James 1931

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where k , is the rate of cracking into coke xc, and kl is the rate (5) Lurie and Gillespie, J. A m Chem. SOL.,43, 1146 (1927).
of cracking into the sum of other products. (6) Pease, I b i d . , SO, 1779 (1928).
(7) Poynting, Phil. Mag., [4]12, 32 (1881).
The writer does not know of any published experiments ( 8 ) Sackur, “Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics,” p. 219 (1917).
carried out with the express view of studying the formation (9) Waterman and Perquin, J. Inst. Petroleum Tech., 11, 36 (1925).
of polymerization and allied products, such as coke. Such
experiments, for example, as long cracking runs with a good Correction
charging stock, a t two or more different temperatures, would
be useful. In my article entitled “Distillate Yields in Cracking,” IND.
ENG.CHEM.,22, 10 (1930), Formula 11 on page 12 should read
Literature Cited as follows:
(1) Hurd and Spence, J . A m . Chem. SOL.,51, 3561 (1929).
(2) Kiss, IND. END.CHEM.,22, 10 (1930).
(3) Larson and Black, J. Am. Chem. SOL, 47, 1015 (1925).
( 4 ) Leslie and Potthoff, IND.END. CHBM., 18, 776 (1926). STEPHEN

Extraction of Beryllium, Caesium, and Rubidium

from Beryl’
C. James, H. C. Fogg, and E. D. Coughlin

U N I V E R S I T Y OF h-EW H A M P S H I R E , DURHAM, h‘. H

A simple and economical method has been developed for Ammonium sulfate is added to the hot mother liquor
producing pure beryllium oxide from beryl using ordinary which causes ammonium alum to crystallize upon cooling.
chemicals and apparatus. Any small quantity of caesium After oxidizing the iron in the solution from these crystals
and rubidium which may be present in the mineral can by a suitable oxidizing agent such as potassium bromate
be obtained a t the same time. The method is applicable or nitric acid, the major portion of it is removed by the
either o n , a commercial or laboratory scale. careful addition of dilute ammonium hydroxide to the
The finely ground mineral is fused with approximately boiling liquid. The last traces of iron are removed by
one-half its weight of lime in a furnace of the blast type. hydrogen sulfide under slight pressure. The beryllium
. The resulting slag is ground, decomposed with sulfuric is then precipitated from the filtrate by ammonium hy-
acid, and heated t o dehydrate the silica. The mass is droxide or preferably ammonium carbonate.
stirred with hot water and filtered, and the concentra- The principles involved in this method can be adapted to
tion of t h e filtrate adjusted so t h a t potassium, caesium, the extraction of these elements from ,other silicate min-
and rubidium alums will crystallize out when allowed t o erals with only a few changes, depending upon the min-
cool. eral used.

H E methods of separation and decomposition given in stirring. It first softened, then became liquid and boiled

T this article represent work carried out a t various times

covering a period of a number of years.z The proc-
esses, which are very simple, permit the worker to obtain
(owing to the presence of water in the commercial hydroxide),
and afterward hardened to a friable bluish solid. The
temperature was then maintained for a short time below that
several interesting by-products such as caesium, rubidium, a t which there is a tendency for fusion with the formation of a
and scandium, if these elements are present even to a very glass.
small extent in the beryl employed. I n order to obtain the best results it is necessary that the
mineral be ground very fine (200 mesh), thoroughly mixed
Decomposition of Mineral with the caustic, and the temperature kept even throughout
The employment of hydroxides and oxides of the alkali the mass.
and alkaline earth elements has been recommended from Although this decomposition n’as efficient, it introduced
time to time for this purpose. large quantities of sodium salts which interfered with the
SODIUM HYDRoxrDE-This substance is very commonly crystallization of ammonium alum a t a later stage.
used in the laboratory and for small-scale production. The CALCIUM OurDE-There are two outstanding advantages
usual procedure has been to fuse the mixture of mineral and in using this material rather than sodium hydroxide for
hydroxide completely in an iron kettle. Unfortunately the opening up beryl: cost, and the removal of calcium sulfate,
fused mass attacks the containing vessel to such an extent which is insoluble, along with silica, aiding in the filtration.
that much iron is introduced, making the process of separa- The decomposition of finely divided beryl can be brought
tion more difficult, and in some cases actually perforating about by intimately mixing it with calcium hydroxide and
and destroying the kettle. heating to a temperature just below fusion. Complete
It was found that these objections could be overcome and fusion, however, gives a better decomposition and is more
a decomposition of 96 to 98 per cent still be obtained if a easily carried out commercially. The furnace for the fusion
mixture of beryl, with 11/* times its weight of sodium hy- was given careful consideration since it was realized that the
droxide, was heated to only a low red heat with thorough temperature of fusion would be necessarily high, the attack
on the container would be rapid, and the cost of fusing large
1 Received December 3, 1930.
f Canadian Patent 305,937; United States patent application pend-
amounts of material must be kept as low as possible. A small
ing (Serial 315,595). blast furnace, which could be charged with the fuel (coke,

gas, oil, etc.) and beryl-lime mixture, appeared to be desir- derived from the potassium, rubidium, and caesium con-
able This would furnish, a t a low cost, a high temperature tained in the beryl had ceased. This alum was carefully
in intimate contact with the substance to be fused. Since removed and saved for caesium and rubidium, the separation
the product of fusion would flow from the base of the fur- of which is described later.
nace, the process would be continuous.
For a rapid decomposition it is essential that 1he beryl be Separation of Aluminum
in a fairly fine state of division and thoroughly mixed with
The separation of aluminum from beryllium was brought
the lime. It would, of course, be impossible to use a dry and
about by the crystallization of the former as ammonium
dusty mixture in a furnace of the above type. Accordingly,
aluminum sulfate (ammonia alum) in the following way:
the lime was first slaked, then mixed with the ground mineral The mother liquor from the potassium, rubidium, and caesium
to the consistency of mortar. The ratio of mineral to lime alums was treated with a 25 per cent excess of ammonium
may be varied within quite wide limits. The best ratios
sulfate. It was found that the best results were obtained
vary with the type of mineral being decomposed. On the
when the ammonium sulfate, in hot concentrated solution,
average, a ratio of 10 parts of mineral to 6 parts of quicklime
was added to the boiling mother liquor, after which the whole
gave a very fusable slag which was rapidly attacked by the
was set aside to deposit the alum. When the crystalliza-
sulfuric acid. This was spread out in a layer of about 2 tion was completed, the mother liquor was evaporated to
inches in thickness and allowed to dry. The product was
about half the volume of the original s o l u t i o n 4 e., before
found to be quite firm and easily withstood the burden of the the alum crystallized. At this point the solution was al-
lowed t o cool for 24 hours, then placed in a refrigerator a t
Firebricks were used to construct the furnace of the follow- approximately 0" C. for 24 to 48 hours. This treatment was
ing inside dimensions: 25 cm. diameter a t base, 40 cm. di-
found to remove all but a minute amount of aluminum,
ameter a t middle, 30 cm. diameter a t top, and 110 cm. high.
which was removed during the separation of the major portion
The main furnace was set upon a base of the same material. of the iron as described below. Unless beryllium exception-
From the center of the base to one side a gradually sloping
ally free from aluminum is desired, the cooling in the refrig-
channel (5 cm. wide) had been cut to allow the fused product
erator may be omitted.
to flow onto a slightly hollowed steel plate 90 cm. K 60 cm. X
In order that no beryllium should be lost, the first alum
1.5 cm.
crystals were recrystallized from water, wash water from
The blast was furnished by a centrifugal blower and in- the beryllium basic carbonate being employed. The crystals
troduced by three tuyhres placed symmetrically around the
were placed aside and the mother liquors used to recrystallize
furnace about 10 cm. from the bottom. A brisk fire was the second crop of alum coming from the refrigerator. This
started with wood and coke and when the lower part of the
was then treated in a similar manner to the solution and
furnace had reached a white heat, the charge consisting of the
crystals obtained in the first alum crystallization.
beryl-lime mixture, together with one-half to two-thirds
volume of coke, was added. I n a few minutes the slag began Removal of Iron
to flow from the tapping hole in a very fluid state. The
ratio of coke to beryl-lime mixture should be adjusted to The filtrate from the second alum crystallization was heated
keep the temperature high and yet use the minimum amount in a stoneware vessel, by means of a leaden steam coil, to the
of coke. With a furnace of this size approximatdy a ton of boiling point and thoroughly oxidized by means of a little
mineral could be run through in 24 hours. potassium bromate or other suitable oxidizing agent. The
The short flame that emerged from the tappirig hole was liquid was next treated with ammonium hydroxide (about
examined by means of a spectroscope. Lines of the following 1 to 1) with very thorough stirring and boiling. The pre-
elements, arranged in the order of decreasing intemities, were cipitated hydroxides rapidly dissolved a t first. As the addi-
visible: sodium, potassium, caesium, lithium, rubidium. tion of ammonium hydroxide was continued, the liquid turned
deep red and then finally ferric hydroxide separated as a
Decomposition of Slag very finely divided precipitate. The addition of ammonium
The melt from the furnace was crushed and ground. -The hydroxide was stopped as soon as the supernatant liquid gave
powder was mixed with an equal volume of water ,md treated a white precipitate upon dilution with water, indicating
with slightly more than the theoretical amount of sulfuric that the liquid was basic. At this point the pH of the cold
acid. The reaction was vigorous, and the whole inass boiled solution was 5.5 to 5.7, determined with a quinhydrorie
and gave off fumes of sulfuric acid. The mass was well stirred electrode. The pH of a solution from which the iron was
to prevent the formation of hard lumps, and then added w t h not quite all removed, as shown by a distinct red color, was 5.2.
thorough stirring to a \-at of water nhich was raised to the With a little practice, it is possible to judge this point quite
boiling point by mems of steam. After standing for 12 accurately, as the precipitate becomes very slightly, though
hours it was again heated, stirred. and put through a filter distinctly, lighter in color.
press. The vaqh water was used for dissolvins the next I t is very important at this stage of the process to add
hatch. the ammon'um hydroxide carefully and see that the mass is
Since this ground slag was found to be attacked by solu- thoroughly stirred and well boiled. The precipitated hy-
tions of aluminum sulfate, etc., any unattacked slag remain- droxides must be given time to react with the solution so that
ing in the center of the small lumps was decomposed by the the beryllium hydroxide redissolves. The final precipitate
solution during the stirring, with the result that a little consists mainly of ferric hydroxide together with aluminum
silica was dissolved. The solution, consisting mainly of hydroxide, derived from the trace of aluminum which re-
the sulfates of aluminum and beryllium together with small mained from the alum crystallization, and a small amount of
amounts of iron and alkalies, was evaporated in lead pans beryllium hydroxide.
by means of lead steam coils. The fused sirupy mass was The hydroxides were next removed by filtration through
kept for some time a t 3 25" C., then dissolved in boiling water, a very large Bt'ichner funnel. Any beryllium accompanying
filtered through a large lead Buchner funnel, and diluted the ferric hydroxide was largely saved by stirring the residue
until no simple sulfates separated upon cooling. This con- with water, boiling, and treating with sulfuric acid until,
centration gave a solution with a specific gravity around 1.36. after long stirring, the filtered liquid showed the presence
It n-as allowed to stand until the crystallization of the alum of some iron by its reddish tint. This liquid, after filtration,
was returned to the vessel and carefully treated with am- Table I-Schematic O u t l i n e of Separation
monium hydroxide as previously described. (1) Mineral fused with CaO
The basic acetate method can be used for separating iron (2) Slag f Hz0 + HnSO4 extracted with

from beryllium on a large scale. A minute amount of iron i. J.

Residue Si02 and Cas04 (4) Solution of sulfates of A1 and Be, etc..
usually remains in solution. The introduction of ammonium evaporated to render any remaining
acetate causes a little more bother in subsequent operations, SiOr insoluble
owing to frothing when the beryllium is thrown out as basic 4 J.
carbonate. It also remains in the ammonium sulfate mother SiOn (6) Filtrate allowed to crystallize
liquors which are used over again for the separation of alumi- ~

num. i and R b alums

K , Cs, (8) Mother liquorJ + (NHa)zSO4
The small amount of iron and any members of the copper
group were removed from the basic filtrate from the iron and
Alum A
(10) Mother liquor concentrated and cooled
aluminum hydroxides by treating with hydrogen sulfide under V i
slight pressure. After the precipitated sulfides had been Alum B (12) Mother liquor + NH4OH
filtered off, the solution was found to give a perfectly clear 4
solution when treated with solid ammonium carbonate and Fe(OH13 and Al(0H)a (14) Filtrate + H2S4
warmed. This clear solution did not become discolored on J. +
Filtrate + NH4OH
treatment with hydrogen sulfide, indicating the absence of FeS, CuS, etc. (16) -b (NH4)2C03
iron. Should there be a darkening of the solution owing to
the presence of mere traces of iron, it would be necessary t o
Be basic carbonate (18) Filtrate evaporated

saturate again with hydrogen sulfide. Any difficulty in J. c + NazCOa

removing iron a t this stage indicates that the solution mas (KHdZSO4 (20) Mother liquor
not made sufficiently basic during the removal of the major
part of that element as the hydroxide.
Filtrate discarded

Precipitation of Beryllium Basic Carbonate Before the fractionation was started, it was decided that
The iron- and aluminum-free filtrate was heated to remove the pink feldspar, which occurred plentifully in the mine from
any hydrogen sulfide and the beryllium precipitated by the which the beryl came, should be examined for caesium and
addition of ammonium carbonate and ammonium hydroxide rubidium. d quantity of this was ground and fused as de-
in slight excess. Care must be taken not to add too large an scribed under the decomposition of beryl. I n this case the
excess of ammonium carbonate due to the solubility of basic slag did not fuse so readily and the furnace had to be run a t
beryllium carbonate in an excess of that reagent. Sufficient a very high temperature. The ground slag was very easily
precipitant has been added when a small portion, after decomposed by dilute acid or even by solutions of aluminum
filtering off the precipitate, shows no turbidity upon the and iron salts. By using insufficient acid, all the alkalies
addition of ammonium carbonate. If the precipitate is not and only a little of the aluminum were dissolved. The solu-
granular, boiling for a short time will cause it to become so, tion gave a strong test for lithium, showing that the feldspar
thus making it easy to filter and wash. This first wash water contained this metal in addition to potassium and so-
was added to the main filtrate, while that obtained later was dium. After the solution had cooled, the clear liquid was
used for recrystallizing the crude alum as described earlier, siphoned off. and the crystals scraped out and drained. This
By so using all the wash water no ammonium sulfate was alum, which showed only potassium and sodium lines when
lost, examined spectroscopically, was recrystallized many times.
A%1N.4LYSISOF BERYLLIUM BASICCARBONATE-The product The alums from 9 kg. of mineral v-ere finally reduced to about
resulting from the above treatment was pure white as was 200 grams. These crystals gave no distinct test for caesium.
also the oxide obtained from the ignition of it. A determina-
tion of the impurities likely to be present gave the following Examination of Ferric Hydroxide for Scandium
results :
Several in\-estigators in the past have pointed out that the
97 47,
arc spectra of many varieties of beryl show scandium lines.
Si02 0 015 0 025 If the scandium mere present in beryl, it would be expected
41203 + Fe203 0 05 0 04 to concentrate with the ferric and aluminum hydroxides (see
Ca (spectroscopically) h-one None
lTolatilematter 60 25 59 80 13 in Table I). This precipitate was dissolved in hydro-
h-on-volatile matter 39.75 40 20
chloric acid, the boiling solution neutralized by means of
Approximately 0.25 gram of the original sample contained ammonium hydroxide, and then thoroughly boiled with an
in the 2 cc. of solution gave barely a perceptible coloration excess of sodium thiosulfate. The precipitate, after filtering
with potassium thiocyanate. Accordingly no attempt was and washing with a little water, was heated with dilute hy-
made to determine the iron separately. drochloric acid and oxidized by addition of nitric acid. The
The above analyses were made on material from two en- free sulfur was removed by filtration and the liquid treated
tirely different runs, showing that a product of consistent with an excess of sodium hydroxide to remove the aluminum
purity may be obtained by this method. and beryllium.
The small quantity of insoluble hydroxides, after being
Extraction of Caesium and Rubidium washed, was warmed with water and oxalic acid. This
The material for this work is indicated in Table I a t 7 , treatment gave an insoluble oxalate that was colored blue
potassium, rubidium, and caesium alums. These were sub- from the presence of copper derived from the plates of the
mitted to a fractional crystallization, whereupon the caesium filter press. This oxalate was then heated with a slight
with the minute amount of rubidium rapidly accumulated excess of sulfuric acid to fumes with careful addition of nitric
in the least soluble portion. These were separated from each acid to oxidize any organic matter. The sulfates were dis-
other by further fractionation or/and precipitation of caesium solved in water, treated with hydrogen sulfide, and filtered.
antimony chloride and crystallization of rubidium acid tar- The clear filtrate was then warmed with oxalic acid, and a
trate. pure white oxalate was precipitated.

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