Radium Exraction

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United States Patent Office .

Patented July 14, 1959
filtrate may be treated to recover either uranium or
2,894,804 radium first and subsequently treated to recover the other
PROCESS OF EXTRACTENG URANUMAND metal. In recovering uranium first, barium carbonate,
preferably very finely ground, and as a slurry, is added
Carl W. Sawyer, Butte, Mont, and Robert W. Handley, to the filtrate to precipitate granular UOCO3.H2O, pos
deceased, late of Denver, Colo., by Mabel P. Handley, sessing excellent filtration properties. The uranium pre
administratrix, Denver, Colo, assignors to the United cipitation with barium carbonate is best completed at a
States of America as represented by the United States pH less than 6 at which acidity radium and most of the
Atomic Energy Commission other metals such as cobalt, nickel and ferrous iron re
main soluble. The uranium precipitate which is believed
No Drawing. Application March 2, 1949 to be UOCO3.H2O is then separated from the solution by
Serial No. 79,302 filtration or decantation means. Sufficient HaSO4 is added
7 Claims. (C. 23-4.5) to the filtrate in order to precipitate the Ra as mixed
barium and radium sulphate.
5 It is usually desirable to remove any excess ferric iron
This invention relates to the recovery of uranium and and copper present prior to the addition of the BaCO3.
radium values from uranium ores, and more particularly This may be accomplished by the addition of calcium
to the recovery of uranium and radium values by a leach carbonate usually in a finely ground condition to the
ing process using aqueous solutions of ferric chloride.
An object of this invention is to provide a method of solution and controlling the acidity to about a pH of
recovering uranium and radium values from uranium 4.5-4.7. This precipitation of ferric iron and copper al
ores, and from ore tailings and concentrates containing though satisfactory from a cold solution has been found
such values. to be faster and more efficient when the solution is
Another object of this invention is to provide a simple warmed and the precipitate gives no difficulty in filtering
efficient process of recovering uranium from its ores and 25 or washing. Other metals such as copper and lead which
may be present in the ore are also removed by this
to provide a process of extracting radium from uranium step. Other precipitants for ferric iron such as various
minerals as found in uranium containing ores, tailings soluble hydroxides-caustic soda or lime or soluble car
and concentrates.
A still further object is to provide a simple leaching bonates-soda ash or ammonium carbonate may be used
in place of calcium carbonate. As a small amount of
process for the extraction of uranium and radium values 30 uranium
from materials containing them such as uranium ores. may also be precipitated with the ferric iron by
Still further objects of the present invention will be this step the precipitate may be recycled for a further
apparent from the following description taken in con leaching with FeCl3.
nection with the appended claims. It is desirable to control the amount of FeCl3 in the
leaching solution in such a manner that at the end of
Broadly the objects of this invention are accomplished 35 the
by the use of an aqueous solution of ferric chloride to leach, there will be the minimum possible amount of
leach uranium materials under optimum conditions of ferric iron in solution. This may be accomplished by
itemperature, pH, volume of leaching solution, and con leaching in stages.
centration of FeCls in said solution. Although this each The details of the present invention will become more
apparent from the following examples which will further
ing with FeCls solution may be carried out in the cold 40 illustrate
or at room temperature it was found to be more rapid from uranium how the process of recovering metallic values
when carried out at elevated temperatures usually above minerals by which the objects of this
50° C. and more particularly around 75° to 85 C. When invention are accomplished may be carried out in prac
pressure is used the leaching may be carried out at higher tice; however, the invention is not to be limited specifi
elevated temperatures. cally to the details of these examples.
The various uranium ores are dry crushed and ground Example I
to pass a 65 mesh screen prior to the eaching process in 139 grams of a highly siliceous uranium ore which
which the uranium dissolves from these ores as a chloride, analyzed 3.4% in UOs was dry crushed to pass 65 mesh.
probably as UOCl. During leaching there is a decrease Besides uranium which was present mainly in such
in the size of the pure uranium mineral particles as the 50 uranium minerals are pitchblende and/or uraninite and
uranium dissolves and a gas is evolved which has been their alteration products curite, uranophane, Soddyite,
identified as oxygen. The solvent leaching solution shlodowskite, hasolite and such uranium phosphate min
(usually shows a marked increase in its content of ferrous erals as torbermite and dewindtite the uranium ore con
ichloride and free hydrochloric acid at the expense of tained some oxidized minerals of copper, cobalt and
the original content of ferric chloride. Furthermore, a 55 nickel. 312 cc. of a FeCls leaching solution containing
flocculent brown precipitate, which probably is hydrous 30 grams of FeCl36H2O to 300 cc. of water was added
iron oxide, is thrown down. to the finely divided ore and heated to 80°C. to 85 C.
In accordance with the present invention the ground After eaching for four hours at 80 to 85 C. the solu
uranium ore is leached at an elevated temperature of
approximately 75 to 85 C. with a FeCl3 solution, con 60 tion was separated by filtration. The residue of 132
grams was easily filtered and washed on the filter. It
taining usually two to fifteen pounds of FeCl3.6H2O contained, as shown by analysis, only 3.3% of the ura
per pound of uranium values to be recovered. The nium values originally present in the ore. The filtrate of
amount of FeCls used depends on whether or not some the Fe(Cls leaching was found to contain 96.7% of the
of the FeCl is regenerated to FeCls either by the injec uranium values formerly present in the ore treated. The
tion of air or by the addition or presence of special re 65 filtrate was also tested for radium and was found by a
generative reagents. If the uranium ore contains inter radiometric analysis to contain 89% of the radium for
fering substances such as calcite or dolomite which would merly present in the ore treated.
iconsume undue amounts of FeCls a suitable amount of Example II
a mineral acid such as HC may be added. Upon com
pletion of the leach the solution is separated from the 70 300 grams of a highly siliceous uranium ore which
ore by filtration or decantation and treated to separately analyzed 2.7 percent in UO was dry crushed to pass
recover the leached uranium and radium values. This 65 mesh. Besides the uranium which was present mainly
3. 4.
in the form of such uranium minerals as torbermite, barium and radium sulfate. This precipitation was con
pitchblende and/or uraninite and their alteration prod sidered complete when free H2SO4 was found in the solu
ucts the uranium ore contained small percentages of such tion; and an analysis of the precipitate and filtrate showed
base metals as cobalt, nickel, copper, lead and man that this precipitation recovered approximately 80 percent
ganese. These base metals were present mainly as the 5 of the radium extracted from the ore.
oxides; the ore containing approximately 3 percent of These examples show that this invention provides a
cobalt and nickel oxides and about five-tenths of a per simple process for recovering uranium and radium values
cent each of copper, lead and manganese oxides. from uranium ores. Analyses show that approximately
624 cc. of an aqueous solution of FeCl3.6H2O prepared 80 percent of the uranium values extracted from the ore
by mixing 60 grams of FeCl3.6H20 with 600 grams of 0. were recovered by the barium carbonate precipitation and
water was slowly added to the 300 grams of crushed that approximately 80 percent of the radium values ex
ore making approximately two parts by weight of the tracted from the ore were recovered by the HSO pre
solution to one part by weight of the ore. The leaching cipitation. A higher recovery of radium values is pos
solution was then heated to 85 C. After six hours, the sible if the radium is separated from the ferric chloride
dilution was increased to three parts by weight of solu leaching solution prior to the purification step by the
tion to one part by weight of ore by the addition of water. addition of sufficient H2SO4 and a barium salt such as
The solution was heated at 85 C. for eighteen more barium chloride to the ore leach solution to precipitate
hours during which time sufficient water evaporated to the radium as mixed barium and radium sulfates. The
bring the final dilution to two parts by weight of solution filtrate from the removal of such mixed barium and ra
to one part by weight of ore and the solution was then 20 dium sulfates then is agitated with a small amount of
filtered. The pH was noted to be approximately 2 at barium chloride for the elimination of the remaining sul
end of the leach. An analysis of a small portion of the fate ion and then with finely ground calcium carbonate
filtrate showed that the ferric chloride leach had ex to remove the free HCl acidity and the residual excess
tracted 95.3 percent of the uranium and 84.8 percent of ferric iron that may be in solution. The pH of this
the radium as well as 88 percent of the cobalt, 19 percent 25 precipitation is easily controlled at approximately 4.5 to
of the nickel, 28 percent of the lead and 25 percent of 4.7. As a small amount of uranium values may be pre
the copper originally present in the ore. The analysis cipitated in this step, the precipitate may be recycled for
also showed that very little ferrous iron was present in further leaching with ferric chloride. Uranium values
the filtrate after the ferric chloride leach indicating the are then removed from the filtrate by the addition of
regeneration of a good part of the ferrous iron to ferric 30 barium carbonate in a two-stage precipitation of
iron during this leaching operation. UO2CO3.H2O at an elevated temperature of above 50° C.
17.33 grams of finely ground calcium carbonate was The barium carbonate for this precipitation is preferably
added to the filtrate to precipitate the ferric iron and very finely ground and is best added as a slurry.
some of the other base metals at a pH less than 4.7 and In the leaching process disclosed by this invention
the solution was filtered to remove the precipitate. This uranium and radium values may be extracted usually as
precipitate containing the ferric iron, 5.1 percent of the metallic chlorides from various uranium minerals such
extracted radium values and twenty percent of the ex as the uranium oxides, the hydrous oxides, the hydrated
tracted uranium values may be recycled for a further uranates, the hydrated silicates, the phosphates, and
ferric chloride leaching. Vanadiates and from many other uranium minerals. The
8.73 grams of finely divided barium carbonate was 40 uranium values are probably extracted as uranyl chloride
added as a slurry to the filtrate from the preceding opera from these uranium minerals according to the following
tion to precipitate the uranium from the solution as granu illustrative equations. With pitchblende and/or uraninite
lar, free settling UOCO3.H2O. When the precipitation which is considered to be a complex combination of UO
was complete at a maximum pH of approximately 5.8-6.0 and UO2 the reaction of the FeCls leaching solution is
the solution was filtered and the precipitate removed. 45 probably according to the following equation:
It is preferable to make this precipitation in such a man
ner as to assure complete utilization of BaCO3 which
otherwise would contaminate the UOCO3.H2O precipi
tate. This is best accomplished by step-precipitation
whereby a given volume of the purified leaching solution 50 The chemical analyses of the solutions and residue sup
port the foregoing equation in respect to the produc
heated preferably above 50 C. is agitated in the primary tion of ferrous chloride, hydrous iron oxide and free hy
step with an amount of barium carbonate less than the drochloric acid in addition to the uranyl chloride. The
stoichiometric requirement of the uranium in solution reaction of the FeCl3 leaching solution with the hydrated
until all the barium carbonate is consumed. The high lead uranates (curite, fourmarierite, etc.) is probably ac
grade UOCO3.H2O precipitate is filtered and washed. 55 cording to the following reaction for curite:
The solution from this filtration is then agitated, either
warm or cold, with slightly more than the stoichiometric
requirement of BaCO3, whereby additional and complete
precipitation of uranium is assured, and the solution from
this step passes to the subsequent procedure for radium 60 The reaction for the hydrated silicates (soddyite, shinko
recovery. The uranyl carbonate of this second step, lobWite, etc.), as well as for the calcium and magnesium
after filtration or simple thickening is passed to the pri silicates (uranophane, sklodowskite, kasolite, etc.) is
mary step of uranium precipitation. An analysis of a probably according to the following equation:
portion of the precipitate and of the filtrate of the barium
carbonate precipitation showed that the precipitate con
tained eighty percent of the uranium and fifteen percent 65
of the radium extracted from the ore. This uranium
precipitation with barium carbonate is best completed at For the hydrated uranium phosphate minerals such as au
a pH of approximately 6 or less at which acidity radium. tunite and torbernite the reaction with FeCls solution is
and most of the other base metals such as ferrous iron, 70 probably
according to the following reaction of torbernite
nickel and cobalt remain in solution.
To recover the radium in the filtrate from the uranyl
carbonate precipitation step sufficient H2SO4 was added
to the filtered solution to bring the pH to about 2.5
and to precipitate the radium from the filtrate as mixed 75 The reaction for the vanadates such as carnotite with
5 6
FeC leaching solution is probably according to the fol uranium ore which comprises leaching the ore with a
lowing equation: ferric chloride solution; filtering the leaching solution
from the ore residue; adding barium carbonate to the
filtrate to precipitate the uranium present.
3. A process of extracting uranium from a uranium
As HCl is formed as ferric chloride dissociates leach ore Which comprises leaching the ore with a ferric chlo
ing with only HCl was considered and it was found that ride solution at an elevated temperature; separating the
use of a FeCl leach was far superior. In addition it leaching solution from the ore residue by filtration, puri
was surprising to note that the attack of FeCls observed fying the filtrate of excess ferric iron and adding BaCO
under a binocular microscope by a solution of FeCl3 on O to the purified filtrate to precipitate the uranium present.
pitchblende and/or uraninite mineral cannot be obtained 4. A process of recovering radium from a uranium ore
with an HCl solution of far greater strength. A five which comprises leaching the ore with a ferric chloride
percent FeCl3.6H2O solution, which in neutral salt form solution; separating the ore residue from the leaching
contains approximately two percent HC equivalent is solution; and precipitating the radium present in the solu
far more efficient than two percent HCl solution. Special 5 tion by adding a radium precipitant to the separated
studies also indicate that there is a selective attack of leaching solution.
ferric chloride on the uranium oxides in preference to 5. A process of recovering radium from a uranium
other base oxides. ore which comprises leaching the ore with a ferric chlo
The simple process of recovering metallic values from ride solution; filtering the leaching solution from the ore
uranium ores as disclosed by this invention may be made 20 residue; and adding sulfuric acid and a barium salt to
more efficient and inexpensive by recycling a number of precipitate the radium as a mixed barium and radium
the precipitates and regenerating and reusing some of the sulfate.
reagents such as regenerating ferric iron used by the 6. A process of extracting uranium and radium values
injection of air during the leaching step. Ferric iron. from uranium ore which comprises leaching the ore with
may also be regenerated by the presence or addition of 25 a ferric chloride solution; separating the ore residue from
cobaltic oxide which oxidizes ferrous iron to the ferric the leaching solution; purifying the separated leaching
state according to the following reaction of cobalt oxide Solution of ferric iron; adding a uranium precipitant to
with ferrous chloride: the solution to precipitate the uranium present at a pH
(6) CoOHO-2FeCla-6HCl-> less than 6, separating the precipitate from the solution
2CoCl2FeCl-H4HO 30 and adding a radium precipitant to the solution to pre
cipitate the radium present.
Having broadly and specifically disclosed the present 7. A process of extracting uranium and radium values
invention, it is apparent that many modifications and from a uranium ore which comprises leaching the ore
variations may be made without departing essentially with a ferric chloride solution at an elevated temperature
from the nature and scope thereof as may be included 35 of above 50 C. and at a pH less than 4; separating the
within the following claims and it is intended to cover ore residue from the leaching solution by filtration; pre
in the appended claims all such modifications as fall cipitating the excess ferric iron present at a pH of less
within the true spirit and scope of the disclosed invention. than 5 by adding CaCO3 to the filtrate; separating the
We claim: precipitate by filtration; precipitating the uranium pres
1. A process of recovering uranium values from a 40 ent in the filtrate at a pH less than 6 by adding BaCO
uranium ore which comprises leaching the ore with a to the filtrate; separating the precipitate by filtration; and
ferric chloride solution; separating the leaching solution precipitating the radium present in the filtrate by adding
from the ore residue and precipitating the uranium pres HSO to the filtrate.
ent in the filtrate by adding a uranium precipitant to the
separated leaching solution. 45 No references cited.
2. A process of recovering uranium values from a

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