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BSN 1-Y1-19
1. Communication is related to human
COMMUNICATION PROCESSES, a. Communication exchanges are
actually directly linked with
PRINCIPLES AND ETHICS every single ball of human
being lifetime.
2. Communication involves two or more
COMMUNICATION a. At least, two parties are
> COMMUNICATION CUES: VERBAL AND involved in virtually any
NON-VERBAL LANGUAGE communication exchange
WHAT IS COMMUNICATION? 3. Communication could be one-way or
maybe two-way process.
COMMUNICATION a. Communication might take the
- Is a process of exchanging ideas between design involving two-way or
two more persons. maybe one-way process. With
- The act or process of using words, sounds, two-way communication, the
signs, or behaviors to express or exchange receiver sends his feedback to
information or to express your ideas, the sender after receiving the
thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else
- A process by which information is
exchanged between individuals through a 4. Success of communication depends on a
common system of symbols, signs, or proper understanding of the parties
behavior. involved.
a. Powerful communication comes
VALUE OF COMMUNICATION about if your receiver feels your
concept you might say your
Communication came from the Latin word sender posts the idea. If the
“communis”which means common or to “commune” or receiver doesn’t deliver his or
to come together or to share something in common. her reaction to your sender,
your sender is not going to fully
Communication in its most basic sense is the cement grasp your receiver’s view.
that holds society together. Without it, society will fall 5. Conversation in organization flows in a
variety of styles.
- Maslog 1988
a. With organization, information
flows in a variety of
recommendations, for example,
way upward direction, down
way, horizontal way and many
● Communication represents the important others.
role inside personal existence, family
member’s existence, cultural existence,
company existence and many others.
BSN 1-Y1-19
message takes. For example, a
message may be communicated
1. Sender in the form of a letter or an
- The person who intends to email or face to face in the form
convey the message with the of a speech.
intention of passing information 9. Noise (interference)
and ideas to others is known as - Any factor that inhibits the
sender or communicator. transmission of a message. It is
2. Ideas anything that gets in the way of
- This is the subject matter of the the message being accurately
communication. This may be an received, interpreted and
option, attitude, feelings, views, responded to. It may be internal
orders, or suggestions. (mental attentiveness) or
3. Encoding external (weather or noise of a
- Since the subject matter of roof or animals).
communication is theoretical 10. Context
and intangible, its further - Communication does not take
passing requires use of certain place in a vacuum. It is any
symbols such as words, actions form of communication act is
or pictures etc. Conversion of the environment surrounding it.
subject matter into these This includes, among other
symbols is the process of things, place, time, event, and
encoding attitudes of sender and receiver.
4. Communication Channel
- The person who is interested in
communicating has to choose
the channel for sending the The Communication process is dynamic, continuous,
required information, ideas etc. irreversible, and contextual. It is not possible to
This information is transmitted participate in any element of the process without
to the receiver through certain acknowledging the existence and functioning of the
channels which may be either other elements.
formal or informal.
5. Receiver
- Is the person who receives the
message or for whom the
message is meant for. It is the
receiver who tries to understand
the message in the best
possible manner in achieving
the desired objectives.
Speaker Message Receiver
6. Decoding
- The person who receives the
Fig. 1 Linear Model of Communication
message or symbol from the
communicator tries to convert
the same in such a way so that
he may extract its meaning to
his complete understanding.
7. Feedback
- Is the process of ensuring that
the receiver has received the
message and understood in the
same sense as sender meant it.
8. Medium Feedback
BSN 1-Y1-19
Fig. 2 The Interactive (stimulus-response) Model of
Communication Communication is dynamic (A process or system
characterized by constant change) as life that goes on
and on like a river.
COMMUNICATION Nothing remains permanent or fixed in the world of
1. Communication is a Schemata-driven
Communication begins within yourself, you begin with 5. Communication is symbolic.
what you have already known or understood about the Symbols, signs, or marks like letters, words, sentences,
subject matter of the communicative act. Transmitted graphs, pictures and other concrete objects represent
messages become understandable or meaningful or stand for ideas that you intend to convey verbally.
because of your innate or old knowledge about the
messages. For non-verbal communication, you resort to bodily
actions (gestures, eye movements, posture, facial
The theory states that all knowledge/data is organized expressions) voice quality, space and time elements to
into units. Each unit is a schema. Within each schema stand for the ideas you want to express.
information is stored – this information can pertain to
anything. 6. Communication always results in
Stocked in your brain or with what you have already It refers to two or more persons participate in any
known or understood about the subject matter of the communicative act.
communicative act. The first, expresses or sends a message; the second,
responds or reacts to the message.
Schemata are the cornerstones for our knowledge and
decisions, without them quick thinking wouldn’t be 7. Communication is irreversible.
possible. You are free to talk about anything under the sun. But
once you utter something, the things you have said
2. Communication is an interpretative act. remains as it is susceptible to different interpretations
The only person who knows the exact or full meaning or meanings.
of the message transmitted is the sender or speaker.
Being the creator or source of the ideas, he/she has 8. Communication is contextual.
the absolute knowledge about his message. It is called An exchange of views, ideas, or feelings doesn’t only
interpretative act because the role of the receiver or involve the sender and the receiver, but also other
listener, infer, or guess the meaning of things aspects of the communication setting like time, place,
appealing to his sense of hearing. topic, occasion, purpose, and manner of
3. Communication does not guarantee a
direct or automatic link between two 9. Communication is developmental or
minds. progressive.
These forms of knowledge become meaningful only to To communicate ideas is to go through the different
others when you initiate communication with them. stages of language learning that begins from birth to
elementary, highschool, and college levels.
4. Communication is active, powerful, or
forceful. It is not a one-time learning towards communicative
Communication is generally taken as an active competence.
messages, because it has varied effects on all
participants in any communicative event. It engages 10. Communication is a process.
speakers and listeners in action of giving and Several stages of communication take place when
receiving information. people exchange or share ideas with one another.
Each stage involves elements with different functions.
Communication is powerful and forceful for it elicits
different meanings or reactions, these messages are 11. Communication is ethical.
prone to changes. Subjected to the changeable and Any communication event is expected to apply rules,
continued existence of the world, moral values, and beliefs agreed upon by societal
BSN 1-Y1-19
members. Guided by these standards determined by to culture. The expansion of media, particularly from
the cultural group you belong to, your communication the United States and other Western countries around
becomes ethical, good or desirable. the world, is leading to more nonverbal similarities
among cultures, but the biggest cultural differences in
12. Communication is influenced by media nonverbal communication occur within the categories
and technology. of eye contact, touch, and personal space (Pease &
Now, you are in the era of knowledge explosion or Pease, 2004).
modern technology.
Nonverbal communication like other forms of
This period is characterized by an instant global communication is influenced by context and varies
exchange of knowledge, services and technology. among individuals within a particular cultural group as
well. The idea you want to convey through this
Using modern electronic communication devices, an non-verbal communication are symbolized or
exchange of ideas occurs just in seconds or minutes represented, not by words, but by non-verbal
regardless of the distance between or among the language symbols.
participants. With the speedy turn out of varied
modern media and devices of communication like the NON-VERBAL LANGUAGE SYMBOLS
email, cellphone, web cam, internet and other
computer-run gadgets, you now find interaction with 1. Body Movements
anyone in any corner of the world easily and quickly. - Big and small movements of your body like
gestures, facial expressions, posture and
eye behavior express meanings. Kinesics,
COMMUNICATION CUES: VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL derived from the Greek term, kinesis,
LANGUAGE meaning “motion” which refers to the study
of body movements.
2. Paralanguage
Verbal Language - These are extra sounds that go with your
- consists of symbols like letters, words, and spoken words and a study of these special
other marks that you need to subject to sounds accompanying your words is called
language or grammar rules for a coherent Paralinguistic. Examples of Paralanguage
or organized means of understanding or are the following:
expressing ideas. This verbal or spoken
language becomes a written language once a) Speaking voice produced by your voice’s
you put on paper or any surface the marks ● highness and lowness (Pitch)
or prints symbolizing or representing the ● loudness or softness (Volume)
ideas you intend to convey or have spoken ● speediness and slowness
to others. Verbal symbols refer to the use (Duration)
of speaker language (Antonio,, p. 30). ● rising and falling (Intonation)
Non-verbal Language ● shrillness, huskiness,
- As with other aspects of communication, breathiness, mellowness, etc.
norms for non-verbal communication vary (Quality)
from country to country and also among
cultures within a particular country. Some b) Vocalization or voice’s special usage
nonverbal communication behaviors appear like crying, giggling, moaning,
to be somewhat innate because they are growling, yawning, sighing and
universally recognized. Two such universal Groaning.
signals are the “eyebrow flash” of
recognition when we see someone we c) Vocal pauses or boosters like
know and the open hand and the palm up ahh!...uhg…umm…oh…shh.oops…many
gesture that signals a person would like others.
something or needs help (Martin & 3. Time (Chronemics)
Nakayama, 2010). - Your willingness, hesitance, or hatred to
wait for a long time speaks of your trait of
Smiling is also a universal nonverbal behavior, but the patience or impatience. Likewise, this
triggers that lead a person to smile vary from culture reflects your manner of valuing your
BSN 1-Y1-19
relationship with the object of your throwaway hamburger bags. Muslims saw
waiting. Your trait of optimism is also this as sacrilegious. The mistake could have
proven by your fondness of talking about been avoided if McDonald’s had displayed
your goals, dreams, or plans for the future. greater sensitivity and awareness.
Chronemics is the term that refers to your ● The Japanese view business card as an
act of studying the impact or effect of time extension of a person, while Americans
on your behavior. view it as a business formality and a
convenience. Consequently, while the
4. Proxemics Japanese handle business cards with great
- A space or distance symbolizes or care and making certain to put them in safe
represents your thoughts or feelings about places. Americans are quick to put them
your world. For instance, surrounding your away and thus often end up insulting the
property with a steel fence or leaving it Japanese
unfenced gives people clues about your ● Eye contact preferences also differ across
preferences or priorities or deciding to cultures. Americans place a high value on
arrange your pieces of furniture too closely eye-to-eye communication and tend to
or so far from one another indicates the distrust those who fail to look at them
kind of interaction you would like to have directly. In contrast, the Japanese believe
with people. Likewise, your body contacts, that eye contact over a sustained period of
physical closeness with people, acts of time shows disrespect. Among Asian
touching or patting them, or maintaining a cultures, too much eye contact is deemed
wide or narrow gap between you and the intrusive. Arabs on the other hand,
other party, expresses meanings on the maintain direct eye contact with those they
extent of intimacy or personal relationship interact with for prolonged periods.
you can establish with others. And, haptics
is the term used to refer to your acts of
studying the effects of your touch on THE FLOW OF COMMUNICATION
5. Physical Appearance and Object Language
- Meanings in this kind of non-verbal
language, are symbolized or represented
by dressing styles, body types, body
appearance like size or shape, architectural
designs or structures, art objects graphic
materials, lightning effects, aromatic or
smelly objects, and other environmental
factors that influence or affect any
communicative event.


● Cultural misunderstandings often lead to - Occurs when information and messages
lost opportunities and increased levels of flow down through an organization's
tension between people formal chain of command or hierarchical
● In Muslim cultures, showing the sole of a structure.
shoe is observed as insulting.
● Crossing your legs in Korea is a social faux UPWARD COMMUNICATION
pas - The process of information flowing from
● Blinking while another person talks is the lower levels of a hierarchy to the upper
considered normal to North Americans, to levels.
Taiwanese it is considered impolite
● McDonald’s fast-food chain unintentionally LATERAL COMMUNICATION
offended thousands of Muslims when it - Defined as the exchange, imparting or
printed an excerpt from the Koran on its sharing of information, ideas or feeling
BSN 1-Y1-19
between people within a community, peer
groups, departments or units of an
organization who are at or about the same
hierarchical level as each other for the
purpose of coordinating activities, efforts
or fulfilling a common purpose or goal.

- Informal workplace dialogue in its purest
form: it is characterized by conversations
between employees and superiors that do
not follow any prescribed structure or
rule-based system.

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