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Hydration and Exercise

Sweat Rate Test

1. Go to the toilet and empty bladder etc.
2. Weigh yourself without clothes (or minimal clothing) before exercising.
3. After exercise, return home, strip down and weigh yourself again. Assuming
you did not use the toilet or consume any fluids during exercise, your weight
loss is your sweat rate.
4. For each kilogram of lost weight, you lost one litre of fluid. Workout this weight
lose per hour e.g. 30min x 2 or 1 hour x 1.
5. If you drink any fluids or use the rest room between the two weight samples,
you'll need to include both of these estimated weights in your calculations.
6. Add fluid consumed to the amount of weight lost. Subtract estimated bodily
void weight from the total weight lost.

Calculate your fluid needs during & after exercise

Activity 1
7. fluid needs after exerciseluid needs during exercise
Pre-exercise weight (kg) = .......................................................................... ________A

Post-exercise weight (kg) = ......................................................................... ________B

Volume of fluid consumed during exercise (L) = .......................................... ________C

Weight lost during exercise (Kg) = (A–B)+C ________kg = ( _____–_____ ) + _______

Activity 2
fluid needs after exercise
Pre-exercise weight (kg)= .......................................................................... ________A

Post-exercise weight (kg)= .......................................................................... ________B

To fully replace fluid losses (L) = 1.5x (A–B)________L = 1.5 x ( _____–_____ )

Refer to 6572 Study Guide page 8 – 17
Outcome 2: Describe the relationship between fluid replacement and physical activity.
Question 9 (2.1)

Describe the effects of substances on fluid replacement and the implications on physical activity.

You will need to describe at least 1 effect and 1 Implication

Substances Effects Implications





Liquid Supplements



Question 10 (2.2)
Describe in a short paragraph what individuals can do to help their recovery. You must use the terms
isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic.

a. Recreational athletes/individuals (exercise up to 60 minutes)

b. Elite athletes (greater than 1.5 hours)

c. Tired athletes

Question 11 (2.3)
Outline 5 perceived symptoms or observed effects of dehydration.

Question 12 (2.4)
Describe the effects of, and steps to manage dehydration in relation to health and physical activity.

At least 4 effects and steps to manage these required.

Effects of dehydration Management

Spaces only indicative. Please attach separate
sheet with your answers.

Sports Drink Experiment

Consume 50 grams of CHO

Measure blood glucose at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes

Record results

0 min 15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min



Why did you get this result?

How can you use these results in training?

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