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Computer Programming CSC-113

Name of Course: Computer Programming Course Code: CSC

Course Instructor: Samina Malik Credit Hour: 01


1. Learn the programming principles and techniques that are required to

develop applications to solving different practical problems
2. Explore the fundamental nature of computer programming
3. Use of efficient software programs to solve basic computing problems
4. Using C++ as the programming language and Visual Studio dot Net as
the IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
5. Performing different tasks in weekly journals supported by manuals.
6. learn the fundamental programming concepts and methodologies which
are essential to building good C/C++ programs
7. To code, document, test, and implement a well-structured, robust
computer program using the C/C++ programming language in weekly

1. To describe the advantages of a high level language like C/C++, the

programming process, and the compilation process

2. To describe and use software tools in the programming process

 Describe the functions of an IDE
 Use an IDE to compile, load, save, and debug a C/C++ program

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the overall syntax and semantics of

programs by writing small programs from specifications given in class

4. Describe the fundamental components of a C/C++ program (e.g.,. source

files, header files, main() function, functions, and libraries)

5. Explain and apply fundamental syntax rules for identifiers, declarations,

expressions, statements, and functions

6. Modify and extend short programs that use standard conditional and iterative
control structures and functions

7. Select appropriate primitive data types for solving a variety of problems

(e.g.,, integer, real, character and string data)

8. Demonstrate the use of arithmetic and relational operators including operator

precedence and the use of parentheses

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