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Cyber-crime’s introduction: -

Citizens are the people of a community either majority or minority

Safety is important
“Citizen safety means providing safety to each generation either generation of
electronic devices or the 3rd generation”.
Our generation is known as Gen-Z
Gen-Z is a generation of today who are sensitive, aggressive and intelligent
In today’s life style we use different equipment or electronic devices which
more use of internet and network and create a web of networks.
Because the India is the highly populated country in World the amount of
network is on another level.
And take care of these network is not easy. So, the risk of Cyber-crime is
increases day-by-day or year-by-year.

Citizen: -
We all know that India is the most populous country in the world, with a
population of approximately 1.41. billion people as 2023.
Our most of the population is Gen-Z that is up-to 50% the population is also
know as most intelligent, creative generation which means more use of
Unfortunately, with the increase in internet usage in India, there has been rise
in Cyber-crimes as well.
The mostly targeted population are those which don’t aware about this type of
crime known as Cyber-crimes Even he/she is young generation or old

The major reason for these Cyber-crimes is: -
 Lack of awareness: - Many people in India are not aware of the
potential risks associated with the use of the internet and technology.
 Poor-cyber security measure: - Many organizations and individuals
in India do not have adequate cyber security measures in place to
protect their systems and data.
 Rapidly growing internet user base: - India has one of the fastest-
growing internet user bases in the world.
 Economic Factors: - Cyber-crime can be financially rewarding for
criminals, and many are attracted to it as a means of making money.
 Social engineering: - Many cyber criminals use social engineering
techniques to trick people into revealing their personal information, such
as passwords or credit card details.
The major reason for these crimes is to make easy money.

The people who practice this type of crimes are mostly: -
 Technical expertise: - Many cybercriminals possess advanced
technical skills in areas such as programming, networking, and
information security, which enable them to find vulnerabilities and
exploit them.
 Financial motivation: - Cybercrime can be highly profit-marketing,
and some individuals may engage in it to make money quickly, whether
through theft, fraud, or extortion.
 Principle or involvement: - The relative principle and global reach
of the Internet can make it easier for cybercriminals to evade detection
and prosecution, which can be appealing to some individuals who seek
to avoid legal consequences.
 Psychological factor: - Certain personality traits, such as impulsivity,
risk-taking, and sensation-seeking, have been associated with an
increased likelihood of engaging in cybercrime.

What is cyber-crime?
 Any crime that involves a computer and a network is called a “computer
crime” or “cyber-crime”.
 These crimes have become a threat to individual’s identity or photos and
videos, etc is stolen or intercepted by the attackers.


 SALAMI ATTACK: -Attack which is carried out for financial going. In
salami attack key is to make changes so small that in a single case it can
 IDENTITY THAFT: - It is used when a person purports to be some other
 SPAM & PHISING: - Two very common forms of cyber-crimes.
o Spam is basically unwanted emails & messages
o Phishing is a method where cyber criminals offer a wait so that
you take it & gave out the information they want.
 SCAMS: -Scams which misuse the Microsoft name & other general tech
support scam. Scamsters phone computer users randomly & offer to
fix their computer for a fee.
 EMAIL BOMBING: -Means sending thousands of e-mails to a victim
causing the victim’s mail account or mail server to crash.
 ONLINE GAMBLING: -Gambling over the internet is a vidation of many
laws because the gambling service providers require electronic payment
for gambling through the use of credit card.
 CYBER TRESSPASS: -This is hacking for the purpose of entering an
electronic network without permission.
 COMPUTER INSTRUSION: -It is any malicious activity that harms a
computer or cause a computer or a computer network to work in an
unexpected manner.
 DENIAL OF SERVICES (DOS ATTACK): -This type of attack intent is to
make resource of service unavailable to its intended users. These are
usually carried out on websites to stop them from functioning.

 CHILD PORNAGRAPHY: -The use of computer networks to create,
distribute, or access materials that server exploits underage children.
 Easy to communicate with cyber-cell department.
 More relivable.
 Reduce the barriers between public and cyber-cell department.
 Reduce the cases of data breaching.
 Easy to track the spammer.
 It makes our network more secure.

Introduction to User external Interfaces
User interfaces are the means by which users interact with software
applications, websites, and other digital products. In essence, user interfaces are
the point of contact between humans and technology.

A good user interface should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually

appealing. It should provide users with a clear understanding of how to use the
product, as well as feedback on their actions.

Types of User Interfaces

There are several types of user interfaces, including command-line interfaces,
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), touch screens, and voice-activated interfaces.

Each type of user interface has its own strengths and weaknesses. For
example, command-line interfaces are powerful and efficient, but can be
difficult for non-technical users to navigate. GUIs are more user-friendly, but
may not be as flexible or customizable as other types of interfaces.

The Importance of User-Centered Design

User-centered design is a process that involves designing products with the
needs and preferences of users in mind. This approach helps ensure that the
final product is intuitive, easy to use, and meets the needs of its intended

By conducting user research, creating personas, and testing prototypes with

real users, designers can create user interfaces that are tailored to the needs
of their target audience. This can lead to increased user satisfaction, better
engagement, and ultimately, greater success for the product.

The Role of Visual Design in User Interfaces

Visual design plays a crucial role in user interfaces. Aesthetically pleasing
designs can help attract and retain users, while poor design choices can lead to
frustration and disengagement.

Effective visual design involves considerations such as color choice,

typography, layout, and branding. By carefully choosing these elements and

ensuring consistency throughout the interface, designers can create a cohesive
and visually appealing experience for users.

Accessibility in User Interfaces

Accessibility is an important consideration in user interface design. By making
products accessible to people with disabilities, designers can ensure that
everyone has equal access to information and services.

Some common accessibility features in user interfaces include alternative text

for images, keyboard shortcuts, and screen reader compatibility. By
incorporating these features into their designs, designers can create inclusive
products that meet the needs of a diverse range of users.

The Future of User Interfaces

As technology continues to evolve, so too will user interfaces. Some emerging
trends in user interface design include virtual and augmented reality, natural
language processing, and gesture-based interfaces.

These new technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact
with digital products, providing more immersive and intuitive experiences for
users. However, they also present new challenges for designers, who must adapt
their skills and processes to keep up with these changes.

Introduction to User Interfaces
User interfaces are the means by which users interact with software
applications, websites, and other digital products. In essence, user interfaces
are the point of contact between humans and technology.

A good user interface should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually

appealing. It should provide users with a clear understanding of how to use the
product, as well as feedback on their actions.

Types of User Interfaces

There are several types of user interfaces, including command-line interfaces,
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), touch screens, and voice-activated interfaces.

Each type of user interface has its own strengths and weaknesses. For
example, command-line interfaces are powerful and efficient, but can be
difficult for non-technical users to navigate. GUIs are more user-friendly, but
may not be as flexible or customizable as other types of interfaces.

The Importance of User-Centered Design

User-centered design is a process that involves designing products with the
needs and preferences of users in mind. This approach helps ensure that the
final product is intuitive, easy to use, and meets the needs of its intended

By conducting user research, creating personas, and testing prototypes with

real users, designers can create user interfaces that are tailored to the needs
of their target audience. This can lead to increased user satisfaction, better
engagement, and ultimately, greater success for the product.

The Role of Visual Design in User Interfaces

Visual design plays a crucial role in user interfaces. Aesthetically pleasing
designs can help attract and retain users, while poor design choices can lead to
frustration and disengagement.

Effective visual design involves considerations such as color choice,
typography, layout, and branding. By carefully choosing these elements and
ensuring consistency throughout the interface, designers can create a cohesive
and visually appealing experience for users.

Accessibility in User Interfaces

Accessibility is an important consideration in user interface design. By making
products accessible to people with disabilities, designers can ensure that
everyone has equal access to information and services.

Some common accessibility features in user interfaces include alternative text

for images, keyboard shortcuts, and screen reader compatibility. By
incorporating these features into their designs, designers can create inclusive
products that meet the needs of a diverse range of users.

The Future of User Interfaces

As technology continues to evolve, so too will user interfaces. Some emerging
trends in user interface design include virtual and augmented reality, natural
language processing, and gesture-based interfaces.

These new technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we

interact with digital products, providing more immersive and intuitive
experiences for users. However, they also present new challenges for
designers, who must adapt their skills and processes to keep up with these

SRS stands for “Software Requirement Specification”.
 It is a document prepared by business analyst or system analyst.
 It describes what will be the features of software and what will be its
behaviour i.e., how it will perform.
 It is the detail description of software system to be developed with its
“functional & non-functional” requirement.
 The software requirement specification consists of all necessary
requirements required for the project development.
 The order to get all the details of software from customer and to write
the software requirement specification from customer and to write the
software requirement specification document system analyst is required.
 Software requirement specification document is actually an agreement
between the client & developer.


1. Functional requirement of the system.
2. Non-functional requirement of the system.
3. Goal of implementation.


1. COMPLETE: - The SRS document must be complete by taking all the
requirement to related to software development.
2. CONSISTENT: - It should be consistent from beginning to end. So
that users can easily understand the requirement. And consistency can
be achieved only when there is no conflict between the two
3. FEASIBLE: - All the requirement included in SRS document must be
feasible to implement.
4. MODIFIABLE: - The SRS document must be created in such a manner
that it should be modifiable.
5. TESTABLE: - The entire software or the individual module of the
software must be testable.
6. CORRECT: - The all the requirements given in the SRS document
should be current so, we can easily implement in software part.
7. VERIFIABLE: - All the document of SRS must be verified.
8. UNAMBIGOUS: - The module of the software must be
unambiguous so one module is compatible with another module.

Without proper SRS document it is very difficult to provide the
maintenance for the engineers.

Hardware Requirements: -
The hardware requirements for an application can vary depending on the
specific application and its intended use. However, some general hardware
requirements that may be necessary for running most applications are:

 Processor: The processor (CPU) is the main brain of the computer, and
its speed and performance can have a significant impact on the
performance of the application. A faster CPU with multiple cores is
typically better for running demanding applications.

 Memory (RAM): The amount of memory available on a computer can

also affect the performance of an application. More memory can help
the application run smoother and allow for more multitasking.

 Storage: The amount of storage space available on a computer can

impact how much data an application can handle, and the speed of the
storage (e.g., SSD vs. HDD) can impact the speed at which the application
loads and runs.

 Operating System (OS): Different applications may require different

operating systems, and the specific version of the OS may also be

 Other hardware: Depending on the application, other hardware

components such as a mouse, keyboard, printer, or scanner may also be

It's always a good idea to check the application's documentation or

website for specific hardware requirements before installing and using it.

OVERVIEW: - Communication interfaces ARE Systems and tools allowing two
or more devices and machines to exchange data and information.
USES: - Communication interfaces can be used for a range of activities
including file sharing, data transfer, efficient communication, and more.
TYPES: - Communication interfaces come in variety of from, including
physical connections, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other digital formats.
BENEFITS: - Using Communication interfaces offer advantages such as
increased speed & efficiency, cost savings, and improved Communications.
REQUIREMENTS: - In order to use Communication interfaces, both sides of
the exchanges must have compatible software and hardware specifications.

Features we provide: -
 Firstly, we provide a proper e-verification in which we want only
authorized document (Aadhar card/ Pan card).
 We detect that the call is spam or not.
 Through this it is easy to communicate with the cyber-cell or any police
station about this type of spam (Cyber reoprting).
 We provide a virtual assistant to guid about this.
 We are offering malware protection against different viruses.
 In Network security, we use Machine learning.
 Two factor authentication.
 Password manager.
 Parental control.
 Social media Monitor.
 One click emergency.
 Risk Assessment.
 Family Safety
 Community support.
 Location Sharing.

Introduction to Performance Requirements
Performance requirements are an essential aspect of any project, whether it be
software development or infrastructure construction. These requirements
define the level of performance that is expected from the system and ensure
that it can meet the needs of its users.

Performance requirements can include factors such as response time,

throughput, availability, and scalability. These requirements must be clearly
defined in order to ensure that the system can perform at the required level.

Types of Performance Requirements

There are several types of performance requirements that must be considered

when designing a system. One type is functional performance requirements,
which specify the level of performance needed to meet the functional
requirements of the system.

Another type is non-functional performance requirements, which are

concerned with aspects such as reliability, security, and maintainability. These
requirements ensure that the system operates effectively and efficiently over

Measuring Performance Requirements

Measuring performance requirements is a crucial step in ensuring that the

system is meeting the required level of performance. This can be done through
various methods such as load testing, stress testing, and capacity planning.

It is important to establish performance metrics that align with the business

goals of the system. These metrics should be monitored regularly to identify
any performance issues and make necessary improvements.

Challenges in Meeting Performance Requirements

Meeting performance requirements can be challenging, particularly in complex
systems with multiple components. It is important to consider factors such as
network latency, data processing speed, and hardware limitations.

Additionally, changes in user behavior or system usage can impact

performance requirements. It is important to monitor these changes and
adjust performance requirements as necessary to ensure continued system

Importance of Performance Requirements in Business Success

Performance requirements play a critical role in the success of any business

that relies on technology. A system that fails to meet performance
requirements can result in lost revenue, decreased productivity, and damaged

On the other hand, a system that exceeds performance requirements can

provide a competitive advantage and improve customer satisfaction. Investing
in performance requirements is therefore a key factor in achieving business


In conclusion, performance requirements are a crucial aspect of any project

that involves technology. They define the level of performance that is expected
from the system and ensure that it can meet the needs of its users.

Measuring and monitoring performance requirements is essential in

identifying and addressing any performance issues. Investing in performance
requirements is a key factor in achieving business success and staying
competitive in today's fast-paced marketplace.

Introduction to Safety Requirements

Safety requirements refer to the set of rules, regulations, and guidelines that
must be followed to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals.

These requirements are put in place to prevent accidents, injuries, or even

fatalities in various settings such as workplaces, schools, hospitals, and public

Importance of Safety Requirements

The importance of safety requirements cannot be overemphasized as they

help to protect people from harm and danger.

Compliance with safety requirements also helps to reduce the risk of lawsuits,
insurance claims, and other legal issues that may arise from accidents or

Types of Safety Requirements

There are different types of safety requirements depending on the setting and
the nature of the work being done. Some common types of safety
requirements include personal protective equipment (PPE), fire safety,
electrical safety, and chemical safety.

Other safety requirements may include emergency response procedures, first

aid training, and hazard communication programs.

Implementing Safety Requirements

Implementing safety requirements requires a collaborative effort between

employers, employees, and regulatory bodies.

Employers must provide adequate training, equipment, and resources to
ensure that employees can comply with safety requirements while employees
must follow the rules and report any safety concerns or hazards.

Benefits of Safety Requirements

Aside from protecting people from harm and reducing legal risks, compliance
with safety requirements can also lead to increased productivity, improved
morale, and reduced absenteeism due to injuries or illnesses.

Furthermore, implementing safety requirements can help organizations to

build a positive reputation and attract more customers or clients who value
safety and responsibility.


In conclusion, safety requirements are an essential aspect of any organization

or setting where people work or gather.

By understanding and complying with these requirements, we can create safer

and healthier environments for everyone.

Introduction to Security Requirements

Security requirements are the set of specifications that define the necessary
security measures for a system or application. These requirements ensure that
the system or application is secure and can protect against potential threats.

The goal of security requirements is to identify potential security risks and

vulnerabilities and develop strategies to mitigate them. By implementing
security requirements, organizations can safeguard sensitive information and
prevent unauthorized access.

Types of Security Requirements

There are several types of security requirements, including confidentiality,

integrity, availability, accountability, and non-repudiation. Confidentiality
ensures that sensitive information is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals
or entities.

Integrity ensures that data is accurate and has not been tampered with.
Availability ensures that the system or application is accessible when needed.
Accountability ensures that actions taken within the system or application can
be traced back to the responsible party. Non-repudiation ensures that a user
cannot deny having performed a specific action.

Implementing Security Requirements

Implementing security requirements involves a combination of technical and

organizational measures. Technical measures include firewalls, encryption,
access controls, and intrusion detection systems.

Organizational measures include policies, procedures, and training programs to

ensure that employees understand and follow security protocols. It is

important to regularly review and update security requirements to adapt to
new threats and vulnerabilities.

Challenges of Security Requirements

Implementing security requirements can be challenging due to the constantly

evolving nature of cyber security threats. Attackers are constantly developing
new methods to bypass security measures, and organizations must stay up-to-
date with the latest security technologies and best practices.

Another challenge is balancing security with usability. Overly restrictive

security measures can hinder productivity and frustrate users, leading to
workarounds that may compromise security. Finding the right balance
between security and usability is crucial for effective security requirements.

Compliance with Security Requirements

Compliance with security requirements is essential for organizations that

handle sensitive information or provide critical services. Compliance ensures
that the organization is following best practices and regulations to protect
against potential threats.

Non-compliance can result in legal and financial consequences, as well as

damage to the organization's reputation. Regular audits and assessments can
help ensure compliance with security requirements


Security requirements are a crucial aspect of cyber security, ensuring that

systems and applications are protected against potential threats. By
implementing security requirements, organizations can safeguard sensitive
information and prevent unauthorized access.

However, implementing security requirements can be challenging, requiring a

combination of technical and organizational measures. Finding the right
balance between security and usability is crucial for effective security
requirements, and regular audits and assessments can help ensure

Software quality attributes: -
Software quality attributes are characteristics of a software system that
describe how well it meets certain non-functional requirements. Some
common software quality attributes include:
1. Usability: Refers to how easy it is for users to learn and use the software.
2. Performance: Refers to the speed and efficiency of the software, including
its ability to handle large volumes of data.
3. Reliability: Refers to the ability of the software to perform its intended
functions without failure, and to continue operating even in the event of errors
or hardware failures.
4. Security: Refers to the ability of the software to protect against unauthorized
access and to prevent data loss or theft.
5. Maintainability: Refers to the ease with which the software can be updated
or modified, including its ability to support future enhancements and changes.
6. Scalability: Refers to the ability of the software to handle increasing
amounts of data or users without experiencing performance degradation.
7. Portability: Refers to the ability of the software to run on different platforms
and operating systems without modification.
8. Interoperability: Refers to the ability of the software to communicate and
exchange data with other software systems.
9. Testability: Refers to the ease with which the software can be tested,
including its ability to support automated testing and debugging.

10. Flexibility: Refers to the ability of the software to adapt to changing
business requirements and user needs.

Business Rules


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