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Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language known for its simplicity and

productivity. Developed by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, Ruby combines elements from

various languages like Perl, Smalltalk, and Lisp. Here's a brief overview in 25 lines:

​ Ruby is a high-level, interpreted programming language.

​ Yukihiro Matsumoto created Ruby in the mid-1990s in Japan.
​ It emphasizes simplicity and productivity, promoting developer happiness.
​ Ruby is dynamically typed, allowing flexible and expressive code.
​ Object-oriented programming is fundamental to Ruby; everything is an object.
​ Ruby has a clean syntax, making it easy to read and write.
​ It supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural and
​ A rich standard library provides a wide range of built-in functionality.
​ Ruby has automatic memory management, reducing the burden on developers.
​ It features a powerful metaprogramming capability, allowing code to modify
​ Gems are Ruby's package manager, facilitating code distribution and sharing.
​ Rails, a popular web application framework, is written in Ruby.
​ RubyMine, Atom, and Visual Studio Code are popular Ruby development
​ Popular web servers for Ruby include Puma, Unicorn, and Thin.
​ RSpec and Minitest are common testing frameworks for Ruby.
​ Ruby supports both procedural and functional programming styles.
​ Blocks and lambdas are used for defining closures in Ruby.
​ The each method is commonly used for iteration in Ruby.
​ Symbols are lightweight identifiers often used as keys in hashes.
​ Duck typing is prevalent in Ruby, focusing on an object's behavior over its type.
​ Modules provide a way to group reusable code in Ruby.
​ The gem command is used for installing and managing Ruby gems.
​ Ruby's community is known for its friendliness and collaboration.
​ The "RubyGems" system helps in managing software packages for Ruby.
​ Ruby continues to evolve, with the latest stable version bringing new features and

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