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Summary on Robinson Crusoe by Maria

Page 7, Q20:

Q20) You are going to write a summary of Robinson Crusoe:

• needs
• difficulties
• fears
• disappointments
First, make brief notes under each heading. Then, write a one paragraph summary, in modern English, using all your


1. Needs: He needs shelter, tools and a means of light.

2. Difficulties: Faces the difficulties of protecting himself from wild animals and natives and finding enough food to

3. Fears: He is afraid of being attacked.

4. Disappointments: He is disappointed by his effort to hunt goats and by how much work is involved in building a
strong barricade around his shelter.


Robinson Crusoe’s chronicle recounts his harrowing experience of being shipwrecked during a storm and arriving on a
desolate island, which he names the “Island of despair”. Faced with dire circumstances: a lack of food, shelter, clothing
and essential tools, he contemplates the grim possibility of death. Despite constant fears of animal or native attacks, he
perseveres by salvaging supplies from the wrecked ship, hunting for food, building shelter and a protective wall for
survival. His efforts are highlighted by disappointments, due to an unsuccessful goat hunt and the labour required to
create a secure barricade. The scarcity of candles forces him to retire early reflecting his relentless determination to
overcome adversity and secure his survival on the island.

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