance of these two processes. CCE was higher (63.6%) for steam gasification than that for pyrolysis
(52.3%) which suggested that steam gasification was much more effective than fast pyrolysis to produce syngas of higher quality.

Thermochemical, pyrolysis, gasification, syngas yield, syngas composition, high heating value

Received 16th September 2021, accepted 1st March 2022 by Associate Editor Rodrigo Navia.

Introduction Thermochemical methods offer all these advantages and,

additionally, can produce energy in an environmentally benign
The generation of food waste is a universal problem and attempts way. Energy in all three forms (biochar, bio-oil and syngas) can
at reusing and scaling down food waste have been one of the be produced from various thermochemical methods; however,
primary focuses of research in recent times. India is one of the for producing syngas, fast pyrolysis and gasification are pre-
world’s largest food producers; however, a significant fraction of ferred (Nachenius et al., 2013). Fast pyrolysis is a simple heating
that ends up in food waste. According to the United Nations’ of biomass at 600°C or higher temperature in the absence of any
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), India wastes food reaction agents, whereas gasification is heating of biomass at or
worth about US$14 billion a year which amounts for approxi- greater than 600°C temperature in the presence of reaction
mately 40% of the total food generated (Food and Agriculture agents, such as air, oxygen, steam or a combination of them.
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2018). Disposing off However, in this work, steam was used as gasifying agent. Steam
such a large amount of food waste in landfills affects the environ- helps to achieve higher hydrogen fraction in syngas by promot-
ment because it causes environmental issues, such as an evolu- ing water gas reaction, water gas shift reaction and reforming
tion of methane and the generation of leachate. Methane reaction. In addition, temperature influences the production of
contributes to air pollution and leachate contributes to the con- syngas and its quality from these processes. It was reported that,
tamination of soil and groundwater. Incineration is another for pyrolysis, the gas yield increased with an increase in tempera-
method; however, it generates CO2 in a significant proportion, a ture, and for gasification with steam, not only gas yield increased
greenhouse gas in itself. Furthermore, composting and anaerobic but also the hydrogen fraction in syngas (Demirbas, 2009; He
digestion are the other alternatives; however, both these methods et al., 2009). Moreover, the fraction of lighter gases in syngas
are very slow and less efficient. Moreover, they involve more
processing costs as microorganisms needed for carrying out reac-
tions are quite expensive. Therefore, there is a need for a method,
Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiv
which is fast, efficient and versatile in decomposing all the chem- Nadar University, Greater Noida, India
ical compounds present in a mixed food waste (MFW) sample.
Versatility is important because there are many compounds in Corresponding author:
Sanjeev Yadav, Department of Chemical Engineering, School of
food waste, which cannot be decomposed by biological methods, Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida 201314, India.
such as lignin and proteins. Email:
2 Waste Management & Research 00(0)

was found to be increasing with an increase in temperature (Luo analysis determined the moisture, ash and volatile matters con-
et al., 2009). tent using standard methods, such as ASTM D-3173-11, ASTM
Surprisingly, thermochemical treatment of MFW from the D-3174-11 and ASTM D3175-11, respectively. Fixed carbon was
kitchen was not studied much despite MFW having suitable calculated by subtracting moisture, ash and volatile matter con-
physical and chemical properties. Tanaka et al. (2008) proposed tent from 100. The elemental analysis included the determining
one work that had studied steam gasification of food waste; how- of C, H, N, S and O content. A Thermo Finnigan Flash 1112
ever, the food waste used in that work was not real food waste but series elemental analyzer was used to do the elemental analysis.
a simulated one. In a more recent study (Singh and Yadav, 2020a), The compositional analysis included the determining of lignin,
a real food waste sample was used for steam gasification and it hemicellulose and cellulose contents. Lignin content was deter-
was presented that apart from temperature, SFR had a significant mined using Tappi T222 om-02 standard method. Hemicellulose
effect on syngas yield and syngas composition from food waste content was determined using TM I-A11 2001 test method of
gasification. Increasing SFR to an optimal value yielded the Canadian Pulp and Paper Research Institute (CPPRI), and holo-
highest syngas yield with the highest hydrogen fraction. cellulose content was determined using TM1-A9 2001 method of
Furthermore, raw food waste has many drawbacks, such as CPPRI. Cellulose content was determined by subtracting hemi-
very high moisture content (> 60%), heterogeneous and hygro- cellulose from hollo-cellulose content. The combined content of
scopic nature, less mass and energy density, and processing such starch, oil, protein and fat was determined by subtracting cellu-
wet waste possesses challenges in achieving high conversion and lose, hemicellulose and lignin from 100.
produces syngas of higher quality. Therefore, researchers have
employed different pretreatment methods for improving the qual-
Experimental setup and procedure
ity of an MFW sample and then consecutively, achieving more
syngas production with better quality. Duman et al. (2017) used Figure 1 shows the laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor setup that
hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) as pretreatment, and Singh was used to carry out pyrolysis and gasification reaction. The
and Yadav (2020b) used torrefaction as pretreatment. Both these whole setup is divided into three units as follows: (1) Feed unit,
works were able to achieve higher syngas yield from steam gasi- (2) Main unit and (3) Gas separation and cleaning unit. Feed
fication than that from untreated food waste. Simple sun drying unit: it is the upper part of the setup which consists of two feed
can also be used as a pretreatment. systems; hopper for solid raw material feeding and feeder for
Furthermore, MFW is chemically different from the other bio- carrier gas (N2) and gasification agent (steam). Steam was gen-
wastes as it contains various other compounds, such as starch, erated by a pre-heater from water fed by a syringe pump at a
fats, oils, waxes and so on (Singh and Yadav, 2021), besides desired flow rate. Nitrogen was introduced at a desired flow
lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. These additional compounds rate from the nitrogen cylinder through a pre-heater. Hopper
may contribute to the production of more syngas of different qual- was provided with a feed valve to control the feeding of food
ity from fast pyrolysis and steam gasification as compared to syn- waste to the reactor. A mesh was placed at the bottom of the
gas from other biowaste. In addition, the characteristics of syngas reactor to hold the food waste in the reactor. Main unit: it con-
from these two processes can also be very different even from the sists of a furnace and reactor. The reactor with dimensions
same MFW sample. However, no study directly compares the 410 × 34 × 8 mm3 was placed inside a furnace. Furnace heated
syngas characteristics from these two very common thermochem- the reactor to the desired temperature and maintained it for the
ical processes using the same MFW sample as feedstock. time needed for pyrolysis and gasification reactions to com-
Therefore, this study conducted fast pyrolysis and steam gasifica- plete. The furnace has two heaters covering the upper and lower
tion experiments using the same MFW sample and reported a part of the furnace. Two thermocouples, T1 and T2, were
detailed comparison of syngas characteristics. installed at both heaters. T3 thermocouple was placed in the bed
section and T4 thermocouple was placed in the upper part of the
reactor. Thermocouple T5 was placed in the pre-heater. All the
Materials and methods thermocouples (T1–T5) were the K-type thermocouples, and a
Food waste generated in university dining halls was collected PID temperature control panel was used to control the tempera-
over 1 week and then sun-dried until moisture content was reduced ture at different locations of the setup.
to around 11%. The sun-dried food waste was first crushed using Gas separation and cleaning unit: A liquid–gas separator (GLS)
a ball mill and then sieved to maintain the homogeneous particle was connected to the lower part of the reactor to separate the liq-
size, that is, BBS 8–10 (2–1.70 mm). Nitrogen was used as a car- uid from the syngas. This GLS was connected to a condenser
rier gas for both pyrolysis and gasification reactions. Steam was which was further connected to another GLS. After the second
used as a gasification agent for the gasification process. GLS, syngas passed through a cleaning system that consisted of
an ice tub, two water bottles, one air bottle and a silica gel bottle.
Syngas passed through a ceramic filter before its flow rate was
Physico-chemical analysis of food waste
measured using a gas flow meter. Syngas samples were collected
Physico-chemical analysis of food waste was carried out using just before the gas flow meter and sent for analysis in a gas chro-
proximate, elemental and compositional analysis. The proximate matography (GC) setup. Food waste pyrolysis (FWP) and food
Singh et al. 3

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

waste gasification (FWG) were performed at three different tem- cleaning system to remove any remaining condensable gases,
peratures – 600°C, 700°C and 800°C – with a nitrogen flow rate moisture and tar. Tar was further collected by a ceramic filter
of 6 L min−1 and SFR (in case of gasification) of 0.625 mL min−1. placed just before the gas flow meter. The gas sample was col-
Then, 30 g of sun-dried raw food waste sample was taken for lected just before the gas flow meter for analysis.
every experiment. The reactor was first purged with nitrogen to
remove any air present in the reactor and then it was heated to the
Results and discussion
desired temperature. For pyrolysis, only food waste sample was
fed to the reactor, whereas, for gasification, food waste was fed Table 1 presents the physico-chemical characteristics of sun-
simultaneously with steam, and then the reaction mixture was left dried food waste. Sun-dried food waste was found to have fixed
to react till the gaseous product kept flowing out. Gases from the carbon around 12%, volatile matters content around 73% and ash
reactor first passed through a GLS to separate gases and moisture content around 3%. The fixed carbon was less, and ash content
from the liquid product and then through a condenser to remove was almost the same as that of typical biomass. The elemental
condensable gases. After GLS, the gases passed through a gas composition shown in Table 2 exhibited that the food waste
4 Waste Management & Research 00(0)

Table 1. Physical properties. Table 3. Chemical composition analysis.

Physical properties Values (± 7%) Compounds Values

Moisture content (%) 11.31 Lignin 15.61
Ash content, db (%) 3.30 Hemicellulose (%) 1.31
Volatile matter, db (%) 73.26 Cellulose (%) 36.43
Fixed carbon, db (%) 12.12 Starch, protein and lipids 12.15
HHV (MJ kg−1) 15.68
Particle size (mm) 2–1.70
Bulk density (kg m−3) 496.64 rate from pyrolysis in the beginning, and gasification continued
for a longer time than pyrolysis corroborating that FWG was a
HHV: high heating value.
slower process than the pyrolysis. However, on comparing the
gasification time at a higher temperature, it was found that gasi-
Table 2. Elemental composition. fication time reduced on increasing the gasification temperature.
The time taken by steam gasification at 700°C and 800°C was 36
Elementals Values
and 27 minutes, respectively. The time taken by gasification at
Carbon (%) 45.23 600°C was very long (more than 1 hour) indicating that gasifica-
Hydrogen (%) 6.92
tion at 600°C was very slow and not recommended for future
Oxygen (%) 44.96
work on FWG. Similar to the gas flow rate curve obtained from
Nitrogen (%) 2.89
FWP, the flow rate curve from FWG can be characterised by
increasing the height of the peak of syngas flow rate at the higher
sample had around 45% carbon, quite near to the value of any temperature.
biomass. Furthermore, gasification involves pyrolysis in the beginning
Compositional analysis showed that food waste had cellulose and more pyrolysis at higher temperatures resulted in more syn-
around 36%, lignin around 15% and hemicellulose around 1%. gas flow rate from gasification in the beginning at the higher tem-
The hemicellulose content was very less as compared to hemicel- perature. Interestingly, the total syngas flow rate from FWG
lulose content in typical biomass because it had already under- (which has a contribution from pyrolysis also) in the beginning
gone some thermal treatment during cooking of the food and lost was less than the syngas flow rate from FWP. Ideally, this should
some of its part there, as it was an easily degradable compound have been the opposite, that is, syngas flow rate from FWG
even at low temperature. Lignin content in food waste was more should have been more than the syngas flow from FWP. This
or less the same as in other biomass. interesting result can be attributed to the interference of gasifica-
Cellulose was relatively strong because of its crystalline tion reactions in pyrolysis reactions and vice versa and thus,
structure and degraded less as compared to hemicellulose at a affecting the reactions negatively and reducing the syngas flow
low temperature of cooking. However, lignin did not degrade at rate.
all as it had a very complex structure with strong bonds that hold
the lignin units together. Table 3 also shows the presence of some Syngas yield analysis
other organic compounds, such as starch, protein and lipids, in a
significant amount (46.65%) in our food waste sample. Each of Figure 3 shows the syngas yield from FWP and FWG at different
these compounds may contribute to syngas production and affect temperatures and it can be noticed that syngas yield from pyroly-
the syngas characteristics significantly. sis is always less than syngas yield from gasification at all tem-
peratures. Syngas from pyrolysis was produced by devolatilisation
occurred due to the decomposition of lingo-cellulosic structure,
Syngas flow rate analysis lipids, starch and proteins present in food waste, whereas syngas
Figure 2 shows the syngas flow rate from FWP and FWG at from steam gasification was produced by devolatilisation and
600°C, 700°C and 800°C, respectively. It can be noted from this additional heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions between
figure that pyrolysis continued for a longer time at a higher tem- char, steam and devolatilisation products. An increase in pyroly-
perature because of more moisture release and devolatilisation at sis temperature from 600°C to 800°C increased the devolatilisa-
the higher temperature. Pyrolysis was completed in 8 minutes at tion rate, which consecutively increased syngas yield from 0.14
600°C, 10 minutes at 700°C and 12 minutes at 800°C. In addition, to 0.81 m3 kg−1. Similarly, for gasification, syngas yield increased
it can be seen that syngas flow rate from pyrolysis was higher and with an increase in temperature. Syngas yield from FWG was
the height of the peak of the flow rate was higher at the higher 0.5 m3 kg−1 at 600°C, 0.99 m3 kg−1 at 700°C and 1.2 m3 kg−1 at
temperature, which can again be attributed to more and faster 800°C. This increase in syngas yield with an increase in tempera-
devolatilisation at the higher temperature. ture can be attributed to more devolatilisation, which, in turn,
Figure 2 also shows the trend for syngas flow rate from FWG. produced more char, and that more charge caused more water gas
Syngas flow rate from gasification was less than the syngas flow reaction to take place between more char and steam.
Singh et al. 5

Figure 2. Syngas flow rate from FWP and FWG. (a) 600°C. (b) 700°C. (c) 800°C.

Furthermore, syngas yield obtained from the steam gasifica- For gasification, H2 content increased from 55.4% to 61.96%
tion of MFW was comparable to syngas yield from steam gasifi- on increasing the temperature from 600°C to 700°C. It further
cation of woody biomass; 0.85 m3 kg−1 (Hwang et al., 2014) and increased to 63.28 on increasing the temperature to 800°C. This
0.75 m3 kg−1 (Schweitzer et al., 2017) at 700°C, and 1.4 m3 kg−1 increase in H2 with temperature can be partially be attributed to
(Hwang et al., 2014) and 1.0 m3 kg−1 (Schweitzer et al., 2017) at the occurrence of more water gas reactions at higher tempera-
800°C. Similarly, syngas yield from steam gasification of MFW tures due to more char formation. However, the water gas shift
was higher than the syngas yield from the steam gasification of reaction is the main reaction responsible for increasing the H2
other wastes, such as sewage sludge; 0.57 m3 kg−1 (Sattar et al., fraction at a higher temperature as more CO from devolatilisation
2014), 0.4 m3 kg−1 (Schweitzer et al., 2017) and 0.66 m3 kg−1 will react with steam and produce H2 and CO2. Moreover, CO2
(Nimit et al., 2010)] at 700°C, and 0.9 m3 kg−1 (Sattar et al., content decreased significantly from 20.61% to 11.17% with an
2014), 0.8 m3 kg−1 (Schweitzer et al., 2017) and 0.99 m3 kg−1 increase in temperature, which may be due to absorption of CO2
(Nimit et al., 2010) at 800°C. by CaO in food waste ash and by Boudouard reaction. Boudouard
reaction consumes CO2 to produce CO by reacting with solid car-
bon (C). Furthermore, there was not much variation in CO and
Syngas composition and HHV analysis CH4 content with temperature change.
The syngas composition and HHV from FWP and FWG are HHVs were also plotted against temperature in Figure 4. HHV
shown in Figure 4. It can be observed here that hydrogen fraction was calculated using the following equation (Waldheim and
was highest among all gases in syngas. For pyrolysis, hydrogen Nilsson, 2001)
percentage increased slightly from 41.72 to 45. 07 on increasing
the temperature from 600°C to 800°C. This value was higher HHV = ( H 2 % × 12.75 ) + ( CO % × 12.63) + ( CH 4 % × 39.72 )
than the value reported by Ahmed and Gupta (2010) but lower for
other food wastes, such as waste cereal and waste peanuts It can be seen from Figure 4 that there was not much differ-
(Grycova et al., 2016). CO fraction in syngas also increased with ence in HHVs of syngas obtained from both the processes at a
an increase in pyrolysis temperature. However, the CO2 and CH4 particular temperature. However, their values increased on
fractions decreased with an increase in temperature. increasing the temperature. It increased from 11.10 to 12.82 MJ
6 Waste Management & Research 00(0)

Figure 3. Syngas yield from FWP and FWG at different Figure 5. H2 yield from FWP and FWG at different
temperatures. temperatures.

pyrolysis increased due to more hydrogen release during

devolatilisation at a higher temperature, whereas for gasifica-
tion, hydrogen yield increased due to more water gas reaction
(between more char generated at higher temperature and steam)
and from more water gas shift reaction between CO and H2O
(as more and more CO was formed from more water gas reac-
tion; C + H2O–CO + H2).

Carbon conversion and ATE

CCE and ATE were determined to evaluate the performance of
two processes and their values were shown in Figure 6. The CCE
can be calculated using the following equation (Lahijani and
Zainal, 2011)

Figure 4. Change in syngas composition and HHV with 12Y ( CO% + CH 4 % + CO2 % )
CCE = × 100
change in temperature. 22.4 × C %

Nm−3 and it increased from 11.33 to 13.25 MJ Nm−3 for pyrolysis It is the ratio of volume fraction of carbonaceous elements in
and gasification, respectively, on increasing the temperature from the syngas to solid carbon in biomass. Y is the total syngas yield
600°C to 800°C. from fast pyrolysis and steam gasification. ATE can be calculated
using the following equation (Nimit et al., 2010)
H2 flow rate and yield analysis
( SyngasYield ) × ( HHVSyngas )
Figure 5 shows the H2 yield obtained from pyrolysis and gasifica- ApparentThermal Efficiency =
tion at different temperatures. It can be seen that H2 yield
( Mass Solid fuel ) × ( HHV Solid Fuel )
increased with an increase in temperature for both processes. In
addition, it can be noticed that, for all temperatures, H2 yield was It is the ratio of energy from syngas to energy from solid
much higher from steam gasification (0.059 m3 kg−1) than that biomass.
from pyrolysis (0.30 m3 kg−1). This difference was due to addi- It can be noticed from Figure 6(a) that CCE was less for pyrol-
tional heterogeneous reaction (water gas reaction) and homoge- ysis than gasification at all temperatures. CCE increased with an
neous reactions (water gas shift reaction and reforming reaction) increase in temperature for both processes and the highest CCE
which caused the generation of more hydrogen from steam gasi- values were determined as 52.31% for pyrolysis and 61.03% for
fication. In addition, the hydrogen yield increased with an gasification at 800°C. ATE curve is also shown in Figure 6(b)
increase in temperature and their difference in the yield. which indicated that ATE also increased with an increase in tem-
The highest H2 yields from FWP and FWG were found to be perature for both processes. The highest ATE was found to be
0.366 and 0.760 m3 kg−1, respectively at 800°C. H2 yield from 1.32 and 1.96 for pyrolysis and gasification, respectively.
Singh et al. 7

Declaration of conflicting interests

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

The authors received no financial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.

Dharminder Singh
Sanjeev Yadav

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