CH 14

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Suggested Discussion Questions and Answers

 What role does the sourcing agent play in the 4Ps of marketing?
o According to the video, the number one step in outsourcing is your sourcing agent
—a kind of matchmaker. A sourcing agent can help find you someone to
outsource to which could be someone who does product development, promotion,
and distribution/logistics/supply chain management and, of course, you would do
the pricing after all this involvement.
 How does the outsourcing approach challenge the requirements of supply chain
o Text: Modern supply chains aim to get the product to the right place at the right
time—all the time through agility, adaptability, and alignment.
o When supply chain management activities are outsourced, there must be greater
guarantee and agreement that products can be delivered in accord with supply and
demand changes. Outsourcing places a greater burden on the organization to more
proactively monitor geopolitical, social, and technological trends in case a
reconfiguration of the supply chain is needed. Also, outsourcing requires a greater
alignment of interests (power and trust) between the outsourced supply chain
management activities and the organization.
 How can outsourced companies overcome supply chain demands from globalization?
o Outsourcing companies must continue to focus on the Triple As: agility,
alignment, and adaptability. In doing so, the demands of globalization or
increased global movement of goods, will required changes in strategy and
structure, more alternative delivery methods, greater market orientation, and
greater understanding of institutional rules both formal and informal.
 Does outsourcing the 4Ps and using sourcing agents create value?
o Outsourcing the 4Ps and using sourcing agents do not create value unless the
outsourcers provide services/processes that extend beyond what can be done in
house or by other organization.
 Which is more important in today’s globalization: a market orientation or a relationship
o Text: Market orientation refers to a philosophy or way of thinking that places the
highest priority on the creation of superior customer value in the marketplace. A
market-oriented firm genuinely listens to customer feedback, and allocates
resources accordingly to meet customer expectations. A relationship orientation is
defined as a focus to establish, maintain, and enhance relationships with
o The instructor and student can address the many avenues of this debate. While a
relationship orientation is necessary for building trust and coordinating operations
for long-term success, many cultures are not lured by this approach. Therefore,
overall, a market orientation can serve the necessities or relationship and market.
And, as more countries are ultimately competitive and market driven, the market
orientation will provide a better approach.

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