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Your Sovereignty Documents: Understanding of what you need.

Then you need to write up your controlling Order Document of your Authority.
To start off you need to understand that YOU are 3 PERSONS in ONE;
1st the Natural Person.
2nd your state Birthing Person (you need this one, it was to be your commercial person).
3rd at present is a Bastard Person you created with the help of the Money Changers (FRB) and the Corporate
Governmental State (UNITED STATES), this is the SS PERSON, BUT you can change this one into being a
Legitimate Person as the Beneficial Owner of your Private Living Trust. This HAS to done by Executing the SS
PERSON (by the SS-4 form) and Creating the new Beneficial Person for your Living Trust that you yourself setup.
CREDENTIALS. Documents or evidences of a person’s Authority. Something which entitles a person to be believed. The letter of credence given to an
ambassador or other foreign representative, 4 Am J2d Ambss § 2.
LETTER OF CREDENCE. In international law. The document which accredits an ambassador, minister, or envoy to the court or government to which
he is sent; i. e., certifies to his appointment and qualification, and bespeaks credit for his official actions and representations.
LETTERS OF SAFE CONDUCT. No subject of a nation at war with England can, by the law of nations, come into the realm, nor can travel himself upon
the high seas, or tend his goods and merchandise from one place to another, without danger of being seized, unless he has letters of safe conduct, which,
by divers old statutes, must be granted under the great seal, and enrolled in chancery, or else are of no effect; the sovereign being the best judge of such
emergencies as may deserve exemption from the general law of arms. But passports or licenses from the ambassadors abroad are now more usually
obtained, and are allowed to be of equal validity. Wharton.
LETTERS PATENT. Open letters, as distinguished from letters close. An instrument proceeding from the government, and conveying a right, authority, or
grant to an individual, as a patent for a tract of land, or for the exclusive right to make and sell a new invention. Familiarly termed a "patent."
LETTERS CLOSE. In English law. Close letters are grants of the king, and, being of private concern, they are thus distinguished from letters patent.
DIPLOMATIC AGENT . In International law. A general name for all classes of persons charged with the negotiation , transaction , or superintendence of
the diplomatic business of one nation at the court of another. See Rev. St. U. S. § 1674.
AMBASSADOR. In international law. A public officer, clothed with high diplomatic powers, commissioned by a sovereign prince or state to transact
the international business of his government at the court of the country to which he is sent.
Ambassador is the commissioner who represents one country in the seat of government of another. He is a public minister, which, usually, a consul is not.
Ambassador is a person sent by one sovereign to another, with authority, by letters of credence, to treat on affairs of state. Jacob.
The United States have always been represented by ministers plenipotentiary, never having sent a person of the rank of an ambassador, in the diplo-
matic sense. 1 Kent, Comm. 39, note.
SOVEREIGN. A chief ruler with supreme power; one possessing sovereignty. (q. v.) It is also applied to a king or other magistrate with limited powers.
In the United States the Sovereignty resides in the body of the PEOPLE. Vide Rutherf. Inst. 282.
SOVEREIGN STATE. One which governs itself independently of any foreign power.
SOVEREIGNTY. The union and exercise of all human power possessed in a state; it is a combination of all power; it is the power to do everything in a state
without accountability; to make laws, to execute and to apply them: to impose and collect taxes, and, levy, contributions; to make war or peace; to form
treaties of alliance or of commerce with foreign nations, and the like. Story on the Const. §207.
2. Abstractedly, sovereignty resides in the body of the nation and BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE. But these powers are generally exercised by delega-
3. When analyzed, sovereignty is naturally divided into three great powers; namely, the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary; the first is the power to
make new laws, and to correct and repeal the old; the second is the power to execute the laws both at home and abroad; and the last is the power to apply
the laws to particular facts; to judge the disputes which arise among the citizens, and to punish crimes.
4. Strictly speaking, in our republican forms of government, the Absolute Sovereignty of the nation is in the PEOPLE of the nation; (q. v.) and the
Residuary Sovereignty of each state, not granted to any of its public functionaries, is in the people of the state. (q. v.) 2 Dall. 471; and vide, generally, 2
Dall. 433, 455; 3 Dall. 93; 1 Story, Const. §208; 1 Toull. n. 20 Merl. Reper. h. t.
RESIDENCE. The place of one's domicil. (q. v.) There is a difference between a man's residence and his domicil. He may have his domicil in Philadelphia,
and still he may have a residence in New York; for although a man can have but one domicil, he may have several residences. A residence is generally
tran-sient in its nature, it becomes a domicil when it is taken up animo manendi. Roberts; Ecc. R. 75.
2. Residence is prima facie evidence of national character, but this may at all times be explained. When it is for a special purpose and transient in its nature,
it does not destroy the national character. 3. In some cases the law requires that the residence of an officer shall be in the district in which he is required
to exercise his functions. Fixing his residence elsewhere without an intention of returning, would violate such law. Vide the cases cited under the article
Domicil; Place of residence.
DOMICIL. The place where a person has fixed his ordinary dwelling, without a present intention of removal. 10 Mass. 488; 8 Cranch, 278; Ersk. Pr. of Law
of Scotl. B. 1, tit. 2, s. 9; Denisart, tit. Domicile, 1, 7, 18, 19; Voet, Pandect, lib. 5, tit. 1, 92, 97; 5 Madd. Ch. R. 379; Merl. Rep. tit. Domicile; 1 Binn.
349, n.; 4 Humph. 346. The law of domicil is of great importance in those countries where the maxim "actor sequitur forum rei" is applied to the full ex-
tent. Code Civil, art. 102, &c.; 1 Toullier, 318.
2. A man cannot be without a domicil, for he is not supposed to have abandoned his last domicil until he has acquired a new one. 5 Ves. 587; 3 Robins. 191;
1 Binn. 349, n.; 10 Pick. 77. Though by the Roman law a man might abandon his domicil, and, until be acquired a. new one, he was without a domicil.
By fixing his residence at two different places a man may have two domicils at one and the same time; as, for example, if a foreigner, coming to this
country, should establish two houses, one in New York and the, other in New Orleans, and pass one-half of the year in each; he would, for most purposes,
have two domicils. But it is to be observed that circumstances which might be held sufficient to establish a commercial domicil in time of war, and a mat-
rimonial, or forensic or political domicil in time of peace, might not be such as would establish a principal or testamentary domicil, for there is a wide
difference in applying the law of domicil to contracts and to wills. Phill. on Dom. xx; 11 Pick. 410 10 Mass. 488; 4 Wash. C. C. R. 514.
3. There are three kinds of domicils, namely: 1. The domicil of origin. domicilium originis vel naturale. 2. The domicil by operation of law, or necessary
domicil. 3. Domicil of choice.
4. - §1. By DOMICIL OF ORIGIN is understood the home of a man's parents, not the place where, the parents being on a visit or journey, a child
happens to be born. 2 B. & P. 231, note; 3 Ves. 198. Domicil of origin is to be distinguished from the accidental place of birth. 1 Binn. 349.
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5. - §2. There are TWO CLASSES OF PERSONS who acquire domicil by operation of law. 1st. Those who are under the control of another, and to
whom the law gives the domicil of another. Among these are, 1. The wife. 2. The minor (the LIVING Person, you). 3. The lunatic, &c. 2d. Those on
whom the state affixes a domicil. Among this class are found, 1. The officer (YOUR BIRTHING PERSON for your shareholders rights of corporate
stock, this is not the SS person). 2. The prisoner, &c.
6. - 1st. Among those who, being under the control of another, acquire such person's domicil, are, 1. The wife. The wife takes the domicil of her hushand,
and the widow retains it, unless she voluntarily change it, or unless, she marry a second time, when she takes the domicil of the second hushand. A party
may have two domicils, the one actual, the other legal; the hushand's actual and the wife's legal domicil, are, prima facie, one. Addams' Ecc. R. 5, 19. 2.
The domicil of the minor is that of the father, or in Case of his death, of the mother. 5 Ves. 787; 2 W. & S. 568; 3 Ohio R. 101; 4 Greenl. R. 47. 3. The
domicil of a lunatic is regulated by the same principles which operated in cases of minors the domicil of such a person may be changed by the direction,
or with the assent of the guardian, express or implied. 5 Pick. 20.
7. - 2d. The law affixes a domicil. 1. Public officers, such as the president of the United States, the secretaries and such other officers whose public duties re-
quire a temporary residence at the capital, retain their domicils. Ambassadors preserve the domicils which they have in their respective countries, and this
privilege extends to the ambassador's family. Officers, soldiers, and marines, in the service of the United States, do not lose their domicils while thus em-
ployed. 2. A prisoner does not acquire a domicil where the prison is, nor lose his old. 1 Milw. R. 191, 2.
8. - §3. The domicil of origin, which has already been explained, remains until another has been acquired. In order to change such domicil; there must be an
actual removal with an intention to reside in the place to which the party removes. 3 Wash. C. C. R. 546. A mere intention to remove, unless such inten-
tion is carried into effect, is not sufficient. 5 Greenl. R. 143. When he changes it, he acquires a domicil in the place of his new residence, and loses his
original domicil. But upon a return with an intention to reside, his original domicil is restored. 3 Rawle, 312; 1 Gallis. 274, 284; 5 Rob. Adm. R. 99.
9. How far a settlement in a foreign country will impress a hostile character on a merchant, see Chitty's Law of Nations, 31 to 50; 1 Kent, Com. 74 to 80; 13
L. R. 296; 8 Cranch, 363; 7 Cranch, 506; 2 Cranch, 64 9 Cranch, 191; 1 Wheat. 46; 2 Wheat 76; 3 Wheat. 1 4 2 Gall. R. 268; 2 Pet. Adm. Dec. 438 1
Gall. R. 274. As to its effect in the administration of the assets of a deceased non-resident, see 3 Rawle's R. 312; 3 Pick. R. 128; 2 Kent, Com. 348; 10
Pick. R. 77. The law of Louisiana relating to the "domicil and the manner of changing the same" will be found in the Civil Code of Louisiana, tit. 2, art.
42 to 49. See, also, 8 M. R. 709; 4 N. S. 51; 6 N. S. 467; 2 L. R. 35; 4 L. R. 69; 5 N. S. 385 5 L. R. 332; 8 L. R. 315; 13 L. R. 297 11 L. R. 178; 12 L. R.
190. See, on the subject generally, Bouv. Inst. Index, h. t. 2 Bos. & Pul. 230, note 1 Mason's Rep. 411; Toullier, Droit Civil Francais, liv. 1, tit. 3, n., 362
a 378; Domat, tome 2, liv. 1, s. 3; Pothier, Introduction Generale aux Coutumes, n. 8 a 20; 1 Ashm. R. 126; Merl. Rep. tit. Domicile 3 Meriv. R. 79; 5
Ves. 786; 1 Crompt. & J. 151; 1 Tyrwh. R. 91; 2 Tyrwh. R. 475; 2 Crompt. & J. 436 3 Wheat. 14 3 Rawle, 312; 7 Cranch, 506 9 Cranch, 388; 5 Pick. 20;
1 Gallis, 274, 545; 10 Mass. 488 11 Mass. 424; 13 Mass. 501 2 Greenl. 411; 3 Greenl 229, 354; 4 Greenl. 47; 8 Greenl. 203; 5 Greenl. 143; 4 Mason,
308; 3 Wash. C. C. R. 546; 4 Wash. C. C. R. 514 4 Wend, 602; 8 Wend. 134; 5 Pick. 370 10 Pick. 77; 11 Pick. 410; 1 Binn. 349, n.; Phil. on Dom. pas-
RESIDENT, international law. A minister, according to diplomatic language, of a third order, less in dignity than an ambassador, or an envoy. This term for-
merly related only to the continuance of the minister's stay, but now it is confined to ministers of this class.
2. The resident does not represent the prince's person in his dignity, but only his affairs. His representation is in reality of the same nature as that of the en-
voy; hence he is often termed, as well as the envoy, a minister of the second order, thus distinguishing only two classes of public ministers, the former
consisting of ambassadors who are invested with the representative character in preeminence, the latter comprising all other ministers, who do not pos-
sess that exalted character. This is the most necessary distinction, and indeed the only essential one. Vattel liv. 4, c. 6, 73.
RESIDENT, persons. A person coming into a place with intention to establish his domicil or permanent residence, and who in consequence actually remains
there. Time is not so essential as the intent, executed by making or beginning an actual establishment, though it be abandoned in a longer, or shorter pe-
riod. See 6 Hall's Law Journ. 68; 3 Hagg. Eccl. R. 373; 20 John. 211 2 Pet. Ad. R. 450; 2 Scamm. R. 377.
RESIDUARY LEGATEE. He to whom the residuum of the estate is devised or bequeathed by will. Roper on Leg. Index, h. t.; Powell Mortg. Index, h. t.; 8
Com. Dig. 444.
RESIDUE. That which remains of something after taking away a part of it; as, the residue of an estate, which is what has not been particularly devised by will.
2. A will bequeathing the general residue of personal property, passes to the residuary legatee everything not otherwise effectually disposed of and it makes
no difference whether a legacy falls into the estate by lapse, or as void at law, the next of kin is equally excluded. 15 Ves. 416; 2 Mer. 392. Vide 7 Ves.
391; 4 Bro. C. C. 55; 1 Bro. C. C. 589; Rop. on Leg. Index, h. t.; Worth. on Wills, 454.
MINISTER. In public law. One of the highest functionaries in the organization of civil government, standing next to the sovereign or executive head, acting as
his immediate auxiliary, and being generally charged with the administration of one of the great bureaus or departments of the executive branch of gov-
ernment. Otherwise called a "cabinet minister," "secretary of state," or "secretary of a department."
In international law. An officer appointed by the government of one nation as a mediator or arbitrator between two other nations who are engaged in a
controversy, with their consent, with a view to effecting an amicable adjustment of the dispute.
A general name given to the diplomatic representatives sent by one state to another, including ambassadors, envoys, and RESIDENTS.
PLENIPOTENTIARY. One who has full power to do a thing; a person fully commissioned to act for another. A term applied in international law to
ministers and envoys of the second rank of public ministers. Wheat. Hist. Law Nat. 266.
PLENIPOTENTIARY. Possessing full powers; as, a minister plenipotentiary, is one authorized fully to settle the matters connected with his mission,
subject however to the ratification of the government by which he is authorized. Vide Minister.
CREDENTIALS. In international law. The instruments which authorize and establish a public minister in his character with the state or prince to whom
they are addressed. If the state or prince receive the minister, he can be received only in the quality attributed to him in his credentials. They are, as it
were, his letter of attorney, his mandate patent, mandatum manifestum. Vattel, liv. 4. c. 6, § 76.
LETTER OF ATTORNEY, practice. A written instrument under seal, by which one or more persons, called the constituents, authorize one or more other per-
sons called the attorneys, to do some lawful act by the latter, for or instead, and in the place of the former. 1 Moody, Cr. Cas. 52, 70.
2. The authority given in the letter of attorney is either general, as to transact all the business of the constituent; or special, as to do some special
business, particularly named; as, to collect a debt.
3. It is revocable or irrevocable; the former when no interest is conveyed to the attorney, or some other person. It is irrevocable when the constituent con-
veys a right to the attorney in the matter which is the subject of it; as, when it is given as part security. 2 Esp. R. 565. Civil Code of Lo: art. 2954 to 2970.

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For the Cheaters that DO NOT want to Understand or put real study time in only to let some false guru
lead them astray and then not to have Faith and Belief in the real Laws.
(This was not meant for the ones that have put real time, effort and suffering in for this is to be a
Reward to You.)
[I will not help you any more until you have done this, then we will work as instructors and teachers.]
Pre Setup: You need to do this on your OWN.
1. A “Private” Living Trust Document.
2. A “Private” Last Will for your SS PERSON.
3. A “Private” Last Will, Testament and Device for You.
4. A Living Trust Declaration Document.
Step 1: SS-4 for your Living Trust.
You need to setup a (Private) Living Trust, but you also need an EIN for BANKING your Assets and Exchanging
them in the Commercial world.
Step 2: SS-4 for your SS PERSON you are declaring Dead.
To take the SS person into a DEAD PERSON Estate so you can pickup the Assets and put into your private Living
Trust. You are setting it up as a NON- WITHHOLDING FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST, can call in for EIN. 1-267-
941-1099 then push for ext.2.
Step 3: Form 56 to declare yourself the Sole Fiduciary.
You need to make yourself The Final Outline.
the sole Fiduciary over the ESTATE (it holds your FRB bank account and Funds owed to you in the CAFR funds and the Titles
to your other property at the STATE). You will also need to present this to the STATE and FEDERAL Treasurer and
Secretary of State (for your Diplomatic Credential's.)
Step 4: File a 1041T with the From 56 attached.
The Transfer the Assets in your DEAD SS PERSON'S FRB bank account and other accounts to You, so you can
Grant them to your Private Living Trust.
Templates are in the “Wethepeople_shareholders” Yahoo group - file folders.
If you really tried to understand the method of my “madness” process you should have already completed the Pre
Setup and Step 1, then you would have been ready to have you own Easter at Christmas. Your SS Person would be declared
dead and you would be rising as the full Living Sovereign person on the 3rd day. You have to see that this process has been
recorded in the Bible and other great writings, not as a religion but as the LAW. It has also been referred to as “the Way and
the Path” that was to be followed to come out of Her “the money changers system of control over you”. The Faith and Belief
was to be that the Real Universal Law has to be Honored and Followed by everyone, even the evil ones when they are con-
fronted with it.
You are the Son or Daughter of God, because it was by your Soul’s WILL that your human body is, your Soul is the
one that CREATED it and has tried to protect it, not someone else. Your Soul is to be in total Lawful Harmony with the Uni-
verse and this is what everyone claims is the Great GOD.
Everyone of the following individuals were declared to be of “Madness” because they were trying to or had come out
Her “everything that is in opposition to the Laws of Universal Harmony”.[ Abraham, Noah, Moses, David and Sal for a pe-
riod of time until they gave in to the money changers, Daniel, Jesus and even Mohammed until he got mislead by the reli-
gious leaders.] This is what the Bible really recorded, but it has been covered over by the Second head of the Beast, the reli-
gious leaders (just another group that wants to control you with their system). It has all there for you to see, if you just open
your eyes to the real Facts and Understandings. And lastly even the founding fathers of this country knew the above, but you
do not really see what they wrote and did to stay in harmony with the Universal Laws, you think the corporation laws are for
the Living, they are not they are for the Dead, the ones that cannot see the Truth.

the Soul known as Patrick

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Living Trust
This Living Trust Agreement ("Agreement"), dated ____________, between __________
("Grantor" or "Beneficiary") of _________________ and _______________ ("Trustee").

In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth in this Agreement, Grantor and Trustee
agree as follows:

1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a Trust to receive and manage assets for
the benefit of Grantor during Grantor's lifetime, and to further manage and distribute the assets of Trust
upon the death of Grantor.

2. FUNDING OF TRUST. This Trust shall be funded with assets transferred to this Trust by Grantor at
the time of creating this Trust, or at any later time. During the lifetime of Grantor, any interest in commu-
nity property transferred into or out of this Trust shall retain its original character and such property shall
not be commingled. This Trust may also receive property from any person or entity that is acting under
the authority granted to that person or entity by Grantor. It is also expected that this Trust may receive
assets pursuant to the terms of Grantor's Last Will and Testament.

3. MANAGEMENT OF TRUST ASSETS. Trustee shall manage and distribute Trust assets for the bene-
fit of Grantor and Grantor's successor(s) in interest in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4. PAYMENTS DURING GRANTOR’S LIFETIME. During Grantor's lifetime, Trustee shall pay all of the
net income of this Trust, and also such sums from principal as Grantor may request at any time in writ-
ing, to or for the benefit of Grantor, or as Grantor may designate. Such payments shall be made at least
every __ days. Grantor may change the amount of the payments at any time by providing written notice
to Trustee. Any excess income shall be added to principal at the discretion of the Trustee.

A. Payments During a "Disability" of Grantor. During any period that Grantor has a "disability", Trustee
may pay to or for the benefit of Grantor such amounts of income and principal as Trustee believes in
Trustee's sole discretion to be required for (i) Grantor's support, comfort and welfare, (ii) Grantor's accus-
tomed manner of living, or (iii) any purpose that Trustee believes to be in the best interest of Grantor.

B. Disability Defined For the purposes of this Trust. "Disability" shall mean a legal disability or the inability
to provide prompt and intelligent consideration to financial matters by reason of illness or mental or phys-
ical disability. The determination of whether Grantor has a disability shall be made by Grantor's most re -
cent attending physician. Trustee shall be entitled to rely on written notice of that determination.

5. DEATH OF GRANTOR. Upon the death of Grantor, and after the payment of Grantor's just debts, fu-
neral expenses, and expenses of last illness, the following distributions shall be made:

A. Specific Distributions. The following specific distributions shall be made from the assets of the Trust.
However, such distributions (other than distributions, if any, to Grantor's spouse) shall be made only if
the Grantor's spouse does not survive Grantor.
_______________________________________________________ shall be distributed to
____________________. If this beneficiary does not survive Grantor and Grantor’s spouse, this bequest
shall be distributed with the residuary assets of this Trust.

B. Tangible Personal Property. Upon the death of Grantor and subject to the preceding provisions of this
Trust, all clothing, jewelry, automobiles, household furniture and furnishings, recreational equipment, all
personal effects used by Grantor about Grantor's person or home, and other items of tangible personal
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property shall be distributed to ______________ of ________________. If
this person does not survive Grantor, the tangible personal property shall be distributed to
_________________ of ___________. If this person does not survive Grantor and Grantor’s spouse,
the tangible personal property shall be distributed with the residuary assets of this Trust.

C. Residuary Assets. The residuary assets of this Trust shall be distributed to ________________ of
______________________. If such beneficiary does not survive Grantor and Grantor’s Spouse, the
residuary assets shall be distributed to the following beneficiaries in the percentages as shown: __% to
___________ of ________________; __% to __________________ of ____________________ and __
% to _____________ of _________________. If any of these people do not survive Grantor and
Grantor’s spouse, this share shall be distributed proportionately to the other distributee(s) listed under
this provision.

6. TRUSTEE POWERS. Trustee, in addition to other powers and authority granted by law or necessary
or appropriate for proper administration of Trust, shall have the following rights, powers, and authority
without order of court and without notice to anyone:

A. Receive Assets. To receive, hold, maintain, administer, collect, invest ant re-invest the trust assets,
and collect and apply the income, profits, and principal of the Trust in accordance with the terms of this

B. Receive Additional Assets. To receive additional assets from other sources including assets received
under the Will of Grantor or any other person.

C Standard of Care. To acquire, invest, reinvest, exchange, retain, sell, and mortgage estate and trust
assets, exercising the judgment and care, under the circumstances then prevailing, that persons of pru-
dence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not in regard to spec-
ulation but in regard to the permanent disposition their funds, considering the probable income as well as
the probable safety of their capital. Within the limitations of that standard, Trustee is authorized to ac-
quire and retain every kind of property, real, personal or mixed, and every kind of investment, specifically
including, but not by way of limitation, bonds, debentures and other corporate obligation, and stocks, pre-
ferred or common, that persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence acquire or retain for their own
account, even though not otherwise a legal investment for trust funds under the laws and statutes of the
United States or the state under which this instrument is administered.

D. Retain Assets. To retain any asset, including uninvested cash or original investments, regardless of
whether it is of the kind authorized by this instrument for investment and whether it leaves a dispropor -
tionately large part of the estate or trust invested in one type of property, for as long as the Trustee
deems advisable.

E. Dispose of or Encumber Assets. To sell, option, mortgage, pledge, lease or convey real or personal
property, publicly or privately, upon such terms and conditions as may appear to be proper, and to exe-
cute all instruments necessary to effect such authority.

F. Settle Claims. To compromise, settle, or abandon claims in favor of or against Trust.

G. Manage Property. To manage real estate and personal property, borrow money, exercise options,
buy insurance, and register securities as may appear to be proper.

H. Allocate Between Principal and Income. To make allocations of charges and credits as between prin-
cipal and income as in the sole discretion of the Trustee may appear to be proper.

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I. Employ Professional Assistance. To employ and compensate counsel and other persons deemed nec-
essary for proper administration and to delegate authority when such delegation is advantageous to the

J. Distribute Property. To make division or distribution in money or kind, or partly in either including dis-
proportionate in-kind distributions, at values to be determined by Trustee, and Trustee's judgment shall
be binding upon all interested parties.

K. Enter Contracts. To bind the Trust by contracts or agreements without assuming individual liability for
such contracts.

L. Exercise Stock Ownership Rights. To vote, execute proxies to vote, join in or oppose any plans for re-
organization, and exercise any other rights incident to the ownership of any stocks, bonds or other prop-
erties of Trust.

M. Duration of powers. To continue to exercise the powers provided in this Agreement after the termi-
nation of Trust until all the assets of Trust have been distributed.

N. Hold Trust Assets as a Single Fund. To hold the assets of Trust, shares, or portions of Trust created
by this instrument as a single fund for joint investment and management, without the need for physical
segregation, dividing the income proportionately among them. Segregation of the various trust shares
need only be made on the books of Trustee for accounting purposes.

0. Compensation. To receive reasonable compensation for Trustee's services under this

Agreement and be exonerated from and to pay all reasonable expenses and charges of Trust.

P. Loans to Beneficiaries. To make loans to any trust beneficiary for the purpose of providing the benefi-
ciary with the funds necessary to take advantage of exceptional business opportunities or to provide for
the needs of the beneficiaries and their families.

Q. Methods of Distribution. To make payments to or for the benefit of any beneficiary (specifically includ-
ing any beneficiary under any legal disability) in any of the following ways: (a) directly to the beneficiary,
(b) directly for the maintenance, welfare and education of the beneficiary, (c) to the legal or natural
guardian of the beneficiary, or, (d) to anyone who at the time shall have custody and care of the person
of the beneficiary. Trustee shall not be obliged to see to the application of the funds so paid, but the re-
ceipt of the person to whom the funds were paid shall be full acquittance of Trustee.

7. ADDITIONAL TRUSTEE PROVISIONS. These additional provisions shall apply regarding Trustee:

A. Grantor as Trustee. If at any time Grantor is Trustee, Grantor may appoint a successor Trustee, to
become effective immediately or upon any stated contingency, by making such designation in writing.
Such designee shall become the successor Trustee upon acceptance of the terms and conditions of this

B. Successor Trustee. If at any time a Trustee cannot serve because of the Trustee's disability (as previ-
ously defined), death, or other reason, _______________ of ____________ is designated as the suc-
cessor Trustee, without bond. If such designee(s) is/are unable to serve for any reason,
_______________ of _____________ is designated as the alternate successor Trustee, without bond.
Such designee(s) shall become the successor Trustee(s) upon acceptance of the terms and conditions
of this Agreement.

C. Resignation of Trustee. Any Trustee may resign by giving written notice to the beneficiaries to whom
income could then be distributed. Such resignation shall take effect on such date specified in the notice,
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but not earlier than thirty (30) days after the date of delivery of such written resignation unless an earlier
effective date shall be agreed to by the income beneficiaries.

D. Adult Beneficiary Rights. If Trustee resigns or for any reason ceases to serve as Trustee, and if the
successor Trustee(s) designated by the Grantor, if any, fail or cease to serve as Trustee, then the adult
beneficiaries to whom income could then be distributed, together with the adult beneficiaries to whom
principal would be distributed if the Trust were then to terminate, may by majority action in writing appoint
a successor Trustee. If agreement of a majority of the beneficiaries cannot be obtained within sixty (60)
days, a successor Trustee shall be appointed by the court having general jurisdiction of the Trust. Any
successor Trustee appointed shall have all the rights conferred upon the original Trustee and shall be
bound by the provisions of this Trust.

E. Accounting. Trustee shall provide an accounting to the Beneficiary (or beneficiaries) on at least a
quarterly basis. If a beneficiary has a "disability", Trustee shall provide the accounting to a guardian or
conservator, if any.

F. Bond. No bond shall be required of any Trustee.

8. RIGHT TO DIRECT INVESTMENTS. At any time that Trust has investments, and provided that
Grantor does not have a "disability", Grantor may direct any Trustee to purchase, sell, or retain any trust

9. REVOCATION OR AMENDMENT. During Grantor's lifetime, Grantor may revoke at any time, and/or
the Grantor may amend, this Agreement by delivering to Trustee an appropriate written revocation or
amendment, signed by Grantor. If Trustee consents, the powers of revocation, but not the power of
amendment, may be exercised by a duly appointed and acting attorney-in-fact for Grantor for the pur-
pose of withdrawing assets from Trust.

10. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State

11. PERPETUITIES SAVINGS CLAUSE. Despite any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
trust created by this Agreement shall terminate no later than 21 years after the death of the last surviving
beneficiary of this Agreement who is living at the time of the death of Grantor.

12. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any
reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any pro-
vision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become
valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so


A. Paragraph Titles and Gender. The titles given to the paragraphs of this Trust are inserted for refer-
ence purposes only and are not to be considered as forming a part of this Trust in interpreting its provi -
sions. All words used in this Trust in any gender shall extend to and include all genders, and any singu -
lar words shall include the plural expression, and vice versa, specifically including "child" and "children",
when the context or facts so require, and any pronouns shall be taken to refer to the person or persons
intended regardless of gender or number.

B. Thirty Day Survival Requirement. For the purposes of determining the appropriate distributions under
this Trust, no person or organization shall be deemed to have survived Grantor, unless such person or
entity is also surviving (or in existence) on the thirtieth day after the date of the Grantor's death.
Page 7 of 27
C. Common Disaster. If Grantor and Grantor's spouse die under circumstances such that there is no
clear or convincing evidence as to the order of their deaths, or if it is difficult or impractical to determine
which person survived the death of the other person, it shall, for the purpose of distribution of Grantor's
life insurance, property passing under any will or other contracts, if any, and property passing under this
Trust, be conclusively presumed that Grantor predeceased the death of Grantor's spouse, and notwith-
standing any other provision of this Trust, Grantor's spouse (or Grantor's spouse's estate as the case
may be) shall receive the distribution to which Grantor's spouse would otherwise be entitled to receive
without regard to a survivorship requirement, if any.

D. Liability of Fiduciary. No fiduciary who is a natural person shall, in the absence of fraudulent conduct
or bad faith, be liable individually to any beneficiary of Grantor's trust estate, and Grantor's trust estate
shall indemnify such natural person from any and all claims or expenses in connection with or arising out
of that fiduciary's good faith actions or nonactions of the fiduciary, except for such actions or nonactions
which constitute fraudulent conduct or bad faith. No successor trustee shall be obliged to inquire into or
be in any way accountable for the previous administration of the trust property.

E. Spouse. Grantor is married to ____________ and all references in this Trust to "Grantor's spouse"
are references to _____________.

F. Children. The names of Grantor's children are: ______________________________.

All references in this Trust to " Grantor's child" or " Grantor's children" include the above child or children,
and any other children born to or adopted by the Grantor after the signing of this Trust.



STATE OF _________________
COUNTY OF _______________

On this __ day of ______, 20__, before me personally appeared ________________, known to me to

be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Trustee and acknowledged
that he/she executed the same (in his/her authorized capacity) as his/her free act and deed.

Notary Public
My Commission Expires on:

Page 8 of 27
Living Trust
Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its prepara -
tion. This is a straightforward Living Trust which can be modified as you see fit. Your first action after
setting it up is to transfer assets to it.

1. Make multiple copies. Give one to each signatory. Keep a copy in your home safe and another
with the transaction file.
2. You can make this a Joint Living Trust by changing the language accordingly, to include your
3. You still need to make a will for many reasons, not the least of which is not all of your assets will
be transferred into the trust, as a rule.
4. Remember to initial each page.

Page 9 of 27
Revocation of Wills – Codicils

I, _______________, herewith revoke all previous wills and codicils.

Dated: _______________________


We, the undersigned, witnessed the execution of this document by _______________, and
_______________ expressed to us that this document expressed their desires.

___________________________________ Dated: ________________

Witness 1

___________________________________ Dated: ________________

Witness 2

___________________________________ Dated: ________________

Witness 3

STATE OF ______________
COUNTY OF _____________

Before me, the undersigned authority authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths, per-
sonally appeared:




who after being having duly sworn or affirmed to tell the truth, stated:

1. That ______________ declared this instrument to be the revocation of wills – and Codicils as stated
2. That ______________ signed this instrument in their presence.
3. That the witnesses signed as witnesses in the presence of ______________ and each other.
4. That ______________ is well known to the witnesses, and the witnesses believe ______________ to
be of lawful age, of sound mind and under no undue influence or constraint.

My Commission Expires: _________________________
Page 10 of 27
Revocation of Wills – Codicils
Review List

This document is provided to inform you about this document and assist you in its preparation. A revoca-
tion typically occurs when someone wishes to extinguish an old will due to a change in beneficiaries.
Such circumstances typically occur after a divorce, remarriage, or similar change in situation.

1. Make multiple copies. Keep one in a home safe. Give one to your lawyer, if you have one. Give
one to your spouse.

Page 11 of 27
Last Will, Testament and Devise.
Page 12 of 27
I, ______________, residing at _________, ___________, being of sound mind and in the contempla-
tion of the certainty of death, do hereby declare this instrument to be my last will, testament and devise.


I hereby revoke all previous wills and codicils.


I direct that the disposition of my remains be as follows:



I give all the rest and residue of my estate to my spouse, ________________________, should they sur-
vive me for 60 days. If my spouse, ______________________________, does not survive me, I give all
the rest and residue of my estate to ____________________. If neither
_____________________________ nor ___________________ survives me, I give all the rest and
residue of my estate to my heirs as determined by the laws of the State of ____________, relating to de-
scent and distribution.


I appoint __________________, to act as the executor of this will, to serve without bond. Should
__________________ be unable or unwilling to serve, then I appoint ______________ to act as the ex -
ecutor of this will.

I herewith affix my signature to this will on this the ____________ day of ____________, 19___ at
________________________________________, in the presence of the following witnesses, who wit-
nessed and subscribed this will at my request, and in my presence.


On the date above written, ______________, well known to us declared to us, and in our presence, that
this instrument, consisting of _____ pages, is their last will and testament, and ______________, then
signed this instrument in our presence, and at ______________’s request we now sign this will as wit-
nesses in each other’s presence. Further that ______________, appeared to us to be of sound mind and
lawful age, and under no undue influence.



Address: ______________________________________________________

Page 13 of 27

Address: ______________________________________________________



Address: ______________________________________________________

STATE OF ______________
COUNTY OF _____________

Before me, the undersigned authority authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths, per-
sonally appeared:




who after being having duly sworn or affirmed to tell the truth, stated:
1. That ______________ declared this instrument to be their last will and testament to the witnesses.
2. That ______________ signed this instrument in their presence.
3. That the witnesses signed as witnesses in the presence of ______________ and each other.
4. That ______________ is well known to the witnesses, and the witnesses believe ______________ to
be of lawful age, of sound mind and under no undue influence or constraint.

My Commission Expires: _________________________

Page 14 of 27
Last Will and Testament
Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist in its preparation.
This is a simple will and useful for that reason. Be sure to complete this if you have no other will. This
provides a wonderful starting point. To take pressure off yourself, make a new will at the same time you
have to renew your driving license. Consider it an ongoing process so you don’t try to anticipate all fu -
ture events. Just take care of the next 3 to 5 years and then do a new will. You can give no greater gift
to your heirs, should you die early, than to have a will in place to avoid all the problems of dying without

1. Have three witnesses witness your signing. Have a notary witness the signatures. This covers
the requirements of all states and insures your heirs do not have a problem if state laws change,
which they do.
2. Make multiple copies. Keep one in a home safe. Keep one off premises. Give your spouse a
copy or the person closest to you.
3. Note that we have only provided one Last Will and Testament form. This is done because we
can only provide the skeleton of the document. The most important step is to enact it. Then it is
up to you to provide for the level of specificity you desire. Rather than attempt to present a vari-
ety of wills for your review, we believe it simpler to provide a standard will and advise you to seek
legal counsel if you want to make it too much more complex. In addition, remember to reduce
your stress consider doing a will that will cover just the next few years, as suggested above, and
then modify it to fit your later circumstances such as having children or your children leaving

Page 15 of 27
Declaration of Private Living Trust
Your Commercial Name, under EIN for your Living Trust is to be referred to as Beneficial Owner/SETTLOR, and
it is hereby declared that any and all property and interest in property that may be transferred to him as Trustee hereunder (the
“__________ Living Trust”) shall be held in trust, for the sole benefit of, _______________: of the family ___________, the
Beneficiary of this Trust. The term “Trustee” wherever used herein shall mean the Trustee or Trustees named herein and such
person or persons who hereafter are serving as Trustee or Trustees hereunder, and the rights, powers, authority and privileges
granted hereunder to the Trustee shall be exercised by such person or persons subject to the provisions hereof. In accordance
with the guidance of the Gutenberg Bible, incun 1454.b5.
A. BENEFICIARIES. The term “Beneficiaries” wherever used herein shall mean the beneficiary or beneficiaries listed in the
Schedule of Beneficial Interests this day executed and filed with the Trustee, or in the revised Schedule of Beneficial Interests,
if any, from time to time executed and filed with the Trustee. The Trustee shall not be affected by any assignment or transfer
of any beneficial interest until receipt by the Trustee of notice that such assignment or transfer has in fact been made and a re -
vised Schedule of Beneficial Interests shall have been duly executed and filed with the Trustee. Any Trustee may without im-
propriety become a beneficiary hereunder and exercise all rights of a beneficiary with the same effect as though he were not a
B. DUTIES OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall hold the principal of this Trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries, and shall
immediately pay over any income received to the beneficiaries in proportion to their respective interests.
C. POWERS OF THE TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall have no power to deal in or with the Trust Estate except as directed by
the beneficiaries. When, as, if and to the extent specifically directed by the beneficiaries, any one of the Trustees shall have the
power to:
(a) Buy or otherwise acquire, to hold, to exchange or partition, to sell at public or private sale, and to mortgage, pledge or oth-
erwise encumber or dispose of all or any part of the Trust Estate; and to execute any and all deeds, promissory notes, mort -
gages and other instruments necessary or appropriate therefore;
(b) To lease and sublease all or any part of the Trust Estate for such term(s) and on such terms as the Trustee deems advisable;
(c) Contest or compromise any claims in favor of or against or in any way relating to the Trust Estate. Any and all instruments
executed pursuant to such directions may create obligations extending over any periods of time including periods beyond any
possible termination date of the Trust. Notwithstanding any provisions contained herein, no Trustee shall be required to take
any action, which will, in the opinion of such Trustee, involve him in any personal liability unless first indemnified to his satis -
faction. Any person dealing with the Trustee shall be fully protected in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 7 hereof.
D. TERMINATION. The Trust may be terminated any time by any one or more of the beneficiaries by notice in writing to
the Trustee, but such termination shall only be effective when a certificate thereof signed and acknowledged by a Trustee here-
under shall be recorded in the appropriate Private Official Records of _______________: _____________. In any event, and
the Trust shall terminate in any event twenty (20) years from the date hereof or at such maximum time as made be provided for
by any applicable Rule Against Perpetuities, whichever is later. In case of any such termination, the Trustee shall transfer and
convey the specific assets constituting the Trust Estate, subject to any leases, mortgages, contracts or other encumbrances on
the Trust Estate, to the then beneficiaries as tenants in common in proportion to their respective interests hereunder.
E. RESIGNATION AND APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES. Any Trustee hereunder may resign by written
instrument signed and acknowledged by such Trustee and recorded as is stated above in paragraph “D.” Succeeding or addi -
tional Trustees may be appointed or any Trustee may be removed by an instrument or instruments in writing signed by all the
beneficiaries, provided in each case that such instrument or instruments, or a certificate signed by any Trustee naming the
Trustee or Trustees appointed or removed, and in the case of any appointment, the acceptance in writing by the Trustee or
Trustees appointed, shall be recorded as stated in paragraph “D” above. Upon the appointment of any succeeding or additional
Trustee, the title to the Trust Estate shall thereupon and without the necessity of any conveyance be vested in said succeeding
or additional Trustee jointly with the remaining Trustee or Trustees, if any. Each succeeding and additional Trustee shall have
the rights, powers, authority and privileges as if named as an original Trustee hereunder. No Trustee shall be required to fur -
nish bond.
F. JURISDICTION OF LAW. This Trust is under the Laws of Controls and Jurisdiction of Nature. This trust SHALL NOT
be administered by any Court.
G. AMENDMENT. This Declaration of Trust may be amended from time to time by an instrument in writing signed by all
the beneficiaries and acknowledged by one or more of the beneficiaries, provided in each case that the instrument of amend -
ment, or a certificate by any Trustee setting forth the terms of such amendment, shall be recorded with the Registry prior to the
amendment being effective as to any party who does not have actual notice thereof.
Page 16 of 27
H. TRUSTEE LIABILITY; RELIANCE OF PURCHASERS AND OTHERS. No Trustee hereunder shall be liable for
any error of judgment or for any loss arising out of any act or omission in good faith, but shall be responsible only for his/her
own willful breach of trust. No license of court shall be requisite to the validity of any transaction entered into by the Trustee.
No purchaser, transferee, pledgee, mortgagee or other lender shall be under any obligation to see to the application of the pur -
chase money or of any money or property loaned or delivered to any Trustee or to see that the terms and conditions of this
Trust have been complied with. Every agreement, lease, deed, mortgage, note, or other instrument or document executed or
action taken by any one Trustee appearing as a Trustee hereunder from the appropriate public records as stated in paragraph
“D” above, shall be conclusive evidence in favor of every person relying thereon or claiming thereunder that at the time of the
delivery thereof or of the taking of such action this Trust was in full force and effect, that the execution and delivery thereof or
taking of such action was duly authorized, empowered and directed by the beneficiaries, and that such instrument or document
or action is valid, binding and legally enforceable. Any person dealing with the Trust Estate or the Trustee may always rely
without inquiry on the certificate signed by any Trustee appearing as a Trustee hereunder from the records of the Registry as to
whom is the Trustee or whom are the Trustees or the beneficiaries hereunder, or as to the authority of the Trustee to act, or as
to the existence or non-existence of any fact or facts which constitute conditions precedent to acts by the Trustee or which are
in any other manner germane to the affairs of the Trust.
I. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY. No Trustee or beneficiary of this Trust shall be held personally or individually liable for
any of the obligations incurred or entered into on behalf of the Trust and each person who deals with the Trustee shall look
solely to the Trust Estate for satisfaction of any claims which such person may have against the Trust.
J. DIVISION AMONG TRUSTEES. In the event that there are multiple trustees herein, in the event of any division between
the trustees as to acts to be taken herein, the majority of trustees shall control. In the event that the trustees are evenly divided,
the vote of the longest serving trustee shall be decisive.
K. APPLICABLE LAW. The terms of this trust shall be determined by the Controls and Jurisdiction that are provided for by
the Laws of Nature and Heaven (the Universe), first over all other sub rules of law.

____________________________________________ Dated: _______________________

Your Commercial Name; Beneficial Owner/Trustee Acceptance.

Privately Recorded into My Trust Records, upon the Land of America in the County of _________ and the State of _______.
By the signature of Trustee Acceptance, it is hereby Noted and accepted by the Creator that Thy (My) Will as the Creator will be done and
executed per this In-Trusting instrument for the purposes stated herein.

Date: __________ By: ____________________________________________

___________: of the family ___________
“Life Breathing Creator of the Living Trust”
A Life Breathing Notary under the Laws and Jurisdiction of the (Under private Seal)
Laws of Nature and Heaven (the Universe) as a Creator.
My Commission Expires: At the termination of my Natural Life.

Power of Attorney, General

Page 17 of 27
I, ________________________________________ ("Name of Declarant"), residing
at (Address): ___________________________________________________________
hereby appoint
____________________________________:____ ("Name of Agent’) of
at (Address) ____________________________________________________
as my attorney-in fact ("Agent") to exercise the Powers and discretions described below.

If the Agent is unable or unwilling to serve for any reason, I appoint

______________________________________________ ("Name of Alternate Agent"), of

at (Address)____________________________________________________________ as my alternate
or successor Agent, as the case may be to serve with the same powers and discretions.

I hereby revoke any and all general powers of attorney and special powers of attorney that previously
nave been signed by me. However, the preceding sentence shall not have the effect of revoking any
powers of attorney that are directly related to my health care that previously have been signed by me.

My Agent shall have full power and authority to act on my behalf This power and authority shall autho -
rize my Agent to manage and conduct all of my affairs and to exercise all of my legal rights and powers.
including all rights and powers that I may acquire in the future. My Agent's powers shall include, but not
be limited to, the power to:

SIGN MY SIGNATURE AS ME IN MY STEAD AS IF I WERE PRESENT in order to Enter into binding con-
tracts on my behalf.

2. Open maintain or close bank accounts (including, but not limited to, checking accounts savings ac-
counts, and certificates of deposit), brokerage accounts, retirement plan accounts, and other
similar accounts with financial institutions.

a. Conduct any business with any banking or financial institution with respect to any of my ac-
counts, including, but not limited to, making deposits and withdrawals, negotiating or en-
dorsing any checks or other instruments with respect to any such accounts, obtaining bank
statements, passbooks, drafts, money orders, warrants, and certificates or vouchers payable
to me by any person, firm, corporation or political entity.

b. Perform any act necessary to deposit, negotiate, sell or transfer any note, security, or draft
of the United States of America, including U.S. Treasury Securities.

c. Have access to any safe deposit box that I might own, including its contents.

3. Sell, exchange, buy, invest, or reinvest any assets or property owned by me. Such assets or prop-
erty may include income producing or non-income producing assets and property.

Page 18 of 27
4. Purchase and/or maintain insurance and annuity contracts, including life insurance upon my life
or the life of any other appropriate person.

5. Take any and all legal steps necessary to collect any amount or debt owed to me, or to settle any
claim, whether made against me or asserted on my behalf against any other person or entity.

6. Exercise all stock rights on my behalf as my proxy, including all rights with respect to stocks,
bonds, debentures, commodities, options or other investments.

7. Maintain and/or operate any business that I may own.

8. Employ professional and business assistance, as may be appropriate, including attorneys, ac-
countants, and real estate agents, for my personal or business affairs.

9. Sell, convey, lease, mortgage, manage, insure, improve, repair, or perform any other act with re-
spect to any of my property (now owned or later acquired) including, but not limited to, real es -
tate and real estate rights (including the right to remove tenants and to recover possession). This
includes the right to sell or encumber any homestead that I now own or may own in the future.

10. Prepare, sign, and file documents with any governmental body or agency, including, but not lim-
ited to, authorization to:

a. Prepare, sign and file income and other tax returns with federal, state, local, and other gov-
ernmental bodies.

b. Obtain information or documents from any government or its agencies, and represent me in
all tax matters, including the authority to negotiate, compromise, or settle any matter with
such government or agency.

c. Prepare applications, provide information, and perform any other act reasonably requested
by any government or its agencies in connection with governmental benefits (including medi-
cal, military and social security benefits), and to appoint anyone, including my Agent, to act
as my "Representative Payee" for the purpose of receiving Social Security benefits.

11. Make gifts from my assets to members of my family and to such other persons or charitable or-
ganizations with whom I have an established pattern of giving, to file state and federal gift tax re -
turns, and to file a tax election to split gifts with my spouse, if any.
However, my Agent shall be prohibited, except as specifically authorized in this instrument, from (a) gift-
ing, appointing, assigning or designating any of my assets, interests or rights, directly or indirectly, to my
Agent, my Agent's estate or creditors, or the creditors of my Agent's estate, (b) exercising any powers of
appointment I may hold in favor of my Agent, my Agent's estate or creditors, or the creditors of my
Agent's estate, or (c) using my assets to discharge any of my Agent's legal obligations, including any obli-
gations of support which my Agent may owe to others, excluding those whom I am legally obligated to
support. I appoint _____________________ ,
of_________________________________ , as my substitute Agent for the
sole purpose of making gifts of my property to my Agent or disclaiming assets that then pass directly or
indirectly to my Agent or my Agent's estate, as either may be appropriate (unless this substitute Agent is
also the Agent).
12. Transfer any of my assets to the trustee of any revocable trust created by me, if such trust is in
existence at the time of such transfer.
Page 19 of 27
13. Subject to other provisions of this document, disclaim any interest, which might otherwise be
transferred or distributed to me from any other person, estate, trust, or other entity, as may be
appropriate. However, my Agent may not disclaim assets, to which I would be entitled, if the re-
sult is that the disclaimed assets pass directly or indirectly to my Agent or my Agent's estate.

This Power of Attorney shall be construed broadly as a general Power of Attorney. The listing of specific
powers is not intended to limit or restrict the general powers granted in this Power of Attorney in any

Any power or authority granted to my Agent under this document shall be limited to the extent neces-
sary to prevent this Power of Attorney from causing: (i) my income to be taxable to my Agent, (ii) my as -
sets to be subject to a general power of appointment by my Agent, or (iii) my Agent to have any inci -
dents of ownership with respect to any life insurance policies that I may own on the life of my Agent.

My Agent shall not be liable for any loss that results from a judgment error that was made in good faith.
However, my Agent shall be liable for willful misconduct or the failure to act in good faith while acting
under the authority of this Power of Attorney. A successor Agent shall not be liable for acts of a prior
No person who relies in good faith on the authority of my Agent under this instrument shall incur any li -
ability to my estate, my personal representative or me. I authorize my Agent to indemnify and hold
harmless any third party who accepts and acts under this document. If any part of any provision of this
instrument shall be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, such part shall be ineffective to the
extent of such invalidity only, without in any way affecting the remaining parts of such provision or the
remaining provisions of this instrument.

My Agent shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for any services provided as my Agent. My
Agent shall be entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable expenses incurred as a result of carrying out
any provision of this Power of Attorney.

My Agent shall provide an accounting for all funds handled and all acts performed as my Agent, but only
if I so request or if such a request is made by any authorized personal representative or fiduciary acting
on my behalf.

This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately, and shall not be affected by my disability or
lack of mental competence, except as may be provided otherwise by an applicable state statute. This is a
Durable Power of Attorney. This Power of Attorney shall continue effective until my death. This Power of
Attorney may be revoked by me at any time by providing written notice to my Agent.

Declarants Signature Declarants Name Printed

We the undersigned Witnesses hereby STAND and Attest __________________________________________
signed this document on this _________________day of________________________ 20___ of his Own Free Will,
as witnessed by Our Signatures below:

Page 20 of 27
First Witness Signature Second Witness Signature

Address: Address:


Page 21 of 27

County of______________________)

) Scilicet
State ________________________ )

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this Day of ________________________A.D.

Notary Public Signature

My Commission Expires

Page 22 of 27
Account (s) Identification and Collection, by Executor of ESTATE
Subject: Estate of _______________________________, (“Decedent”) with AKA’s also of
Official Date of Death: _________________.
Social Security Number:

Dear Account Representative:

I am the executor for the above estate. It is my understanding that the Decedent owned one or more ac-
counts with your institution. Attached is a certified copy of the Letters of Appointment for your records.
The account numbers that I am aware of are:


Please check your records and include information about any other accounts that I may not have indi-
cated, and please use your best efforts. If you believe another member of your organization is more
qualified to undertake this task, please pass this correspondence on to him or her and advise me of it by
email, fax, or phone.

Please also send us a list of all account representatives or other parties the Decedent may have dealt
with at your institution, from time to time, so we can complete our investigation. We would also appreci -
ate any suggestions you, or any members of your firm may have, about out financial institutions or bro-
kers or similar parties the Decedent might have dealt with that you or they be aware of. Any contact in-
formation regarding those people would also be much appreciated.

Please also confirm the balance in each of the Decedent's accounts as of the date of death, plus any in -
terest that had accrued but had not yet been credited to the account. Please separately state the actual
date of death balances and the accrued but unpaid interest. Finally, please also confirm the account
number of each account and whether there were other joint owners of the accounts.

As you know, your firm has fiduciary duties in this matter, as do I. Please follow the requirements of your
fiduciary duties as I am trying to follow mine. Time is of the essence in this matter due to our require -
ments to comply with various state and federal rules and regulations. Please act accordingly.

A stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Please contact me if you have
questions whatsoever or need any additional information to proceed expeditiously to accomplish this task
for the Estate of your former client. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

With best regards,


Page 23 of 27
Account (s) Identification and Collection, by Executor
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its prepara -

1. Make copies of this letter and send it to all known and suspected financial institutions, including
banks, brokerages, private companies, and related institutions that are known to have the Dece-
dent’s accounts or might have them. If you are dealing with multi-branched or multi-state organi-
zations, consider sending duplicate requests to any known offices Decedent may have dealt with
(e.g., Merrill Lynch might have an account in Boston; but you know he also lived in Sarasota,
Florida for part of the year; you should probably send a letter to the Sarasota office too, just to be
prudent and exercise your proper duties as a fiduciary). This seemingly straightforward task can
be very productive for estates in uncovering unsuspected assets such as old retirement accounts,
stocks in private companies not otherwise known, and the like.

2. In addition, as the above letter suggests, you should make a list of financial people the Decedent
dealt with. Since these kinds of people move around a fair amount in their career, finding out who
they are, and hopefully conversing with them, may lead you to some hidden asset treasure at the
companies these people left or are currently employed by. Open-ended discussions with them
often bring unexpectedly positive results. In addition, speaking with some old pals of the Dece-
dent can also give you a sense of how he or she dealt with his or her financial affairs (e.g., or-
derly, disorderly, tight, loose, speculative, and so on and so on). These conversations may also
lead you into areas, hobbies, or other avenues where Decedent may have parked some money
or investments that, over time, may have brought results unexpected by Decedent, but now pro-
ductive for the Estate. Be sure to maintain a written log of all phone conversations as well as
keeping track of written correspondence. A well-written log can be consulted as you go along to
inspire more thoughts about old contacts as you receive new information.

3. Make multiple copies of this letter. Contact family members, especially heirs, for any suggestions
on what avenues to pursue. Brothers and sisters are of particular help because they may know
more about what the Decedent did with his or her assets in their early days and, if the Decedent’s
spouse is also deceased, may know more about the assets he or she may have had or would
have been likely to influence Decedent to have and to hold (e.g., stock in his or her brother’s

4. Be sure to include the self-addressed stamped envelope with your letter as well as following up
by phone. Once again, follow-ups here can be very productive for an estate. Include a copy of
the "Letters of Appointment" or "Letters of Administration," if applicable, with each set of corre-
spondence you send out. The more official your documents look, the more productive you will be
in your efforts.

5. As a practical matter, the larger the estimated Estate, the more worthwhile the above activities
that are of an investigative as opposed to administrative nature. Also, the more the Decedent
was inclined to be speculative or entrepreneurial, the more apt they would have been to have as-
sets in unexpected places.

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