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Cambridge English IELTS is ‘the British Council hh Language Assessment The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS Reading ating Cea ey IELTS Reading skills 1 Reading strategies 1. Using the features of a Reading passage 2. Skimming a passage and speed reading 3 Global understanding 2 Descriptive passages 1. Scanning for detail 2. Using words from the passage 3 Notes/flow-chart/diagram completion 3 Understanding the main ideas 1 Identifying the main idea 2. Understanding the main points 3. Identifying information in a passage 4 Locating and matching information 1 Tdentiying pes of information 2 Locating and matching information 3 How ideas are connected 5 Discursive passages 1 Discursive passages 2 Identifying theories and opinions 3 Matching features 6 Multipte-choice questions 1. Understanding longer pieces of text 2 Different types of multiple choice 3 Identifying a writer's purpose 7 Opinions and attitudes 1 Argumentative texts 2. Identifying the writer's views/claims 3 Identifying grammatical features 8 General Training Reading 1 The General Training Reading paper 2 Dealing with multiple texts 3. Understanding work-related texts ps5 ps7 ps8 p39 p59 p63. p66 p67 70 p70 pvt pr2 pas pp p75 76 p78 p78 p83 TS RCT" What's the difference between Academic Reading and General Training Reading? ‘There are two separate reading tests, one for Academic candidates and ‘one for General Training candidates. Before enrolling for the test, you need to decide which test is best for you. See for advice, How long does the IELTS Reading paper last? ‘The test lasts 60 minutes, Within that time, you must complete three separate sections with a total of 40 questions. You must also transfer your answers onto a separate answer sheet (there is no extra time given, for this) What type of information will | read? ‘The Reading paper has three separate sections. Each section isa little ‘more difficult than the one before and features authentic reading passages. The Academic module contains three long texts of an academic nature. The General Training module features a mixture of long and short texts of a more general nature, as well as texts related to work situations. How is the Reading paper assessed? You will be asked a total of 40 questions. In order to assess how much of the reading passages you understand, the questions will usually paraphrase (use different words with the same meaning) the words that are in the text. The questions test a variety of reading skills including your ability to do the following, ‘Identify the writer's overall purpose. ‘+ Follow key arguments in a text * Identity opinions and attitudes. * Locate specific information * Distinguish main ideas from supporting details. * Extract information from a text to complete a diagram, summary, table or set of notes. Reading skis @ What type of questions wi I need to answer? ‘There are 12-13 questions in each section, and you wil be asked 1-3 slferent types of question in any section, There are several posible ‘types of question. For some tasks, you need to write words oF numbers from the reading passage. + sentence completion + summary, note, table, flowchart completion + shortanswer questions + diagram label completion {In other tasks, you need to choose one option from alist and write a lewteron your answer sheet, © mutiple choice ‘+ matching information ‘+ matching heacings + matching features + matching sentence endings + summary completion ‘You may also need 10 decide if sentences are Tue/False/Nor Given ot Yes/No/Not Given, based on the information that you read, How do | answer the questions? ‘The instructions and the questions will tell you what typeof information you need to locate in the texts, and the ype of answer You need to, ‘write. Carefully follow all ofthe instructions on the question paper. In this unit, you willbe able to practise all ofthese question types. How can | improve my Reading paper score? You can improve your score by following the instructions exactly and remembering the Test Tips in this unit. Managing your time so that you ‘an complete all ofthe questions isan important part ofthe Reading ‘paper. This unk wil also tell you the reading skills you need to practise in order to achieve your best sore. Before the test tr to read a variety fof texts and improve your speed-reading skills, Studying all aspects of, English (including vocabulary and grammar) will also help improve your IELTS score. you make any mistakes in the Practice Tests in this book, make sure that you read the texts again carefully and use the Ansiver ey 10 help you ldenlly any problems 1 Reading strategies tn this unit you wal practise: + sing the features of a passage + understanding explanations + stimming a text and sped reacing + olobal understanding ofa pasoge 1 Using the features of a Reading passage 1.1 Label the reading passage withthe coret eters in the box (A-G). Features ofa Reading passage A foatnte beading B shading F cation © caum paragraph oo | weston Health-tea / \ ‘Sid Cowans looks atthe health properties ofa favourite drink ifyou are atx deaker you tave probably heard of tannins, which ae plant bas chemicals found in ta. They are responsible for the astringent ber taste soaeies ssc wit ‘When you desk cp ote, sail dissolves and rma lar uness the waters on cold oF ‘oo alkaline Tannins oecurin many diferent types of plants and fod, bat ae especially present nonk galls which have ben ek far comuries in Chinese medline Gv o thet beth ging properties Tannin are often preset in drinks and medicine Bretuse they are salable in war, but how nach ty diss Alpen on Tato Ike teperatire and th cereal make Up of the i, Setters ime ia 5 ‘ Reading skis @ passages will have a heading and a subheading. ‘The subheading is used to give you the context the passage. 1.2 atch headings A-D from four Reading passages with subheadings ‘There is one extra subheading that you do not need. ‘A. Alpine Glacial Lakes 1 Researchers dlsagree about whether sca media is making us B Clean Dream moras © Virwal Connections 2 Climates ave sessing the impact of ciate change on Creating Young Scientists igh alitade ies of water 23 James Ce ideaes rw current rede tha ar expanding the role of enn high sho. 4 Alan parker outines reat brekthrugh tcl. Inthe 90h enury. a scosirand a former traveling salesman helped tothe ambi soap bari an $18 bilon indy. ‘Understanding the context can help you to predict the type of| {information conained inthe Reading passage. 4.3 Match the types of information 1-6 to Reading headings A-D. You will need to use te information inthe subheadings to help you and you may use any letter more than once. 1 arguments put forwaed by several diferent experts 2a description ofa project in mountainous areas 3a discussion about the impact of technology on society ‘ 5 "esearch linked to tends n weather patterns «a historcal look at a successful busines venture {6 an argument presented from one exper’ point of vew An IELTS Reading passage might contain fom. These help expin ‘echnical tems. Some terms are explained in the passage. Other terms can be understood by reading the text careful 1.4 The passage in 11 contains several explanations and definitions Read the passage and match terms (1-5) with meanings A-f 1 tannin ‘Aa aste similar oa lemon 2 astringent B a chemical found in certain plans 3 alkaline © able dissolve in liquid 4 oak all D the opposite of acidic 5 sole becoming dowdy FF problem found on a type of tee 4.5 What helped you to identify the definition ofeach word’? A. a footnote in the text, B anexplanation in the text © the surounding comext 45 © Reading skills 2 Skimming a passage and speed reading Skimming a passage means reading it quickly (concentrating on content word, like nouns and verbs) to find the main point. tis not reading for deta Skimming a text wil also give youa general idea of how the information is organised, which can help you loca Informatlon more ensily later on. tn your owm language, you can probably skim ead 100 words In 20 seconds. Inthe exam, you should tim to skim read 100 words in 30 seconds 2.4. This passage has four paragraphs of around 100 words each. 1 Using. timer, skim read the text to get the general idea of| what itis about. 2 Alter 30 seconds, jump to the start of the next paragraph. ‘A. The cits of chilren have changed dramatically over the lst century duet te fect of technologies (uch as mproved vanspent, canning end rekigeraton, socal changes [suchas the establishment of boarding chook) anc evoving deat about the nuttional needs of growing bodes. Before World War the mass ofcidren and adults ake would ypieally consist of vegetables (ten potatoes, lage smourts of bread (oer (05 ka/éay and soups with small amounts of meat 1B Imagine a 12 year-old Austraan boy tom 1970 standing next to 8125 ‘le boy from 2010. The boy rom 2010 sil probably be 3-5 em taller and 7 kg heavier than his counterpart in 1970. He wil also be 25% fater. lot of ‘that fat wil be around the waist. The 2010 school trousers won't ft the boy fiom 1970: they wil be 10 cm to big around the waist. Now magine that the two boye haves running race of over 3,600 metres the boy fom 1970 wil fish 300 metres ahead of his mate from 40 years inthe ture {© There are two chances in thraethat the boy om 1970 walked to schoo! {22ch day there ae thre chances in fur that the boy from 2010s driven to school by mum or ded. There ae four chances in ve tht in 1970 the boy was aloned t pay unsupervised ithe naighsoursaod; there is only ‘one chance in four that in 2010 the boy wil be alloned to go donn to the atk on his own, The boy in 1970 probably played thee o four difleront Sports the boy rom 2010 plays one or none. Ris 30 times mor key that ‘the local rver was the fevourite pla space ofthe boy rom 1970 than itis forthe boy today 1D What has caused these dramatic changes inthe space ofa single generation? Thee ae wo min theories, Increasing ovemeight caused yan energy imalance: ether energy intake (ood) increases, oF energy ‘excenditure decreases, or both. The Glutony Theory’ argues that chien ‘270 ator bocaur they re eating more than they used t, ond move bad food thigh eneray densi high fet and sugar, high nsatrata ft) The ‘Sloth Theory argues that chen are ater because they are less active than they used to be. The wo theories ave bated out in nution and physical activity joumas forthe lst 10 yeas. Reading skils @ 2.2. Now look at questions 1-3 and, without looking athe passage, tty to remember whether this information was A. near the beginning inthe mil ‘near the end. «4 comparison of children now and in the past diferent hypotheses fr the changes in weight B © a 2 3. alls of facors that brought about changes in our diet 2.3 Questions 1-3 in 2.2 each give the main idea ofthe paragraphs ‘im the passage. Read the questions again and decide which paragraph (AD) they relate to. 3 Global understanding ‘Sometimes, you may be asked a question that focuses on the whole Reading passage. This type of question may ask you to choose a sultabe tite forthe passage. 3.1. Which title (A-D) would be the most sultabe forthe Reading. passage in 2.17 ‘A. Children’s eating pattems mimic those oftheir parents The rapid transformation occurring in children’s body size € A demonstrated positive ink between diet and health in children 'D_ The impact of modern technology on today’s food production ‘Skim reading a passage can also give you a sense ofthe attitude of the rite. Global questions can sometimes focus on this. 3.2. Read the passage again and answer the global question below. Which ofthe following describes the writes tone in this passage? A He is giving a neutral account of recent sclentific research. B He isshocked that so many children are becoming overweight. © Hie feels enthusiastic about the progress that i being made 1D He is doubyful that the situation will change inthe near future. ar 2 Descriptive passages In this unit you wil practise: + canning for specific etal + completing note or flowchart + recognising paroorase + labeling @dlegram 1 Scanning for detail ‘The passages inthe IELTS Reading paper grodually become more litical with Section I being the eases 11.1. spend one minute skim reading the following passage to et Sense ofthe overall meaning. What Is the maln topic? [A- new discoveries in chemistry B the discovery of ancient objects © how intemational centife teams work Ochre find reveals ancient knowledge of chemistry ‘holes cre peeing lis and ors ever fu hae ben unearthed nding tht far back as 100.000 ers ap es had a dertening of chemi. ‘South At Blobs Caves within este if onthe sauther Cpe cost, SD nt of Cape “own Is known farts 7100 yea ol ich depots ofeach a bead, one nla ochte cenpeings, Sere engraving date af bak 00.00 yar. _Achuelgi Crt. Henwood fromthe neni of WinatersandinJohnnurg and Uierty ‘beg Norn er been excrete ae since 0 edb pred the cre of wt cha ‘xh stein oan sb date back the Mi tne Agr 10400 year g. Ochna rm ‘ods per fx rck cotaing re or el nie or yi f ron. ea sed ae Pens or nts ranging om len lw night lw brow arched rae he iy amas fo thee ning mre 0000 eas age, o moderna commun Made rman rey of terial hie mitre, which ould ve fection awl cj an kin corto ski proton (ing ine sia ay tae dy sumscren nde they events tht cured inthe people no riginally sed these “t)uding rr) he coment oe mater a haben colle fr erent prs fhe lankcpe and boa o the st, they the people mat hve ad ancestry knowledge of cemity Beale to ‘enboe tht tern Produce aor Ki ots nghtarwad proven nd Henoed 4.2 Scanning involves searching text quickly fra specie piece ‘information. Praise scanning he pasa forthe words ‘number inthe box 75000 100,000 200,000 areacs coche Reading sits @ 2 Using words from the passage There are several types of question that ak you to write a word and/or number from the passage. + You will be tol the maximum numberof words to write + You mas only write words that are Inthe passage. Make sure you copy the speling corey + You do not need to change the words in the passage and you do not need to join words together. + Ifyou write 190 many words or make a speling mistake, your answer will be marked wrong. Fy Test Tip the question sss you to write TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER, tis mears the answer may be + one wore + one word +a number + two wore +o ers + a number Remember that even fa umber ie wnten 53 wor itcounts as 2 number (9. twenty fire tres = one wad anda number) You dort reed to vite full sntences or jin words together Fr example: ‘Answer the question wth NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS fom the reading passage. ‘What TWO colours the painter use? arsine: black, white nt bc ene hit) Short answer questions and sentence completion tasks ‘Short answer questions test your ability to find specific detalls in a Passage. Use the words In the questions to: + help late the relevanr pat ofthe passage * find out exactly what details you are looking for. 2.1. In questions 1-3 below, the key words tht you need to locate in the passage are in bold, and the details you need to find out are ‘underlined. Use these words to help you locate the relevant pats ofthe text and then answer the questions. ‘Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER trom ihe passage foreach anewer. 11 Wich of he artofacts montoned ar the oldest? 2 When was te material Menshitwood found cignally made? ‘3 Whettwo.comman materials dt ancient humans use to obtain thelr ochre? 49 © Reading skis 2.2 Look at the remaining questions, 4-6 Underline the words that will help you locate the information inthe passage and highlight the details you need o ind. Then answer the question. 4) What cid he ancient people use to keep their ochre mode in? 5 Nowadays, who makes use of ochre? {6 Apart rom painting, what else might ancient humans have used ochre or? 3 Notes/flow-chart/diagram completion ‘The questions n 2. al focus on paraphrase. Parapase she use of Aire word with he same meaning his bps o et how much ofthe Reading pesage you mderand B.A Look again 1. For Question 4, which words in the passage mean the same as “keepin”? 2. For Question 5, which word in the passage helped you to ‘emily what happens nowadays"? 35 For Question 6 which word/s in the passage mean the same as “used for? Sentence completion questions also test your ability to find specifi ‘details or information in the passage. You mus fl in the gaps inthe Sentences with appropriate words om the passage. The sentences will paraphrase the words and ideas. They also contain details that help you find the part you need to read in deal, Questions 6. 3.2 Spend 30 seconds skim reading the next pat ofthe Reading passage to get the general meaning. ‘The Blombos Cave covery the ect krown example a a pgrent- or pit procucng workshop. ‘ofthe ater were dscovered atthe sare ste and they inclaed an ary of raw materials indlng ‘Samples of bone and charcoal a well a pigment producing equipment such as grnstones an ‘hammerstones hudging by the equipment which shows gn of wear Henshlivdod and his team re ableto deduce the process used praduce the one mitt. Fest the pleces fore were ubbed on quart sibs nd chest produce ep This as combined ‘ith grou up mammal bone, the aces f which show ngs that was heated before beng found The ace order andthe bone pees wererbed wh chrcoal ine chips. quar rasand aiid oerhaps wet and asthentarsferedto abalone sels tobe gent sted befor being read or applcaton, Reading skils @ ‘3.3 Look at the sentence completion task below. Find words inthe ‘Passage In 3.2 that are paraphrases ofthe underlined words. (Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS tram the passage for oach answer. 11 Two ingredients used to make pain ound in the cave were Rime 2 Two examples of ils used to make the paint thet wore found in the cave Rasen leans 3) The scientists used the ‘ut. how the paint was made, ~on the equipment to help work. 3.4 carefully read the text before and afer the words you have Test Tip Woke wre found, Then complete Questions 1-3 you read the wale : ssge 50 ha you can Flow-chart and Note completion tasks emia taricees Aflow chart ia diagram that shows the sequence of events in a and paraphrase om ‘process Inflow-chart completion questions the information may the qustons. Tate ‘not be presented in the same order as in the passage, highlgnter pen irto the exam with you, Use ‘3.5. Study the flow-chart completion task below. For Questions 1-6, 2 different colour for ‘decide what type of information you need to find. enone 1a noun ~ something lori thai created by ing ochre ae nes tine when checking ‘Choose ONE WORD ONLY tom the passage foreach answer, How pigment was made in ancient times ‘colour 1. ‘quartet ‘Animal bones were 2. ‘and then crushed an added tothe ochre ‘The bones and ochre were mixed wih cher solids andthe researchers believe was then added wa created by rubbing the ochre against plecas of amma | “The final mixture was ready 1 use for other § of walls or as an early (9p001 6 fo the bed © Reading skis ‘3.6 Look atthe two Reading passages in 1.1 and 3.2. Which words ‘or Ideas ae paraphrases of the underlined words inthe flow ‘chart? Highligh the parts you need to read In detail 3.7 Carefully read the passages in 1.1 and 3.2 and complete the flow shart. Make sure you use ONE WORD ONLY from the passages. [Note completion tasks ar similar to flow-chart competion, but may cover a larger pat of the Reading passage. Again the information may fot be presented inthe same order as the information in the passage. ‘Use the headings in the notes to help you find the information inthe passage. ‘Study the note completion task below. For Questions 1-7, decide what typeof information you need to find. 1a spf yor or the date when dgging bg aoe 5 cee ‘ - ee Complete the notes below ‘Choose NO MORE THAN ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER from the passage. Fy test Tip youre Bed skeo to choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage, make sure yourdo nt aed eta Infomation such as jects or adverbs ‘sted or aries te che) you write more than one word, yur ansver vl be rmareed as wrong, Blombos Cave discovery Background + Toction South Aca + the date ising DEE: Bn + Prviows ancient jet found in this are em +3 J Recent findings * equipment Conclusion + Inpro times, humans knew hase 7 +a mise containing a substance ealed 8 (used w provide colour) 1 mg of dona 6________incuding animal bone and chareot! 'B.9 Read the passages in 1.1 and 3.2 and complete the notes. Use the ‘ime techniques you have learned fom previeus exercise. Reoding skils @ Diagram completion tasks ‘Im labelling a diagram tasks, you will see a diagram and description ‘of aprocess. You need 10 carefully read the part ofthe passage that describes the process and complete the diagram with words from the 3.10 Look at the diagram. Try to imagine how the hydropower plant ‘would work. Pay attention to how the pars are connected. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD tom the text or each answer Reservo'ror 1 Generator containing pe 3.11 Read the passage and underline the words that are already ‘marked on the diagram. The power of water Most hydropower plants rely on 2 dam that holds back water, creating a large reservoir behind it. Often, this reservoir is used as a recreational lake and is also known as the intake, Gates on the dam open and gravity pulls the water through the penstock, a line of Pipe thet leads to the turbine. Water builds up pressure as it flows through this pipe. The ‘water strikes and tums the lange blades of a turbine, which is attached to a generator above it by way of a shaft. As the turbine biades tum, 50 do a series of magnets inside the generator producing alternating current (AC) by moving electrons. The transformer, located inside the powerhouse, takes the AC and converts it to higheroltage current. 3.12 3.13 1 2 3 4 Answer Questions 1-5 on the diagram. Replace the underlined words below with appropriate paraphrases from the text. The dam helps contain the water and produces a reservoir The water moves through a pipe and increases in pressure. ‘The water rotates the blades ofa turbine that is connected to @ generator. The transformer changes the AC current into a more powerful ECs TT Te me a1 Ey {mn this unit you will practise: + istingushing main ideas from supporting ideas + understanding the main points “+ identifying information in a Reading pastage + matching headings ‘+ multiple choice + True False /Not Given 1 Identifying the main idea Inthe 1ELTS Reading paper. you may be ake to mach alist of headings withthe correct paragraph or sctlon of «pestage, The headings summarise the main ea ofthe paragraph or ection ‘The passage may be divided into paragraphs or sections (Le with sore than one paragraph ina section) Matching headings questions are always placed before the passage onthe question pape, 1.11 Read headings Lvil. What topic do all ofthe headings have in ‘common? Underline the maln points in each heading. LUstof headings 1 The future of urban planning in ameca Hi Conflicting ideas through the history of wban planing |W. Urban panning has a long and varied etry fv Fnanca problers heped spread an urban planing concept The background to one parteuer planned community i Polticl change obstructs progres in urban panning vil An urban pln to reduce atc matching headings. 1 Read the headings 30 ‘hat you re famiar wth them, 2 Skim read the whole passage to get the ‘vera meaning 13 Read the fist paragraph and ec which headings mig fi 4 Reread the paragraph an choose ‘the heading that best sunmarsst 5 Repeat stops 3. ard forthe remaining paragraphs © Reading skits 1.2 _ Skim read the passage below to get the overall meaning. Planned communities: garden cities a ‘The notion of planing entire communis pir to thie constrain isan ancient one nf one of the eat ‘uch ees on records Mietus, Gece eich nas Out nthe th century BC. Trougton te Midle Age od ‘he Revasancs,vorious planned coments oot toot and aaa wer onesies Laonardo Vine ‘designed several tes that were nave” conse Flowing the Great ie of Landon in 165, the achtack. (Grratophor Viren created s non mere plan forthe iy incorporating par land and who space, Sever! 12h: entry is, including Washington DC, New York Cy and St Petrsburg, Rose, were bul according to ‘omprthensve plang, 8 (One fhe most important planned ty concep the Garden Chy Movement, fa inthe ater par ofthe 19h contury as eocton ts the polson and erowding the Indl Revlution in 1098, bene Howard published the book To\Maron: A Peaefl Path t Reo! fern much he lad ext has concerning the {eatin of new economical vable tonns. Howard belived Wt tess tours should be Imted nse and Senay and surunce ih abet of uncenoped land The Sea grned ough atartion and finan backing to ead tothe creation of etcworth,n Hrtorashe, England. Th was the et sus ‘Gardon City Aer he Fiat Wer i the secon town bul following Howards deat, Wey Garden Cy we sorauted © Inthe ety 19205, American aches Carence Sten and Hen right. nsiedby Howard ides and the sccessofetchaoth ane Wain cesta he cy of Racor, New Jerzy Canesved a3 community ‘hich would be sale fr chron, Rasour wae itentonallydatignad so tat he reuders woul not rece ‘utemables. Several urban panning Seign were pioneered t Redburn that woud inlyence lt panned ‘Communities ining the aperton of pedasars ond vehi andthe ue of superb’ each which ‘Shared23 sees of commonly hed parian > Ir Ameria folowing ha tock mate rath of 9729, thre wae gest emand fr beth sfrdsble housing ond ‘mploymont for werkers who hed lst thet cbs In es eqpone fo hn 7905 Present Rovaevel ceed the Resetlomert Adminraton which ought about eal of vee grasa toms: Greerbel Moyand: Gren (Oho: and Greendale, Wiszoran The tars contained my of he slant fhe Garden Cy Rovere evelopment, neuing te ute of eopetbons anda gana of uderoped and sounding te community 1.3 Read Paragraph A and choose the best summary: [A Past, present and future example of urban planning B The history of urban planning Problems associated with urban planning 1.4 Create a shorlist of possible answers for Paragraph A. 1 Decide which headings (i) you can conidenty say ae not ‘connected tothe main opi of paragraph A. 2 Look at your shorls again and choate the heading that best summarises the main idea of all of paragraph A. 1.5 _ Read Paragraphs B-D again, and repeat the steps above. 41.6 Look again at headings I-vil. For headings and vi, explain why they don't match any paragraphs. 56 Reading skils @ 2 Understanding the main points Another type of question that can focus on the main point of a paragraph is multiple choice, This ype of question often requires you to carefully read more than one sentence inthe paragraph. ‘2.1 Look at this question, based on the passage in 1.2, 1 InParagraph A, what isthe main point that the waiter makes? ‘A. Some urban designs ae beter in dheory than in practice. B The urton-planning concept itsel isnot restrictell 0 modern times, Urban planning should be carried out by professional Some planned ancient cites are more successul than ‘moder ones é D 2.2. The parts of Paragraph A relating wo each option are underiined ‘below: Read the paragraph carefully and choose the correct option, A-D. 2.3 Read ihe questions below. Underline the parts ofthe passage that each question relates to. Then read the text in detail and ‘choose the correct letter, A-D. 2 According tothe second paragraph, the Garden City Movement ‘A came Just before the Industrial Revolution, BB was held back by a war and a lack of funds resulted in cites that wee larger than they had been before, Dos designed to combat problems caused by modernisation, 3 What was one aim in designing the eky of Radburn? A to create something toally diferent from des eewhere B to reduce the danger for familes ling in the are. © tw imake sure peopl could park ther cas close to thelr home. to increase green spaces by designing houses with gardens. ‘4 What do the towns of Greenbelt, Greenhills and Greendale all have in common? A’ The residents were allected by the stock market collapse. B The towns were bult forthe wealthiest people in America. {© The towns were each surrounded by natural parkland. D They were all constructed in the same year, 3 Identifying information in a passage For True / False / Not Given tasks, you need to look ata list of sentences of statements and decide whether they ate: + True (the statement agrees withthe information Information in the text) + Not Given (you cannot say whether the statement is true or false because thete is no information abot this i the text) inthe text) + False (the statement is incorrect and doesnot agree with the that you are being tested on your bility to understand the information you read In the passage. 50 you shoud ignre anything you sready know about the opi ‘3.1. skim read this passage to get the general idea ofthe content. Urban heat 1 1816, Luke Howard pushed Thema of tendon Iumich he isentnes an emerging problersurban evelopment washvingvvet mpoet on he ea! ‘weather Te eat 200s was atime of rest expansion fortondon and’ Hows noticed tha iemperes i ‘hei te gradually becoming hghethan thon. ‘aloes, We ow ee tothe e335 Un Het sland "The ifeenceintemoetau usualy eee, tight andthe phenomenon ocufsinboth te fr summe:"Expestsagne tht ths isd tba. ‘deyslonment when onen geen soacsace ele. swthasohat roads and al ick or concrete bulings. ‘hsemateias ain eat. generale the Sun and ‘nase though hen Alara, theUS, 9 fas even ldo tuners occuring inte moming father thas ismere common, inthe termoon Offical there fe visi buldes to uselght coloured toafsina bid to reduc the problem Large cites round the world are adopting strategies to.cambot hisses an snot uncommon ef plants growing ontop oftefs or down the walls of loige butdings. Singapore te government has pledged to transtrm tint ey within a garden {20 n 206 they held intemal competition ‘ling for enres to develop a master panto help bring this about One oucemo wat the cation of 18 ‘Supertees These metal eonetvtone ate made resemble very tal tees and ange inheight rom 25m {050m Each one a verte feetandng garden and ishome to exotic plants and ferns Ther structure lowed the designers to create an mmedte ‘aforest canopy without having to wal tes to each sues heights Tey contin ob panel ured light the wees stright and ao container fo colect rainwater mating tem tly sean 3.2 Decide if statements 1-3 are True, Fake or No Give according tothe underlined paris of the ext. 1 Luke Howard invented the teem ‘Urban Heat Island’ 2 Giy temperatures are higher than county temperatures regardless of the season, 3. Experts have fied in ther effons to create heat-elleting concrete an brik, 33 statements True, Fae of No Giver? ‘ead statements 4-8, then underline the relevant pants tn the tex. Are the ailanta as experienced more dramatic wether change than other areas ofthe US. Roofs that are dark in colour help adds the ise of Urban Heat Islands, Singapore’ Supertees are made ently from natural materials. ‘The designers ofthe Supertrees originally planned o plant very tll trees, “The Supertieeseequirereglar maintenance, 3.4 Real statements 1-8 again an correct any that were false. Reading skills 4 Locating a information tn this unt you wil practise: + identi ype of information + leatng and matching infrmation + conmectng ideas + matching sentence endings + matching Infomation wow 1 Identifying types of information For matching information tasks you nest oa an Kes o pic of information in the text and match to. phrase tha accurately describes 1.1. Read the extracts from two separate paragraphs ofa Reading passage. What typeof information has been wnderlined? ‘A a description ofan animal’ habitat B the Ssues that an cause something to happen an argument fora typeof action AN 8 Meerkats devote signifcant part These animals are tarsent by of ther day to foraging for fod with nature an their sensitive noses. When they find i. they eaton the spot. Primary, bya.stongarcang, Te gun's meerkais ars insectvores, which _doinan male, the alpha mala, marks Imeers ther let's mainly made up the group's terior to protect the of nsec. boundary rm vals and predators, 1.2 Look a this matching information task based on the extracts above, ‘Wien paragraph contains the folowing information? 1. \wosiuations that force meerkats to change where thy ive 2 how meerkats gnerally spend thane 1 Fortis typeof question, do you need to look for individual words ‘ora whole Wea? 2 Question 1 matches the information underlined in the paragraph above, so the answer is B. Undertine the pat of paragraph A that mates the information in Question 2. © Reading skils ‘These questions describe the information you need 1 find. 1.3 Look at extracts A-H from different Reading passages and match them tothe type of information that best describes them. 2 Locating and matching information ius tke matching headings. matching information questions are ‘not in the same order asthe passage. EY Stacy Tip some exaples ofthe ype of information you maybe ashes to fd are * arurber + ecue + anding 3 ate © anette + anaccount ameasurement + aconckslon + arevcton + eaten theproblems + adescrption, When you ae reading iferent passages inthis book, tink about whether the information matches any of these types. A Waterisforced | [B Thewateris © Our study looked | [Owe achieved this at pressure ‘warm thanks atthe surrounding | | by weighing the through narrow | | toa natural hot environment imal both pipe. The mater spring beneath ‘while previous before and after Fits the top of| the riverbed researchers have periods of exercise the water wheel, concentrated on causing itto tum diet. E They live in dark, | [F Amonthistecwe | [ Aker sen years, Ittakes 35 days for mid arene teers toe ‘hey pve op.The the chickto lave snd sotend 0 itaganad tre lexperinenthad stand, be found in and resulsshoneda fale ane asa rest sound opie Seriarecangein | | the ple grew rainorese tenpeatre wren ne| | angry athe mare inadaton na ued ot publ finds [types of information 1 the findings ofa study 2 the method used in research study 3 the reaction to something 4a descption of a habitat 5 theiference between current and past tudes 6 a description of hove something works 7 the cause of something 8 the amount of ime needed fr something Reading skits @ 2.1 spend two minutes skim reading the passage below, so that you are familiar with the typeof information ft contains. ‘What is the main purpose ofthe passage? A todescribe the habiat and eating habits of one specific animal B tocxplain the background toa proposed study into trapcal animals {© swage that scien ean lea a great deal from studying nature Dwosive the tndings of new research into an arial’ behavio arnt | ELT maw How geckos cope with wet feet 1 ecos re remartablltle loads nging toss 2 ry surface and Als Stark forthe Univesity of lron,US.exlasthat they appr tbe ely hapoy scampering heugh nope aoe canopies asthey rein urban sete Ato gecko tues Ibokat he very smal adhesive srctresn their toes to understandhow the stem wrk atthe most ase sys Stark She asta th ara rip surfaces with microscope has onthe slescf ther feet which make dose enough contacto beatae tothe surface bythe minute foes betoeen toms. 8 However she and her colleagues Timathy Suan {nd Petr Niwarowsh were ctious about how the eae cope on surfaces ther natural haba Explaining that prenous studies ha fecured on the epties clinging to artical ty surfaces, Stark says know they aren wopicaleronments ‘hat probably have alot of ran and geckos dot sueien fallout othe tees en eet Yt the ‘imal do seem tohave trode geting agp on Smooth, wet atl surfaces sing down wet, vertical gas ater sever sep. The team decided tofind out how geckos with wet feet cope on Bath ‘wet and dy suaces. Fist they hadto find cut how wel thaiegachos ‘dung onto gs wit ry feet. Fiting tiny hamess ‘sun the leas peli ane gent lonerng {he animal onto alate of smoot ges Stark and Sullvan allowed the animal to become wel sttached before connecting the hanete tty Iota and gently ping the lard unlit came tnstck The geckos hung on tenaciously and ony ‘ame unstuck at forces of round 2 - about 20. ‘times thrown body weight n my ve the gecko allachment systemis overdesigned ys Stark 1 tex the tio sprayed thet pte witha mist of ater an retested the ards but ths Une the animals had problems haling ght. The rope ‘wer itrfering withthe land tachment mechanism butit wasnt cearhow. And when ‘the team immersed the geckor ina bath of room temperatre water with noch gos botom the animals were completely urableto anchor themselves othe smooth srfce"The toes are super-hydraphobic le wate repellent?) expains Stark who could seea very bubble ofa around thei toes But, they were urabe to diplace the water around the fet to make the ight contact ‘thot willy keeps the gehosin place, Then the team teste he nat acheive forces on the dy surface when tel Tet had been soaking for 90 mites and found that the aad cod barely holdon, detaching when they were pulled with fre rough equaling the oan weight. ‘That might be the ding Behaviour that we te shen the geckos cmb vertical up msted glass Says Stark So gecos cling on wet surface th dap feet ar constanty on theverge of pping and tak ads hat wen the 09 ards wee ‘ced wath the med andimmersed hor sont! Surfaces, thay sipped a soon atheist bling. Therefore geckos can walt on wet srfces, slong at tie ae reasonably dry. However, 3ssoon asthe Tet get wet they are barely able to hang on and the team sheen wo understand on Tong tates geckos to recover froma denching 6 © Reading skis 2.2. Look at this task based on the Reading passage, For each question, underline the typeof information you nee sean for. The frst two have been done for you. \iticn paragraph contains te folowing ifermaton? NB. You may use any eter more than once Wie the corect eter AE, next o questions 1-7 below. visual evidence ofthe geckos ably to resis water ‘a.guestion tats vet tobe answared bythe researchers ‘te motnod used to calculate the ripping power of geckos the researcher's opinion ofthe gacko's gripping ably ‘2 mention ofthe diferent envionments where gackos canbe found the contrast between Stark's research and the work of oer researchers the dofriton ofa scientific term 2.3 tis important to fully understand what you are looking fr in the passage. Answer these questions, based on Question 1 in the task above, 1 Which ofthe following do you think s visual evidence’? ‘A. something the researchers believe B something the researchers have seen something the researchers have read about 2, Which of the following means the same as ‘abilty to resist. A soaks up water B sinks in water © stops water geting in 3 Scam the passage to fnd visual evidence’ ofan ability to resist water Which paragraph contains tis information? eee things mentioned, so 2.4 Study Questions 2-7 in 2.2 carefully and match them 10 YoU need to ind the paragraphs A-E. Remember, the questions are notin the same aragoph that hae forder as the passage. This is because your task isto find out mor than one. where the information is, 2.5 Look again at Questions 2-7 and underline the parts ofthe passage that gave you your answer. 3 How ideas are connected Another type of question that requires you to match information is matehing sentence endings. For this type of task, you need to understand how ideas are connected within the Reading passage. ‘3.1 Complete each sentence below with the corect ending. A= ‘When I pressed the switch, you heat ie, ‘The respondents tothe survey Children who attend small schools Parents with overacive children all came from similar econorne backgrounds, tend to need more slep at night. the light came on reported that se has been sucessful generally get more individual attention, mets mon e> ween You were able to complete this task using only logic and your knowledge of grammar. In the IELTS Reading paper, you can do this to confirm of check your answers, but ‘you will not be able to answer the questions without reading the passage, 3.2. Look at these matching sentence endings questions based onthe passage in 2.1. “Try using these techniques to answer the question. A Scan the passage in 2.1 to locate the information inthe sentence beginnings 4, 2 Read the relevant par of the pasage carefully, then choose the bes sentence ending (AF) 1 Other researchers have aimed to dacover how 2 The work of Stark and her teem i different bocause they wented to ind out how 3. Stark's experiments revealed that 4 The researchers would stl ike to know when ‘A eckos sivas to aip ont dy las as wa as wet glass the orpping mechanism of geckos actualy wots geckos have a weaker griping mechanism than previous thought. geckos ae able to pn inert setngs. geckos are abl to vecover ther groping ables after geting wet F geckos can grip more easily ther fet are nt damp, 6 5 Discursive passages In this unit you will practise: + reading discursive passages + identifying theories and opinions + matching features 1 Discursive passages “The texts n the Reading paper gradually become moe difficult, They may present contrasting points in an argument or explain a complex theory. All Reading passages contain cohesive devices to help explain how the Ideas are connected together. 1.1. Write the cohesive devices in the box into the corret column ‘of the table to show why a writer woul use them, ‘mereoree suchas although for instance indeed therefore despite ——_consequertiy inspite of inaddtion-—thus.——asaresut similarly toillistrate this nonetheless infact whist hence furthermore though ‘te add more / Twshow contrast | togive an example arity apoint present the oppsie Reading skis 1.2 _ Skim read the passage below. Find nine of the cohesive devices from the table in ln Aesop's fictional fable The crow and the pitcher. a thisty crow uses stones ta rise {the lve of water na jug to quench ts thirst. A recent study demonstrates that ooks, birds belonging tothe corvid (or row) family, ae fact able to sole complex problems using tols and can easily mastor the same tachnique used inthe stony (Christopher Bir ofthe University of Cambridge, wo led th stud, highlighted the importance of the fnings. stating, Carve tre remarkably iraigent and n many ways rl the gros apes ther pyscel inteligence and ably to soke protiems, The ‘only ether anal known ta complete 8 simior tasks the orangutan. This fs remarkable ‘considering the brain is so csforet to the (reat apes. Athough thas been speculated in foldore, empinca asta ere neoded to ‘amine the extent oftheir intligence and how they sove problems. In toi frst exponmont, the researchers varied the height of the water na tube and the four rooks, which were the subject ‘ofthe resoareh, used stones ta raise the ‘water feel to reach a worm floating on top. The clever birds proved vary adepe ond Were highly successful, regardless of te Starting level ofthe water or the number of the stones neodod. Two of the Birds were successful on ther few aternptn ring the water ta the coerect heigrt whit the ‘ther tno birds needed e second try In edition tothe speed with which they Completa the tack, she bids were also highly accurate ther ality ang the fact number of stones needed to reach the worm. Furthermore, rather vnan attempting {reach the worm after | sropped frumber needed from the autset, and wad ntl the appropriate water lew! was reached before dipping thar beaks ita the tube. Aesop's fable ‘The crow and the pitcher’ more fact than fiction ‘New research indicates that rooks, members ofthe crow family, are able 10 sohe complex problems using toot In the second experiment, the rocks were resented with stones thie vari in size Here, the rooks selected Iagoretonea over smaller ones (though they cid co ths ‘straight aay). The sciemists speculate thot the birds quicky realised tha the larger stones displaced more water, and they were thas able to obeain be ravrard more ducky than by us email ones, ‘According ta the team, in the final ‘expermert, the rooks recognised that ‘savdust could not be manipulated i the ‘Same manner as water Therefore, when presentad withthe choice between a tube halfled wth ether save or water. rook ‘rapped the ootbles into che ube containing \woter and net the sawdust Despite the face that the study clearly demonstrates the fexible nature of tol use in rook, they are nex betoved to Use tole in the wid. "Wild too! use appears to be dependent on motivation” remarked Br “Rooks co not use tools inthe vad beomsce they do aot noes a, nat because they cant: ‘They have access to other food that can be acquired without using tools” Aa Bird Noted, that fts nicely with Aesop's maim, demonstrated by the crow: Necessity i the rmether of iwventon” © Reading skis 4.3 Read the passage again and complete sentences 1-6 with dings AH 1 Anew sy ha call: FY ita, te ieee 2 Theineigenc of bids hasbeen oases in sors but sop ways ching 3. Half of the birds in the experiment were immediately ath ek success the findings, Tis ts 44 Theis prompaly eased the advantage of sing bie stones, A eho re, onda trdeoks 5 The research showed rook cam se tos wih ene, dh Ree ts he roks worked ou he prope diferent maerils impart sty a nd ana topes of anguoge when preparing for others needed several attempts. ‘thy IELTS exam. As you Soper thet hey do Hsin he ati haba ‘rou nae ey ahived tego sone (Shoes pusagen ty confmed a clonal account. to beware of how the helped u to understand a mysterious event ‘only sclemiic sues can prove tis cess are connected, Tecan a80 helo they ware able to protect themsehes. Inpro your wing consistently rejected one parca type. Znawoine > 1.4 Find synonyms inthe passage fo the cohesive devices that are underlined In questions 1-8. 2 Identifying theories and opinions Many academic texts conta he theories ot vews af diferent people ‘orexperts, Direct quotations are easly recognised by quotation marks, tht a person's views or ideas can also be referred to incl. In thisextrac fom the Reading passage. the ves highland staal are both used io draw attnion tothe words of Christopher Bid. Chrisp Bin ofthe Users of Cambridge, whe ll he ty, table apn fie ins "Cred re roarkaly ligt ondin many wigs the grapes her Fs lice ond by to she prblons Bins views coud alo be expesed inet 2.1. Which vein inthe waters? hia Bi ofthe ners of Cambri, hla Ue ty Heoeih cance cryomatehe cage alban egret ape ha lysate nd itt se pons i sentence tells us that this is Bird's view and Reading sils @ 2.2. Find three more verbs and one preposition in the passage that refer tothe views or theories ofan expert 2.3 Statements A-F paraphrase opinions or theories that appear In the Reading passage. Match them to the same idea inthe passage then put them inthe order they appear. ‘A. We imagine that the rooks were soon able to appreciate the advantage of using diferent-sized tol 1B Tool use in rooks demonstrates a common English saying Using oot i for tok. D_ Rooks ae a intelligent as the most intelligent of animals natural setting, rooks can obtain food without using ie natural babita is simply not necessary F The ability of rooks is surprising. given the lack of similarities between the brains of beds and mammals, EY stacy Tip took onine or find out your oa brary fas copes of Irterational newspapers and magazines, Read the Educaton, Hlth ("Science sections of newspapers such as The Times, The Guaeian, The Australian, The New Zealand Heal, The New Yorker and The ‘shington Post or repos on acacenic stl 3 Matching features Matching features ass ar wed with Reading passages that conan thee tommesteabunt ltrenr peop lsc pers ant ge For these tasks, the diferent options ate Ised In abox and you need 19 ‘mateh them othe questions (sentenees that paraphrase the information In ‘the passage), The questions will not bein the sae order a8 the passage. For some questions, you may need 10m action, rather than a theory or opinion. ha person toa study or an o © Reading stils 3.11 scan the passage on the following page for these names and highlight them each time they appear. + Page 1 “Lieberman + Gray 3.2. Look at the following statements (Questions 1-5) and the list, ‘of researchers below. Match each statement withthe correct researcher, A, Bor C. Researchers A Pace! 1 Ueberman © Gay 1 We are able o recognise certain words used by people in other cultures. 2. Regardless of what happens inthe wold, there appeat 10 be fixed res that govern the way words ater overtime. 3 Words that don't follow a standard pattern will remain that way if they ae used oft “4. Certain words have hep a sinlor sound across many years and ‘many counties. 5 We focused on the historical changes wave occurred in one partculr language. ‘3.3 Put Questions 1-5 in the order they appear in the passage. EY tobe Tip For marcang Be features tasks, the 3.4 Remember that some ofthe questions are based on comments, sions wil not be made about the researchers Inthe same order sn the passage. The people memioned may appear in several citeent 1 For which question in 3.2 did you need to match a person 10 the study that they carted out? 2 Which verbs in the text are used to show that a person other sebtons. You nead than the writer expressed a pariclar theory or ie?” sche the whe passage afeflly Some ofthe 3.5 For further practice in matching sentence endings, complete Poel inthe ist may sentences 1-3 with endings A-E. be draco, and you ‘mgy ot need to use ll ofthe ters 1 Fora long time, language exper have asked why 2. The English verb “help proves that 3. While cultures vary a great deal around the world, ‘regular and meqular verbs change at eferent rates. |B there are surprsing smiles nthe way cert languages evo. € eventually, some requ verbs become requ | some words stay the same over hundreds of years wile ‘thes change qute que. some verbs gradual become feguar overtime Maths shows why words persist over time {Ina finding that parallels the evolution of genes, researchers have shown that the ‘more frequently a word is used, the less likely i sto change over long periods of ume. ‘The question of why some words evolve apy trough ime while thes are preserved - often ‘withthe same meaning in multiple anguages~has long plagued linguists. Twe independent teams of researchers have tackled this queston from diferent angles, eochariving at a ‘remarkably similar conclusion The frequency with which specifi words are used in everyday language exer general and law ike influence o tei rates of erotion,” writes Mark Pagel, author of one oo studies published this week. “Anyone who has tied olen English wil ave een struck by exces of stubbornly ‘nrgular verb, wich render grammatical rales unreliable. The past tense of regula 9s formed by adding the sufi “ed. Dut this lanury is nt aforded other regular kin. Over time, however, some iegulr verbs ‘regularse Fr instance, the past tense of hep’ used 10 be “holp, But now is “beled ‘Mathematician rez Lieberman, from Harvard University in Massachusets US, performed & ‘quantitative study of the rate at which English vers suc as hep’ have become more regula ‘ith time. Of thelist of 177iegulr verbs they took from Olé English, only 98 are til ierepular today. Amazingly, the changes they cbserved obey a very precise mathematical description: the alrite ofan iregular verb is proportional tothe square oot of is frequency. In other wos, ‘the found thatthe more an regular verb i used, the longer i wil remain irepua. ‘A separate oup of academies, led by evolutionary biologist Mark Pagel fom the Unversity of Reading, inthe UK, used a statistical modeling teenique to study the evolution of words from 87 diferent Indo-European languages. “Throughout its 8,000 year history. all Ino-Europen-language speakers have used a related sound fo communicate the idea of two" objects = duo, due, deux, dos, et." Pagel commented But" he adds, "there are many diferent and unrelated sounds forthe Mea of or example, a bird accel oiseau,poul, paar, ogee.” Before now, however, nobody had proposed a mechanism fr why some words shoul evolve more quickly than ethers. According to Pagel, "our esearch helps us to understand why we can sill understand bits of chaveer (a medieval poet)" and points out that this ely explains "why ‘we can instinctively recognise word ia eer Indo-European lanes, as (om hee suns Psychologist and language expert Rusell Gray rom the University of Aueland in New ‘Zealand was impressed by bo indings Despite ll the vagaries and contingencies of human history, it seems that there are remarkable regularities inthe processes of language chang.” he commented 6 Multiple-choice questions {tn this unit you will practise: *+ understanding longer pieces of text + different types of multiple-choice questions *+ answering multiple-choiee questions identifying a writer's purpose 1 Understanding longer pieces of text ‘To answer multiple choice questions, you often need to carefully read two or more connected sentences or several connected sentences. 1.1 Look at this extract from an LELTS Reading passage. Read it ‘quickly to find out the main points and then re-read it more Carefully 10 get a more detailed understanding, Linguists agree that language is needed during reading, but at whieh stage language becomesa necessity has come under cette. as research has shoun tat animals rave the ality 0 ciscriminae letters rom one another, but previously experts thought the ability to recognise writen Words was dependent on an ably to understand language. ndings recently publishes inte journal Science challenge tis long-held notion, showing tat cespite having ro linguist sels, monkeys ae ale to tel the ference between sequences of eters that form rel Engish words ‘3 those that donot 1.2. without looking back atthe extract, try to explain what itis about, in your awn words, Some multiple-choice questions begin with a direct question and then have four possible answers. Some begin with an incomplete sentence and then have four possible endings. 1.3 Look at the question below and choose the best answer, A-D, 1 According o the paragraph, what point do linguists have dlillerent views on? ‘A. animals ar intelligent enough to learn how to read Bourabilty to ead words is linked to our writing ability C when our language ability begins to affect reading ability D_ when early humans developed the ability to read and write ‘Reading skils @ 2 Different types of multiple choice ‘Sometimes you may be asked o choose two corect answers from fve ‘options. You wil ned 24 22 23 ead and consider even more text Spend 45 seconds skim reading this Reading passage to find out the main points What do hurricanes mean for dolphins? Hurecanes are typically associated with los of ite, loss of property and economic devastation. Hurricane Kasia which blew trough the gulf cost of North Americ n 2005 rough all ‘howe thing and more I alse brought lot of Gaby daphne, Hurricanes tend to be related Increased standings of marine mammals, s0\ehy might hurrcane be associated with mare Aolpin, ther than fewer Seni Lance]. Mller easoned that there were probably several related phenome that, ‘Combined, could explain the apparent increase. sty after female dolphin loses er cl ‘shecan giv bith again mach sooner than hee calf had mated adulthood, "fa lage ‘homiser af ealves perished a esl of Hurecane Katrina, this would allow for a greater Percentaye of female to become reproductivly active the following ear.” By ise, this ci’ Seem fo adequately explain the increase in daphin calves. Something else was going on. That Senmething wos diatntvey harman ‘When Hurricane Katrin ew through the gl the local shrimping, rabbing and Hshing Industries wen ravaged. In Misssipp, according tone estimate, 67 of commercial Eakin ‘estls were damage! o destroyed This meant 3 decease inthe amount of seafood brought Into shore, nearly 15%. Despite the commen notin that dolphins enjoy playing in the wakes ‘rated by boats, theres plenty of evidence that dolphins actually avd them. Miller deduced ‘hat with a esucton in the numberof boats the water, both commercial and recreational,

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