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ORIGINAL ARTICLE World of Transport and Transportation, 2023,

DOI: Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

The Structure of Organisation

Management Methods within the Value Chain

Alexey P. Tyapukhin
Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Orenburg, Russia.


The objective of the article is to create theoretical and The study has resulted in substantiation of the content of the
methodological prerequisites for substantiating management resource approach to the justification of the methods of managing
methods of transport organisations within value chains and a transport organisation; development of a classification of
increasing their efficiency by preventing possible contradictions and administrative, economic, organisational, and socio-­psychological
conflicts when fulfilling an order for the end consumer of services methods of managing this organisation; revealing interrelations of
and/or products. methods, principles, and approaches to management of objects of
The hypothesis of the study is associated with the assumption that social and economic systems.
it is possible to determine the specific quantity and quality of methods for The implementation of the obtained results will reduce the
managing transport organisations in value chains and identify the likelihood of occurrence of contradictions in the value chains by
relationship between them, which will allow the formation of an integrated harmonising the content of the systems managing its links;
management system for chains and various modes of transport. create prerequisites for reducing the lost profits of this type of
The methods of classification, synthesis, analysis, induction, chains as well as time and costs for making and implementing
and deduction were chosen as research methods while binary management decisions; and for responding in a timely manner
matrices formed based on classification features of objects and to the unique requirements of end users of products and/or
their dichotomies were used as a tool. services.

Keywords: transport organisation, system, goal, task, principle, method, approach, function.

Acknowledgments: the article was prepared in accordance with the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of
Russia for the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2023.

For citation: Tyapukhin, A. P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain. World of Transport and
Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204. DOI:

The text of the article originally written in Russian is published in the first part of the issue.
Текст статьи на русском языке публикуется в первой части данного выпуска.

• © Tyapukhin, A. P., 2023

INTRODUCTION «human resource management practices».
Transport organisations are key links in Therefore, in the future, the term «management
supply chains, ensuring the coordination of methods» will be used as the main term.
supply and demand in different types of markets. Many researchers emphasise the importance
Effective management of a transport organisation of correct application of organisation management
focused on creating value for end users of methods and confirm their high efficiency, for
services and/or products is its most important example, the authors of [6–14]. However, not all
competitive advantage. Therefore, special experts are sure that good personnel management
attention should be paid to design, formation, affects the performance of an organisation,
and optimisation of the management system of including, for example, the authors of [15–17],
a given organisation. This management system, referring, among other things, to the lack of
in particular, is understood as «a set of interrelated empirical data on this issue [4].
or interacting elements that establishes policies Finding out the reasons for insufficient
and goals and that allows achieving these goals effectiveness of management methods is the topic
in a safe, efficient and effective way» [1]. of a separate study. Nevertheless, it is already
Management systems traditionally include possible to put forward a hypothesis about the
a subject (who controls?) and an object (who or fuzzy structuring of transport organisation
what is controlled?). In the first case, we are management systems, which provokes ambiguity
talking about a totality of an orderly hierarchy and unreasonable diversity not only of their
of persons who make and implement management components, but also of the relationships
decisions, and in the second case, about persons between them. The above problem is seriously
involved in implementation of these decisions, complicated when it comes to value chain
who are in certain relationships and who process management, which involves design and use of
resources in accordance with the rules of business multiple organisational management systems, as
processes. If we recognise that people are the well as their integration to better meet the
most valuable object of management [2], then requirements of end users of services and/or
the «human resource system» [3] should be products.
singled out as part of the organisation’s The article proposes a systematic approach
management system, the component of which is to solving this problem, which allows not only
«human resource management practice (HRMp)» to integrate methods, principles and approaches
or «the process of attracting, motivating and to management of transport organisations and
retaining of employees to ensure the survival of value chains, but also to create prerequisites for
the organisation» [4]. There are some differences improving the theory and methodology of human
between the terms «management system» and resource management inside and outside the
«human resource system», therefore, in the organisation.
future, to eliminate the double interpretation of
a particular term related to management of not REVIEW OF LITERATURE SOURCES
only human resources, but also the entire There are different points of view on the
organisation, the term «management system» composition and structure of the organisation’s
will be used. management system. According to
The interaction of the subject and object of A. S. Gutterman, the components of this type of
management involves formation and periodic system include «policy, planning, implementation
updating of the components of the management and operations, performance evaluation,
system of a transport organisation, the improvement and management review»2 [18]. If
composition of which and relationships within we conduct a preliminary analysis of the list of
which are diverse. Among other things, they these components, we can note the following:
include management methods [5] or «methods 1) The list includes the following
of influencing teams or individual workers to heterogeneous objects: three management
coordinate their activities in the production functions (planning, implementation and
process» 1. There are also some differences management review); business process
components (operations); management tool
between the terms «management methods» and

Organisation personnel management: Textbook. Ed. by 2
Some citations represent reverse translation into English
A. Ya. Kibanov. Moscow, Infra-­M publ., 1997, 512 p. from the author’s text in Russian. – ​Ed. note.

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
Table 1
196 Main components of human resource management practices [compiled by the author]
Authors Components of human resource management practices

J. Purcell [20] «career development and promotion opportunities; learning opportunities;

impact on work and problems; involvement and communication; performance
management and evaluation processes; balance between work and personal life»
D. E. Guest [21] «HRM Strategy, set of HRM Policies, HRM Result Set, Behavioural Results,
Performance Results, and Financial Results»
P. Boselie, G. Dietz, C. Boon [22] «training and development, wages and rewards, and performance management»

G. Dessler [23] «determining human resource needs, selection, recruitment, training,

remuneration, evaluation, as well as concern for labour relations, occupational
safety and health, equity issues»
N. J. Foss, K. Laursen, T. Pedersen «delegation of responsibility, such as team production; knowledge incentives
[24] such as profit sharing, individual incentives and incentives for knowledge
sharing; internal communication encouraged, for example, by practices related to
knowledge sharing or job rotation; employee training, both internal and external;
recruitment and retention, such as internal staff promotion policies»
K. Laursen, N. J. Foss [25] «Practices including:
(a) delegation of responsibility,
(b) knowledge stimulation;
(c) knowledge sharing;
(d) employee training;
(e) recruitment and retention»
K. Alusa, «job security, selective hiring, self-managed teams, performance-­based
A. Kariuk [26] compensation, extensive training, reduction of status disparities and information
R. Sepahvand, R. B. Khodashahri «recruitment and selection, training and career development, performance
[27] appraisal, compensation and benefits»

(policy); management task (implementation), as includes «the process of creating a pool of

well as a statement of the results obtained suitable candidates, recruiting individuals,
(efficiency assessment). selection and training» [19] and the practice of
2) This list can be clarified and supplemented. human resource management.
For example, motivation, control, integration, Variants of the main components of the
regulation can be added to management functions; practices of human resource management are
regulations and a system of motivation can be given in Table 1.
added to management tools, sustainable Thus:
development can be added to management tasks, 1) There is a significant variety of points of
etc. view on the content of the components of human
3) The components of the management resource management practices, while the
system can form logical sequences and have clear authors, as a rule, do not provide sufficient
relationships. For example, planning is used first, arguments to single out these and not other
then policy, then implementation and performance components.
evaluation. 2) Each point of view differs from other
4) The management system includes points of view by a different number of proposed
components of different levels. For example, components of human resource management
functions, like business processes, consist of practice, while this number is also insufficiently
operations, while policies, in turn, are part of the substantiated.
organisation’s strategy. 3) The components proposed by the authors
In the above list of management system in specific management situations are relevant to
components, as you can see, the term «human varying degrees, which implies their ranking.
resources» is not used. Therefore, it is necessary Perhaps, in one organisation, first, it is necessary
to identify the components of the practice of to improve the system of remuneration and
human resource management, which, according rewards, and in another, of staff training.
to M. Armstrong, comes down to «informal 4) The use of the above components involves
approaches used in managing people» [3]. In different management methods. So, for example,
addition, one should distinguish between the delegation of responsibility, communications,
practices of working with human resources which career development, performance appraisal are

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
administrative methods of management; wages, (3) Formation of binary matrices, which are
rewards as well as compensations are carried out based on combinations of the above qualitative
through economic methods, and self-managed features and dichotomies of the object of study
teams, work-life balance, reduction of status and environmental factors, allowing to
differences and practices related to knowledge substantiate 2ˣ variants of this object, where the
sharing or job change are promoted through number «2» indicates the number of dichotomies,
organisational methods. If we consider the socio-­ and x characterises the number of qualitative
psychological factors associated with the features used.
management of the organisation [28], then (4) For processing the results of the study
a group of socio-­psychological methods should with the help of computer software, each
be attributed to a separate group of management dichotomy of a qualitative trait can be indicated
methods. The groups of methods listed above by the codes «0» or «1». At the same time, the
were proposed by O. Nicolescu [5] and code «0» does not reflect the absence of
A. Ya. Kibanov1. a dichotomy but emphasises its position opposite
As a result, the following theoretical and to the dichotomy with the code «1».
methodological aspects of the study can be (5) Operations related to selection of
formulated: qualitative features and dichotomies of the object
(1) The components of the management of study and environmental factors, as well as
system can be ordered based on appropriate the study of their possible combinations, are used
classification features, which will greatly in the descriptor method of research, and
facilitate their design and implementation in the operations that help to identify the states of
activities of a particular organisation and value a given object or phases of its development are
chain. performed within the facet method of qualitative
(2) Management methods cannot be effective research.
if they are used in isolation from other groups of Binary matrices make it possible to develop
management system components, such as goals, a classification of variants of the object of study
objectives, principles, approaches, and functions within the framework of such a research method
[29], which requires a systematic approach to as analysis. Based on these options, it is possible
solving this problem. to form more complex options for the object of
(3) The groups of components of the study based on synthesis. Any combination of
organisation management system listed above object variants obtained with the help of binary
should become the basis for design, formation, matrices is processed based on deduction and
and optimisation of various types of chain induction methods.
management systems, including value chains. Thus, the specific features of qualitative
research listed above make it possible not only
METHODOLOGY to substantiate the number of options for the
To study the above aspects of the study, object of study and their combinations, but also
qualitative methods are needed [30–33] and, first, to establish the relationship between them using
the classification method, which involves: the relevant qualitative features and their
(1) Substantiation and use of qualitative dichotomies, in contrast to those options and their
features characteristic of the object of study, as combinations that were proposed and studied
well as environmental factors and their previously.
dichotomies; the number and sequence of
application of these features is established based RESULTS
on two basic methods related to clarifying the The use of the research methods outlined above
essence of the object of study: analysis of literary makes it possible to clarify the content of the main
sources and a sociological survey of specialists. components of the management system of the
(2) Creation of logically substantiated organisation and value chains. To do this, it is
combinations of dichotomies of qualitative advisable to use the following relevant qualitative
features of the object of study and environmental features and dichotomies: «tools for implementation
factors that contribute to identification of not only of the organisation’s mission» – ​guidelines (what
the states of this object, but also the phases of its does the organisation seek to achieve?), forms (with
development, depending on the task being solved what help this «what?» will be achieved); the
by the researcher. mechanism (how will this «what?» be achieved),

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
as well as «the stages of the organisation’s mission implementation» (planning and
execution). The joint use of these features and dichotomies makes it possible to
substantiate the list of components of the organisation’s management system: goals,
objectives, principles, approaches, methods, and functions (Pic. 1).

198 Tools for implementation of the organisation’s mission

Guidelines Forms Mechanism
(what?) (with which (how?)
Planning Goals Principles Tasks
Stages of the organisation’s
mission implementation Approaches Methods Functions

Pic. 1. Classification of organisation management system tools [developed by the author].

Pic. 1. Classification of organisation management system tools [developed by the author].

Management system components

Information in Pic. 1 allows drawing the following conclusions:
(1) The components of the management system apply not only to the
Person Position Department Organisation Chains
organisation, but also to the following objects of its external and internal
environment: (a) a person applying for a position in this organisation; (b) an official;

End consumer of products and/or services

Values External factors

Pic. 2. Scheme of interaction of subjects in formation of a value chain management system

Pic. 2. Scheme of interaction of subjects in formation of a value chain management system [developed by the author].
[developed by the author].
as well as «the stages of the organisation’s mission (d) To focus on creating value for the end
implementation» (planning and execution). The consumer, which may require adjustments to the
joint use of these features and dichotomies makes existing management system of the organisation.
it possible to substantiate the list of components of C-S(e) To coordinate the components of the
the organisation’s management system: goals, management system with the components of
objectives, principles, approaches,Position
S and management Position Csystems of adjacent links in the
Management system C
Management system S

functions (Pic. 1). value chain. The mechanism of formation of the

Organisation C
Organisation C

Information in Pic. 1 allows drawing

Performer S the management Quantity N system for the value creation i

following conclusions: channel, including the management systems of

(1) The components of theProcess management
S the supplier
Quality Qorganisation S and the consumer i

system apply not only to the organisation, but also organisation C, is shown in Pic. 3.
Resources Sij Costs Z
to the following objects of its external and internal Focus of the links of the chain on value i

environment: (a) a person applying for a position creationTime involves

T development
cK of the concept of rz
in this organisation; (b) an official; (c)sKa division value management, which provides for
of the organisation;
Value (d) value chain; (e) the end harmonisation Product of the valuesValue of adjacent links in
user of services and/or products (Pic. 2). the chain,«i»one of which is a supplier,
«т» and the other
(2) When managing these objects, it is is a consumer of products and/or services. As
necessary to consider not only the contentValue management
of the a basis, it is possible to use the concept of value
values they want, but also the need to coordinate management within the organisation, justified by
Pic. 3. The mechanism of formation of the supply chain management system in
values with the priority of the values of the end S. L. Dolan and B. A. Richley [34].
user, as well as a implementation
possible changeof the concept of management by values [developed by the author].
in these values The value «m» of the consumer organisation
under the influence of environmental factors. C is the basis for formation of the management
(3) When managingFocus ofthe organisation,
the links it is
of the chain system
on value C ofinvolves
creation this organisation,
of the involves
necessary: establishment of relations C-S with the supplier
concept of value management, which provides for harmonisation of the values of
(a) To form these components considering organisation S, focused on the value «n», based
the values ofadjacent links in the chain, one of which is
this organisation. ona which
theand the other is asystem
management consumer
S is formed.
(b) To of structure and toservices.
products and/or formalise the itRelations
As a basis, is possiblebetween
to use these organisations
the concept of valueare carried
components of the management system of out by officials C and S, respectively. The result
management within the organisation, justified by S. L. Dolan and B. A. Richley [34].
a given organisation by departments and of these relationships is the product «i» supplied
positions of the management system. by the supplier organisation S.
(c) To organise a recruitment of individuals The requirement for manufacture and supply
to fill positions, considering the values of both of this product is transferred to the performer S,
the organisation and these individuals. who uses the appropriate resources Sij and process

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
[developed by the author].

Relations C-S

Position S Position C

Management system C
Management system S

Organisation C
Organisation C Performer S Quantity Ni

Process S Quality Qi

Resources Sij Costs Zi

Time Ti cKrz
sK ef
Value Product Value
«n» «i» «т»

Value management

Pic. 3. The mechanism of formation of the supply chain management system in

Pic. 3. The mechanism of formation of the supply chain management system in implementation of the concept
implementation ofofmanagement
the conceptbyofvalues [developed
management bybyvalues
the author].
[developed by the author].

Object to which the impact is applied

Focus of the links of the chain on value creation involves development of the
Person Group of people
concept of value management, which provides for harmonisation of the values of
Administrative methods Economic methods
Relatively stable
adjacent linksof in
Nature thethe chain, oneSocio-psychological
impact of which is a supplier, Organisational
and the other is a consumer
of products and/or services. As a basis,
it is possible to methods
methods use the concept of value
management within the organisation, justified by S. L. Dolan and B. A. Richley [34].
Pic. Classificationofofthe
methods [29].

S for this. The manufactured

The information product
presented«i»in isPic. dichotomies
4 can be confirmed allows us to
based on confirm
the the presence
acquired by the consumer organisation C of administrative,
classification of resources processed by the organisation (Pic. 5).
economic, socio-­
p sychological,
according to the criteria of quantity, quality, cost, and organisational methods for managing
and time, which, consuming the product, organisations and/or value chains (Pic. 4).
compares the desired andAdministrative
perceivedmethods The information
values, the Socio-psychological methods presented in Pic. 4 can be
difference between which is estimated by the confirmed based on the classification of resources
integral performance coefficient cKrz. A similar Relations processed by the organisation (Pic. 5).

comparison is carried out by the supplier Resources, traditionally divided into material,
Persons Persons
organisation, which also evaluates makingits value using informational,
decisions financial, and human [29], create
implementing decisions
the integral indicator sKrz. If the deviations of the prerequisites for the use of:
these coefficients are acceptable, Price organisations Human (1) Administrative
External and socio-­psychological
Economic methods

C and S operate within the established methods of management used in the relationship

Financial Resources Information

relationships, if they are not acceptable, then between persons making and implementing
these relationships are correctedCosts and, accordingly, Material decisionsInternalrelated to human resources. These
the quality of the components of their management management methods are most consistent with
systems changes. In some Fixed cases,capitalrelations the Working
practice of human resource management.

between organisations may be interrupted. (2) Profit-­o riented economic methods

Previously, the main groups of management through cost management and pricing of financial
methods considered as a component of the methods
Organisational resources. In this case, it is worth speaking about
organisation’s management system were the practice of financial resource management
Pic. 5. Resource approach to substantiation of organisation management methods [developed
presented. To substantiate their quantity byand (FRM).
the author].
quality, it is advisable to use the following (3) Organisational methods aimed at: (a)
relevant features and dichotomies: «object to managing processes involving fixed and working
which the impact is applied» (a person and capital, primarily in the form of material
a group of people), as well as «the nature of the resources; and (b) justification and implementation
impact application» (relatively stable and of management decisions based on the use of
situational). The joint use of these signs and external and internal information or information

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
The information presented in Pic. 4 can be confirmed based on the
classification of resources processed by the organisation (Pic. 5).

200 Administrative methods Socio-psychological methods


Persons Persons
making decisions implementing decisions

Price Human External

Economic methods


Financial Resources Information

Costs Material Internal

Fixed capital Working capital


Organisational methods

Pic. 5. Resource approach to substantiation of organisation management methods [developed

Pic. 5. Resource approach to substantiation of organisation management methods [developed by the author].
by the author].
Factors influencing the relationship between
managers and performers
Official powers Forms of interaction
Design and Definition and regulation Distribution and
formation of official powers and the integration of functions,
Stages of creation of use of power statement of responsibility
management systems Communication
Functioning and Grant of right of resource
management in scalar
optimisation management

Pic. Pic. 6. Classification

6. Classification ofofadministrative
administrative methods
methods of
organisation [developed
organisation by the
[developed byauthor].
resources. Depending on the type of resources The main economic methods of management
used, one can single out, respectively, the can be substantiated based on the following
The main economic methods of management can be substantiated based on
practices of material resources (MRM) and relevant qualitative features and their
information the following
resources relevant qualitative
management (IRM). features dand
i c htheir
otom dichotomies:
i e s : « t h e«thef oform
r m ofof employee
The content of Pic.
employee 5 is basicin since
participation all theof the
the activities participation
organisation»in the
performance of the
of organisation»
managementlabourmethods presented
functions in Pic. of
and the adoption 4 managerial
are (the decisions),
performance as wellofaslabour
the «type functions
of and the
applied to human resources; those methods, in adoption of managerial decisions), as well as
the subject of management that achieves the goal» (the organisation as a whole and
turn, can also be structured for the purpose of the the «type of the subject of management that
the employees).
subsequent choice The combination
of management principlesofandthese features
achieves andthedichotomies
goal» (theallows us to
organisation as a whole
approaches to its implementation.
substantiate four economic methods of and the employees). The combination of these
management presented in Pic. 7.
The main administrative methods of features and dichotomies allows us to
management can be substantiated based on the substantiate four economic methods of
following relevant qualitative features and their management presented in Pic. 7.
dichotomies: «factors influencing the relationship The main socio-­psychological methods of
between managers and performers» (official management can be substantiated based on the
powers and forms of interaction), as well as following relevant qualitative features and their
«stages of creating an organisation management dichotomies: «the type of the object of
system» (design and formation; operation and management in the organisation» (a person and
optimisation). The binary matrix formed based a group of people), as well as «priorities of the
on these features and dichotomies makes it organisation’s personnel management»
possible to substantiate four administrative (formation of working groups and achievement
methods of management presented in Pic. 6. of the organisation’s goal). Pic. 8 shows a binary

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
of management, reaching remuneration ownership
the goal
Employee Management of bonus Reward for reduction of
of the organisation systems lost profits

Form methods
Pic. 7. Classification of economic of employee participation
of organisation in activities
management [developedofbythe
author]. organisation
Fulfilment of labour Making managerial
functions decisions
The main socio-psychological methods of management can be substantiated
Type of subject Management of forms of Organisation property
based on the following relevant qualitative features and their dichotomies:
remuneration ownership «the type
of management, reaching
object of management in the organisation» (a person and a group of people),
Employee Management of bonus Reward for reduction of
as well as «priorities of the organisation’s
systems personnel management» (formation of
lost profits
of the organisation
working groups and achievement of the organisation’s goal). Pic. 8 shows a binary
matrix that of
Classification economic
allows methods
of economic offour
methods organisation
options management [developed
for management
of organisation by the
[developed author].
by the
methods. author].

The main socio-psychologicalType of the

methods ofobject of management
management in the
can be substantiated
based on the following relevant qualitative features and their dichotomies:
Person «the type
Group of people
Adaptation of character
of the object of management in the organisation» (a person and a group of people),
Formation of working and manners of behaviour Creation and preservation
The main
as well as organisational
groups of themanagement
organisation’s methods
to thecan
of the individual bethesubstantiated
of (formationon ofthe
Priorities of personnel conditions of performance climate in groups
basis ofworking
following relevant
of the or-qualitative
groups and achievement of thefeatures
of labour and their
functions dichotomies:
goal). Pic. 8 shows «the form
a binary
matrix ganisation
that allows identifying four options for socio-psychological management
of impact on the organisation’s personnel» Focus(individual
on creation and collective),
well as the
methods. consumers’ to meet the needs of the
«type of goal Achievement of
achieved» (tactical and
and strategic). The joint use of
performers’ values theselevel
highest signs and
organisation’s goals
dichotomies allows us to substantiateType
fouroforganisational methods ofinmanagement
the object of management the
presented organisation
Pic. 8. Classification of socio-psychological methods of organisation management [developed by
in Pic. 9.of socio-­psychological methods of organisation
Pic. 8. Classification management [developed by the author].
the author]. Group of people
Adaptation of character
Formation of working and manners of behaviour Creation and preservation
groups Form of impact
of the individualontothe
the organisation’s personnel
of the socio-psychological
Priorities of personnel conditions of performance
Individual climate in groups
management of the or- of labour functions
Regulation and Implementation of a
Focuswith the cycle
on creation process approach
Maintaining aspiration
Achievement of of technological
consumers’ (elimination
to of cross-
meet the needs of the
Tactical and performers’ values highest level
organisation’s operations functional barriers)
Type of the goal to begoals
Management of
Pic. Control of changes
8. Classification of socio-psychological methods in the
of organisation sustainability
management and by
the author]. sustainable development of
the organisation

Pic. 9. Classification of organisational methods of organisation management [developed by the author].

Pic. 9. Classification of organisational methods of organisation management [developed by the
matrix that allows identifying four options for these methods depending on the specific
socio-­psychological management methods. management situation. As a result, the
The mainIforganisational
necessary, each management
of the methods of prerequisites
managing an areorganisation
formed for implementation
can be of
methods can be substantiated on the basis of the one or another style, or rather, combined styles
structured into components, considering the features of this organisation. In addition,
following relevant qualitative features and their of managing an organisation to increase its
in some«the
dichotomies: cases,form
it is possible
of impactto establish
on the priority groups of these
productivity methods,
and better as the
serve wellend
as consumers
rank thesepersonnel» (individual
methods depending and of
on the specific products and/or
management services.
situation. As a result, the
collective), as well as the «type of goal achieved» The information presented in Pics. 6–9,
prerequisites are formed for implementation of one or another style, or rather,
(tactical and strategic). The joint use of these allows us to establish the relationship between
signs andcombined stylesallows
dichotomies of managing an organisationmain
us to substantiate to increase
methodsits productivity
of managingand anbetter
organisation, as
four organisational
serve the end methods
consumersof of management well as the corresponding principles and
products and/or services.
presented in Pic. 9. approaches to managing objects of socio-­
The information presented in Pics. 6–9, allows us to establish the relationship
If necessary, each of the methods of managing economic systems (Table 2).
an organisation canmain methods of
be structured intomanaging an organisation,
components, Thus:as well as the corresponding
considering the features
principles of this organisation.
and approaches In
to managing objects of (1) Focusing systems
socio-economic on the(Table
main2). groups of
addition, in some cases, it is possible to establish management methods (Pic. 4), the groups of
priority groups of these methods, as well as rank principles and approaches to management can

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
Table 2
202 Relationships of methods, principles, and approaches to managing objects
of socio-­economic systems [developed by the author]
Methods Principles Approaches
Administrative methods Principles and approaches to organisation management
Definition and regulation
Correspondence of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and
of official powers and use Structural
competencies of the employee (performer) to the position held
of power
Distribution and
coordination of Uniformity of distribution of labor intensity of the
functions, statement of organisation’s management processes
Granting resource Correspondence of powers and resources used for their
management rights implementation
Formalisation of managerial influences and subordination of
management in scalar Social
positions at various levels of management
Economic methods Principles and approaches to management of efficiency and effectiveness
Correspondence of the labour contribution of performers in
Management of forms of
achieving the goals of the organisation and the wages they Economic
Organisation property Rational loading and use of fixed and working capital of the
ownership organisation
Management of bonus Equitable distribution of results obtained by the organisation in
systems an unstable environment
Search for reserves to improve the organisation’s activities and
Reward for reduction in
development of recommendations Entrepreneurial
lost profits
on their use
Principles and approaches to personnel management
Adaptation of the
character and behaviour
of the individual to Maximising the use of the labor potential of the organisation’s
the conditions of employees and achieving a synergistic effect
performance of labour
Creation and preservation
Exclusion of factors of negative impact on employees and
of the socio-­
working groups and effective conflict management in the Corporate
psychological climate in
Focus on creation of
Formation and development of relationships in the organisation
values of consumers and Marketing
and with contractors
Maintaining aspiration
Development of the intellectual potential of performers and
to meet the needs of the Motivational
intangible assets of the organisation
highest level
Organisational methods Principles and approaches to management of business processes
Regulation and
compliance with the Maximum capacity utilization, detection and prevention of
cycle of technological force majeure situations when fulfilling consumer orders
Implementation of
a process approach Exclusion of losses of lost profit at the junctions of labour
(elimination of cross-­ functions of performers and departments of the organisation
functional barriers)
Change management in Minimization of costs, time and lost profits when adjusting
the organisation activities and restructuring of the organisation
Management of
sustainability and Accounting for economic, environmental and social aspects of
sustainable development sustainable development of the organisation
of the organisation

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain
be distinguished regarding: (a) relationships, (b) organisations; form an approach to monitoring the
efficiency and effectiveness, (c) personnel, and components of systems of this type; assess the
(d) business processes. trends in sustainability management and
(2) Each management method is assigned sustainable development of «self-management»
a management principle. Recall that the most systems by the end consumer of products and/or
well-known principles of organisation services, taking into account the economic, social
management include principles [35–40], the and environmental aspects of this type of
number of which varies from 4 to 14. As follows management; identify the features and mechanism
from Table 2, the proposed principles of of the formation of the «bullwhip effect» in the
organisation management are a two-level value chain management system and develop
structure. At the first level, groups of these recommendations for reducing its negative impact
principles are presented, and at the second level, on the performance of chains of various types.
management principles. Since each principle is
associated with a specific management method, REFERENCES
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Information about the author:
Tyapukhin, Alexey P., D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Director of Orenburg Branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia,

Article received 09.01.2023, approved 27.02.2023, accepted 03.03.2023.

• World of Transport and Transportation, 2023, Vol. 21, Iss. 1 (104), pp. 194–204

Tyapukhin, Alexey P. The Structure of Organisation Management Methods in the Value Chain

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