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Communication for community
Social Development
(empowerment, participation,
inclusiveness, etc.)
Development Communication
•Information Dissemination
•Community Participation
•Behavior Change
•Social Mobilization
Campus Journalism?
•Act as media for development
communication to foster a strong sense
of national discipline, identity, and love
of country and of things Filipino among
the people.
•Train staff in the communication
process and serve as training
ground for future responsible
journalists and leaders of society.
•Become dependable forums,
communication links, and feedbacks
among the schools, the community,
and the government.
•Disseminate and interpret the
socio-economic development
program of the government and
other agencies.
•Advance the goals of education and
culture (developing moral values,
promoting social and ethical
characteristics of Filipinos, redirecting
interest of youth toward work oriented
curriculum, enhancing cultural
awareness among people, furthering
knowledge in science and technology).
•Act as an accurate and fair
vehicle of information of school
policies, programs and activities
to the studentry and the lay
•Focus the interest of the readers
on events of significance to
them and their respective
1.Status Quo
2.Development Intervention
Greater fulfillment of human potential

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