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Module 5b:Transposable elements

Copyright © 2018 Jones and Bartlett Learning, LLC, ALC

• Exam 2
• External camera is required for the examination
• Lectures: Module 4, 5, 6
• Multiple choice, T/F, Matching
• ~50 questions
• Time: 2.5 hrs
• October 11-14th

• Teaching Center: General study skills and tutoring. 352-392-2010; UF Teaching

Center website
Learning objectives
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
1.Analyze the various mechanisms of transposition and discuss their role in causing
rearrangements within DNA sequences.
Transposons 转座⼦
• A DNA sequence able to insert itself (or
a copy of itself) at a new location in the
genome without having any sequence
relationship with the target locus.

Figure 15.1: A major cause of sequence change within a genome

is the movement of a transposon to a new site.
Transposons can be categorized into two main classes:

• Class II elements, also known as DNA-type elements, which

have the capability to directly manipulate DNA for self-
propagation within the genome.

• Class I elements or retroelements, rely on making DNA copies
of their RNA transcripts, which are subsequently integrated into
new genomic locations to facilitate their mobility.
Transposons can be categorized into two main classes

• Class II: found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

• Each transposon carries genes encoding enzymes required for its own transposition
and relies on ancillary products from the host genome (DNA polymerase or DNA
gyrase). 每个转座⼦携带编码⾃身转座所需酶的基因,并依赖于宿主基因组的辅助产物
• Class I
• Mainly in eukaryotes
• Involves RNA intermediate
• Reverse transcriptase to convert RNA into DNA.
• Some share similarities with retroviral proviruses in organization and transposition
• Long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons or retrotransposons.
• Another class uses reverse transcriptase but lacks LTRs and employs a distinct mode
of transposition, referred to as non-LTR retrotransposons or retroposons.
TEs can directly or indirectly cause genome rearrangements

• Transposition events may result in deletions, inversions, or host sequence

• Transposons act as portable regions of similarity, helping with cellular
• Two transposon copies at different sites, even on different chromosomes, can lead to
unusual reciprocal recombination.
• Aberrant recombination can cause deletions, insertions, inversions, or translocations
Insertion sequences are simple transposition modules
Bacterial Transposons:
• An insertion sequence (IS) is a transposon
that encodes the enzyme(s) needed for
transposition flanked by short inverted
terminal repeats.
• The target site at which an insertion sequence
is inserted is duplicated during the insertion
process to form two repeats in direct
orientation at the ends of the transposon
(direct repeats).
• transposase – The enzyme activity involved in
insertion of transposon at a new site Figure 15.3: IS elements have inverted terminal
repeats and generate direct repeats of flanking DNA
at the target site.
Transposition occurs by both Replicative and Nonreplicative
• Most transposons use a
common mechanism in
which staggered nicks
are made in target DNA,
the transposon is joined
to the protruding ends,
and the gaps are filled.

Figure 15.4: The direct repeats of target DNA

flanking a transposon are generated by the
introduction of staggered cuts.
Transposition occurs by both Replicative and Nonreplicative
• Transposition is replicative or nonreplicative.
• Replicative: the element is duplicated
• involves two types of enzymatic activity: a transposase that acts on the ends of the
original transposon, and a resolvase involved in site-specific recombination between two
copies of a transposon that has been duplicated.

Figure 15.5: Replicative transposition creates a copy of

the transposon, which inserts at a recipient site.
Transposition occurs by both Replicative and Nonreplicative
Nonreplicative: The transposing element moves as a physical entity from one
site to another.
• The "cut-and-paste" mechanism involves the release of the transposon from the flanking
donor DNA during transfer.
• This mechanism requires only a transposase enzyme.

Figure 15.6: Nonreplicative transposition allows a

transposon to move as a physical entity from a donor to a
recipient site.
Transposons cause rearrangement of DNA
• Homologous recombination of a transposon can cause host DNA rearrangement.
• It may lead to either precise (removing transposon and one copy) or imprecise
(leaving remnants) excision.
• Precise excision can restore function at the insertion site.
• Imprecise excision may prevent target gene reactivation but not always cause phenotype

Figure 15.8: Reciprocal recombination between inverted

repeats inverts the region between them.
Figure 15.7: Reciprocal recombination between direct repeats
excises the material between them.
Transposons form superfamilies and families

• Two classes of transposon

superfamilies: autonomous and
nonautonomous members.
• Autonomous have the ability to excise
and transpose.
• Nonautonomous transposons are
stable and cannot catalyze
transposition, but they can transpose
when an autonomous element
Figure 15.15: Each transposon family has both provides the necessary proteins.
autonomous and nonautonomous members.
Transposons form superfamilies and families

• Ac (activator) element – an
autonomous transposable element in
• Ds element – Dissociation element; a
nonautonomous transposable element
in maize, related to the autonomous
activator (Ac) element.

Figure 15.15: Each transposon family has both

autonomous and nonautonomous members.

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