Q1.What Is Automata ? Write Its Characterstics

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Q1.What is automata ? Write its characterstics.

- Automaton is nothing but a machine which accepts the strings of a language L over an input alphabet
- It is the study of the abstract machine in theoretical computer science.
Characterstics of Automata:-

Inputs - It is a finite set of input symbols or sequences of symbols, {x1, x2, x3,...xk}, where k is the
number of inputs.

Outputs - It is a finite set of output symbols, {y1, y2, y3,...ym}, where m is the number of outputs.

States - It is a finite set, denoted by Q whose definition depends on the type of automaton.

Q2.Define transition system explain its properties.

-In theoretical computer science, a transition system is a concept used in the study of computation.

-It is used to describe the potential behavior of discrete systems.

Properties of transition system:-

•There is a node for each state in Q, which is represented by the circle.

•There is a directed edge from node q to node p labeled a if δ(q, a) = p.

•In the start state, there is an arrow with no source.

•Accepting states or final states are indicating by a double circle.

Q3.Write down the step to convert NFA to DFA.

Step 1 − Create state table from the given NDFA.

Step 2 − Create a blank state table under possible input alphabets for the equivalent DFA.

Step 3 − Mark the start state of the DFA by q0 (Same as the NDFA).

Step 4 − Find out the combination of States {Q0, Q1,... , Qn} for each possible input alphabet.

Step 5 − Each time we generate a new DFA state under the input alphabet columns, we have to apply
step 4 again, otherwise go to step 6.

Step 6 − The states which contain any of the final states of the NDFA are the final states of the
equivalent DFA.
Q4.Deffirence between mealy and moore machine.
Moore Machine Mealy Machine

Output depends only upon the present state. Output depends on the present state as well
as present input.
Moore machine also places its output on the Mealy Machine places its output on the
transition. transition.
More states are required. Less number of states are required.
There is less hardware requirement for circuit There is more hardware requirement for
implementation. circuit implementation.
Output is placed on states. Output is placed on transitions.

Q5.Define grammer explain with its example.

- It is a finite set of formal rules for generating syntactically correct sentences or meaningful correct

Formal Definition of Grammar :

Any Grammar can be represented by 4 tuples – <N, T, P,S>

N – Finite Non-Empty Set of Non-Terminal Symbols.

T – Finite Set of Terminal Symbols.

P – Finite Non-Empty Set of Production Rules.

S – Start Symbol (Symbol from where we start producing

our sentences or strings).


Grammar G2 −

(({S, A}, {a, b}, S,{S → aAb, aA → aaAb, A → ε } )


S and A are Non-terminal symbols.

a and b are Terminal symbols.

ε is an empty string.

S is the Start symbol, S ∈ N

Production P : S → aAb, aA → aaAb, A → ε

S ->aAb


Q6.What is Regular expression ? write down its rule.
- Regular Expressions are used to denote regular languages.

-Regular expression is useful for representing the set of strings.

Rule of regular expression:-

• ɸ is a regular expression for regular language ɸ.

•ɛ is a regular expression for regular language {ɛ}.

•If a ∈ Σ (Σ represents the input alphabets), a is regular expression with language {a}.

•If a and b are regular expression, a + b is also a regular expression with language {a,b}.

•If a and b are regular expression, ab (concatenation of a and b) is also regular.

•If a is regular expression, a* (0 or more times a) is also


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