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Fillers SSC 2022

Instruction: Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

Q.1. Everyone knows that the future of all life on there will be -------- if people don't control the
contamination of the environment.
(a) dangerous
(b) endangered
(c) dangered
(d) danger
Q.2. Besides being ----- multifaceted artist, he was --------- poet, novelist and a painter.
(a) a,an
(b) an, an
(c) a,a
(d) an, the
Q.3. When we believe that our mind is thinking ----- thoughts at the same time, what actually is
happening is that ------- thoughts are ------- in such quick ------- so as to seem simultaneous.
(a) homogenous, measurable, unchanging, velocity
(b) challenging, limited,fixed,interruption
(c) multiple, myriad, alternating, succession
(d) uniform, countable, altering, ramification
Q.4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
My grandfather was a farmer and he ----- three acres of land.
(a) cultivated
(b) advanced
(c) grown
(d) cultured
Q.5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
The ----- crowd gave their newly elected leader a magnificent welcome.
(a) noisy
(b) jubilant
(c) troublesome
(d) melancholic
Q.6. A wise king's wisdom ------ the land like the sun.
(a) illuminates
(b) darkens
(c) dims
(d) spreads
Q.7. The writer declares that ----- children of their childhood is a criminal act.
(a) robbing
(b) robbed
(c) rob
(d) to rob
Q.8. Asha was -------- made a fool by her friend.
(a) insistently
(b) unknowingly
(c) innocently
(d) deliberately
Q.9. Manpower exporters and overseas recruiters commonly in illegal business practices for
short-term -------- gain.
(a) honoured, professional
(b) indulged, monetary
(c) regulated, personal
(d) thrived, devotional
Q.10. One day, I was handed a few volumes of new literature unlike anything I had ever read
before and so ------ as to make me utterly forget my hopeless state.
(a) repelling
(b) captivating
(c) boring
(d) unrealistic
Q. 11. The roof ------ the weight of the snow.
(a) collapsed under
(b) collapsed to
(c) collapsed with
(d) collapsed for
Q.12. My success was complete and the delighted directors -------- me the privilege of
developing automatic regulators which were much desired.
(a) contrasted
(b) accorded
(c) disagreed
(d) removed
Q. 13. She was laughing from the ------- exuberance of the performance.
(a) perfect
(b) sheer
(c) utter
(d) total
Q. 14. As soon as she opened the cages, the birds --------
(a) flown away
(b) flew away
(c) fly away
(d) flies away
Q.15. The -------- of the worksheets is not an easy job.
(a) reconceliation
(b) reconsiliation
(c) reconsilation
(d) reconciliation
Q.16. The beauty of our festivals lies in unity in -----
(a) richness
(b) belongingness
(c) diversity
(d) inclusion
Q.17. The minute you start ----- and tolerating ----- it becomes the new new norm and the slide
begins and thereforr, we must constantly ----- to give our best and be recognised, not simply aim
to do just enough to ------- that we don't get found out.
(a) compelling, excellence, strike, encourage
(b) compromising, mediocrity, strive, ensure
(c) conjecturing, transcendence, strum, envision
(d) contradicting, distinction, stink, endeavour
Q.18. Which ---- does the minister take to reach the assembly?
(a) riot
(b) rot
(c) root
(d) route
Q.19. Ramu win this with his friends on a trip to ----- new paths.
(a) determine
(b) deploy
(c) invent
(d) explore
Q. 20. We should ------ his outfit as he has put on weight
(a) alter
(b) altar
(c) ultra
(d) utter
Q. 21. The French perfume has a wonderful ------
(a) sent
(b) send
(c) scent
(d) cent
Q. 22 The police returned to the ------- of the crime
(a) scene
(b) zen
(c) seen
(d) cene
Q.23. A student ----- in ragging can be expelled from the institution.
(a) avoiding
(b) curbing
(c) contrasting
(d) indulging
Q.24 He was a ----- stranger to me
(a) settled
(b) full
(c) complete
(d) entire

Q.25 If you had consulted me, I would have -------- you

(a) advising
(b) advises
(c) advised
(d) advise
Q.26 A note of ------ during the leader's meeting at the UN.
(a) friction surfaced
(b) discord surfaced
(c) grievance surfaced
(d) strife surfaced
Q.27 The death of her father had made her sullen and ------
(a) jovial
(b) smug
(c) joyful
(d) melancholic
Q.28 In a -------- move, the robbers chose their next place of attack over 255 km away from the
locations they had earlier ------ in Dewas
(a) righteous, incorporated
(b) noble, decided
(c) shrewd targeted
(d) corrupt, vanished
Q 29 She couldn't eat the ----- pizza by herself
(a) whole
(b) heal
(c) hole
(d) haul
Q.30 She's been off work with -------- stomach
(a) an upset
(b) an overset
(c) an agitated
(d) a perturbed

Q.31 Rohan is -------- self-sufficient man who needs no assistance

(a) in
(b) a
(c) the
(d) of
Q.32 Their new house costed them ----- hundred and fifty six thousand pounds.
(a) a
(b) the
(c) an
(d) few
Q. 33 I have been studying this course ----- two years now.
(a) through
(b) since
(c) for
(d) almost
Q. 34 I met my professor yesterday and we -----+ a long conversation about books and work.
(a) did
(b) spoke
(c) had
(d) talked
Q.35 The children's sat ----- the tables instead of the chairs
(a) above
(b) near
(c) on
(d) in
Q.36 We love to go to the ------
(a) sea
(b) she
(c) saw
(d) See
Q.37. Very carefully I ------ the tree I have referred to, and avoiding contact with the creepers,
the upper ------- and the leaves of which might have been visible from where the tiger was lying,
I climbed to the fork, where I had a comfortable seat and perfect ----------
(a) stalled, roots, visibility
(b) starved, stem, disclosure
(c) stormed, fruits, revelation
(d) stalled, tendrils, concealment
Q.38. Many times -------- starts with the creative ------- and the enduring passion of a single
(a) tradition, lethargy
(b) stagnation, determination
(c) renovation, Dullness
(d) innovation, spark
Q.39. She was ------ right or wrong.
(a) not
(b) neither
(c) whether
(d) either
Q. 40. Towards the end of February the weather turned very ------
(a) slight
(b) insipid
(c) mild
(d) thin
Q.41 A diary entry is a ------- account of one's day and is a very useful tool for celebrities.
(a) person
(b) personnel
(c) persona
(d) personal
Q.42. We would have loved to stay ------- like children all our lives.
(a) innocent
(b) shy
(c) fragile
(d) cunning
Q.43 The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 ( the Mahatma
Gandhi NREGA) aims at enhancing ----- security of households in rural areas of the country by
providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every
household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.
(a) balanced
(b) total
(c) strict
(d) livelihood
Q.44 Since I like him a lot, I ------ him out
(a) talked
(b) went
(c) asked
(d) called
Q.45 As I review the events of my past life, I realise how ------ are the influences that shape our
(a) subtle
(b) crude
(c) plain
(d) artless
Q.46 Though he is stout, he runs --------
(a) faster
(b) fastest
(c) fast
(d) fastly
Q.47 Other countries of our comparable size and exposure to Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) have adopted a decentralised organisational structure, liberal policies, and a
------- dispute resolution mechanism, deployed state-of-the-art infrastructure and used the
private-public partnership to market Domain Name Registration Services (DNS) resulting in
phenomenal growth of their country code domain name.
(a) short
(b) narrow
(c) restricted
(d) comprehensive
Q.48 Gifting is generally taken to be the easiest act to ------- if only you have the heart to part
with something in your -------
(a) forsake, capacity
(b) perform, possession
(c) forgive, discretion
(d) observe, control
Q.49 He is a --------- in shining armour.
(a) knit
(b) nite
(c) night
(d) knight
Q.50 I suggested her two ------- dates both in the coming month and just a few days ------ from
each other to start her singing practice.
(a) alarming, near
(b) adverse, different
(c) alternative,apart
(d) alternative, closely
Q.51. Prema is a great ------ about weather to go for the party or not
(a) pain
(b) depression
(c) dilemma
(d) distress
Q. 52. We love to swing from the branches ------ the pond.
(a) over
(b) on
(c) in
(d) under
Q.53. Two --------- control the judge's decision :justice and impartiality.
(a) officials
(b) members
(c) principles
(d) advocates
Q.54. Growing up in Bengaluru, I have watched the city grow and ------- at its seams,
welcoming, as it's own, all the ------- population in search of jobs and pleasant --------.
(a) retreat, native, food
(b) flex, migrant, weather
(c) curtail, local, destination
(d) femolish, foreign, tourism
Q.55. The young global leaders community is an ------ for a dynamic community of exceptional
people with the vision courage and influence to drive positive change in the world.
(a) impediments
(b) input
(c) effort
(d) accelerator

Q.56. Constructive thinking should be developed through ------- reading

(a) avid
(b) narrow
(c) extensive
(d) brief

Q.57. In the second World war, the British ------ thousands of so-called interceptors-mostly
women whose job it was to tune in every day and night to the radio ------ of the various divisions
of the German military.
(a) averted, broad bills
(b) assented, broadsides
(c) assembled, broadcasts
(d) adhered, broad looms

Q.58. Discipline must be ----- at any cost

(a) instructed
(b) curtailed
(c) maintained
(d) highlighted

Q.59. A major ----- of modern Times is that we have come to assume that all creation is ------- to
the material interests of us, the homo-sapiens inhabiting earth which has cut the --------
relationship we otherwise enjoyed with other constituents of creation.
(a) fallacy, subservient, symbiotic
(b) frankness, superior, disadvantageous
(c) accuracy, domineering, encumbering
(d) felicity, disobedient, hindering
Q.60. We have already said that inconsistency is not a matter of --------- education or like of
logical -------
(a) indefinite, stupor
(b) institutional, Shiver
(c) inadequate, rigour
(d) inadvertent, snigger
Q.61. Nadia had an apple and a ------ for breakfast
(a) pear
(b) prier
(c) pair
(d) pare
Q.62. I wonder if the committee members changed ----- plans.
(a) they're
(b) their
(c) dare
(d) there
Q.63. The news of the robbery spread faster than ---------
(a) fire
(b) wind
(c) water
(d) air
Q.64. The rumours usually like ------- wildfire
(a) spreading
(b) spread
(c) spreads
(d) are spreading
Q.65. There was a feeling of -------- in his eyes.
(a) vengaence
(b) vengense
(c) venbence
(d) vengeance
Q.66. He always --------- a tantrum about something or the other.
(a) through
(b) threw
(c) tough
(d) true
Q.67. The app gets Larry's parents involved in the learning and improvement process, sending
them advice about Larry's behaviours and progress, and recommending motivational -------- they
might undertake that are ------- to Larry's situation and the program's ---------- about his attitudes
and behaviours.
(a) intermissions, directed, injunctions
(b) interpolations, disrupted, inventions
(c) interventions, targeted, inferences
(d) interruptions, disillusioned, invasions
Q.68. The athlete's -------- was badly injured due to a fall on the track
(a) toe
(b) toad
(c) toe
(d) to
Q.69. She swallowed --------- her breakfast in a hurry.
(a) in
(b) up
(c) into
(d) down
Q.70. Funny stories me and my brother --------
(a) conscious
(b) determined
(c) giggly
(d) gritty

Q.71. Settlers --------- a new colony in the early 18th century

(a) fixed
(b) extended
(c) established
(d) entrenched
Q.72. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
We are asking them to -------- the deadline.
(a) increase
(b) enlarge
(c) broaden
(d) extend
Q.73. The world is constantly living in risk, uncertainty and fear of -------
(a) life
(b) body
(c) nature
(d) feath
Q.74. When we met first it was very difficult to ------ the ice.
(a) smash
(b) burst
(c) break
(d) shatter
Q.75. Tagore and Gandhi were undoubtedly the two outstanding and ------ figures of India in the
first half of 20th century.
(a) dominating
(b) activating
(c) resuming
(d) appreciating
Q.76. She raced -------- towards the train.
(a) crazily
(b) berserk
(c) hectically
(d) frantically
Q.77. We have -------- long weekend ahead.
(a) an
(b) one
(c) s
(d) the
Q.78. Hopefully, things will return to normal in the ------
(a) Past
(b) future
(c) present
(d) earlier

Q.79. The young thing tried to speak, but his tongue seemed to ----- the roof of his mouth and
his lips refused to move.
(a) divide to
(b) cleave to
(c) link to
(d) leave to

Q.80. Any resemblance of a character in this book to a living person is ------- incidental.
(a) absolutely
(b) naturally
(c) purely
(d) thoroughly
Q.81. I never could quite get the idea ------ my mind that I should do some teaching, yet I felt a
great deal of satisfaction with the pastorate
(a) out of
(b) out act
(c) outcome
(d) outcast
Q.82. He ran ------- the field to catch the ball.
(a) across
(b) over
(c) through
(d) besides
Q.83. Wise managers --------- opinions, get information, ask advice, act ------ and know the art
of --------- responsibilities to the subordinates.
(a) condemn, transnationally, elevating
(b) solicit, transparently, delegating
(c) coerce, translucently, relegating
(d) entrust, transiently, accelerating
Q.84. The wind ------- so powerfully that the door closed
(a) blew
(b) blues
(c) blue
(d) blow

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