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Please set up your goals in the professional content enrichment (Pendalaman Materi) for the

upcoming 13 days here.

After the independent learning activities for ten days for professional material, we can
conclude that the material we have studied is as follows:
1) English for Public communication, study about Exploring Public Notice, Posters and
Banners, Graphic Organizers and Infographic
2) English for Personal communication, study about Personal Letter, Invitation,
Announcement, Advertisement
3) English for Social Communication, study about Exploring Descriptive Text 1 (Person
& animals), Descriptive Text 2 (Things & places),Report Text 1 (Classifying report &
compositional report) and Report Text 2 (Comparative report & historical report)
4) English for practical use, study about Exploring Procedure Text (Manual), Procedure
Text: (Recipe), Procedure Text : (Itinerary) and News Item
5) English for academic context, study about Discussing Analytical Exposition Texts,
Hortatory Expositon Texts, Explanation Texts and Discussing Discussion Texts
6) English for entertainment, study about Biography, Historical Recount, Fables and
From the professional material, in general, we have learned such as: definition, social
function of the material, characteristic of the material, generic structure of the material,
language features of the material, training, discussion forum , reflection, formative test and
sumative test.

From the independent learning that we have done, there area some materials are
difficult and need to be improved and there are still misconceptions and lack of
understanding. The difficult material and misconceptions such as :
1) English for Public communication, such as communication: how to make a graphic
organizer related to the content of the essay, how to make Infographic using
Powerpoint, how to difference between graphic organizer and infographic and How to
design a good poster and banner
2) English for personal communication: the advertisement text for contextually and
approciate social function and Language features of letter
3) English for social communication : how to anaylis the report Text 1 and 2 and how to
create the report Text 1 and 2
4) English for entertainment: how to make a biography and how to identif and explore
legend and Fables
5) English for English for practical use, such as : How to identify the generic structure of
news item text, How to make news item text , How to make an Itinerary, What is
procedure text, and What are the differences between Noun and Vocabulary for the
language features used in recipe?
6) English for academic context such as: the differences between analytical expositon
and hortatory exposition

There are something we will do to improve understanding and mastery of the professional
material such as: searching material literature and new technique and method, hold a forum discussion, do
Intensive training, do material reflection and do hold hands-on practice

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