Buying Process Tracker-V.1

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Company: Soch Apparels Pvt. Ltd.

Date: 21-Nov-2022

Buying Process Tracker

A standard SOCH model from Procurement to Inward Goods. The steps have been created after the discussion with Buying, QC, IT, SCM & Planning team.

The entire process has been broadly divided into 3 parts:

Master Purchase & Tracking SCM Process

Attribute & Buyfile Master Purchase Order Creation Pickup to Delivery Tracking
Validation & Control PO Split Gate Entry to Goods Receipt
Item Master Production & QC Tracking Shortage/Excess
Initiate Pickup Pending PO/GR
PO Closure

Buy file & Article Master Process

Steps Task Description Departments Involved SPOC
One time activity. Finalize the attributes and the
Step No 1 Attribute Master Buying (RMG & Non RMG) Daisy, Saleem & Salman
same to be locked in the buy file.
To freeze the format of buy file with all the
Step No 2 Buy file format
attributes & columns required
 Setup Attribute master and map attributes
with respective columns in Buyfile with drop
downs option.
Step No 3 Buy File IT Anil
 Lock the buy file.
 If any attribute is not applicable to any
product, ‘NA' will be captured.
Saving of Buy file in a Respective buy files for the categories to be saved in
Step No 4 Buying (RMG & Non RMG) Buy Team
centralised location the folder as mentioned by Anil.

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Company: Soch Apparels Pvt. Ltd. Date: 21-Nov-2022

 A round of validation to be done through a

 Error log file to be shared to buyers for
correction if any.
 Multiple buyfiles to be consolidated into one
Validation & Consolidation
Step No 5 Main Buyfile. IT Anil
of the multiple buyfile
 Auto-program to read and transfer data to
separate table schema in Ginesys database.
(Scheduled daily one at mid-night)
 Consolidated buy file to be shared as a
report with all the buyers.
Clean-up Attribute Master One time clean-up attribute values in Ginesys post
Step No 6 IT IT
in Ginesys correction in attribute/buyfile master
 Based on the consolidated buy file in the
schema, a template to be generated for new
added styles every morning.
Step No 7 Article master creation.  Output template file to be kept in file server IT & Buying IT & Yogesh
common location.
 Buying executive to upload this template for
generating Barcodes in Ginesys.
Article Master of all the items created to be stored
in a separate master for further use (for BI Retail,
Article Master Storing &
Step No 8 INCREFF & internal use). IT IT
Also the same article master to be used by Yogesh
for Purchase order creation.

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Company: Soch Apparels Pvt. Ltd. Date: 21-Nov-2022

Purchase Order & Tracker

Steps Task Description Departments Involved SPOC
 Post article/item master is created, buyers
to inform to create PO in Ginesys.
Step No 1 Purchase order creation  At this step there will be one single PO for Buying (RMG & Non RMG) Yogesh
styles from a vendor which will be broken
up by region after allocation.
 Expected dispatch date from vendor to be
entered in PO.
Expected dispatch date &  Expected GRN date (PO Validity) for internal
Step No 2 Buyers Yogesh & Buyers
GRN Date in PO reference and auto-closure
 Only expected dispatch date to be shown in
the PO document shared with vendor
Once the allocation is done by the planning team,
the file must be shared with IT team so that the
Step No 3 Allocation file Planning & IT
track sheet can be made as per the allocation made
(Allocation to have region wise split)
 The single PO made initially for a style has to
be further split up into multiple POs based
on the region wise allocation done.
PO split based on the
Step No 4  Original PO No to be entered in Remark Buyers Yogesh & Buyers
region wise allocation
column in the split POs for tracking and
future reference.
 Cancel the Original PO
Based on the allocation file by styles and by region, a
Step No 5 PO Tracker tracker sheet to be made by Style & PO No for IT IT
tracking the further steps of PO to GRN.

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Company: Soch Apparels Pvt. Ltd. Date: 21-Nov-2022

PO tracker / TNA file / SCM To freeze the format of PO tracker file /TNA file /
Step No 6 tracker file format to be SCM tracker file with all the expected date & IT IT
finalised quantity with actual date & quantity columns.
The PO tracker to be a system automated tracker
Linking of TNA file & SCM
pulling data from Ginesys for PO details, QC details
Step No 7 tracker file to PO tracker IT IT
from TNA file & pickup, Gate entry details from SCM
tracker file.
First update for the PO Tracker will in the TNA file by
Step No 8 QC Date the QC team once the QC is done. To update QC
quantities & date of QC Done.

QC to also check with vendor for expected date on

Expected date for mail
Step No 9 which vendor will send a mail for pickup of QC
from vendor for pick up
merchandise once ready


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Company: Soch Apparels Pvt. Ltd. Date: 21-Nov-2022

SCM Process & Tracker

Steps Task Description Departments Involved SPOC
As soon as the pickup is done, pickup date to be
Step No 1 Pick up date SCM
updated in the sheet by SCM.
Once the goods are received @ WH physically, SCM
Received date / Gate entry
Step No 2 to update the gate entry date & quantity physically SCM
SCM to update the GRN date & actual received
Step No 3 Inward date / GRN date IT
 SCM to check with vendor through call on
the short pcs received and also send a mail
for the same.
Step No 4 If short received  If issue gets resolved within 2 days, mail SCM SCM & Buyers
confirmation to be requested from vendors.
 If issue is not resolved in 2 days, SCM to
escalate the issue to buyer for resolution.
 If excess pcs received, SCM to update the
same to Buyers and get an approval for
Step No 5 If excess received SCM SCM & Buyers
inward excess pcs.
 5% Tolerance is allowed
 System will auto-generate Pending PO
report and share thru email on daily.
Step No 6 Pending PO/GRN IT
 Alert mail to users prior to 1 week of PO
Validity Date expiry


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Company: Soch Apparels Pvt. Ltd. Date: 21-Nov-2022

Source of data/Information/Ownership

Frequency of
Source Ownership Destination of file upload to Ginesys Remarks

Fileserver/Cloud- Cloud server option is explored on

Buyfile.xls Buying team Gdrive/sharepoint Agreed frequency both GWS and Sharepoint
TNA.xls Buying & QC Cloud/Google sheet "

Allocation file.xls Planning Gdrive/sharepoint "
Final automated tracker IT System "

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