4D BIM For Dynamic Time-Space Conflict 1

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4D-BIM Dynamic Time–Space Conflict Detection and

Quantification System for Building Construction Projects

Ali Mirzaei 1; Farnad Nasirzadeh 2; Majid Parchami Jalal 3; and Yasin Zamani 4

Abstract: Workspace in construction projects is considered a resource and a constraint that needs to be addressed in project scheduling.
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Without proper workspace planning, time–space conflicts frequently may occur at construction sites. In this study, a novel four-dimensional
building information modeling (4D-BIM) dynamic conflict detection and quantification system was developed to identify time–space
conflicts and quantify their impacts on project performance. Using the proposed approach, the conflict between different activities work-
spaces was identified considering the labor crew movement in the assigned workspace during different time intervals. For this purpose, four
distinct execution patterns were defined, which in combination with four starting positions, led to 16 execution alternatives. The conflict’s
severity was then calculated through the quantitative assessment of its effects on labor productivity. To evaluate the performance of the
proposed approach, it was implemented on a building project. The time–space conflicts were detected and quantified using the proposed
approach. Finally, a what-if analysis was performed to select the optimum execution scenario with the minimum number of time–space
conflicts. Using the proposed approach, conflict detection can be performed more accurately, and a more precise value for conflict severity
is achieved. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001504. © 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Construction projects; Dynamic conflict detection; Labor productivity; Workspace; Four-dimensional (4D); Building
information modeling (BIM).

Introduction number of resources assigned to activities, respectively (Project

Management Institute 2013). Compression of the project schedule
In construction projects, each activity requires different types of therefore increases the probability and severity of time–space
workspace to be executed (Akinci et al. 2002b). Workspace is conflicts.
considered both a resource and a constraint in project scheduling Several studies have been conducted to take space as a resource
(Choi et al. 2014; Chavada et al. 2012; Su and Cai 2014; Akinci into account during the project planning and scheduling, and the
et al. 2002a). Without proper workspace planning, time–space studies identify potential time–space conflicts prior to construction.
conflicts can frequently occur at construction sites (Su and Cai A change in the location and the dimension of the activities work-
2014). A time–space conflict is a situation in which labor crews space required in all three dimensions and through time is consid-
assigned to two or more concurrent activities share a common ered a major challenge in planning workspace in comparison with
workspace (Chavada et al. 2012; Kassem et al. 2015). Time–space other resources (Akinci et al. 2002a). The current scheduling tech-
conflicts significantly hinder the performance of interfering activ- niques such as the critical path method (CPM) and the Gantt chart
ities (Akinci et al. 2002a) and are among the major causes of con- do not convey the spatial aspects of activities and are inadequate
struction labor productivity loss (Kaming et al. 1997). for workspace planning and time–space conflict detection (Koo
Moreover, in most construction projects the project schedule and Fischer 2000; Kassem et al. 2015). Recently, because of the
frequently needs to be compressed (Gunduz 2004). The main sched- development of the four-dimensional computer-aided design and
ule compression techniques are fast tracking and crashing, which building information modeling (4D CAD/BIM) models generated
refer to the parallel execution of activities and the increase in the by linking project schedule information to spatial information
(McKinney and Fischer 1998; Ma et al. 2005; Eastman et al. 2011;
1 Wang et al. 2004), efforts have been made to develop new 4D-based
Dept. of Project and Construction Management, Faculty of Architecture,
approaches to assign activities the workspace required, detect time–
College of Fine Arts, Univ. of Tehran, P.O. BOX 14395-515, 16 Azar St.,
Enghelab Square, 1417466191 Tehran, Iran. Email: amirzaei2@gmail.com space conflicts, analyze their severity, and manage the conflicts.
Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture and Built Environment,
Deakin Univ., Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia. Email: farnad.nasirzadeh@
deakin.edu.au Literature Review
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Project and Construction Management,
Faculty of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, Univ. of Tehran, P.O. The process of site layout planning can be considered the inception
BOX 14395-515, 16 Azar St., Enghelab Square, 1417466191 Tehran, Iran of workspace planning–related research in building construction
(corresponding author). Email: parchamijalal@ut.ac.ir projects. Layout areas are one of the most mentioned types of
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer spaces in workspace planning and management research (Wu and
Engineering, Sharif Univ., P.O. Box: 11155-9517, Azadi Ave., 1458889694
Chiu 2010; Gu 2002; Choi et al. 2014; Akinci et al. 2002a, b, c;
Tehran, Iran. Email: yasin.zamani@gmail.com
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 15, 2017; approved on Riley and Sanvido 1995; Tommelein et al. 1993; Dawood and
December 18, 2017; published online on April 30, 2018. Discussion period Mallasi 2006). Riley and Sanvido (1995) developed a workspace
open until September 30, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted classification in building construction projects. Their emphasis was
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction on site layout areas as one of the most important workspace con-
Engineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. straints. Akinci et al. (2002a, b, c) classified the building project

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(7): 04018056

workspaces as microlevel, macrolevel, and path spaces. Macrolevel Akinci et al. (2002c) suggested a conflict ratio, which is the ratio
spaces refer to site layout–related workspaces, which are occupied between the conflict volume and the required space volume as a
by stores, workshops, and heavy equipment such as cranes and conflict severity criterion. Guo (2002) measured the time–space
batching plants. Over the past few years, a great deal of research conflict severity through the interference space percentage (ISP)
has been conducted in the field of the site layout planning problem and interference duration percentage (IDP), which refer to the ratio
to account for its dynamic nature. For instance, in one of the earliest between the interference space size and the original size and the
studies, Tommelein et al. (1993) considered changes in facilities ratio between the interference duration and the original duration
location as the project progressed and tried to connect the layout of each activity, respectively. Mallasi (2006) and Dawood and Mal-
plan to the project schedule plan. This research was the starting lasi (2006) developed a critical space–time analysis approach in
point for the idea of considering the change in location and the which conflicts were identified on two-dimensional (2D) plans in
dimension of activities workspace through time by linking the each weekly simulation and the weekly conflict severity was calcu-
project schedule information to the spatial information in the plan- lated through a five-criteria quantification index. Chavada et al.
ning of the workspace. (2012) and Kassem et al. (2015) used the concept of space supply
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According to previous studies, workspace planning consists of and demand to assess the congestion severity in spaces allocated to
three steps: workspace definition and allocation, conflict detection, activities, regardless of the results of the spatial and temporal
and resolution of detected conflicts. conflicts.
Akinci et al. (2002a, b, c) developed a semiautomatic approach In the previously mentioned studies, the conflict severity was
to define and generate activity workspaces based on the construc- assessed by an index as the ratio between the conflict volume and
tion method. A space-loaded product model was developed in the the workspace volume or the interference duration and activity du-
4D WorkPlanner Space Generator using the reference object, ori- ration. However, these indices cannot quantify the impact of con-
entation, and volumetric parameters. Moon et al. (2014b) used a flicts on project performance.
genetic algorithm to optimize the project schedule, taking account Table 1 summarizes novel aspects of the current research in
of workspace interferences that considered both the temporal and comparison with previous research in terms of workspace dynam-
the spatial aspects. Su and Cai (2014) proposed a lifecycle-based ics, support platform space (a space occupied by temporary equip-
approach for the purpose of workspace modeling and planning. ment that is set up to facilitate labor access to high elevations),
A workspace identification and adjustment method was also devel- conflict detection, conflict impact classification, and severity
oped to facilitate workspace generation. Moon et al. (2014a) pre- quantification.
sented a workspace generation framework using an object- and In summary, the current study resolves some of the major short-
surface-based bounding box model and an algorithm for time– comings of previous research in time–space conflict detection and
space conflict detection and visualization through 4D simulation. conflict severity assessment. The majority of previous studies as-
Kassem et al. (2015) proposed a construction workspace manage- sume that the workspace assigned to each activity is needed by the
ment framework that was implemented through an industry foun- labor allocated to it for the entire duration of the activity (Choi et al.
dation classes (IFC) compliant 4D tool consisting of workspace 2014). However, for execution of some activities, the required labor
generation and allocation, time–space conflict detection, and con- occupies only a portion of the activity workspace during each time
flict resolution. interval (Choi et al. 2014; Riley and Sanvido 1995). Neglecting this
The previously mentioned studies neglected resource movement fact may lead to unrealistic conflict detection.
in the definition of workspace requirements and assumed that the Moreover, in previous studies, the conflict severity was assessed
labor allocated to an activity occupies the entire assigned workspace as the ratio of the interference space size and the original workspace
throughout its duration. However, for the execution of many activ- or as the ratio of the interference duration and the activity duration.
ities, the labor crew occupies a specific part of the entire activity None of the previous studies, however, could quantify the effects of
workspace during each time interval. In other words, the space uti- time–space conflicts on project performance. Therefore, the value
lization by the labor has a dynamic nature. Therefore, the activity of conflict severity may not be precisely assessed.
dynamics need to be addressed in workspace planning through In this study, a new approach was developed and implemented
parameters such as the start position, execution pattern, and progress to dynamically detect time–space conflicts and to quantify their im-
rate. Recently, a few studies have addressed the importance of con- pacts on project performance. Using the proposed approach, the
sidering the changes in the required workspace throughout the ac- conflict between different workspace activities was identified con-
tivity duration. Mallasi (2006) and Dawood and Mallasi (2006) sidering the labor crew movement in the assigned workspace dur-
developed a workspace visual simulation with 12 execution patterns ing different time intervals. For this purpose, four distinct execution
and three types of work rate distribution, in which conflicts were patterns were defined, which in combination with the four starting
detected through the determination of the elements that need to positions, led to 16 execution alternatives. Therefore, in each time
be constructed each week. Although their approach may have been interval, the real location of the labor crew in the activity workspace
theoretically novel in this field, it seemed rather difficult to imple- was determined. Moreover, the support platform (the equipment
ment (Chavada et al. 2012). Conflict detection in two dimensions used to facilitate access to high elevations) requirement was auto-
and long weekly intervals could be considered the shortcomings of matically evaluated considering the location of the labor crew
this study. Choi et al. (2014) presented the concept of space occu- during each time interval. If a support platform was required,
pation to address resource movement and found this concept to be the space occupied by it was automatically defined and generated.
crucial to the precision in conflict detection. Subsequently, the time–space conflicts were detected through a 4D
Several studies have concentrated on time–space conflict reso- model. Then, the conflict severity was calculated using a new ap-
lution as one of the workspace planning steps and have presented proach that accounted for the conflict space size and the labor con-
different qualitative and quantitative measures in this regard (Guo gestion in each activity workspace (Fig. 1). The conflict space size
2002; Chavada et al. 2012; Moon et al. 2014b; Kassem et al. 2015). refers to the conflict area, and the labor congestion is defined as the
To minimize the time–space conflicts and achieve an optimum ratio between the number of workers and the activity workspace
schedule, reliable and valid criteria for conflict severity assessment area. Through this approach, the space overlap and workspace uti-
and therefore conflict comparison and prioritization are required. lization are taken into account for the conflict assessment on the

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Table 1. Novel aspects of the current study compared with previous research

Implementation Time-space conflict impact Conflict severity
References environment Workspace dynamics Support platform space detection classification Conflict severity index quantification
Akinci et al. 4D CAD Not considered Identification of equipment Schedule overlap Yes Conflict ratio (the ratio No
(2002a, b, c) requirement based on the detection/automatic between conflicting volume
construction method and conflict detection using a and volume of the space
semiautomatic generation 3D geometric clash required)
of equipment space detection algorithm
Guo (2002) CAD Not considered Not considered Detection of conflict No ISP (the ratio between No
through tracing labor interference space size and
workspace demand on original size)
2D CAD drawings in IDP (the ratio between
different time periods interference duration and
original duration)
Mallasi (2006)/ 4D CAD Workspace simulation on Not considered Clash detection on 2D Yes A multicriteria function No
Dawood and a weekly basis using 12 plan view using a consisting of spatial- and
Mallasi (2006) execution patterns and dynamic 4D simulation schedule-related criteria,
three types of work rate environment calculated weekly for a given
distribution zone or workface
Moon et al. 4D CAD Not considered Not considered Sequential overlapping No Schedule overlapping ratio No
(2014a) check by pairwise (the ratio between the sum of
comparison of parallel overlapping durations of the
activities/physical conflicting activities and
workspace conflict check duration of the base activity)
using spatial 3D distance

Choi et al. 4D BIM Proposed concept referred to Specified on the basis of the Space occupancy check No Not considered No
(2014) as workspace occupation in construction method and during different time
order to consider workspace the activity and physical periods
dynamics properties
Kassem et al. 4D BIM Not considered Not considered Temporal conflict check No Severity of conflict (the ratio No
(2015)/Chavada in a sequential order for between the temporal overlap

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(7): 04018056

et al. (2012) each activity/spatial and the current activity
conflict detection using duration)/congestion severity
3D object intersection (the ratio between the volume
tests required for an activity
resources and the available
workspace volume for that
activity), calculated
regardless of the results of
spatial and temporal conflicts
This current 4D BIM Workspace simulation on Automatic assessment of Conflict detection based Yes Conflict severity assessed Yes (the effect
research a daily basis using four support platform space on labor workspace and using the minimum required of time space
execution patterns and four requirement /automatic support platform space space decrease (RSD), which conflict on project
starting positions (16 generation of support location and dimensions accounts for both the area of performance is
execution alternatives) platform space on a daily basis conflict and labor congestion assessed)

J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

Fig. 1. Impact of labor congestion and area of conflict on conflict se-
verity: (a) low severity conflict with a large conflict area between two
activities; and (b) high severity conflict with a small conflict area.
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(Adapted from Chua et al. 2010.) Fig. 2. Dynamic against the static workspace.

activity level and the operational level, respectively (Chua et al. types of conflict are defined: conflict between two labor workspa-
2010). This may lead to more accurate results in comparison with ces, conflict between a labor workspace and a support platform
the existing approaches. Finally, the effect of time–space conflicts space, and conflict between two support platform spaces. The con-
on labor productivity was quantified. flict between two labor workspaces and the conflict between a labor
workspace and a support platform space result in an increase in
labor congestion. In both cases, if congestion is increased beyond
Research Methodology a specific threshold value, constructability issues occur. The con-
flict between two support platform spaces may also result in con-
In this section, the workspace type defined in this paper is clarified structability issues.
by reviewing the workspace classifications presented in previous
studies. Next, the various types of conflict are explained on the
basis of the types of interfering workspaces and their impacts on Labor Workspace Definition and Generation
project performance. Then, the workspace definition and assign- In this research, the labor workspace was defined on the basis of the
ment method are discussed in detail, with a focus on the workspace dimensions and location of the three-dimensional (3D) elements
dynamics. Finally, the proposed method for the quantification of using the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) concept, and the re-
conflict impacts on project performance is demonstrated. quired labor workspace was directly assigned to elements in the 3D
model. To define the labor workspace based on element features in
Workspace Classification the product model, three parameters were defined: the labor work-
space orientation relative to its corresponding element in the 4D
The majority of spaces required in building construction that affect model, the scale factor, and the extension value. The orientation
activity scheduling are directly required for activity execution and is the quantitative definition of the labor workspace location rela-
are normally in the proximity of building components (Akinci et al. tive to the corresponding element. The corresponding element
2002b; Choi et al. 2014). These spaces include the labor crew is referred to the element that is assigned to the activity in the
workspace, equipment space, hazard space, product space, tempo- 4D model. Workspace is assigned to an activity considering the
rary structure space, and material storage space. The support plat- corresponding element location and dimension. In this study, six
form space is also included because in some cases, the labor different labor workspace orientations were defined to specify
workspace is provided by the support platform. The support plat- the workspace location relative to the element (Fig. 3). Therefore,
forms occupy a specific amount of space, which in some cases may the user can define the workspace location considering the element
interfere with other types of spaces and significantly impact the type as well as the desired construction method. Scale factors Sa
activities performance. Considering the varied nature of activities, and Sb determine the labor workspace length and width, respec-
the labor workspace can be classified as dynamic or static. tively, relative to the element dimensions [Fig. 4(a)].
Finally, the extension value defines the depth of the required
Conflict Classification workspace [Fig. 4(b)]. The labor workspace is defined when its
dimensions and absolute coordinates relative to the model origin
Workspaces are dynamic when the labor crew occupies a specific are determined. Workspace dimensions and absolute coordinates
portion of the space during each time interval and are static when are specified through the element dimensions, origin coordinates
the entire workspace is required throughout the activity duration (derived from the 3D model), and the three parameters orientation,
(Fig. 2). scale factors, and extension value. The mentioned process is con-
Time–space conflicts can have different impacts, depending on ceivable through calculation of Δx, Δy, and Δz (the distance be-
the type of interfering activities. The determination of the conflict tween the space minimum point and the element minimum point in
impact depends on various factors such as the activity type, utilized the x-, y-, and z-axes) using the transition-matrix mechanism.
resources, construction method, and project circumstances. In pre-
vious research, there has been a lack of a standard framework for
Workspace Dynamics
classifying the impact of time–space conflicts, and general terms
such as design conflicts, congestion, safety, damage, and construct- In static workspaces, the labor crew occupies the entire activity
ability have been mentioned as the impacts of conflicts (Riley and workspace throughout its duration. In many cases, however, the en-
Sanvido 1997; Akinci et al. 2002c; Dawood and Mallasi 2006; tire labor workspace assigned to an activity is not used throughout
Chua et al. 2010; Wu and Chiu 2010). In the current study, three the activity duration. In this case, the labor crew moves from one

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divisions for a 6-day-long activity. The type of workspace division
Up is selected on the basis of the planned execution method.
As shown in Fig. 6, to simulate labor movement through the
subspaces, four execution patterns were defined and implemented:
Down Column, Row, ColumnContinuous, and RowContinuous. Labor
movement was simulated in two dimensions (the xy-, xz-, and
yz-planes) considering the location of labor workspace with respect
Right to the element. In the Column pattern, the labor crew moves through
the columns, and when the labor crew arrives at the end of the col-
umn, the operation is continued from the beginning of the next col-
Left umn. In the Row pattern, the labor crew moves through rows, and
when the labor crew arrives at the end of a row, the operation is
continued from the beginning of the next row. The ColumnContin-
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uous and RowContinuous patterns are the same as the Column and
Row patterns, except that when the end of a column or row is
reached, the movement continues from the end of the next column
or row. If the plane consists of a single row or column, all the ex-
ecution patterns have the same result.
Fig. 3. Different possible labor workspace orientations relative to Another workspace dynamics parameter is the movement start-
element. ing position. One of the four corners of the plane can be specified
as the starting position (TopRight, TopLeft, DownRight, and
DownLeft), which along with the four execution patterns create
16 execution alternatives. By default, the proposed model considers
part of the workspace to another part by following a particular the subspace with the minimum coordinates as the starting position
movement (execution) pattern until the activity has been completed. (Col: 0; and Row: 0). If any other position is chosen, the starting
In the proposed approach, for activities with dynamic workspaces, position is transferred to the desired position using the origin tran-
the labor crew works in a specific part of the entire workspace each sition mechanism. Finally, the number of time–space conflicts and
day. The activity workspace demand rate is not usually constant dur- their severity can be assessed for various construction scenarios
ing its execution and depends on the resources assigned to the ac- through the 16 execution alternatives. As a result, the project man-
tivity. However, with a slight approximation, it can be assumed that agers and planners are able to perform what-if analysis, and the
the workspace demand rate is constant throughout the activity du- optimum execution scenario with the minimum number of time–
ration (Thabet and Beliveau 1994). space conflicts can be selected.
In this study, the daily work executed by the labor crew was
considered to be a fixed amount. The labor workspace was there-
fore divided into equal subspaces. For this purpose, the number of Support Platform Space
columns (Cols) and number of rows (Rows) were defined; they re- If the labor workspace height exceeds a threshold value, the labor
fer to the plane divisions in the length and width axes. The numbers crew will require a support platform for execution of the work.
of columns and rows may differ on the basis of the activity execu- Therefore, the support platform requirement is dependent on the
tion method. As an example, Fig. 5 shows four possible workspace labor workspace position. In this research, the support platform

Fig. 4. Using scale factor and extension value to define labor workspace: (a) scale factor; and (b) extension value.

6 columns 1 column 3 columns 2 columns

1 row 6 rows 2 rows 3 rows

Fig. 5. Four possible workspace divisions for a 6-day-long activity.

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(a) (b)
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(c) (d)

Fig. 6. Different execution (movement) patterns: (a) Column; (b) Row; (c) ColumnContinuous; and (d) RowContinuous.

Fig. 7. Support platform space: (a) the maximum height of labor workspace relative to the floor is more than 2 m; and (b) the maximum height of
labor workspace relative to the floor is equal to or less than 2 m.

requirement evaluation and its generation were performed auto- the support platform space is therefore taken into account. Similarly
matically. The support platform requirement is evaluated, taking to most previous studies, the AABB intersection test is used for
into account the maximum height of the labor workspace by con- conflict detection. In this test, two conditions are checked in each
sidering the activity labor workspace location during each time in- direction to confirm a conflict occurrence. Fig. 8 indicates the
terval. It is assumed that if the height of the labor workspace physical conflict between two workspaces (A and B). Two condi-
exceeds 2 m, a support platform will be required. If the support tions are checked in each axis to confirm the conflict between
platform requirement is confirmed, the upper 2 m of the workspace the two rectangles. The first condition is that the left edge of
is considered to be labor workspace and the rest of it is accounted as rectangle B comes before the right edge of rectangle A [XminðAÞ þ
support platform space [Fig. 7(a)]. If the height of the labor work- LðAÞ > XminðBÞ]. This condition is not sufficient because rectan-
space is less than 2 m, the labor workspace height is extended to the gle B could be placed before rectangle A. Therefore, a second con-
floor [Fig. 7(b)]. dition is required, that is, the right edge of rectangle B needs to
come after the left edge of rectangle A [XminðAÞ < XminðBÞ þ
LðBÞ]. The same conditions need to be checked on the y-axis.
Conflict Detection If both conditions are confirmed on both axes, the conflict is con-
Time–space conflicts occur when the workspaces of two or more firmed. For cubes, the conditions need to be assessed for the z-axis
overlapping activities physically interfere. For conflict detection, as well as the x- and y-axes.
the activities with the temporal overlap are first identified. The
identified activities are then checked for physical interference.
Conflict Quantification
In the proposed approach, the physical interference between the
assigned workspaces is detected on a daily basis. The dynamic de- Reliable conflict prioritization in terms of the level of criticality
tection of conflicts is performed considering the labor movements requires accurate time–space conflict severity assessment and valid
in the workspace. The daily situation of the labor workspace and conflict detection. In this study, the conflict severity is calculated

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(b) (c)
Fig. 8. Physical conflict between two workspaces (A and B). Fig. 9. Different impacts of various ratios between R:W A and R:W B
on labor congestion of interfering activities: (a) the conflict between
two activities is demonstrated; two rectangles illustrate activity A in
two conditions; (b) when R:W B =R:W A is equal to 1; and (c) when
using a new approach that accounts for the ratio between the con- R:W B =R:W A is greater than 1.
flict space size and the required workspace size and also for labor
congestion (Fig. 1). Hence, the space overlap and utilization
need are taken into account for conflict assessment at the activity
level and the operational level, respectively (Chua et al. 2010). workspace required, the labor productivity will decrease accord-
Finally, the effect of time–space conflicts on labor productivity is ingly. In the case of conflict between two activities (activity A
quantified. and activity B), the number of workers in the activity A workspace
It is noteworthy that in this research, congestion was used as an (HAB ) is calculated using Eq. (4). As shown, the number of workers
additional factor in assessing conflict severity, because a decrease in the activity A workspace before the conflict (H A ) is added to a
in the space required per person results in a labor productivity re- fraction of the number of workers in the interfering activity (in this
duction (Sanders and Thomas 1991; Kaming et al. 1997; Mallasi case, activity B) workspace (HB ). This fraction is the ratio between
and Dawood 2001). Congestion was measured through the ratio the conflict area (AreaAB ) and the interfering activity area (AreaB ).
between the available workspace per person and the minimum Because the minimum workspace required by the two activities
workspace required per person. The workspace required per person (R:W A and R:W B ) might be different, the ratio between them is
for activity execution was considered to be the baseline workspace also considered in the equation. As shown in Fig. 9, different ratios
or the minimum workspace required per person (R.W). In previous between the minimum workspace required for the two interfering
research, various numbers were suggested as the minimum work- activities can influence the labor congestion differently. As shown
space required per person for building construction activities in the lower part of Fig. 9, two rectangles depict activity A in two
(Kaming et al. 1997; Smith 1987; Winch and North 2006; Thomas conditions: (1) when R:W B =R:W A is equal to 1, and (2) when
and Smith 1990; Horner and Talhouni 1995; Thomas and Riley R:W B =R:W A is greater than 1.
2006). The minimum workspace required per person is affected In this research, it is assumed that the labor crew is distributed
by various factors such as project type, activity type, and activity uniformly in the workspace. The available workspace for activity A
construction method. In this research, the minimum workspace re- (A:W A ) is calculated using Eq. (5). The decrease in workspace per
quired per person was determined as an input variable by the user. person for activity A (RSDA ) is determined through Eq. (6). In the
The conflict severity was calculated using Eqs. (3)–(8). The inter- case that a labor workspace and a support platform space interfere,
ference dimensions (x, y) between two interfering activities were the conflict area is subtracted from the primary labor workspace
calculated on the basis of the intersection test concept. The conflict area to calculate the remaining labor workspace area (AreaA0 )
length and conflict width were calculated through Eqs. (1) and (2), [Eq. (7)]. Finally, in this type of conflict the available workspace
respectively per person in the remaining area is calculated using Eq. (8).
In this study, the relation between the required space decrease
X AB ¼ jMinfXmaxðAÞ; XmaxðBÞg − MaxfXminðAÞ; XminðBÞgj (RSD) and the labor productivity reduction for an activity was con-
sidered to be linear. If the labor workspace per person was reduced
ð1Þ by more than 50%, it was considered a constructability problem. In
other words, it was concluded that the conflicted activities could
Y AB ¼ jMinfYmaxðAÞ; YmaxðBÞg − MaxfYminðAÞ; YminðBÞgj not be executed concurrently. The conflict between two support
ð2Þ platform spaces might also lead to a constructability problem for
both corresponding activities
where X min A and X min B = left edge of rectangles A and B; and
X maxA and X maxB = right edge of rectangles A and B. AreaAB ¼ X AB × Y AB ð3Þ
On the basis of the calculated interface dimensions, the conflict
area (AreaAB ) should be calculated using Eq. (3). If the available where AreaAB = conflict area; and X AB and Y AB = interference
workspace per person (A.W) becomes less than the minimum dimensions between two interfering activities

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HAB ¼ HA þ fðAreaAB =AreaB Þ × H B × ðRB =RA Þg ð4Þ In the main process, the time period between the earliest start
date and the latest finish date is determined for all activities, and the
where HAB = number of workers in the activity A workspace; H A = physical conflict between the assigned workspaces is investigated
number of workers in the activity A workspace before the conflict; through a daily conflict detection simulation algorithm. The con-
H B = number of workers in the interfering activity (activity B) flict detection is performed considering the labor workspace loca-
workspace; AreaAB = conflict area; and AreaB = interfering activity tion change and the change in the support platform requirement. In
area the conflict impact determination and quantification section, the
conflict influence on the involved activities is determined using
A:W A ¼ AreaA =HAB ð5Þ the conflict classification and the conflict severity quantification
approach presented in the previous sections.
where A:W = available workspace per person; and A:W A = In the last module, a conflicts table is produced that includes the
available workspace for activity A conflict features such as its type, dimensions, location, conflicting
activities WBS code, labor productivity reduction, and probable
RSDA ¼ f1 − ðA:W A =R:W A Þg ð6Þ
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constructability problems.
where RSDA = decrease in workspace per person for activity A; and
R:W A = minimum workspace required by activity A Tool Evaluation
AreaA0 ¼ AreaA − AreaAB ð7Þ In order to evaluate its performance, the proposed dynamic conflict
detection and quantification system was implemented on a sports
A:W A ¼ AreaA0 =H A ð8Þ complex project to detect the major time–space conflicts and quan-
tify their impacts on the project performance. The gross floor area
where AreaA0 = remaining labor workspace area. of this building was 1,700 m2 . The initial duration and cost of the
project was approximated as $4,800,000 and 14 months, respec-
tively. Fig. 11(a) shows the 3D model of the sports complex project.
Dynamic Conflict Detection and Quantification In this section, the implementation results are provided for one of
System the time–space conflicts detected among three activities: flooring,
wall finishing, and window installation. Figs. 11(b and c) represent
the horizontal section of the project in which the detected time–
System Architecture space conflict was specified.
The proposed approach was implemented using the C# program- In the inputs module, the project temporal and spatial data de-
ming language in the .NET framework in a Visual Studio environ- rived from the project schedule and the 3D model, respectively, in
ment. As shown in Fig. 10, the proposed dynamic conflict detection the .XML and .IFC formats are defined. The temporal data, includ-
and quantification system consisted of four main modules: inputs, ing the activities name, WBS code, start and finish dates, number of
preprocess, main process, and outputs. The project temporal and workers (H), and minimum workspace required per person (R) in
spatial data that were derived from the project schedule and square meters, are derived from the scheduling platform or through
the 3D model, respectively, in the .XML and .IFC formats were the graphical interface of the proposed system. The spatial inputs,
the system inputs. The temporal data obtained from the MSP sched- including the element name, length, width, height, and origin point
uling software included the activity name, the work breakdown coordinates, are obtained from the 3D modeling software. The 3D
structure (WBS) code, the activity start and finish dates, the number model consists of three objects: floor, wall, and window. The di-
of workers (H), and the minimum workspace required (R.W). The mensions and location of these elements can be extracted with re-
element name, length, width, height, and origin point coordinates spect to the model origin. In the preprocess module, to generate the
were obtained from the 3D modeling software as spatial inputs. The 4D model, the .XML and .IFC files derived from the scheduling
use of the .IFC format, which is an information model for required and 3D modeling platforms are called up through Load Activities
data in the construction industry, facilitated the data exchange and Load Elements. Therefore, the activities and elements informa-
among various BIM platforms and provided the proper flexibility tion is imported into the system. Fig. 12 shows the designed GUI to
in 3D model generation using BIM-supported platforms. generate the 4D model. It is noteworthy that more elements and
In the preprocess module, which directly interacts with the user activities can be defined through the plus (+) icon. Then, pairwise
through a graphical user interface (GUI), the 4D model is first gen- linking of the activities and elements is performed when they are
erated by linking activities to their corresponding elements. Each positioned in the same row, for the purpose of 4D model genera-
WBS code in the 4D model is a unique ID acting as a data center. tion. To this end, the drag-and-drop function can be used in both the
Then, the space-loaded 4D model is generated as a 4D model con- activities and elements columns.
sisting of the activities workspace temporal and spatial information. After the generation of the 4D model, the labor-required work-
For this purpose, the required parameters for labor workspace def- space is defined in the Workspaces column by determining four
inition and generation are determined by the user; these include the parameters: orientation, Sx , Sy , and Extension (Fig. 12). A transition
orientation, Sa and Sb , and extension value. Therefore, the work- matrix is then used to generate the primary labor workspace on the
space dimensions and its absolute coordinates are specified. Also, basis of the specified parameters. Fig. 13 shows the generated work-
in the preprocess module, the labor movement is simulated using spaces for three activities: flooring, wall finishing, and window
the workspace dynamics parameters, which are determined by the installation.
user; these include the execution patterns, number of columns, The workspace dynamics are specified in the Motions column
number of rows, and starting position. Eventually, the support plat- through four parameters: Patterns, Cols, Rows, and start position
form requirement is automatically analyzed through an internal al- (Fig. 12). It is noteworthy that in this project case example, the win-
gorithm considering the maximum labor workspace height. In the dow installation is considered static and the other two activities
case that the support platform is required, the space occupied by the (flooring and wall finishing) are considered dynamic. Window instal-
support platform is generated. lation is considered static because the labor crew occupies the entire

© ASCE 04018056-8 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(7): 04018056

Activity name
WBS Code
Start/Finish dates name
Number of labors length, width,
Minimum required height
space per person origin coordinates
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Number of
Length offset
Number of rows
Width offset
Execution pattern
Extension value
Starting position

Fig. 10. System architecture.

assigned workspace during its 1-day execution. The flooring activity One of the six parts is therefore occupied by the labor crew in each
is scheduled to be executed in 6 days. On the basis of the assumption day. The six parts can be divided into different forms: six columns
that the work has a uniform distribution throughout the activity du- and one row, three columns and two rows, and vice versa. The type
ration, its workspace is divided into six parts (Cols: 3; and Rows: 2). of workspace division (numbers of columns and rows) is specified on

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Fig. 11. Studied sports complex project: (a) 3D model of the project; and (b and c) the horizontal sections of the project and the detected time-space

Fig. 12. 4D model generation through the designed graphical user interface: labor workspace definition and determination of workspace dynamics.

the basis of the activity execution method. For the flooring activity, The wall finishing workspace is divided into three equal parts
the six parts of the activity are divided into three columns and two (Cols: 1; and Rows: 3). The execution pattern for this activity is
rows. The execution pattern is determined to be RowContinuous, and specified to be Column, and the movement starting position is con-
the starting position is determined to be DownRight (Fig. 14). sidered to be TopLeft, because wall finishing is usually done from

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Fig. 13. Graphical representation of the primarily generated labor workspace for the activities (a) flooring; (b) window installation; and (c) wall
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Fig. 14. Flooring activity workspace dynamics: (a) the flooring activity workspace division into six equal parts; and (b) the execution pattern
(RowContinuous) and starting point (DownRight).

top to bottom. It is noteworthy that the parameter values of all four was conceived. On the fourth day, three other conflicts were de-
sections (elements, activities, workspaces, and motions) can be tected using the proposed dynamic conflict detection and quanti-
edited by the user in the properties section of the proposed dynamic fication system, as follows. A labor/support platform conflict was
conflict detection and quantification system. After determination of detected between the flooring and window installation activities.
the daily location of the labor workspaces, the support platform This conflict would cause a 73% decrease in the productivity of the
requirement is assessed automatically. For this purpose, the maxi- wall finishing activity. The second conflict was detected between the
mum labor workspace height is inspected each day. For the flooring flooring and wall finishing activities. This conflict was between
activity, the workspace maximum height is 2 m and is constant the two labor workspaces and would decrease the productivity of the
throughout the activity duration. Therefore, no support platform flooring and wall finishing activities by 74 and 63%, respectively.
is required for this activity. The maximum height of the wall fin- The third conflict was detected between the wall finishing activity
ishing subspace on the first day of its execution and the window and the window installation activity support platform space. The
installation workspace are more than 2 m; consequently, the sup- labor productivity due to this conflict was decreased by 22%. As
port platform is required and the corresponding support platform the productivity decrease was below the specified limit of 50%, no
spaces are generated. After evaluation of the support platform re- constructability problem was detected owing to this conflict. The
quirement and generation of its space, a space-loaded 4D informa- output table shown in Fig. 15 represents the conflicts’ dimensions,
tion model is created through which the time–space conflicts can be location, type, WBS code of the involved activities, labor produc-
identified. The conflict detection and quantification are then carried tivity reduction due to each conflict, and constructability problems.
out automatically. It is noteworthy that the developed dynamic conflict detection
In the studied project, the flooring activity labor workspace and quantification system has the ability to perform what-if analy-
conflicted with the wall finishing labor workspace and its support sis for different execution scenarios. The severity and number of the
platform space on the third day. Following simple logic, in this time–space conflicts can be evaluated for different execution sce-
condition the conflict between the two labor workspaces was narios by changing the parameters such as the execution pattern,
ignored. After a quantitative assessment of the conflict severity, it starting position, and number of workers. Hence, the optimum ex-
was shown that the conflict between the flooring activity labor ecution scenario can be selected taking into account the number of
workspace and the wall finishing activity support platform space conflicts and their severity.
would reduce the productivity of the flooring activity by 97%. For instance, if the flooring activity execution pattern changed
Therefore, a constructability problem for the interfering activities from RowContinuous to Row, the conflict between the flooring and

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Fig. 15. (a) The output table of the proposed dynamic conflict detection and quantification system; and (b) the graphical representation of daily
situation of workspaces and the identified conflicts.

Fig. 16. Output table of conflicts detection and quantification system: (a) change the flooring activity execution pattern from RowContinuous to Row;
and (b) change the flooring activity execution pattern to ColumnContinuous and starting position to DownLeft.

wall finishing activities labor workspaces on the fourth day would time spans, which may decrease the severity of conflicts. In the case
be eliminated [Fig. 16(a)]. As another alternative, if the flooring that the flooring activity duration is increased from 6 to 8 days, the
activity execution pattern changed to ColumnContinuous and its number of workers is reduced from 6 to 5 to achieve the required
starting position changed to DownLeft, the only conflict would man-hours for execution of this activity. Therefore, improvements
be between the wall finishing activity labor workspace and the win- can be made in the number of detected conflicts (Fig. 17). In this
dow installation activity support platform space on the fourth day. scenario, the third- and fourth day conflicts between the flooring
This would decrease the labor productivity by 22% and would not and window installation activities are eliminated. However, a new
lead to a constructability problem [Fig. 16(b)]. conflict between the flooring and wall finishing activities labor work-
One of the common methods of resource leveling is increasing spaces is detected. The new conflict reduces labor productivity in the
the activities duration using their available floats, through which flooring and wall finishing activities by 78 and 65%, respectively.
the number of required resources in each time span is balanced.
A similar approach can be used to reduce the number of potential
time–space conflicts in the project schedule. In the following, the Conclusions and Remarks
capability of the proposed approach in this area is clarified and a
what-if analysis is conducted considering the activities duration In this research, a dynamic 4D-BIM–based approach was devel-
and the number of assigned labor. As the last strategy, the duration oped to detect time–space conflicts and quantify their impacts
of the interfering activities can be increased to reduce the time–space considering labor crew movements. In this study, primarily a
conflicts. Increasing the duration of the conflicting activities by using 4D-BIM model was generated by linking the schedule information
their available floats can reduce the number of resources in different to the 3D model information. This link was made through a GUI,

© ASCE 04018056-12 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(7): 04018056

Fig. 17. Conflicts detected due to increase in the flooring activity duration from 6 to 8 days.
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and each activity was assigned to its corresponding 3D element. • The time–space conflicts were detected through a 4D model,
After generation of the 4D model, the required workspace to and the conflicts severity was calculated using a new approach
execute each activity was generated and assigned automatically. accounting for the conflict space size and labor congestion in
The labor workspace for each activity was determined through each activity workspace.
the location and dimension of the corresponding element in the • The effect of time–space conflicts on labor productivity was
4D model. Four parameters (orientation, length offset, width offset, quantified.
and extension value) were defined to automatically generate and • A what-if analysis was carried out for various execution scenar-
assign the workspace. Using an automatic internal algorithm, the ios to select the optimum scenario taking into account the num-
need for a support platform was assessed, and the required space ber of conflicts and their severity.
was automatically generated and assigned. The labor crew move-
ment in each time interval was taken into account using two param-
eters (the starting position and execution pattern). For this purpose, Future Studies
four starting positions and four execution patterns (Row, Column,
RowContinuous, and ColumnContinuous) were defined. The num- Although the current research resolved some of the major short-
ber of conflicts and their severity in each execution pattern were comings of previous studies in the area of conflict detection and
assessed automatically using the developed 4D model. The conflict quantification, gaps still exist.
severity was calculated using a new approach that accounted for The labor crew 3D movement simulation (the simultaneous
labor congestion as well as the conflict area. Therefore, a more real- movement of labor along the x-, y-, and z-axes) for activities such
istic and reliable value for the conflict severity could be conceived. as concrete work on inclined surfaces may be considered remark-
able progress in time–space conflict detection using 4D models.
Using the proposed 4D-BIM approach, the number of conflicts and
Future research needs to focus on the optimization of the time–
their severity can be assessed automatically in different execution
space conflicts in the project schedule with regard to the number
patterns, and the best execution pattern could be selected consid-
and severity of the detected conflicts. Consequently, more realistic
ering the simulation results.
schedules may be generated.
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed dynamic
conflict detection and quantification system, it was implemented
on a real building project. The proposed approach was implemented
using the C# programming language in the .NET framework in a Data Availability Statement
Visual Studio environment. Using the developed 4D information
Data generated or analyzed during the study are available from the
model, the time–space conflicts were first detected considering
corresponding author by request. Information about the Journal’s
the labor crew movement in the assigned workspace during various
data sharing policy can be found here: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/10
time intervals. Then, the effect of the time–space conflicts was quan-
tified, and the value of the productivity losses was determined.
Finally, a what-if analysis was carried out for different execution
scenarios. The severity and number of the time–space conflicts were Notation
evaluated for different execution scenarios by changing the following
parameters: the execution pattern, the starting position, and the num- The following symbols are used in this paper:
ber of workers. The optimum execution scenario was selected taking AreaA0 = remaining labor workspace area;
into account the number of conflicts and their severity. AreaAB = conflict area between activities A and B;
In the following, the novel aspects of this research are reviewed AreaB = interfering activity area;
A:W A = available workspace for activity A;
• A novel 4D-BIM dynamic conflict detection and quantification
H A = number of workers in activity A workspace
system was presented. Using the proposed approach, conflict
before conflict;
detection can be performed more accurately, and a more precise
value for conflict severity is achieved. H AB = number of workers in activity A workspace after
• The conflicts between different activities workspaces were iden- conflict;
tified considering labor crew movement in the assigned work- HB = number of workers in the interfering activity
space during different time intervals. (activity B) workspace;
• The support platform requirement was automatically evaluated RSDA = decrease in workspace per person for activity A;
considering the location of the labor crew during each time R:W A = minimum workspace required by activity A; and
interval. If a support platform is required, the space occupied X AB and Y AB = interference dimensions between activities A
by it is automatically defined and generated. and B.

© ASCE 04018056-13 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(7): 04018056

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