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2 Experimental Oncology 33, 2–8, 2011 (March)

Exp Oncol 2011 REVIEW

33, 1, 2–8


V.G. Nikolaev, L.A. Sakhno, E.A. Snezhkova, V.V. Sarnatskaya, L.A. Yushko
R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Oncology, Pathology and Radiobiology,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev 03022, Ukraine

The results of own investigations and literature data are summarized to determine the place of the main methods of adsorption
therapy in complex treatment of the patients with malignant tumors. New possibilities for the usage of new generation of carbon
adsorbents and modern adsorptive technologies in cancer treatment are discussed.
Key Words: adsorptive therapy, hemocarboperfusion, immunosorption, enterosorption, applicative sorption.

Severe toxicosis observed in cancer patients • to remove toxins generated in the process of
is manifested by many clinical symptoms including “natural” tumor-host interaction;
general asthenia, elevated fatigability, adynamia, labil- • for correction of metabolic intoxication;
ity of pulse and pressure, nausea, vomiting, disturbed • for sorption of toxins that accumulate due to the
appetites up to complete anorexia, diarrhea, skin pallor destruction/damage of normal and tumor cells
and sallow, xerostomia, xidrosis, fever, myalgia and with different therapeutic agents, including ir-
ostealgia, inclination to peripheral neuropathy, psychic radiation;
inhibition, cephalalgia and faintness, sleep disorder, • for local and systemic control of pharmacokinet-
anemia, decreased staminas to infectious diseases, ics of cytostatic preparations;
dystrophy of muscle tissue and progressive body • for therapy of surgical complications and con-
weight loss with final cancer cachexia. The spectrum cominant toxicosis, for instance, bacterial en-
of mentioned symptoms in each particular case could dotoxicosis of enteric origin that accompanies
vary dependent on the patterns of clinical course of the massive blood loss.
disease, intensity of destructive processes, treatment These possibilities are realized by the use of three
type, presence of concurrent diseases and complica- main methods of sorption therapy, namely: hemo-
tions, and many other conditions. sorption (HS), enterosorption (ES) and application
Oncological toxicosis is based on several factors. sorption (AS).
Firstly, it is “tumor disposition”, i.e. a special pathologi- TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS
cal state that develops during the process of natural OF CARBON ADSORBENTS
course of malignant disease and is caused by distant Two types of carbon adsorbents — granulated and
character of tumors’ influence on metabolism and host fibrous ones — are used in adsorptive therapy. Well-
immune status [1–3]. Secondly, tumor-dependent known SCN carbons prepared on the basis of synthetic
compression or tumor invasion into vital organs and polymeric resins and possessing developed porous
malfunction of excretory-evacuation systems, and also structure, specific surface of the order of 1.5 thou-
“overloading” of cellular and humoral blood transport sands m2/g and high enough adsorption activity,
agents with waste metabolites lead to expressed belong to the first type. New generation of granulated
disturbance of biochemical homeostasis and meta- carbon adsorbents with specific surface that reaches
bolic intoxication [4, 5, 6]. The third cause of toxicosis 3.5 thousands m2/g, has been developed in the De-
is originated due to the treatment directed on the partment of Physico-Chemical Mechanisms of Sorp-
destruction of neoplastic lesions [7–11]. A certain role tion Detoxification of IEPOR NASU and was registered
is played also by unspecific factors such as surgical in Ukraine and Uzbekistan under HSGD mark (Hemo
trauma, hemorrhagia, inflammatory complications, Sorbents Granulated Deliganding). HSGD, due to ef-
and sepsis [12, 13]. fective removal of protein-bound toxic metabolites
In accordance with abovementioned, in oncological such as nonconjugated bilirubin, free fatty acids,
clinics adsorptive therapy could be applied: phenols, bile acids, mercaptanes, and a whole num-
ber of uremic and burn toxins during hemosorption
Received: October 12, 2010. procedure, allow to achieve qualitatively new thera-
*Correspondence: Fax: +380442571177; peutic effects related to deep purification of transport
E-mail: lara7@onconet.kiev.ua
proteins and blood cell membranes [14, 15]. Clinical
Abbreviations used: AS — applicative sorption; CP — cisplatin;
use of HSGD columns as a module of “Artificial liver”
dHSA — deliganded human��������������������������������
EPR effect — en-
hanced permeability and retention effect; ES — enterosorption; apparatus or as a separate system for prehepatocytic
HS — hemosorption; HSA — human��������������������������
HSGD — he- removal of bile components and their precursors al-
mosorbents granulated deliganding; NAB — nanoparticle albumin- lows remove apiece up to 1 g of bilirubin, with the use
bound; SCN — spherical carbonit. of column that contains by 20–30 times lower sorbent
3 Experimental Oncology 33, 2–8, 2011 (March)

mass than reactors of other modern systems for treat- to systemic blood flow due to malfunction of natural
ment of hepatic insufficiency. mechanism of their decontamination by conjugation
These super active carbon adsorbents effectively with bile acids. The clinical experience has demon-
remove also proinflammatory cytokines and could strated that HS in patients with mechanical jaundice
be used for treatment of practically all states associ- is the most effective if it is performed one day prior
ated with the development of Systemic Inflamatory to the surgical intervention. In this case the sorbent
Response Syndrom (SIRS) [16]. of choice is HSGD that allows removing large quantities
Activated fibrous carbon adsorbents for medical of protein-bound cholemic metabolites.
purposes that possess high sorption activity too (their Modern tactics of treatment of patients with me-
specific surface is in a range from 1.5 to 2.5 thousands chanic jaundice of cancer genesis is based on com-
m2/g), are used mainly as a basis for preparation of en- bination of intense infusion therapy with the use
terosorbents and application sorbents. In the process of extracorporeal detoxification methods including
of production of modern enterosorbents of IV gen- HS, plasmapheresis, and blood perfusion through
eration — “Carboline”, activated carbon fibrous ma- xenospleen, that allows reduce early post-surgical
terials are dissected into 40–50 nm fibers which are mortality by 8.5% [19]. The efficacy of plasmapheresis
used for formation of tablets or granules with the use and HS increases if the procedures are performed after
of water as a binding element; this allows to preserve endoscopic detoxification of biliary tract [20].
completely preserve the capacity of the sorbent and An alternative means of pre-surgical preparation
significantly improve its kinetic parameters. of cancer patients with liver and kidney malfunction
Both granulated and fibrous adsorbents may serve is massive ES (8–24 tablets of “Carboline” entero-
as a matrix for immobilization of biologically active sorbent per day) that provides quick decrease of in-
compounds without using additional cross-linking toxication level and improvement of overall health.
agents — “binary synthesis”. This method has been In patients with mechanical jaundice the use of carbon
used for immobilization of native thymus DNA and enterosorbents at pre-surgical period was accompa-
dextrane sulphate onto granulated and fibrous car- nied by improvement of hepato-renal functions thus
bon adsorbents [16]. Coating of superactive carbon allowing to reduce significantly the number of purulent
matrix with native DNA allows not only to remove DNA- post-surgical complications and lethal outcomes [21].
binding compounds that could be present in excessive In principle, prophylactic ES could be indicated
amounts, for instance in blood of patients with lung in all the cases when surgical intervention is related
cancer or hepatocellular carcinoma, but also signifi- to the risk of massive blood loss that leads to central-
cantly intensifies the elimination of proinflammatory ization of blood circulation and effluent of E.coli endo-
cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6). An expressed antitu- toxin in blood with the next development of SIRS. Then
mor effect has been registered in 6 from 7 dogs with the presence of large amounts of fibrous carbon
spontaneous tumors of mammary gland after plas- enterosorbents in large bowel impedes the develop-
moimmunosorption on highly active carbon fibers with ment of systemic endotoxicosis and uncorrectable
immobilized devitalized St. aureus Cowans I cells [17]. hypotension.
Meanwhile, in 3 animals complete tumor reduction HS is an effective element of complex therapy
and healing of superficial wounds has been achieved. of post-surgical purulent-septic complications.
In patients with a generalized peritonitis after surgery
CARBON ADSORBENTS IN CANCER related to gastric cancer and cancer of pancreato-
TREATMENT duodenal region, HS promotes quick restoration
Presently a certain experience of the use of carbon of intestinal peristalsis, decrease of purulent egestas
adsorbents in combined therapy of cancer has been from abdominal cavity and elimination of peritoneal
accumulated. symptoms, improvement of functional state of liver
Carbon adsorbents in surgery and kidneys, cardio-vascular system and rheologic
In surgery adsorptive therapy is directed on prepa- properties of blood, that results in statistically sig-
ration of patients with severe intoxication to surgical nificant decrease of lethal outcomes [22]. An analysis
intervention and elimination of post-surgical purulent- of efficacy of treatment of patients with a generalized
septic complications. peritonitis has shown that HS should be performed
The performance of one or few HS sessions in pa- in the first 12–36 hours after laparotomy.
tients with mechanical jaundice at pre-surgical period During HS process, in patient blood the level
allows carrying out extensive surgery without specific of toxic metabolites including medium molecular
complications characteristic for long-term cholemia. weight peptides, decreases, what is caused not only
After HS in the patients, concentration of bilirubin, by their effective removal but also by the decrease
bile acids and creatinin decreases, and skin itching of total proteolytic activity of blood plasma. A posi-
vanishes or decreases [18]. HS partially or completely tive consequence of HS is elevation of blood content
prevents post-surgical fall of fibrinogen level that could of mature neutrophils that could be possible caused
be a cause of elevated hemorrhage. The positive effect by de-suppression of active proliferation of stem cells
of HS in patients with mechanical jaundice is in part inhibited by toxic factors. The contact of blood cells
related to the removal of bacterial endotoxins that pass with the sorbent may cause transitory degranulation
4 Experimental Oncology 33, 2–8, 2011 (March)

of neutrophils and 100–200-fold increase of lactoferrin of cytostatics may serve as an effective supplement
level that participates in hemopoiesis regulation, inac- to surgical treatment.
tivation and elimination of medium molecular weight Carbon adsorbents in chemotherapy
toxins, in blood plasma. Effluent of myeloperoxidase Intense chemotherapy up-to-date remains the
and lysozyme in blood flow elevates tumoricidal and most aggressive method of treatment of cancer
bactericidal potential of blood. During HS process patients. High systemic toxicity of anticancer means
with the use of deliganding adsorbents, there oc- leading to nephro- and cardiopathy, hepatic and
curs an intense “purification” of cellular membranes, gastro-intestinal insufficiency, suppression of hemo-
removal of protein-bound metabolites and correction poiesis, in a number of cases hinders the performance
of transport functions of proteins and erythrocytes. of chemotherapy courses at the required dose.
Detoxification abilities of ES at post-surgical pe- During preparation of cancer patients to intense
riod have been demonstrated with the use of mixed chemotherapy courses and radiation therapy one
sorbent (polysorb with microcellulose) in the patients could use HS or ES methods depending on the endog-
with colorectal cancer [23]. Three weeks after surgi- enous intoxication degree and the presence of com-
cal intervention, in the ES-treated patients the level plications of tumor process that could be considered
of immune complexes was at average by 28% lower as contraindications to HS performance (risk of uncon-
that that in control group. trolled internal hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, and
A significant role in post-surgical treatment of can- expressed hypotension). Adsorptive therapy improves
cer patients could be played by AS. Presently there are patient’s state, obviates asthenia, nausea and vomit-
developed the approaches for the use of applicative ad- ing, sleeping disorders, eliminates or attenuates tumor
sorbents at different stages of wound process. At early anorexia syndrome.
post-surgical period the AC method provides quick HS at the background of massive chemotherapy
sorption of a large quantity (up to 1.5 g per 1 g of the accompanied by renal and hepatic insufficiency
weight of carbon tissue) of different biologically ac- and cytostatic-dependent myelodepression allows
to decrease significantly clinical signs of intoxication,
tive components from wound, for instance, biogenic
improve function of kidneys and liver, elevate at aver-
amines and mediators of inflammation, as well as toxic
age by 10% leukocyte blood counts and enables the
products, that leads to attenuation of vascular reaction
treatment continuation by radical schemes [25].
and intensity of inflammatory events in the wound and
In HS process, deliganding sorbents may provide
surrounding tissues, blocks local sources of intoxica-
effective removal of protein-bound hepatic and ure-
tion and prevents secondary infection [24]. Finally
mic toxins upon cytostatic hepatitis and myocarditis,
the terms of wound healing are reduced. For cancer
as well as renal complications of chemotherapy.
patients an early AS use is especially relevant because
Control of pharmacokinetic of cytostatics
surgical intervention performed at the background
HS method affords unique possibilities for control
of intoxication and decreased activity of detoxifica-
of pharmacokinetics of antineoplastic drugs. Thera-
tion systems, often leads to purulent-inflammatory
peutically valuable differences between concentra-
tions of cytostatics in tumor and the most vulnerable
For treatment of wounds already complicated with
organs are created by regional introduction of massive
purulent infection, sorption-enzymatic complex on the preparation doses with the following adsorption purifi-
basis of fibrous carbon sorbents with immobilized cation of flowing blood. Just in 70th years of last century
proteolytic enzymes is of special interest. Immobiliza- there have been proposed two principal schemes
tion of enzymes could be done also ex tempore from of regional chemotherapy that anticipate an effective
enzyme solution (0.1 g of enzyme per 50 ml of physi- defense of systemic blood flow with the use of HS [26].
ologic solution or solution of antiseptics, for instance, In the first scheme intraarterial chemotherapy
chlorhexidine). Such binary system provides effective is accompanied with adsorption purification of flow-
enzymatic lysis of wound dedritis and denatured pro- ing blood under blocking the vessels that unite re-
teins and sorption of proteolytic products and tissue gional circle with the body. Analogous approach could
toxins. Also, immobilization prevents quick inactivation be used in other variants of local chemotherapy where
of enzymes in the wound while decreased viscosity and blood flow “regionalization” could be achieved, for
elevation of osmolarity of wound content upon the ac- instance with the use of temporary vessel obturation
tion of proteases improves draining properties of car- with special catheters. The second variant practically
bon material. Carbon fibrous sorbents could serve does not differ from well known HS scheme — adsorp-
as a matrix for immobilization of antibiotics including tion circle is connected in definite time after initiation
anticancer ones what guarantee the stability of their of intraarterial or any other type of local drug admin-
concentration and the place of contact with wound istration. Presently an ideology of “adsorption barrier”
surface. This allows consider such composites as the is successfully developed in experimentally-clinical
means of local chemotherapy. For instance, in a half studies of Japanese scientists who have used HS in the
of cases tumor cells are found in peritoneal lavage process of intraarterial administration of high doses
of patients with gastric cancer. In such situation intra- of cytostatics under venous isolation, and reported
peritoneal chemotherapy with high local concentration on significant improvement of treatment results at the
5 Experimental Oncology 33, 2–8, 2011 (March)

background of decreased systemic concentrations and decrease the number of patients whose state
of the preparations [27–29]. is characterized by the II-nd degree of toxicity [31].
The development of deliganding adsorbents Delayed emethogenic toxicity when nausea and vomit-
able to provide deep blood purification from free ing start from the 3rd day after infusion of anticancer
and protein-bound compounds to which belong drugs, is observed practically in a half of the patients
many anticancer cytostatics, opens the perspective while at the background of ES — not more than in 5%.
of generation of potent barrier limiting their appear- In general it’s necessary to note that in patients
ance in systemic blood circulation or minimizing the with completely depleted possibilities for cytostatic
period of their presence in blood. Sorption system therapy, combination of HS and ES directed on the
on the basis of deliganding adsorbents, i.e. so-called prevention of fatal toxic reactions, practically always
“quick sorption system”, is able to provide durable allows to perform at least one more full-scale course
decrease of systemic concentration of cytostatics of anticancer treatment.
and their toxic effects and the apparatus may be con- Carbon adsorbents in radiation therapy
nected not only to venous collectors in an area injured The picture of structural and metabolic alterations
by tumor but in any point of systemic blood flow. This observed in cancer patients after extended-field
is extremely important in such clinical situations when radiotherapy, is similar to that upon acute radiation
a possibility to perform regional chemotherapy for sickness of medium severity degree. In this regard
removal of cytostatics excess from blood is absent one could analyze the experimental data obtained
in principle. For realization of this approach there during HS performance in dogs that received minimal
is required the sorption system that allows effectively absolutely lethal radiation dose. Survival of animals
treat nearly 1–2 l of blood per minute, i.e. the one close in the group treated with intravenous administration
by its efficiency to apparatus “heart-lungs”. All main of antibiotics and albumin solution yielded just 3.2% vs.
components required for creation of such system (min- 68.4 and 62.4% in animals treated with HS for 2 h and
iature rotor pumps that do not traumatize blood cells, 24 h after irradiation respectively [32]. Positive clinical
deliganding adsorbents, systems for control of perfu- results were obtained when HS has been applied for
sion parameters and patients’ defense) already exist prophylaxis of post-irradiation reactions in patients
and could be easily united in a single device. Then with Hodgkin’s lymphoma after extended-field and
there’ll be created an absolutely new type of cancer subtotal irradiation. In total, HS performed at early
chemotherapy where regional intra-arterial adminis- terms after radiation therapy could be considered
tration of high and super-high doses of cytostatics will as an effective method of detoxifying therapy.
be associated with practically total absence of toxic ES is not so a quick-acting and effective method
effects and safe defense of critical organs. of detoxification at post-irradiation period, but it could
An important method of adjuvant cancer therapy be used successfully as myeloprotective means. Bi-
is ES performed in the process of parenteral chemo- weekly ES course has allowed to increase leucocyte
therapy. blood counts in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma
It has been proven experimentally that ES without at average by 2 fold compared with control group.
decreasing anticancer activity of cytostatics, signifi- There the percent of patients whose leukocyte num-
cantly minimizes systemic toxic action of chemother- bers were higher than 4 х 109/ml was 3 fold higher and
apy. In Guerin carcinoma-bearing rats treated by cis- those with leukocyte numbers 2–3 х 109/ml –2 fold
platin at the background daily administration of carbon lower after ES course then after conventional detoxify-
enterosorbents “Carboline”, histologic structure of tis- ing therapy [33].
sues of kidneys, liver and spleen has been affected Development of the means and methods for
at significantly lower degree but the number of tumor prophylaxis and treatment of local post-irradiation
cells at apoptotic state was significantly higher than complications in cancer patients deserves special
that in tumors of animals treated with chemotherapy attention [34].
in the absence of ES. A useful property of “Carboline” The use of carbon fibrous adsorbents with im-
is its ability to bind effectively bacterial endotoxins mobilized DNA capable to bind antinuclear factors,
[30], translocation of which from intestines is drasti- at early stage of radiation injuries results in reduced
cally elevated in the process of intense chemotherapy. terms of cleaning of radiation ulcer surfaces and ap-
Massive ES has recommended itself as a safe pearance of fresh granulations thus providing a chance
method of jugulation of symptoms of gastroenteropa- to intensify radiation therapy. In patients with late ra-
thy and cytostatic-related myelodepression. Starting diation injuries in the process of use of these carbon
from the first days of enterosorbent administration, composites, progressive decrease of dermatitis signs
an intensity of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, attenuates and radiation-related fibrosis is observed, thus accel-
is diminished and the terms of restoration of leucopoi- erating the skin plastic performance.
esis are reduced by 1.5–2 times. In patients with differ- Plastic surgery is among perspective fields for
ent forms of malignant neoplasia the use of “Carboline” use of AS method. In plastic surgery carbon fibrous
after each course of polychemotherapy, in particular adsorbents could be used for preparation of plastic
that with platinum drugs, allows to prevent severe toxic beds and fixation of skin peace, and as well — for
consequences related to the III-rd degree of toxicity, acceleration of donor place healing. In patients with
6 Experimental Oncology 33, 2–8, 2011 (March)

skin melanoma at 2–5th days after finishing of thermo- 40]. Significant enhancement of anticancer activity
radiotherapy, extended ablation of tumor with the next of doxorubicin has been achieved its incorporation
plastics of wound defect has been performed with into the matrix of HSA nanoparticles or by adsorption
splitted perforated skin graft. The use of carbon fibrous to the HSA nanoparticles’ surfaces [40]. Solvent-
adsorbents allowed to decrease by more than 90% the based formulations of taxanes, a highly active class
number of cases of skin graft rejection and by more of cytotoxic agents, are associated with hypersen-
than 30% — the number of complications related sitivity reactions. 130 nM nanoparticle of albumin-
to necrotic changes in the graft. The terms of complete bound paclitaxel (nab-paclitaxel) was recently used
healing have been reduced by 1.5–3 folds [35]. in patients with metastatic breast cancer in whom the
So, the methods of adsorption therapy in oncologic combined therapy was unsuccessful. In a random-
clinics could be used for jugulation of intoxication ized phase III study of metastatic breast cancer, nab-
before treatment and in the process of therapy for pre- paclitaxel was found to have improved efficacy and
vention of complications and for elevation of treatment safety compared with conventional, solvent-based
efficacy, for therapy of post-surgical purulent-inflam- paclitaxel [41]. Among the newest developments one
matory complications and consequences of chemo- should mention the complexes presented by HSA
and radiation therapy, and improvement of quality nanoparticles loaded with doxorubicin and covalently
of life of patients with incurable tumor process. bound to monoclonal antibodies directed against alpha
v beta 3 integrins, which expression is up-regulated
PERSPECTIVE USAGE OF CARBON in various types of cancer. Prepared complexes have
ADSORBENTS IN CANCER THERAPY shown significantly higher cytotoxic activity in alpha
Along with the development of new generation v beta 3-positive melanoma cells than that of the free
of super active carbon adsorbents and new ap- drug [42]. Doxorubicin-loaded HSA nanoparticles
proaches for their use, the range of tasks that could the surface of which is modified by covalent attach-
be solved by sorption therapy expands. ment of trastuzumab, have demonstrated a specific
Tumor resistance even to high doses of anticancer trastuzumab-based targeting of HER2 overexpressing
drugs remains among central problems of modern breast cancer cells [43].
chemotherapy. The clinical experience of the last years At present time there have been worked out the op-
has shown that just in few days after HC performance, timal technologic conditions for conversion of officinal
the sensitivity of an organism to steroid hormones, HSA preparation to its activated form by purification
opiate drugs, insulin, desensitizing preparations, and on HSGD hemosorbents [44]. Activated (deliganded)
to sulphonamides and antibiotics of penicillin and HSA (dHSA) possesses significantly enhanced ac-
cephalosporin lines significantly elevates. Taking into ceptor capacity of the main discrete binding centers
account the general patterns, the study of possibility compared with the officinal preparation, and is the per-
to modify drug resistance in cancer patients using spective transport means in a context of modern mac-
modern methods of sorption seems to be promising romolecular systems of targeted drug delivery. It has
enough. been shown that complex-forming ability of dHSA
Characteristic patterns of solid tumors, in par- toward cisplatin (CP) is 1.5–1.7-fold higher than that
ticular, increased vascular permeability for circulating of officinal HSA preparation [45]. Comparative evalu-
macromolecules and low level of their lymphatic clear- ation of pharmacokinetics of CP and CP in complex
ance due to ineffective lymphatic draining, determine with dHSA in Guerin carcinoma-bearing rats has shown
predominant accumulation of high molecular weight that upon intravenous administration of the complex,
molecules in tumor tissues — the phenomenon known it differs by prolonged period of presence in blood flow,
as Enhanced Permeability and Retention effect — EPR higher bioavailability, gradual accumulation in tumor
effect [36].���������������������������������������
��������� and kidneys.
ecules with molecular weight > 45 kDa, including Experimental and clinical data have shown that
water-soluble biocompatible polymers and blood anticancer activity of widely used cytostatic — cis-
plasma proteins [37, 38]. EPR effect created a basis platin, is determined not only by its free fraction, but
of a passive strategy of targeted delivery of medicinal also by the one bound with albumin; so, one could
. ����������������������
����� propose a way to elevate antitumor activity of the cy-
tions of human serum albumin (HSA) that is capable tostatic: deep adsorption deligandization of albumin
to bind reversibly hydrophobic molecules including prior to chemotherapy initiation that leads to activa-
drugs and to accumulate them in solid tumors allow tion of complex-forming function of the protein that
considering it as a carrier of anticancer cytostatics. at optimal conditions is capable to bind up to 98%
There could be selected three main approaches of administered. Such approach is available also for
to HSA use in macromolecular systems of targeted protein-bound anticancer cytostatics, including doxo-
drug delivery: coupling of low-molecular weight drugs rubicin, adryamycin, metotrexate, etc.
to exogenous or endogenous albumin, conjugation Another perspective field of cancer therapy
with bioactive proteins and the technology based is based of modulating intervention into metabolic rela-
on drug binding with HSA nanoparticles (so-called tions between tumor and host by removal of essential
nanoparticle albumin-bound (NAB) technology) [39, aminoacids, for instance, L-tryptophane, 80% of which
7 Experimental Oncology 33, 2–8, 2011 (March)

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