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Managing and Monitoring Greater than Minimal Risk Link of the Sources:

During a Study Involving Human Participants

When conducting research involving human participants, 
it is important to manage and monitor any risks that may montana_round1/human.html
arise. This is an essential part of the research process as it 
helps ensure the safety of the participants and also participants
ensures that the data collected is reliable and valid. To do
this, researchers must have a risk management plan in
place before beginning their study. This plan should
include steps for identifying, assessing, and mitigating any
risks associated with the study. Additionally, researchers
should monitor their study throughout its duration to
ensure that any risks are identified and addressed as they
arise. By taking these measures, researchers can help
ensure a safe and successful research experience for all
• Adopting methods that follow a sound research design
• Avoid exposing them to needless risk
• Using existing techniques on the participants for
diagnostic or therapeutic goals.
• Prescreening to identify and weed out persons at high
• Giving participants as much information as feasible
during debriefing and informed consent.

Researchers must ensure that any risks associated with

the study are acceptable given the expected benefits of
the procedure.
Jhenybee N. Agaloos
“Must use information to determine
the level of risk involved in a study 10- STE A
involving human participants” Group 5
What are some examples of types of risks?
Human Subject "means a living individual about whom an
investigator conducting research obtains data through 1. Examples of Greater than Minimal Physical Risk
intervention or interaction with the individual, or identifiable - Something carries an increased possibility of physical
private information." harm as opposed to what may typically occur in everyday life.
Intervention "includes both physical procedures by which data - Examples of greater than minimal physical risk in
are gathered (for example, venipuncture) and manipulations of research include experiments involving hazardous materials, extreme
the subject or the subject's environment that are performed for temperatures, or dangerous environments.
research purposes." - involves activities that could cause harm to the
Interaction "includes communication or interpersonal contact participants such as ingestion, tasting, smelling or application of a
between investigator and subject.” substance. this kind of substances will be evaluated by the Institutional
Review Board (IRB) which determine risk level based upon the nature
All human participant projects are considered to have some
of the study and the local norms.
level of risk.
- Example case is the Willowbrook School for Mentally
Project risk levels fall into one of two categories: Retarded Children Staten Island, NY; 1956-1971, whereas the
 No more than minimal risk occur when the possibility and residents are purposely infected with hepatitis through injection.
degree of any injury or pain anticipated in the research are Experimental vaccines are administered, and risks are not fully
not greater than what would typically be experienced in daily explained to the parents.
life or when undergoing routine physical and psychological
examinations or testing, and that confidentiality is 2. Examples of Greater than Minimal Psychological Risk
sufficiently maintained. - Something carries an increased possibility of
 Greater than minimal risk means that the probability and psychological harm as opposed to what may typically occur in everyday
magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research life.
is greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily - Research activity (e.g. hypnosis, questionnaire, survey).
encountered in daily life or during the performance of that can result in emotional stress such as depression, shock, guilt,
routine physical or psychological examinations or tests. etc.).

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