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Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by B. Crowell and V. Roundy. This lab manual is subject to the Open Publication
License on page 182. If you do not agree to the license, then you do not have permission to copy the
manual. The lab manual is available for downloading from, and a copy of the
Open Publication License is also available at

1 Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3 Free Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4 The Earth’s Gravitational Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5 Newton’s Second Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6 Air Friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7 Vector Addition of Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
9 Acceleration In Two Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
10 Conservation Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
11 Conservation of Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
12 Conservation of Momentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
13 Conservation of Momentum in Two Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
14 Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
15 The Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
16 Absolute Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
17 The Clement-Desormes Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
18 The Pendulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
19 Resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
20 Resonance (short version for physics 222) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
21 Standing Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
22 Resonances of Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
23 Static Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
24 The Oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
25 The Speed of Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
26 Electrical Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
27 The Loop and Junction Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
28 Electric Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
29 Magnetism (Physics 206/211) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
30 The Dipole Field (Physics 222) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
31 The Earth’s Magnetic Field (Physics 222) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
32 Relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
33 The Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
34 Energy in Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
35 RC Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
36 LRC Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
37 Faraday’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
38 Electromagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
39 Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
40 Refraction and Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
41 Geometric Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
42 Two-Source Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
43 Wave Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
44 Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
45 The Photoelectric Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
46 Electron Diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
47 The Hydrogen Atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
48 The Michelson Interferometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Appendix 1: Format of Lab Writeups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Contents 3
Appendix 2: Basic Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Appendix 3: Propagation of Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Appendix 4: Graphing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Appendix 5: Finding Power Laws from Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Appendix 6: Using the Photogate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Appendix 7: Using a Multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Appendix 8: High Voltage Safety Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Appendix 9: Laser Safety Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Appendix 10: The Open Publication License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

4 Contents
Contents 5
1 Interactions
Apparatus ball being pushed outlines two relationships involv-
ing four objects:
single neodymium magnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
triple neodymium magnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
triple-arm balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group
clamp and 50-cm vertical rod for holding balance up
According to Aristotle, there are asymmetries in-
heavy-duty spring scales
volved in both situations.
rubber stoppers
(1) The earth’s role is not interchangeable with that
of the rock. The earth functions only as a place
where the rock tends to go, while the rock is an
Goal object that moves from one place to another.
Form hypotheses about interactions and test them. (2) The hand’s role is not analogous to the ball’s.
The hand is capable of motion all by itself, but the
ball can’t move without receiving the ability to move
Introduction from the hand.
Why does a rock fall if you drop it? The ancient If we do an experiment that shows these types of
Greek philosopher Aristotle theorized that it was be- asymmetries, then Aristotle’s theory is supported.
cause the rock was trying to get to its natural place, If we find a more symmetric situation, then there’s
in contact with the earth. Why does a ball roll if you something wrong with Aristotle’s theory.
push it? Aristotle would say that only living things
have the ability to move of their own volition, so the
ball can only move if you give motion to it. Aristo- Observations
tle’s explanations were accepted by Arabs and Euro-
The following important rules serve to keep facts
peans for two thousand years, but beginning in the
separate from opinions and reduce the chances of
Renaissance, his ideas began to be modified drasti-
getting a garbled copy of the data:
cally. Today, Aristotelian physics is discussed mainly
by physics teachers, who often find that their stu- (1) Take your raw data in pen, directly into your lab
dents intuitively believe the Aristotelian world-view notebook. This is what real scientists do. The point
and strongly resist the completely different version is to make sure that what you’re writing down is
of physics that is now considered correct. It is not a first-hand record, without mistakes introduced by
uncommon for a student to begin a physics exam recopying it. (If you don’t have your two lab note-
and then pause to ask the instructor, “Do you want books yet, staple today’s raw data into your note-
us to answer these questions the way you told us was book when you get it.)
true, or the way we really think it works?” The idea
(2) Everybody should record their own copy of the
of this lab is to make observations of objects, mostly
raw data. Do not depend on a “group secretary.”
magnets, pushing and pulling on each other, and to
figure out some of the corrections that need to be (3) If you do calculations during lab, keep them on
made to Aristotelian physics. a separate page or draw a line down the page and
keep calculations on one side of the line and raw
Some people might say that it’s just a matter of
data on the other. This is to distinguish facts from
definitions or semantics whether Aristotle is correct
or not. Is Aristotle’s theory even testable? One
testable feature of the theory is its asymmetry. The Because this is the first meeting of the lab class,
Aristotelian description of the rock falling and the there is no prelab writeup due at the beginning of
the class. Instead, you will discuss your results with

6 Lab 1 Interactions
your instructor at various points. B Qualitative observations of the interaction of
two magnets
A Comparing magnets’ strengths
Play around with the two magnets and see how they
To make an interesting hypothesis about what will interact with each other. Can one attract the other?
happen in part C, the main event of the lab, you’ll Can one repel the other? Can they act on each other
need to know how the top (single) and bottom (triple) simultaneously? Do they need to be touching in or-
magnets’ strengths compare. It would seem logical der to do anything to each other? Can A act on B
that the triple magnet would be three times stronger while at the same time B does not act on A at all?
than the single, but in this part of the lab you’re go- Can A pull B toward itself at the same time that
ing to find out for sure. B pushes A away? When holding one of the heavier
magnets, it may be difficult to feel when there is any
push or pull on it; you may wish to have one person
hold the magnet with her eyes closed while the other
person moves the other magnet closer and farther.

C Measurement of interactions between two mag-

Orient your magnet this way, as if it’s rolling toward the Once you have your data from parts A and B, you
compass from the north. With no magnet nearby, the are ready to form a hypothesis about the following
compass points to magnetic north (dashed arrow). The situation. Suppose we set up two balances as shown
magnet deflects the compass to a new direction. in the figure. The magnets are not touching. The
top magnet is hanging from a hook underneath the
pan, giving the same result as if it was on top of the
One way of measuring the strength of a magnet is pan. Make sure it is hanging under the center of the
to place the magnet to the north or south of the pan. You will want to make sure the magnets are
compass and see how much it deflects (twists) the pulling on each other, not pushing each other away,
needle of a compass. You need to test the magnets so that the top magnet will stay in one place.
at equal distances from the compass, which will pro-
duce two different angles.1 It’s also important to get
everything oriented properly, as in the figure.2
Make sure to take your data with the magnets far
enough from the compass that the deflection angle
is fairly small (say 5 to 30 ◦ ). If the magnet is close
enough to the compass to deflect it by a large an-
gle, then the ratio of the angles does not accurately
represent the ratio of the magnets’ strengths. After
all, just about any magnet is capable of deflecting
the compass in any direction if you bring it close
enough, but that doesn’t mean that all magnets are
equally strong.

1 There are two reasons why it wouldn’t make sense to find

different distances that produced the same angle. First, you

don’t know how the strengths of the effect falls off with dis-
tance; it’s not necessarily true, for instance, that the magnetic
field is half as strong at twice the distance. Second, the point
of this is to help you interpret part C, and in part C, the triple
The balances will not show the magnets’ true masses,
magnet’s distance from the single magnet is the same as the
single magnet’s distance from the first magnet. because the magnets are exerting forces on each other.
2 Laying the magnet flat on the table causes the compass The top balance will read a higher number than it
needle to try to tilt out of the horizontal plane, which it’s not would without any magnetic forces, and the bot-
designed to do. Turning it so that it faces the compass also
doesn’t work, because it makes the magnet’s magnetic field
tom balance will have a lower than normal reading.
lie along the same north-south line as the Earth’s, rather than The difference between each magnet’s true mass and
perpendicular to it. the reading on the balance gives a measure of how

strongly the magnet is being pushed or pulled by the you’re completely done with your analysis — it’s no
other magnet. fun to have to rebuild it from scratch because you
made a mistake!
How do you think the amount of pushing or pulling
experienced by the two magnets will compare? In D Measurement of interactions involving ob-
other words, which reading will change more, or will jects in contact
they change by the same amount? Write down a hy-
pothesis; you’ll test this hypothesis in part C of the You’ll recall that Aristotle gave completely different
lab. If you think the forces will be unequal predict interpretations for situations where one object was
their ratio. in contact with another, like the hand pushing the
ball, and situations involving objects not in contact
Discuss with your instructor your results from parts with each other, such as the rock falling down to
A and B, and your hypothesis about what will hap- the earth. Your magnets were not in contact with
pen with the two balances. each other. Now suppose we try the situation shown
Now set up the experiment described above with two below, with one person’s hand exerting a force on the
balances. Since we are interested in the changes in other’s. All the forces involved are forces between
the scale readings caused by the magnetic forces, you objects in contact, although the two people’s hands
will need to take a total of four scale readings: one cannot be in direct contact because the spring scales
pair with the balances separated and one pair with have to be inserted to measure how strongly each
the magnets close together as shown in the figure person is pulling. Suppose the two people do not
above. make any special arrangement in advance about how
hard to pull. How do you think the readings on the
When the balances are together and the magnetic two scales will compare? Write down a hypothesis,
forces are acting, it is not possible to get both bal- and discuss it with your instructor before continuing.
ances to reach equilibrium at the same time, because
sliding the weights on one balance can cause its mag-
net to move up or down, tipping the other balance.
Therefore, while you take a reading from one bal-
ance, you need to immobilize the other in the hori-
zontal position by taping its tip so it points exactly
at the zero mark.
You will also probably find that as you slide the Now carry out the measurement shown in the figure.
weights, the pointer swings suddenly to the oppo-
site side, but you can never get it to be stable in
the middle (zero) position. Try bringing the pointer Self-Check
manually to the zero position and then releasing it.
If it swings up, you’re too low, and if it swings down, Do all your analysis in lab, including error analysis
you’re too high. Search for the dividing line between for part C. Error analysis is discussed in appendices
the too-low region and the too-high region. 2 and 3; get help from your instructor if necessary.
If the changes in the scale readings are very small
(say a few grams or less), you need to get the mag- Analysis
nets closer together. It should be possible to get the
scale readings to change by large amounts (up to 10 In your writeup, present your results from all four
or 20 g). parts of the experiment, including error analysis for
part C.
Part C is the only part of the experiment where you
will be required to analyze random errors using the done including interactions
techniques outlined in Appendices 2 and 3 at the
back of the lab manual. Think about how you can
get an estimate of the random errors in your mea- Analysis
surements. Do you need to do multiple measure- The most common mistake is to fail to address the
ments? Discuss this with your instructor if you’re point of the lab. If you feel like you don’t understand
uncertain. why you were doing any of this, then you were miss-
Don’t take apart your setup until lab is over, and ing out on your educational experience! See the back
of the lab manual for the format of lab writeups.

8 Lab 1 Interactions
Notes For Next Week
(1) Next week, when you turn in your writeup for
this lab, you also need to turn in a prelab writeup
for the next lab. The prelab questions are listed
at the end of the description of that lab in the lab
manual. Never start a lab without understanding
the answers to all the prelab questions; if you turn
in partial answers or answers you’re unsure of, dis-
cuss the questions with your instructor or with other
students to make sure you understand what’s going
(2) You should exchange phone numbers with your
lab partners for general convenience throughout the
semester. You can also get each other’s e-mail ad-
dresses by logging in to Spotter and clicking on “e-

Rules and Organization for

Professor Crowell’s Labs
Collection of raw data is work you share with your
lab partners. Once you’re done collecting data, you
need to do your own analysis. E.g., it is not okay for
two people to turn in the same calculations, or on a
lab requiring a graph for the whole group to make
one graph and turn in copies.
As explained in the syllabus, you’ll do some labs as
formal writeups, others as informal “check-off” labs.
The format of formal lab writeups is given in ap-
pendix 1 on page 161. The raw data section must
be contained in your bound lab notebook. Typically
people word-process the abstract section, and any
other sections that don’t include much math, and
stick the printout in the notebook to turn it in. The
justification and reasoning section will usually just
consist of hand-written calculations you do in your
lab notebook. You need two lab notebooks, because
on days when you turn one in, you need your other
one to take raw data in for the next lab. You may
find it convenient to leave one or both of your note-
books in the cupboard at your lab bench whenever
you don’t need to have them at home to work on;
this eliminates the problem of forgetting to bring
your notebook to school.
For a check-off lab, the main thing I’ll pay attention
to is your abstract. The rest of your work for a
check-off lab can be informal, and I may not ask to
see it unless I think there’s a problem after reading
your abstract.

2 Kinematics
Apparatus Setup
computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group Check that all four wheels on the cart will spin for
track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group about 20-30 seconds if you flick them hard. If they
dynamics cart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group only spin for a few seconds, see if you can fix the
fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group problem by spraying WD-40 on the bearings.
AA batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/group
Set the cart on the track without the fan. Prop
aluminum slugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group
the motion detector (sonar gun) at one end of the
motion detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
track so that it is aimed slightly upward. This angle
protractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
is critical — measure 86 ◦ above horizontal with the
protractor, and tape it to the backrest.
With the computer turned off, plug the motion de-
tector into the PORT2 plug on the interface box.
Goal Start up the computer. For compactness, I’ll use no-
Learn how to relate the motion of an object to its tation like this to describe the computer commands:
position-versus-time graph. Start>Programs>Vernier Software>Logger Pro 2
This is the command to start the computer soft-
Introduction ware running. “Start” means to click on the start
menu at the bottom left corner of the screen, “Pro-
Analyzing motion is the most fundamental thing we grams” means to select that from the menu, and so
do in physics. The most versatile way of representing on. There are two different versions of the software
motion is with a graph that has the object’s position installed; use version 2. (Logger Pro 3 doesn’t work
on the upright axis and time on the horizontal axis. with the interface boxes we have.)
It takes some practice to be able to sketch and in-
terpret these graphs, but once you get used to them, Make sure that the interface box is plugged into
they become very intuitive. COM1 (the first COM port) at the back of the com-
puter, not COM2. If the computer presents you
with a dialog box saying “Set Up Interface,” choose
Apparatus COM1.

The object whose motion you’ll study is a cart that Once the program is running, do File>Open, then
rolls on a track. You can either push the cart by go into Probes and Sensors and then into Motion
hand, start it moving with a shove, or clamp a fan on Detector, and open the file of the same name. At
top of it to make it speed up or slow down steadily. this point, you may get the following error message,
To measure the cart’s motion, you’ll use a little sonar which you can ignore: “This file cannot run properly
gun that sends out clicks. When it hears the echo with this hardware interface.”
from the cart, it figures out how far away the cart You’ll get three graphs on the screen, but you only
was based on the time delay and the known speed of want one, the x − t graph. Click on the x − t graph,
sound. The sonar gun is connected to a computer, and then do View>Graph Layout>One Pane, and
which produces a position-versus-time graph. the other two graphs will go away.
If you now click the button to tell it to collect data,
the motion detector should start clicking rapidly,
and it you move the cart back and forth you should
see a graph of its motion. Make sure it is able to
sense the cart’s motion correctly for distances from
50 cm to the full length of the track. If it doesn’t
work when the cart is at the far end of the track,
play with the angle of motion detector a little. If

10 Lab 2 Kinematics
you’re having other problems, you may find some E Slow or Rapid Acceleration
relevant debugging information in appendix 6, which The aluminum slugs can be used to replace two of
describes how to use the computer interface with a the batteries so that the fan will exert about half as
different sensor. much force. Discuss with your partners what you
think will happen if you repeat your previous run
with a weakened fan. Now try it.
F Changing the direction of motion
In parts Athrough E,you don’t need to take detailed
numerical data — just sketch the graphs in your lab Change the fan back to full strength.
notebook. All of your graphs will have garbage data Now suppose instead of releasing the cart from rest
at the beginning and the end, and you need to make close to the motion detector, you started it moving
sure you understand what’s what. with a push toward the motion sensor, from the far
A Fast and slow motion end of the track. It will of course slow down and
eventually come back. Discuss with your partners
Moving the cart by hand, make a graph for slow what the position-time graph would look like. Now
motion and another for fast motion. Make sure the try it.
motion is steady, and don’t get confused by the parts
of the graph that come before and after your period G Rate of changing speed
of steady pushing. Sketch the graphs and make sure The goal of this part of the lab is to determine
you understand them. whether the speed of the cart in part F was changing
B Motion in two different directions at a constant rate, i.e., by the same amount every
Now try comparing the graphs you get for the two
different directions of motion. Again, record what Zoom in on the relevant part of your graph from part
they look like and figure out what you’re seeing. F. To zoom in, either (a) draw a box with the mouse
and click on the magnifying glass icon, or (b) do
C Reproducing a graph View>Graph Options>Axis Options to select ranges
Now see if you can produce a graph that looks like of time and position values that you want. Print out
this: a big copy; choose landscape mode in the print dialog
box. (Note that if you take different data later, you
may need to fiddle with this again because you’ll be
zoomed in on the wrong part of the new graph.)
If that printer isn’t working, here’s what you need to
do instead. Do File>Export Data, and select “.txt”
for the type of the file. Use a text editor such as
WordPad to delete the header from the file. Save it
in your FC student directory, and also on a floppy
disk if you intend to work on it at home. Get into
OpenOffice or Excel, and open the file. Appendix 4
describes how to use OpenOffice. Whatever method
D Accelerating away from the sensor
you use, make sure the whole group will end up with
Suppose the fan is mounted on the cart as shown copies.
in the figure, so that if the cart is released from a
position close to the motion detector, it will begin Rather than trying to read distances from your graph’s
moving away from it. Predict what you think the vertical axis in units of meters, and times from its
cart’s position-time graph will look like, and show horizontal axis in units of seconds, the simplest thing
your prediction to your instructor before getting a to do is simply to use a ruler to measure vertical
fan. and horizontal distances on the graph, and deter-
mine the slopes from these; although the resulting
Before putting the batteries in the fan, make sure the slopes won’t be in any standard units, that won’t
fan’s switch is off (to the right). Put the batteries in affect your conclusion.
and clamp the fan on the cart.
Set up the situation described above, and compare
the results with what you predicted.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Make a prediction of the four graphs you’ll ob-
tain in parts A and B.

Do the analysis in lab.

At one-second intervals, draw nice long tangent lines
on the curve from part G and determine their slope.
Some slopes will be negative, and some positive.
Summarize this series of changing speeds in a table.
Did the velocity increase by about the same amount
with every second?

12 Lab 2 Kinematics
3 Free Fall
Apparatus ideal case of θ=90 ◦ , which would be the same as free
fall. Galileo’s task would have been a lot simpler
two stations: if he’d had accurate enough devices for measuring
Behr free-fall column and weight time, because then he could have simply carried out
plumb bob measurements for objects falling vertically. That’s
spark generator (CENCO) what you’ll do today.
paper tape
switch for electromagnet

Find out whether it is ∆v/∆x or ∆v/∆t that is con-
stant for an object accelerating under the influence
of gravity.

A fundamental and difficult problem in pre-Newton-
ian physics was the motion of falling bodies. Aristo-
tle had various incorrect but influential ideas on the
subject, including the assertions that heavier objects
fell faster than lighter ones and that the object only
sped up for a short while after it was dropped and
then continued on at a constant speed. Even among
Renaissance scientists who disagreed with Aristotle’s
claim that the object no longer sped up after a while,
there was a great deal of confusion about whether it
was ∆v/∆x or ∆v/∆t that was constant. It seems
obvious to modern physicists that they could not
both be constant, but it was not at all obvious to
authorities such as Domingo de Soto and Albert of
Saxony. Galileo started out thinking they were both
constant, then realized this was mathematically im-
possible, and finally determined from experiments
that it was ∆v/∆t, now called acceleration, that was
constant. A Setup
The main reason why the confusion persisted for two The apparatus consists of a 2-meter tall column with
thousand years was that the methods for measuring a paper tape running down it. A weight is held at the
time were inaccurate, and the time required for an top with an electromagnet and then released, falling
object to fall was very short. Galileo was able to right next to the paper tape. (An electromagnet
make settle the issue because he figured out how to is an artificial magnet that works when you put an
use a pendulum to measure time accurately, and also electric current through it, unlike a permanent mag-
came up with the idea of effectively slowing down the net, which does not require power.) A spark gener-
motion by studying objects rolling down an inclined ator is hooked up to the two vertical wires, and as
plane, rather than objects falling vertically. He then the weight falls, sparks cross the gap from the first
found how to extrapolate from the case of an object wire to the metal flange on the weight, then from
rolling down an inclined plane at an angle θ to the the flange to the other wire. Sparks are produced
only briefly, at regular intervals of 1/60 of a sec-

14 Lab 3 Free Fall

ond. On their way, the sparks go through the paper would be tedious to plot them all by hand.
tape, making dots on it that show the location of the
Determine whether your data are consistent with
weight at 1/60-s intervals.
constant ∆v/∆x or ∆v/∆t or neither.
First, unplug the spark generator so you don’t get
shocked while you’re getting things ready. Use the
switch made from a regular light switch to turn on Self-Check
the magnet at the top of the column, which operates
Appendix 4 discusses graphing. The graphing for
on 7 volts from the lab’s DC power circuits. Insert
this lab is time-consuming without a computer; since
the plumb bob, hanging from the magnet. Use the
we have a limited number of computers in lab, you
three screws on the feet of the column to level the
may want to go to one of the other campus computer
apparatus so the plumb bob’s string is parallel to
labs for this. Determine which quantity is constant.
the wire.
Replace the plumb bob with the weight. Pull fresh
tape up from the roll at the bottom, and get the Prelab
tape straight and centered on the wire.
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
Plug in the spark generator, and put the function you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
knob on “line,” which means it will base its cycle ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
of sparks on the AC power from the wall, which you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
switches directions once every sixtieth of a second. my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
The red LED should light up. From now on, do not you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
press the thumb switch to activate the sparks unless
P1 Consider the quantities x, ∆x, t, and ∆t, which
you are sure nobody is near the vertical wires. Try
are measured more or less directly in this lab. Which
it out, and see if you get a spot at the top of the
of these would have a single value throughout the
tape, where the weight currently is.
whole motion of the falling weight?
B Observations P2 Explain, based on the meaning of the symbols
Hold down the thumb switch to make the sparks ∆ and /, why ∆v/∆x and ∆v/∆t have to be nota-
start, flip the switch to release the weight, and wait tions for numbers, not descriptions of graphs. How
until the weight has fallen in the cup at the bottom would these two numbers relate to the two graphs?
before releasing the thumb switch. You want a nice
P3 Suppose that, once you have data, ∆v/∆x turns
straight line of dots on the tape, going all the way
out to be constant, and ∆v/∆t isn’t. Explain how
from the top to the bottom — you may have to make
you would be able to tell this from your graphs.
adjustments and try a few times before getting a
good tape. Take your tape off, and measure the
locations of the dots accurately with a two-meter

Since the sparks start before you release the electro-
magnet, the first dot at the very top of the tape will
give the starting position of the weight.
If you consider any adjacent pair of dots (avoiding
the top and bottom ones), then measuring the dis-
tance ∆x between them allows you to calculate an
approximation to the speed of the weight, which you
can think of as being its speed at the point half-way
between the two dots.
Make one plot of speed versus time and another of
speed versus distance, preferably using a computer,
since you will have about thirty data points, and it

4 The Earth’s Gravitational Field
Note to the lab technician: The computers to use height (h1 ) takes a smaller time (∆t1 ) to reach the
are the ones with labels on their sides saying Lassie, floor, and the ball released from the greater height
Fang, and Buck. (h2 ) takes a longer time (∆t2 ). The time intervals
involved are short enough that due to the limita-
tions of your reflexes it is impossible to make good
Apparatus enough measurements with stopwatch. Instead, you
will record the sounds of the two balls’ impacts on
(two stations):
the floor using the computer. The computer shows
vertical plank with electromagnets
a graph in which the x axis is time and the y axis
steel balls (2/station)
shows the vibration of the sound wave hitting the
Linux computers with Audacity installed (in 416T)
microphone. You can measure the time between the
two visible “blips” on the screen. You will measure
three things: h1 , h2 , and the time interval ∆t2 − ∆t1
between the impact of the second ball and the first.
Goal From these data, with a little algebra, you can find
Make a high-precision measurement of the strength g.
of the Earth’s gravitational field, g, in Fullerton. The experiment would have been easier to analyze if
we could simply drop a single ball and measure the
time from when it was released to when it hit the
Introduction floor. But since our timing technique is based on
When objects fall, and all forces other than grav- sound, and no sound is produced when the balls are
ity are negligible, we observe that the acceleration released, we need to have two balls. If h1 , the height
is the same, regardless of the object’s mass, shape, of the lower ball, could be made very small, then it
density, or other properties. However, the acceler- would hit the floor at essentially the same moment
ation does depend a little bit where on the earth the two balls were released (∆t1 would equal 0), and
we do the experiment, and even bigger variations in ∆t2 −∆t1 would be essentially the same as ∆t2 . But
acceleration can be observed by, e.g., going to the we can’t make h1 too small or the sound would not
moon. Thus, this acceleration can be considered as be loud enough to detect on the computer.
a property of space itself, and we can refer to it as
the gravitational field in that region of space. Just B Using the computer software
as you would use a magnetic compass to find out There are three Linux computers in 416T that have
about the magnetic field in the classroom, you can the right software and hardware. They’re labeled
use dropping masses to find out about the gravita- Lassie, Fang, and Buck. (On Fang, only sound in-
tional field. In this experiment, you’ll measure the puyt works, not output.) First let’s see how to record
gravitational field, g, in the classroom to sufficiently yourself on the computer saying “hello.” Use the
high precision that, if everybody does a good job and xmix or xmixer program to set the record and mic
we pool and average everyone’s data to reduce ran- levels all the way up. Start up the sound recording
dom errors, we should be able to get a value that is program, called Audacity. Set the record level on
measurably different from the generic world-average high, using the control marked − . . . + next to the
value you would find in a textbook. microphone icon. Record your sound.

A Measuring g precisely Before you get down to serious science, you may en-
joy listening to your own voice reversed in time. A
You will measure g, the acceleration of an object in fun diversion is to write a sentence down backwards,
free fall, using electronic timing techniques. The idea read it out loud, and then electronically reverse it
of the method is that you’ll have two steel balls hang- so it’s forward again. It sounds sort of like someone
ing underneath electromagnets at different heights. with a thick Hungarian accent.
You’ll simultaneously turn off the two magnets us-
ing the same switch, causing the balls to drop at To find out how long a sound is, you can use the
the same moment. The ball dropped from the lower curson and click to find the time corresponding to

16 Lab 4 The Earth’s Gravitational Field

To drop the balls, you should break the circuit
by pulling one of the wires out of the plug on
the power supply. Don’t use the switch; if you
use the switch, it takes some time for the mag-
netic field to decay, and the balls stick for a
while before dropping.
Two thumps, as recorded on the computer through the
Audacity will let you keep on making new record-
ings, stacking the graphs vertically. However,
if you do this you will introduce significant tim-
a particular point in the graph. Sometimes you are ing errors. The reason is probably that Audac-
not sure which wiggles in the visual representation of ity is designed for use in multitrack recording
the sound correspond to which parts of the recorded of music, so it tries to play back the previously
sound. To find out, you can select part of the sound recorded tracks while recording the new one,
and listen to only that part. and on cheap sound hardware this causes little
timing glitches.
C Finding the interval between two sounds
When you record the sound of the two consecutive
impacts of the balls, they will look like vertical spikes Analysis
on the screen. You can practice using hand claps.
Extract a value of g from your data.
To accurately find the time when one of the sounds
Derive error bars on your result, using the techniques
started, first zoom in on it until it’s like you’re seeing
in appendices 2 and 3.
it under a powerful microscope. Click on the onset
of the sound, and read the time from the scale at the
top of the window. Self-Check
You may get this error message: ”Error while open-
Extract the value of g, with error bars. Read Ap-
ing sound device. Please check the input device set-
pendix 3 for information on how to do error analysis
tings and the project sample rate.” Quit the program
with propagation of errors; get help from your in-
and restart it.
structor if necessary.
Some of the computers have very low gain on their
microphones, so it may be difficult to see the thumps.
To work around this, do the following after you’ve Prelab
recorded a sound: type control-A to select the whole
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
recording, and then do Effect>Amplify; the default
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
is to amplify the sound by the maximum possible
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
amount,which is what you want.
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
You should make a series of measurements, and make my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
sure they agree at the level of about 10−4 s; if they you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
don’t, there’s something wrong with your technique.
P1 If your instructor has assigned homework prob-
Also, you should check that your result for g makes
lem 27 from ch. 3 of Newtonian Physics,don’t bother
turning in another copy of your work for this prelab
Here are some common problems that cause incon- question. Derive an equation for g in terms of the
sistent or wrong results: quantities you’ll measure, which are h1 , h2 , and the
time interval ∆t2 − ∆t1 . The point of the lab is to
The balls are brushing against the electrical measure g, so don’t just say “well of course g is 9.8
wires as they fall. m/s2 .” (You should check your equation by using
the answer checker for the homework problem.)
You’re misidentifying the thumps.
The surface the balls are dropping onto has
dents in it.
You’re not positioning the balls in on the same
spot on the magnets every time.

5 Newton’s Second Law
Apparatus of masses, but keep the total amount of mass con-
stant and just divide it differently between the two
pulley holders. Remember to take the masses of the holders
spirit level themselves into account. Make sure to perform your
string measurements with the longest possible distance of
weight holders, not tied to string travel, because you cannot use a stopwatch to get an
two-meter stick accurate measurement of very short time intervals.
slotted weights The best results are obtained with combinations of
stopwatch weights that give times of about 4 to 20 seconds.
foam rubber cushions Also, make sure that the masses are at least a few
hundred grams or so on each side.

Goal Self-Check
Find the acceleration of unequal weights hanging Compare theoretical and experimental values of ac-
from a pulley. celeration for one of your mass combinations. Check
whether they come out fairly consistent.

Use your measured times and distances to find the
actual acceleration, and make a graph of this versus
M − m. Show these experimentally determined ac-
celerations as small circles. Overlaid on the same
graph, show the theoretical equation as a line or

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Criticize the following reasoning: The weight
fell 1.0 m in 1 s, so v = 1 m/s, and a = v/t = 1 m/s2 .
P2 Since that won’t work, plan how you really will
Set up unequal masses on the two sides of the pulley, determine your experimental accelerations based on
and determine the resulting acceleration by measur- your measured distance and times.
ing how long it takes for the masses to move a cer-
tain distance. Use the spirit level to make the pulley
vertical; otherwise you get extra friction. Use rela-
tively large masses (typically half a kg or a kg each
side) so that friction is not such a big force in com-
parison to the other forces, and the inertia of the
pulley is negligible compared to the inertia of the
hanging masses. Do several different combinations

18 Lab 5 Newton’s Second Law

6 Air Friction
Apparatus push harder against the road.

coffee filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/group Your goal in this lab is to find a proportionality re-
stopwatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group lating the force of air friction to the velocity at which
computer with sonar sensor the air rushes over the object. For instance, you may
wire cages to protect sensors find the rule
F ∝v ,
which is a shorthand for

Goal F = (some number)(v) .

Determine how the force of air friction depends on

The numerical value of “some number” is not very
the velocity of a moving object.
interesting, because we would expect it to be dif-
As an alternative, you may create your own tech- ferent for different objects, which is why you would
nique for doing the same sort of experiment for fric- write your result as F ∝ v. This proportionality
tion between two surfaces wetted with a liquid such would tell you for instance that anytime the speed
as water, vegetable oil, or machine oil — the result was doubled, the result would be twice as much air
might be more interesting, since it is not to be found friction.
in textbooks. If you are interested in doing this, dis-
Suppose instead you find that doubling the speed
cuss it in advance with your instructor.
makes the force eight times greater, multiplying the
speed by 10 makes the force 1000 times greater, and
so on. In each case, the force is being multiplied
Introduction by the third power of the increase in the speed, i.e.,
Friction between solid objects occurs all the time in F ∝ v3 .
our daily lives. The frictional force exerted by the air
on a solid object is not as often evident, but it is re-
sponsible for the wind blowing our hair, for the slow Observations
dropping of a feather, and for our cars’ poorer gas
There are two possible methods for measuring the
mileage at freeway speeds compared to more mod-
terminal velocity of the filter.
erate speeds.
The first method is shown in the figure below. We
The latter effect suggests that air friction might in-
use coffee filters because they don’t tumble or sway
crease with speed, unlike solid-solid friction, which is
very much as they fall, and because they allow us to
nearly independent of speed. By Newton’s first law,
easily change the mass of our falling object by nest-
a car or a jet plane cruising at constant speed must
ing more coffee filters inside the bottom one, with-
have zero total force on it, so if the air friction force
out changing its aerodynamic properties. The filters
gets stronger with speed, that would explain why
will start speeding up when you release them near
a greater forward-pushing force would be needed to
the ceiling, but as they speed up, the upward force
travel at high speeds. For instance, a car traveling
of air friction on them increases, until they reach a
at low speed might have a -10 kN air friction force
speed at which the total force on them is zero. Once
pushing backward on it, so in order to have zero to-
at this speed, they obey Newton’s first law and con-
tal force on it the road must be making a forward
tinue at constant speed. If the number of coffee fil-
force of +10 kN. At a higher speed, air friction might
ters is small, they will have reached their maximum
increase to -30 kN, so the road would need to make a
speed within the first half a meter or so. By the
forward force of +30 kN. The car convinces the road
time they are even with the edge of the lab bench,
to make the stronger force by pushing backward on
they are moving at essentially their full speed. You
the road more strongly: by Newton’s third law, the
can then use the stopwatch to determine how long it
car’s force on the road and the road’s force on the
takes them to cover the distance to the floor, which
car must be equal in magnitude and opposite in di-
will allow you to find their speed. During this final
rection. The car burns more gas because it must
part of the fall, you know the upward force of air

20 Lab 6 Air Friction

friction must be as great as the downward force of time to get up to their final speed. This is also the
gravity, so you can determine what it was. only way you can tell for sure whether you’re tak-
ing data at terminal velocity: the results at the two
different heights (inside and outside) should be con-

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Suppose you tried to do this lab with stacks of
coins instead of coffee filters. Assuming you had a
sufficiently accurate timing device, would it work?
P2 Criticize the following statement:
“We found that bigger velocities gave bigger air drag
forces, which demonstrates the proportionality F ∝
A different technique is to drop the filters onto a v.”
sonar sensor of the type used in lab 2. You can put P3 Criticize the following statement:
the sensor on the floor facing up, and put the wire
cage over it to keep it from getting damaged by being “We found F ∝ v 7 , which shows that you need more
stepped on inadvertently. force to make things go faster.”

For a long time, I had my students do the lab using

only the first method, but now I’m experimenting Analysis
with the second method. A couple of advantages of
the second method are that (1) it doesn’t depend on Use your raw data to compile a list of F and v values.
human reflexes, and (2) it gives you a real-time pic- Use the methods explained in Appendix 5 to see if
ture of the motion, so it’s easier to tell whether the you can find a power-law relationship between F and
filters are actually reaching terminal velocity. The v. This will require fitting a line to a set of data, as
latter is an important issue, because it gives you a explained in appendix 4. Both fitting a line to data
better chance of being able to take data over a wide and finding power laws are techniques you will use
range of values for F and v, but without running several more times in this course, so it is worth your
into problems with cases where the filters don’t re- while to get help now if necessary in order to get
ally reach terminal veloicity. On the other hand, the confident with them.
computer method has some practical problems, such
as the tendency of the filters to drift sideways instead
of heading straight down onto the sensor. This is an
opportunity for you to do something like what real
scientists do: use your ingenuity and try different
things to see what works best!
Note that if the coffee filters get too flattened out,
they’ll flutter, giving lousy results.
Take data with stacks of various numbers of coffee
filters. You will get the most clearcut determination
of the power law relationship if your data cover the
largest possible range of values. It’s a good idea to
take some data with a large number of filters, drop-
ping them from the balcony outside so they have

7 Vector Addition of Forces
force table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
spirit level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group

Test whether the vector sum of the forces acting on
an object at rest is equal to zero. The apparatus consists of a small circular table, with
a small metal ring held in the middle by the tension
in four strings. Each string goes over a pulley at the
Introduction edge of the table, so that a weight can be hung on it
to control the tension. The angles can be recorded
Modern physics claims that when a bridge, an earth-
either graphically, by sliding a piece of paper un-
quake fault, or an oak tree doesn’t move, it is be-
derneath, or by reading angles numerically off of an
cause the forces acting on it, which combine accord-
angular scale around the circumference of the table.
ing to vector addition, add up to zero. Although
this may seem like a reasonable statement, it was Use the spirit level to level the table completely us-
far from obvious to premodern scientists. Aristotle, ing the screws on the feet. Set up four strings with
for instance, said that it was the nature of each of weights, using the small pin to hold the ring in place.
the four elements, earth, fire, water and air, to re- Adjust the angles or the amounts of weight or both,
turn to its natural location. Rain would fall from until the ring is in equilibrium without the pin, and
the sky because it was trying to return to its natu- is positioned right over the center of the table. Avoid
ral location in the lakes and oceans, and once it got a symmetric arrangement of the strings (e.g., don’t
to its natural location it would stop moving because space them all 90 degrees apart), and don’t make any
that was its nature. forces collinear with each other. The ring is an ex-
tended object, so in order to treat it mathematically
When a modern scientist considers a book resting on
as a pointlike object you should make sure that all
a table, she says that it holds still because the force
the strings are lined up with the center of the ring,
of gravity pulling the book down is exactly canceled
as shown in the figure.
by the normal force of the table pushing up on the
book. Aristotle would have denied that this was pos-
sible, because he believed that at any one moment an
object could have only one of two mutually exclusive
types of motion: natural motion (the tendency of the
book to fall to the ground, and resume its natural
place), and forced motion (the ability of another ob-
ject, such as the table, to move the book). According
to his theory, there could be nothing like the addi-
tion of forces, because the object being acted on was
only capable of “following orders” from one source at
a time. The incorrect Aristotelian point of view has Because of friction, it is possible to change any one
great intuitive appeal, and beginning physics stu- of the weights slightly without causing the ring to
dents tend to make Aristotelian statements such as, move. This is a potential source of systematic er-
“The table’s force overcomes the force of gravity,” rors, but you can eliminate the error completely by
as if the forces were having a contest, in which the the following method. Find out how much you can
victor annihilated the loser. increase or decrease each weight without causing the
ring to move. Within the range of values that don’t

22 Lab 7 Vector Addition of Forces

cause slipping, use the center of the range as your the magnitude of the sum of the forces is small com-
best value; with this amount of weight, there is no pared to the magnitudes of the individual forces.
friction at all in the pulley. The point here is not to
redo the entire experiment with a completely differ-
ent combination of weights — that would not tell Analysis
you anything about friction as a source of error,
Calculate the magnitude of vector sum of the forces
since even if there was no friction at all, it would be
on the ring, first graphically and then analytically.
possible for example to double all the weights and
Make sure the two methods give the same result. If
get an equilibrium. Once you’ve set each weight to
they do not, try measuring the x and y components
its friction-free value, leave it that way; by the time
off of your drawing and comparing them with the x
you’re done, you will have eliminated friction from
and y components you calculated analytically.
all four pulleys.
Estimate the possible random error in your final
Prelab Are your results consistent with theory, taking into
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure account the random errors involved?
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 The weights go on weight holders that hang
from the string, and the weight holders are each 50
g. Criticize the following reasoning: “We don’t need
to count the mass of the weight holders, because it’s
the same on all four strings, so it cancels out.”
P2 Describe a typical scale that you might use for
drawing force vectors on a piece of paper, e.g., how
long might you choose to make a 1-N force? Assume
your masses are from 500 to 1500 grams.
P3 Graphically calculate the vector sums of the
two pairs of vectors shown below. As a check on
your results, you should find that the magnitudes of
the two sums are equal. Lab 8 has been deleted.

Do both a graphical calculation and an analytic cal-
culation in lab, without error analysis. Make sure
they give the same result. Do a rough check that

9 Acceleration In Two Dimensions
air track (small)
photogate (PASCO) (under lab benches in rm. 418)
air blowers
power strips for switching CENCO blowers on and
vernier calipers
wood blocks

Test whether the acceleration of gravity acts like a
vector. cart is only free to accelerate in the direction along
the track. There is almost no friction, since the cart
rides on a cushion of air coming through holes in the
Introduction track.
As noted in lab 2, one of the tricky techniques Galileo The speed of the cart at any given point can be mea-
had to come up with to study acceleration was to sured as follows. The photogate consists of a light
use objects rolling down an inclined plane rather and a sensor on opposite sides of the track. When
than falling straight down. That slowed things down the cart passes by, the cardboard vane on top blocks
enough so that he could measure the time intervals the light momentarily, keeping light from getting to
using a pendulum clock. Even though you were able, the sensor. The computer detects the electrical sig-
in lab 4, to use modern electronic timing techniques nal from the sensor, and records the amount of time,
to measure the short times involved in a vertical fall, tb , for which the photogate was blocked. Given tb ,
there is still some intrinsic interest in the idea of you can determine the approximate speed that cart
motion on an inclined plane. The reason it’s worth had when it passed through the photogate. The use
studying is that it reveals the vector nature of accel- of the computer software is explained in Appendix 6;
eration. of the three modes described there, you want to use
the software in the mode in which it measures the
Vectors rule the universe. Entomologists say that time interval over which the photogate was blocked.
God must have had an inordinate fondness for bee- Plug the photogate into the DG1 plug on the inter-
tles, because there are so many species of them. face box.
Well, God must also have had a special place in her
heart for vectors, because practically every natural
phenomenon she invented is a vector: gravitational Observations
acceleration, electric fields, nuclear forces, magnetic
fields, all the things that tie our universe together The basic idea is to release the cart at a distance x
are vectors. away from the photogate. The cart accelerates, and
you can determine its approximate speed, v, when it
passes through the photogate. (See prelab question
Setup P1. Make sure to use vernier calipers to measure the
width of the vane, w.) From v and x, you can find
The idea of the lab is that if acceleration really acts the acceleration. You will take data with the track
like a vector, then the cart’s acceleration should equal tilted at several different angles, to see whether the
the component of the earth’s gravitational accelera- cart’s acceleration always equals the component of g
tion vector that is parallel to the track, because the parallel to the track.

24 Lab 9 Acceleration In Two Dimensions

You can level the track to start with by adjusting Self-Check
the screws until the cart will sit on the track without
accelerating in either direction. Find the theoretical and experimental accelerations
for one of your angles, and see if they are roughly
The distance x can be measured from the starting consistent.
position of the cart to half-way between the point
where it first blocks the photogate and the point
where it unblocks the photogate. You can determine Prelab
where these positions are by sliding the cart into the
photogate and watching the red LED on the top of The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
the photogate, which lights up when it is blocked. you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
Hints: you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
Keep in mind that if the cart rebounds at the you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
bottom of the track and comes back up through P1 Skip this question if the corresponding home-
the gate, you will get a second, bogus time work problem from Newtonian Physics has already
reading. been assigned. (a) If w is the width of the vane, and
tb is defined as suggested above, what is the speed of
Note that you have no way to measure accu- the cart when it passes through the photogate? (b)
rately to the total amount of time over which Based on v and x, how can you find a?
the cart picked up speed (which would be sev- P2 Should x be measured horizontally, or along
eral seconds) — what you measure is the very the slope of the track?
short time required for the cart to pass through
the photogate. P3 It is not possible to measure θ accurately with
a protractor. How can θ be determined based on
the distance between the feet of the air track and
If you’re using one of the gray air pumps, which
the height of the wood block?
has a knob to adjust the flow, make sure it’s on
the highest speed, or the cart will drag on the P4 Explain why the following method for finding
track, giving bogus data. It’s easy to mess up the cart’s acceleration is incorrect. “The time I got
this adjustment, so get the knob set correctly off the computer was 0.0237 s. My vane was 2.2 cm
for once and for all, and then never touch it wide, so v = 2.2 cm/.0237 s = 93 cm/s. That means
again. To turn the pump on and off, plug the the acceleration was a = ∆v/∆t = (vf − vi )/∆t =
blower in to its own power strip, and use the (vf − 0)/∆t = vf /∆t, or 93 cm/s divided by .0237
switch on the power strip. s, which gives 3900 cm/s2 .”

Release the cart by hand after starting up the

air pump. If you leave the cart on the track Analysis
and then turn on the pump, there will be a Extract the acceleration for each angle at which you
period of time when the pump is first starting took data. Make a graph with θ on the x axis and
up, and the cart will drag. acceleration on the y axis. Show your measured ac-
celerations as points, and the theoretically expected
The variable x actually changes a little when dependence of a on θ as a smooth curve.
you change θ, so don’t just assume it’s always
Error analysis is not required for this lab, because
the same.
the random errors are small compared to systematic
errors such as the imperfect leveling of the track,
Once you have data at your first angle, check friction, warping of the track, and the measurement
whether theory and experiment agree reason- of w.
ably well.

You’ll use the photogates again in lab 10, so make

sure you understand the technique thoroughly, and
take notes on it so you’ll remember how it’s done.

10 Conservation Laws
Apparatus is a statement that something always remains con-
stant when you add it all up. Most people have a
Part A: vacuum pump (Lapine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 general intuitive idea that the amount of a substance
electronic balance (large capacity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 is conserved. That objects do not simply appear
plastic-coated flask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group or disappear is a conceptual achievement of babies
Part B: beaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group around the age of 9-12 months. Beginning at this
propyl alcohol 200 mL/group age, they will for instance try to retrieve a toy that
canola oil 200 mL/group they have seen being placed under a blanket, rather
funnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group than just assuming that it no longer exists. Con-
100-mL volumetric flask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group servation laws in physics have the following general
rubber stopper, fitting in features:
volumetric flask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
1-ml pipette and bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group Physicists trying to find new conservation laws
magnetic stirrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group will try to find a measurable, numerical quan-
triple-beam balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/group tity, so that they can check quantitatively whether
it is conserved. One needs an operational def-
inition of the quantity, meaning a definition
that spells out the operations required to mea-
Goal sure it.
People believe that objects cannot be made to disap- Conservation laws are only true for closed sys-
pear or appear. If you start with a certain amount tems. For instance, the amount of water in a
of matter, there is no way to increase or decrease bottle will remain constant as long as no wa-
that amount. This type of rule is called a conser- ter is poured in or out. But if water can get in
vation law in physics, and this specific law states or out, we say that the bottle is not a closed
that the amount of matter is conserved, i.e., must system, and conservation of matter cannot be
stay the same. In order to make this law scientifi- applied to it.
cally useful, we must define more carefully how the
“amount” of a substance is to be defined and mea- The quantity should be additive. For instance,
sured numerically. Specifically, there are two issues the amount of energy contained in two gallons
that scientifically untrained people would probably of gasoline is twice as much as the amount of
not agree on: energy contained in one gallon; energy is addi-
tive. An example of a non-additive quantity is
temperature. Two cups of coffee do not have
Should air count as matter? If it has weight, twice as high a temperature as one cup.
then it probably should count. In this lab, you
will find out if air has weight, and, if so, mea- Conservation laws always refer to the total amount
sure its density. of the quantity when you add it all up. If you
add it all up at one point in time, and then
Should the amount of a substance be defined in come back at a later point in time and add it
terms of volume, or is mass more appropriate? all up, it will be the same.
In this lab, you will determine whether mass
and/or volume is conserved when water and How can we pin down more accurately the concept
alcohol are mixed. of the “amount of a substance”? Should a gallon
of shaving cream be considered “more substantial”
than a brick? At least two possible quantities come
Introduction to mind: mass and volume. Is either conserved?
Both? Neither? To find out, we will have to make
Styles in physics come and go, and once-hallowed
principles get modified as more accurate data come
along, but some of the most durable features of the We can measure mass by the “see-saw method” —
science are its conservation laws. A conservation law when two children are sitting on the opposite sides

26 Lab 10 Conservation Laws

of a see-saw, the less massive one has to move far- Our situation is similar to the dolphin’s, as was first
ther out from the fulcrum to make it balance. If we appreciated by Torricelli, whose experiments led him
enslave some particular child as our permanent mass to conclude that “we live immersed at the bottom
standard, then any other child’s mass can be mea- of a sea of...air.” A human physicist, living her life
sured by balancing her on the other side and mea- immersed in air, could do a similar experiment to
suring her distance from the fulcrum. A more prac- find out whether air has weight. She could weigh a
tical version of the same basic principle that does container full of air, then pump all the air out and
not involve human rights violations is the familiar weigh it again. When all the matter in a container
pan balance with sliding weights. has been removed, including the air, we say that
there is a vacuum in the container. In reality, a
Volume is not necessarily so easy to measure. For
perfect vacuum is very difficult to create. A small
instance, shaving cream is mostly air, so should we
fraction of the air is likely to remain in the container
find a way to measure just the volume of the bub-
even after it has been pumped on with a vacuum
bly film itself? Precise measurements of volume can
pump. The amount of remaining air will depend
most easily be done with liquids and gases, which
on how good the pump is and on the rate at which
conform to a vessel in which they are placed.
air leaks back in to the container through holes or
Should a gas, such as air, be counted as having any cracks.
substance at all? Empedocles of Acragas (born ca.
492 BC) was the originator of the doctrine that all Cautions
material substances are composed of mixtures of four
elements: earth, fire, water and air. The idea seems
amusingly naive now that we know about the chem- Please do not break the glassware! The vacuum
ical elements and the periodic table, but it was ac- flasks and volumetric flasks are expensive.
cepted in Europe for two thousand years, and the The alcohol you will be using in this lab is chemically
inclusion of air as a material substance was actu- different from the alcohol in alcoholic beverages. It
ally a nontrivial concept. Air, after all, was invis- is poisonous, and can cause blindness or death if you
ible, seemed weightless, and had no definite shape. drink it. It is not hazardous as long as you do not
Empedocles decided air was a form of matter based drink it.
on experimental evidence: air could be trapped un-
der water in an inverted cup, and bubbles would be
released if the cup was tilted. It is interesting to Observations
note that in China around 300 BC, Zou Yan came
up with a similar theory, and his five elements did A Density of air
not include air. You can remove the air from the flask by attach-
Does air have weight? Most people would probably ing the vacuum pump to the vacuum flask with the
say no, since they do not feel any physical sensation rubber and glass tubing, then turning on the pump.
of the atmosphere pushing down on them. A delicate You can use the scale to determine how much mass
house of cards remains standing, and is not crushed was lost when the air was evacuated.
to the floor by the weight of the atmosphere. Make any other observations you need in order to
Compare that to the experience of a dolphin, though. find out the density of air and to estimate error bars
A dolphin might contemplate a tasty herring sus- for your result.
pended in front of it and conjecture that water had
B Is volume and/or mass conserved when two
no weight, because the herring did not involuntarily
fluids are mixed?
shoot down to the sea floor because of the weight of
the water overhead. Water does have weight, how- The idea here is to find out whether volume and/or
ever, which a sufficiently skeptical dolphin physicist mass is conserved when water and alcohol are mixed.
might be able to prove with a simple experiment. The obvious way to attempt this would be to mea-
One could weigh a 1-liter metal box full of water and sure the volume and mass of a sample of water, the
then replace the water with air and weigh it again. volume and mass of a sample of alcohol, and their
The difference in weight would be the difference in volume and mass when mixed. There are two prob-
weight between 1 liter of water of and 1 liter of air. lems with the obvious method: (1) when you pour
Since air is much less dense than water, this would one of the liquids into the other, droplets of liquid
approximately equal the weight of 1 liter of water. will be left inside the original vessel; and (2) the

most accurate way to measure the volume of a liq- mL, weigh the flask, pipette in enough water to bring
uid is with a volumetric flask, which only allows one it up to 100 mL, weigh it again, and then figure out
specific, calibrated volume to be measured. what mass and volume of water you added based on
the change in mass. If it is more than 100 mL, weigh
the flask, pipette out enough of the mixture to bring
the volume down to 100 mL, weigh it again, and
make a similar calculation using the change in mass
and the density of the oil. If you need to pipette out
some oil, make sure to wash and rinse the pipette
thoroughly afterwards.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Give an example of two things having the same
mass and different densities.
P2 Give an example of two things having the same
density and different masses.
Here’s a way to get around those problems. Put the P3 Why can the density of water be given in a
magnetic stirrer inside the flask. Pour water through book as a standard value under conditions of stan-
a funnel into a volumetric flask, filling it less than dard temperature and pressure, while the mass of
half-way. (Do not use the pipette to transfer the water cannot?
water.) A common mistake is to fill the flask more
than half-way. Now pour a thin layer of cooking P4 What would your raw data in part A be like if
oil on top. Cooking oil does not mix with water, air had no weight? What would they be like if air
so it forms a layer on top of the water. (Set aside did have weight?
one funnel that you will use only for the oil, since P5 Referring to appendix 2, plan how you will es-
the oil tends to form a film on the sides.) Finally, timate your random errors.
gently pour the alcohol on top. Alcohol does not mix
with cooking oil either, so it forms a third layer. By P6 In part B, pick either mass or volume, and de-
making the alcohol come exactly up to the mark on scribe what your observations would be like if that
the calibrated flask, you can make the total volume quantity was not conserved.
very accurately equal to 100 mL. In practice, it is
hard to avoid putting in too much alcohol through
the funnel, so if necessary you can take some back
out with the pipette. Do a quick analysis of both parts without error anal-
If you put the whole thing on the balance now, you ysis. Plan how you will do your error analysis.
know both the volume (100 mL) and the mass of
the whole thing when the alcohol and water have
been kept separate. Now, mix everything up with
the magnetic stirrer. The water and alcohol form a A. If your results show that air has weight, determine
mixture. You can now test whether the volume or the (nonzero) density of air, with an estimate of your
mass has changed. random errors.
If the mixture does not turn out to have a volume B. Decide whether volume and/or mass is conserved
that looks like exactly 100 mL, you can use the fol- when alcohol and water are mixed, taking into ac-
lowing tricks to measure accurately the excess or count your estimates of random errors.
deficit with respect to 100 mL. If it is less than 100

28 Lab 10 Conservation Laws

11 Conservation of Energy
Apparatus up relates to conservation of energy, which forbids
them to get bigger or smaller without transferring
air track energy in or out.
springs (steel, 1.5 cm diameter)
photogate (PASCO)
air blowers
alligator clips
spring scales
vernier calipers
power strips for CENCO blowers Our model of this type of oscillation about equilib-
string rium will be the motion of a cart on an air track be-
tween two springs. The sum of the forces exerted by
the two springs should at least approximately obey
Hooke’s law,
Goal F = −kx ,
Test conservation of energy for an object oscillating where the equilibrium point is at x = 0. The nega-
around an equilibrium position. tive sign means that if the object is displaced in the
positive direction, the force tends to bring it back
in the negative direction, towards equilibrium, and
vice versa. Of course, there are no actual springs
involved in the sun or between a rock’s atoms, but
we can still learn about this type of situation in a
lab experiment with a mass attached to a spring. In
this lab, you will study how the changing velocity of
the object, in this case a cart on an air track, can
be understood using conservation of energy. Recall
This could be a vibration of the sun, a water balloon, or that for a constant force, the potential energy is sim-
a nucleus. ply −F x, but for a force that is different at different
locations, the potential energy is minus the area un-
der the curve on a graph of F vs. x. In the present
case, the area formed is a triangle with base = x,
Introduction height = kx, and
One of the most impressive aspects of the physical
world is the apparent permanence of so many of its area = base · height
parts. Objects such as the sun or rocks on earth
have remained unchanged for billions of years, so it = − kx2
might seem that they are in perfect equilibrium, with
zero net force on each part of the whole. In reality,
(counted as negative area because it lies below the
the atoms in a rock do not sit perfectly still at an
x axis), so the potential energy is
equilibrium point — they are constantly in vibration
about their equilibrium positions. The unchanging
oblate shape of the sun is also an illusion. The sun 1 2
PE = kx .
is continually vibrating like a bell or a jiggling water 2
balloon, as shown in the (exaggerated) figure. The Conservation of energy, P E + KE = constant, gives
nuclei of atoms also jiggle spontaneously like little
water balloons. The fact that these types of motion 1 2 1
kx + mv 2 = constant .
continue indefinitely without dying out or building 2 2

30 Lab 11 Conservation of Energy

of the Vernier Timer software are given in Appendix
6; you want the mode for measuring how long the
photogate was blocked. The two springs are at-
tached to the cart by sticking them directly through
the holes in the cart (not through the bumper, which
would cause the springs to drag on the track). At
the ends of the track, the springs can be attached us-
ing alligator clips, again taking care to attach them
high enough so they don’t drag.
Throughout the lab, you should only leave the air
blower turned on when you are actually using the
air track. In the past, we have burned out motors
Preliminary Observations or even melted hoses by leaving the air blowers on
You should do both of the following methods of de- continuously.
termining the spring constant. Before you start taking actual data, check whether
you have excessive friction by letting the computer
Determining the spring constant: method 1 record data while the cart vibrates back and forth
a few times through the photogate. If the air track
is working right, all the time measurements should
Pull the cart to the side with a spring scale, and
be nearly the same, but if the data show the cart
make a graph of F versus x, like the one above.
slowing down a lot from one vibration to the next,
To avoid pulling at the wrong angle, it helps if you
then you have a problem with friction. A drop in
connect the spring scale to the cart with a piece of
velocity of about 1% over a half-cycle is reasonable.
string. Find the combined spring constant of the two
The most common causes of excessive friction are
springs, k, from the slope of the graph. (Don’t dis-
springs that are dragging on the track or springs
connect either spring.) Since you’ll only use method
that are not horizontal, and thus tipping the cart
1 as a rough check against the more precise method
and causing one of its edges to drag.
2, don’t spend time taking a lot of data points.
Measure the velocity of the cart for many different
Determining the spring constant: method 2 values of x by moving the photogate to various po-
sitions. Make sure you always release the cart from
rest at the same point, and when you are initially
The second technique for determining k is to pull the choosing this release point, make sure that it is not
cart to one side, release it, and measure the period so far from the center that the springs are completely
of its side-to-side motion, i.e., the time required for bunched up or dragging on the track. Don’t forget
each complete repetition of its vibration. As we’ll that the x you use in the potential energy should
discuss later in the course, the period is nearly in- be the distance from the equilibrium position to the
dependent of the amount of travel, and the spring position where the vane is centered on the photogate
constant is related to the period and the mass of the — if you don’t think about it carefully, it’s easy to
cart by the equation k = m(2π/T )2 . A small pe- make a mistake in x equal to half the width of the
riod indicates a large spring constant, since a pow- vane.
erful spring would be required to whip the cart back
and forth rapidly. The period, T , can be found very
accurately by using a stopwatch to time many os- Prelab
cillations in a row without stopping. This method
therefore gives a very accurate value for k, which The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you should use in your analysis of the conservation you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
of energy. Your k value from method 1 is still useful ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
as a check, however. you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
Observations P1 What measurements besides those mentioned
The technique is essentially the same as in lab 9, above will you need to do in lab in order to check
which you may want to review. Instructions for use conservation of energy?

P2 Find the value of x from the figure below. (I’ve
made the centimeter scale unrealistic for readability
— the real track is more than a meter long, not 14
P3 Check that the units of the two methods for
finding k agree.

Calculate the energies at the extremes, where P E =
0 and KE = 0, and see whether the energy is staying
roughly constant. You should do this self-check as
early as possible in the lab, so that you can make
sure you’re not spending lots of time collecting data
that turn out to be bogus.

Graph P E, KE, and the total energy as functions
of x, with error bars (see appendices 1, 2, and 3),
all overlaid on the same plot. Make sure to include
the points with KE = 0 and P E = 0. As a shortcut
in your error analysis, it’s okay if you do the error
analysis for your most typical data-point, in which
the energy is split roughly 50-50 between PE and
KE, and then assume that the same error bars on
P E, KE, and total energy apply to all the other
points on the graph as well.
Discuss whether you think conservation of energy
has been verified.

32 Lab 11 Conservation of Energy

12 Conservation of Momentum
Apparatus have any numerical values for the velocities, but sup-
pose we say that the initial velocity of the incoming
computer with Logger Pro software cart is one unit. Does it look like conservation of
track momentum was satisfied?
2 dynamics carts and 2 carts with magnets
1-kg weight B Mirror symmetry
1 kg slotted weight Now reenact the collision from part A, but do every-
masking tape thing as a mirror image. The roles of the target cart
2 force sensors with rubber corks and incoming cart are reversed, and the direction of
motion is also reversed.
M × +M ×
Qualitative Observations =? M × +M × ,

First you’re going to observe some collisions between What happens now? Note that mathematically, we
two carts and see how conservation of momentum use positive and negative signs to indicate the direc-
plays out. If you really wanted to take numerical tion of a velocity in one dimension.
data, it would be a hassle, because momentum de- C An explosion
pends on mass and velocity, and there would be four
different velocity numbers you’d have to measure: Now start with the carts held together, with their
cart 1 before the collision, cart 1 after the collision, magnets repelling. As soon as you release them,
cart 2 before, and cart 2 after. To avoid all this com- they’ll break contact and fly apart due to the re-
plication, the first part of the lab will use only visual pulsion of the magnets.
observations. M × +M ×
Try gently pressing the two carts together on the =? M × +M × ,
track. As they come close to each other, you’ll feel Does momentum appear to have been conserved?
them repelling each other! That’s because they have
magnets built into the ends. The magnets act like D Head-on collision
perfect springs. For instance, if you hold one cart Now try a collision in which the two carts head to-
firmly in place and let the other one roll at it, the wards each other at equal speeds (meaning that one
incoming cart will bounce back at almost exactly the cart’s initial velocity is positive, while the other’s is
same speed. It’s like a perfect superball. negative).
A Equal masses, target at rest, elastic collision M × +M ×
Roll one cart toward the other. The target cart is =? M × +M × ,
initially at rest. Conservation of momentum reads
E Sticking
like this,
Arrange a collision in which the carts will stick to-
M × +M × gether rather than rebounding. You can do this by
=? M × +M × , letting the velcro ends hit each other instead of the
where the two blanks on the left stand for the two magnet ends. Make a collision in which the target is
carts’ velocities before the collision, and the two initially stationary.
blanks on the right are for their velocities after the M × +M ×
collision. All conservation laws work like this: the =? M × +M × ,
total amount of something remains the same. You
don’t have any real numbers, but just from eye- The collision is no longer perfectly springy. Did it
balling the collision, what seems to have happened? seem to matter, or was conservation of momentum
Let’s just arbitrarily say that the mass of a cart is still valid?
one unit, so that wherever it says “M x” in the equa-
tion, you’re just multiplying by one. You also don’t

34 Lab 12 Conservation of Momentum

F Hitting the end of the track steady force from your finger. You’ll want to set the
One end of the track has magnets in it. Take one collection time to a longer period than the default.
cart off the track entirely, and let the other cart roll Position the track so that you can walk all the way
all the way to the end of the track, where it will along its length (not diagonally across the bench).
experience a repulsion from the fixed magnets built Even after you hit the Collect button in Logger Pro,
into the track. Was momentum conserved? Discuss the software won’t actually start collecting data until
this with your instructor. it’s triggered by a sufficiently strong force; squeeze
on one of the sensors to trigger the computer, and
G Unequal masses then go ahead and do the real experiment with the
steady, gently force.
Now put a one kilogram mass on one of the carts,
but leave the other cart the way it was. Attach the What does the graph on the computer look like?
mass to it securely using masking tape. A bare cart
I. Now repeat H, but use a more rapid acceleration
has a mass of half a kilogram, so you’ve now tripled
to bring the cart up to the same momentum. Sketch
the mass of one cart. In terms of our silly (but con-
a comparison of the graphs from parts H and I.
venient) mass units, we now have masses of one unit
and three units for the two carts. Make the triple- Discuss with your instructor how this relates to mo-
mass cart hit the initially stationary one-mass-unit mentum.
J. You are now going to reenact collision A, but don’t
3M × +M × do it yet! You’ll let the carts’ rubber corks bump into
=? 3M × +M × , each other, and record the forces on the sensors. The
carts will have equal mass, and both forces will be
These velocities are harder to estimate by eye, but if
recorded simultaneously. Before you do it, predict
you estimate numbers roughly, does it seem possible
what you think the graphs will look like, and show
that momentum was conserved?
your sketch to your instructor.
Switch both sensors to the +50 N position, and open
Quantitative Observations the corresponding file on the computer.
Now we’re going to explore the reasons why momen- Zero the sensors, then check the calibration by bal-
tum always seems to be conserved. Parts H and I ancing a 1 kg weight on top, taking data, zooming
will be demonstrated by the instructor for the whole in, and putting the mouse cursor on the graph. You
class at once. will probably find that the absolute calibration of
the sensor is very poor when it’s used on the 50 N
Attach the force sensors to the carts, and put on the
scale; keep this in mind when interpreting your re-
rubber stoppers. Make sure that the rubber stoppers
sults from the collision.
are positioned sufficiently far out from the body of
the cart so that they will not rub against the edge Now try it. To zoom in on the relevant part of the
of the cart. Put the switch on the sensor in the graph, use the mouse to draw a box, and then click
+10 N position. Plug the sensors into the DIN1 on the magnifying glass icon. You will notice by
and DIN2 ports on the interface box. Start up the eye that the motion after the collision is a tiny bit
Logger Pro software, and do File>Open>Probes and different than it was with the magnets, but it’s still
Sensors>Force Sensors>Dual Range Forrce>2-10 N pretty similar. Looking at the graphs, how do you
Dual Range. Tell the computer to zero the sensors. explain the fact that one cart lost exactly as much
Try collecting data and pushing and pulling on the momentum as the other one gained? Discuss this
rubber stopper. You should get a graph showing how with your instructor before going on.
the force went up and down over time. The sensor
K. Now imagine – but don’t do it yet – that you
uses negative numbers (bottom half of the graph) for
are going to reenact part G, where you used unequal
forces that squish the sensor, and positive numbers
masses. Sketch your prediction for the two graphs,
(top half) for forces that stretch it. Try both sensors,
and show your sketch to your instructor before you
and make sure you understand what the red and blue
go on.
traces on the graph are showing you.
Now try it, and discuss the results with your instruc-
H. Put the extra 1-kilogram weight on one of the
carts. Put it on the track by itself, without the other
cart. Try accelerating it from rest with a gentle,

13 Conservation of Momentum in Two Di-
photogate (PASCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
small steel and plastic balls of various masses 2/group
plastic rulers
scotch tape

Test whether momentum is conserved in a collision
of two balls.

Pool players have an intuitive feeling for conserva-
tion of momentum: they can visualize the results of
a collision of two pool balls in advance. They also
know that certain shots are impossible. For instance,
there is no way to make the cue ball bounce back di- balls using the photogate and the computer. The
rectly from a collision with another ball (except by use of the photogate and the computer software that
putting spin on it, which creates an external friction works with it is explained in Appendix 6. Since on
force with the felt). They understand that the angles any given trial you can only use the photogate to
are important, so without knowing it, they are doing measure the speed of a single ball, you will have to
mental estimates involving momentum as a vector: reproduce the collision at least three times to mea-
a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. sure the three speeds involved. Actually, you will
want to measure each of the three speeds several
In this lab, you will be studying collisions similar to times in order to get a good estimate of your ran-
the collision of the cue ball with an initially station- dom errors.
ary ball. One of the basic principles involved is the
conservation of momentum:
The Principle of Conservation of Momentum
No matter how a set of objects interact with each
other, as long as no external force is present, the
vector sum of their momenta is conserved. That is,
p1i + p2i + . . . = p1f + p2f + . . ., where the “. . . ”
means that if there are more than two objects in-
volved, all their momenta should be added like vec-

The technique
To reproduce the same initial speed for the projectile
(ball 1), you can build a little ramp out of two plastic
The idea is to set up an off-center collision, as shown rulers taped together at a 90-degree angle. A block
below, and measure the initial and final speeds of the of wood can be taped in the ramp at the top to keep

36 Lab 13 Conservation of Momentum in Two Dimensions

them braced. The block of wood also serves as a from the collision should you place it? It should
convenient reference point: you can release the ball be as close as possible to the collision, because the
from the point where it touches the block. balls do gradually slow down as they roll, and you
want to know the speeds immediately before and
You should choose a completely asymmetrical setup:
after the collision. However, the balls bounce a little
two balls of different masses, and a collision in which
immediately after the collision, so don’t put the it
the projectile does not hit the target head-on.
so close to the collision that they are still bouncing
It is critical that you position the target ball at ex- when they go through it.
actly the same place every time. Marking the table
and placing the ball on the mark is not good enough.
The best technique is to put a piece of scotch tape Prelab
on the table and use a ball-point pen to make a tiny
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
impression in it for the target ball to sit in.
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
Tips you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
You want to avoid conditions for which any of the you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
speeds involved are too slow, because then the balls P1 Draw an example of a collision, showing the
tend to be accelerated, decelerated, or deflected by balls before and after it happens, in which |p1i | =
tiny bumps in the tabletop. If you notice the balls 0.020 kg · m/s, |p1f | = 0.010 kg · m/s, and |p2f | =
wandering and wavering as they roll, they are go- 0.010 kg · m/s, but momentum was not conserved.
ing too slow. Generally speaking, sufficiently high (As in the actual lab, the target ball starts at rest.)
speeds are achieved if the ramp is at least 7 cm high. Explain.
Using the heavier ball as the projectile helps to keep
the final speeds high. P2 If the magnitude of the initial momentum is the
same as the magnitude of the total final momentum,
A good way to test whether your speeds are sufficient does that mean momentum was conserved?
is to measure the angles at which the balls emerge
from the collision, and see if they are the same every
time, to within a tolerance of 5-10 degrees. If the Self-Check
angles are not reproducible to this level of variation,
then the balls are not going fast enough. Analyze your data without error analysis, and make
sure your graphical and analytical results are the
You will want to use vernier calipers to measure the same. Check whether momentum appeared to be at
diameters of the balls. Ask your instructor for help least approximately conserved.
if you don’t know how to read a vernier scale.
Note that at the instant of collision, the balls are
touching, but their centers are not at the same point. Analysis
This means you have to be careful about how you Test whether momentum was conserved, doing your
measure the angles. vector addition once using the analytic method and
If you did not position the photogate at the height of once using the graphical method. Take into account
the center of the ball whose speed you wanted to de- the random errors in your measurements.
termine, then the computation of the ball’s speed be-
comes complicated — don’t just divide the diameter
of the ball by the time from the computer. Discuss
this with your instructor once you have a working
You should have opposite signs for the components
of the balls’ final momenta in the direction perpen-
dicular to the projectile’s original direction of mo-
You will be putting the photogate in three different
positions to measure the three velocities. How far

14 Torque
Apparatus Construct a setup like the one shown above. Avoid
any symmetry in your arrangement. There are four
meter stick with holes drilled in it . . . . . . . . 1/group forces acting on the meter stick:
spring scales, calibrated in newtons
FH = the weight hanging underneath
string FM = Earth’s gravity on the meter stick itself
protractors FL = tension in the string on the left
hooks FR = tension in the string on the right

Each of these forces also produces a torque.

In order to determine whether the total force is zero,
Goal you will need enough raw data so that for each torque
Test whether the total force and torque on an object you can extract (1) the magnitude of the force vec-
at rest both equal zero. tor, and (2) the direction of the force vector. In order
to add up all the torques, you will have to choose an
axis of rotation, and collect enough raw data to be
Introduction able to determine for each force (3) the distance from
the axis to the point at which the force is applied to
It is not enough for a boat not to sink. It also must
the ruler, and (4) the angle between the force vector
not capsize. This is an example of a general fact
and the line connecting the axis with the point where
about physics, which is also well known to people
the force is applied. Note that the meter stick’s own
who overindulge in alcohol: if an object is to be in
weight can be though of as being applied at its center
a stable equilibrium at rest, it must not only have
of mass.
zero net force on it, to keep from picking up momen-
tum, but also zero net torque, to keep from acquiring You have a selection of spring scales, so use the right
angular momentum. one for the job — don’t use a 20 N scale to measure
0.8 newtons, because it will not be possible to read
it accurately. If you need to swap in a new spring
scale, don’t forget to calibrate it.
Since the analysis requires you to compute the to-
tal torque a second time using a different choice of
axis, you cannot neglect to measure any of the angles

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
Observations P1 You have complete freedom in defining what
point is to be considered the axis of rotation — if
Weigh your meter stick before you do anything else;
one choice of axis causes the total torque to be zero,
they don’t all weigh the same amount.
then any other choice of axis will also cause the to-
For each spring scale, hang a known weight from it, tal torque to be zero. It is possible to simplify the
and adjust the calibration tab so that the scale gives analysis by choosing the axis so that one of the four
the correct result. torques is zero. Plan how you will do this.

38 Lab 14 Torque
P2 All the torques will be tending to cause rota-
tion in the same plane. You can therefore use plus
and minus signs to represent clockwise and counter-
clockwise torques. Choose which one you’ll call pos-
itive. Using your choice of axis, which of the four
torques, τH , τM , τL , and τR , will be negative, which
will be positive, and which will be zero?
P3 Suppose that in the figure above, the angle be-
tween the meter stick and the hanging weight is 80 ◦ ,
the mass of the hanging weight is 1 kg, and the mass
of the meter stick is 0.1 kg. If a student is then try-
ing to calculate the x components of the forces FM
and FH , why is it incorrect to say

FM ,x = (0.1 kg)(9.8 m/s2 )


FH,x = (1 kg)(9.8 m/s2 )(cos 80 ◦ )?

Determine the total force and total torque on the
meter stick. For the forces, I think a graphical cal-
culation will be easier than a numerical one.
Finally, repeat your calculation of the total torque
using a different point as your axis. Although you’re
normally expected to do your analysis completely in-
dependently, for this lab it’s okay if you find the total
torque for one choice of axis, and your lab partners
do the calculation their own choices.
Error analysis is not required. For extra credit, you
can do error analysis for one of your total torques.

15 The Moment of Inertia
Apparatus inertia was completely linear. In his view, all the
common examples of circular motion really involved
meter stick with hole in center . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group a force, which kept things from going straight. In
nail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/group the case of a spinning top, for instance, Newton (a
fulcrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/group confirmed atomist) would have visualized an atoms
slottedmass set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group in the top as being acted on by some kind of sticky
duct tape force from the other atoms, which would keep it from
sliding bracket to go on flying off straight. Linear motion was the simplest
meter stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group type, needing no forces to keep it going. Circular
U-shaped hook for hanging motion was more complex, requiring a force to bend
weights from bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group the atoms’ trajectories into circles.
computer Vernier software
1/group photogate and adapter box . . . . . . .1/group Even though circular motion is inherently more com-
triple-beam balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/group plicated than linear motion, some very close analo-
gies can be made between the two in the case where
an object is spinning rigidly. (An examples of non-
rigid rotation would be a hurricane, in which the
Goal inner parts complete a rotation more rapidly than
the outer parts.) In analogy to Newton’s first law,
Test the equation τtotal = Iα, which relates an ob- Ftotal = ma, we have
ject’s angular acceleration to its own moment of in-
ertia and to the total torque applied to it. τtotal = Iα ,
where the angular acceleration α replaces the linear
acceleration a, the total torque plays the role given
Introduction to the total force, and the moment of inertia I is
Newton’s first law, which states that motion in a used instead of the mass. In this lab, you are going
straight line goes on forever in the absence of a force, to release an unbalanced rotating system — a meter
was especially difficult for scientists to work out be- stick on an axle with weights attached to it — and
cause long-lasting circular motion seemed much more measure its angular acceleration in response to the
prevalent in the universe than long-lasting linear mo- nonzero gravitational torque on it.
tion. The sun, moon and stars appeared to move Every equation you learned for constant acceleration
in never-ending circular paths around the sky. A can also be adapted to the case of rotation with con-
spinning top could continue its motion for a much stant angular acceleration, simply by translating all
longer time than a book sliding across a table. Ren the variables. For instance, the equation vf2 = 2ax
Descartes (b. 1596) came close to stating a law of in- for an object accelerating from rest can be translated
ertia like Newton’s, but he thought that matter was into the valid rotational formula ωf2 = 2aθ.
made out of tiny spinning vortices, like whirlwinds
mr2 ,
of dust. Galileo, who among Newton’s predecessors The moment of inertia is defined as I =
came closest to stating a law of inertia, was also con- where m can be thought of as the mass of an indi-
fused by the issue of circular versus linear inertia. An vidual atom comprising the rotating body, and r is
advocate of the Copernican system, in which the ap- the distance of that atom from the axis of rotation.
parent rotation of the sun, stars and moon was due The word “moment” in “moment of inertia” does
to the Earth’s rotation, he knew that the apparently not refer to a moment in time, but is used instead
motionless ground, trees, and mountains around him in a more old-fashioned sense of “importance” or
must be moving in circles as the Earth turned. Was “weight,” as in “matters of great moment.” The
this because inertia naturally caused things to move idea is that the factor of r2 gives more importance
in circles? to the an atom that is far from the axis of rotation.
Newton, like other giants of science, saw how to focus Because the symbol I is used, there is a tendency
on the simple rather than the complex. His law of for students to refer to it as “inertia,” but inertia
is a different and nonquantitative concept, referring

40 Lab 15 The Moment of Inertia

to the tendency of objects to stay at rest or stay in
In practice, it is not practical to carry out a sum over
all the atoms. The object whose rotation you will
study in this lab will consist of a meter stick pivot-
ing at its center, with various weights hanging from
it in various places. Both the hanging weights and
the meter stick itself will contribute to the moment
of inertia. To a good approximation, each hanging
weight can be treated as if all its atoms were con-
centrated at its center. Calculus can also be used
to derive formulae for the moments of inertia of ob-
jects of various shapes, such as a sphere, a cylinder
rotating along its axis, etc. One such formula is
I = (1/12)M L2 for the moment of inertia of a rigid
rod rotating about an axis passing perpendicularly
through its center. You can use this formula as a
good approximation for the meter stick’s contribu-
tion to the moment of inertia, with L = 1 m.

placed. That is, the center of mass of the whole bal-

anced setup must coincide both vertically and hori-
zontally with the nail. The concept is shown in the
figure above using a rectangle in place of the actual
apparatus. In (d), there will always be a clockwise
torque on the rectangle, because the center of mass
is to the right of the nail.
In (e), there is zero torque if the rectangle is ini-
tially released from this horizontal position, but the
equilibrium is unstable, because its center of mass is
above the axis of rotation. Our experiment depends
on the cancellation of the gravitational torques on
everything but the extra weight, but in a case like
The meter stick is supported on the fulcrum via a (e), this assumption would only be valid when the
nail through the hole in its center. You want to start apparatus was initially released from horizontal. Later
by producing a balanced arrangement of weights at- in the motion, there would be an undesired and un-
tached to the meter stick, as in figure (a) below. The known extra torque. Although it is visually obvious
idea is that if you first balance this configuration in this figure that the rectangle’s center of mass is
carefully, then you know that the net gravitational too high, you can’t tell visually with the actual ap-
torque on it is zero. If you then hang another weight paratus. The way to tell if the center of mass is too
from the previously empty hanger, as in (b), then high is that if you tilt the meter stick a little bit
you know that the total torque simply equals the to the right, it immediately accelerates clockwise,
torque produced by the earth’s gravitational force whereas if you tilt it a little to the left, it accelerates
on the added weight. counterclockwise.
For ease of adjustment, you can use duct tape, wrapped In (f), we have a stable equilibrium. Again, there is
sticky-side-out, to attach the slotted weights to the an unknown, undesired torque unless the rectangle
meter stick. You can then balance your initial config- just happens to be horizontal. You can tell if you
uration simply by sliding the weights around. Do not have this situation because the apparatus can swing
choose a symmetric setup, i.e., use unequal weights. back and forth about its stable equilibrium position.
The masses need to be slid to the left and right in or- You want a neutral equilibrium, i.e., no matter what
der to achieve equilibrium, but it is less obvious that angle you release it from, the meter stick just stays
it also makes a difference how high the weights are there.

Observations ∆θ. Measuring this angle accurately is there-
fore vital in order to get a good result. A
Now add the extra weight so that the meter stick protractor cannot measure an angle this small
is slightly unbalanced. The idea of this lab is to with sufficient accuracy. Use trigonometry to
release the meter stick and use the photogate to find determine this angle.
how quickly it is moving once it has rotated through
some angle, using the photogate to find the amount It’s easiest if you use radian measure through-
of time required for the tip of the meter stick to pass out. The equation τtotal = Iα is only true if a
through the photogate. From your measurement of is measured in radians/s2 .
∆t using the photogate, you can find ω = ∆θ/∆t,
which is an approximation to the meter stick’s final The sliding bracket and hook contribute both
angular velocity. Instructions for using the computer to the total torque and the moment of inertia,
software are given in appendix 6; you want the mode so you’ll have to weigh them.
for measuring how long the photogate was blocked.
Once you know the meter stick’s final value of ω, Prelab
you can extract the angular acceleration. This can
then be compared with the theoretical value of the The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
angular acceleration from τtotal = Iα. you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
Tips: you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
You may want to put something under the ful- you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
crum base to raise everything up higher. P1 Derive an equation for the experimental value
of the angular acceleration, expressed in terms of
Although the balanced configuration, with τtotal = quantities you will actually measure directly, includ-
0, still has τtotal = 0 no matter what angle it ing the quantities θ and ∆θ defined in the figure be-
is at, the torque exerted by the extra weight low. Note that this lab is exactly analogous to the
does depend a little on what angle the meter previous lab where you found a linear acceleration
stick is at. This is because of the factor of using a similar setup.
sin θ in the definition τ = rF sin θ. Since the
torque is not constant, the angular accelera-
tion is not constant, leading to complications.
You can avoid this problem by confining all
your measurements to a fairly small range of
positions near horizontal. As long as θ is fairly
close to 90 ◦ , sin θ is extremely close to 1, and
it is a good enough approximation to assume a
constant torque rF producing a constant an-
gular acceleration. For instance, as long as θ
is within 20 ◦ above or below horizontal, sin θ
changes by no more than 0.06.

Although you want to work only with nearly P2 Why would it not be meaningful to try to deal
horizontal positions of the meter stick so that with the meter stick’s velocity, rather than its angu-
the torque is approximately constant, you also lar velocity?
need to make sure that the total angle tra-
versed by the meter stick is still reasonably
large compared to the angle traversed while the Self-Check
meter stick is blocking the photogate. Other- Do all your analysis in lab.
wise your measurement of ω = ∆θ/∆t will not
be a good approximation to the final instanta-
neous angular velocity. Analysis
As you will find in your prelab, the angular ac- Extract theoretical and experimental values of the
celeration depends on the square of the angle angular acceleration from your data, and compare

42 Lab 15 The Moment of Inertia

No analysis of random errors is required, because the
main source of error is the systematic errors arising
from friction and the various approximations, such
as the assumption that sin θ is approximately equal
to 1.

16 Absolute Zero
Note to the lab technician: The dessicant needs to
be dry before the experiment. If it’s blue, it’s dry. If
it’s pink, it needs to be pumped on for a few hours
with a vacuum pump while heating it with a hair
dryer. Also, please put 2 liters of alcohol in a freezer
overnight, then put them in the ice chest.

gas capillary tube
large test tube
mercury thermometer
glass syringe
electric heating pad
oven mitts
latex tubing
funnels point. (If you leave the thermometer in the water
clamps while it’s heating, you’ll be able to observe later the
gripper clamps interesting fact that the water stops heating up once
it reaches the boiling point.) If the water starts boil-
ing before you’re ready, just turn off the heat and
reheat it later – it doesn’t cool off very fast.
The capillary tube is sealed at the bottom and open
If heat is a form of random molecular motion, then at the top, with a large bulb full of dessicant just
it makes sense that there is some minimum temper- below the top to keep the air inside dry. There is
ature at which the molecules aren’t moving at all. a small amount of mercury inside the tube. Right
With fancy equipment, physicists have gotten sam- now, the mercury is probably “floured,” i.e., broken
ples of matter to within a fraction of a degree above up into small pieces sticking on the sides of the tube.
absolute zero, but they have never actually reached The idea is to collect the mercury into a single drop,
absolute zero (and the laws of thermodynamics ac- with a sample of air trapped in the capillary tube
tually imply that they never can). Nevertheless, we under it. The mercury simply acts as a seal. As the
can determine how cold absolute zero is without even air is heated and cooled, it expands and contracts,
getting very close to it. Kinetic theory tells us that and you can measure its volume by watching the
the volume of an ideal gas is proportional to how mercury seal rise and drop. By the way, don’t be
high it is above absolute zero. In this lab, you’ll scared of the mercury; mercury vapor is a deadly
measure the volume of a sample of air at tempera- poison, but liquid mercury is entirely harmless unless
tures between 0 and 100 degrees C, and determine you ingest it or get it in an open cut. There is a small
where absolute zero lies by extrapolating to the tem- filter made of glass wool at the top end of the bulb,
perature at which it would have had zero volume. which will keep the mercury from getting out.
Remove the gas syringe from the box, being care-
Observations ful not to let the glass plunger drop out and break.
Connect it to the capillary tube with a piece of tub-
Tie a short piece of string to the thermometer so ing.
that you’ll be able to pull it back out of the beaker
when you want to without dipping your hands in First you need to get the mercury into a single blob
hot water. Start heating the water up to the boiling in the cavity at the top of the capillary, where it
widens out just below the bulb. If it’s already form-

44 Lab 16 Absolute Zero

ing a seal across the capillary tube, you won’t be You can now start taking a series of temperature and
able to get it to move, because it’s trapped between volume measurements as the water in the test tube
the pressures of the inside air and the outside air. gradually cools down towards room temperature.
You can break the seal by opening the stopcock and
The cooling process is rapid at first. If you get im-
drawing some air out with the syringe. (Note that
patient, you can gently pour a small amount of cool
the stopcock has three holes; two are lined up with
water in the top, making sure to let it equilibrate for
the knob, and the third one is on the side marked
a few minutes afterward before taking data. Don’t
with a dot on the knob.) If this doesn’t break the
try to swirl the test tube around in order to speed
seal, you can very gently shake the capillary tube
up the equilibration – that’s what I was trying to do
longitudinally. Shaking it longitudinally means mov-
the time the test tube slipped out of the clamp and
ing it along its own length, like an arrow. Don’t tap
it, and don’t shake it transversely (like a fever ther-
mometer or a magician’s wand), because students When the water gets close to room temperature, the
have broken tubes that way in the past. Now dis- cooling process slows down. At some point, you may
connect the tube from the syringe, and, if necessary, wish to fill a beaker with lukewarm water and im-
shake it extremely gently upside-down to get all the merse the end of the flask in it in order to speed up
mercury droplets to collect in the cavity. the cooling. Meanwhile, you can start preparing a
sample of very cold alcohol mixed with ice.
At this point, if you put the tube upright again, the
mercury drop will sit at the very top of the capil- Once you have data at temperatures down to near
lary, with a sample of air trapped below it filling the room temperature, pour some liquid off of the alcohol-
entire tube. This is no good, because most of the ice mixture, and use it to replace the water in the
temperatures you’ll be using in this lab are hotter flask. Make sure you don’t get ice in the flask, which
than room temperature, so you need room for the makes it impossible to insert the capillary tube and
air sample to expand without forcing the mercury thermometer.
out into the cavity. Here’s how to get a smaller vol-
ume of air trapped under the mercury. Push the
plunger all the way into the syringe, open the stop- Analysis
cock, and connect the syringe to the tube, leaving
Graph the temperature and volume against each other.
the tube horizontal with the mercury in the cavity.
Does the graph appear to be linear? If so, extrap-
Now pull the plunger out until you’ve created a 40%
olate to find the temperature at which the volume
vacuum. If you have the stopcock in the correct po-
would be zero.
sition, it should take quite a strong force to pull the
plunger out this far. Now bring the tube upright If your data are nice and linear, then your main
again, and gently allow the plunger to slide back in. source of error will be random errors, and you should
At this point, the mercury should be about 40% be- then determine error bars for your value of absolute
low the top of the capillary, and you can disconnect zero using the techniques discussed in Appendix 4.
the syringe.
Detach the syringe and tubing, so from now on, ev- Prelab
erything is always at constant pressure! We want
temperature and volume to be the only variables The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
that change in this experiment. By leaving every- you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
thing open to the air in the room, we guarantee that ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
the pressure will equal the air pressure in the room. you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
If necessary, bring the water back to a boil, and then
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
turn off the heat again. Being careful not to burn
yourself, lower the clamp so the test tube is almost P1 Should you measure the volume from the top,
touching the tabletop; this way, if it slips out of the the middle, or the bottom of the mercury? Explain.
clamp, it won’t fall far enough to break. (I broke one
of the test tubes myself by letting it slip this way.)
Insert the thermometer and the capillary tube, and
give them a minute or so to come to equilibrium with
the water.

17 The Clement-Desormes Experiment
large flask
glass syringe
water manometer
helium (medium size cylinder, $40 from Party City)
difluoroethane (sold in cans as gas duster at Fry’s)
hose clamps
grabber clamps

Although the theory that matter was made of atoms
started to be talked about seriously by scientists as
duction is a slow process, we can treat this as insu-
early as Galileo’s time, scientists generally didn’t
lated expansion, as discussed in Appendix 2 of Sim-
think of it as something that was literally true. They
ple Nature. If the gas is a monoatomic one, such
considered the atomic theory to be a useful model,
as helium, then the amount of cooling of the gas, as
but they thought that any fundamental explanation
proved in the book, is given by the relation T ∝ P b ,
of real-world phenomena should avoid talking about
where b = 2/5. If the gas is not monoatomic, how-
hypothetical things like atoms. This feeling was so
ever, then its molecules can rotate,1 and at any given
strong that the physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, who
time some of its energy is in the form of kinetic en-
came up with an atomic explanation of entropy, was
ergy along the x, y, and z axes, but some is in the
driven to suicide by the harsh criticism to which his
form of rotational kinetic energy. Extracting a given
ideas were subjected. Even more suspect than the
amount of energy from a diatomic or polyatomic gas,
existence of atoms was any attempt to discuss things
therefore, doesn’t cool it as much as it would cool a
like the shapes of molecules that could be formed
monoatomic gas, and it turns out that b = 2/7 for a
by putting them together like tinkertoys; such ideas
diatomic gas, and 1/4 for a polyatomic gas.2
seemed much too far removed from the possibility of
any experimental testing. Wait one minute for the air to warm back up to room
temperature. The pressure comes back up somewhat
Surprisingly, then, a simple experiment, due to Clem-
as the air warms back up, and although you should
ent and Desormes, is capable of distinguishing two
wait a full minute to make sure it’s back in thermal
samples of gas that differ only by the shape of their
equilibrium, most of the rewarming occurs during
molecules, even if the gases have the same density
the first few seconds after you finish venting the ini-
and are composed of molecules having the same mass.
tial pressure. The pressure will recover to a value
Use the glass syringe to apply a slight overpressure p2 which is less than p1 . The ratio p2 /p1 gives the
to the air inside the flask, causing the difference in value of b for the gas.3
height between the water in the two sides of the
I’m still working on improving this lab. The ba-
manometer to be about 30 cm. Wait one minute
sic idea I have in mind is to have you do the lab
to make sure the air is in thermal equilibrium with
once with helium (monoatomic), air (diatomic), and
the room, and then take a pressure reading, p1 . Re-
lease the pressure by popping the cork for precisely 1 An individual atom in a monoatomic gas has essentially

one second, timed on a stopwatch. The air cools all its mass concentrated in the nucleus exactly at its center,
slightly due to its expansion, because it does me- so it takes an effectively infinite amount of energy to make it
rotate with a certain amount of angular momentum.
chanical work as it exits throught the valve. How- 2 You’ll often see this stated in terms of the variable γ =
ever, because the expansion is rapid, and heat con- 1/(1 − b), which takes on the values 5/3, 7/5, and 4/3.
3 In terms of the variable γ, we have γ = p /(p − p ).
1 1 2

46 Lab 17 The Clement-Desormes Experiment

difluoroethane (polyatomic), and observe the differ-
ences in the results due to the different shapes of
the molecules. There are various systematic errors
in the experiment, so my own absolute results for
the b of air haven’t been of extremely high preci-
sion; however, in a comparative experiment, I think
it will be easy to see a difference in b between the
gases. One possible problem with the air is that it
contains water vapor, which messes up the thermo-
dynamic properties of the air, because water droplets
can condense out of the air when the pressure is
dropped suddenly, as when you open a can of beer.
The helium and difluoroethane shouldn’t have this
problem. In the spring semester of 2008, we tried
all three gases, and found that it was fairly easy to
detect a clear systematic difference between a higher
b for air (.20, .29, .33, .29, and .31 for the five lab
groups) and a lower one for difluoroethane (.18, .20,
.33, .25, and .24), but the results for helium were
much lower than theory, and barely distinguishable
from air (.29, .35, .35, .31, and .31, versus .40 ac-
cording to theory). This may be because we’re not
actually getting the flasks as full of pure helium as
we think we are.
Some of the flasks have holes at both the top and the
bottom. With these flasks, it’s a good idea to intro-
duce the helium through the bottom hole, since it’s
lighter than air, and will rise. The difluoroethane,
on the other hand, should be put in through the top
hole, because it’s heavier than air. I don’t know if
it will be practical to use the helium with the flasks
that only have holes at the top.
Both the helium and the difluoroethane can displace
the beathable air in the classroom, and the amount
of helium in the large canister is particularly big. For
this reason, I’ve been dispensing the helium outside
the classroom.
The difluoroethane is a liquid when it’s pressurized
inside the can. When you vent some of the pressure
through the nozzle, the pressure drops, and some of
it vaporizes and comes out. The vaporization con-
sumes energy, so the can becomes cold. If you hold
the can upside down and spray it, liquid is emitted
rather than gas; this liquid is extremely cold, and
can cause frostbite if it gets on your skin. The gas is
not flammable, and does not harm the ozone layer.
Some teenagers have intentionally inhaled it to get
high, so the manufacturers have added a bitterant.

18 The Pendulum
Apparatus Notation and Terminology
string When a moving thing, such as a wave, an orbit-
cylindrical pendulum bobs ing planet, a wheel, or a pendulum, goes through
hooked masses a repetitive cycle of motion, the time required for
protractor one complete cycle is called the period, T . Note
stopwatch that a pendulum visits any given point once while
computer with photogate and Vernier Timer soft- traveling in one direction and once while traveling
ware in the opposite direction. The period is defined as
clamps (not hooks) for holding the string how long it takes to come back to the same point,
tape measures traveling in the same direction.
meter sticks

Find out how the period of a pendulum depends on
its length and mass, and on the amplitude of its
swing. From a to g is one full period of the pendulum. From a
to e is not a full period. Even though the pendulum has
returned at e to its original position in a, it is moving in the
Introduction opposite direction, and has not performed every type of
motion it will ever perform.
Until the industrial revolution, the interest of the
world’s cultures in the measurement of time was al-
most entirely concentrated on the construction of
calendars, so that agricultural cycles could be an-
ticipated. Although the Egyptians were the first to
divide the day and night into 12 hours, there was no
technology for measuring time units smaller than a
day with great accuracy until four thousand years
Galileo was the first to realize that a pendulum could
be used to measure time accurately — previously, he
had been using his own pulse to measure the time re-
quired for objects to roll down inclined planes. The
legend is that the idea came to him while he watched
The amplitude of a repetitive motion is a way of
a chandelier swinging during a church service. Sen-
describing the amount of motion. We can define
tenced to house arrest for suspicion of heresy, he
the amplitude, A, of the pendulum’s motion as the
spent the last years of his life trying to build a more
maximum angle to which it rises, i.e., half the total
practical pendulum clock that would run for long
angle swept out. Let us denote the mass of the bob,
periods of time without tending. This technical feat
or weight at the end of the pendulum, by m, and
was only achieved later by Christian Huygens. Along
the length of the pendulum, from the pivot to the
with the Chinese invention of the compass, accurate
middle of the weight, as L.
clocks were vital for European exploration by sea,
because longitude can only be determined by astro-
nomical observations combined with accurate mea- Observations
surements of time.
Make observations to determine how the period, T ,
depends on A, L, and m. You will want to use the

48 Lab 18 The Pendulum

technique of isolation of variables. That means that you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
rather than trying many random combinations of
P1 What is the maximum possible amplitude for
A, L, and m, you should keep two of them constant
a pendulum of the type you’ll use, whose bob hangs
while measuring T for various values of the third
from a string? If you were using a pendulum with a
variable. Then you should shift your attention to
stiff rod instead of a string, you could release it from
the next variable, changing it while keeping the other
straight up. What would its period be if you could
two constant, and so on. Be sure to try quite a few
release it from exactly straight up?
values of the variable you are changing, so you can
see in detail how T depends on each variable. P2 Referring to appendix 5, how will you tell from
your log-log plot whether the data follow a power
The period can be measured using the photogate.
law, i.e., whether it is even appropriate to try to
See appendix 6 for how to use the computer soft-
extract p? (If you’ve already done lab 6, it’s exactly
ware; you want the mode that’s meant specifically
the same technique.)
for measuring the period of a pendulum. Note that
the bob is what is blocking the photogate, so if your
bob is irregularly shaped, your measurements could Self-Check
be messed up if it changed orientation between one
pass through the photogate and the next. The eas- Figure out which variable T depends on most strongly,
iest way to make sure this problem doesn’t occur is and extract p (see below).
to use a bob with a circular cross-section, so it has
the same width no matter which way the photogate
cuts through it. Analysis
One of the notable differences between the way stu- Graph your data and state your conclusions about
dents and professional scientists approach experi- whether T depends on A, L and m. Remember
ments is that students tend to be timid about explor- that on a graph of experimental data, the horizontal
ing extreme conditions. In this experiment, there is axis should always be the quantity you controlled di-
a big advantage to taking measurements over wide rectly, and the vertical axis should be the quantity
ranges of each of the three parameters, because it you measured but did not directly select. The pho-
may be impossible to ascertain how the period de- togate is so accurate that there is not much point
pends on a parameter if you only explore a small in putting error bars on your graph — they would
range. When changing L, you can go up to four be too small to see. Remember, however, that there
meters if you hang the pendulum from the balcony; are some fairly significant systematic errors, e.g., it is
however, you should avoid lengths so short that they hard to accurately keep L the same when switching
are comparable to the size of the bob itself, since masses.
such short lengths would have anomalous behavior.
It may happen that when you change one of the vari-
For large values of L, it’s not practical to use the ables, there are only small, insignificant changes in
computer, so use a stopwatch instead. Don’t just the period, but depending on how you graph the
time one oscillation, because then the precision of data, it may look like these are real changes in the
your timing will be horrible. Measure the time re- period. Most computer graphing software has a de-
quired for some large number of oscillations. fault which is to make the y axis stretch only across
the range of actual y data. e.g., if your periods
Warning: Since L is measured to the middle of the
were all between 0.567 and 0.574 s, then the soft-
weight, you must change the length of the string
ware makes an extremely magnified graph, with the
if you want to vary m while keeping L constant,
y axis running only over the short range from 0.567
compensating for the different physical size of the
to 0.574 s. On such a scale, it may seem at first
new weight.
glance that there are some major changes in the pe-
riod. To help yourself interpret your graphs, you
Prelab should make them all with the same y scale, going
from zero all the way up to the highest period you
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure ever measured. Then you’ll be comparing all three
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do- graphs on the same footing.
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
Of the three variables, find the one on which the
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
period depends the most strongly, and use the tech-
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise

niques outlined in appendix 5 to see if you can find
an equation describing the relationship between the
period and that variable. Assume that the equation
is of the form

T = cxp ,

where x would actually be A, L or m, and c and p

are constants. The constant p is important, and is
expected to be the same for all pendula. For in-
stance, if you find that the mass is the variable that
has the greatest effect on the period, and that the
relationship is of the form T = cm3 , then you have
discovered something that is probably generally true
for all pendula: that the period is proportional to the
cube of the mass. The constant c is just some bor-
ing number that’s not worth extracting from your
graphs; it’s the exponent p that’s interesting and
universally valid.

50 Lab 18 The Pendulum

19 Resonance
vibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
stopwatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
banana plug cables
Thornton power supplies (in lab benches in 416)
Leybold 521 545 17-volt DC power supplies1
24 V AC power supplies

Observe the phenomenon of resonance.
Electrical setup, top view.
Investigate how the width of a resonance de-
pends on the amount of damping.

To break a wine glass, an opera singer has to sing If the motor is stopped so that the arms are locked in
the right note. To hear a radio signal, you have to place, the metal disk can still swing clockwise and
be tuned to the right frequency. These are examples counterclockwise because it is attached to the up-
of the phenomenon of resonance: a vibrating system right rod with a flexible spiral spring. A push on the
will respond most strongly to a force that varies with disk will result in vibrations that persist for quite
a particular frequency. a while before the internal friction in the spring re-
duces their amplitude to an imperceptible level. This
would be an example of a free vibration, in which
energy is steadily lost in the form of heat, but no
external force pumps in energy to replace it.
Suppose instead that you initially stop the disk, but
then turn on the electric motor. There is no rigid
mechanical link to the disk, since the motor and disk
are only connected through the very flexible spiral
spring. But the motor will gently tighten and loosen
the spring, resulting in the gradual building up of a
vibration in the disk.

Simplified mechanical drawing of the vibrator, front view. A Period of Free Vibrations
Start without any of the electrical stuff hooked up.
Twist the disk to one side, release it, and determine
Apparatus its period of vibration. (Both here and at points
later in the lab, you can improve your accuracy by
In this lab you will investigate the phenomenon of timing ten periods and dividing the result by ten.)
resonance using the apparatus shown in the figure. This is the natural period of the vibrations, i.e., the
1 or HP6204B 40-volt supplies, if the Leybold supplies period with which they occur in the absence of any
aren’t bought because of budget issues driving force.

52 Lab 19 Resonance
B Damping ing the move. To compensate for this, the currents
Note the coils of wire at the bottom of the disk. you should use should be based on which oscillator
These are electromagnets. Their purpose is not to you have. Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 should use
attract the disk magnetically (in fact the disk is the oscillators labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, B, and D, respec-
made of a nonmagnetic metal) but rather to increase tively. If your oscillator is 2, 3, or 5, you should use
the amount of damping in the system. Whenever a 300 mA for the low current and 600 mA for the high;
metal is moved through a magnetic field, the elec- if it’s 1, 4, B, or D, use 225 and 450 mA. You will be
trons in the metal are made to swirl around. As using these two current values throughout the lab.
they eddy like this, they undergo random collisions C Frequency of Driven Vibration
with atoms, causing the atoms to vibrate. Vibration
of atoms is heat, so where did this heat energy come Now connect the 24 V AC power supply to the mo-
from ultimately? In our system, the only source of tor.2 The motor has coarse (0 to 100) and fine (-6 to
energy is the energy of the vibrating disk. The net +6) adjustment knobs. (On the older models these
effect is thus to suck energy out of the vibration and are marked “groβ” and “fein,” and have different
convert it into heat. Although this magnetic and scales.) These knobs are not calibrated in Hz, and
electrical effect is entirely different from mechanical their readings don’t even correlate linearly with fre-
friction, the result is the same. Creating damping in quency, so to measure the frequency of the motor
this manner has the advantage that it can be made you need to use the stopwatch. However, it can be
stronger or weaker simply by increasing or decreas- useful to write down the knob settings that produced
ing the strength of the magnetic field. a particular frequency, so that you can reproduce it
later. The older motors don’t control their frequency
Turn off all the electrical equipment and leave it un- as accurately as the newer ones, so if you have one
plugged. Connect the circuit shown in the top left of these you should do the low-Q setup in part F.
of the electrical diagram, consisting of a power sup-
ply to run the electromagnet plus a meter . You do Set the damping current to the higher of the two
not yet need the power supply for driving the motor. values. Turn on the motor and drive the system at a
The meter will tell you how much electrical current frequency very different from its natural frequency.
is flowing through the electromagnet, which will give You will notice that it takes a certain amount of
you a numerical measure of how strong your damp- time, perhaps a minute or two, for the system to
ing is. It reads out in units of amperes (A), the settle into a steady pattern of vibration. This is
metric unit of electrical current. Although this does called the steady-state response to the driving force
not directly tell you the amount of damping force in of the motor.
units of newtons (the force depends on velocity), the Does the system respond by vibrating at its natural
force is proportional to the current. frequency, at the same frequency as the motor, or at
Once you have everything hooked up, check with some frequency in between?
your instructor before plugging things in and turn-
D Resonance
ing them on. If you do the setup wrong, you could
blow a fuse, which is no big deal, but a more seri- With your damping current still set to the higher
ous goof would be to put too much current through value, try different motor frequencies, and observe
the electromagnet, which could burn it up, perma- how strong the steady-state response is. At what
nently ruining it. Once your instructor has checked motor frequency do you obtain the strongest response?
this part of the electrical setup she/he will show you When changing from one frequency to another, you
how to monitor the current on the meter to make have to allow time for the vibrator to reach its steady
sure that you never have too much. state. To make it easier to tell when the steady state
The Q of an oscillator is defined as the number of is happening, it helps if you stop the vibration by
oscillations required for damping to reduce the en- hand after changing the frequency; otherwise you
ergy of the vibrations by a factor of 535 (a defini- can get complicated patterns of motion in which the
tion originating from the quantity e2π ). As planned exponentially decaying motion left over from the old
in your prelab, measure the Q of the system with frequency happens on top of the new driven motion.
the electromagnet turned off, then with a low cur-
rent through the electromagnet, and then a higher 2 We will probably get the 24 V AC power supplies some-
current. There are differences among the oscillators, time in 2009. If we don’t have those yet, use one of the power
possibly because they were dropped on the floor dur- supplies in the lab benches in 416T, setting it on 12 V and
connecting to the +12 and −12 V plugs.

You can save yourself some time if you think of this from the graph,
part and part F as one unit, and plan ahead so that
the data you take now are also the data you need for
part F. Analysis
E Resonance Strength Compare your observations in parts C, D, and E
with theory.
Set the motor to the resonant frequency, i.e., the
frequency at which you have found you obtain the For part F, construct graphs with the square of the
strongest response. Now measure the amplitude of amplitude on the y axis and the frequency on the
the vibrations you obtain with each of the two damp- x axis. The reason for using the square of the am-
ing currents. How does the strength of the resonance plitude is that the standard way of specifying the
depend on damping? width of a resonance peak is to give its full width at
half resonance (FWHM), which is measured between
With low amounts of damping, I have sometimes en-
the two points where the energy of the steady-state
countered a problem where the system, when driven
vibration equals half its maximum value. Energy is
near resonance, never really settles down into a steady
proportional to the square of the amplitude. Deter-
state. The amplitude varies dramatically from one
mine the FWHM of the resonance for each value of
minute to the next, perhaps because the power sup-
the damping current, and find whether the expected
ply is not stable enough to control the driving fre-
relationship exists between Q and FWHM; make a
quency consistently enough. If this happens to you,
numerical test, not just a qualitative one. Obviously
check with your instructor.
there is no way you can get an accurate FWHM if
F Width of the Resonance the peak is only as wide as a pencil on the graph —
make an appropriate choice of the range of frequen-
Now measure the response of the system for a large cies on the x axis.
number of driving frequencies, so that you can graph
the resonance curve and determine the width of the
resonance. Concentrate on the area near the top
and sides of the peak, which is what’s important for
finding the full width at half maximum (FWHM).
To make this part less time-consuming, your instruc-
tor will assign your group to do only one of the two
graphs, low-Q or high-Q. Each group will have their
own data for one Q and another group’s data for
another Q.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Plan how you will determine the Q of your os-
cillator in part B. [Hint: Note that the energy of a
vibration is proportional to the square of the ampli-

Make your graphs for part F (see below), and see if
they make sense. Make sure to make the frequency
axis expanded enough to get an accurate FWHM

54 Lab 19 Resonance
20 Resonance (short version for physics
This is a simplified version of lab 19, meant to in-
troduce some concepts related to mechanical reso-
nance, without any detailed data-taking. The idea
is to reinforce the relevant concepts from physics 221
so that they can be used as a metaphor for electrical
resonances in 222.

vibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
Thornton power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
stopwatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
banana plug cables Simplified mechanical drawing of the vibrator, front view.

Observe the phenomenon of resonance.

Learn how to visualize phases and amplitudes

in a plane.

To break a wine glass, an opera singer has to sing
the right note. To hear a radio signal, you have to
be tuned to the right frequency. These are examples
of the phenomenon of resonance: a vibrating system Electrical setup, top view.
will respond most strongly to a force that varies with
a particular frequency.
Suppose instead that you initially stop the disk, but
Apparatus then turn on the electric motor. There is no rigid
mechanical link to the disk, since the motor and disk
In this lab you will investigate the phenomenon of are only connected through the very flexible spiral
resonance using the apparatus shown in the figure. spring. But the motor will gently tighten and loosen
If the motor is stopped so that the arms are locked in the spring, resulting in the gradual building up of a
place, the metal disk can still swing clockwise and vibration in the disk.
counterclockwise because it is attached to the up-
right rod with a flexible spiral spring. A push on the
disk will result in vibrations that persist for quite Observations
a while before the internal friction in the spring re-
duces their amplitude to an imperceptible level. This A Period of Free Vibrations
would be an example of a free vibration, in which Start without any of the electrical stuff hooked up.
energy is steadily lost in the form of heat, but no Twist the disk to one side, release it, and use the
external force pumps in energy to replace it. stopwatch to determine its natural period of vibra-

56 Lab 20 Resonance (short version for physics 222)

tion. (Both here and at points later in the lab, you A through the electromagnet, and then 0.50 A. You
can improve your accuracy by timing ten periods will be using these two current values throughout
and dividing the result by ten.) the lab.

B Damping C Frequency of Driven Vibration

Note the coils of wire at the bottom of the disk. Now connect the lab’s DC power supply to the ter-
These are electromagnets. Their purpose is not to minals on the motor labeled “motorpanschluβ.” The
attract the disk magnetically (in fact the disk is coarse and fine adjustments to the speed of the mo-
made of a nonmagnetic metal) but rather to increase tor are marked “groβ” (gross) and “fein” (fine).
the amount of damping in the system. Whenever a
Set the damping current to the higher of the two
metal is moved through a magnetic field, the elec-
values. Turn on the motor and drive the system at a
trons in the metal are made to swirl around. As
frequency very different from its natural frequency.
they eddy like this, they undergo random collisions
You will notice that it takes a certain amount of
with atoms, causing the atoms to vibrate. Vibration
time, perhaps a minute or two, for the system to
of atoms is heat, so where did this heat energy come
settle into a steady pattern of vibration. This is
from ultimately? In our system, the only source of
called the steady-state response to the driving force
energy is the energy of the vibrating disk. The net
of the motor.
effect is thus to suck energy out of the vibration and
convert it into heat. Although this magnetic and Does the system respond by vibrating at its natural
electrical effect is entirely different from mechanical frequency, at the same frequency as the motor, or at
friction, the result is the same. Creating damping in some frequency in between?
this manner has the advantage that it can be made
stronger or weaker simply by increasing or decreas- D Resonance
ing the strength of the magnetic field. With your damping current still set to the higher
value, try different motor frequencies, and observe
Turn off all the electrical equipment and leave it un-
how strong the steady-state response is. At what
plugged. Connect the circuit shown in the top left
motor frequency do you obtain the strongest response?
of the electrical diagram, consisting of a power sup-
ply to run the electromagnet plus a meter . You do E Resonance Strength
not yet need the power supply for driving the motor.
The meter will tell you how much electrical current Set the motor to the resonant frequency, i.e., the
is flowing through the electromagnet, which will give frequency at which you have found you obtain the
you a numerical measure of how strong your damp- strongest response. Now measure the amplitude of
ing is. It reads out in units of amperes (A), the the vibrations you obtain with each of the two damp-
metric unit of electrical current. Although this does ing currents. How does the strength of the resonance
not directly tell you the amount of damping force in depend on damping?
units of newtons (the force depends on velocity), the F Phase Response
force is proportional to the current.
If the disk and the vertical arm were connected rigidly,
Once you have everything hooked up, check with rather than through a spring, then they would al-
your instructor before plugging things in and turn- ways be in phase. For instance, the disk would reach
ing them on. If you do the setup wrong, you could its most extreme clockwise angle at the same mo-
blow a fuse, which is no big deal, but a more seri- ment when the vertical arm was also all the way
ous goof would be to put too much current through clockwise. But since the connection is not rigid,
the electromagnet, which could burn it up, perma- this need not be the case. Find a frequency sig-
nently ruining it. Once your instructor has checked nificantly below the resonant frequency, at which
this part of the electrical setup she/he will show you the amplitude of the steady-state response is per-
how to monitor the current on the meter to make haps one tenth of the value it would have at res-
sure that you never have too much. onance. What do you observe about the relative
The Q of an oscillator is defined as the number of phase of the disk and the vertical arm? Are they in
oscillations required for damping to reduce the en- phase or out of phase? You can describe the phase
ergy of the vibrations by a factor of 535 (a definition by assigning positive phase angles to oscillations in
originating from the quantity e2π ). As planned in which the disk is ahead of the arm, and negative
your prelab, measure the Q of the system with the phases when the disk is behind. These phase angles
electromagnet turned off, then with a current of 0.25 can range from -180 ◦ to 180 ◦ . Actually +180 ◦ and

-180 ◦ would represent the same thing: the oscilla- tude.]
tions have phases that are exactly the opposite. Try
to estimate roughly what the phase angle is. You
don’t have any way to measure it accurately, but you
should be able to estimate it to the nearest multiple
of 45 ◦ . Measure the amplitude of the steady-state
response as well.
Now measure the phase and amplitude of the re-
sponse when the driving force is at the resonant fre-
Finally, do the same measurements when the driving
force is significantly above resonance.

The point of this is to connect the mechanical analog
to what you know about the phase response of a
resonant LRC circuit. You’re measuring the phase
between F and x, which is analogous to the phase
between V and q in electrical terms. However, most
people think of AC circuits in terms of V and I, not
V and q. The phase relationships you’re expecting,
therefore, are those that would hold between F and
v = dx/dt, which differ by 90 degrees from the F − x
phases you actually measured as raw data.
To complete the electrical analogy, we would really
prefer to discuss the mechanical analog of impedance.
The (constant) driving force from the motor plays
the role of the voltage, while the frequency-dependent
amplitude of the vibration plays the role of the cur-
rent. Dividing these two quantities gives us some-
thing analogous to impedance, and since the driving
force is always the same, we can say that the in-
verse of the amplitude is essentially a measure of
the impedance.
To summarize, you have a complex impedance whose
amplitude and phase angle you can determine from
your data. Plot the impedances at the various fre-
quencies in the complex plane.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Plan how you will determine the Q of your os-
cillator in part B. [Hint: Note that the energy of a
vibration is proportional to the square of the ampli-

58 Lab 20 Resonance (short version for physics 222)

21 Standing Waves
weights, including 1-gram weights
butcher paper
scissors The apparatus allows you to excite vibrations at a
weight holders fixed frequency of 120 Hz (twice the frequency of
the alternating current that runs the vibrator). The
tension in the string can be controlled by varying the
Goals You may find it helpful to put a strip of white butcher
Observe the resonant modes of vibration of a paper behind the black string for better visual con-
string. trast.
It’s important to get the vibrator set up properly
along the same line as the string, not at an angle.
Find how the speed of waves on a string de-
pends on the tension in the string.
Introduction Observe as many modes of vibration as you can. You
will probably not be able to observe the fundamen-
The Greek philosopher Pythagoras is said to have tal (one hump) because it would require too much
been the first to observe that two plucked strings weight. In each case, you will want to fine-tune the
sounded good together when their lengths were in weight to get as close as possible to the middle of
the proportion of two small integers. (This is assum- the resonance, where the amplitude of vibration is
ing the strings are of the same material and under at a maximum. When you’re close to the peak of
the same tension.) For instance, he thought a pleas- a resonance, an easy way to tell whether to add or
ant combination of notes was produced when one remove weight is by gently pressing down or lifting
string was twice the length of the other, but that the up on the weights with your finger to see whether
combination was unpleasant when the ratio was, say, the amplitude increases or decreases.
1.4 to 1 (like the notes B and F). Although different
For large values of N , you may find that you need to
combinations of notes are used in different cultures
use a paperclip instead of the weight holder, in order
and different styles of music, there is at least some
to make the mass sufficiently small. Keep in mind,
scientific justification for Pythagoras’ statement. We
however, that you won’t really improve the quality
now know that a plucked string does not just vibrate
of your data very much by taking data for very high
at a single frequency but simultaneously at a whole
values of N , since the 1-gram precision with which
series of frequencies f1 , 2f1 , 3f1 ,... These frequen-
you can locate these resonances results in a poor
cies are called the harmonics. If one string is twice
relative precision compared to a small weight.
the length of the other, then its lowest harmonic is at
half the frequency of the other string’s, and its har-
monics coincide with the odd-numbered harmonics Prelab
of the other string. If the ratio is 1.4 to 1, however,
then there is essentially no regular relationship be- The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
tween the two sets of frequencies, and many of the you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
harmonics lie close enough in frequency to produce ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
unpleasant beats. you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to

60 Lab 21 Standing Waves

my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise ity of the waves in the string and the tension in the
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab. string. (Do not just try to find the correct power
law in the textbook, because besides observing the
P1 Should the whole length of the string be counted
phenomenon of resonance, the point of the lab is to
in L, or just the part from the vibrator to the pulley?
prove experimentally what the power-law relation-
P2 How is the tension in the string, T , related to ship is.)
the mass of the hanging weight?
P3 The figure below shows the N = 1, 2, and 3
patterns of vibration. Suppose the length of the
string is one meter. In each case, find the wave-

P4 Generalize your numerical results from P3 to

give a general equation for λ in terms of N and L,
the length of the string. Check its units, and check
that it recovers the special cases done numerically in
P5 How can the velocity of the waves be deter-
mined if you know the frequency, f , the length of
the string, L, and the number of humps, N ?

Do your analysis in lab.

Use the techniques given in appendix 5 to see if you
can find a power-law relationship between the veloc-

22 Resonances of Sound
Apparatus to westerners partly because the various gongs and
cymbals have overtones that are not integer multi-
wave generator (PASCO PI-9587C) . . . . . . . 1/group ples of the fundamental.)
speaker (Thornton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
100 mL graduated cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group One of the things that would make “A” on a clarinet
Linux computers with FFT Explorer installed (in sound different from “A” on a saxophone is that the
416 and 416P) 880 Hz overtone would be quite strong for the sax-
flexible whistling tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ophone, but almost entirely missing for the clarinet.
tuning fork marked with frequency, mounted on a Although Helmholtz thought the relative strengths
wooden box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 of the overtones was the whole story when it came
aluminum rod, 3/4-inch dia, about 1 m long to musical timbre, actually it is more complex than
2 that, which is why electronic synthesizers still do not
sound as good as acoustic instruments. The timbre
depends not just on the general strength of the over-
Goals tones but on the details of how they first build up
(the attack) and how the various overtones fade in
Find the resonant frequencies of the air inside and out slightly as the note continues.
a cylinder by two methods.
Why do different instruments have different sound
Measure the speeds of sound in air and in alu- spectra, and why, for instance, does a saxophone
minum. have an overtone that the clarinet lacks? Many mu-
sical instruments can be analyzed physically as tubes
that have either two open ends, two closed ends, or
Introduction one open end and one closed end. The overtones
correspond to specific resonances of the air column
In the womb, your first sensory experiences were of inside the tube. A complete treatment of the subject
your mother’s voice, and soon after birth you learned is given in your textbook, but the basic principle is
to distinguish the particular sounds of your parents’ that the resonant standing waves in the tube must
voices from those of strangers. The human ear-brain have an antinode (point of maximum vibration) at
system is amazingly sophisticated in its ability to any closed end of the tube, and a node (point of zero
classify vowels and consonants, recognize people’s vibration) at any open end.
voices, and analyze musical sound. Until the 19th-
century investigations of Helmholtz, the whole pro-
Using the Wave Generator
cess was completely mysterious. How could we so
easily tell a cello from a violin playing the same note?
A radio station in Chicago has a weekly contest in The wave generator works like the amplifier of your
which jazz fanatics are asked to identify instrumen- stereo, but instead of playing a CD, it produces a
talists simply by their distinctly individual timbres sine wave whose frequency and amplitude you can
— how is this possible? control. By connecting it to a speaker, you can con-
vert its electrical currents to sound waves, making
Helmholtz found (using incredibly primitive nonelec-
a pure tone. The frequency of the sine wave cor-
tronic equipment) that part of the answer lay in the
responds to musical pitch, and the amplitude cor-
relative strengths of the overtones. The psychologi-
responds to loudness. Use the output labeled LO
cal sensation of pitch is related to frequency, e.g., 440
Ω. The wave generator can create enough voltage to
Hz is the note “A.” But a saxophonist playing the
give a mildly unpleasant tingling sensation in your
note “A” is actually producing a rich spectrum of
hand if you touch the leads. None of the electri-
frequencies, including 440 Hz, 880 Hz, 1320 Hz, and
cal apparatus used in this lab, however, is any more
many other multiples of the lowest frequency, known
dangerous than a home TV or stereo.
as the fundamental. The ear-brain system perceives
all these overtones as a single sound because they are
all multiples of the fundamental frequency. (The Ja-
vanese orchestra called the gamelan sounds strange

62 Lab 22 Resonances of Sound

Setup B Electronic Measurement of Resonances of
an Air Column
Unplug the wave generator. Check the fuse in the
The resonances of the air column in a cylinder can
back of the wave generator to make sure it is not
also be excited by a stream of air flowing over an
blown, then put it back in. Plug in the wave gener-
opening, as with a flute. In this part of the lab, you
ator and turn off the on/off switch at the top right.
will excite resonances of a long, flexible plastic tube
Turn the “amplitude” knob of the wave generator to
by grabbing it at one end and swinging it in a cir-
zero, and then turn on the on/off switch.
cle. The frequency of the sound will be determined
Plug the speaker into the wave generator. The ba- electronically. Note that your analysis for these res-
nana plugs go in the two holes on the right. Set the onances will be somewhat different, since the tube
frequency to something audible. Wait 30 seconds is open at both ends, and it therefore has different
for the wave generator to warm up, then turn the patterns of resonances from the graduated cylinder,
amplitude knob up until you hear a sound. which was only open at one end.
The wave generator and the speaker are not really To measure the frequency, you will use a computer to
designed to work together, so if you leave the volume analyze the sound. There are two Linux computers
up very high for a long time, it is possible to blow that have the right software and hardware. As a
the speaker or damage the wave generator. Also, the warmup before attempting the actual measurements
sine waves are annoying when played continuously at with the whistling tube, try the following. First,
loud volumes! start up the program if nobody else has already done
so. It is called FFT Explorer, and you can run it by
double-clicking on its icon on the desktop. In real
Preliminary Observations time, the program will monitor the sound coming
into the microphone, and display a graph of loudness
Observations versus frequency. Try whistling. The frequency at
This lab has three parts, A, B, and C. It is not really which you whistled should show up as a prominent
possible for more than one group to do part A in the peak. You may need to play with the frequency and
same room, both because their sounds interfere with loudness scales, using the two menus on the lower
one another and because the noise becomes annoy- right. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to get confused
ing for everyone. Your instructor will probably have by setting a frequency range that’s too narrow, so
three groups working on part A at one time, one that the peak you want isn’t even on the graph. It’s
group in the main room, one in the small side room, a good idea to try it first on a very wide frequency
and one in the physics stockroom. Meanwhile, the scale, and then narrow the scale to the narrowest one
other groups will be doing parts B and C. that allows you to see the peak. When you get the
graph you want to see, you can freeze it by clicking
A Direct Measurement of Resonances by Lis- on the stop button. Although the software doesn’t
tening give any convenient way to read off the frequency
of the peak with high precision, you can accomplish
Set up the graduated cylinder so its mouth is cov-
that by measuring on the screen with a ruler, and
ering the center of the speaker. Find as many fre-
quencies as possible at which the cylinder resonates.
When you sweep through those frequencies, the sound Debugging software problems:
becomes louder. To make sure you’re really hearing
a resonance of the cylinder, make sure to repeat each If sound input doesn’t work, or mysteriously
observation with the cylinder removed, and make stops working, it’s typically because Linux’s
sure the resonance goes away. For each resonance, sound system (called ALSA) is upset; this can
take several measurements of its frequency — if you be fixed by logging out, and then logging back
are careful, you can pin it down to within ±10 Hz in again.
or so. You can probably speed up your search sig-
nificantly by calculating approximately where you Now try the whole procedure with the tuning fork
expect the resonances to be, then looking for them. instead of whistling, and make sure you can use the
computer to obtain the frequency inscribed on the
fork. You can put the mic inside the wooden box
that the tuning fork is mounted on. Although the
software doesn’t let yu zoom in on the peak, you

can lay a ruler on the screen, and interpolate fairly lem is that we then need to infer what the pattern is.
accurately. Since you hold the rod at its center, friction should
very rapidly damp out any mode of vibration that
Once you have done these warmups, you are ready to
has any motion at the center. Therefore there must
analyze the sound from the whistling tube. You only
be a node at the center. We also know that at the
need to analyze data from one frequency, although
ends, the rod has nothing to interact with but the
if you’re not sure which mode you produced, it may
air, and therefore there is essentially no way for any
be helpful to observe the pattern of the frequencies.
significant amount of wave energy to leak out; we
(If you guess wrong about which mode it was, you’ll
therefore expect that waves reaching the ends have
find out, because the value you extract for the speed
100% of their energy reflected. Since energy is pro-
of sound will be way off.)
portional to the square of amplitude, this means
C The Speed of Sound in Aluminum that a wave with unit amplitude can be reflected
from the ends with an amplitude of either R = +1
The speed of sound in dense solid is much faster
(100% uninverted reflection) or −1 (100% inverted).
than its speed in air. In this part of the lab, you
In the R = −1 case, the reflected wave would can-
will extract the speed of sound in aluminum from
cel out the incident wave at the end of the rod, and
a measurement of the lowest resonant frequency of
we would have a node at the end, as in lab 21. In
a solid aluminum rod. You will use the computer
the R = +1 case, there would be an antinode. But
for an electronic measurement of the frequency, as
when you tap the end of the rod on the floor, you are
in part B.
evidently exciting wave motion by moving the end,
Grab the rod with two fingers exactly in the middle, and it would not be possible to excite vibrations by
hold it vertically, and tap it on the floor. You will this method if the vibrations had no motion at the
hear two different notes sounding simultaneously. A end. We therefore conclude that the rod’s pattern
quick look at their frequencies shows that they are of vibration must have a node at the center, and
not in a 2:1 ratio as we would expect based on our antinode at the ends. There is an infinite number of
experiences with symmetric wave patterns. This is possible wave patterns of this kind, but we will as-
because these two frequencies in the rod are actu- sume that the pattern that is excited strongly is the
ally two different types of waves. The higher note is one with the longest wavelength, i.e., the only node
produced by longitudinal compression waves, which is at the center, and the only antinodes are those at
means that an individual atom of aluminum is mov- the ends. If you feel like it, there are a couple of
ing up and down the length of the rod. This type possible tests you can try do to check whether this
of wave is analogous to sound waves in air, which is the right interpretation. One is to see if you can
are also longitudinal compression waves. The lower detect any other frequencies of longitudinal vibra-
note comes from transverse vibrations, like a vibrat- tion that are excited weakly. Another is to predict
ing guitar string. In the transverse vibrations, atoms where the other nodes would be, if there were more
are moving from side to side, and the rod as a whole than one, and then see if the vibration is killed by
is bending. touching the rod there with your other hand; if there
is a node there, touching it should have no effect.
If you listen carefully, you can tell that the trans-
verse vibration (the lower note) dies out quickly, but
the longitudinal mode keeps going for a long time.
That gives you an easy way to isolate the longitudi-
nal mode, which is the one we’re interested in; just The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
wait for the transverse wave to die out before you you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
freeze the graph on the computer. ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
The rod is symmetric, so we expect its longitudi-
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
nal wave patterns to be symmetric, like those of the
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
whistling tube. The rod is different, however, be-
cause whereas we can excite a variety of wave pat- P1 Find an equation to predict the frequencies of
terns in the tube by spinning it at different speeds, the resonances in parts A and B. Note that they
we find we only ever get one frequency from the rod will not be the same equations, since one tube is
by tapping it at its end: it appears that there is symmetric and the other is asymmetric.
only one logitudinal wave pattern that can be ex-
cited strongly in the rod by this method. The prob-

64 Lab 22 Resonances of Sound

Extract the speed of sound from either part A or
part B, without error analysis, and make sure you
get something close to the accepted value.

Make a graph of wavelength versus period for the
resonances of the graduated cylinder, check whether
it looks like it theoretically should, and if so, find
the speed of sound from its slope, with error bars,
as discussed in appendix 4.
Use the data from part B to find a second value of
the speed of sound, also with error bars.
The effective length of the cylinder in part A should
be increased by 0.4 times its diameter to account for
the small amount of air beyond the end that also vi-
brates. For part B, where the whistling tube is open
at both ends, you should add 0.8 times its diameter.
When estimating error bars from part B, you may
be tempted to say that it must be perfectly accurate,
since its being done by a computer. Not so! You will
see that the peak is a little ragged, and that means
you cannot find the frequency with perfect accuracy.
Extract the speed of sound in aluminum from your
data in part C, including error bars.

23 Static Electricity
Apparatus the same “colors” is repulsive: red repels red, green
repels green, and blue repels blue. The force be-
scotch tape tween two different “colors” is attractive: red and
rubber rod green attract each other, as do green and blue, and
heat lamp red and blue.
bits of paper When your freshly laundered socks cling together,
rods and strips of various materials that is an example of an electrical force. If the grav-
30-50 cm rods, and angle brackets, for hanging charged itational force involves one type of mass, and the
rods nuclear force involves three colors, how many types
of electrical “stuff” are there? In the days of Ben-
jamin Franklin, some scientists thought there were
two types of electrical “charge” or “fluid,” while oth-
Goal ers thought there was only a single type. In this lab,
you will try to find out experimentally how many
Determine the qualitative rules governing electrical types of electrical charge there are.
charge and forces.

Stick a piece of scotch tape on a table, and then lay
Newton’s law of gravity gave a mathematical for- another piece on top of it. Pull both pieces off the
mula for the gravitational force, but his theory also table, and then separate them. If you now bring
made several important non-mathematical statements them close together, you will observe them exerting
about gravity: a force on each other. Electrical effects can also be
created by rubbing the fur against the rubber rod.
Every mass in the universe attracts every other Your job in this lab is to use these techniques to
mass in the universe. test various hypotheses about electric charge. The
most common difficulty students encounter is that
Gravity works the same for earthly objects as
the charge tends to leak off, especially if the weather
for heavenly bodies.
is humid. If you have charged an object up, you
The force acts at a distance, without any need should not wait any longer than necessary before
for physical contact. making your measurements. It helps if you keep your
hands dry.
Mass is always positive, and gravity is always
attractive, not repulsive. A Repulsion and/or attraction
Test the following hypotheses. Note that they are
The last statement is interesting, especially because mutually exclusive, i.e., only one of them can be true.
it would be fun and useful to have access to some A1) Electrical forces are always attractive.
negative mass, which would fall up instead of down
(like the “upsydaisium” of Rocky and Bullwinkle A2) Electrical forces are always repulsive.
fame). A3) Electrical forces are sometimes attractive and
Although it has never been found, there is no theo- sometimes repulsive.
retical reason why a second, negative type of mass Interpretation: Once you think you have tested these
can’t exist. Indeed, it is believed that the nuclear hypotheses fairly well, discuss with your instructor
force, which holds quarks together to form protons what this implies about how many different types of
and neutrons, involves three qualities analogous to charge there might be.
mass. These are facetiously referred to as “red,”
“green,” and “blue,” although they have nothing to
do with the actual colors. The force between two of

66 Lab 23 Static Electricity

B Are there forces on objects that have not been sion. To test C3 versus C5, you’ll need to see if you
specially prepared? can successfully explain your whole table by labeling
So far, special preparations have been necessary in the objects with only two labels, X and Y.
order to get objects to exhibit electrical forces. These Some of the equipment may look identical, but not
preparations involved either rubbing objects against be identical. In particular, some of the clear rods
each other (against resistance from friction) or pulling have higher density than others, which may be be-
objects apart (e.g. overcoming the sticky force that cause they’re made different types of plastic, or glass.
holds the tape together). In everyday life, we do not This could affect your conclusions, so you may want
seem to notice electrical forces in objects that have to check, for example, whether two rods with the
not been prepared this way. same diameter, that you think are made of the same
Now try to test the following hypotheses. Bits of pa- material, actually weigh the same.
per are a good thing to use as unprepared objects, In general, you will find that some materials, and
since they are light and therefore would be easily some combinations of materials, are more easily charged
moved by any force. Do not use tape as an un- than others. For example, if you find that the ma-
charged object, since it can become charged a little hogony rod rubbed with the weasel fur doesn’t charge
bit just by pulling off the roll. well, then don’t keep using use it! The white plastic
B1) Objects that have not been specially prepared strips tend to work well, so don’t neglect them.
are immune to electrical forces. Discuss your conclusions with your instructor.
B2) Unprepared objects can participate in electrical
forces with prepared objects, and the forces involved
are always attractive.
B3) Unprepared objects can participate in electrical The following are examples of incorrect reasoning
forces with prepared objects, and the forces involved about this lab. As a self-check, it would be a very
are always repulsive. good idea to figure out for yourself in each case why
the reasoning is logically incorrect or inconsistent
B4) Unprepared objects can participate in electrical with Newton’s laws. You do not need to do this in
forces with prepared objects, and the forces involved writing — it is just to help you understand what’s
can be either repulsive of attractive. going on. If you can’t figure some of them out, ask
Hypotheses B1 through B4 are mutually exclusive. your instructor before leaving lab.
(1) “The first piece of tape exerted a force on the
C Rules of repulsion and/or attraction and the
second, but the second didn’t exert one on the first.”
number of types of charge
Test the following mutually exclusive hypotheses: (2) “The first piece of tape repelled the second, and
the second attracted the first.”
C1) There is only one type of electric charge, and
the force is always attractive. (3) “We observed three types of charge: two that
exert forces, and a third, neutral type.”
C2) There is only one type of electric charge, and
the force is always repulsive. (4) “The piece of tape that came from the top was
positive, and the piece from the bottom was nega-
C3) There are two types of electric charge, call them tive.”
X and Y. Like charges repel (X repels X and Y repels
Y) and opposite charges attract (X and Y attract (5) “One piece of tape had electrons on it, and the
each other). other had protons on it.”

C4) There are two types of electric charge. Like (6) “We know there were two types of charge, not
charges attract and opposite charges repel. three, because we observed two types of interactions,
attraction and repulsion.”
C5) There are three types of electric charge, X, Y
and Z. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.
The only way to keep all your observations straight Writeup
is to make a square table, in which the rows and Explain what you have concluded about electrical
columns correspond to the different objects you’re charge and forces. Base your conclusions on your
testing against each other for attraction and repul- data!

Notes For Next Week
(1) Next week, when you turn in your writeup for
this lab, you also need to turn in a prelab writeup
for the next lab. The prelab questions are listed
at the end of the description of that lab in the lab
manual. Never start a lab without understanding
the answers to all the prelab questions; if you turn
in partial answers or answers you’re unsure of, dis-
cuss the questions with your instructor or with other
students to make sure you understand what’s going
(2) You should exchange phone numbers with your
lab partners for general convenience throughout the
semester. You can also get each other’s e-mail ad-
dresses by logging in to Spotter and clicking on “e-

Rules and Organization for

Professor Crowell’s Labs
Collection of raw data is work you share with your
lab partners. Once you’re done collecting data, you
need to do your own analysis. E.g., it is not okay for
two people to turn in the same calculations, or on a
lab requiring a graph for the whole group to make
one graph and turn in copies.
As explained in the syllabus, you’ll do some labs as
formal writeups, others as informal “check-off” labs.
The format of formal lab writeups is given in ap-
pendix 1 on page 161. The raw data section must
be contained in your bound lab notebook. Typically
people word-process the abstract section, and any
other sections that don’t include much math, and
stick the printout in the notebook to turn it in. The
justification and reasoning section will usually just
consist of hand-written calculations you do in your
lab notebook. You need two lab notebooks, because
on days when you turn one in, you need your other
one to take raw data in for the next lab. You may
find it convenient to leave one or both of your note-
books in the cupboard at your lab bench whenever
you don’t need to have them at home to work on;
this eliminates the problem of forgetting to bring
your notebook to school.
For a check-off lab, the main thing I’ll pay attention
to is your abstract. The rest of your work for a
check-off lab can be informal, and I may not ask to
see it unless I think there’s a problem after reading
your abstract.

68 Lab 23 Static Electricity

24 The Oscilloscope
Apparatus your lips, the flowing air is like an electrical current,
and the difference in pressure between your mouth
oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group and the room is like the difference in voltage. For
microphone (RS 33-1067) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group the purposes of this lab, it is not really necessary
microphone (Shure C606) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 for you to work with the fundamental definition of
PI-9587C sine wave generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group voltage.
amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
various tuning forks The input connector on the front of the oscilloscope
accepts a type of cable known as a BNC cable. A
BNC cable is a specific example of coaxial cable
If there’s an equipment conflict with respect to the (“coax”), which is also used in cable TV, radio, and
sine wave generators, the HP200CD sine wave gen- computer networks. The electric current flows in
erators can be used instead. one direction through the central conductor, and re-
turns in the opposite direction through the outside
conductor, completing the circuit. The outside con-
Goals ductor is normally kept at ground, and also serves as
Learn to use an oscilloscope. shielding against radio interference. The advantage
of coaxial cable is that it is capable of transmitting
Observe sound waves on an oscilloscope. rapidly varying signals without distortion.

One of the main differences you will notice between
your second semester of physics and the first is that
many of the phenomena you will learn about are
not directly accessible to your senses. For example,
electric fields, the flow of electrons in wires, and the
inner workings of the atom are all invisible. The
oscilloscope is a versatile laboratory instrument that Most of the voltages we wish to measure are not big
can indirectly help you to see what’s going on. enough to use directly for the vertical deflection volt-
age, so the oscilloscope actually amplifies the input
The Oscilloscope voltage, i.e., the small input voltage is used to con-
trol a much large voltage generated internally. The
amount of amplification is controlled with a knob on
An oscilloscope graphs an electrical signal that varies the front of the scope. For instance, setting the knob
as a function of time. The graph is drawn from left to on 1 mV selects an amplification such that 1 mV at
right across the screen, being painted in real time as the input deflects the electron beam by one square
the input signal varies. In this lab, you will be using of the 1-cm grid. Each 1-cm division is referred to
the signal from a microphone as an input, allowing as a “division.”
you to see sound waves.
The input signal is supplied in the form of a voltage. The Time Base and Triggering
You are already familiar with the term “voltage”
from common speech, but you may not have learned
Since the X axis represents time, there also has to
the formal definition yet in the lecture course. Volt-
be a way to control the time scale, i.e., how fast
age, measured in metric units of volts (V), is defined
the imaginary ”penpoint” sweeps across the screen.
as the electrical potential energy per unit charge.
For instance, setting the knob on 10 ms causes it to
For instance if 2 nC of charge flows from one ter-
sweep across one square in 10 ms. This is known as
minal of a 9-volt battery to the other terminal, the
the time base.
potential energy consumed equals 18 nJ. To use a
mechanical analogy, when you blow air out between In the figure, suppose the time base is 10 ms. The

70 Lab 24 The Oscilloscope

age — otherwise there would always be at least two
points in a period where the voltage crossed your
trigger level.

To start with, we’ll use a sine wave generator, which
makes a voltage that varies sinusoidally with time.
This gives you a convenient signal to work with while
you get the scope working. Use the black and white
outputs on the PI-9587C.
The figure on the last page is a simplified drawing
of the front panel of a digital oscilloscope, showing
only the most important controls you’ll need for this
scope has 10 divisions, so the total time required for lab. When you turn on the oscilloscope, it will take
the beam to sweep from left to right would be 100 a while to start up.
ms. This is far too short a time to allow the user
to examine the graph. The oscilloscope has a built-
in method of overcoming this problem, which works
well for periodic (repeating) signals. The amount
of time required for a periodic signal to perform its
pattern once is called the period. With a periodic Press DEFAULT SETUP.
signal, all you really care about seeing what one pe-
riod or a few periods in a row look like — once you’ve Use the SEC/DIV knob to put the time base
seen one, you’ve seen them all. The scope displays on something reasonable compared to the pe-
one screenful of the signal, and then keeps on over- riod of the signal you’re looking at. The time
laying more and more copies of the wave on top of base is displayed on the screen, e.g., 10 ms/div,
the original one. Each trace is erased when the next or 1 s/div.
one starts, but is being overwritten continually by
later, identical copies of the wave form. You simply Use the VOLTS/DIV knob to put the voltage
see one persistent trace. scale (Y axis) on a reasonable scale compared
to the amplitude of the signal you’re looking
How does the scope know when to start a new trace?
If the time for one sweep across the screen just hap-
pened to be exactly equal to, say, four periods of the
The scope has two channels, i.e., it can ac-
signal, there would be no problem. But this is un-
cept input through two BNC connectors and
likely to happen in real life — normally the second
display both or either. You’ll only be using
trace would start from a different point in the wave-
channel 1, which is the only one represented in
form, producing an offset copy of the wave. Thou-
the simplified drawing. By default, the oscil-
sands of traces per second would be superimposed
loscope draws graphs of both channels’ inputs;
on the screen, each shifted horizontally by a differ-
to get rid of ch. 2, hold down the CH 2 MENU
ent amount, and you would only see a blurry band
button (not shown in the diagram) for a couple
of light.
of seconds. You also want to make sure that
To make sure that each trace starts from the same the scope is triggering on CH 1, rather than
point in the waveform, the scope has a triggering cir- CH 2. To do that, press the TRIG MENU
cuit. You use a knob to set a certain voltage level, button, and use an option button to select CH
the trigger level, at which you want to start each 1 as the source. Set the triggering mode to
trace. The scope waits for the input to move across normal, which is the mode in which the trig-
the trigger level, and then begins a trace. Once that gering works as I’ve described above. If the
trace is complete, it pauses until the input crosses trigger level is set to a level that the signal
the trigger level again. To make extra sure that it is never actually reaches, you can play with the
really starting over again from the same point in the knob that sets the trigger level until you get
waveform, you can also specify whether you want to something. A quick and easy way to do this
start on an increasing voltage or a decreasing volt- without trial and error is to use the SET TO

50automatically sets the trigger level to mid- the same as what’s written on the tuning fork.
way between the top and bottom peaks of the
Don’t crank the gain on the amplifier all the way
up. If you do, the amplifier will put out a distorted
You want to select AC, not DC or GND, on waveform. Use the highest gain you can use without
the channel you’re using. You are looking at causing distortion.
a voltage that is alternating, creating an al-
ternating current, “AC.” The “DC” setting is
only necessary when dealing with constant or Observations
very slowly varying voltages. The “GND” sim-
A Periodic and nonperiodic speech sounds
ply draws a graph using y = 0, which is only
useful in certain situations, such as when you Try making various speech sounds that you can sus-
can’t find the trace. To select AC, press the tain continuously: vowels or certain consonants such
CH 1 MENU button, and select AC coupling. as “sh,” “r,” “f” and so on. Which are periodic and
which are not?
Observe the effect of changing the voltage scale and Note that the names we give to the letters of the
time base on the scope. Try changing the frequency alphabet in English are not the same as the speech
and amplitude on the sine wave generator. sounds represented by the letter. For instance, the
You can freeze the display by pressing RUN/STOP, English name for “f” is “ef,” which contains a vowel,
and then unfreeze it by pressing the button again. “e,” and a consonant, “f.” We are interested in the
basic speech sounds, not the names of the letters.
Also, a single letter is often used in the English writ-
Preliminary Observations ing system to represent two sounds. For example,
the word “I” really has two vowels in it, “aaah” plus
Now try observing signals from the microphone. By “eee.”
feeding the mic’s signal through the amplifier and
then to the scope, you can make the signals easier B Loud and soft
to see. What differentiates a loud “aaah” sound from a soft
As of fall 2008, we’re in the process of testing a bet- one?
ter mic (Shure brand) to replace the Radio Shack
C High and low pitch
ones. We have one of the Shure ones. If your group
is the one that gets it, please relay the information Try singing a vowel, and then singing a higher note
about how it worked through your instructor and with the same vowel. What changes?
back to Ben Crowell. Some notes about this mic: As
D Differences among vowel sounds
with the Radio Shack mics, polarity matters. The
tip of the phono plug connector is the live connec- What differentiates the different vowel sounds?
tion, and the part farther back from the tip is the
grounded part. You can connect on to the phono E Lowest and highest notes you can sing
plug with alligator clips. You don’t need the am- What is the lowest frequency you can sing, and what
plifier. Notes for instructors: This mic was $30 at is the highest?
Fry’s. It has an unusually high gain, -52 dBV/Pa at
1 kHz, which helps to make the signals clean enough
to see well on a scope without preamplification. Its Prelab
output impedance is 600 ohms. The main reason the
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
RS 33-1067 mics have a poorer S/N ratio is that the
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
cables are not coax, so they pick up a lot of noise
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
in differential mode. The RS 33-3013 mics are not
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
really any better for this application; although they
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
do have coax cables, they have a very low gain. We
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
should buy phono-to-BNC connectors for the Shure
mics. P1 In the sample oscilloscope trace shown on page
70, what is the period of the waveform? What is its
Once you have your setup working, try measuring
frequency? The time base is 10 ms.
the period and frequency of the sound from a tuning
fork, and make sure your result for the frequency is P2 In the same example, again assume the time

72 Lab 24 The Oscilloscope

base is 10 ms/division. The voltage scale is 2 mV/division.
Assume the zero voltage level is at the middle of
the vertical scale. (The whole graph can actually be
shifted up and down using a knob called “position.”)
What is the trigger level currently set to? If the trig-
ger level was changed to 2 mV, what would happen
to the trace?
P3 Referring to the chapter of your textbook on
sound, which of the following would be a reasonable
time base to use for an audio-frequency signal? 10
ns, 1µ s, 1 ms, 1 s
P4 Does the oscilloscope show you the period of
the signal, or the wavelength? Explain. (If you’re in
Physics 222, skip this one, because you don’t know
about the definition of wavelength yet.)

The format of the lab writeup can be informal. Just
describe clearly what you observed and concluded.

A simplified diagram of the controls on a digital oscilloscope.

74 Lab 24 The Oscilloscope

25 The Speed of Sound
Based on a lab by Hans Rau. range, is used for imaging fetuses in the womb.

oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
optical bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
HP function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group

Measure the speed of sound.
The setup is shown below. A transducer is a de-
Introduction vice capable of acting as either a speaker or a micro-
There are several simple methods for getting a rough phone. The function generator is used to create a
estimate of the speed of sound, for instance tim- voltage that varies sinusoidally over time. This volt-
ing an echo, or watching the kettledrum player at age is connected through two coax cables, to the os-
a symphony and seeing how long the sound takes to cilloscope and the first transducer, used as a speaker.
arrive after you see the mallet strike the drumhead. The sound waves travel from the first transducer to
The latter method, comparing vision against hear- the second transducer, used as a microphone. You
ing, assumes that the speed of light is much greater will be using both channels of the scope to display
than the speed of sound, the same assumption that graphs of two waveforms at the same time on the
is used when estimating the distance to a lightning oscilloscope. As you slide one transducer along the
strike based on the interval between the flash and optical bench, changing the distance between them,
the thunder. The assumption is a good one, since you will change the phase of one wave relative to the
light travels about a million times faster than sound. other. Thus, you can determine the distance corre-
Military jets routinely exceed the speed of sound, sponding to a given number of wavelengths and ex-
but no human has ever traveled at speeds even re- tract the wavelength of the sound waves accurately.
motely comparable to that of light. (The electrons The wavelength of the sound will be roughly a few
in your television set are moving at a few percent of cm. The frequency can be read from the knob on
the speed of light, and velocities of 0.999999999999 the function generator. (The time scale of an os-
times the speed of light can be attained in particle cilloscope typically has a systematic error of about
accelerators. According to Einstein’s theory of rela- 2-5%, so you should not use a measurement of the
tivity, motion faster than light is impossible.) period from the scope for this purpose.)

In this lab, you will make an accurate measurement When setting up the scope, you will need to select
of the speed of sound by measuring the wavelength one channel or the other to trigger on. You can
and frequency of a pure tone (sine wave) and com- select the voltage scales for the two channels inde-
puting pendently, but they always have the same time base.
v = λf . The most common problem in this lab is that some
electrical current gets through the metal optical bench,
We will be using sound with a frequency of about causing the receiving transducer to pick up the orig-
35-40 kHz, which is too high to be audible. This has inal input signal directly, rather than by receiving
the advantage of eliminating the annoying din of six the sound waves. A precaution that usually works
lab groups producing sine waves at once. Such high- is to connect the optical bench to the ground con-
frequency, inaudible sound is known as ultrasound. tact of the scope (use an alligator clip to attach to
Ultrasound at even higher frequencies, in the MHz the body of the bench). It is easy to check whether

76 Lab 25 The Speed of Sound

the problem exists: put your hand between the two transducer from the position shown in the first draw-
transducers to absorb the sound, and you should see ing to the position shown in the second drawing, the
the amplitude of the signal from the receiver become student swept one trace past five complete cycles
much smaller. The receiving transducer will receive of the other trace. (The actual optical benches are
sound best at frequencies in the range of 35-40 kHz, about a meter long, not 8 or 9 cm as shown.) What
so keep the frequency in that range. is the wavelength of the ultrasound? [Self-check: you
should get 0.6 cm]
When you connect the function generator to both
the scope and the transmitting transducer, you’ll P2 Does it matter which transducer you move?
probably end up connecting a BNC-to-banana con-
P3 You can choose through how many wavelengths
nector to the function generator, and then putting a
you will move the transducer. What effect will this
second banana connector into the back of the first.
have on the accuracy of your determination of the
It’s important to make sure that the little tabs marked
speed of sound?
“GND” are on the same side of both connectors.
P4 What is a reasonable value for the speed of
If you are still having problems after taking the above
steps, try replacing one of the transducers — some
of the transducers are unreliable.
Observations Do an analysis without error bars before leaving lab,
and check that your speed of sound is reasonable.
Determine the wavelength and frequency of the sound
waves using the oscilloscope. Find out the tempera-
ture in the lab. Analysis
Do a quick analysis, without error analysis, during
Determine the speed of sound from your data, and
lab, to see if your result is reasonable.
use the techniques discussed in appendix 3 to derive
error bars.
Prelab Compare your result with the previously determined
value of √
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
v = (20.1) T ,
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
where v is in m/s and T is the absolute temperature,
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
found by adding 273 to the Celsius temperature. Is
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
it statistically consistent with your value?
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 The drawings show two different configurations
of the transducers on the optical bench.

The scales are in cm. By sliding the right-hand

26 Electrical Resistance
Apparatus with non-constant are called non-ohmic. The inter-
esting question is why so many materials are ohmic.
DC power supply (Thornton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group Since we know that electrons and nuclei are bound
digital multimeters (Fluke and HP) . . . . . . . 2/group together to form atoms, it would be more reasonable
resistors, various values to expect that small voltages, creating small electric
unknown electrical components fields, would be unable to break the electrons and
electrode paste nuclei away from each other, and no current would
alligator clips flow at all — only with fairly large voltages should
spare fuses for multimeters — Let students replace the atoms be split up, allowing current to flow. Thus
fuses themselves. we would expect R to be infinite for small voltages,
and small for large voltages, which would not be
ohmic behavior. It is only within the last 50 years
that a good explanation has been achieved for the
Goals strange observation that nearly all solids and liquids
Measure curves of voltage versus current for are ohmic.
three objects: your body and two unknown
electrical components.
Terminology, Schematics, and Re-
Determine whether they are ohmic, and if so,
determine their resistances.
sistor Color Codes
The word “resistor” usually implies a specific type
of electrical component, which is a piece of ohmic
Introduction material with its shape and composition chosen to
give a desired value of R. Any piece of an ohmic
Your nervous system depends on electrical currents,
substance, however, has a constant value of R, and
and every day you use many devices based on elec-
therefore in some sense constitutes a “resistor.” The
trical currents without even thinking about it. De-
wires in a circuit have electrical resistance, but the
spite its ordinariness, the phenomenon of electric
resistance is usually negligible (a small fraction of an
currents passing through liquids (e.g., cellular flu-
Ohm for several centimeters of wire).
ids) and solids (e.g., copper wires) is a subtle one.
For example, we now know that atoms are composed The usual symbol for a resistor in an electrical schematic
of smaller, subatomic particles called electrons and is this , but some recent schematics use
nuclei, and that the electrons and nuclei are elec- this . The symbol represents a fixed
trically charged, i.e., matter is electrical. Thus, we
now have a picture of these electrically charged par-
ticles sitting around in matter, ready to create an source of voltage such as a battery, while repre-
electric current by moving in response to an exter- sents an adjustable voltage source, such as the power
nally applied voltage. Electricity had been used for supply you will use in this lab.
practical purposes for a hundred years, however, be-
In a schematic, the lengths and shapes of the lines
fore the electrical nature of matter was proven at the
representing wires are completely irrelevant, and are
turn of the 20th century.
usually unrelated to the physical lengths and shapes
Another subtle issue involves Ohm’s law, of the wires. The physical behavior of the circuit
does not depend on the lengths of the wires (un-
I= , less the length is so great that the resistance of the
R wire becomes non-negligible), and the schematic is
where ∆V is the voltage difference applied across an not meant to give any information other than that
object (e.g., a wire), and I is the current that flows needed to understand the circuit’s behavior. All that
in response. A piece of copper wire, for instance, really matters is what is connected to what.
has a constant value of R over a wide range of volt- For instance, the schematics (a) and (b) above are
ages. Such materials are called ohmic. Materials

78 Lab 26 Electrical Resistance

completely equivalent, but (c) is different. In the
first two circuits, current heading out from the bat-
tery can “choose” which resistor to enter. Later on,
the two currents join back up. Such an arrangement
is called a parallel circuit. In the bottom circuit, a
series circuit, the current has no “choice” — it must
first flow through one resistor and then the other.
Resistors are usually too small to make it convenient the objects you are using are not necessarily resis-
to print numerical resistance values on them, so they tors, or even ohmic.
are labeled with a color code, as shown in the table
and example below.

Here is the actual circuit, with the meters included.

In addition to the unknown resistance RU , a known
resistor RK (∼ 1kΩ is fine) is included to limit the
possible current that will flow and keep from blow-
ing fuses or burning out the unknown resistance with
too much current. This type of current-limiting ap-
plication is one of the main uses of resistors.

A Unknown component A
Set up the circuit shown above with unknown com-
ponent A. Most of your equipment accepts the ba-
Setup nana plugs that your cables have on each end, but
to connect to RU and RK you need to stick alligator
Obtain your two unknowns from your instructor.
clips on the banana plugs. See Appendix 7 for in-
Group 1 will use unknowns 1A and 1B, group 2 will
formation about how to set up and use the two mul-
use 2A and 2B, and so on.
timeters. Do not use the pointy probes that come
Here is a simplified version of the basic circuit you with the multimeters, because there is no convenient
will use for your measurements of I as a function of way to attach them to the circuit — just use the ba-
∆V . Although I’ve used the symbol for a resistor, nana plug cables. Note when you need three wires to

come together at one point, you can plug a banana Now interpret the following color code:
plug into the back of another banana plug.
green orange yellow silver =?
Measure I as a function of ∆V . Make sure to take
P2 Fit a line to the following sample data and use
measurements for both positive and negative volt-
the slope to extract the resistance (see Appendix 4).
Often when we do this lab, it’s the first time in sev-
eral months that the meters have been used. The
small hand-held meters have a battery, which may
be dead. Check the battery icon on the LCD screen.

B Unknown component B
Repeat for unknown component B.

C The human body

Now do the same with the body of one member of
your group. This is not dangerous — the maxi-
mum voltage available from your power supply is
not enough to hurt you. (Children usually figure
out at some point that touching the terminals of a 9
V battery to their tongue gives an interesting sensa-
tion. The currents you will use in this lab are ten to Your result should be consistent with a resistor color
a hundred times smaller.) You may wish to keep the code of green-violet-yellow.
voltage below about 5 V or so. At voltages much P3 Plan how you will measure I versus ∆V for
higher than that (10 to 12 V), a few subjects get both positive and negative values of ∆V , since the
irritated skin. power supply only supplies positive voltages.
You will not want to use the alligator clips. With P4 Would data like these indicate a negative resis-
the power supply turned off, put small dabs of the tance, or did the experimenter just hook something
electrode paste on the subject’s left wrist and just up wrong? If the latter, explain how to fix it.
below the elbow, and simply lay the banana plug
connectors in the paste. The subject should avoid
moving. The paste is necessary because without it,
most of the resistance would come from the connec-
tion through the dry epidermal skin layer, and the
resistance would change erratically. The paste is a
relatively good conductor, and makes a better elec-
trical connection.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If P5 Explain why the following statements about
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to the resistor RK are incorrect:
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab. a) “You have to make RK small compared to RU , so
it won’t affect things too much.”
P1 Check that you understand the interpretations
of the following color-coded resistor labels: b) “RK doesn’t affect the measurement of RU , be-
cause the meters just measure the total amount the
blue gray orange silver = 68 kΩ ± 10% power supply is putting out.”
blue gray orange gold = 68 kΩ ± 5%
blue gray red silver = 6.8 kΩ ± 10% c) “RK doesn’t affect the measurement of RU , be-
black brown blue silver = 1 MΩ ± 10% cause the current and voltage only go through RK
after they’ve already gone through RU .”

80 Lab 26 Electrical Resistance

Graph I versus ∆V for all three unknowns. Decide
which ones are ohmic and which are non-ohmic. For
the ones that are ohmic, extract a value for the resis-
tance (see appendix 4). Don’t bother with analysis
of random errors, because the main source of error in
this lab is the systematic error in the calibration of
the multimeters (and in part C the systematic error
from the subject’s fidgeting).

Programmed Introduction to Prac-

tical Electrical Circuits
Physics courses in general are compromises between
the fundamental and the practical, between explor-
ing the basic principles of the physical universe and
developing certain useful technical skills. Although
the electricity and magnetism labs in this manual
are structured around the sequence of abstract the-
oretical concepts that make up the backbone of the
lecture course, it’s important that you develop cer-
tain practical skills as you go along. Not only will
they come in handy in real life, but the later parts
of this lab manual are written with the assumption
that you will have developed them.
As you progress in the lab course, you will find that
the instructions on how to construct and use circuits
become less and less explicit. The goal is not to
make you into an electronics technician, but neither
should you emerge from this course able only to flip
the switches and push the buttons on prepackaged
consumer electronics. To use a mechanical analogy,
the level of electrical sophistication you’re intended
to reach is not like the ability to rebuild a car engine
but more like being able to check your own oil.
In addition to the physics-based goals stated at the
beginning of this section, you should also be devel-
oping the following skills in lab this week:
(1) Be able to translate back and forth between schemat-
ics and actual circuits.
(2) Use a multimeter (discussed in Appendix 7),
given an explicit schematic showing how to connect
it to a circuit.
Further practical skills will be developed in the fol-
lowing lab.

27 The Loop and Junction Rules
Apparatus sistors. Passing through the first resistor, our sub-
atomic protagonist passes through a voltage differ-
DC power supply (Thornton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group ence of ∆V1 , so its potential energy changes by −e∆V1 .
multimeter (Fluke) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group To use a human analogy, this would be like going up
resistors a hill of a certain height and gaining some gravi-
tational potential energy. Continuing on, it passes
through more voltage differences, −e∆V2 , −e∆V3 ,
and so on. Finally, in a moment of religious tran-
Goal scendence, the electron realizes that life is one big
Test the loop and junction rules in two electrical circuit — you always end up coming back where you
circuits. started from. If it passed through N resistors be-
fore getting back to its starting point, then the total
change in its potential energy was
−e (∆V1 + . . . + ∆VN ) .
If you ask physicists what are the most fundamen-
tally important principles of their science, almost all
But just as there is no such thing as a round-trip
of them will start talking to you about conserva-
hike that is all downhill, it is not possible for the
tion laws. A conservation law is a statement that a
electron to have any net change in potential energy
certain measurable quantity cannot be changed. A
after passing through this loop — if so, we would
conservation law that is easy to understand is the
have created some energy out of nothing. Since the
conservation of mass. No matter what you do, you
total change in the electron’s potential energy must
cannot create or destroy mass.
be zero, it must be true that ∆V1 + . . . + ∆VN = 0.
The two conservation laws with which we will be This is the loop rule:
concerned in this lab are conservation of energy and
The sum of the voltage differences around any closed
conservation of charge. Energy is related to voltage,
loop in a circuit must equal zero.
because voltage is defined as V = P E/q. Charge
is related to current, because current is defined as When you are hiking, there is an important distinc-
I = ∆q/∆t. tion between uphill and downhill, which depends en-
tirely on which direction you happen to be traveling
Conservation of charge has an important consequence
on the trail. Similarly, it is important when apply-
for electrical circuits:
ing the loop rule to be consistent about the signs
When two or more wires come together at a point in you give to the voltage differences, say positive if
a DC circuit, the total current entering that point the electron sees an increase in voltage and negative
equals the total current leaving it. if it sees a decrease along its direction of motion.
Such a coming-together of wires in a circuit is called
a junction. If the current leaving a junction was,
say, greater than the current entering, then the junc-
tion would have to be creating electric charge out A The junction rule
of nowhere. (Of course, charge could have been
Construct a circuit like the one in the figure, using
stored up at that point and released later, but then
the Thornton power supply as your voltage source.
it wouldn’t be a DC circuit — the flow of current
To make things more interesting, don’t use equal
would change over time as the stored charge was
resistors. Use nice big resistors (say 100 kΩ to 1
used up.)
MΩ) — this will ensure that you don’t burn up the
Conservation of energy can also be applied to an resistors, and that the multimeter’s small internal
electrical circuit. The charge carriers are typically resistance when used as an ammeter is negligible in
electrons in copper wires, and an electron has a po- comparison. Insert your multimeter in the circuit to
tential energy equal to −eV . Suppose the electron measure all three currents that you need in order to
sets off on a journey through a circuit made of re- test the junction rule.

82 Lab 27 The Loop and Junction Rules

Discuss whether you think your observations agree
with the loop and junction rules, taking into account
systematic and random errors. If this is your first
time doing error analysis, read appendices 2 and 3.

Programmed Introduction to Prac-

B The loop rule
Now come up with a circuit to test the loop rule.
tical Electrical Circuits
Since the loop rule is always supposed to be true, it’s The following practical skills are developed in this
hard to go wrong here! Make sure that (1) you have lab:
at least three resistors in a loop, (2) the whole cir-
(1) Use a multimeter without being given an explicit
cuit is not just a single loop, and (3) you hook in the
schematic showing how to connect it to your circuit.
power supply in a way that creates non-zero voltage
This means connecting it in parallel in order to mea-
differences across all the resistors. Measure the volt-
sure voltages and in series in order to measure cur-
age differences you need to measure to test the loop
rule. Here it is best to use fairly small resistances, so
that the multimeter’s large internal resistance when (2) Use your understanding of the loop and junc-
used in parallel as a voltmeter will not significantly tion rules to simplify electrical measurements. These
reduce the resistance of the circuit. Do not use re- rules often guarantee that you can get the same cur-
sistances of less than about 100 Ω, however, or you rent or voltage reading by measuring in more than
may blow a fuse or burn up a resistor. one place in a circuit. In real life, it is often much
easier to connect a meter to one place than another,
and you can therefore save yourself a lot of trouble
Prelab using the rules rules.
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Draw a schematic showing where you will in-
sert the multimeter in the circuit to measure the
currents in part A.
P2 Invent a circuit for part B, and draw a schematic.
You need not indicate actual resistor values, since
you will have to choose from among the values actu-
ally available in lab.
P3 Pick a loop from your circuit, and draw a schematic
showing how you will attach the multimeter in the
circuit to measure the voltage differences in part B.
P4 Explain why the following statement is incor-
rect: “We found that the loop rule was not quite
true, but the small error could have been because
the resistor’s value was off by a few percent com-
pared to the color-code value.”

Do the analysis in lab.

28 Electric Fields
Apparatus voltages. Every voltmeter has two probes, and the
meter tells you the difference in voltage between the
board and U-shaped probe ruler two places at which you connect them. Two points
DC power supply (Thornton) have a nonzero voltage difference between them if
multimeter it takes work (either positive or negative) to move
scissors a charge from one place to another. If there is a
stencils for drawing electrode shapes on paper voltage difference between two points in a conduct-
ing substance, charges will move between them just
like water will flow if there is a difference in levels.
The charge will always flow in the direction of lower
Goals potential energy (just like water flows downhill).
To be better able to visualize electric fields and All of this can be visualized most easily in terms
understand their meaning. of maps of constant-voltage curves (also known as
equipotentials); you may be familiar with topograph-
To examine the electric fields around certain ical maps, which are very similar. On a topograph-
charge distributions. ical map, curves are drawn to connect points hav-
ing the same height above sea level. For instance, a
cone-shaped volcano would be represented by con-
Introduction centric circles. The outermost circle might connect
all the points at an altitude of 500 m, and inside it
By definition, the electric field, E, at a particular you might have concentric circles showing higher lev-
point equals the force on a test charge at that point els such as 600, 700, 800, and 900 m. Now imagine
divided by the amount of charge, E = F/q. We can a similar representation of the voltage surrounding
plot the electric field around any charge distribution an isolated point charge. There is no “sea level”
by placing a test charge at different locations and here, so we might just imagine connecting one probe
making note of the direction and magnitude of the of the voltmeter to a point within the region to
force on it. The direction of the electric field at be mapped, and the other probe to a fixed refer-
any point P is the same as the direction of the force ence point very far away. The outermost circle on
on a positive test charge at P. The result would be your map might connect all the points having a volt-
a page covered with arrows of various lengths and age of 0.3 V relative to the distant reference point,
directions, known as a “sea of arrows” diagram.. and within that would lie a 0.4-V circle, a 0.5-V
In practice, Radio Shack does not sell equipment for circle, and so on. These curves are referred to as
preparing a known test charge and measuring the constant-voltage curves, because they connect points
force on it, so there is no easy way to measure elec- of equal voltage. In this lab, you are going to map
tric fields. What really is practical to measure at any out constant-voltage curves, but not just for an iso-
given point is the voltage, V , defined as the elec- lated point charge, which is just a simple example
trical energy (potential energy) that a test charge like the idealized example of a conical volcano.
would have at that point, divided by the amount You could move a charge along a constant-voltage
of charge (E/Q). This quantity would have units curve in either direction without doing any work,
of J/C (Joules per Coulomb), but for convenience because you are not moving it to a place of higher
we normally abbreviate this combination of units as potential energy. If you do not do any work when
volts. Just as many mechanical phenomena can be moving along a constant-voltage curve, there must
described using either the language of force or the not be a component of electric force along the surface
language of energy, it may be equally useful to de- (or you would be doing work). A metal wire is a
scribe electrical phenomena either by their electric constant-voltage curve. We know that electrons in a
fields or by the voltages involved. metal are free to move. If there were a force along
Since it is only ever the difference in potential en- the wire, electrons would move because of it. In fact
ergy (interaction energy) between two points that the electrons would move until they were distributed
can be defined unambiguously, the same is true for in such a way that there is no longer any force on

84 Lab 28 Electric Fields

them. At that point they would all stay put and
then there would be no force along the wire and it
would be a constant-voltage curve. (More generally,
any flat piece of conductor or any three-dimensional
volume consisting of conducting material will be a
constant-voltage region.)
There are geometrical and numerical relationships
between the electric field and the voltage, so even
though the voltage is what you’ll measure directly
in this lab, you can also relate your data to electric
fields. Since there is not any component of elec-
tric force parallel to a constant-voltage curve, elec-
tric field lines always pass through constant-voltage
curves at right angles. (Analogously, a stream flow-
ing straight downhill will cross the lines on a topo-
graphical map at right angles.) Also, if you divide
the work equation (∆energy) = F d by q, you get
(∆energy)/q = (F/q)d, which translates into ∆V = A photo of the apparatus, being used with pattern 3 on
−Ed. (The minus sign is because V goes down when page 86.
some other form of energy is released.) This means
that you can find the electric field strength at a point
P by dividing the voltage difference between the two
constant-voltage curves on either side of P by the Method
distance between them. You can see that units of The first figure shows a simplified schematic of the
V/m can be used for the E field as an alternative to apparatus. The power supply provides an 8 V volt-
the units of N/C suggested by its definition — the age difference between the two metal electrodes, drawn
units are completely equivalent. in black. A voltmeter measures the voltage differ-
ence between an arbitrary reference voltage and a
point of interest in the gray area around the elec-
trodes. The result will be somewhere between 0 and
8 V. A voltmeter won’t actually work if it’s not part
of a complete circuit, but the gray area is intention-
ally made from a material that isn’t a very good
insulator, so enough current flows to allow the volt-
meter to operate.
The photo shows the actual apparatus. The elec-
trodes are painted with silver paint on a detachable
board, which goes underneath the big board. What
you actually see on top is just a piece of paper on
which you’ll trace the equipotentials with a pen. The
voltmeter is connected to a U-shaped probe with a
metal contact that slides underneath the board, and
a hole in the top piece for your pen.
Turn your large board upside down. Find the small
detachable board with the parallel-plate capacitor
pattern (pattern 1 on page 86) on it, and screw it to
the underside of the equipotential board, with the
silver-painted side facing down toward the tabletop.
Use the washers to protect the silver paint so that it
A simplified schematic of the apparatus, being used with doesn’t get scraped off when you tighten the screws.
pattern 1 on page 86. Now connect the voltage source (using the provided
wires) to the two large screws on either side of the
board. Referring to Appendix 7 on how to use a

multimeter, connect the multimeter so that you can Prelab
measure the voltage difference across the terminals
of the voltage source. Adjust the voltage source to The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
give 8 volts. you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Looking at a plot of constant-voltage curves,
how could you tell where the strongest electric fields
would be? (Don’t just say that the field is strongest
when you’re close to “the charge,” because you may
have a complex charge distribution, and we don’t
have any way to see or measure the charge distribu-
P2 What would the constant-voltage curves look
like in a region of uniform electric field (i.e., one in
which the E vectors are all the same strength, and
all in the same direction)?

Calculate at least one numerical electric field value
If you press down on the board, you can slip the pa-
to make sure you understand how to do it.
per between the board and the four buttons you see
at the corners of the board. Tape the paper to your You have probably found some constant-voltage curves
board, because the buttons aren’t very dependable. that form closed loops. Do the electric field patterns
There are plastic stencils in some of the envelopes, ever seem to close back on themselves? Make sure
and you can use these to draw the electrodes accu- you understand why or why not.
rately onto your paper so you know where they are.
Make sure the people in your group all have a copy
The photo, for example, shows pattern 3 traced onto
of each pattern.
the paper.
Now put the U-probe in place so that the top is
above the equipotential board and the bottom of it Analysis
is below the board. You will first be looking for
A. After you have completed the plots for two pat-
places on the pattern board where the voltage is one
terns, you should try to draw in electric field vectors.
volt — look for places where the meter reads 1.0 and
You will then have two different representations of
mark them through the hole on the top of your U-
the field superimposed on one another. Remember
probe with a pencil or pen. You should find a whole
that electric field vectors are always perpendicular
bunch of places there the voltage equals one volt,
to constant-voltage curves. The electric field lines
so that you can draw a nice constant-voltage curve
point from high voltage to low voltage, just as the
connecting them. (If the line goes very far or curves
force on a rolling ball points downhill.
strangely, you may have to do more.) You can then
repeat the procedure for 2 V, 3 V, and so on. Label B. Select at least five places on each plot and deter-
each constant-voltage curve. Once you’ve finished mine the electric field strength (E) at each of them.
tracing the equipotentials, everyone in your group Make sure to include the two points that appear to
will need one copy of each of the two patterns you have the strongest and weakest fields.
do, so you will need to photocopy them or simply
C. For the parallel-plate capacitor, in what region
trace them by hand.
was the electric field relatively uniform?
Repeat this procedure with another pattern. Groups
1 and 4 should do patterns 1 and 2; groups 2 and 5
patterns 1 and 3; groups 3, 6, and 7 patterns 1 and

86 Lab 28 Electric Fields

29 Magnetism (Physics 206/211)
bar magnet (stack of 6 Nd)
graph paper, with 1 cm squares
Hall effect magnetic field probes
LabPro interfaces, DC power supplies, and USB ca-

Find how the magnetic field of a bar magnet changes
with distance along one of the magnet’s lines of sym-
point straight up or down.
Introduction Line up your magnet so it is pointing east-west.
Choose one of the two symmetry axes of your mag-
A Qualitative Mapping of the Magnet’s Field net, and measure the deflection of the compass at
You can use a compass to map out part of the mag- two points along that axis, as shown in the second
netic field of a bar magnet. The compass is affected figure, at the end of the lab. As part of your prelab,
by both the earth’s field and the bar magnet’s field, you will use vector addition to find an equation for
and points in the direction of their vector sum, but if Bm /Be , the magnet’s field in units of the Earth’s, in
you put the compass within a few cm of the bar mag- terms of the deflection angle θ. For your first point,
net, you’re seeing mostly its field, not the earth’s. find the distance r at which the deflection is 70 de-
Investigate the bar magnet’s field, and sketch it in grees; this angle is chosen because it’s about as big
your lab notebook. as it can be without giving very poor relative preci-
sion in the determination of the magnetic field. For
B Variation of Field With Distance: Deflection your second data-point, use twice that distance. By
of a Magnetic Compass what factor does the field decrease when you double
You can infer the strength of the bar magnet’s field r?
at a given point by putting the compass there and Note that the measurements are very sensitive to the
seeing how much it is deflected. relative position and orientation of the bar magnet
The task can be simplified quite a bit if you restrict and compass. You can position them accurately by
yourself to measuring the magnetic field at points laying them both on top of a piece of graph paper,
along one of the magnet’s two lines of symmetry, but before you set all that up, get a preliminary
shown in the figure. estimate of the distances you’ll be using, because
otherwise you can end up wasting your time.
If the magnet is flipped across the vertical axis, the
north and south poles remain just where they were, Based on your two data-points, form a hypothesis
and the field is unchanged. That means the entire about the variation of the magnet’s field with dis-
magnetic field is also unchanged, and the field at a tance according to a power law B ∝ rp .
point such as point b, along the line of symmetry,
C Variation of Field With Distance: Hall Effect
must therefore point straight up.
If the magnet is flipped across the horizontal axis, In this part of the lab, you will test your hypothesis
then the north and south poles are swapped, and the about the power law relationship B ∝ rp ; you will
field everywhere has to reverse its direction. Thus, find out whether the field really does obey such a
the field at points along this axis, e.g., point a, must law, and if it does, you will determine p accurately.

88 Lab 29 Magnetism (Physics 206/211)

This part of the lab uses a device called a Hall ef- P2 Find Bm /Be in terms of the deflection angle θ.
fect magnetometer for measuring magnetic fields. It As a special case, you should be able to recover your
works by sending an electric current through a sub- answer to P1.
stance, and measuring the force exerted on those
moving charges by the surrounding magnetic field.
The probe only measures the component of the mag- Analysis
netic field vector that is parallel to its own axis. Plug
Determine the magnetic field of the bar magnet as
the probe into the LabPro interface, connect the in-
a function of distance. No error analysis is required.
terface to the computer’s USB port, and plug the in-
Look for a power-law relationship using the log-log
terface’s DC power supply in to it. Start up version
graphing technique described in appendix 5. Does
3 of Logger Pro, and it will automatically recognize
the power law hold for all the distances you investi-
the probe and start displaying magnetic fields on the
gated, or only at large distances?
screen, in units of mT (millitesla). The probe has
two ranges, one that can read fields up to 0.3 mT,
and one that goes up to 6.4 mT. You can select ei-
ther one using the switch on the probe. To test your
hypothesis with good precision, you need to obtain
data over the widest possible range of fields. Always
use the more sensitive 0.3 mT scale whenever possi-
ble, because it will give better precision for low fields.
Be careful, however, because if you expose the probe
to a field that’s beyond its maximum range, it will
give incorrect readings. Although you have an ex-
pectation about the direction of the field (based both
on symmetry arguments and on your qualitative re-
sults from part A), it’s a good idea to try orienting
the probe in different ways to see what happens.
Two extra complications are that the Earth’s field
is adding on to the magnet’s field, and the abso-
lute calibration of the probe is very poor by de-
fault. You can make the computer take care of both
of these issues automatically, by zeroing the sensor
(Experiment>Zero) when it is exposed only to the
Earth’s field. This causes the computer to impose a
calibration such that the Earth’s field is considered
to be exactly zero. You may need to redo the calibra-
tion each time you switch scales. If you then carry
out the whole measurement with the probe and the
magnet’s field both aligned east-west, the Earth’s
field has no effect.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 In part B, suppose that when the compass is
11.0 cm from the magnet, it is 45 degrees away from
north. What is the strength of the bar magnet’s field
at this location in space, in units of the Earth’s field?

Part B, measuring the variation of the bar magnet’s field with respect to distance

90 Lab 29 Magnetism (Physics 206/211)

30 The Dipole Field (Physics 222)
Apparatus magnetic field. That is, we define the earth’s mag-
netic field to have a strength of exactly 1.0 in Fuller-
bar magnet ton.1 You can infer the strength of the bar magnet’s
compass field at a given point by putting the compass there
graph paper, with 1 cm squares and seeing how much it is deflected. The standard
Hall effect magnetic field probes notation for magnetic field is B, so we can notate the
LabPro interfaces, DC power supplies, and USB ca- fields of the earth and the magnet as Be and Bm .
The task can be simplified quite a bit if you restrict
yourself to measuring the magnetic field at points
along one of the magnet’s two lines of symmetry,
Goal shown in the figure.

Find how the magnetic field of a bar magnet changes

with distance along one of the magnet’s lines of sym-

This lab is designed to be used along with section
10.3 of Simple Nature, which is about the superpo-
sition (i.e., addition) of fields. That section is about
electric fields, and the basic principle is that if we
have two sets of sources (charges) that would indi-
vidually create fields E1 and E2 , then their combined
field is the vector sum E1 + E2 . Static electric fields,
however, are difficult to control and measure. Mag-
netic fields are much easier to work with, and the If the magnet is flipped across the vertical axis, the
same vector addition principle applies to them. In north and south poles remain just where they were,
this lab, you’ll expose a magnetic compass to the and the field is unchanged. That means the entire
superposed magnetic fields of the earth and a bar magnetic field is also unchanged, and the field at a
magnet. point such as point b, along the line of symmetry,
A Qualitative Mapping of the Dipole’s Field must therefore point straight up.

You can use a compass to map out part of the mag- If the magnet is flipped across the horizontal axis,
netic field of a bar magnet. It turns out that the then the north and south poles are swapped, and the
bar magnet is the magnetic equivalent of an electric field everywhere has to reverse its direction. Thus,
dipole. The compass is affected by both the earth’s the field at points along this axis, e.g., point a, must
field and the bar magnet’s field, and points in the point straight up or down.
direction of their vector sum, but if you put the com- Line up your magnet so it is pointing east-west.
pass within a few cm of the bar magnet, you’re seeing Choose one of the two symmetry axes of your mag-
mostly its field, not the earth’s. Investigate the bar net, and measure the deflection of the compass at
magnet’s field, and sketch it in your lab notebook. two points along that axis, as shown in the second
You should see that it looks like the field a dipole. figure, at the end of the lab. As part of your prelab,
you will use vector addition to find an equation for
B Variation of Field With Distance: Deflection
Bm /Be , the magnet’s field in units of the Earth’s, in
of a Magnetic Compass
terms of the deflection angle θ. For your first point,
Magnetic fields are actually measured in units of
1 Actually we’re defining its horizontal component to be
Tesla (T), but for the purposes of this part of the lab,
one unit — the compass can’t respond to vertical fields. The
we’ll just measure the fields in units of the earth’s dip angle of the magnetic field in Fullerton is fairly steep.

92 Lab 30 The Dipole Field (Physics 222)

find the distance r at which the deflection is 70 de- both on symmetry arguments and on your qualita-
grees; this angle is choses because it’s about as big as tive results from part A), it’s a good idea to try
it can be without giving very poor relative precision orienting the probe along different axes to see what
in the determination of the magnetic field. For your happens. In general, if you want to use the probe to
second data-point, use twice that distance. By what measure a field whose direction and magnitude are
factor does the field decrease when you double r? both unknown, you need to orient the probe along
two different axes, and determine the two compo-
Note that the measurements are very sensitive to the
nents separately.
relative position and orientation of the bar magnet
and compass. You can position them accurately by Two extra complications are that the Earth’s field
laying them both on top of a piece of graph paper, is adding on to the magnet’s field, and the abso-
but before you set all that up, get a preliminary lute calibration of the probe is very poor by de-
estimate of the distances you’ll be using, because fault. You can make the computer take care of both
otherwise you can end up wasting your time. of these issues automatically, by zeroing the sensor
(Experiment>Zero) when it is exposed only to the
Based on your two data-points, form a hypothesis
Earth’s field, and aligned perpendicular to it. This
about the variation of the dipole’s field with dis-
causes the computer to impose a calibration such
tance according to a power law B ∝ rp . (If you’ve
that the Earth’s field is considered to be exactly zero.
done homework problems 11 and 16 in chapter 10 of
You may need to redo the calibration each time you
Simple Nature, then you know what p should be for
switch scales. If you then carry out the whole mea-
an electric dipole, based on vector addition of the
surement with the probe and the magnet’s field both
electric fields of two charges.)
aligned east-west, the Earth’s field has no effect.
C Variation of Field With Distance: Hall Effect
D Variation of Field With Angle: Hall Effect Mag-
In this part of the lab, you will test your hypothesis
Homework problems 11 and 16 in chapter 10 of Sim-
about the power law relationship B ∝ rp ; you will
ple Nature, predict that for an electric dipole, the
find out whether the field really does obey such a
field in the midplane is exactly half as strong as the
law, and if it does, you will determine p accurately.
on-axis field, at the same distance. Test this predic-
This part of the lab uses a device called a Hall effect tion.
magnetometer for measuring magnetic fields. You
Also, find the magnitude of the field at an angle
don’t know enough about magnetism yet to under-
of 45 degrees between the midplane and the axis.
stand the theory behind the operation of the de-
Since you don’t know the direction of the field at
vice, so you can just think of it as a mysterious little
this location based on symmetry arguments (and you
probe, like a wand, that you can place at some point
only know it very roughly based on mapping with a
in space and measure the magnetic field. The probe
compass in part A), you’ll need to measure both of
only measures the component of the magnetic field
the field’s components at this location.
vector that is parallel to its own axis. Plug the probe
into the LabPro interface, connect the interface to As you plan your observations in this part, you’ll
the computer’s USB port, and plug the interface’s need to think about what is the best distance at
DC power supply in to it. Start up version 3 of which to place the probe. If the distance is too large,
Logger Pro, and it will automatically recognize the you may find that the field is too weak to measure
probe and start displaying magnetic fields on the with good precision. If the distance is too small, then
screen, in units of mT (millitesla). The probe has the physical size of the probe becomes an issue, since
two ranges, one that can read fields up to 0.3 mT, the exact location at which the probe measures the
and one that goes up to 6.4 mT. You can select ei- field is ill-defined. (The probe measures a voltage
ther one using the switch on the probe. To test your created by the field in a sample of some material,
hypothesis with good precision, you need to obtain and that sample has a finite size.)
data over the widest possible range of fields. Al-
In part C, all the fields were along a single line, and
ways use the more sensitive 0.3 mT scale whenever
there were no angles involved. That made it simple
possible, because it will give better precision for low
to get rid of the effect the Earth’s field. That doesn’t
fields. Be careful, however, because if you expose the
work in this part, however. One way of handling the
probe to a field that’s beyond its maximum range, it
difficulty is to flip the magnet by 180 degrees, and
will give incorrect readings. Although you have an
find the difference between the readings for the two
expectation about the direction of the field (based

opposite orientations of the magnet, which should
equal twice the magnet’s field. The Earth’s field can-
cels out. This means that you need a total of four
different measurements at each point in space, cover-
ing all four possible combinations of the orientation
of the probe along x or y with both orientations of
the magnet.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Suppose that when the compass is 11.0 cm from
the magnet, it is 45 degrees away from north. What
is the strength of the bar magnet’s field at this loca-
tion in space, in units of the Earth’s field?
P2 Find Bm /Be in terms of the deflection angle θ.
As a special case, you should be able to recover your
answer to P1.

Determine the magnetic field of the bar magnet as
a function of distance. No error analysis is required.
Look for a power-law relationship using the log-log
graphing technique described in appendix 5. Does
the power law hold for all the distances you inves-
tigated, or only at large distances? Compare this
power law result with the result for the variation of
an electric dipole’s field with distance.

94 Lab 30 The Dipole Field (Physics 222)

Measuring the variation of the bar magnet’s field with respect to distance.

31 The Earth’s Magnetic Field (Physics 222)
Apparatus thread, and observe the period of its oscillations in
the Earth’s magnetic field. The idea is that if the
digital multimeter Earth’s field is stronger, there is a stronger torque
neodymium magnet (6 discs stuck together) trying to align the magnet north-south, and the fre-
magnetic compass quency of the oscillations will therefore be higher.
resistors By measuring the frequency of the oscillations, we
decade resistor boxes can work backward and infer the strength of the hor-
rulers izontal component of the Earth’s field.
1-m aluminum rod
aluminum rods, and clamps
D cell batteries and holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group
Helmholtz coils (e/m apparatus)
high-precision Helmholtz coil (one set)
Hall effect magnetic field probes
LabPro interfaces, DC power supplies, and USB ca-

Determine the horizontal component of the Earth’s
magnetic field in Fullerton, to high precision.

Observations A contour map of the field of a Helmholtz coil (top view

of the horizontal plane cutting through the center).
Since you’ve already used the Hall effect magnetic
field probes in lab 30, you might think that it would
One reason the technique isn’t quite that simple is
be relatively trivial to measure the Earth’s magnetic
that the frequency of the oscillations also depends
field precisely. However, the calibration of those
on other quantities, including the magnet’s dipole
probes is quite poor, so it’s not possible to get results
moment and moment of inertia, that are very diffi-
with error bars smaller than about 10-20%.
cult to measure with better than about 10% preci-
sion. A trick for getting around this problem is to
superimpose a known southward magnetic field on
the Earth’s northward one, and adjust the known
field so as to cancel the Earth’s. Reducing the field
increases the period of the oscillations, and if we
could exactly cancel the horizontal component of the
Earth’s field, then the period would be infinite. The
known field is supplied by a type of electromagnet
called a Helmholtz coil, shown in the first figure. It
consists of two circular coils of wire, with their axes
The geometry of a Helmholtz coil. coinciding. In the classic design (which is what’s
really properly called a Helmholtz coil), the separa-
The basic idea of the more precise technique used tion h between the planes of the two coils is equal to
in this lab is to hang a permanent magnet from a their radius, b. Having h = b turns out to produce

96 Lab 31 The Earth’s Magnetic Field (Physics 222)

the most uniform possible field near the center of the
whole arrangement, in the sense that all the field’s
derivatives up to the fourth derivative equal zero.
The second figure (from the Wikipedia article, copy-
left licensed by Wikipedia) is a contour map showing
how little the field actually varies over a fairly large
volume in the center. The “octopus” in the middle
is the region in which the field is between 99% and
101% of its value at the center.
Even this version of the experiment turns out to need
some further tweaking. It is difficult to align the axis
of the coils with the Earth’s field, so we typically end
up with a misalignment, φ, which is a few degrees.
Therefore, the fields do not really cancel, and as the
current through the coils is tuned through the op-
The dependence of the period on amplitude. For an-
timal value, the horizontal field becomes small, but
gles less than 20 degrees, the motion is nearly simple
not zero, and swings around gradually from north harmonic, and the period is independent of amplitude to
to south. It becomes difficult to pick off the current within about 1%. Higher amplitudes can be used, but it
that produces the maximum period, partly because becomes much more important to control the initial am-
the period of the oscillations is not quite indepen- plitude.
dent of amplitude, and it becomes difficult to con-
trol the amplitude of the oscillations properly when
the equilibrium orientation is constantly changing. B/I. You’ll derive the relevant expression as one of
Even if we could precisely recognize the current that your prelab questions. It depends on the accurate
gave the maximum period, that would be the current measurement of the dimensions b and h. In general
that canceled out the component of the Earth’s field it’s fairly difficult to construct magnet coils so that
along the coils’ axis, i.e., we would be taking the their dimensions are accurately determinable, and
vector (Bx , By ), and changing it to (Bx , 0), where the coils you’ll use are no exception. They consist
y is the axis of the coils. Thus we would really be of somewhat irregular bundles of wire tied together
measuring, By = B cos φ, rather than |B|. To get with cable ties, and they aren’t even circular; their
around this problem, you can use the following itera- vertical diameter is significantly different from their
tive method: (1) Align the coils’ axis approximately horizontal diameter. As closely as I’ve been able to
with the earth’s field by eyeballing the alignment determine, they have h = 14.7 ± 0.3 cm, and an av-
against a magnetic compass. (2) Tune the current erage b of about 15.1 ± 0.3 cm, but these error bars
in the coil to the point where the magnet’s equilib- are uncomfortably large. They have N = 130 turns
rium orientation is perpendicular to the earth’s field. of wire on each coil, i.e., 260 turns on each complete
This is pretty close to the current that would have set of Helmholtz coils.
canceled the earth’s field, if the alignment had been
perfect. In this state, the magnet will point either to Because of these problems, I’ve constructed a Helm-
the east or to the west, depending on the direction of holtz coil that has a much more precisely measur-
the error in alignment. (3) Carefully, slowly rotate able geometry. You can calculate B/I for the pre-
the apparatus until the magnet’s equilibrium orien- cise coils, whose dimensions are carefully constructed
tation shifts to the north-south line. This is a state and easy to measure: h = b = 11.15 ± .05 cm. They
in which the coil’s field is exaclty on the same line have N = 5 turns of wire in each coil. Although
as the Earth’s, but their magnitudes are slightly dif- there is only one copy of the precise Helmholtz coil,
ferent. (4) Tune the current again to maximize the and it wouldn’t be convenient to use for this lab
period. In this final step, it becomes important to anyway (they produce weak fields, and their interior
control the amplitude of the oscillations. As shown is not very accessible), we can calibrate your coils
in the figure, the error in the period is less than 0.1% against them. I’m planning to do this as a student
for amplitudes of less than about 10 degrees. lab for the first time in spring 2009, and we’ll use
the data from that semester as a calibration for the
The problem now boils down to the accurate deter- coils, by comparing Bearth /I for them with Bearth /I
mination of the field at the center of the Helmholtz for the precise coils.
coils for a given amount of current, i.e., the ratio
The Helmholtz coils we’re using are actually meant

for lab 33, and they have a big, extremely expensive field. To correct for this, measure the period of the
vacuum tube stuck inside them for that purpose. magnet’s oscillation inside and outside. If they are
With your instructor’s help, very carefully detach significantly different, correct according to B1 /B2 =
the base from the tube. Then unscrew the yokes (T2 /Tp1 ) ; this follows from adapting the equation
that hold the tube in place, and put the tube out of ω = k/m for simple harmonic motion to the case
the way in the stockroom, with cusioning to make of rotation, with the torque τ = m × B playing the
sure it doesn’t get broken. role of the restoring force.
You need precisely controlled, steady currents for (Note to myself: Some of my own further notes about
this lab, and DC power supplies aren’t stable enough, the lab are embedded in comments in the LaTeX
so you’ll use batteries instead. To control the cur- source code for the lab manual.)
rent precisely, you’ll use the decade resistor boxes,
which are variable resistors that let you dial up any
decimal number of ohms that you want. Prelab
We want to keep all magnetic materials far away The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
from the magnet. Clamp the 1-m aluminum rod to you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
the vertical steel post, and hang the magnet from it, ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
far from the post. you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
There are several possible methods for measuring
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
the period of the oscillations, and one of my goals
for spring 2009 is to have my students test drive P1 For an electromagnet consisting of a single cir-
them. One is to use a stopwatch to time, say, 20 cular loop of wire of radius b, the field at a point on
oscillations. A second method would be to use the its axis, at a distance z from the plane of the loop,
magnetic field probe and graph the field as a function is given by
of time. A third method would be to use a photo-
gate, in pendulum mode as described in appendix 2πkIb2
B= .
6. The photogates have steel screws in them, so you c2 (b2 + z 2 )3/2
can’t use them in the ordinary way, with the mag-
net swinging through the infrared beam that goes Starting from this equation, derive an equation for
across the center of the gate. Instead, you can open the magnetic field at the center of a pair of Helmholtz
the shutter on the inside of the photogate to change coils, in terms of h, b, and N . Find B/I for both
it into a mode where it senses light from the beam of the high-precision coils and the low-precision ones,
an external laser. The photogate can then be phys- based on the given values of h, b, and N . (The B/I
ically far away from the magnet so that the screws for the low-precision ones is useful as a check, but has
don’t affect the measurement. A possible problem poor precision, which is why you’ll calibrate against
with the photogate method is that it requires the the high-precision ones.)
amplitude of the oscillations to be big enough so P2 Estimate the current that will be required in
that the magnet blocks and unblocks the photogate, the low-precision coils in order to cancel the Earth’s
but with oscillations that big, the dependence of the field, about 2 × 10−5 T.
period on amplitude could be a significant source
of error unless the amplitude was very accurately
controlled. This problem could possibly be solved Analysis
by attaching a cardboard vane to the magnet, and
that would also get rid of the safety problem caused Find the earth’s magnetic field, with error bars.
by reflecting the laser beam from the shiny magnet.
Of these methods, it’s possible that one might be
the most convenient for rough initial measurements,
while another would work best for the final, accurate
When you’re done with all this, what you’ve actually
measured is the magnetic field inside the building.
Many buildings have magnetic building materials, so
the fields inside them are different from the Earth’s

98 Lab 31 The Earth’s Magnetic Field (Physics 222)

32 Relativity
magnetic balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
meter stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
multimeter (BK, not HP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
vernier calipers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
decade resistor box (General Radio) . . . . . . 1/group
lab’s DC power supply (30 A)

Goal is now canceling the torque made by gravity directly

Measure the speed of light. on all the hardware, such as the masses C and D.
This gravitational torque was zero before, but now
you don’t know what it is. The trick is to put a tiny
Introduction weight (a staple) on top of wire A, and adjust the
current so that the balance returns to the position it
Oersted discovered that magnetism is an interac- originally had, as determined by the laser dot on the
tion of moving charges with moving charges, but wall. You now know that the gravitational torque
it wasn’t until almost a hundred years later that acting on the original apparatus (everything except
Einstein showed why such an interaction must exist: for the staple) is back to zero, so the only torques
magnetism occurs as a direct result of his theory of acting are the torque of gravity on the staple and
relativity. Since magnetism is a purely relativistic the magnetic torque. Since both these torques are
effect, and relativistic effects depend on the speed of applied at the same distance from the axis, the forces
light, any measurement of a magnetic effect can be creating these torques must be equal as well. By
used to determine the speed of light. weighing a block of staples, you can determine the
weight of one staple, and infer the magnetic force
that was acting.
It’s very important to get the wires A and B per-
The idea is to set up opposite currents in two wires, fectly parallel. You also need to minimize the resis-
A and B, one under the other, and use the repulsion tance of the apparatus, or else you won’t be able to
between the currents to create an upward force on get enough current through it to cancel the weight
the top wire, A. The top wire is on the arm of a bal- of the staple. Most of the resistance is at the pol-
ance, which has a stable equilibrium because of the ished metal knife-edges that the moving part of the
weight C hanging below it. You initially set up the balance rests on. It may be necessary to clean the
balance with no current through the wires, adjusting surfaces, or even to freshen them a little with a file
the counterweight D so that the distance between the to remove any layer of oxidation. Since everyone
wires is as small as possible. What we care about is is sharing the same power supply, you can’t turn a
really the center-to-center distance (which we’ll call knob to control the voltage being applied to your
R), so even if the wires are almost touching, there’s setup. Instead, you need to put the decade resistor
still a millimeter or two worth of distance between box in series in your circuit, and use it to control the
them.) By shining a laser at the mirror, E, and ob- current that flows.
serving the spot it makes on the wall, you can very
accurately determine this particular position of the
balance, and tell later on when you’ve reproduced it. Analysis
If you put a current through the wires, it will raise The mass of an aluminum atom is 4.48 × 10−26 kg.
wire A. The torque made by the magnetic repulsion Let’s assume that each aluminum atom contributes

100 Lab 32 Relativity

one conduction electron, and that the wires have law to a cylinder of radius R and length `:
masses per unit length of 2 g/m — these two as-
sumptions are only roughly right, but you’ll see later ΦE = 4πkqin
that they end up not mattering. (E)(2πR`) = 4πkλtotal `
You can now calculate the number of coulombs per 2kλtotal
meter of conduction electrons, −λ, in your wires. By R
combining this with your measured levitation cur- The electrical force Eq = Eλ` cancels out the grav-
rent, you can find the average velocity, v, at which itational force mg acting on the staple, so ignoring
the electrons were drifting through the wire. This ve- plus and minus signs, we have
locity is quite small compared to the speed of light,
so the relativistic effect is slight. However, as you Eλ` = mg
found when you did the prelab, the amount of charge
6kλ2 v 2 mg
in a piece of ordinary matter is huge, so even a slight =
4Rc2 `
effect is enough to produce a measurable result.
Now imagine yourself as one of the moving electrons But λv is just the current, so
in the top wire. In your frame of reference, the elec-
trons in the other strip are moving at velocity −2v, 6kI 2 mg
and for each such electron there is a corresponding 4Rc2 `
proton moving at velocity −v relative to you. (You
don’t care about the protons and electrons that are
paired off in atoms, because they cancel each other.) Solving for c, we have
Both the electrons and the protons are squashed to- s
gether by the relativistic contraction of space, so we 6k`
have c=I
λp = λ p Note that although I asked you to calculate v and
1 − v 2 /c2 λ for physical insight, it turns out that all you re-
1 ally need to know is their product, which equals the
λe = −λ p .
1 − (2v)2 /c2 current you read on your meter.
Your final result is the speed of light, with error bars.
In the frame of reference fixed to the tabletop, these
would have canceled each other out, but in your
frame of reference, we have Prelab
λtotal = λp + λe The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
" # you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
1 1 ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
=λ p −p
1− v 2 /c2 1 − (2v)2 /c2 you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
You may want to try calculating this directly just you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
for fun, but unless your calculator has unusually Do the laser safety checklist, Appendix 9, tear it out,
high precision, it will round off to zero, since the and turn it in at the beginning of lab. If you don’t
gamma factors are both very close to one. To get understand something, don’t initial that point, and
a useful result, we need to use the approximation ask your instructor for clarification before you start
(1 − )−1/2 ≈ 1 + /2, which results in the lab.
P1 Calculate −λ, the number of coulombs per me-
3v 2 ter in the tabletop’s frame of reference, using the
λtotal ≈ −λ 2 .
4c assumptions given above. Answer: −7 × 103 C/m
In your frame of reference, the electric field of this P2 This is a huge amount of charge! Why doesn’t
charge is what is responsible for repelling you and it produce any measurable electrical forces when the
causing the upward electric force on the wire. The wire is just lying there without being connected to
electric force can be calculated by applying Gauss’ any electrical circuit?

33 The Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron
vacuum tube with Helmholtz
coils (Leybold ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Cenco 33034 HV supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
12-V DC power supplies (Thornton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
multimeters (Fluke or HP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ruler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
banana-plug cables

Measure the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron.
of the magnetic field on the electrons is

F = qvB , (1)
Why should you believe electrons exist? By the turn directed towards the center of the circle. Their ac-
of the twentieth century, not all scientists believed celeration is
in the literal reality of atoms, and few could imag-
ine smaller objects from which the atoms themselves v2
were constructed. Over two thousand years had a= , (2)
elapsed since the Greeks first speculated that atoms
existed based on philosophical arguments without so using F = ma, we can write
experimental evidence. During the Middle Ages in
Europe, “atomism” had been considered highly sus- mv 2
qvB = . (3)
pect, and possibly heretical. Finally by the Vic- r
torian era, enough evidence had accumulated from
If the initial velocity of the electrons is provided by
chemical experiments to make a persuasive case for
accelerating them through a voltage difference V ,
atoms, but subatomic particles were not even dis-
they have a kinetic energy equal to qV , so
If it had taken two millennia to settle the question 1
mv 2 = qV . (4)
of atoms, it is remarkable that another, subatomic 2
level of structure was brought to light over a period
From equations 3 and 4, you can determine q/m.
of only about five years, from 1895 to 1900. Most
Note that since the force of a magnetic field on a
of the crucial work was carried out in a series of
moving charged particle is always perpendicular to
experiments by J.J. Thomson, who is therefore often
the direction of the particle’s motion, the magnetic
considered the discoverer of the electron.
field can never do any work on it, and the particle’s
In this lab, you will carry out a variation on a crucial KE and speed are therefore constant.
experiment by Thomson, in which he measured the
You will be able to see where the electrons are going,
ratio of the charge of the electron to its mass, q/m.
because the vacuum tube is filled with a hydrogen
The basic idea is to observe a beam of electrons in
gas at a low pressure. Most electrons travel large
a region of space where there is an approximately
distances through the gas without ever colliding with
uniform magnetic field, B. The electrons are emitted
a hydrogen atom, but a few do collide, and the atoms
perpendicular to the field, and, it turns out, travel
then give off blue light, which you can see. Although
in a circle in a plane perpendicular to it. The force
I will loosely refer to “seeing the beam,” you are
really seeing the light from the collisions, not the

102 Lab 33 The Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron

beam of electrons itself. The manufacturer of the supply goes through both coils to make the magnetic
tube has put in just enough gas to make the beam field. Verify that the magnet is working by using it
visible; more gas would make a brighter beam, but to deflect a nearby compass.
would cause it to spread out and become too broad
High-voltage circuit: Leave the Cenco HV supply
to measure it precisely.
unplugged. It is really three HV circuits in one box.
The field is supplied by an electromagnet consisting You’ll be using the circuit that goes up to 500 V.
of two circular coils, each with 130 turns of wire Connect it to the terminals marked “anode.” Ask
(the same on all the tubes we have). The coils are your instructor to check your circuit. Now plug in
placed on the same axis, with the vacuum tube at the HV supply and turn up the voltage to 300 V .
the center. A pair of coils arranged in this type of You should see the electron beam. If you don’t see
geometry are called Helmholtz coils. Such a setup anything, try it with the lights dimmed.
provides a nearly uniform field in a large volume
of space between the coils, and that space is more
accessible than the inside of a solenoid. Observations
Make the necessary observations in order to find
Safety q/m, carrying out your plan to deal with the effects
of the Earth’s field. The high voltage is supposed
You will use the Cenco high-voltage supply to make to be 300 V, but to get an accurate measurement
a DC voltage of about 300 V . Two things automat- of what it really is you’ll need to use a multimeter
ically keep this from being very dangerous: rather than the poorly calibrated meter on the front
of the high voltage supply.
Several hundred DC volts are far less danger- The beam can be measured accurately by using the
ous than a similar AC voltage. The household glass rod inside the tube, which has a centimeter
AC voltages of 110 and 220 V are more dan- scale marked on it.
gerous because AC is more readily conducted
Be sure to compute q/m before you leave the lab.
by body tissues.
That way you’ll know you didn’t forget to measure
The HV supply will blow a fuse if too much something important, and that your result is reason-
current flows. able compared to the currently accepted value.
There is a glass rod inside the vacuum tube with a
Do the high voltage safety checklist, Appendix 8, centimeter scale on it, so you can measure the diam-
tear it out, and turn it in at the beginning of lab. If eter d of the beam circle simply by looking at the
you don’t understand something, don’t initial that place where the glowing beam hits the scale. This is
point, and ask your instructor for clarification before much more accurate than holding a ruler up to the
you start the lab. tube, because it eliminates the parallax error that
would be caused by viewing the beam and the ruler
along a line that wasn’t perpendicular to the plane of
Setup the beam. However, the manufacturing process used
Before beginning, make sure you do not have any in making these tubes (they’re probably hand-blown
computer disks near the apparatus, because the mag- by a glass blower) isn’t very precise, and on many of
netic field could erase them. the tubes you can easily tell by comparison with the
a ruler that, e.g., the 10.0 cm point on the glass rod
Heater circuit: As with all vacuum tubes, the cath- is not really 10.0 cm away from the hole from which
ode is heated to make it release electrons more easily. the beam emerges. Past students have painstakingly
There is a separate low-voltage power supply built determined the appropriate corrections, k, to add to
into the high-voltage supply. It has a set of plugs the observed diameters by the following electrical
that, in different combinations, allow you to get var- method. If you look at your answer to prelab ques-
ious low voltage values. Use it to supply 6 V to the tion P1, you’ll see that the product Br is always a
terminals marked “heater” on the vacuum tube. The fixed quantity in this experiment. It therefore fol-
tube should start to glow. lows that Id is also supposed to be constant. They
Electromagnet circuit: Connect the other Thornton measured I and d at two different values of I, and
power supply, in series with an ammeter, to the ter- determined the correction k that had to be added to
minals marked “coil.” The current from this power their d values in order to make the two values of Id

equal. The results are as follows: coils. Devise a plan to eliminate, correct for, or at
least estimate the effect of the Earth’s magnetic field
serial number k (cm)
on your final q/m value.
98-16 0.0
99-08 -0.6 P5 Of the three circuits involved in this experi-
99-10 -0.2 ment, which ones need to be hooked up with the
99-17 +0.2 right polarity, and for which ones is the polarity ir-
99-56 +0.3 relevant?
If your apparatus is one that hasn’t already had its k P6 What would you infer if you found the beam
determined, then you should do the necessary mea- of electrons formed a helix rather than a circle?
surements to calibrate it.

Determine q/m, with error bars.
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do- Answer the following questions:
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If Q1. Thomson started to become convinced during
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to his experiments that the “cathode rays” observed
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise coming from the cathodes of vacuum tubes were
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab. building blocks of atoms — what we now call elec-
The week before you are to do the lab, briefly famil- trons. He then carried out observations with cath-
iarize yourself visually with the apparatus. odes made of a variety of metals, and found that
q/m was the same in every case. How would that
Do the high voltage safety checklist, Appendix 8, observation serve to test his hypothesis?
tear it out, and turn it in at the beginning of lab. If
you don’t understand something, don’t initial that Q2. Why is it not possible to determine q and m
point, and ask your instructor for clarification before themselves, rather than just their ratio, by observing
you start the lab. electrons’ motion in electric or magnetic fields?

P1 Derive an equation for q/m in terms of V , r Q3. Thomson found that the q/m of an electron
and B. was thousands of times larger than that of ions in
electrolysis. Would this imply that the electrons had
P2 For an electromagnet consisting of a single cir- more charge? Less mass? Would there be no way to
cular loop of wire of radius b, the field at a point on tell? Explain.
its axis, at a distance z from the plane of the loop,
is given by

B= .
c2 (b2+ z 2 )3/2
Starting from this equation, derive an equation for
the magnetic field at the center of a pair of Helmholtz
coils. Let the number of turns in each coil be N (in
our case, N = 130), let their radius be b, and let the
distance between them be h. (In the actual experi-
ment, the electrons are never exactly on the axis of
the Helmholtz coils. In practice, the equation you
will derive is sufficiently accurate as an approxima-
tion to the actual field experienced by the electrons.)
If you have trouble with this derivation, see your in-
structor in his/her office hours.
P3 Find the currently accepted value of q/m for
the electron.
P4 The electrons will be affected by the Earth’s
magnetic field, as well as the (larger) field of the

104 Lab 33 The Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron

34 Energy in Fields
Heath coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
0.01 µF capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
Daedalon function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group The actual circuit.
PASCO PI-9587C sine-wave generator . . . . 1/group
oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group The practical realization of the circuit involves some
further complications, as shown in the second figure.
The wires are not superconductors, so the circuit has
Goal some nonzero resistance, and the oscillations would
therefore gradually die out, as the electric and mag-
Observe how the energy content of a field relates to netic energies were converted to heat. The sine wave
the field strength. generator serves both to initiate the oscillations and
to maintain them, replacing, in each cycle, the en-
ergy that was lost to heat.
Furthermore, the circuit has a resonant frequency
at it prefers to oscillate, and when the resistance is
very small, the width of the resonance is very nar-
row. To make the resonance wider and less finicky,
we intentionally insert a 10 kΩ resistor. The induc-
tance of the coil is about 1 H, which gives a resonant
A simplified version of the circuit. frequency of about 1.5 kHz.
The actual circuit consists of the 1 H Heath coil, a
The basic idea of this lab is to observe a circuit like 0.01 µF capacitance supplied by the decade capaci-
the one shown in the figure above, consisting of a ca- tor box, a 10 kΩ resistor, and the PASCO sine wave
pacitor and a coil of wire (inductor). Imagine that generator (using the GND and LO Ω terminals).
we first deposit positive and negative charges on the
plates of the capacitor. If we imagined that the uni-
verse was purely mechanical, obeying Newton’s laws Observations
of motion, we would expect that the attractive force Let E be the magnitude of the electric field between
between these charges would cause them to come the capacitor plates, and let Ẽ be the maximum
back together and reestablish a stable equilibrium value of this quantity. It is then convenient to define
in which there was zero net charge everywhere in x = E/Ẽ, a unitless quantity ranging from −1 to 1.
the circuit. Similarly, let y = B/B̃ for the corresponding mag-
However, the capacitor in its initial, charged, state netic quantities. The electric field is proportional
has an electric field between its plates, and this field to the voltage difference across the capacitor plates,
possesses energy. This energy can’t just go away, which is something we can measure directly using
because energy is conserved. What really happens the oscilloscope:
is that as charge starts to flow off of the capacitor E VC
plates, a current is established in the coil. This cur- x= =
rent creates a magnetic field in the space inside and
around the coil. The electric energy doesn’t just Magnetic fields are created by moving charges, i.e.,
evaporate; it turns into magnetic energy. We end by currents. Unfortunately, an oscilloscope doesn’t
up with an oscillation in which the capacitor and measure current, so there’s no equally direct way to
the coil trade energy back and forth. Your goal is get a handle on the magnetic field. However, all
to monitor this energy exchange, and to use it to the current that goes through the coil must also go
deduce a power-law relationship between each field through the resistor, and Ohm’s law relates the cur-
and its energy. rent through the resistor to the voltage drop across

106 Lab 34 Energy in Fields

it. This voltage drop is something we can measure Prelab
with the oscilloscope, so we have
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
B I VR you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
y= = =
B̃ ˜
I V˜R ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
To measure x and y, you need to connect channels my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
1 and 2 of the oscilloscope across the resistor and you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
the capacitor. Since both channels of the scope are
grounded on one side (the side with the ground tab P1 Sketch what your graph would look like for
on the banana-to-bnc connector), you need to make p = 0.1, p = 1, p = 2, and p = 10. (You should
sure that their grounded sides both go to the piece of be able to do p = 1 and p = 2 without any compu-
wire between the resistor and the capacitor. Further- tations. For p = 0.1 and p = 10, you can either run
more, one output of the sine wave generator is nor- some numbers on your calculator or use your math-
mally grounded, which would mess everything up: ematical knowledge to sketch what they would turn
two different points in the circuit would be grounded, out like.)
which would mean that there would be a short across
some of the circuit elements. To avoid this, loosen
the banana plug connectors on the sine wave genera-
tor, and swing away the piece of metal that normally
connects one of the output plugs to the ground.
Tune the sine wave generator’s frequency to reso-
nance, and take the data you’ll need in order to de-
termine x and y at a whole bunch of different places
over one cycle.
Some of the features of the digital oscilloscopes can
make the measurements a lot easier. Doing Acquire>Average
tells the scope to average together a series of up to
128 measurements in order to reduce the amount
of noise. Doing CH 1 MENU>Volts/Div>Fine al-
lows you to scale the display arbitrarily. Rather than
reading voltages by eye from the scope’s x-y grid, you
can make the scope give you a measuring cursor. Do
Cursor>Type>Time. Use the top left knob to move
the cursor to different times. Doing Source>CH 1
and Source>CH 2 gives you the voltage measure-
ment for each channel. (Always use Cursor 1, never
Cursor 2.)
The quality of the results can depend a lot on the
quality of the connections. If the display on the
scope changes noticeably when you wiggle the wires,
you have a problem.

Plot y versus x on a piece of graph paper. Let’s
assume that the energy in a field depends on the
field’s strength raised to some power p. Conservation
of energy then gives
|x|p + |y|p = 1 .
Use your graph to determine p, and interpret your

35 RC Circuits
oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
Pasco PI-9587C function generator
1/group unknown capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
known capacitors, 0.05 µF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
resistors of various values

Observe the exponential curve of a discharging
Determine the capacitance of an unknown ca-

God bless the struggling high school math teacher,
but some of them seem to have a talent for mak-
ing interesting and useful ideas seem dull and use-
less. On certain topics such as the exponential func-
tion, ex, the percentage of students who figure out
from their teacher’s explanation what it really means
and why they should care approaches zero. That’s
a shame, because there are so many cases where it’s
useful. The graphs show just a few of the important
situations in which this function shows up.
The credit card example is of the form

y = aet/k ,

while the Chernobyl graph is like

y = ae−t/k ,

In both cases, e is the constant 2.718 . . ., and k is

a positive constant with units of time, referred to
as the time constant. The first type of equation is
referred to as exponential growth, and the second
as exponential decay. The significance of k is that
it tells you how long it takes for y to change by a
factor of e. For instance, an 18% interest rate on closer and closer to zero. For instance, the radioac-
your credit card converts to k = 6.0 years. That tivity near Chernobyl will never ever become exactly
means that if your credit card balance is $1000 in zero. After a while it will just get too small to pose
1996, by 2002 it will be $2718, assuming you never any health risk, and at some later time it will get too
really start paying down the principal. small to measure with practical measuring devices.
An important fact about the exponential function is Why is the exponential function so ubiquitous? Be-
that it never actually becomes zero — it only gets cause it occurs whenever a variable’s rate of change

108 Lab 35 RC Circuits

is proportional to the variable itself. In the credit of the decay equals the product of R and C. (It may
card and Chernobyl examples, not be immediately obvious that Ohms times Farads
(rate of increase of credit card debt) equals seconds, but it does.)
∝ (current credit card debt) Note that even if we put the charge on the capac-
(rate of decrease of the number of radioactive atoms) itor very suddenly, the discharging process still oc-
curs at the same rate, characterized by RC. Thus
∝ (current number of radioactive atoms) RC circuits can be used to filter out rapidly varying
electrical signals while accepting more slowly varying
For the credit card, the proportionality occurs be-
ones. A classic example occurs in stereo speakers. If
cause your interest payment is proportional to how
you pull the front panel off of the wooden box that
much you currently owe. In the case of radioactive
we refer to as “a speaker,” you will find that there
decay, there is a proportionality because fewer re-
are actually two speakers inside, a small one for re-
maining atoms means fewer atoms available to de-
producing high frequencies and a large one for the
cay and release radioactive particles. This line of
low notes. The small one, called the tweeter, not
thought leads to an explanation of what’s so special
only cannot produce low frequencies but would ac-
about the constant e. If the rate of increase of a vari-
tually be damaged by attempting to accept them.
able y is proportional to y, then the time constant
It therefore has a capacitor wired in series with its
k equals one over the proportionality constant, and
own resistance, forming an RC circuit that filters
this is true only if the base of the exponential is e,
out the low frequencies while permitting the highs
not 10 or some other number.
to go through. This is known as a high-pass filter.
Exponential growth or decay can occur in circuits A slightly different arrangement of resistors and in-
containing resistors and capacitors. Resistors and ductors is used to make a low-pass filter to protect
capacitors are the most common, inexpensive, and the other speaker, the woofer, from high frequencies.
simple electrical components. If you open up a cell
phone or a stereo, the vast majority of the parts you
see inside are resistors and capacitors. Indeed, many Observations
useful circuits, known as RC circuits, can be built
In typical filtering applications, the RC time con-
out of nothing but resistors and capacitors. In this
stant is of the same order of magnitude as the pe-
lab, you will study the exponential decay of the sim-
riod of a sound vibration, say ∼ 1 ms. It is therefore
plest possible RC circuit, shown below, consisting of
necessary to observe the changing voltages with an
one resistor and one capacitor in series.
oscilloscope rather than a multimeter. The oscillo-
scope needs a repetitive signal, and it is not possi-
ble for you to insert and remove a battery in the
circuit hundreds of times a second, so you will use
a function generator to produce a voltage that be-
comes positive and negative in a repetitive pattern.
Such a wave pattern is known as a square wave. The
Suppose we initially charge up the capacitor, mak- mathematical discussion above referred to the expo-
ing an excess of positive charge on one plate and an nential decay of the charge on the capacitor, but an
excess of negative on the other. Since a capacitor oscilloscope actually measures voltage, not charge.
behaves like V = Q/C, this creates a voltage dif- As shown in the graphs below, the resulting volt-
ference across the capacitor, and by Kirchoff’s loop age patterns simply look like a chain of exponential
rule there must be a voltage drop of equal magni- curves strung together.
tude across the resistor. By Ohm’s law, a current
I = V /R = Q/RC will flow through the resistor,
and we have therefore established a proportionality,
(rate of decrease of charge on capacitor)
∝ (current charge on capacitor) .

It follows that the charge on the capacitor will decay

exponentially. Furthermore, since the proportional- Make sure that the yellow or red “VAR” knob, on
ity constant is 1/RC, we find that the time constant the front of the knob that selects the time scale, is

the RC time constant, which is just a property of
the resistor and the capacitor.
If you think you have a working setup, observe the
effect of temporarily placing a second capacitor in
parallel with the first capacitor. If your setup is
working, the exponential decay on the scope should
become more gradual because you have increased
RC. If you don’t see any effect, it probably means
you’re measuring behavior coming from the internal
R and C of the function generator and the scope.

clicked into place, not in the range where it moves Use the scope to determine the RC time constant,
freely — otherwise the times on the scope are not and check that it is correct. Rather than reading
calibrated. times and voltages by eye from the scope’s x-y grid,
you can make the scope give you a measuring cur-
A Preliminary observations sor. Do Cursor>Type>Time, and Source>CH 1 .
Pick a resistor and capacitor with a combined RC Use the top left knob to move the cursor to different
time constant of ∼ 1 ms. Make sure the resistor is times.
at least ∼ 10kΩ, so that the internal resistance of B Unknown capacitor
the function generator is negligible compared to the
resistance you supply. Build a similar circuit using your unknown capacitor
plus a known resistor. Use the unknown capacitor
Note that the capacitance values printed on the sides with the same number as your group number. Take
of capacitors often violate the normal SI conventions the data you will need in order to determine the RC
about prefixes. If just a number is given on the ca- time constant, and thus the unknown capacitance.
pacitor with no units, the implied units are micro-
farads, mF. Units of nF are avoided by the manufac- As a check on your result, obtain a known capacitor
turers in favor of fractional microfarads, e.g., instead with a value similar to the one you have determined
of 1 nF, they would use “0.001,” meaning 0.001 µF. for your unknown, and see if you get nearly the same
For picofarads, a capital P is used, “PF,” instead of curve on the scope if you replace the unknown ca-
the standard SI “pF.” pacitor with the new one.

Use the oscilloscope to observe what happens to the

voltages across the resistor and capacitor as the func- Prelab
tion generator’s voltage flips back and forth. Note
that the oscilloscope is simply a fancy voltmeter, The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
so you connect it to the circuit the same way you you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
would a voltmeter, in parallel with the component ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you’re interested in. Make sure the scope is set on you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
DC, not AC, by doing CH 1>Coupling>DC. A com- my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
plication is added by the fact that the scope and you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
the function generator are fussy about having the P1 Plan how you will determine the capacitance
grounded sides of their circuits connected to each and what data you will need to take.
other. The banana-to-BNC converter that goes on
the input of the scope has a small tab on one side
marked “GND.” This side of the scope’s circuit must Analysis
be connected to the “LO” terminal of the function
generator. This means that when you want to switch Determine the capacitance, with error analysis (ap-
from measuring the capacitor’s voltage to measuring pendices 2 and 3).
the resistor’s, you will need to rearrange the circuit
a little.
If the trace on the oscilloscope does not look like the
one shown above, it may be because the function
generator is flip-flopping too rapidly or too slowly.
The function generator’s frequency has no effect on

110 Lab 35 RC Circuits

36 LRC Circuits
Apparatus and the sine wave generator to supply a driving volt-
age. You will study the way the circuit resonates,
Heath coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group i.e., responds most strongly to a certain frequency.
0.05 µF capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group
Pasco PI-9587C generator (under lab benches in 416) Some added complications come from the fact that
1/group the function generator, coil, and oscilloscope do not
oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group behave quite like their idealized versions. The coil
doesn’t act like a pure inductor; it also has a certain
amount of DC resistance, simply because the wire
has finite resistance. So in addition to the 47-ohm
Goals resistor, you will have 62 ohms of resistance coming
from the resistance of the wire in the coil. There is
Observe the resonant behavior of an LRC cir- also some internal resistance from the function gen-
cuit. erator itself, amounting to 600 ohms when you use
the outputs marked “high Ω.” The “R” of the circuit
Observe how the properties of the resonance is really the sum of these three series resistances.
curve change when the L, R, and C values are
changed. You will also want to put the oscilloscope in AC
coupling mode, which filters out any DC component
(additive constant) on the signal. The scope accom-
Introduction plishes this filtering by adding in a very small (20
pF) capacitor, which appears in parallel in the cir-
Radio, TV, cellular phones — it’s mind-boggling cuit because an oscilloscope, being a voltmeter, is
to imagine the maelstrom of electromagnetic waves always used in parallel. In reality, this tiny parallel
that are constantly pass through us and our sur- capacitance is so small compared to capacitance of
roundings. Perhaps equally surprising is the fact the 0.05 µF capacitor that the resulting correction
that a radio can pick up a wave with one partic- is negligible (and that’s a good thing, because if it
ular frequency while rejecting all the others nearly wasn’t negligible, the circuit wouldn’t be a simple
perfectly. No seasoned cocktail-party veteran could series LRC circuit, and its behavior would be much
ever be so successful at tuning out the signals that more complicated).
are not of interest. What makes radio technology
possible is the phenomenon of resonance, the prop-
erty of an electrical or mechanical system that makes Observations
it respond far more strongly to a driving force that
varies at the same frequency as that at which the de- A Observation of Resonance
vice naturally vibrates. Just as an opera singer can By connecting the oscilloscope to measure the volt-
only break a wineglass by singing the right note, a age across the resistor, you can determine the amount
radio can be tuned to respond strongly to electrical of power, P = V 2 /R, being taken from the sine
forces that oscillate at a particular frequency. wavegenerator by the circuit and then dissipated as
heat in the resistor. Make sure that your circuit is
hooked up with the resistor connected to the grounded
output of the amplifier, and hook up the oscilloscope
so its grounded connection is on the grounded side
of the resistor. As you change the frequency of the
A simplified version of the circuit. function generator, you should notice a very strong
response in the circuit centered around one particu-
lar frequency, the resonant frequency fo . (You could
Circuit measure the voltage drop across the capacitor or the
inductor instead, but all the pictures of resonance
As shown in the figure, the circuit consists of the curves in your textbook are graphs of the behavior
Heath coil, a 0.05 µF capacitor, a 47-ohm resistor, of the resistor. The response curve of a capacitor or

112 Lab 36 LRC Circuits

inductor still has a peak at the resonant frequency, unforced behavior is known as “ringing.”Drive your
but looks very different off to the sides.) circuit with a square wave. You can think of this as
if you are giving the circuit repeated “kicks,” so that
The inductance of your solenoid is roughly 1 H based
it will ring after each kick.
on the approximation that it’s a long, skinny solenoid
(which is not a great approximation here). Based on Choose a frequency many many times lower than
this, estimate the resonant frequency of your circuit, the resonant frequency, so that the circuit will have
1 time to oscillate many times in between “kicks.” You
ωo = √ . should observe an exponentially decaying sine wave.
The rapidity of the exponential decay depends on
Locate ωo accurately, and use it to determine the
how much resistance is in the circuit, since the re-
inductance of the Heath coil accurately.
sistor is the only component that gets rid of energy
B Effect of Changing C permanently. The rapidity of the decay is custom-
arily measured with the quantity Q (for “quality”),
Change the capacitance value by putting two capac-
defined as the number of oscillations required for the
itors in parallel, and determine the new resonant
potential energy in the circuit to drop by a factor of
frequency. Check whether the resonant frequency
535 (the obscure numerical factor being e2π ). For
changes as predicted by theory. This is like tuning
our purposes, it will be more convenient to extract
your radio to a different frequency. For the rest of
Q from the equation
the lab, go back to your original value of C.

C The Width of the Resonance

The width of a resonance is customarily expressed as πt
Vpeak,i = Vpeak,0 · exp −
the full width at half maximum, ∆f , defined as the QT
difference in frequency between the two points where
the power dissipation is half of its maximum value.
Determine the FWHM of your resonance. You are
measuring voltage directly, not power, so you need where T is the period of the sine wave, Vpeak,0 is the
to find the points where the amplitude of the voltage voltage across the resistor at the peak that we use
across the√resistor drops below its peak value by a to define t = 0, and Vpeak,i is the voltage of a later
factor of 2. peak, occurring at time t.
Collect the data you will need in order to determine
the Q of the circuit, and then do the same for the
other resistance value.

F The Resonance Curve

Going back to your low-resistance setup, collect volt-
age data over a wide range of frequencies, covering
at least a factor of 10 above and below the resonant
frequency. You will want to take closely spaced data
near the resonance peak, where the voltage is chang-
ing rapidly, and less closely spaced points elsewhere.
Far above and far below the resonance, it will be con-
venient just to take data at frequencies that change
D Effect of Changing R
by successive factors of two.
Replace the resistor with a 2200-ohm resistor, and
remeasure the FWHM. You should find that the (At very high frequencies, above 104 Hz or so, you
FWHM has increased in proportion to the resistance. may find that rather than continuing to drop off, the
(Remember that your resistance always includes the response curve comes back up again. I believe that
resistance of the coil and the output side of the am- this effect arises from nonideal behavior of the coil at
plifier.) high frequencies: there is stray capacitance between
one loop and the next, and this capacitance acts like
E Ringing it is in parallel with the coil.)
An LRC circuit will continue oscillating even when In engineering work, it is useful to create a graph of
there is no oscillating driving force present. This the resonance curve in which the y axis is in decibels,

also find a 6 db/octave slope in the limit of low fre-
  quencies — here the impedance is dominated by the
P capacitor, but the idea is similar. (More complex fil-
db = 10 log10
Pmax tering circuits can achieve roll-offs more drastic than
V 6 db/octave.)
= 20 log10 ,

and the x axis is a logarithmic frequency scale. (On Prelab

this graph, the FWHM is the width of the curve at 3
db below the peak.) You will construct such a graph The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
from your data. you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
Analysis my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
Check whether the resonant frequency changed by
P1 Using the rough value of L given in the lab
the correct factor when you changed the capacitance.
manual, compute a preliminary estimate of the an-
For both versions of the circuit, compare the FWHM gular frequency ωo , and find the corresponding fre-
of the resonance and the circuit’s Q to the theoretical quency fo .
P2 Express Q in terms of L, R, and C.
R P3 Show that your answer to P2 has the right
∆ω =
L units.
and P4 Using the rough value of L given in the lab
manual, plug numbers into your answer to P2, and
ωo make a preliminary estimate of the Q that you ex-
Q= .
∆ω pect when using the lower of the two resistance val-
Note that there are a total of three resistances in ues. Your result should come out to be 6 (to one sig
series: the 62-ohm resistance of the coil, the 47- fig of precision).
ohm resistor, and the ∼ 50-ohm resistance of the P5 In part D, you could measure t and T using
sine-wave generator’s output. No error analysis is the time scale on the scope. However, all we care
required, since the main errors are systematic ones about is their ratio t/T ; think of a technique for
introduced by the nonideal behavior of the coil and determining t/T that is both more precise and easier
the difficulty of determining an exact, fixed value for to carry out.
the internal resistance of the output of the amplifier.
Graph the resonance curve — you can probably save
yourself a great deal of time by using a computer to
do the calculations and graphing. To do the calcula-
tions, you can go to my web page,
. Go to the lab manual’s web page, and then click on
“data-analysis tool for the LRC circuits lab”. Once
your data are ready to graph, I suggest using com-
puter software to make your graph (see Appendix
On the high-frequency end, the impedance is dom-
inated by the impedance of the inductor, which is
proportional to frequency. Doubling the frequency
doubles the impedance, thereby cutting the current
by a factor of two and the power dissipated in the re-
sistor by a factor of 4, which is 6.02 db. Since a factor
of 2 in frequency corresponds in musical terms to one
octave, this is referred to as a 6 db/octave roll-off.
Check this prediction against your data. You should

114 Lab 36 LRC Circuits

37 Faraday’s Law
Apparatus charges. (Even the magnetic field of a bar magnet is
due to currents, the currents created by the orbiting
function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group electrons in its atoms.)
solenoid (Heath) 1/group plus a few more
oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group Faraday took Oersted’s work a step further, and
10-ohm power resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group showed that the relationship between electricity and
4-meter wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group magnetism was even deeper. He showed that a chang-
palm-sized pieces of iron or steel ing electric field produces a magnetic field, and a
masking tape changing magnetic field produces an electric field.
rulers Faraday’s law,

ΓE = −dΦB /dt

relates the circulation of the electric field around a

Goals closed loop to the rate of change of the magnetic
Observe electric fields induced by changing mag- flux through the loop. It forms the basis for such
netic fields. technologies as the transformer, the electric guitar,
the amplifier, and generator, and the electric motor.
Test Faraday’s law.

A Qualitative Observations
Physicists hate complication, and when physicist Mi-
To observe Faraday’s law in action you will first need
chael Faraday was first learning physics in the early
to produce a varying magnetic field. You can do this
19th century, an embarrassingly complex aspect of
by using a function generator to produce a current
the science was the multiplicity of types of forces.
in a solenoid that that varies like a sine wave as a
Friction, normal forces, gravity, electric forces, mag-
function of time. The solenoid’s magnetic field will
netic forces, surface tension — the list went on and
thus also vary sinusoidally.
on. Today, 200 years later, ask a physicist to enu-
merate the fundamental forces of nature and the The emf in Faraday’s law can be observed around a
most likely response will be “four: gravity, electro- loop of wire positioned inside or close to the solenoid.
magnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak To make the emf larger and easier to see on an os-
nuclear force.” Part of the simplification came from cilloscope, you will use 5-10 loops, which multiplies
the study of matter at the atomic level, which showed the flux by that number of loops.
that apparently unrelated forces such as friction, nor-
The only remaining complication is that the rate of
mal forces, and surface tension were all manifesta-
change of the magnetic flux, dΦB /dt, is determined
tions of electrical forces among atoms. The other
by the rate of change of the magnetic field, which
big simplification came from Faraday’s experimental
relates to the rate of change of the current through
work showing that electric and magnetic forces were
the solenoid, dI/dt. The oscilloscope, however, mea-
intimately related in previously unexpected ways, so
sures voltage, not current. You might think that
intimately related in fact that we now refer to the
you could simply observe the voltage being supplied
two sets of force-phenomena under a single term,
to the solenoid and divide by the solenoid’s 62-ohm
resistance to find the current through the solenoid.
Even before Faraday, Oersted had shown that there This will not work, however, because Faraday’s law
was at least some relationship between electric and produces not only an emf in the loops of wire but also
magnetic forces. An electrical current creates a mag- an emf in the solenoid that produced the magnetic
netic field, and magnetic fields exert forces on an field in the first place. The current in the solenoid is
electrical current. In other words, electric forces being driven not just by the emf from the function
are forces of charges acting on charges, and mag- generator but also by this “self-induced” emf. Even
netic forces are forces of moving charges on moving though the solenoid is just a long piece of wire, it

116 Lab 37 Faraday’s Law

does not obey Ohm’s law under these conditions. Make sure you understand in the resulting variations
To get around this difficulty, you can insert the 10- of the strength of the emf in terms of Faraday’s law.
ohm power resistor in the circuit in series with the
function generator and the solenoid. (A power re- B A Metal Detector
sistor is simply a resistor that can dissipate a large Obtain one of the spare solenoids so that you have
amount of power without burning up.) The power two of them. Substitute it for the loops of wire, so
resistor does obey Ohm’s law, so by using the scope that you can observe the emf induced in the second
to observe the voltage drop across it you can infer solenoid by the first solenoid. If you put the two
the current flowing through it, which is the same as solenoids close together with their mouths a few cm
the current flowing through the solenoid. apart and then insert a piece of iron or steel between
Create the solenoid circuit, and hook up one channel them, you should be able to see a small increase in
of the scope to observe the voltage drop across the the induced emf. The iron distorts the magnetic field
power resistor. A sine wave with a frequency on the pattern produced by the first solenoid, channeling
order of 1 kHz will work. more of the field lines through the second solenoid.

Wind the 2-m wire into circular loops small enough C Quantitative Observations
to fit inside the solenoid, and hook it up to the other This part of the lab is a quantitative test of Fara-
channel of the scope. day’s law. Going back to the setup for part A, mea-
sure the amplitude (peak-to-peak height) of the volt-
age across the power resistor. Choose a position
for the loops of wire that you think will make it
as easy as possible to calculate dΦB /dt accurately
based on knowledge of the variation of the current
in the solenoid as a function of time. Put the loops
in that position, and measure the amplitude of the
induced emf. Repeat these measurements with a fre-
quency that is different by a factor of two.

Before leaving, analyze your results from part C and
make sure you get reasonable agreement with Fara-
day’s law.
As always, you need to watch out for ground loops.
The output of the function generator has one of its
terminals grounded, so that ground and the grounded Analysis
side of the scope’s input have to be at the same place
in the circuit. Describe your observations in parts A and B and
interpret them in terms of Faraday’s law.
The signals tend to be fairly noise. You can clean
them up a little by having the scope average over a Compare your observations in part C quantitatively
with Faraday’s law. The solenoid isn’t very long, so
series of traces. To turn on averaging, do Acquire>Average>128.
To turn it back off, press Sample. the approximate expression for the interior field of a
long solenoid isn’t very accurate here. To correct for
First try putting the loops at the mouth of the solenoid, that, multiply the expression for the field by (cos β +
and observe the emf induced in them. Observe what cos γ)/2, which you derived in homework problem
happens when you flip the loops over. You will ob- 11-30 in Simple Nature, where β and γ are angles
serve that the two sine waves on the scope are out of between the axis and the lines connecting the point
phase with each other. Sketch the phase relationship of interest to the edges of the solenoid’s mouths.
in your notebook, and make sure you understand in
terms of Faraday’s law why it is the way it is, i.e.,
why the induced emf has the greatest value at a cer- Prelab
tain point, why it is zero at a certain point, etc.
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
Observe the induced emf at with the loops at several
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
other positions such as those shown in the figure.

ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Plan what raw data you’ll need to collect for
part C, and figure out the equation you’ll use to
test whether your observations are consistent with
Faraday’s law.

118 Lab 37 Faraday’s Law

38 Electromagnetism
Apparatus charges. (Even the magnetic field of a bar magnet is
due to currents, the currents created by the orbiting
solenoid (Heath) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group electrons in its atoms.)
oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group
2-meter wire with banana plugs . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group Faraday took Oersted’s work a step further, and
magnet (stack of 6 Nd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group showed that the relationship between electricity and
masking tape magnetism was even deeper. He showed that a chang-
string ing electric field produces a magnetic field, and a
changing magnetic field produces an electric field.
Faraday’s work forms the basis for such technologies
as the transformer, the electric guitar, the trans-
Goals former, and generator, and the electric motor. It
also led to the understanding of light as an electro-
Observe electric fields induced by changing mag- magnetic wave.
netic fields.

Build a generator. Qualitative Observations

Discover Lenz’s law. In this lab you will use a permanent magnet to pro-
duce changing magnetic fields. This causes an elec-
tric field to be induced, which you will detect using
Introduction a solenoid (spool of wire) connected to an oscillo-
scope. The electric field drives electrons around the
Physicists hate complication, and when physicist Mich- solenoid, producing a current which is detected by
ael Faraday was first learning physics in the early the oscilloscope. If you haven’t used an oscilloscope
19th century, an embarrassingly complex aspect of before, your instructor will help you to get started.
the science was the multiplicity of types of forces. It’s simply a device for graphing a measured voltage
Friction, normal forces, gravity, electric forces, mag- as a function of time.
netic forces, surface tension — the list went on and
on. Today, 200 years later, ask a physicist to enu- A A constant magnetic field
merate the fundamental forces of nature and the Do you detect any signal on the oscilloscope when
most likely response will be “four: gravity, electro- the magnet is simply placed at rest inside the solenoid?
magnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak Try the most sensitive voltage scale.
nuclear force.” Part of the simplification came from
the study of matter at the atomic level, which showed B A changing magnetic field
that apparently unrelated forces such as friction, nor- Do you detect any signal when you move the magnet
mal forces, and surface tension were all manifesta- or wiggle it inside the solenoid or near it? What
tions of electrical forces among atoms. The other happens if you change the speed at which you move
big simplification came from Faraday’s experimental the magnet?
work showing that electric and magnetic forces were
intimately related in previously unexpected ways, so C Moving the solenoid
intimately related in fact that we now refer to the What happens if you hold the magnet still and move
two sets of force-phenomena under a single term, the solenoid?
The poles of the magnet are its flat faces. In later
Even before Faraday, Oersted had shown that there parts of the lab you will need to know which is north.
was at least some relationship between electric and Determine this now by hanging it from a string and
magnetic forces. An electrical current creates a mag- seeing how it aligns itself with the Earth’s field. The
netic field, and magnetic fields exert forces on an pole that points north is called the north pole of the
electrical current. In other words, electric forces magnet. The field pattern funnels into the body of
are forces of charges acting on charges, and mag- the magnet through its south pole, and reemerges at
netic forces are forces of moving charges on moving

120 Lab 38 Electromagnetism

its north pole. terclockwise when viewed along the direction of the
∆B vector of the changing magnetic field.
D A generator
Your job is to figure out which is correct.
Tape the magnet securely to the eraser end of a pen-
cil so that its flat face (one of its two poles) is like the The most direct way to figure out Lenz’s law is to
head of a hammer, and mark the north and south chopping motion that ends up with the magnet in
poles of the magnet for later reference. Spin the pen- the solenoid, observing whether the pulse induced
cil near the solenoid and observe the induced signal. is positive or negative. What happens when you
You have built a generator. (I have unfortunately reverse the chopping motion, or when you reverse
not had any luck lighting a lightbulb with the setup, the north and south poles of the magnet? Try all
due to the relatively high internal resistance of the four possible combinations and record your results.
solenoid.) To set up the scope, press DEFAULT SETUP. This
should have the effect of setting the scope on DC
coupling, which is what you want. (If it’s on AC cou-
Trying Out Your Understanding pling, it tries to filter out any DC part of the input
E Changing the speed of the generator signals, which distorts the results.) To check that
you’re on DC coupling, you can do CH 1 MENU,
If you change the speed at which you spin the pencil, and check that Coupling says DC.
you will of course cause the induced signal to have a
longer or shorter period. Does it also have any effect Make sure the scope is on DC coupling, not AC cou-
on the amplitude of the wave? pling, or your pulses will be distorted.

F A solenoid with fewer loops

Use the two-meter cable to make a second solenoid
with the same diameter but fewer loops. Compare
the strength of the induced signals.

G Dependence on distance
How does the signal picked up by your generator
change with distance?
Try to explain what you have observed, and discuss
your interpretations with your instructor.

Lenz’s Law
It can be tricky to make the connection between the
Lenz’s law describes how the clockwise or counter-
polarity of the signal on the screen of the oscilloscope
clockwise direction of the induced electric field’s whirlpool
and the direction of the electric field pattern. The
pattern relates to the changing magnetic field. The
figure shows an example of how to interpret a posi-
main result of this lab is a determination of how
tive pulse: the current must have flowed through the
Lenz’s law works. To focus your reasoning, here are
scope from the center conductor of the coax cable to
four possible forms for Lenz’s law:
its outer conductor (marked GND on the coax-to-
1. The electric field forms a pattern that is clockwise banana converter).
when viewed along the direction of the B vector of
the changing magnetic field.
2. The electric field forms a pattern that is counter-
clockwise when viewed along the direction of the B The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
vector of the changing magnetic field. you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
3. The electric field forms a pattern that is clockwise ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
when viewed along the direction of the ∆B vector of you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
the changing magnetic field. my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
4. The electric field forms a pattern that is coun-
P1 The time-scale for all the signals is determined

by the fact that you’re wiggling and waving the mag-
net by hand, so what’s a reasonable order of magni-
tude to choose for the time base on the oscilloscope?

Determine which version of Lenz’s law is correct.

122 Lab 38 Electromagnetism

39 Impedance
Observe how the impedances of capacitors and would cause ch. 1 to read zero, and would short
inductors change with frequency. across the capacitor as well. Instead, we need this:

Observe how impedances combine according to

the arithmetic of complex numbers.

We’ll start by observing the impedance of a capaci-
tor. Ideally, what we want is this:

Now both GND connections are going to the same

However, we want to know not just the amplitude point in the circuit. Because we’ve swapped the con-
of the voltage and current sine-waves but the phase nections to ch. 1, its trace will be upside-down, and
relationship between them as well, which we can’t inconsistent with ch. 2. There is a special control on
get from a regular meter. We need to use an oscil- the scope for inverting ch. 2, which makes the two
loscope, and oscilloscopes only measure voltage, not channels consistent again.
current. This leads us to something like the follow-
ing setup:
A Impedance of the capacitor
Hook up the circuit as shown, using a 1 kΩ resistance
and a 0.2 µF capacitance. The HP signal genera-
tor has a ground strap connecting one of its output
terminals to ground. Disconnect this ground strap,
since grounding either side of the signal generator
would mean that either the resistor or the capacitor
would be connected to ground on both sides. Try a
frequency of 100 Hz.
Observe the phase relationship between VC , on ch.
1, and the signal on ch. 2, which essentially tells
us the current IC except for a factor of 1/R. Sketch
this phase relationship in your raw data. Because
Here ch. 2 tells us the voltage across the resistor,
VC = q/C and I = dq/dt, the current through the
which is related to the current in the resistor accord-
capacitor should be proportional to dV/dt. Based
ing to Ohm’s law. By the junction rule, the current
on the phase relationship you observed, does this
in the resistor is the same as the current through the
seem to be true?
Measure the phase angle numerically from the oscil-
But even now, we’re not out of the woods. In this
loscope. Is it what you expect?
setup, the ground of ch. 2 is connected to the same
wire as the active (+) connection to ch. 1, which Determine the magnitude of the capacitor’s impedance.

124 Lab 39 Impedance

Suppose you represent the signal that is ahead in
phase using a point that is more counterclockwise
in the complex plane. Sketch the locations of the
voltage and current in the complex plane. (You can
arbitrarily choose one of them to be along the real
axis if you like.) Where would the impedance then
lie in the plane?
Now change the frequency to 1000 Hz, and see what
changes. Sketch your new impedance in the com-
plex plane. Do you find the expected relationship
between impedance and frequency?

B Inductance of the Heath coil

Make the measurements you need in order to calcu-
late the theoretical inductance of the inductor, using
the equation derived in the prelab. The approxima-
tion may be off by as much as a factor of two, since
the solenoid isn’t long and skinny, but it’s useful so
you have some idea of what to expect.

C Impedance of the inductor

Now repeat all the above steps using the Heath coil
as an inductor.

D Impedances in series
Put the capacitor and inductor in series, and collect
the data you’ll need in order to determine their com-
bined impedance at several frequencies ranging from
100 to 1000 Hz.

Use your data from part C to determine an experi-
mental value of the coil’s inductance, and compare
with the theoretical result based on your measure-
ments in part B.
Graph the theoretical and experimental impedance
of the series combination in part D, overlaying them
on the same graph. Show theory as a curve and ex-
periment as discrete data-points. Do the same kind
of graph for the parallel combination.

40 Refraction and Images
Apparatus and is slowed down. The other side of the beam,
however, gets to travel in air, at its faster speed, for
rectangular block of plastic (20x10x5 cm, longer, because it enters the water later — by the
from blackboard optics kit), or plastic box with wa- time it enters the water, the other side of the beam
ter in it has been limping along through the water for a little
laser while, and has not gotten as far. The wavefront is
spiral plastic tube and fiber optic cable for demon- therefore twisted around a little, in the same way
strating total internal reflection that a marching band turns by having the people on
ruler one side take smaller steps.
butcher paper

Observe the phenomena of refraction and total
internal reflection.

Locate a virtual image in a plastic block by

ray tracing, and compare with the theoretically
predicted position of the image.
Quantitatively, the amount of bending is given by
Snell’s law:
Introduction ni sin θi = nt sin θt ,

Without the phenomenon of refraction, the lens of where the index i refers to the incident light and in-
your eye could not focus light on your retina, and you cident medium, and t refers to the transmitted light
would not be able to see. Refraction is the bending of and the transmitting medium. Note that the an-
rays of light that occurs when they pass through the gles are defined with respect to the normal, i.e., the
boundary between two media in which the speed of imaginary line perpendicular to the boundary.
light is different. Light entering your eye passes from Also, not all of the light is transmitted. Some is re-
air, in which the speed of light is 3.0 × 108 m/s, into flected — the amount depends on the angles. In fact,
the watery tissues of your eye, in which it is about for certain values of ni , nt , and θi , there is no value
2.2 × 108 m/s. Since it is inconvenient to write or of θt that will obey Snell’s law (sin θt would have
say the speed of light in a particular medium, we to be greater than one). In such a situation, 100%
usually speak in terms of the index of refraction, n, of the light must be reflected. This phenomenon is
defined by known as total internal reflection. The word inter-
n = c/v, nal is used because the phenomenon only occurs for
ni > nt . If one medium is air and the other is plastic
where c is the speed of light in a vacuum, and v is or glass, then this can only happen when the incident
the speed of light in the medium in question. Thus, light is in the plastic or glass, i.e., the light is try-
vacuum has n = 1 by definition. Air, which is not ing to escape but can’t. Total internal reflection is
very dense, does not slow light down very much, so used to good advantage in fiber-optic cables used to
it has an index of refraction very close to 1. Water transmit long-distance phone calls or data on the in-
has an index of refraction of about 1.3, meaning that ternet — light traveling down the cable cannot leak
light moves more slowly in water by a factor of 1/1.3. out, assuming it is initially aimed at an angle close
enough to the axis of the cable.
Refraction, the bending of light, occurs for the fol-
lowing reason. Imagine, for example, a beam of light Although most of the practical applications of the
entering a swimming pool at an angle. Because of phenomenon of refraction involve lenses, which have
the angle, one side of the beam hits the water first, curved shapes, in this lab you will be dealing almost

126 Lab 40 Refraction and Images

exclusively with flat surfaces.


Check whether your laser’s beam seems to be roughly


A Index of refraction of plastic
Make the measurements you have planned in order
to determine the index of refraction of the plastic
block (or the water, whichever you have). The laser
and the block of plastic can simply be laid flat on the
table. Make sure that the laser is pointing towards
the wall.

B Total internal reflection

Try shining the laser into one end of the spiral-
shaped plastic rod. If you aim it nearly along the
axis of the cable, none will leak out, and if you put
your hand in front of the other end of the rod, you
will see the light coming out the other end. (It will
not be a well-collimated beam any more because the
beam is spread out and distorted when it undergoes
the many reflections on the rough and curved inside
the rod.)
There’s no data to take. The point of having this as
part of the lab is simply that it’s hard to demonstrate
to a whole class all at once.

C A virtual image
Pick up the block, and have your partner look side-
ways through it at your finger, touching the sur-
face of the block. Have your partner hold her own
finger next to the block, and move it around un-
til it appears to be as far away as your own finger.
Her brain achieves a perception of depth by subcon-
sciously comparing the images it receives from her
two eyes. Your partner doesn’t actually need to be extrapolate the rays leaving the block back into the
able to see her own finger, because her brain knows block. They should all appear to have come from the
how to position her arm at a certain point in space. same point, where you saw the virtual image. You’ll
Measure the distance di , which is the depth of the need to photocopy the tracing so that each person
image of your finger relative to the front of the block. can turn in a copy with his or her writeup.
Now trace the outline of the block on a piece of pa-
per, remove the block, mark the location of the im- Prelab
age, and put the block back on the paper. Shine
the laser at the point where your finger was origi- The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
nally touching the block, observe the refracted beam, you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
and draw it in. Repeat this whole procedure several ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
times, with the laser at a variety of angles. Finally, you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise

you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
Do the laser safety checklist, Appendix 9, tear it out,
and turn it in at the beginning of lab. If you don’t
understand something, don’t initial that point, and
ask your instructor for clarification before you start
the lab.
P1 Laser beams are supposed to be very nearly
parallel (not spreading out or contracting to a focal
point). Think of a way to test, roughly, whether this
is true for your laser.
P2 Plan how you will determine the index of re-
fraction in part A.
P3 You have complete freedom to choose any in-
cident angle you like in part A. Discuss what choice
would give the highest possible precision for the mea-
surement of the index of refraction.

Using your data for part A, extract the index of re-
fraction. Estimate the accuracy of your raw data,
and determine error bars for your index of refrac-
Using trigonometry and Snell’s law, make a the-
oretical calculation of di . You’ll need to use the
small-angle approximation sin θ ≈ tan θ ≈ θ, for θ
measured in units of radians. (For large angles, i.e.
viewing the finger from way off to one side, the rays
will not converge very closely to form a clear virtual
Explain your results in part C and their meaning.
Compare your three values for di : the experimental
value based on depth perception, the experimental
value found by ray-tracing with the laser, and the
theoretical value found by trigonometry.

128 Lab 40 Refraction and Images

41 Geometric Optics
Apparatus around Jupiter rather than the earth helped make
more plausible Copernicus’ theory that the planets
optical bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group did not revolve around the earth but around the sun.
converging lens (unknown focal Galileo’s ideas were considered subversive, and many
length to be measured) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group people refused to look through his telescope, either
converging lens, longest available because they thought it was an illusion or simply
focal length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/group because it was supposed to show things that were
converging lens, f = 50 mm contrary to Aristotle.
1/group lamp and arrow-shaped mask . . . . 1/group
frosted glass screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group The figure on the next page shows the simplest re-
fracting telescope. The object is assumed to be at
infinity, so a real image is formed at a distance from
the objective lens equal to its focal length, fo . By
Goals setting up the eyepiece at a distance from the image
equal to its own focal length, fE , light rays that were
Observe a real image formed by a convex lens, parallel are again made parallel.
and determine its focal length.
The point of the whole arrangement is angular mag-
Construct a telescope and measure its angular nification. The small angle θ1 is converted to a large
magnification. θ2 . It is the small angular size of distant objects that
makes them hard to see, not their distance. There is
no way to tell visually whether an object is a thirty
Introduction meters away or thirty billion. (For objects within a
few meters, your brain-eye system gives you a sense
The credit for invention of the telescope is disputed, of depth based on parallax.) The Pleiades star clus-
but Galileo was probably the first person to use one ter can be seen more easily across many light years
for astronomy. He first heard of the new invention than Mick Jagger’s aging lips across a stadium. Peo-
when a foreigner visited the court of his royal pa- ple who say the flying saucer “looked as big as an
trons and attempted to sell it for an exorbitant price. aircraft carrier” or that the moon “looks as big as
Hearing through second-hand reports that it con- a house” don’t know what they’re talking about.
sisted of two lenses, Galileo sent an urgent message The telescope does not make things “seem closer”
to his benefactors not to buy it, and proceeded to — since the rays coming at your eye are parallel,
reproduce the device himself. An early advocate of the final virtual image you see is at infinity. The
simple scientific terminology, he wanted the instru- angular magnification is given by
ment to be called the “occhialini,” Italian for “eye-
MA = θ2 /θ1
thing,” rather than the Greek “telescope.”
His astronomical observations soon poked some gap- (to be measured directly in this lab)
ing holes in the accepted Aristotelian view of the MA = fo /fE
heavens. Contrary to Aristotle’s assertion that the
heavenly bodies were perfect and without blemishes, (theory)
he found that the moon had mountains and the sun
had spots (the marks on the moon visible to the
naked eye had been explained as optical illusions or Observations
atmospheric phenomena). This put the heavens on
an equal footing with earthly objects, paving the A Focal length of a convex lens
way for physical theories that would apply to the Use your unknown convex lens to project a real im-
whole universe, and specifically for Newton’s law of age on the frosted glass screen. For your object, use
gravity. He also discovered the four largest moons the lamp with the arrow-shaped aperture in front of
of Jupiter, and demonstrated his political savvy by it. Make sure to lock down the parts on the opti-
naming them the “Medicean satellites” after the pow- cal bench, or else they may tip over and break the
erful Medici family. The fact that they revolved optics!

130 Lab 41 Geometric Optics

B The telescope greatest possible magnification.
Use your optical bench and your two known lenses
to build a telescope. Since the telescope is a device
for viewing objects at infinity, you’ll want to take it
outside. Determine the focal length of the unknown lens, with
The best method for determining the angular magni- error bars.
fication is to observe the same object with both eyes Find the angular magnification of your telescope from
open, with one eye looking through the telescope and your data, with error bars, and compare with the-
one seeing the object without the telescope. Good ory. Do they agree to within the accuracy of the
precision can be obtained, for example, by looking at measurement?
a large object like a coke machine, and determining
that a small part of it, whose size you can measure
with a ruler, appears, when magnified, to cover some
larger part of it, which you can also measure.
Your brain is not capable of focusing one eye at one
distance, and the other at another distance. There-
fore it’s important to get your telescope adjusted
precisely so that the image is at infinity. You can do
this by focusing your naked eye on a distant object,
and then moving the objective until the image pops
into focus in the other eye. Theoretically this would
be accomplished simply by setting the lenses at the
distance shown in the diagram, but in reality, a small
amount of further adjustment is necessary, perhaps
because the quality control on the focal lengths of
the lenses is not perfect.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
Do the laser safety checklist, Appendix 9, tear it out,
and turn it in at the beginning of lab. If you don’t
understand something, don’t initial that point, and
ask your instructor for clarification before you start
the lab.
P1 In part A, do you want the object to be closer
to the lens than the lens’ focal length, exactly at a
distance of one focal length, or farther than the focal
length? What about the screen?
P2 Plan what measurements you will make in part
A and how you will use them to determine the lens’
focal length.
P3 It’s disappointing to construct a telescope with
a very small magnification. Given a selection of
lenses, plan how you can make a telescope with the

A refracting telescope

132 Lab 41 Geometric Optics

42 Two-Source Interference
Apparatus important ideas about light as a wave can be seen
in one simple experiment, shown in the first figure.1
ripple tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group A wave comes up from the bottom of the page, and
yellow foam pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/group encounters a wall with two slits chopped out of it.
lamp and unfrosted straight-filament bulb The result is a fan pattern, with strong wave motion
1/group wave generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/group coming out along directions like X and Z, but no
big metal L-shaped arms for hanging vibration of the water at all along lines like Y. The
the wave generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group reason for this pattern is shown in the second figure.
little metal L-shaped arms with yellow The two parts of the wave that get through the slits
plastic balls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group create an overlapping pattern of ripples. To get to
rubber bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group a point on line X, both waves have to go the same
white plastic screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group distance, so they’re in step with each other, and re-
Thornton DC voltage source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group inforce. But at a point on line Y, due to the unequal
small rubber stopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group distances involved, one wave is going up while the
power strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group other wave is going down, so there is cancellation.
bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group The angular spacing of the fan pattern depends on
mop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 both the wavelength of the waves, λ, and the dis-
flathead screwdriver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 tance between the slits, d.
rulers and protractors
kimwipes and alcohol for cleaning
butcher paper

Observe how a 2-source interference pattern of
water waves depends on the distance between
the sources. The ripple tank is tank that sits about 30 cm above
the floor. You put a little water in the tank, and
produce waves. There is a lamp above it that makes
Observations a point-like source of light, and the waves cast pat-
terns of light on a screen placed on the floor. The
Light is really made of waves, not rays, so when we patterns of light on the screen are easier to see and
treated it as rays, we were making an approximation. measure than the ripples themselves.
You might think that when the time came to treat
light as a wave, things would get very difficult, and In reality, it’s not very convenient to produce a double-
it would be hard to predict or understand anything slit diffraction pattern exactly as depicted in the first
without doing complicated calculations. figure, because the waves beyond the slits are so
weak that they are difficult to observe clearly. In-
stead, you’ll simply produce synchronized circular
ripples from two sources driven by a motor.
Put the tank on the floor. Plug the hole in the side of
the tank with the black rubber stopper. If the plastic
is dirty, clean it off with alcohol and kimwipes. Wet
the four yellow foam pads, and place them around
the sides of the tank. Pour in water to a depth of
about 5-7 mm. Adjust the metal feet to level the
tank, so that the water is of equal depth throughout
1 The photo is from the textbook PSSC physics, which has

Life isn’t that bad. It turns out that all of the most a blanket permission for free use after 1970.

134 Lab 42 Two-Source Interference

the tank. (Do not rotate the wooden legs them-
selves, just the feet.) If too many bubbles form on
the plastic, wipe them off with a ruler.
Make sure the straight-filament bulb in the light
source is rotated so that when you look in through
the hole, you are looking along the length of the fil-
ament. This way the lamp acts like a point source
of light above the tank. To test that it’s oriented
correctly, check that you can cast a perfectly sharp
image of the tip of a pen.
Clamp the light source to the post and turn it on.
Put the white plastic screen on the floor under the
tank. If you make ripples in the water, you should
be able to see the wave pattern on the screen.
The wave generator consists of a piece of wood that
hangs by rubber bands from the two L-shaped metal
hangers. There is a DC motor attached, which spins
an intentionally unbalanced wheel, resulting in vi-
bration of the wood. The wood itself can be used
to make straight waves directly in the water, but
in this experiment you’ll be using the two little L-
shaped pieces of metal with the yellow balls on the
end to make two sources of circular ripples. The DC
motor runs off of the DC voltage source, and the
more voltage you supply, the faster the motor runs.
Start just by sticking one little L-shaped arm in the
piece of wood, and observing the circular wave pat-
tern it makes. Now try two sources at once, in neigh-
boring holes. Pick a speed (frequency) for the motor
that you’ll use throughout the experiment — a fairly
low speed works well. Measure the angular spacing
of the resulting diffraction pattern for several values
of the spacing, d, between the two sources of ripples.
How do you think the angular spacing of the wave
pattern seems to depend mathematically on d? Con-
struct a graph to test whether this was really true.
If you’re not sure what mathematical rule to guess,
you can use the methods explained in Appendix 5
and look for any kind of a power law relationship.

43 Wave Optics
Apparatus savvy Greek or Chinese philosopher had only thought
of it. He simply let sunlight through a pinhole in a
helium-neon laser window shade, forming what we would now call a
1/group optical bench with posts & holders 1/group coherent beam of light (that is, a beam consisting
high-precision double slits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group of plane waves marching in step). Then he held a
rulers thin card edge-on to the beam, observed a diffrac-
meter sticks tion pattern on a wall, and correctly inferred the
tape measures wave nature and wavelength of light. Since Roemer
butcher paper had already measured the speed of light, Young was
also able to determine the frequency of oscillation of
the light.

Goals Today, with the advent of the laser, the production

of a bright and coherent beam of light has become
Observe evidence for the wave nature of light. as simple as flipping a switch, and the wave nature
Determine the wavelength of the red light emit- of light can be demonstrated very easily. In this lab,
ted by your laser, by measuring a double-slit you will carry out observations similar to Young’s,
diffraction pattern. (The part of the spectrum but with the benefit of hindsight and modern equip-
that appears red to the human eye covers quite ment.
a large range of wavelengths. A given type of
laser, e.g., He-Ne or solid-state, will produce
one very specific wavelength.)
Determine the approximate diameter of a hu- A Determination of the wavelength of red light
man hair, using its diffraction pattern. Set up your laser on your optical bench. You will
want as much space as possible between the laser
and the wall, in order to let the diffraction pattern
Introduction spread out as much as possible and reveal its fine
Isaac Newton’s epitaph, written by Alexander Pope,
reads: Tear off two small scraps of paper with straight edges.
Hold them close together so they form a single slit.
Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night. Hold this improvised single-slit grating in the laser
God said let Newton be, and all was light. beam and try to get a single-slit diffraction pattern.
You may have to play around with different widths
Notwithstanding Newton’s stature as the greatest for the slit. No quantitative data are required. This
physical scientist who ever lived, it’s a little ironic is just to familiarize you with single-slit diffraction.
that Pope chose light as a metaphor, because it was
in the study of light that Newton made some of his Make a diffraction pattern with the double-slit grat-
worst mistakes. Newton was a firm believer in the ing. See what happens when you hold it in your
dogma, then unsupported by observation, that mat- hand and rotate it around the axis of the beam.
ter was composed of atoms, and it seemed logical to The diffraction pattern of the double-slit grating con-
him that light as well should be composed of tiny sists of a rapidly varying pattern of bright and dark
particles, or “corpuscles.” His opinions on the sub- bars, with a more slowly varying pattern superim-
ject were so strong that he influenced generations posed on top. (See the figure two pages after this
of his successors to discount the arguments of Huy- page.) The rapidly varying pattern is the one that
gens and Grimaldi for the wave nature of light. It is numerically related to the wavelength, λ, and the
was not until 150 years later that Thomas Young distance between the slits, d, by the equation
demonstrated conclusively that light was a wave.
∆θ = λ/d,
Young’s experiment was incredibly simple, and could
probably have been done in ancient times if some where θ is measured in radians. To make sure you

136 Lab 43 Wave Optics

can see the fine spacing, put your slits several meters Prelab
away from the wall. This will necessitate shining it
across the space between lab tables. To make it less The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
likely that someone will walk through the beam and you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
get the beam in their eye, put some of the small ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
desks under the beam. The slit patterns we’re using you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
actually have three sets of slits, with the following my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
dimensions: you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
w (mm) d (mm)
Read the safety checklist.
A .12 .6
B .24 .6 P1 Roughly what wavelength do you expect red
C .24 1.2 light to have?
The small value of d is typically better, for two rea-
P2 It is not practical to measure ∆θ directly us-
sons: (1) it produces a wider diffraction pattern,
ing a protractor. Plan how you will determine ∆θ
which is easier to see; (2) it’s easy to get the beam of
indirectly, via trigonometry.
the laser to cover both slits. If your diffraction pat-
tern doesn’t look like the one in the figure on page P3 Make a rough order-of-magnitude guess of the
136, typically the reason is that you’re only cover- diameter of a human hair.
ing one slit with the beam (in which case you get a
single-slit diffraction pattern), or you’re not illumi-
nating the two slits equally (giving a funny-looking Analysis
pattern with little dog-bones and things in it).
Determine the wavelength of the light and the diam-
Think about the best way to measure the spacing of eter of the hair, with error bars.
the pattern accurately. Is it best to measure from a
bright part to another bright part, or from dark to
dark? Is it best to measure a single spacing, or take
several spacings and divide by the number to find
what one spacing is? Do it.
Determine the wavelength of the light, in units of
nanometers. Make sure it is in the right range for
red light.

B Diameter of a human hair

Pull out one of your own hairs, hold it in the laser
beam, and observe a diffraction pattern. It turns
out that the diffraction pattern caused by a narrow
obstruction, such as your hair, has the same spac-
ing as the pattern that would be created by a sin-
gle slit whose width was the same as the diameter
of your hair. (This is an example of a general theo-
rem called Babinet’s principle.) Measure the spacing
of the diffraction pattern. (Since the hair’s diame-
ter is the only dimension involved, there is only one
diffraction pattern with one spacing, not superim-
posed fine and coarse patterns as in part A.) De-
termine the diameter of your hair. Make sure the
value you get is reasonable, and compare with the
order-of-magnitude guess you made in your prelab

A double-slit diffraction pattern.

138 Lab 43 Wave Optics

44 Polarization
Apparatus tect polarization, and a neuroscientist at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania has recently found evidence that
laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group a freshwater fish called the green sunfish can see the
calcite crystal (flattest available) . . . . . . . . . . 1/group polarization of light (Discover magazine, Oct. 1996).
polarizing films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/group Most sources of visible light (such as the sun or a
Na gas discharge tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group light bulb) are unpolarized. An unpolarized beam
photovoltaic cell and collimator . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group of light contains a random mixture of waves with
many different directions of polarization, all of them
changing from moment to moment, and from point
to point within the beam.
Make qualitative observations about the polar-
ization of light.
Qualitative Observations
Test quantitatively the hypothesis that polar- Before doing anything else, turn on your gas dis-
ization relates to the direction of the field vec- charge tube, so it will be warmed up when you are
tors in an electromagnetic wave. ready to do part E.

A Double refraction in calcite

Introduction Place a calcite crystal on this page. You will see two
images of the print through the crystal.
It’s common knowledge that there’s more to light
than meets the eye: everyone has heard of infrared To understand why this happens, try shining the
and ultraviolet light, which are visible to some other laser beam on a piece of paper and then inserting
animals but not to us. Another invisible feature of the calcite crystal in the beam. If you rotate the
the wave nature of light is far less well known. Elec- crystal around in different directions, you should be
tromagnetic waves are transverse, i.e., the electric able to get two distinct spots to show up on the
and magnetic field vectors vibrate in directions per- paper. (This may take a little trial and error, partly
pendicular to the direction of motion of the wave. because the effect depends on the correct orientation
Two electromagnetic waves with the same wavelength of the crystal, but also because the crystals are not
can therefore be physically distinguishable, if their perfect, and it can be hard to find a nice smooth
electric and magnetic fields are twisted around in spot through which to shine the beam.)
different directions. Waves that differ in this way In the refraction lab, you’ve already seen how a beam
are said to have different polarizations. of light can be bent as it passes through the interface
between two media. The present situation is similar
because the laser beam passes in through one face of
the crystal and then emerges from a parallel face at
the back. You have already seen that in this type of
situation, when the beam emerges again, its direc-
tion is bent back parallel to its original direction, but
the beam is offset a little bit. What is different here
is that the same laser beam splits up into two parts,
which bumped off course by different amounts.
What’s happening is that calcite, unlike most sub-
An electromagnetic wave has electric and magnetic field
stances, has a different index of refraction depending
vectors that vibrate in the directions perpendicular to its
on the polarization of the light. Light travels at a
direction of motion. The wave’s direction of polarization is
defined as the line along which the electric field lies. different speed through calcite depending on how the
electric and magnetic fields are oriented compared to
Maybe we polarization-blind humans are missing out the crystal. The atoms inside the crystal are packed
on something. Some insects and crustaceans can de- in a three-dimensional pattern sort of like a stack of

140 Lab 44 Polarization

oranges or cannonballs. This packing arrangement
has a special axis of symmetry, and light polarized
along that axis moves at one speed, while light polar-
ized perpendicular to that axis moves at a different
It makes sense that if the original laser beam was
a random mixture of all possible directions of po-
larization, then each part would be refracted by a
different amount. What is a little more surprising is
that two separated beams emerge, with nothing in
between. The incoming light was composed of light
with every possible direction of polarization. You
would therefore expect that the part of the incoming
light polarized at, say, 45 ◦ compared to the crystal’s
axis would be refracted by an intermediate amount,
but that doesn’t happen. This surprising observa- ternal axis.
tion, and all other polarization phenomena, can be
understood based on the vector nature of electric If you simply look through the film, it doesn’t look
and magnetic fields, and the purpose of this lab is like anything special — everything just looks dim-
to lead you through a series of observations to help mer, like looking through sunglasses. The light reach-
you understand what’s really going on. ing your eye is polarized, but your eye can’t tell that.
If you looked at the film under a microscope, you’d
B A polarized beam entering the calcite see a pattern of stripes, which select only one direc-
tion of polarization of the light that passes through.
Now try interposing the film between the laser and
the crystal. The beam reaching the crystal is now
polarized along some specific direction. If you rotate
the film, you change beam’s direction of polariza-
tion. If you try various orientations, you will be able
A single laser beam entering a calcite crystal breaks up to find one that makes one of the spots disappear,
into two parts, which are refracted by different amounts. and another orientation of the film, at a 90 ◦ angle
compared to the first, that makes the other spot go
away. When you hold the film in one of these direc-
tions, you are sending a beam into the crystal that
is either purely polarized along the crystal’s axis or
purely polarized at 90 ◦ to the axis.
By now you have already seen what happens if the
film is at an intermediate angle such as 45 ◦ . Two
spots appear on the paper in the same places pro-
duced by an unpolarized source of light, not just a
single spot at the midpoint. This shows that the
crystal is not just throwing away the parts of the
light that are out of alignment with its axis. What
The calcite splits the wave into two parts, polarized in is happening instead is that the crystal will accept a
perpendicular directions compared to each other. beam of light with any polarization whatsoever, and
split it into two beams polarized at 0 and 90 ◦ compared
We need not be restricted to speculation about what
to the crystal’s axis.
was happening to the part of the light that entered
the calcite crystal polarized at a 45 ◦ angle. You can This behavior actually makes sense in terms of the
use a polarizing film, often referred to informally as a wave theory of light. Light waves are supposed to
“Polaroid,” to change unpolarized light into a beam obey the principle of superposition, which says that
of only one specific polarization. In this part of the waves that pass through each other add on to each
lab, you will use a polarizing film to produce a beam other. A light wave is made of electric and magnetic
of light polarized at a 45 ◦ angle to the crystal’s in- fields, which are vectors, so it is vector addition we’re

talking about in this case. A vector at a 45 ◦ angle
can be produced by adding two perpendicular vec-
tors of equal length. The crystal therefore cannot
respond any differently to 45-degree polarized light
than it would to a 50-50 mixture of light with 0-
degree and 90-degree polarization.

ures above. Make a prediction about what will hap-

pen, and discuss your prediction with your instructor
before you make the actual observation.

The principle of superposition implies that if the 0 ◦ and

90 ◦ polarizations produce two different spots, then the Quantitative Observations
two waves superimposed must produce those two spots,
not a single spot at an intermediate location. E Intensity of light passing through two polar-
izing films
C Two polarizing films In this part of the lab, you will make numerical mea-
surements of the transmission of initially unpolarized
So far I’ve just described the polarizing film as a light transmitted through two polarizing films at an
device for producing polarized light. But one can angle θ to each other. To measure the intensity of
apply to the polarizing film the same logic of super- the light that gets through, you will use a photocell,
position and vector addition that worked with the which is a device that converts light energy into an
calcite crystal. It would not make sense for the film electric current.
simply to throw away any waves that were not per-
fectly aligned with it, because a field oriented on a You will use a voltmeter to measure the voltage
slant can be analyzed into two vector components, across the photocell when light is shining on it. A
at 0 and 90 ◦ with respect to the film. Even if one photovoltaic cell is a complicated nonlinear device,
component is entirely absorbed, the other compo- but I’ve found empirically that under the conditions
nent should still be transmitted. we’re using in this experiment, the voltage is pro-
portional to the power of the light striking the cell:
twice as much light results in twice the voltage.
This measurement requires a source of light that is
unpolarized, constant in intensity, and comes from
a specific direction so it can’t get to the photocell
without going through the polaroids. The ambient
light in the room is nearly unpolarized, but varies
randomly as people walk in front of the light fixtures,
etc. The laser beam is constant in intensity, but as
I was creating this lab I found to my surprise that it
is partially polarized, with a polarization that varies
Based on these considerations, now think about what over time. A more suitable source of light is the
will happen if you look through two polarizing films sodium gas discharge tube, which makes a nearly
at an angle to each other, as shown in the figure monochromatic, unpolarized yellow light. Make sure
above. Do not look into the laser beam! Just look you have allowed it to warm up for at least 15-20
around the room. What will happen as you change minutes before using it; before it warms up, it makes
the angle θ? a reddish light, and the polaroids do not work very
well on that color.
D Three polarizing films Make measurements of the relative intensity of light
Now suppose you start with two films at a 90 ◦ angle transmitted through the two polarizing films, using a
to each other, and then sandwich a third film be- variety of angles θ. Don’t assume that the notches on
tween them at a 45 ◦ angle, as shown in the two fig- the plastic housing of the polarizing films are a good

142 Lab 44 Polarization

indication of the orientation of the films themselves.

The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
P1 Given the angle θ between the polarizing films,
predict the ratio |E0 |/|E| of the transmitted electric
field to the incident electric field.
P2 Based on your answer to P1, predict the ra-
tio P 0 /P of the transmitted power to the incident
P3 Sketch a graph of your answer to P2. Super-
imposed on the same graph, show a qualitative pre-
diction of how it would change if the polaroids were
not 100% perfect at filtering out one component of
the field.

Discuss your qualitative results in terms of superpo-
sition and vector addition.
Graph your results from part E, and superimpose a
theoretical curve for comparison. Discuss how your
results compare with theory. Since your measure-
ments of light intensity are relative, just scale the
theoretical curve so that its maximum matches that
of the experimental data. (You might think of com-
paring the intensity transmitted through the two po-
laroids with the intensity that you get with no po-
laroids in the way at all. This doesn’t really work,
however, because in addition to acting as polarizers,
the polaroids simply absorb a certain percentage of
the light, just as any transparent material would.)

45 The Photoelectric Effect
Apparatus of light could be visualized as a stream of machine-
gun bullets. The electrons would be small targets,
Hg gas discharge tube but when a “light bullet” did score a hit, it packed
light aperture assembly enough of an individual wallop to knock the elec-
lens/grating assembly tron out immediately. Based on other experiments
photodiode module, support base, and coupling rod involving the spectrum of light emitted by hot, glow-
digital multimeter (Fluke) ing objects, Einstein also proposed that each photon
pieces of plywood had an energy given by
green and yellow filters
E = hf ,

where f is the frequency of the light and h is Planck’s

Goals constant.
Observe evidence that light has particle prop-
In this lab, you will perform the classic experiment
erties as well as wave properties.
used to test Einstein’s theory. You should refer to
the description of the experiment in your textbook.
Measure Planck’s constant.
Briefly, you will expose the metal cathode of a vac-
uum tube to light of various frequencies, and deter-
mine the voltage applied between the cathode and
Introduction anode that just barely suffices to cut off the pho-
The photoelectric effect, a phenomenon in which toelectric current completely. This is known as the
light shakes an electron loose from an object, pro- stopping voltage, Vs . According to Einstein’s theory,
vided the first evidence for wave-particle duality: the stopping voltage should obey the equation
the idea that the basic building blocks of light and
matter show a strange mixture of particle and wave eVs = hf − Es ,
behaviors. At the turn of the twentieth century,
physicists assumed that particle and wave phenom- where Es is the amount of energy required by an
ena were completely distinct. Young had shown that electron to penetrate the surface of the cathode and
light could undergo interference effects such as diffrac- escape.
tion, so it had to be a wave. Since light was a wave
composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields,
it made sense that when light encountered matter,
it would tend to shake the electrons. It was only
to be expected that something like the photoelectric
effect could happen, with the light shaking the elec-
trons vigorously enough to knock them out of the
atom. The best theoretical estimates, however, were
that light of ordinary intensity would take millions
of years to do the trick — it would take that long
for the electron slowly to absorb enough energy to
The actual experimental observation of the photo-
electric effect was therefore an embarrassment. It Optical setup.
started up immediately, not after a million years.
Albert Einstein, better known today for the theory
of relativity, was the first to come up with the rad- Setup
ical, and correct, explanation. Einstein simply sug-
gested that in the photoelectric effect, light was be- You can use the Hg gas discharge tube to produce
having as a particle, now called a photon. The beam monochromatic light with the following wavelengths:

144 Lab 45 The Photoelectric Effect

color wavelength (nm) photocurrent. If the voltage is turned on, the electric
ultraviolet 365 field repels the electrons from the wire electrode, and
violet 405 the current is reduced or eliminated. The stopping
blue 436 voltage would be measured by increasing the voltage
green 546 until no more current was flowing. We used to use
yellow 578 a setup very similar to this in this course, but it
The diffraction grating splits up the light into these was difficult to get good data because it was hard to
lines, so you can make one line at a time enter the judge accurately when the current had reached zero.
photodiode. Slit 1 slides into the slot in the front of The circuit we now use, shown in fig. (b), uses a
the discharge tube. The lens serves to create focused cute trick to determine the stopping voltage. The
images of slit 1 at the photodiode. The lens and photocurrent transports electrons from the cathode
diffraction grating are housed in a single unit, which to the anode, so a net positive charge builds up on
is attached to a pair of rods (not shown) projecting the cathode, and a negative charge on the anode. As
from slit 1. Do not drop the lens and diffraction the charge and the voltage increase, the photocur-
grating — I have already damaged one by dropping rent is reduced, until finally the voltage reaches the
it, and they cost $200 to replace. For measurements stopping voltage, and no more current can flow. You
with the green and yellow lines, green and yellow then read the voltage off of the voltmeter. When
filters are used to help eliminate stray light of other you have the next color of light shining on the cath-
colors — they stick magnetically on the front of the ode, you momentarily close the switch, discharging
collimator tube. Slit 2 and the collimator tube keep the photodiode, and then take your next measure-
stray light from getting in. ment. The only disadvantage of this setup is that
The photodiode module is held on top of a post on you cannot adjust the voltage yourself and see how
a rotating arm. The ultraviolet line is invisible, but the photocurrent varies with voltage.
the front of slit 2 is coated with a material that flu-
oresces in UV light, so you can see where the line
is. Setup
Move the housing containing the grating and lens
until you get a good focus at the front of the photo-
diode box. The square side needs to be facing away
from the discharge tube.
Diffraction patterns are supposed to be symmetric,
i.e., the m = 1 and m = −1 maxima should be iden-
tical. In reality, there is something strange about
this setup that can cause the shorter wavelength
lines (especially the UV line) to be extremely dim
on one side. Check which one is brighter on your
Just because the light gets in through slit 2 does
not mean it is getting in to the photodiode. The
original design of the apparatus allowed the photo-
diode module to twist around on its post, and it
Circuit. had to be adjusted carefully by trial and error. Be-
cause students were getting frustrated with this, I
epoxied the photodiode modules onto their posts in
Circuit the right orientation. This makes it impossible to
disassemble the apparatus and put it in its storage
box, but should get rid of the hassles with orient-
The circuit in fig. (a) above is the one shown in ing it. However, you should still check that it’s ori-
textbooks for this type of experiment. Light comes ented correctly, because it’s possible that your setup
in and knocks electrons out of the curved cathode. was a little different from mine, I’m the epoxy can
If the voltage is turned off, there is no electric field, be cracked by rough handling, and the screw at the
so the electrons travel in straight lines; some will base of the post can also get loose. There are three
hit the anode, creating a current referred to as the

things you should check to make sure the orientation focus, check and make sure that the square side
is right: (1) Sighting along the tube like a gun, you of the unit is away from the Hg tube.
should see that it looks like it’s lined up with the
center of the grating. (2) The tube can be lifted out The photodiode module can be rotated on its
on a hinge so that you can see the glass photodi- post so that the light goes straight down the
ode tube inside the box; check that light is actually tube. If you don’t line it up correctly, you’ll
falling on the opening on the side of the tube. (3) be able to tell because the voltage will creep
Take data using the UV line. If you don’t get a big- up slowly, rather than shooting up to a certain
ger voltage for this line than for the others, then the value and stopping. There is a screw that is
light is not making it in to the photodiode. supposed to allow you to lock the photodiode
into position at the correct angle. Make sure
to loosen the screw before trying to aim the
Observations photodiode, and lock it once it’s aimed cor-
rectly. If your photodiode won’t lock in place,
You can now determine the stopping voltages corre- you need to tighten the aluminum post that
sponding to the five different colors of light. forms the base of the box.
The biggest possible source of difficulty is stray
light. The room should be dark when you do The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
your measurements. you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
The shortest wavelengths of light (highest fre- you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
quencies), for which the energy of the pho- my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
tons is the highest, readily produce photoelec- you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
trons. The photocurrent is much weaker for
the longer wavelengths. Start with the short- The week before you are to do the lab, briefly famil-
wavelength line and graduate to the more diffi- iarize yourself visually with the apparatus.
cult, lower frequencies. Don’t forget the filters P1 In the equation eVs = hf − Es , verify that all
for the yellow and green lines! three terms have the same units.
If the button to zero the voltage doesn’t work, P2 Plan how you will analyze your data to deter-
it is because the batteries are dead. mine Planck’s constant.

When you hit the button to zero the voltage, it

may actually pop up high and then come back Analysis
down. This is normal. (It’s acting like an RC
circuit with a long RC time constant). Extract Planck’s constant from your data, with error
bars (see appendix 4). Is your value consistent with
Check the batteries in your photodiode module the accepted value given in your textbook?
before you start, using the two banana plugs
Every electron that absorbs a photon acquires a ki-
designed for this purpose. If your batteries are
netic energy equal to hf . Thus it would seem that
dead, you need to replace them. I’ve also seen
if the voltage is less than the stopping voltage, ev-
cases where the batteries are on the borderline
ery electron should have enough energy to reach the
at the beginning of the lab, and then die com-
other electrode. Give two reasons why many elec-
pletely during the lab; in this situation, you’ll
trons do not reach the other electrode even when
notice that the stopping voltages you’re mea-
the voltage is less than the stopping voltage.
suring change over the course of the lab, and
don’t make sense. It won’t hurt to check the
batteries at the end of the lab as well as at the

Where the lines hit the white front of slit 2,

they should be sharp, and should not overlap.
You can adjust the focus by moving the lens
and grating in or out. If you can’t get a good

146 Lab 45 The Photoelectric Effect

46 Electron Diffraction
cathode ray tube (Leybold 555 626)
high-voltage power supply (new Leybold)
100-kΩ resistor with banana-plug connectors
Vernier calipers

Observe wave interference patterns (diffraction
patterns) of electrons, demonstrating that elec-
trons exhibit wave behavior as well as particle

Learn what it is that determines the wave-

length of an electron.

The most momentous discovery of 20th-century physics
has been that light and matter are not simply made
of waves or particles — the basic building blocks of
light and matter are strange entities which display
both wave and particle properties at the same time.
In our course, we have already learned about the
experimental evidence from the photoelectric effect The electron diffraction tube. The distance labeled as
showing that light is made of units called photons, 13.5 cm in the figure actually varies from about 12.8 cm
which are both particles and waves. That proba- to 13.8 cm, even for tubes that otherwise appear identical.
bly disturbed you less than it might have, since you
most likely had no preconceived ideas about whether
light was a particle or a wave. In this lab, however,
you will see direct evidence that electrons, which you Method
had been completely convinced were particles, also
What you are working with is basically the same
display the wave-like property of interference. Your
kind of vacuum tube as the picture tube in your tele-
schooling had probably ingrained the particle inter-
vision. As in a TV, electrons are accelerated through
pretation of electrons in you so strongly that you
a voltage and shot in a beam to the front (big end)
used particle concepts without realizing it. When
of the tube, where they hit a phosphorescent coat-
you wrote symbols for chemical ions such as Cl−
ing and produce a glow. You cannot see the electron
and Ca2+ , you understood them to mean a chlorine
beam itself. There is a very thin carbon foil (it looks
atom with one excess electron and a calcium atom
like a tiny piece of soap bubble) near where the neck
with two electrons stripped off. By teaching you to
joins the spherical part of the tube, and the elec-
count electrons, your teachers were luring you into
trons must pass through the foil before crossing over
the assumption that electrons were particles. If this
to the phosphorescent screen.
lab’s evidence for the wave properties of electrons
disturbs you, then you are on your way to a deeper The purpose of the carbon foil is to provide an ultra-
understanding of what an electron really is — both fine diffraction grating — the “grating” consists of
a particle and a wave. the crystal lattice of the carbon atoms themselves!

148 Lab 46 Electron Diffraction

As you will see in this lab, the wavelengths of the high voltage in Appendix 8. Before beginning the
electrons are very short (a fraction of a nanometer), lab, make sure you understand the safety rules, ini-
which makes a conventional ruled diffraction grating tial them, and show your safety checklist to your
useless — the closest spacing that can be achieved on instructor. If you don’t understand something, ask
a conventional grating is on the order of one microm- your instructor for clarification.
eter. The carbon atoms in graphite are arranged in
In addition to the high-voltage safety precautions,
sheets, each of which consists of a hexagonal pattern
please observe the following rules to avoid damaging
of atoms like chicken wire. That means they are not
the apparatus:
lined up in straight rows, so the diffraction pattern
is slightly different from the pattern produced by a The tubes cost $1000. Please treat them with
ruled grating. respect! Don’t drop them! Dropping them would
also be a safety hazard, since they’re vacuum tubes,
Also, the carbon foil consists of many tiny graphite
so they’ll implode violently if they break.
crystals, each with a random orientation of its crys-
tal lattice. The net result is that you will see a bright Do not turn on anything until your instructor
spot surrounded by two faint circles. The two circles has checked your circuit.
represent cones of electrons that intersect the phos-
Don’t operate the tube continuously at the
phor. Each cone makes an angle θ with respect to
highest voltage values (5000-6000 V). It produces
the central axis of the tube, and just as with a ruled
x-rays when used at these voltages, and the strong
grating, the angle is given by
beam also decreases the life of the tube. You can
use the circuit on the right side of the HV supply’s
sin θ = λ/d
panel, which limits its own voltage to 5000 V. Don’t
leave the tube’s heater on when you’re not actually
where λ is the wavelength of the wave. For a ruled taking data, because it will decrease the life of the
grating, d would be the spacing between the lines. tube.
In this case, we will have two different cones with
two different θ’s, θ1 and θ2 , corresponding to two
different d0 s, d1 and d2 . Their geometrical meaning Setup
is shown below.
You setup will consist of two circuits, a heater circuit
and the high-voltage circuit.
The heater circuit is to heat the cathode, increas-
ing the velocity with which the electrons move in
the metal and making it easier for some of them
to escape from the cathode. This will produce the
friendly and nostalgia-producing yellow glow which
is characteristic of all vacuum-tube equipment. The
heater is simply a thin piece of wire, which acts as
a resistor when a small voltage is placed across it,
producing heat. Connect the heater connections, la-
beled F1 and F2, to the 6-V AC outlet at the back
of the HV supply.
The high-voltage circuit’s job is to accelerate the
The carbon atoms in the graphite crystal are arranged electrons up to the desired speed. An electron that
hexagonally. happens to jump out of the cathode will head “down-
hill” to the anode. (The anode is at a higher voltage
than the cathode, which would make it seem like
Safety it would be uphill from the cathode to the anode.
However, electrons have negative charge, so they’re
This lab involves the use of voltages of up to 6000 V. like negative-mass water that flows uphill.) The high
Do not be afraid of the equipment, however; there voltage power supply is actually two different power
is a fuse in the high-voltage supply that limits the supplies in one housing, with a left-hand panel for
amount of current that it can produce, so it is not one and a right-hand panel for the other. Connect
particularly dangerous. Read the safety checklist on the anode (A) and cathode (C) to the right-hand

panel of the HV supply, and switch the switch on You need to get data down to about 2 or 3
the HV supply to the right, so it knows you’re using kV in order to get conclusive results from this
the right-hand panel. experiment. The tubes are not quite identi-
cal, and were not designed to operate at such
The following connections are specified in the doc-
low voltages, so they haven’t been tested un-
umentation, although I don’t entirely understand
der those conditions. Experience has shown
what they’re for. First, connect the electrode X to
that some of the tubes work at lower voltages
the same plug as the cathode.1 Also, connect F1 to
than others. The group that has the tube that
C with the wire that has the 100-kΩ resistor spliced
works the best at low voltages can share their
into it. The circuit diagram on page 152 summarizes
low-voltage data with the other groups.
all this.
Check your circuit with your instructor before turn-
ing it on! Prelab
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
Observations you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do-
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If
You are now ready to see for yourself the evidence of you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to
the wave nature of electrons, observe the diffraction my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
pattern for various values of the high voltage, and you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab.
figure out what determines the wavelength of the
The week before you are to do the lab, briefly famil-
electrons. You will need to do your measurements
iarize yourself visually with the apparatus.
in the dark.
Read the safety checklist.
You will measure the θ’s, and thus determine the
wavelength, λ, for several different voltages. Each P1 It is not practical to measure θ1 and θ2 directly
voltage will produce electrons with a different veloc- with a protractor. Come up with a plan for how to
ity, momentum, and energy. get the angles indirectly using trigonometry.
Hints: The figure shows the vacuum tube as having a par-
ticular shape, which is a sphere with the foil and
phosphor at opposite ends of a diamater. In reality,
While measuring the diffraction pattern, don’t
the tubes we’re using now are not quite that shape.
touch the vacuum tube — the static electric
To me, they look like they may have been shaped
fields of one’s body seem to be able to perturb
so that the phosphor surface is a piece of a sphere
the pattern.
centered on the foil. If so, then arc lengths across
It is easiest to take measurements at the high- the phosphor can be connected to diffraction angles
est voltages, where the electrons pack a wallop very simply via the definition of radian measure.
and make nice bright rings on the phosphor. P2 If the voltage difference across which the elec-
Start with the highest voltages and take data trons are accelerated is V , and the known mass and
at lower and lower voltages until you can’t see charge of the electron are m and e, what are the
the rings well enough to take precise data. To electrons’ kinetic energy and momentum, in terms
get unambiguous results, you’ll need to take of V , m, and e? (As a numerical check on your re-
data with the widest possible range of voltages. sults, you should find that V = 5700 V gives KE =
9.1 × 10−16 J and p = 4.1 × 10−23 kg·m/s.)
In order to reach a definite conclusion about
what λ is proportional to, you will need accu- P3 All you’re trying to do based on your graphs is
rate data. Do your best to get good measure- judge which one could be a graph of a proportional-
ments. Pay attention to possible problems in- ity, i.e., a line passing through the origin. Because
curred by viewing the diffraction patterns from of this, you can omit any constant factors from the
different angles on different occasions. Try re- equations you found in P1. When you do this, what
peating a measurement more than once, and do your expressions turn out to be?
seeing how big your random errors are. P4 Why is it not logically possible for the wave-
1 Ifyou look inside the tube, you can see that X is an extra length to be proportional to both p and KE? To
electrode sandwiched in between the anode and the cathode. both 1/p and 1/KE?
I think it’s meant to help produce a focused beam.

150 Lab 46 Electron Diffraction

P5 I have suggested plotting λ as a function of
p, KE, 1/p and 1/KE to see if λ is directly propor-
tional to any of them. Once you have your raw data,
how can you immediately rule out two of these four
possibilities and avoid drawing the graphs?
P6 On each graph, you will have two data-points
for each voltage, corresponding to two different mea-
surements of the same wavelength. The two wave-
lengths will be almost the same, but not exactly
the same because of random errors in measuring the
rings. Should you get the wavelengths by combining
the smaller angle with d1 and the larger angle with
d2 , or vice versa?

Once you have your data, you can try plotting λ as
a function of, say, the kinetic energy, KE, of the
electrons, and see if it makes something simple like
a straight line. Make sure your graph includes the
origin (see below). You could also try plotting λ
as a function of the electrons’ momentum, p, or as
a function of other quantities such as 1/KE, 1/p,
etc. You can simplify your analysis by leaving out
constant factors.
What does λ seem to be proportional to? Your data
may cover a small enough range of voltage that more
than one graph may look linear. You can rule one
out by checking whether a line fit through the data
points would pass near the origin, as it must for a
proportionality. This is why it is important to have
your graph include the origin.

The circuit for the new setup.

152 Lab 46 Electron Diffraction

47 The Hydrogen Atom
Apparatus a Swiss schoolteacher named Johann Balmer discov-
ered that the wavelengths emitted by hydrogen were
H gas discharge tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group related by mysterious ratios of small integers. For in-
Hg gas discharge tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group stance, the wavelengths of the red line and the blue-
spectrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group green line form a ratio of exactly 20/27. Balmer even
diffraction grating, 600 lines/mm . . . . . . . . . 1/group found a mathematical rule that gave all the wave-
small screwdriver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lengths of the hydrogen spectrum (both the visible
black cloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ones and the invisible ones that lay in the infrared
piece of plywood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 and ultraviolet). The formula was completely empir-
block of wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ical, with no theoretical basis, but clearly there were
penlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group patterns lurking in the seemingly mysterious atomic
The first step toward understanding Balmer’s nu-
Goals merology was Einstein’s theory that light consisted
of particles (photons), whose energy was related to
Observe the visible line spectrum of hydrogen. their frequency by the equation Ephoton = hf , or
substituting f = c/λ, Ephoton = hc/λ .
Determine the mass of the electron. According to this theory, the discrete wavelengths
that had been observed came from photons with spe-
cific energies. It seemed that the atom could exist
Introduction only in specific states of specific energies. To get
What’s going on inside an atom? The question would from an initial state with energy Ei to a final state
have seemed nonsensical to physicists before the 20th with a lower energy Ef , conservation of energy re-
century — the word “atom” is Greek for “unsplit- quired the atom to release a photon with an energy
table,” and there was no evidence for subatomic of Ephoton = Ei − Ef .
particles. Only after Thomson and Rutherford had Not only could the discrete line spectra be explained,
demonstrated the existence of electrons and the nu- but if the atom possessed a state of least energy
cleus did the atom begin to be imagined as a tiny (called a “ground state”), then it would always end
solar system, with the electrons moving in elliptical up in that state, and it could not collapse entirely.
orbits around the nucleus under the influence of its Knowing the differences between the energy levels of
electric field. The problem was that physicists knew the atom, it was not too difficult to figure out the
very well that accelerating charges emit electromag- atomic energy levels themselves. Niels Bohr showed
netic radiation, as for example in a radio antenna, so that they obey a relatively simple equation,
the acceleration of the electrons should have caused mk 2 e4 1
them to emit light, steadily lose energy, and spiral En = − · 2
2~2 n
into the nucleus, all within a microsecond,.
where n is an integer labeling the level, k is the
Luckily for us, atoms do not spontaneously shrink Coulomb constant, e is the fundamental unit of charge,
down to nothing, but there was indeed evidence that ~ is Planck’s constant over 2π, and me is the mass of
atoms could emit light. The spectra emitted by very the electron. All the energies of the photons in the
hot gases were observed to consist of patterns of dis- emission spectrum could now be explained as differ-
crete lines, each with a specific wavelength. The ences in energy between specific states of the atom.
process of emitting light always seemed to stop short For instance the four visible wavelengths observed by
of finally annihilating the atom — why? Also, why Balmer all came from cases where the atom ended up
were only those specific wavelengths emitted? in the n = 2 state, dropping down from the n = 3,
4, 5, and 6 states.
In this lab, you will study the spectrum of light emit-
ted by the hydrogen atom, the simplest of all atoms, Although the equation’s sheer size may appear for-
with just one proton and one electron. In 1885, be- midable, keep in mind that the quantity in paren-
fore electrons and protons had even been imagined, theses is just a numerical constant, and the variation

154 Lab 47 The Hydrogen Atom

of energy from one level to the next is of the very angular scale out of alignment: If the angular
simple mathematical form 1/n2 . It was because of scale is out of alignment, then all the angles
this basic simplicity that the wavelength ratios like will be off by a constant amount.
20/27 occurred. The minus sign occurs because the
equation includes both the electron’s potential en- factory’s calibration of d: The factory that
ergy and its kinetic energy, and the standard choice made the grating labeled it with a certain spac-
of a reference-level for the potential energy results ing (in lines per millimeter) which can be con-
in negative values. verted to d (center-to-center distance between
lines). But their manufacturing process is not
Along with the nice formulas came a whole new all that accurate, so the actual spacing of the
set of subversive concepts: that nature is random lines is a little different from what the label
in certain ways, that the building blocks of nature says.
are both particles and waves, and that subatomic
particles do not follow well-defined trajectories as orientation of the grating: Errors will be caused
they travel through space. Today these ridiculous- if the grating is not perpendicular to the beam
sounding ideas are taken for granted by working physi- from the collimator, or if the lines on the grat-
cists, and we are so sure of the theory behind Bohr’s ing are not vertical (perpendicular to the plane
equation that it is now used as one of the most accu- of the circle).
rate ways of determining the mass of the electron. In
a previous lab, you measured the charge-to-mass ra-
tio of the electron, but like the experiment by Thom- Eliminating systematic errors
son on which it was based, that technique was un-
able to give the charge and mass separately. Mod-
A trick to eliminate the error due to misalignment of
ern techniques allow us to measure wavelengths of
the angular scale is to observe the same line on both
light, and therefore energies of photons, with high
the right and the left, and take θ to be half the differ-
precision, so if all the other fundamental constants
ence between the two angles, i.e., θ = (αR − αL )/2.
in Bohr’s equation are known, we can solve for the
Because you are subtracting two angles, any source
mass of the electron. This lab is really the only ex-
of error that adds a constant offset onto the angles
ample of a high-precision experiment that you’ll do
is eliminated. A few of the spectrometers have their
in this course — done correctly, it allows the de-
angular scales out of alignment with the collimators
termination of the electron’s mass to five significant
by as much as a full degree, but that’s of absolutely
no consequence if this technique is used.

Method Regarding the calibration of d, the first person who

ever did this type of experiment simply had to make
a diffraction grating whose d was very precisely con-
The apparatus you will use to observe the spectrum structed. But once someone has accurately mea-
of hydrogen is shown in the figure. For a given wave- sured at least one wavelength of one emission line
length, the grating produces diffracted light at many of one element, one can simply simply to determine
different angles: a central zeroth-order line at θ = 0, the spacing, d, of any grating using a line whose
first-order lines on both the left and right, and so on wavelength is known.
through higher-order lines at larger angles. The line
of order m occurs at an angle satisfying the equation You might think that these two tricks would be enough
mλ = d sin θ. to get rid of any error due to misorientation of the
grating, but they’re not. They will get rid of any
To measure a wavelength, you will move the tele- error of the form θ → θ + c or sin θ → c sin θ, but
scope until the diffracted first-order image of the slit misorientation of the grating produces errors of the
is lined up with the telescope’s cross-hairs and then form sin θ → sin θ + c. The adjustment of the orien-
read off the angle. Note that the angular scale on tation of the grating is described later.
the table of the spectroscope actually gives the angle
labeled α in the figure, not θ.

Sources of systematic errors

The figure below shows the optics from the side, with
the telescope simply looking down the throat of the
There are three sources of systematic error: collimator at θ = 0. You are actually using the op-

tics to let you see an image of the slit, not the tube The white plastic pedestal should have already been
itself. The point of using a telescope is that it pro- adjusted correctly to get the diffraction grating ori-
vides angular magnification, so that a small change ented correctly in three dimensions, but you should
in angle can be seen visually. check it carefully. There are some clever features
built into the apparatus to help in accomplishing
A lens is used inside the collimator to make the light
this. As shown in the figure, there are three axes
from the slit into a parallel beam. This is important,
about which the grating could be rotated. Rotation
because we are using mλ = d sin θ to determine the
about axis 1 is like opening a door, and this is ac-
wavelength, but this equation was derived under the
complished by rotating the entire pedestal like a lazy
assumption that the light was coming in as a parallel
Susan. Rotation about axes 2 (like folding down a
beam. To make a parallel beam, the slit must be
tailgate) and 3 are accomplished using the tripod of
located accurately at the focal point of the lens. This
screws underneath the pedestal. The eyepiece of the
adjustment should have already been done, but you
telescope is of a type called a Gauss eyepiece, with
will check later and make sure. A further advantage
a diagonal piece of glass in it. When the grating is
of using a lens in the collimator is that a telescope
oriented correctly about axes 1 and 2 and the tele-
only works for objects far away, not nearby objects
scope is at θ = 0, a beam of light that enters through
from which the reflected light is diverging strongly.
the side of the eyepiece is partially reflected to the
The lens in the collimator forms a virtual image at
grating, and then reflected from the grating back to
infinity, on which the telescope can work.
the eye. If these two axes are correctly adjusted, the
The objective lens of the telescope focuses the light, reflected image of the crosshairs is superimposed on
forming a real image inside the tube. The eyepiece the crosshairs.
then acts like a magnifying glass to let you see the
First get a rough initial adjustment of the pedestal
image. In order to see the cross-hairs and the image
by moving the telescope to 90 degrees and sight-
of the slit both in focus at the same time, the cross-
ing along it like a gun to line up the grating. Now
hairs must be located accurately at the focal point
loosen the screw (not shown in the diagram) that
of the objective, right on top of the image.
frees the rotation of the pedestal. Put a desk lamp
behind the slits of the collimator, line up the tele-
Setup scope with the m = 0 image (which may not be
exactly at α = 180 degrees), remove the desk lamp,
Turn on both gas discharge tubes right away, to let cover the whole apparatus with the black cloth, and
them get warmed up. position a penlight so that it shines in through the
hole in the side of the eyepiece. Adjust axes 1 and
Adjusting the optics at the start of the experiment is
2. If you’re far out of adjustment, you may see part
vital. You do not want to fail to get the adjustments
of a circle of light, which is the reflection of the pen-
right and then spend several frustrating hours trying
light; start by bringing the circle of light into your
fruitlessly to make your observations.
field of view. When you’re done, tighten the screw
First you must check that the cross-hairs are at the that keeps the pedestal from rotating. The pedestal
focal point of the objective. If they are, then the im- is locked down to the tripod screws by the tension
age of the slits formed by the objective will be at the in a spring, which keeps the tips of two of the screws
same point in space as the crosshairs. You’ll be able secure in dimples underneath the platform. Don’t
to focus your eye on both simultaneously, and there lower the screws too much, or the pedestal will no
will be no parallax error depending on the exact po- longer stay locked; make a habit of gently wiggling
sition of your eye. The easiest way to check this is the pedestal after each adjustment to make sure it’s
to look through the telescope at something far away not floating loose. Two of the spectrometers have
(& 50 m), and move your head left and right to see if the diagonal missing from their eyepieces, so if you
the crosshairs move relative to the image. Slide the have one of those, you’ll have to borrow an eyepiece
eyepiece in and out to achieve a comfortable focus. from another group to do this adjustment.
If this adjustment is not correct, you may need to
For the adjustment of axis 3, place a piece of masking
move the crosshairs in or out; this is done by sliding
tape so that it covers exactly half of the slits of the
the tube that is just outside the eyepiece tube. (You
collimator. Put the Hg discharge tube behind the
need to use the small screwdriver to loosen the screw
slits. The crosshairs should be near the edge of the
on the side, which is recessed inside a hole. The hole
tape in the m = 0 image. Move the telescope out to a
may have a dime-sized cover over it.)
large angle where you see one of the high-m Hg lines,

156 Lab 47 The Hydrogen Atom

and adjust the tripod screws so that the crosshairs through the telescope — don’t waste time chasing
are at the same height relative to the edge of the these, which could be coming from other tubes or
tape. from reflections. The real lines will be bright, clear
and well-defined. By draping the black cloth over
the discharge tube and the collimator, you can get
Observations rid of stray light that could cause problems for you
or others. Put a box behind the discharge tube to
Now put the Hg tube behind the collimator. Make
block the light coming out through the hole in the
sure the hottest part of the tube is directly in front of
back as well. Do a quick and rough check that the
the slits; you will need to use the piece of plywood to
angles at which you observe the violet line are close
raise the spectrometer to the right height. You want
to the approximate one predicted in prelab question
the tube as close to the slits as possible, and lined
up with the slits as well as possible; you can adjust
this while looking through the telescope at an m = 1 Now try swapping in the hydrogen tube in place of
line, so as to make the line as bright as possible. the mercury tube, and go through a similar process
of acquainting yourself with the four lines in its vis-
If your optics are adjusted correctly, you should be
ible spectrum, which are as follows:
able to see the microscopic bumps and scratches on
the knife edges of the collimator, and there should violet dim
be no parallax of the crosshairs relative to the image purple
of the slits. blue-green
Here is a list of the wavelengths of the visible Hg
lines, in nm, to high precision: Again you’ll again have to make sure the hottest
part of the tube is in front of the collimator; this
404.656 violet There is a dimmer violet
requires putting books and/or blocks of wood under
line nearby at 407.781 nm.
the discharge tube.
435.833 blue
491.604 blue-green dim By coincidence, three of the mercury lines lie very
546.074 green There is also a dimmer close to three of the hydrogen lines: violet next to
blue-green line. violet, blue next to purple, and blue-green next to
yellow This is actually a complex blue-green. We’ll exploit this coincidence to reduce
set of lines, so it’s not use- systematic errors. The idea is that if we have a hy-
ful for calibration. drogen wavelength, λ, that we want to measure, and
a nearby known line λc from the mercury spectrum
You’ve seen the mercury spectrum before, in the
that we can use for calibration, then we can sidestep
photoelectric effect lab, but you will notice some dif-
the determination of the grating’s spacing entirely
ferences here. You will be able to see various dim-
by using the relation
mer lines as well as the bright ones, and you want
to avoid mistaking those for the bright ones that sin θ
λ= λc .
we’re using for calibration. Also, as noted above, sin θc
some lines that appear to be single lines in a low- Although we’ve tried hard to eliminate systematic
resolution spectrum are actually mutliple lines. The errors through careful adjustment of the optics, some
table gives the wavelengths in vacuum. Although errors will still remain. But these errors vary smooth-
we’re doing the lab in air, our goal is to find what ly with angle, so by calibrating against known lines
the hydrogen wavelengths would have been in vac- that occur at nearly the same angle, we can mini-
uum; by calibrating using vacuum wavelengths for mize their effects. For each line, you’ll need a total
mercury, we end up getting vacuum wavelengths for of four angles: αL and αR for the calibration line
hydrogen as well. at m = ±1, and a similar pair of angles for the hy-
Start by making sure that you can find all of the drogen line. Note that the knob that adjusts the
mercury lines in the correct sequence — if not, then width of the slit only moves the right-hand knife-
you have probably found some first-order lines and edge, which appears to be on the left in the inverted
some second-order ones. If you can find some lines image. Therefore, adjusting the slit changes the lo-
but not others, use your head and search for them cation of the center of the slit, and such adjustments
in the right area based on where you found the lines should not be done between the αL and αR measure-
you did see. You may see various dim, fuzzy lights ments of the same line. My experience is that the
dimness of the violet hydrogen line makes its wave-

length difficult to measure accurately, so including 3 → 2, 4 → 2, 5 → 2, and 6 → 2 transitions. Based
the violet-violet pair actually worsens the quality of on E = hf , which of these should correspond to
the final result. Therefore you end up just measuring which colors?
two pairs (eight angles).
P5 Based on the Bohr equation, predict the ratio
The angles are measured using a vernier scale, which λblue−green
is similar to the one on the vernier calipers you have
already used in the first-semester lab course. Your
final reading for an angle will consist of degrees plus for hydrogen, expressing your answer as the ratio of
minutes. (One minute of arc, abbreviated 1’, is 1/60 two integers.
of a degree.) The main scale is marked every 30
minutes. Your initial, rough reading is obtained by
noting where the zero of the vernier scale falls on the Self-Check
main scale, and is of the form “xxx ◦ 0’ plus a little Before leaving lab, make sure that your wavelengths
more” or “xxx ◦ 30’ plus a little more.” Next, you are consistent with your prediction from prelab ques-
should note which line on the vernier scale lines up tion P5, to a precision of no worse than about one
most closely with one of the lines on the main scale. part per thousand.
The corresponding number on the vernier scale tells
you how many minutes of arc to add for the “plus a
little more.” Analysis
As a check on your results, everybody in your group Throughout your analysis, remember that this is
should take independent readings of every angle you a high-precision experiment, so you don’t want to
measure in the lab, nudging the telescope to the side round off to less than five significant figures.
after each reading. Once you have independent re-
sults for a particular angle, compare them. If they’re We assume that the following constants are already
consistent to within one or two minutes of arc, aver- known:
age them. If they’re not consistent, figure out what e = 1.6022 × 10−19 C
went wrong.
k = 8.9876 × 109 N·m2 /C2
h = 6.6261 × 10−34 J·s
Prelab c = 2.9979 × 108 m/s
The point of the prelab questions is to make sure
you understand what you’re doing, why you’re do- The energies of the four types of visible photons
ing it, and how to avoid some common mistakes. If emitted by a hydrogen atom equal En − E2 , where
you don’t know the answers, make sure to come to n = 3, 4, 5, and 6. Using the Bohr equation, we have
my office hours before lab and get help! Otherwise
1 1
you’re just setting yourself up for failure in lab. Ephoton = A − 2 ,
4 n
The week before you are to do the lab, briefly famil- where A is the expression from the Bohr equation
iarize yourself visually with the apparatus. that depends on the mass of the electron. From the
P1 The nominal (and not very accurate) spacing two lines you’ve measured, extract a value for A.
of the grating is stated as 600 lines per millimeter. If your data passed the self-check above, then you
From this information, find d, and predict the angles should find that these values for A agree to no worse
αL and αR at which you will observe the 404.656 nm than a few parts per thousand at worst. Compute
violet mercury line. an average value of A, and extract the mass of the
electron, with error bars.
P2 Make sure you understand the first three vernier
readings in the figure, and then interpret the fourth Finally, there is a small correction that should be
one. made to the result for the mass of the electron be-
cause actually the proton isn’t infinitely massive com-
P3 In what sequence do you expect to see the Hg pared to the electron; in terms of the quantity m
lines on each side? Make a drawing showing the given by the equation on page 154, the mass of the
sequence of the angles as you go out from θ=0. electron, me , would actually be given by me = m/(1−
P4 The visible lines of hydrogen come from the m/mp ), where mp is the mass of the proton, 1.6726×
10−27 kg.

158 Lab 47 The Hydrogen Atom

The spectrometer


Orienting the grating.

Prelab question 2.

48 The Michelson Interferometer
Apparatus by distance equal to a quarter of a wavelength of the
light, the total round-trip distance traveled by the
Michelson interferometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/group wave is changed by half a wavelength, which switches
Na and H gas discharge tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/group from constructive to destructive interference, or vice
tools inside drawer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 set/group versa. Thus if the mirror is moved by a distance d,
2 × 4 piece of wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/group and you see the light go through n complete cycles
colored filters (Cambosco and others) of appearance and disappearance, you can conclude
that the wavelength of the light was λ = 2d/n.
To make small and accurate adjustments of the mir-
Goals ror easier to do, the micrometer is connected to it
through a level that reduces the amount of move-
Determine the wavelength of a line of the emis- ment by a factor k, approximately equal to 5.23;
sion spectrum of sodium or hydrogen. the micrometer reads the bigger distance D = kd
that it actually travels itself, so the wavelength is
The Michelson interferometer is a device for measur- λ = 2D/kn.
ing the wavelength of light, used most famously in Another trick to make the apparatus easier to use
the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, which was is that the mirrors A and B are slightly curved.
later interpreted as disproving the existence of the This means that instead of seeing a field of light
luminiferous aether and supporting Einstein’s theory that varies uniformly between dark and bright as
of special relativity. you turn the knob, instead you see a set of concen-
tric rings (called fringes), which expand or contract
depending on which direction you turn the knob.
Turn on the sodium discharge tube, and let it warm
up until it’s yellow.
Remove the drawer from the box, and take out the
tool kit. Unscrew the screws on the bottom of the
box that lock the interferometer to the floor of the
box, and very carefully take the instrument out of
the box. Screw the two aluminum legs into the bot-
tom of the interferometer, and lay a piece of wood
flat under the third leg, which is a threaded rod; this
makes the apparatus level.
Place the discharge tube near the entrance window
of the apparatus. If you look through the viewing
window, you will see the image of the tube itself,
As shown in the figure, the idea is to take a beam reflected through the mirrors. To make this into a
of light from the source, split it into two perpendic- uniform circle of light, place the ground glass screen
ular beams, send it to two mirrors, and then recom- (inside the bag of tools) in the bracket at the en-
bine the beams again. If the two light waves are in trance window.
phase when recombined, they will reinforce, but if
they are out of phase, they will cancel. Since the Mirror B needs to be perfectly perpendicular to mir-
two waves originated from the splitting of a single ror A, and its vertical plane needs to be matched to
wave, the only reason they would be out of phase mirror A’s. This is adjusted using the knobs on mir-
was if the lengths of the two arms of the apparatus ror B, one for vertical adjustment and one for hor-
were unequal. Mirror A is movable, and the distance izontal. A rough initial adjustment can be done by
through which it moves can be controlled and mea- aligning the two images of the circular entrance win-
sured extremely accurately using a micrometer con- dow. You can then hang the metal pointer (from the
nected to the mirror via a lever. If mirror A is moved bag of tools) on the top of the ground glass screen,

160 Lab 48 The Michelson Interferometer

and do a better adjustment so that the two images of make more progress in measuring lines of the hydro-
the pointer’s tip coincide. You should now see a set gen spectrum accurately.
of very fine concentric circular interference fringes,
centered on a point outside of the field of view. The
final, fine adjustment is obtained by bringing the
center of this pattern to the center of the field of
The micrometer has a millimeter scale running from
0 to 25 mm, with half-millimeter divisions on the
bottom. To take a reading on it, first read the
number of millimeters and half-millimeters based on
where the edge of the cylindrical rotating part lies on
this scale. Then add on the reading from the vernier
scale that runs around the circumference of the ro-
tating part, which runs from 0.000 to 0.500 mm. You
should be able to estimate to the nearest thousandth
of a millimeter (tenth of a vernier division).
While looking at the interference fringes, turn the
knob on the micrometer. You will see them either
expand like smoke rings, or contract and disappear
into the center, depending on which way you turn
the knob. Rotate the knob while counting about 50
to 100 fringes, and record the two micrometer read-
ings before and after. The difference between these
is D. It helps if you prop your head on the table,
and move the micrometer knob smoothly and contin-
uously. Moving your head disturbs the pattern, and
halting the micrometer knob tends to cause backlash
that confuses the count of fringes by plus or minus
It has been an ongoing project to get these spec-
trometers back in operation and fully calibrated for
the first time in many years. In spring 2006, my stu-
dents in physics 223 gave them a thorough test drive.
In spring 2007, we started taking data to determine
k accurately for each spectrometer, using the known
wavelength of the sodium emission line at 589 nm.
Their data are on sheets inside each spectrometer’s
box. That class also experimented with using the
apparatus to measure the wavelengths of some lines
in the spectrum of hydrogen, which is of some fun-
damental interest because it is the simplest of all
atoms. Since hydrogen’s spectrum, unlike sodium’s,
includes several different visible lines of similar in-
tensity, this required using colored filters to select
the desired line. They found that filter #2 from
the Cambosco box worked well for the red line, and
#8 for the blue-green line. Lines with short wave-
lengths were more difficult to do. For the next class
that does the lab, my goal is to accumulate more
calibration data, so we can start to detect whether
certain data points are off because of ±1 errors in
counting the number of fringes. I would also like to

Appendix 1: Format of Lab Writeups
Lab reports must be three pages or less, not counting If this is a lab that has just one important numerical
your raw data. The format should be as follows: result (or maybe two or three of them), put them
in your abstract, with error bars where appropriate.
There should normally be no more than two to four
Raw data — Keep actual observations separate from numbers here. Do not recapitulate your raw data
what you later did with them. here — this is for your final results.
These are the results of the measurements you take
If you’re presenting a final result with error bars,
down during the lab, hence they come first. You
make sure that the number of significant figures is
should clearly mark the beginning and end of your
consistent with your error bars. For example, if you
raw data, so I don’t have to sort through many pages
write a result as 323.54 ± 6 m/s, that’s wrong. Your
to find your actual presentation of your work, below.
error bars say that you could be off by 6 in the ones’
Write your raw data directly in your lab book; don’t
place, so the 5 in the tenths’ place and the four in
write them on scratch paper and recopy them later.
the hundredths’ place are completely meaningless.
Don’t use pencil. The point is to separate facts from
opinions, observations from inferences. If you’re presenting a number in scientific notation,
with error bars, don’t do it like this
Procedure — Did you have to create your own
methods for getting some of the raw data?
Do not copy down the procedure from the manual. 1.234 × 10−89 m/s ± 3 × 10−92 m/s ,
In this section, you only need to explain any meth-
ods you had to come up with on your own, or cases
where the methods suggested in the handout didn’t do it like this
work and you had to do something different. Do not
discuss how you did your calculations here, just how (1.234 ± 0.003) × 10−89 m/s ,
you got your raw data.
Abstract — What did you find out? Why is it im- so that we can see easily which digit of the result the
portant? error bars apply to.
The “abstract” of a scientific paper is a short para-
graph at the top that summarizes the experiment’s Justification and Reasoning — Convince me of
results in a few sentences. If your results deviated what you claimed in your abstract.
from the ideal equations, don’t be afraid to say so. Cconvince me that the statements you made about
After all, this is real life, and many of the equa- your results in the abstract follow logically from your
tions we learn are only approximations, or are only data. This will typically involve both calculations
valid in certain circumstances. However, (1) if you and logical arguments. Continuing the debate meta-
simply mess up, it is your responsibility to realize phor, if your abstract said the U.S. should have free
it in lab and do it again, right; (2) you will never trade with China, this is the rest of the debate, where
get exact agreement with theory, because measure- you convince me, based on data and logic, that we
ments are not perfectly exact — the important issue should have free trade.
is whether your results agree with theory to roughly In your calculations, the more clearly you show what
within the error bars. you did, the easier it is for me to give you partial
The abstract comes first in your writeup, but you’ll credit if there is something wrong with your final re-
write it last, so leave a little space for it. sult. If you have a long series of similar calculations,
you may just show one as a sample. If your prelab
The abstract is not a statement of what you hoped involved deriving equations that you will need, re-
to find out. It’s a statement of what you did find peat them here without the derivation. Try to lay
out. It’s like the brief statement at the beginning out complicated calculations in a logical way, go-
of a debate: “The U.S. should have free trade with ing straight down the page and using indentation to
China.” It’s not this: “In this debate, we will discuss make it easy to understand. When doing algebra,
whether the U.S. should have free trade with China.” try to keep everything in symbolic form until the
very end, when you will plug in numbers.

162 Lab Appendix 1: Format of Lab Writeups

Model Lab Writeup the cannon ball leading at the bottom by a slight
margin (1 hand’s breadth), but we could not be sure.
Comparison of Heavy and Light Falling Objects It is possible that the musket ball was just notice-
- Galileo Galilei ably affected by air resistance. In any case, the Aris-
totelian theory is clearly wrong, since it predicts that
Raw Data the cannon ball, which was 400 times heavier, would
(Galileo’s original, somewhat messy notes go here.) have taken one 400th the time to hit the ground.
He does not recopy the raw data to make them look
nicer, or mix calculations with raw data.

We followed the procedure in the lab manual with
the following additions: (1) To make sure both ob-
jects fell at the same time, we put them side by side
on a board and then tipped the board. (2) We waited
until there was no wind.

We dropped a cannon ball weighing two hundred
pounds and a musket ball weighing half a pound si-
multaneously from the same height. Both hit the
ground at nearly the same time. This contradicts
Aristotle’s theory that heavy objects always fall faster
than light ones.

height of drop = 200 ± 4 cubits

amount by which cannon
ball was ahead at the bottom < 1 hand’s breadth

Justification and Reasoning

From a point 100 cubits away from the base of the
tower, the top was at a 63 ◦ angle above horizontal.
The height of the tower was therefore

100 cubits × tan 63 ◦ = 200 cubits.

We estimated the accuracy of the 100-cubit horizon-
tal measurement to be ±2 cubits, with random errors
mainly from the potholes in the street, which made
it difficult to lay the cubit-stick flat. If it was 102
cubits instead of 100, our result for the height of the
tower would have been 204 cubits, so our error bars
on the height are ±4 cubits.
It is common knowledge that a feather falls more
slowly than a stone, but our experiment shows that
heavy objects do not always fall much more rapidly.
We do not have any data on feathers, but we sug-
gest that extremely light objects like feathers are
strongly affected by air resistance, which would be
nearly negligible for a cannonball. We think we saw

Appendix 2: Basic Error Analysis
No measurement is perfectly ex- itations of the measuring devices.

act. Another important reason for stating results with er-

ror bars is that other people may use your measure-
One of the most common misconceptions about sci- ment for purposes you could not have anticipated.
ence is that science is “exact.” It is always a strug- If they are to use your result intelligently, they need
gle to get beginning science students to believe that to have some idea of how accurate it was.
no measurement is perfectly correct. They tend to
think that if a measurement is a little off from the
“true” result, it must be because of a mistake — if Error bars are not absolute limits.
a pro had done it, it would have been right on the
mark. Not true! Error bars are not absolute limits. The true value
may lie outside the error bars. If I got a better scale I
What scientists can do is to estimate just how far might find that the dog’s weight is 51.3±0.1 pounds,
off they might be. This type of estimate is called inside my original error bars, but it’s also possible
an error bar, and is expressed with the ± symbol, that the better result would be 48.7 ± 0.1 pounds.
read “plus or minus.” For instance, if I measure my Since there’s always some chance of being off by a
dog’s weight to be 52 ± 2 pounds, I am saying that somewhat more than your error bars, or even a lot
my best estimate of the weight is 52 pounds, and I more than your error bars, there is no point in be-
think I could be off by roughly 2 pounds either way. ing extremely conservative in an effort to make ab-
The term “error bar” comes from the conventional solutely sure the true value lies within your stated
way of representing this range of uncertainty of a range. When a scientist states a measurement with
measurement on a graph, but the term is also used error bars, she is not saying “If the true value is
when no graph is involved. outside this range, I deserve to be drummed out of
Some very good scientific work results in measure- the profession.” If that was the case, then every sci-
ments that nevertheless have large error bars. For entist would give ridiculously inflated error bars to
instance, the best measurement of the age of the uni- avoid having her career ended by one fluke out of
verse is now 15 ± 5 billion years. That may not seem hundreds of published results. What scientists are
like wonderful precision, but the people who did the communicating to each other with error bars is a
measurement knew what they were doing. It’s just typical amount by which they might be off, not an
that the only available techniques for determining upper limit.
the age of the universe are inherently poor. The important thing is therefore to define error bars
Even when the techniques for measurement are very in a standard way, so that different people’s state-
precise, there are still error bars. For instance, elec- ments can be compared on the same footing. By
trons act like little magnets, and the strength of a convention, it is usually assumed that people esti-
very weak magnet such as an individual electron is mate their error bars so that about two times out of
customarily measured in units called Bohr magne- three, their range will include the true value (or the
tons. Even though the magnetic strength of an elec- results of a later, more accurate measurement with
tron is one of the most precisely measured quantities an improved technique).
ever, the best experimental value still has error bars:
1.0011596524 ± 0.0000000002 Bohr magnetons.
Random and systematic errors.
There are several reasons why it is important in sci-
entific work to come up with a numerical estimate Suppose you measure the length of a sofa with a
of your error bars. If the point of your experiment tape measure as well as you can, reading it off to
is to test whether the result comes out as predicted the nearest millimeter. If you repeat the measure-
by a theory, you know there will always be some ment again, you will get a different answer. (This
disagreement, even if the theory is absolutely right. is assuming that you don’t allow yourself to be psy-
You need to know whether the measurement is rea- chologically biased to repeat your previous answer,
sonably consistent with the theory, or whether the and that 1 mm is about the limit of how well you
discrepancy is too great to be explained by the lim- can see.) If you kept on repeating the measurement,

164 Lab Appendix 2: Basic Error Analysis

you might get a list of values that looked like this:
203.1 cm 203.4 202.8 203.3 203.2
203.4 203.1 202.9 202.9 203.1
Variations of this type are called random errors, be-
cause the result is different every time you do the
The effects of random errors can be minimized by av-
eraging together many measurements. Some of the
measurements included in the average are too high,
and some are too low, so the average tends to be
better than any individual measurement. The more
measurements you average in, the more precise the
average is. The average of the above measurements
is 203.1 cm. Averaging together many measurements
cannot completely eliminate the random errors, but
it can reduce them.
On the other hand, what if the tape measure was a
little bit stretched out, so that your measurements
always tended to come out too low by 0.3 cm? That
would be an example of a systematic error. Since
the systematic error is the same every time, aver-
aging didn’t help us to get rid of it. You probably
had no easy way of finding out exactly the amount
of stretching, so you just had to suspect that there
might a systematic error due to stretching of the
tape measure.
Some scientific writers make a distinction between
the terms “accuracy” and “precision.” A precise
measurement is one with small random errors, while
an accurate measurement is one that is actually close
to the true result, having both small random errors
and small systematic errors. Personally, I find the
distinction is made more clearly with the more mem-
orable terms “random error” and “systematic error.”
The ± sign used with error bars normally implies
that random errors are being referred to, since ran-
dom errors could be either positive or negative, whereas
miles by gallons, to get your final result. When you
systematic errors would always be in the same direc-
communicate your result to someone else, they are
completely uninterested in how accurately you mea-
sured the number of miles and how accurately you
measured the gallons. They simply want to know
The goal of error analysis how accurate your final result was. Was it 22 ± 2
Very seldom does the final result of an experiment mi/gal, or 22.137 ± 0.002 mi/gal?
come directly off of a clock, ruler, gauge or meter.
Of course the accuracy of the final result is ulti-
It is much more common to have raw data consist-
mately based on and limited by the accuracy of your
ing of direct measurements, and then calculations
raw data. If you are off by 0.2 gallons in your mea-
based on the raw data that lead to a final result.
surement of the amount of gasoline, then that amount
As an example, if you want to measure your car’s
of error will have an effect on your final result. We
gas mileage, your raw data would be the number of
say that the errors in the raw data “propagate” through
gallons of gas consumed and the number of miles
the calculations. When you are requested to do “er-
you went. You would then do a calculation, dividing
ror analysis” in a lab writeup, that means that you

are to use the techniques explained below to deter- Method #2: Repeated Measurements and the Two-
mine the error bars on your final result. There are Thirds Rule
two sets of techniques you’ll need to learn: If you take repeated measurements of the same thing,
then the amount of variation among the numbers can
techniques for finding the accuracy of your raw tell you how big the random errors were. This ap-
data proach has an advantage over guessing your random
techniques for using the error bars on your raw errors, since it automatically takes into account all
data to infer error bars on your final result the sources of random error, even ones you didn’t
know were present.
Roughly speaking, the measurements of the length
Estimating random errors in raw of the sofa were mostly within a few mm of the av-
data erage, so that’s about how big the random errors
were. But let’s make sure we are stating our error
We now examine three possible techniques for es- bars according to the convention that the true result
timating random errors in your original measure- will fall within our range of errors about two times
ments, illustrating them with the measurement of out of three. Of course we don’t know the “true”
the length of the sofa. result, but if we sort out our list of measurements
in order, we can get a pretty reasonable estimate of
Method #1: Guess
our error bars by taking half the range covered by
If you’re measuring the length of the sofa with a the middle two thirds of the list. Sorting out our list
metric tape measure, then you can probably make a of ten measurements of the sofa, we have
reasonable guess as to the precision of your measure-
202.8 cm 202.9 202.9 203.1 203.1
ments. Since the smallest division on the tape mea-
203.1 203.2 203.3 203.4 203.4
sure is one millimeter, and one millimeter is also near
the limit of your ability to see, you know you won’t Two thirds of ten is about 6, and the range covered
be doing better than ± 1 mm, or 0.1 cm. Making al- by the middle six measurements is 203.3 cm - 202.9
lowances for errors in getting tape measure straight cm, or 0.4 cm. Half that is 0.2 cm, so we’d esti-
and so on, we might estimate our random errors to mate our error bars as ±0.2 cm. The average of the
be a couple of millimeters. measurements is 203.1 cm, so your result would be
stated as 203.1 ± 0.2 cm.
Guessing is fine sometimes, but there are at least two
ways that it can get you in trouble. One is that stu- One common mistake when estimating random er-
dents sometimes have too much faith in a measuring rors by repeated measurements is to round off all
device just because it looks fancy. They think that your measurements so that they all come out the
a digital balance must be perfectly accurate, since same, and then conclude that the error bars were
unlike a low-tech balance with sliding weights on it, zero. For instance, if we’d done some overenthu-
it comes up with its result without any involvement siastic rounding of our measurements on the sofa,
by the user. That is incorrect. No measurement is rounding them all off to the nearest cm, every single
perfectly accurate, and if the digital balance only number on the list would have been 203 cm. That
displays an answer that goes down to tenths of a wouldn’t mean that our random errors were zero!
gram, then there is no way the random errors are The same can happen with digital instruments that
any smaller than about a tenth of a gram. automatically round off for you. A digital balance
might give results rounded off to the nearest tenth of
Another way to mess up is to try to guess the error
a gram, and you may find that by putting the same
bars on a piece of raw data when you really don’t
object on the balance again and again, you always
have enough information to make an intelligent esti-
get the same answer. That doesn’t mean it’s per-
mate. For instance, if you are measuring the range
fectly precise. Its precision is no better than about
of a rifle, you might shoot it and measure how far
±0.1 g.
the bullet went to the nearest centimeter, conclud-
ing that your random errors were only ±1 cm. In Method #3: Repeated Measurements and the Stan-
reality, however, its range might vary randomly by dard Deviation
fifty meters, depending on all kinds of random fac-
The most widely accepted method for measuring er-
tors you don’t know about. In this type of situation,
ror bars is called the standard deviation. Here’s how
you’re better off using some other method of esti-
the method works, using the sofa example again.
mating your random errors.

166 Lab Appendix 2: Basic Error Analysis

(1) Take the average of the measurements. Probability of deviations
average = 203.1 cm You can see that although 0.2 cm is a good figure
for the typical size of the deviations of the mea-
(2) Find the difference, or “deviation,” of each mea- surements of the length of the sofa from the aver-
surement from the average. age, some of the deviations are bigger and some are
−0.3 cm −0.2 −0.2 0.0 0.0 smaller. Experience has shown that the following
0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 probability estimates tend to hold true for how fre-
quently deviations of various sizes occur:
(3) Take the square of each deviation.
0.09 cm2 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 < 1 standard deviation about 2 times out of 3
0.00 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.09
1-2 standard deviations about 1 time out of 4
(4) Average together all the squared deviations.
2-3 standard deviations about 1 time out of 20
average = 0.04 cm2
3-4 standard deviations about 1 in 500
(5) Take the square root. This is the standard devi- 4-5 standard deviations about 1 in 16,000
standard deviation = 0.2 cm > 5 standard deviations about 1 in 1,700,000
If we’re using the symbol x for the length of the
couch, then the result for the length of the couch
would be stated as x = 203.1 ± 0.2 cm, or x = 203.1
cm and σx = 0.2 cm. Since the Greek letter sigma
(σ) is used as a symbol for the standard deviation, a
standard deviation is often referred to as “a sigma.”
Step (3) may seem somewhat mysterious. Why not
just skip it? Well, if you just went straight from
step (2) to step (4), taking a plain old average of
the deviations, you would find that the average is
zero! The positive and negative deviations always
cancel out exactly. Of course, you could just take The probability of various sizes of deviations, shown
absolute values instead of squaring the deviations. graphically. Areas under the bell curve correspond to
The main advantage of doing it the way I’ve outlined probabilities. For example, the probability that the mea-
above are that it is a standard method, so people will surement will deviate from the truth by less than one stan-
dard deviation (±1σ) is about 34 × 2 = 68%, or about 2
know how you got the answer. (Another advantage
out of 3. (J. Kemp, P. Strandmark, Wikipedia.)
is that the standard deviation as I’ve described it
has certain nice mathematical properties.) Example: How significant?
A common mistake when using the standard devi- In 1999, astronomers Webb et al. claimed to have
ation technique is to take too few measurements. found evidence that the strength of electrical forces in
For instance, someone might take only two measure- the ancient universe, soon after the big bang, was slightly
weaker than it is today. If correct, this would be the first
ments of the length of the sofa, and get 203.4 cm
example ever discovered in which the laws of physics
and 203.4 cm. They would then infer a standard de- changed over time. The difference was very small, 5.7±
viation of zero, which would be unrealistically small 1.0 parts per million, but still highly statistically signifi-
because the two measurements happened to come cant. Dividing, we get (5.7 − 0)/1.0 = 5.7 for the num-
out the same. ber of standard deviations by which their measurement
was different from the expected result of zero. Looking
In the following material, I’ll use the term “stan-
at the table above, we see that if the true value really
dard deviation” as a synonym for “error bar,” but was zero, the chances of this happening would be less
that does not imply that you must always use the than one in a million. In general, five standard devia-
standard deviation method rather than the guessing tions (“five sigma”) is considered the gold standard for
method or the 2/3 rule. statistical significance.
There is a utility on the class’s web page for calcu- However, there is a twist to this story that shows how
lating standard deviations. statistics always have to be taken with a grain of salt.

In 2004, Chand et al. redid the measurement by a
more precise technique, and found that the change was
0.6 ± 0.6 parts per million. This is only one standard
deviation away from the expected value of 0, which
should be interpreted as being statistically consistent
with zero. If you measure something, and you think
you know what the result is supposed to be theoret-
ically, then one standard deviation is the amount you
typically expect to be off by — that’s why it’s called
the “standard” deviation. Moreover, the Chand result
is wildly statistically inconsistent with the Webb result
(see the example on page 171), which means that one
experiment or the other is a mistake. Most likely Webb
at al. underestimated their random errors, or perhaps
there were systematic errors in their experiment that
they didn’t realize were there.

Precision of an average
We decided that the standard deviation of our mea-
surements of the length of the couch was 0.2 cm,
i.e., the precision of each individual measurement
was about 0.2 cm. But I told you that the average,
203.1 cm, was more precise than any individual mea-
surement. How precise is the average? The answer
is that the standard deviation of the average equals
standard deviation of one measurement
√ .
number of measurements
(An example on page 170 gives the reasoning that
leads to the square root.) That means that you can
theoretically measure anything to any desired preci-
sion, simply by averaging together enough measure-
ments. In reality, no matter how small you make
your random error, you can’t get rid of systematic er-
rors by averaging, so after a while it becomes point-
less to take any more measurements.

168 Lab Appendix 2: Basic Error Analysis

Appendix 3: Propagation of Errors
Propagation of the error from a nificant errors in the density. The following more
general method can be applied in such cases:
single variable
(1) Change one of the raw measurements, say m, by
In the previous appendix we looked at techniques one standard deviation, and see by how much the
for estimating the random errors of raw data, but final result, ρ, changes. Use the symbol Qm for the
now we need to know how to evaluate the effects of absolute value of that change.
those random errors on a final result calculated from
the raw data. For instance, suppose you are given a m = 1.658 g gave ρ = 2.690 g/cm3
cube made of some unknown material, and you are m = 1.661 g gives ρ = 2.695 g/cm3
asked to determine its density. Density is defined Qm = change in ρ = 0.005 g/cm3
as ρ = m/v (ρ is the Greek letter “rho”), and the
volume of a cube with edges of length b is v = b3 , so (2) Repeat step (1) for the other raw measurements.
the formula b = 0.851 cm gave ρ = 2.690 g/cm3
ρ = m/b3 b = 0.852 cm gives ρ = 2.681 g/cm3

will give you the density if you measure the cube’s Qb = change in ρ = 0.009 g/cm3
mass and the length of its sides. Suppose you mea- (3) The error bars on ρ are given by the formula
sure the mass very accurately as m = 1.658±0.003 g,
but you know b = 0.85±0.06 cm with only two digits
σ ρ = Q2m + Q2b ,
of precision. Your best value for ρ is 1.658 g/(0.85 cm)3 =
2.7 g/cm3 .
yielding σρ = 0.01 g/cm3 . Intuitively, the idea here
How can you figure out how precise this value for ρ is that if our result could be off by an amount Qm
is? We’ve already made sure not to keep more than because of an error in m, and by Qb because of b,
twosignificant figures for ρ, since the less accurate then if the two errors were in the same direction, we
piece of raw data had only two significant figures. might by off by roughly |Qm | + |Qb |. However, it’s
We expect the last significant figure to be somewhat equally likely that the two errors would be in oppo-
uncertain, but we don’t yet know how uncertain. A site directions,
p and at least partially cancel. The ex-
simple method for this type of situation is simply to pression Q2m + Q2b gives an answer that’s smaller
change the raw data by one sigma, recalculate the than Qm + Qb , representing the fact that the cancel-
result, and see how much of a change occurred. In lation might happen.
this example, we add 0.06 cm to b for comparison.
The final result is ρ = 2.69 ± 0.01 g/cm3 .
b = 0.85 cm gave ρ = 2.7 g/cm3
Example: An average
b = 0.91 cm gives ρ = 2.0 g/cm3 On page 168 I claimed that averaging a bunch of mea-
The resulting change in the density was 0.7 g/cm3 , surements reduces the error bars by the square root of
so that is our estimate for how much it could have the number of measurements. We can now see that
this is a special case of propagation of errors.
been off by:
For example, suppose Alice measures the circumfer-
ρ = 2.7 ± 0.7 g/cm3 . ence c of a guinea pig’s waist to be 10 cm, Using the
guess method, she estimates that her error bars are
about ±1 cm (worse than the normal normal ∼ 1 mm
Propagation of the error from sev- error bars for a tape measure, because the guinea pig
was squirming). Bob then measures the same thing,
eral variables and gets 12 cm. The average is computed as
What about the more general case in which no one
piece of raw data is clearly the main source of error? c = ,
For instance, suppose we get a more accurate mea-
surement of the edge of the cube, b = 0.851 ± 0.001 where A is Alice’s measurement, and B is Bob’s, giving
cm. In percentage terms, the accuracies of m and 11 cm. If Alice had been off by one standard devia-
b are roughly comparable, so both can cause sig- tion (1 cm), it would have changed the average by 0.5

170 Lab Appendix 3: Propagation of Errors

cm, so we have QA = 0.5 cm, and likewisep QB = 0.5
cm. Combining these, we find σc = QA2 + QB2 = 0.7

cm, which is simply (1.0 cm)/ 2. The final result is
c = (11.0 ± 0.7) cm. (This violates the usual rule for
significant figures, which is that the final result should
have no more sig figs than the least precise piece of
data that went into the calculation. That’s okay, be-
cause the sig fig rules are just a quick and dirty way
of doing propagation of errors. We’ve done real propa-
gation of errors in this example, and it turns out that the
error is in the first decimal place, so the 0 in that place
is entitled to hold its head high as a real sig fig, albeit a
relatively imprecise one with an uncertainty of ±7.)
Example: The difference between two measurements
In the example on page 167, we saw that two groups
of scientists measured the same thing, and the results
were W = 5.7 ± 1.0 for Webb et al. and C = 0.6 ± 0.6
for Chand et al. It’s of interest to know whether the
difference between their two results is small enough to
be explained by random errors, or so big that it couldn’t
possibly have happened by chance, indicating that some-
one messed up. The figure shows each group’s results,
with error bars, on the number line. We see that the two
sets of error bars don’t overlap with one another, but er-
ror bars are not absolute limits, so it’s perfectly possible
to have non-overlapping error bars by chance, but the
gap between the error bars is very large compared to
the error bars themselves, so it looks implausible that
the results could be statistically consistent with one an-
other. I’ve tried to suggest this visually with the shading
underneath the data-points.

To get a sharper statistical test, we can calculate the

difference d between the two results,

d =W −C ,

which is 5.1. Since the operation is simply the subtrac-

tion of the two numbers, an error in either input simply
causes an error in the output that is of the same size.
Therefore pwe have QW = 1.0 and QC = 0.6, resulting
in σd = QW + QC2 = 1.2. We find that the difference
between the two results is d = 5.1 ± 1.2, which differs
from zero by 5.1/1.2 ≈ 4 standard deviations. Looking
at the table on page 167, we see that the chances that
d would be this big by chance are extremely small, less
than about one in ten thousand. We can conclude to a
high level of statistical confidence that the two groups’
measurements are inconsistent with one another, and
that one group is simply wrong.

Appendix 4: Graphing
Review of Graphing Type in your x values in the first column, and
your y values in the second column. For sci-
Many of your analyses will involve making graphs. entific notation, do, e.g., 5.2e-7 to represent
A graph can be an efficient way of presenting data 5.2 × 10−7 .
visually, assuming you include all the information
needed by the reader to interpret it. That means
labeling the axes and indicating the units in paren- Select those two columns using the mouse.
theses, as in the example. A title is also helpful.
Make sure that distances along the axes correctly
represent the differences in the quantity being plot- From the Insert menu, do Chart.
ted. In the example, it would not have been correct
to space the points evenly in the horizontal direction,
because they were not actually measured at equally When it offers you various styles of graphs to
spaced points in time. choose from, choose the icon that shows a scat-
ter plot, with dots on it (XY Chart).

Adjust the scales so the actual data on the plot

is as big as possible, eliminating wasted space.
To do this, right-click anywhere on the axis,
choose the Scale tab, uncheck Automatic, and
put in the lower and upper limits you want.

Fitting a Straight Line to a Graph

by Hand
Often in this course you will end up graphing some
data points, fitting a straight line through them with
a ruler, and extracting the slope.
In this example, panel (a) shows the data, with error
bars on each data point. Panel (b) shows a best
Graphing on a Computer fit, drawn by eye with a ruler. The slope of this
Making graphs by hand in your lab notebook is fine, best fit line is 100 cm/s. Note that the slope should
but in some cases you may find it saves you time to be extracted from the line itself, not from two data
do graphs on a computer. For computer graphing, points. The line is more reliable than any pair of
I recommend OpenOffice, which is free, open-source individual data points.
software. It’s installed on the computers in rooms In panel (c), a “worst believable fit” line has been
416 and 418. Because OpenOffice is free, you can drawn, which is as different in slope as possible from
download it and put it on your own computer at the best fit, while still pretty much staying consis-
home without paying money. If you already know tent the data (going through or close to most of the
Excel, it’s very similar — you almost can’t tell it’s error bars). Its slope is 60 cm/s. We can therefore
a different program. estimate that the precision of our slope is +40 cm/s.
Here’s a brief rundown on using OpenOffice: There is a tendency when drawing a “worst believ-
able fit” line to draw instead an “unbelievably crazy
On Windows, go to the Start menu and choose fit” line, as in panel (d). The line in panel (d), with
Programs,, and Calc. On Linux, a very small slope, is just not believable compared
do Applications, Office,, Spread- to the data — it is several standard deviations away
sheet. from most of the data points.

172 Lab Appendix 4: Graphing

data points. A dialog box will come up. Select the
Statistics tab, and under “Regression curves,” se-
lect the icon showing a line being fit to some data.
This will cause the line to be drawn on your graph.
To display the equation of the line, double-click on
the graph so that it’s surrounded by a gray border;
then right-click on the line, and do Insert Regres-
sion Curve Equation. By default your equation will
only have the slope and y-intercept shown with three
sig figs; if you need more precision, double-click on
the graph so it’s outlined in gray, right-click on the
equation, do Object Properties, Numbers, Scientific,
and add more zeroes after the decimal place under
Format code.
How accurate is your slope? A method for getting
error bars on the slope is to artificially change one
of your data points to reflect your estimate of how
much it could have been off, and then redo the fit
and find the new slope. The change in the slope
tells you the error in the slope that results from the
error in this data-point. You can then repeat this
for the other points and proceed as in appendix 3.
In some cases, such as the absolute zero lab and the
photoelectric effect lab, it’s very hard to tell how
accurate your raw data are a priori ; in these labs,
you can use the typical amount of deviation of the
points from the line as an estimate of their accuracy.

Fitting a Straight Line to a Graph

on a Computer
It’s also possible to fit a straight line to a graph using
computer software such as OpenOffice. E.g., lab 47
(the hydrogen atom) is a high-precision lab, and it’s
not possible to get a sufficiently accurate result by
To do this in OpenOffice, double-click on one of your

Appendix 5: Finding Power Laws from Data
For many people, it is hard to imagine how scientists It’s fairly easy to figure out what’s going on just
originally came up with all the equations that can by staring at the numbers a little. Every time you
now be found in textbooks. This appendix explains increase the height of the animal by a factor of 10, its
one method for finding equations to describe data food consumption goes up by a factor of 100. This
from an experiment. implies that f must be proportional to the square of
h, or, displaying the proportionality constant k = 3
Linear and nonlinear relationships f = 3h2 .
When two variables x and y are related by an equa-
tion of the form
Use of logarithms
y = cx ,
Now we have found c = 3 and p = 2 by inspection,
where c is a constant (does not depend on x or y), but that would be much more difficult to do if these
we say that a linear relationship exists between x weren’t all round numbers. A more generally appli-
and y. As an example, a harp has many strings of cable method to use when you suspect a power-law
different lengths which are all of the same thickness relationship is to take logarithms of both variables.
and made of the same material. If the mass of a It doesn’t matter at all what base you use, as long as
string is m and its length is L, then the equation you use the same base for both variables. Since the
data above were increasing by powers of 10, we’ll use
m = cL logarithms to the base 10, but personally I usually
just use natural logs for this kind of thing.
will hold, where c is the mass per unit length, with log10 h log10 f
units of kg/m. Many quantities in the physical world shrew 0 0.48
are instead related in a nonlinear fashion, i.e., the rat 1 2.48
relationship does not fit the above definition of lin- capybara 2 4.48
earity. For instance, the mass of a steel ball bearing
is related to its diameter by an equation of the form This is a big improvement, because differences are
so much simpler to work mentally with than ratios.
m = cd3 , The difference between each successive value of h
is 1, while f increases by 2 units each time. The
where c is the mass per unit volume, or density, of fact that the logs of the f 0 s increase twice as quickly
steel. Doubling the diameter does not double the is the same as saying that f is proportional to the
mass, it increases it by a factor of eight. square of h.

Power laws Log-log plots

Both examples above are of the general mathemati- Even better, the logarithms can be interpreted visu-
cal form ally using a graph, as shown on the next page. The
y = cxp , slope of this type of log-log graph gives the power
p. Although it is also possible to extract the pro-
which is known as a power law. In the case of a portionality constant, c, from such a graph, the pro-
linear relationship, p = 1. Consider the (made-up) portionality constant is usually much less interesting
experimental data shown in the table. than p. For instance, we would suspect that if p = 2
h=height of rodent f =food eaten per for rodents, then it might also equal 2 for frogs or
at the shoulder day (g) ants. Also, p would be the same regardless of what
(cm) units we used to measure the variables. The con-
shrew 1 3 stant c, however, would be different if we used dif-
rat 10 300 ferent units, and would also probably be different for
capybara 100 30,000 other types of animals.

174 Lab Appendix 5: Finding Power Laws from Data

Appendix 6: Using the Photogate
The photogate Using the data
The photogate is a U-shaped thing about 10 cm Often you may find that the software rounds off too
across, with an invisible infrared beam going across severely. For instance, when you’re in the mode for
the gap of the U, like the infrared beam of a TV re- measuring how long the photogate was blocked, you
mote control. When something blocks the beam, an want more than the three decimal places it offers by
electrical signal is sent through a wire to the com- default in the Delta-T column. To fix this, double-
puter. We will use the photogate by sending moving click on the title of the Delta-T column, and select
objects through it. The computer tells you for how a greater number of significant figures.
long the photogate was blocked, allowing you to cal-
culate the speed of the object as it passed through.
Plug the photogate into the DG1 plug on the inter-
face box.

Using the software

If you’re using the ULI interface (beige box), use
Logger Pro 2, and make sure the interface box is
turned on before you boot up the computer.
If you’re using the USB interface, use Logger Pro 3.
From the Start menu at the lower left corner of the
screen, run Logger Pro (in Programs>Vernier Soft-
ware). It asks for permission to scan for the right
port — say OK. (If it complains that it can’t find the
port, you may be able to fix the problem if you quit
Logger Pro, power the interface off and on again,
and then get back in Logger Pro and try again.)
The next step depends on what mode you are using
the software in.

Using the software in different modes

For various labs, there will be three different modes
in which we’ll use the software. From the File menu,
do Open, and locate the file you need:

Mode for measuring how long the photogate

was blocked: Probes & Sensors > Photogate
> One Gate Timer
Mode for measuring the time between two in-
terruptions of the photogate: ...
Mode for measuring the period of a pendulum:
Probes & Sensors > Photogate > Pendulum

If there is no button for collecting data, it’s because

the interface box wasn’t turned on when you booted
up. Reboot.

176 Lab Appendix 6: Using the Photogate

Appendix 7: Using a Multimeter
The most convenient instrument for measuring cur- Blowing a fuse is not a big deal.
rents and voltage differences is called a digital mul-
timeter (DMM), or simply a multimeter. “Digital” If you hook up your multimeter incorrectly, it is pos-
means that it shows the thing being measured on a sible to blow a fuse inside. This is especially likely to
calculator-style LCD display. “Multimeter” means happen if you set up the meter to measure current
that it can measure current, voltage, or resistance, (meaning it has a small internal resistance) but hook
depending on how you have it set up. Since we have it up in parallel with a resistor, creating a large volt-
many different types of multimeters, these instruc- age difference across it. Blowing a fuse is not a big
tions only cover the standard rules and methods that problem, but it can be frustrating if you don’t real-
apply to all such meters. You may need to check with ize what’s happened. If your meter suddenly stops
your instructor regarding a few of the particulars for working, you should check the fuse.
the meter you have available.

Measuring current
When using a meter to measure current, the meter
must be in series with the circuit, so that every elec-
tron going by is forced to go through the meter and
contribute to a current in the meter. Many multime-
ters have more than one scale for measuring a given
thing. For instance, a meter may have a milliamp
scale and an amp scale. One is used for measuring
small currents and the other for large currents. You
may not be sure in advance what scale is appropri-
ate, but that’s not big problem — once everything
is hooked up, you can try different scales and see
what’s appropriate. Use the switch or buttons on the
front to select one of the current scales. The connec-
tions to the meter should be made at the “common”
socket (“COM”) and at the socket labeled “A” for

Measuring voltage
For a voltage measurement, use the switch or but-
tons on the front to select one of the voltage scales.
(If you forget, and hook up the meter while the
switch is still on a current scale, you may blow a
fuse.) You always measure voltage differences with
a meter. One wire connects the meter to one point
in the circuit, and the other connects the meter to
another point in a circuit. The meter measures the
difference in voltage between those two points. For
example, to measure the voltage across a resistor,
you must put the meter in parallel with the resis-
tor. The connections to the meter should be made
at the “common” socket (“COM”) and at the socket
labeled “V” for Volts.

178 Lab Appendix 7: Using a Multimeter

Appendix 8: High Voltage Safety Checklist
Never work with high voltages by yourself.
Do not leave HV wires exposed - make sure
there is insulation.
Turn the high-voltage supply off while working
on the circuit.
When the voltage is on, avoid using both hands
at once to touch the apparatus. Keep one hand in
your pocket while using the other to touch the ap-
paratus. That way, it is unlikely that you will get a
shock across your chest.
It is possible for an electric current to cause
your hand to clench involuntarily. If you observe this
happening to your partner, do not try to pry their
hand away, because you could become incapacitated
as well — simply turn off the switch or pull the plug
out of the wall.

180 Lab Appendix 8: High Voltage Safety Checklist

Appendix 9: Laser Safety Checklist
Before beginning a lab using lasers, make sure you
understand these points, initial them, and show your
safety checklist to your instructor. If you don’t un-
derstand something, ask your instructor for clarifi-
The laser can damage your eyesight perma-
nently if the beam goes in your eye.
When you’re not using the laser, turn it off or
put something in front of it.
Keep it below eye level and keep the beam hor-
izontal. Don’t bend or squat so that your eye is near
the level of the beam.
Keep the beam confined to your own lab bench.
Whenever possible, orient your setup so that the
beam is going toward the wall. If the beam is going
to go off of your lab bench, use a backpack or a box
to block the beam.
Don’t let the beam hit shiny surfaces such as
faucets, because unpredictable reflections can result.

182 Lab Appendix 9: Laser Safety Checklist

Appendix 10: The Open Publication License
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184 Lab Appendix 10: The Open Publication License



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