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Copyright © Kenyatta University, 2020

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Published by Kenyatta University Press

Page 1

I welcome all of you to managerial functions blended module. As you are all aware, we are
surrounded by organizations of all types and whose principal focus is creation of value. The value
that is created by these organizations is presented in the marketplace in form of goods and services
with potential to satisfy various needs of the society. Notably, these organization comprises of
people who have deliberately come together to perform a variety of interdependent and
interrelated productive activities within a specified context. In the course of performing the
various organizational tasks and activities, there is an interplay of factors in the context of the
organization producing forces that independently and/or jointly favor or hinder operations and
thus influence the process of creating value. These therefore implies that there is a need to arrange
the factors of production, assemble and organize resources, and integrate resources in an effective
manner to facilitate attainment of the goals of the organization. Bearing this in mind, the functions
of management are therefore considered an imperative for effective functioning of organizations
in an environment that is hardly static. The purpose of this module is to provide you with an
insightful learning opportunity that will help you to develop an understanding of how business
operations are managed, grow and prosper. I do hope that through the interactive pedagogy, you
will find the content of this module captivating, insightful, relevant and applicable to your
different settings.


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Page 2


Week 0: Introduction (Your Context, Expectations and Perspective about Management)

This lesson is intended to introduce you to the blended learning approach and to build a
community of learners who will continually inspire each other during the interactive sessions that
have been designed for this course. You will be required to introduce yourself to other participants
either in a face to face session or online session prior to commencement of other academic
interactions. It will also be necessary to state your context and expectations as well as your point
of view about management. You will be free to share any experience that you may have regarding
management of organizations.

Week 1: Introduction to Managerial Functions

The first lesson will seek to lay a foundation and set the tone for the entire course. In this lesson,
emphasis will be placed on the concept of management, nature of management, levels of
management, roles of management, and skills of management.
Page 3
Week 2: Pre-Classical and Classical Management
The second lesson will primarily focus on helping you to understand evolution of the practice and
theory of management with emphasis being placed on the practice of management in the pre-
classical era as well as the development of classical theories of management including scientific
management, administrative, and bureaucratic theories.

Week 3: Neo Classical Theories of Management

This lesson will seek to extend your understanding of the evolution of management thought. The
principal focus of the lesson will be on human relations movement and behavioral school of

Week 4: Contemporary Approaches to Management

In lesson four, you will be further provided with insights concerning management science, open
systems and contingency approaches to management.

Week 5: Environment of Management

This lesson will help your to appreciate the relevance of organization’s environment to the
operations of organizations and the practice of management. Emphasis will be placed on internal,
task, and general environment of organizations.

Week 6: Managerial Function of Planning

This lesson will focus on providing insights on the concept of planning, nature of planning,
importance of planning, types of plans, principles of planning, elements of planning, and process
of planning.

Week 7: Managerial Function of Organizing

Lesson seven will expose you to the concept of organizing, nature of organizing, importance of
organizing, elements of organizing, principles of organizing, factors affecting organization
structure, process of organizing, structural design and features of an effective organization

Week 8: Managerial Functions of Staffing and Directing

In this lesson, emphasis will be placed on concepts of staffing, relevance of staffing, process of
staffing, concept of directing, leadership sub-function of directing, communication sub-function of
Page 4
directing, motivation sub-function of directing, and delegation of authority.

Week 9: Managerial Function of Controlling

In this lesson, you will be exposed to the concept of controlling, nature of controlling, relevance of
controlling areas of organizational control, process of organizational control, types of control
systems, features of effective control system and barriers to controlling.

Week 10: Decision Making

This lesson will primarily focus on providing you with insights on the concept of decision making,
factors affecting quality of decision, types of decisions, decision making process, and tools and
techniques for making decisions.

Week 11: Issues and Trends in Management

In this lesson, emphasis will shift to emerging issue and the corresponding trends. Some of the
issues that will form the basis for the interactive learning will include social responsibility,
technological changes, globalization, workforce diversity, talent management, knowledge
management and employee empowerment.


By the end of this module, you will be able to;
1. Discuss the features, levels, skills and roles of management
2. Explain the meaning and role of management theory
3. Describe evolution of management thought and theory
4. Appraise the elements of environment of management
5. Discuss the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and
6. Discuss the concept of managerial decision making
7. Analyze emerging issues to management and discuss the trends associated with these

Page 5
Managerial functions is common course unit tailored for all students enrolled for Master of
Business Administration program in Kenyatta University. The rationale of offering this course is
to equip our students with essential knowledge and skills relating to how operations of
organizations are efficiently and effectively managed. This course unit is offered in the first
semester during the first year of the Master of Business Administration program and has no
prerequisite. The course content will provide insights on the evolution of management thought,
managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling, decision making,
and emerging issues and trends in management of organizations. This course be offered in 39
instructional hours some of which will be covered face to face and others in online activities. You
will therefore be required to avail about 5 hours per lesson in order to complete this course

This is a blended learning course that will utilize the flex model. This means that learning
materials and instructions will be given online and the lessons will be self-guided with the lecturer
being available briefly for face to face sessions and support and also on-site (online) most of the
time. Your lecturer will be meeting you face to face to introduce a lesson and put it into
perspective and you will actively participate in your search for knowledge by undertaking several
online activities. This means that some of the 39 instructional hours of the course will be delivered
face to face while other lessons will be taught online through various learner and lecturer
activities. It is important for you to note that one instructional hour is equivalent to two online
hours. Three instructional hours will be needed per week. Out of these, one will be used for face to
face contact with your lecturer (also referred as e-moderator in the online activities) while the
other two instructional hours (translating to four online hours) will be used for online activities
otherwise referred to as e-tivities in the lessons. This will add up to the 5 hours requirement per
lesson as was earlier noted. There are 27 online activities each taking at least two hours and
totaling to 54 online hours. You are advised to follow the module flow-chart given so that you
cover at least a lesson every week.

You will be required to participate and interact online with your peers and the e-moderator who in
this case is your lecturer. Guidelines for the online activities (which we shall keep referring to as
e-tivities) will be provided whenever there is an e-tivity. Please note that since the online e-tivities
are part of the learning process, they may be graded at the discretion of your e-moderator. Such

Page 6
grading will however be communicated in the e-tivity guidelines and feedback given as soon as
possible after the e-tivity. The e-tivities will include but will not be limited to online assessment
quizzes, assignments and discussions. There are also assessment questions that you can attempt at
the end of every lesson to test your understanding of the lesson. All the resource that have been
used in this module in form of books are available under the resources section after the answers to
the questions.

Course evaluation will consist in two parts comprising of course work and final examination.
Course work will account for 40% of your total score while the remaining 60% will be accounted
for by the final examination as per the university examination policy and procedures.


COURSE OVERVIEW……………………………………………………………………………..4
MODULE LEARNING OUTCOMES……………………………………………………………..6
COURSE DESCRIPTION………………………………………………………………………….6
COURSE REQUIREMENTS……………………………………………………………...……….6
Page 7
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………..………8
1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………10
1.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes………………………………………………………...………….10
1.3 Assessment Questions………………………………………………………………………....14
1.4 E-References……………………………………………………………………………….….15
2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….…...16
2.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes………………………………………………………………...….16
2.3 Assessment Questions………………………………………………………………………....20
2.4 E-References……………………………………………………………………………….….21
3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………22
3.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes……………………………………………………………………22
3.3 Assessment Questions……………………………………………………………..…………..24
3.4 E-References…………………………………………………………………………….…….24
4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………25
4.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes…………………………………………………………………....25
4.3 Assessment Questions…………………………………………………………………………29
4.4 E-References…………………………………………………………………………………..29
5.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………30
5.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes………………………………………………….………………..30
5.3 Assessment Questions…………………………………………………………………………36
5.4 E-References…………………………………………………………………………….…….36
6.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………37
6.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes……………………………………………………………………37
6.3 Assessment Questions…………………………………………………………………………42
6.4 E-References…………………………………………………………………………………..42
7.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….……….……..43
Page 8
7.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes…………………………………………………………….…..….43
7.3 Assessment Questions………………………………………………………………….…..….49
7.4 E-References……………………………………………………………………………..……50
8.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………….…………...51
8.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes………………………………………………………….………...51
8.3 Assessment Questions………………………………………………………………...……….54
8.4 E-References………………………………………………………………………………..…55
9.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………56
9.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes……………………………………………………………………56
9.3 Assessment Questions………………………………………………………………...……….60
9.4 E-References……………………………………………………………………………….….60
LESSON 10: DECISION MAKING…………………………………………………………….61
10.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………..………………………61
10.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes……………………………………………………………..……61
10.3 Assessment Questions………………………………………………………………………..65
10.4 E-References…………………………………………………………………………………66
11.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..…67
11.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes…………………………………………………………………..67
11.3 Assessment Questions………………………………………………………………………..70
11.4 E-References……………………………………………………………………………...….70



This lesson is intended to provide you with an understanding of the concept of management as an
imperative for achieving the objectives which guides operations of organizations. It’s notable that
managers work in organizations and are part of the resources that are required for the
accomplishment of organizational goals. To have a comprehensive insight concerning the concept
Page 9
of management, it is necessary to understand the nature of management, levels of management,
managerial roles, as well as managerial skills in our blended lesson.

1.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1.2.1 Explain the concept of management
1.2.2 Discuss the nature of management
1.2.3 Distinguish between the roles and skills of management

1.2.1 The concept of Management

Management is required in all kinds of organizations whether they are offering financial services,
manufacturing kitchen ware, providing security services, producing agricultural products or the
not-for-profit organizations. Irrespective of the type and goals of the organization, management
and managers are a common factor in all organizations. Survival and success of organizations in
the market place calls for a deliberate process otherwise referred to as ‘management’. As a
process, management consists of a set of interrelated and interlinked functions that are performed
with a view to facilitating attainment of specified objectives in a formally organized setting. The
term management has been broadly defined in many different ways some of which include;
1. Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which
individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims – Koontz &
2. Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally
organized groups - Koontz
3. Management is the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve
organizational objectives by efficiently using limited resources in the changing environment
– Kreitner
You are expected to review the content of E-tivity 1.2.2 so as to acquire clear insights on the
concept of management.

E-tivity 1.2.1 - Concept of Management

Numbering, pacing 1.2.1
and sequencing
Title Definitions of management
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to explain the concepts of

Page 10
Brief summary of watch the youtube video using the link;
overall task
and explain the concept of management

Individual task 1) In points form, summarize the key aspects in the definitions of
2) Formulate your own definition of management
Interaction begins 1) Post any three aspects in the summary from the definitions of management
2) Examine the post made by your team learners and give a corresponding
constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 1.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of discussion.
interventions 2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 40 minutes
Next Nature of Management

1.2.2 Nature of Management

You may have noted from the various definitions that were presented in the previous e-tivity that
there are certain insightful themes that can help us to understand the characteristics of
management. For instance, the definition by Kreitner explicitly demonstrates that management is a
social process. Similarly, from the other two definitions, you are able to note that management is
goal oriented, future oriented and is an art. There are many more other characteristics that are
worth considering in order to have a deeper understanding regarding this concept. These
characteristics include; management is universal, multi-dimensional, a dynamic function, a
continuous process, concerned with productivity, a system of authority, an intangible force, a
science, and a profession. A review of the content of E-tivity 1.2.2 will help you to have a broader
understanding of the various characteristics of management.

E-tivity 1.2.2- Nature of Management

Numbering, 1.2.3

Page 11
pacing and
Title Nature of management
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you discuss the nature of management

Brief summary of Watch the youtube video presented in this link;

overall task and then discuss the
nature of management

Individual task 1) Analyze the different characteristics of management

2) Relate each of the characteristic considered with practical examples from
practices in a local organization.
Interaction 1) Post any five points that you consider useful in providing insight concerning
begins the nature of management
2) Provide constructive feedback on the team learners ‘views and ideas in
discussion forum 1.2.2
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of discussion.
interventions 2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and This task should take 40 minutes
Next Roles and Skills of Management

1.2.3 Roles and skills of Management

In the late 1960s, Henry Mintzberg a Canadian scholar and author of business and management
themes, carried out a careful study of five chief executives in their work settings and concluded
that managers perform ten different but highly interrelated roles. Through careful performance of
these roles, managers are able to steer and maintain their organization along the specified strategic
direction. Mitzberg identified interpersonal role, informational role and decisional role as essential
for enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in organizations. As you will be able to note upon
Page 12
participating in E-tivity 1.2.3, these three broad managerial roles are further sub-divided into ten
specific roles for enhanced clarity.

Similarly, managers are expected to possess various talents or abilities or capabilities that enable
them to perform managerial tasks and roles with efficiency and effectiveness. These talents
constitute the skills of management and include technical skills, human relations skills, conceptual
skills, analytical skills, decision making skills, communication skills and digital skills. It’s worth
noting that different skills may only be relevant for certain levels of management. In some cases, a
level of management may require complementarity of the managerial skills. However, even in
those instances where a level of management may require more than one category of managerial
skills, the degree of relevance of these skills varies. Your participation in E-tivity 1.2.3 will
provide you with insights on the skills of management.

E-tivity 1.2.3- Roles and Skills of Management

Numbering, pacing 1.2.3
and sequencing
Title Roles and skills of management
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you distinguish between
the roles and skills of management
Brief summary of Review the content of the LinkedIn Slide Share 1 and 2 in these
overall task links;
16699650 by Akchay Ramdin & Friends
32845051 By Remya Ravindran
managers-managerial-roles-and-skills by Dr. R. Arun Kumar and
then distinguish between the roles and skills of management

Individual task 1) Examine the various roles and skills of management

2) Relate these role with the different levels of management in an

Page 13

Interaction begins 1) Post your views on the relevance of any three roles and skills of
2) Provide constructive feedback on the team learners ‘views and
ideas and ideas in discussion forum 1.2.3
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 40 minutes
Next Pre classical management and classical theories of management

1.3Assessment Questions
1) Which among the following is a definition of management?
a) The art of utilization of the organizational resources
b) Art of getting things done through the effort of other people
c) The process of securing organizational resources
2) Which of the following does not describe the nature of management?
a) Rational empiricism
b) System of authority
c) Intangible force
3) Which among the following does not a fit in the category of decisional role?
a) Disseminator
b) Entrepreneur
c) Resource allocator
1) Carpenter, M., Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2012). Management Principles retrieved from
2) Nature and scope of Management by Debajit Goswami, Rati Kanta Pathak retrieved from
3) Managerial roles by Akchay Ramdin and Friends retrieved from
Page 14
4) LinkedIn Slideshare by By Remya Ravindran on Skills of Management retrieved from
5) LinkedIn Slideshare by Dr. R.Arun on Levels of Management retrieved from




Page 15
This lesson set the basis for helping you to understand the history of development of
management thought from the ancient times to present day. The evolution of management is
a process whose origin can be traced back to the ancient times when man saw the need to
live in groups and engaged in activities with a common objective. In order to efficiently
share in the set of distinct activities that required different levels of physical strength skills,
knowledge and abilities, people were organized into groups on the basis of physical strength,
intelligence and mental capacity. Evidence of the use of principles of management as they
are known today can be found in the organization of public life in ancient Greece, the
organization of the Roman Catholic Church, organization of military forces among others.
Existence of this evidence confirms that some form of management has been practiced in the
various parts of the world since the dawn of civilization. However, with the onset of
industrial revolution, there was a radical shift in the practice of management that was
triggered by the increase in complexity of the structure of industries. During this era,
development of a formal theory of management became an absolute necessity. It was against
this background that the pioneers of modern management thought laid the foundation of
modern management theory and practice.

As we extend the discussion to the distinct phases of the process of evolution of management
thought, it is necessary to have insights concerning the meaning and role of theory.
According to Kerlinger (1979), a theory is a set of interrelated constructs or variables,
definitions and propositions that presents a systematic view of a phenomenon by specifying
relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining a natural phenomenon. Similarly, a
theory may also be viewed as a formulated statement of universal laws around which
knowledge can be structured. Therefore, a management theory can be considered as a body
of knowledge that is developed through systematic method. Management theories seek to
provide plausible explanations about relationships between organization phenomena. These
theories consists of concepts and principles that have been developed through observation of
events in organizations. Management principles can be either;
1) Prescriptive principle – This provides a description of the relationship that exist
between organizational phenomena. These management principles are usually
informed by actual occurrences within an organization.
2) Prescriptive principle – This provides propositions or recommendations on what
ought to be done in a given situation in order to attain the objectives of the
organization. Prescriptive principles are also referred to as normative principles.
Page 16
2.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
2.2.1 Examine the evidence of management practice in the pre-classical period
2.2.2 Appraise the classical theories of management

2.2.1 Pre-classical Management

Pre-classical management was characterized by existence of evidence of application of
principles of management in organizations to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. In
essence, during the pre-classical era, there were no documented theories for guiding the
practice of management as is the case today. However, evidence of practice of management
as is known today can be traced way back to the extensive practice of bureaucracy in the
Roman Empire, construction of the Great Wall of China, construction of the pyramids of
Egypt, and the organization of Catholic Church among others. However, in the pre-classical
period, there were a couple of scholars and managers who are considered to have challenged
the traditional character of management by introducing new ideas and approaches. Some of
the scholars and managers who laid the groundwork for the development and documentation
of management theories included;
1) Robert Owen (1771-1858) was a British factory owner who advocated concern for the
working and living conditions of workers, many of them young children. Many of his
contemporaries thought he was a radical for such ideas.
2) Charles Babbage (1792-1871) is considered to be the “father of modern computing.”
He foresaw the need for work specialization involving mental work. His management
ideas also anticipated the concept of profit sharing to improve productivity.
3) Henry E. Towne (1844-1924) called for the establishment of a science of management
and the development of management principles that could be applied across
management situations.

E-tivity 2.2.1 – Pre-Classical Management

Numbering, 2.2.1
pacing and
Title Pre-classical management

Page 17
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to explain the concepts of
Brief summary Review the content of the LinkedIn Slide share in this link;
of overall task
54355996 by Ritu Jain and then examine the evidence of management
practice in the pre-classical period

Individual task 1) In points form, summarize the evidence of management practice in the
pre-classical period
2) Evaluate the relevance of pre-classical management to the evolution of
management thought.
Interaction 1) Post your views on the evidence of pre-classical management
begins 2) Examine the post made by your team learners and give a corresponding
constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 2.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and This task should take 30 minutes
Next Classical theories of management

2.2.2Classical Theories of Management

Charles Babbage, Robert Owen and Henry Robinson Towne are no doubt considered as the
pioneers of management thought. However, the impact of their contributions on the industry
as a whole was meagre. The real beginning of the science of management did not occur until
the last decade of the 19thcentury. During this period, stalwarts as Frederick Winslow Taylor,
Page 18
Henry Gantt, Harrington Emerson, Frank and Lillian Gilberth laid the foundation of what
came to be known as scientific management theory. The contributions of Henri Fayol
(French Industrialist) and Max Weber (German Sociologist) resulted in development of
theories of administration and bureaucracy respectively. The three theories including
scientific management, administration and bureaucracy are referred to as classical theories of
management. These theories are based on the belief that workers only have physical and
economic needs but does not take into account their social needs. It is instructive that you
internalize the content of E-tivity 2.2.2 so as to have insights on the fundamental arguments
and propositions of each the three theoretical streams as you also interrogate their relevance
and implications to the practice of management.

E-tivity 2.2.2- Classical Theories of Management

Numbering, pacing 2.2.2
and sequencing
Title Classical theories of management
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to appraise the
classical theories of management
Brief summary of Review the content of classical theories in these links;
overall task 1)
thoughts-34332973 By Ramasubramanian H.
2) file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/9789001850432_fragm
.pdf by Dam and Marcus (2012)-pages 13-16 and then appraise the
classical theories of management

Individual task 1) Appraise the fundamental arguments and propositions of each of

the classical theories of management
2) Examine the implication of each theory to the practice of
Interaction begins 1) Post any three key contributions of Frederick Taylor, Henry Fayol
and Max Weber to the practice of management in present day
2) Provide constructive feedback on the team learners ‘views and
ideas in discussion forum 2.2.2
Page 19
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 1 hour 30 minutes
Next Evolution of management thought

2.3Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following is not correct about the theory of bureaucracy?
a) Selected of organizational members on the basis of technical qualifications
b) Administrative officials are separate from owners
c) Replacing the rule of the thumb with Science
2) Which one of the following is a contributor to pre-classical management?
a) James Watt
b) Frank Gillbreth
c) Fred Fiedler
3) Which one of the following is not credited to Henri Fayol?
a) Functions of management
b) Differential piece rate principle
c) Principles of administration

1) Dam and Marcus (2012). Organization and Management: An International Approach
Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/9789001850432_fragm.pdf
2) LinkedIn Slide share on pre-classical management by Ritu Jan retrieved from
3) LinkedIn Slide share on pre-classical management by Ramasubramanian H. retrieved

Page 20


Welcome to the third lesson of this course. In our previous lesson, we were able to lay a firm
regarding evolution of management thought. In this lesson, our focus will shift to
neoclassical theories of management. It’s important for you to note that this theoretical
perspective evolved as a reaction to the criticism on the failure of classical theories to
consider the social needs of employees.

3.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

Page 21
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
3.2.1 Evaluate the relevance of neo classical approach to management of present day

3.2.1 Neo Classical Theories of Management

Neo classical theories of management viewed industrial organizations as social systems. This
stream of thought acknowledged the importance of human behavior in shaping management
styles in organizations. Key contributors to the development of neoclassical theories of
management included Mary Parker Follet, Elton Mayo, Douglas McGregor, Abraham
Maslow, Chester Bernard, Rensis Likert, David McClelland and Fredrick Herzberg

The basic features of neo classical approach include;

1. Employees have personal differences which can be traced on their emotions, feeling
attitude, hopes, aspirations and expectation
2. An employee working in a group develops social needs as he/she is a social being
3. Employee’s participation in management is necessary for improving productivity
4. There is a need to embrace employee orientation or group centered approach as opposed
to job or task centered approach
5. Organization is a social system and therefore employees can be motivated through
satisfying their social and psychological needs alongside their economic needs
6. Democratic leadership is essential for developing cooperative attitude of employees
towards management
Neo classical theories are classified into two schools of thought;
1) Human relations movement
2) Behavioral science approach

The human relation school of management thought is mainly characterized by the four
studies that were carried out by Elton Mayo between 1927 and 1933 at the Chicago
Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company (Hawthorne Experiments). However,
behavioral science approach is predominantly embodied by Abraham Maslow hierarchy of
needs theory, and Douglas McGregor’s theory X and theory Y. You are expected to review
the content of E-tivity 3.2.1 so as to acquire clear insights on neo classical theories of

Page 22
E-tivity 3.2.1 – Neo Classical Management
Numbering, pacing and 3.2.1
Title Neo classical management
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to evaluate the
relevance of neo classical approach to management of present day
Brief summary of overall a. Read the content of pages 16 to 19 in this link;
task file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/9789001850432_frag
m.pdf by Dam and Marcus (2012
b. Review the content of the LinkedIn Slide share in this link;
to-iintegrative by Josefina B. Bitonio and then evaluate the
relevance of neo classical approach to management of present day

Individual task 1) Develop a summary of the key aspects of the neo classical
theories of management
2) Evaluate the relevance of neoclassical approach to management
of present day organizations
Interaction begins 1) Post any two key aspects for each of the reviewed theory
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
corresponding constructive feedback and ideas in discussion
forum 3.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity

Page 23
Schedule and time This task should take 1hour 30 minutes
Next Contemporary approaches to management

3.3Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following is true about the neo classical management approach?
a) Workers are rational being
b) Workers have personal differences
c) Task orientation is a determinant of productivity in organizations
2) Who among the following concluded that organizations are social-technical systems?
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Mary Parker Follet
c) Elton Mayo
3) Which one of the following is not associated with the hierarchy of needs theory?
a) Deficit principle
b) Progression principle
c) Social principle

1. Dam and Marcus (2012). Organization and Management: An International Approach
Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/9789001850432_fragm.pdf
2. LinkedIn Slide share on Pre-classical management By Josefina B. Bitonio retrieved



The classical and neo classical approaches discussed in the previous two lessons are
considered to have laid a firm foundation for the practice of management in organizations.
The classical and neo classical theories primarily responded to the need to improve internal
efficiency while ignoring the broader role played by organization’s environment. However,
the period that followed the end of World War II was characterized by increased
Page 24
environmental turbulence and as a result there was a need to factor in variables of the
organization environment while making management decisions. The quest for better and
efficient ways of utilizing organization resources in the value creation process in a dynamic
organization environment is largely responsible for the development of contemporary
approaches to management.

4.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
4.2.1 Evaluate the managerial implications of contemporary approaches to management

4.2.1 Contemporary Approaches to Management

The contemporary approaches to management are classified into;
1. Management science approach
2. Open systems approach
3. Contingency approach

Management Science Approach

The management science approach is also known as the quantitative approach as it primarily
uses mathematical models to solve organizational problems. It focuses on the use of rigorous
quantitative techniques to help mangers make maximum use of organizational resources in
the production of goods and services. This approach is a contemporary extension of theory of
scientific management advanced by Frederick Taylor. There are many branches of
management science that deals with specific set of concerns as follows;

1) Quantitative Management – Utilizes sophisticated mathematical models and statistical

methods to improve effectiveness of making managerial decisions. It involves the use of
quantitative techniques, such as statistics, information models, and computer
simulations, to improve decision making eg linear programming, input-output model,
Markov process, classical optimization model, routing models, distribution models etc
2) Operations Management – Provides managers with a set of techniques that can be
deployed in the analysis of aspects of the production system of an organization with a
view to increasing efficiency. This is primarily responsible for managing the
production and delivery of products and services in an organization. Operations

Page 25
management is a form of applied quantitative management eg inventory management,
work scheduling, production planning etc
3) Total Quality Management – This is a form of statistical quality control, was invented
by Walter A. Shewhart. This focuses total quality management is analyzing an
organization’s input, conversion and output activities in order to increase product
quality. Total quality management was initially implemented at Western Electric
Company, in the form developed by Joseph Juran. However, total quality management
was demonstrated on a grand scale in the Japanese industry through the intervention of
W. Edwards Deming
4) Management Information Systems – Helps managers to design systems that provide
information concerning events that are occurring in the organization. This information is
gathered from both internal and external environments of the organization and
facilitates effective decision making.

The Open Systems View

The open systems view was developed by Daniel Katz, Robert Kahn and James Thompson in
the 1960s. In this approach organization is viewed as a systems of interrelated and
interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. The functioning of
the parts making the whole is synchronized to facilitate realization of organization goals.
Organizations as open systems take inputs from the environments and through a series of
activities transform or convert these inputs into outputs. The basic elements of an open
system are illustrated in the figure below;

1. Input – This can be in the form of human resources, financial resources, raw materials
and information etc. required for creation of goods and services within the organization
2. Throughput – This also referred to as transformational process and involves the
technological and managerial processes that are applied in creation of goods and service
within the organization

Page 26
3. Output – This refers to both industrial and consumer goods and services that are
created in an organization, and used for satisfying the needs of customers
4. Feedback – This is the information received from the environment about results and
status of the organization eg complaints, suggestions, referrals, repeat purchase etc

On the basis of open system view, survival and success of an organization depends on the
ability of the organization to accurately discern its environment and the quality of interaction
between the organization and its environment. A closed system, in contrast, is what may be
considered as a self-contained system that is not affected by changes in the external
environment. Any organization that operate as a closed system by ignoring the external
environment is likely to deteriorate over time as it’s not able to receive the much needed
input factors for its operations. This is what is referred to as entropy which is the tendency of
an organization to disintegrate or break down over time.

Contingency Approach
This theory was developed by Tom Burns, G. M. Stalker, Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch in
the 1960s. The central argument of this theory is that there is no one best way of organizing,
leading or making decisions in an organization. Essentially, all management decisions are
dependent (contingent) upon situational (contextual) variables facing an organization. The
characteristics of the environment is an imperative when making decisions on organizational
design in an effort to appropriately adapt in a dynamic environment. The most efficient
organization structure is contingent upon such environmental variables as size, technology,
culture, or strategy. Your participation in E-tivity 4.2.1 is intended to provide you with an
insightful learning experience enable you to explain the concepts of management.
E-tivity 4.2.1 – Contemporary Approaches to Management
Numbering, 4.2.1
pacing and
Title Contemporary approaches to management
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to evaluate the managerial
implications of contemporary approaches to management

Brief summary of Review the content of contemporary approaches to management in the

overall task links below and then discuss the managerial implications of the
theories reviewed;

Page 27
management-theory by Sheena Marie Cordero
2) file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/9789001850432_fragm
.pdf by Dam and Marcus (2012) – Pages 20 - 28

Individual task 1) Develop a summary of the key arguments of the contemporary

approaches to management
2) Evaluate the managerial implications of contemporary approaches
to management
Interaction 1) Post any there key arguments of the reviewed theories
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
corresponding constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and This task should take 1hour
Next Environment of management

4.3Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following is credited to Fred Fiedler?
a) Systems theory
b) Contingency theory
c) Field forces analysis
2) Which of the following is not an element of management by objective?
a) Systems thinking
b) Performance feedback
c) Participative decision making
3) Which one of the following is a basic component of a system?
Page 28
a) Social technical system
b) Throughput
c) Entropy

1) Dam and Marcus (2012). Organization and Management: An International Approach
Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/9789001850432_fragm.pdf
2) LinkedIn Slide share on Modern Theories of Management by Sheena Marie Cordero
retrieved from



In this lesson, our focus will be on environment of management. This is in appreciation of
the fact that there is no single organizations that exist in vacuum and as such management
decisions are made within an aggregation of factors in the environment. All organizations are
constantly affected by a set of internal and external forces which determines their
effectiveness and performance. As we noted from the open systems view of management,

Page 29
organizations are environment dependent and environment serving because they rely on the
environment for both their inputs and for marketing of their output after processing .The
environment is a source of both human and non-human resources that are required for
creation of goods and services intended to satisfy customer’s needs. Upon accessing all the
required input factors, organization transforms the resources from inputs to outputs. The
outputs from the organization are in form of ether industrial or consumer goods and services.
Ultimately, organization environment provides a market for consumer goods and services
that emerges from the through put.

5.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
5.2.1 Explain the concept of organization environment
5.2.2 Discuss the factors in the internal environment of an organization
5.2.3 Examine the relevance of the industrial environment to management
5.2.4 Appraise the elements of the general environment

5.2.1 Concept of Organization Environment

The organization environment is a set of forces, factors or conditions outside and inside the
organization that have potential to affect its operations, behavior and performance.
According to Philip Kotler, organization environment refers to the forces that emanate from
within and outside the organization, and which impact on an organization's ability to
accomplish its goals and objectives. Even though managers have discretion to exercise
power, their authority is always limited due to the constraints exerted by organization
environment. Of necessity, all enterprises must adjust to the environment in which they exist.
The organization environment can be classified as illustrated below.


TASK  Information
GENERAL T resource
ENVIRONMENT  Customers  Management
 Economic forces  Suppliers  Organization
 Social/cultural  Creditors structure
forces  Competitors  Processes
 Political / legal Page 30 Public/Society  Systems
forces  Distributors  Physical
 Technological forces  Trade unions facilities
 Ecological forces  Financial
E-tivity 5.2.1 – Concept of Organization Environment
Numbering, pacing 5.2.1
and sequencing
Title Concept of organization environment
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to explain the concept of
organization environment
Brief summary of Review the content in the links below and then explain the concept of
overall task organization environment
1) by Tim Blumentritt
53111245 by Shompa Nandi


Individual task 1) In points form, summarize the key aspects on the concept of
organization environment
Interaction begins 1) Post any five aspects in your summary on the concept of organization
2) Examine the post made by your team learners and give a
corresponding constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 40 minutes
Next Internal environment

Page 31
5.2.2 Internal Environment
The internal environment comprises of all the factors inside the organization that may affect
its operations and performance. All the factors in the internal environment are fully under the
control of management. The factors in the internal environment include human resources,
processes and systems, organizational structure, physical assets, physical facilities,
organization culture, financial resources etc. Your participation in E-tivity 5.2.2 is intended
to provide you with an insightful learning experience enable you to discuss the factors in the
internal environment of an organization.

E-tivity 5.2.2 – Internal Environment

Numbering, 5.2.2
pacing and
Title Internal Environment
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to discuss the
factors in the internal environment of an organization
Brief summary Review the content in the links below and then discuss the
of overall task factors in the internal environment of an organization
environment-87708523 by bhupinder kaur
53111245 by Shompa Nandi

Individual task 1) Write a summary of the elements of the internal environment

2) Appraise the relevance of the internal environment
Interaction 1) Post any four points on the relevance of specific factors in the
begins internal environment

Page 32
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and This task should take 40 Minutes
Next Industrial environment

5.2.3 Industrial Environment

The industrial environment consist in all the factors outside the organizational boundary that
may affect its operations and performance but are partially under the control of management.
The industrial environment is part of the external environment and is also referred to as the
task environment. The factors in the industrial environment usually vary in importance and
influence among different organizations. These factors include customers, suppliers,
creditors, distributors, intermediaries, regulatory agencies, competitors, labor unions,
society/public, special interests etc. Your participation in E-tivity 5.2.3 is intended to provide
you with a learning opportunity to enable you to examine the relevance of the industrial
environment to an organization.
E-tivity 5.2.3 – Industrial Environment
Numbering, 5.2.3
pacing and
Title Industrial environment
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to examine the relevance
of the industrial environment management
Brief Review the content in the links below and then examine the relevance
summary of of the industrial environment to management.
overall task 1)
53111245 by Shompa Nandi
environment-of-organization by Eugene Aldrich Paguirigan

Page 33
3) file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/17.DrV.BASILHANS-
Online.pdf by Hans (2018)

Individual 1) Write a summary of the components of the industrial environment

task 2) Appraise the relevance of the industrial environment
Interaction 1) Post any four points on the relevance of specific factors in the
begins industrial environment
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a matching
constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 5.2.3

E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and This task should take 40 minutes
Next General environment

5.2.4 General Environment

The general environment comprises of all the factors outside the organizational boundary
that may affect its operations and performance but are not under the control of management.
The general environment is part of the external environment and is also referred to as the
macro or remote environment. The factors in the general environment usually affect all firms
in the industry in the same way. These factors include political-legal factors, economic
factors, socio-cultural factors, technological factors, ecological factors etc. E-tivity 5.2.3 is
designed in such a way to provide you with a learning opportunity upon which you will be
able to appraise the elements of the general environment.

Page 34
E-tivity 5.2.3 – General Environment
Numbering, 5.2.4
pacing and
Title General environment
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to appraise the
elements of the general environment
Brief summary Review the content in the links below and then appraise the
of overall task elements of the general environment
1) file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/17.DrV.BASILHANS
-Online.pdf by Hans (2018)
environment-of-organization by Eugene Aldrich Paguirigan,

Individual task 1) Write a summary of the components of the general environment

2) Appraise the relevance of the general environment

Interaction 1) Post any four points on the relevance of specific factors in the
begins general environment
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and This task should take 40 minutes
Next Planning function

5.3Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following is not a characteristic of organization environment?
a) Relativity
b) Interdependence
c) Flexibility

Page 35
2) Technological development influence all of the following except?
a) Team harmony
b) Market responsiveness
c) Life cycle of product
3) Which one of the following is not true about the task environment?
a) It is partially controlled by managers
b) It affects all the organizations in the industry in the same way
c) It is relative stable

1) Hans, V. B. (2018). Business Environment –Conceptual Framework and Policies.
International Education Scientific Research Journal, 4(3): 67-74. retrieved from
2) Slide share by Eugene Aldrich Paguirigan retrieved from
3) Slide share by Shompa Nandi Retrieved from
4) Slide share by bhupinder kaur retrieved from
5) Slide share by bhupinder kaur retrieved from



6.1 Introduction
Planning is a primary function of management that precedes all other functions of
management. It’s a management function that involves setting goals and deciding how best
to achieve them. In essence planning is concerned with determination of which path among
several paths to follow. Planning involves estimating the resources that will be needed,
considering the problems that are likely to arise, and deciding how these problems can be
Page 36

6.2Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
6.2.1Discuss the meaning, nature and importance of planning
6.2.2Analyze the types of plans and principles of planning
6.2.3Appraise the elements and stages involved in the process of planning

6.2.1 Meaning, Nature and Importance of Planning

The concept of planning has attracted various definitions from both practitioners and
scholars. Some of the definitions that have been advanced include;
1) Planning is the process of thinking through and making explicit the strategy, actions
and relationships necessary to accomplish an overall objective or purpose - David
Cleland and William King
2) Planning involves the development of forecasts, objectives, policies, programs,
procedures, schedules and budgets - Louis A. Allen

Considering these two definitions, it’s possible to identify some of the features of planning.
For instance, the definition by David and William clearly demonstrates that planning is an
intellectual process, goal oriented, and selective process. Similarly, it’s important to note that
as a fundamental function of management, sound planning makes the objectives clear and
specific, facilitates decision making, provide basis for control, and minimize uncertainty
among others. As you engage in E-tivity 6.2.1 it is expected that you will broaden your
perspective on the meaning, nature and importance of planning.
E-tivity 6.2.1: Meaning, Nature and Importance of Planning
Numbering, 6.2.1
pacing and
Title Nature and importance of planning

Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to discuss the meaning,
nature and importance of planning

Page 37
Brief Review the content in the links below and then discuss the meaning,
summary of nature and importance of planning
overall task 1)
7d265462dd29&v=&b=&from_search=2 by Anupom Sarker
2) by Dr. Chayanika
3) by Wits Classes

Individual 1) Develop a summary on the meaning and nature of planning

task 2) Evaluate the relevance of planning function using practical examples
Interaction 1) Post any three points on the nature and importance of planning
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a matching
constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 6.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Types of plans and principles of planning
6.2.2Types of Plan and Principles of Planning
There are three perspectives that are widely used be classify plans in organizations. The first
perspective is on the basis of level of management involved in planning. The second basis
involves the use of time horizons of the plan. However, the third perspectives is based on the
number of times plans are used. These three perspectives are widely used giving rise to such
types of plans as corporate plan, business plan, functional plan, strategic plan, tactical plan,
operational plan, single use plan and standing plan.

Page 38
As you may have noted from our preceding discussion, planning requires scientific thinking
and it should spell out in clear terms the definition of the purpose, analyze the problem and
make a careful and diligent search for all the facts bearing upon it. The task of planning will
be well accomplished if some fundamental principles are followed in the process. These
principles include principle of commitment, principle of limiting factor, principle of
reflective thinking, principle of flexibility, principle of efficiency, principle of participation,
principle of follow up among others. E-tivity 6.2.2 is intended to provide you with an
insightful learning opportunity to help you internalize the various types of plans and the
principles of planning.

E-tivity 6.2.2: Types of Plan and Principles of Planning.

Numbering, 7.2.1
pacing and
Title Types of plan and principles of planning

Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to analyze types of plans and principles of
Brief summary of Review the content in the links below and then analyze types of plans and
overall task principles of planning;
7d265462dd29&v=&b=&from_search=2 by Anupom Sarker
management/70029 by Priyali Sharma

Individual task 1) Develop a summary on types of plans in organizations

2) Examine the various principles of planning
Interaction begins 1) Post any four points on the importance specific types of plans
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a matching
constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 6.2.2

Page 39
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of discussion.
interventions 2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and time This activity should take 30 minutes

Next Elements, process and barriers to planning

6.2.3 Elements, Process and Barriers to Planning

Effective planning is aided by the clarity of managerial decisions that are made in relation to
various fundamental components of the organization including objectives, policies,
procedures, programs, rules, budgets among others. It’s therefore important for you to
carefully review these elements as you seek to refine your knowledge and skills on the
function of planning. Similarly, our discussion on the meaning, nature and importance of
planning explicitly demonstrated that planning is a process oriented function of management.
This process starts with management awareness of critical aspects of the environment and
ends with translation of the plan into a budget. A clear understanding of the potential barriers
to planning is equally important for sound and effective planning in organizations. Notably
some key barriers to planning include technical problems, resistance to change, obsession
with controllable variables, resources’ constraints, quality and quantity of information, and
lack of commitment among others. Bearing this in mind, your participation in E-tivity 6.2.3
is aimed at providing you with the necessary insights to enable you to appraise the elements
of planning, stages involved in the planning process as well as the barriers to planning.

E-tivity 6.2.3: Elements, Process and Barriers to Planning

Numbering, 6.2.3
pacing and
Title Elements, process and barriers to planning
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to allow learners to appraise the
elements, process and barriers to planning
Brief Review the content in the links below and then appraise the
summary of elements, process and barriers to planning
overall task 1)

Page 40
7d265462dd29&v=&b=&from_search=2 by Anupom Sarker
of-management/70029 by Priyali Sharma

Individual 1) Develop a summary on the elements of planning

task 2) Evaluate the stages involved in the planning process
3) Discuss the barriers to planning
Interaction 1) Post points on four strategies you can use to overcome the barriers to
begins planning
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 6.2.3
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule This activity should take 50 minutes
and time
Next Organizing function

6.3Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following is not a good justification for planning?
a) Contemporary practice
b) Encourage innovation
c) Provide a basis for control
2) Evaluation of alternative causes of actions may be done on the basis of the following
criteria except?
a) Reliability
Page 41
b) Cost
c) Consensus
3) Which one of the following is not true about planning?
a) It precedes other functions of management
b) Middle level managers are involved operational planning
c) Provides the basis for organizational control

1) Slide share by Anupom Sarker retrieved from
2) Your article library by Priyali Sharma retrieved from
3) Video by Dr. Chayanika Senapati retrieved from
4) Video by Wits Classes retrieved from by Wits Classes



7.1 Introduction
Organizing is a function of management that establishes the structure of working relationship
the process of arranging people and other resources to work together to accomplish a goal. It
is the process by which managers establish working relationships among employees that
allow them to achieve organizational goal efficiently and effectively. It’s the managerial
Page 42
function that logically follows after planning and is a step towards the process of actualizing
plans that are formulated in the organization. This lesson is intended to familiarize you with
critical facets of the organizing function.

7.2Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
7.2.1 Explain the basic concepts of organizing, nature and importance of organizing
7.2.2 Discuss the elements and principles of organizing
7.2.3Appraise the factors affecting organizational structure and process of organizing
7.2.4 Analyze the various types of organization structure and indicators of a good structure

7.2.1 Basic concepts, Nature and Importance of Organizing

There are various terms and concepts that we may need to understand under the function of
organizing. Some of these terms include organizing, organization architecture, organizational
structure, organizational chart, organizational design, formal structure, informal structure.
We will collectively examine some of these terms and concepts while leaving out others for
you individualized review.
1) Organizing – This is the process through which managers establish working
relationships among employees by arranging the activities of an organization in such a
way that they systematically contribute to the realization of specified objectives
2) Organizational architecture – This refers to the organizational structure, control
systems, culture and human resource management system that together determine how
efficiently and effectively organizational resources are utilized.
3) Organizational structure – This is a formal system of tasks and reporting relationships
that coordinates and motivates organizational members so that they work in concert to
achieve specific objectives
4) Organizational design – This is the process by which managers make specific choices
that result in a particular kind of organizational structure

As is the case with planning function, organizing has a set of distinguishing features or
characteristics. These features include division of work, communication, cooperative effort,
central authority, rules and regulations, dynamic nature among others. In addition, it is
necessary to consider the relevance of organizing as key function of management. Some of
the importance of organizing include;

Page 43
1) Clarifies the responsibilities of organizational members
2) Establishes clear channels of communication
3) Promotes sound human relations practices
4) Facilitates coordination
5) Promotes accountability etc

The purpose of E-tivity 7.2.1 is to provide you with a learning opportunity to broaden your
insights on the basic concepts, nature and importance of organizing.

E-tivity 7.2.1: Basic Concepts, Nature and Importance of Organizing

Numbering, 7.2.1
pacing and
Title Basic concepts, nature and importance of organizing
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to allow learners to explain the basic
concepts, nature and importance of organizing
Brief summary Review the content in the links below and then explain the basic
of overall task concepts, nature and importance of organizing
1) by Dr. Devajeet
2) by Khadse

Individual task 1) Develop a summary on the concepts and nature of organizing

2) Evaluate the relevance of organizing using practical examples
Interaction 1) Post any three points on the nature and importance of organizing
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 7.2.1

Page 44
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Elements and principles of organizing

7.2.2 Elements and Principles of Organizing

When you are designing an organization structure there are certain aspects otherwise referred
to as elements of organizing that you need to be familiar with. These key elements of
organizing include job design, departmentalization, reporting relationships, and coordination
(vertical and horizontal). There are also some basic principles that managers should be
conversant with in order to execute the function of organizing effectively. Some of these
principles are delegation of authority, parity of responsibility and authority, functional
definition, span of supervision/control, work specialization and chain of command. Your
engagement with E-tivity 7.2.2 is intended to help you to internalize the elements and
principles of organizing.

E-tivity 7.2.2: Elements and Principles of Organizing

Numbering, 7.2.2
pacing and
Title Elements and principles of organizing
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to allow you to discuss the elements
and principles of organizing
Brief Review the content in the links below and then discuss the elements
summary of and principles of organizing
overall task 1)

Page 45
by Sachin Jadhav
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Individual 1) Develop a summary on the elements and principles of organizing

Interaction 1) Post any six points on the elements and principles of organizing
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 7.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Factors affecting organization structure and process of planning

7.2.3 Factors Affecting Organizational Structure and Process of Organizing

In practice, organizations have been known to adopt different organizational structures even
when operating from the same physical location and in the same industry. As noted from
contingency theory, managers design organizational structures to fit the factors or
circumstance that are affecting the firm. Therefore, there is no one best way for designing
organization structure. The organization structure adopted reflects the unique and specific
circumstances of different organizations. The choice of organization structure for a given
firm is contingent upon organization environment, strategy, technology, human resources,
size of the organization, age of the organization, culture among other factors. Likewise, when

Page 46
a decision has been made on the type of organization to establish for any given company,
there is a series of systematic steps that are followed in to actualize this decision. Your
participation in E-tivity 7.2.3 is intended provide you with an insightful learning opportunity
that would be necessary for appraising the factors affecting organizational structure and
process of organizing.

E-tivity 7.2.3: Factors Affecting Organizational Structure and Process of Organizing

Numbering, 7.2.3
pacing and
Title Factors affecting organizational structure and process of
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to help you to appraise the factors
affecting organizational structure and process of organizing
Brief summary of Review the content in the links below and then appraise the
overall task factors affecting organizational structure and process of
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan
2) by

Individual task 1) Develop a summary on the factors affecting organization

2) Appraise the process of organizing
Interaction begins 1) Post any three points on the process of organizing
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum

Page 47
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take minutes
Next Types of plans and principles of planning

7.2.4 Types of Organization Structure and Indicators of a Good Structure

Designing of an effective organization structure is a principal concern of managers in
organization. This is because as Alfred Chandler proposed, structure follows strategy
implying effective organization structure is an imperative for successful execution of
strategy. E-tivity 7.2.4 is designed in such a way to provide you with a learning opportunity
to internalize the various types of organization structure and indicators of a good
organizational structure.

E-tivity 7.2.4 : Types of Organization Structure and Indicators of a Good Structure

Numbering, 7.2.1
pacing and
Title Types of organization structure and indicators of a good structure
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to analyze the various types of
organization structure and indicators of a good structure
Brief Review the content in the links below and then analyze the
summary of various types of organization structure and indicators of an
overall task effective organization structure
1) by Tim
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Page 48

Individual 1) Develop a summary on the types of organization structure

task 2) Examine the various indicators of an effective organization
Interaction 1) Post any four indicators of an effective organization structure
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next The directing function of management

7.4Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following is true about machine bureaucracy?
a) Techno structure is dominant
b) It has clear channels of communication
c) It’s characterized by decentralization of authority

2) Which of the following factors affect span of control?

a) Availability of information
b) Managerial ability
c) Vision of the organization
3) Which of the following statement is not true?
a) High task variety and low task analyzability requires a mechanistic structure
b) Organizations utilizing complex technology require a flexible structure
Page 49
c) Low task variety and high task analyzability requires a mechanistic structure

1) Carpenter, M., Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2012). Management Principles retrieved from
2) You tube by Dr. Devajeet Goswami retrieved
3) You tube by Khadse Kavita retrieved
4) Slide share by Sachin Jadhav retrieved



8.1 Introduction
In this lesson, our focus will be on the management functions of staffing and directing. In
management, these two functions are an imperative to the success of formulated plans

Page 50
because on one hand, the staffing function ensures availability of appropriate set of skills,
knowledge, abilities and experience to meet the human resource needs of the organization.
On the other hand, the directing function not only ensures that there is a clear vision for
organizational members to follow but also energizes and empowers the organizational
members so that they understand the crucial role they play in achieving organizational goals.

8.2Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
8.2.1 Discuss the managerial function of staffing
8.2.2 Appraise the managerial function of directing

8.2.1 Management Function of Staffing

Organizations are social systems and therefore can only effectively function through people.
Among the assortment of the resources that are owned and controlled by organizations,
human resource is considered to be the most strategic. All other resources of organizations
are acquired, coordinated and utilized through people. The productive activities in an
organization are initiated, sustained and completed through the people who constitute the
organization. Staffing is a function of management that is concerned with filling the
positions in the organization structure. This function is involved in providing the people
needed to carry out the activities and responsibility designated for each of the position in the
organization structure. The relevance of staffing include;
1) Helps in discovering and obtaining competent employees
2) Promotes organization performance
3) Ensure survival growth and growth of organization
4) Facilitates effective utilization of resources
5) Enhances job satisfaction etc

As a function of management, staffing is process oriented and involves estimating the

manpower requirements of the organization, recruitment, selection, placement and
orientation, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, and promotion
and career planning. As you participate in E-tivity 8.2.1 it is anticipated that you will be able
have a better understanding of the key aspects of the staffing function of management.

E-tivity 8.2.1 : Management Function of Staffing

Page 51
Numbering, 8.2.1
pacing and
Title Management function of staffing
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to discuss the
managerial function of staffing
Brief Review the content in the links below and then discuss the
summary of managerial function of staffing
overall task 1) by Dr.
Devajeet Goswami
2) by SHS
3) by

Individual 1) Develop a summary on key aspects of staffing function

task 2) Examine the relevance of staffing function
Interaction 1) Post any four points regarding staffing function
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 8.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Management function of directing

Page 52
8.2.2 Management Function of Directing
Directing is an integral part of management process which activates the organizations
members to work efficiently and effectively for the attainment of organizational
objectives. Whereas, the planning, organizing and staffing functions are predominantly
concerned with preparing the setting for doing the work, actual work in organizations
commence with the directing function. Directing depends on the use of power,
influence, vision, persuasion, and communication skills to coordinate the behavior of
individual employees and groups so that their activities and efforts are in harmony and
to encourage organizational members to perform at a higher level. The outcome of
directing in an organization is a high level of motivation and commitment among
organizational members. E-tivity 8.2.2 is intended to help you internalize key aspects of
the directing functions in terms of its sub-functions of communication, leadership and

E-tivity 8.2.2: Management Function of Directing

Numbering, 8.2.2
pacing and
Title Management Function of Directing
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to analyze the
management function of directing
Brief Review the content in the links below and then analyze the
summary of management function of directing
overall task 1) by Doubtnut
2) by SHS ABM
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Page 53
Individual 1) Develop a summary on the key aspects of directing function
task 2) Examine the relevance of directing function
Interaction 1) Post any four points on leadership
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Management function of controlling

8.4Assessment Questions
1) Which among the following is not a barrier to effective delegation of authority in
a) Perceived threat
b) Cultural Barriers
c) Level of competence
2) To maximize expectancy, managers should do one of the following?
a) Identify individual employee’s needs
b) Clarify performance goals
c) Clarify psychological contracts

3) Which of the following is an element of communication?

a) Channel richness
b) Information system
c) Feedback

Page 54
d) None of the above

1) Carpenter, M., Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2012). Management Principles retrieved from
2) YouTube by Dr. Devajeet Goswami retrieved from
3) YouTube by SHS ABM retrieved from
4) YouTube by SHS ABM retrieved
5) YouTube by Doubtnut retrieved from



Page 55
9.1 Introduction
Controlling function is concerned with evaluation how well an organization is achieving its
set of goals and taking action to either maintain or improve performance. The outcome of the
control process is the ability to measure performance accurately and regulate organization
efficiency and effectiveness. As a manager, one must make a decision concerning which
goals to measure and then design information and control systems that will provide data that
is needed to assess performance. The controlling function also allows managers to evaluate
their own performance on the other four functions of management and therefore take
corrective action.

9.2Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
9.2.1Discuss the meaning, nature and role of organizational control
9.2.2 Explain the areas and process of organizational control
9.2.3 Analyze the features of effective control system and barriers to organizational control

9.2.1 Meaning, Nature and Importance of Organizational Control

Organizational control refers to the process through which an organization influences its
members as well as subunits to behave in ways that supports attainment of the set goals and
objectives. It is the process of regulating organizational activities so that actual performance
conforms to expected organizational standards and goals. The content of E-tivity 9.2.1 will
help you to understand the meaning, nature, and role of organizational control.

E-tivity 9.2.1: Meaning, Nature and Importance of Organizational Control

Numbering, 9.2.1
pacing and
Title Meaning, nature and role of organizational control
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to discuss the meaning,
nature and role of organizational control

Page 56
Brief Review the content in the links below and then discuss the
summary of meaning, nature and role of organizational control
overall task 1)
70775377 by S. R. Tripathi
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Individual 1) Write a summary on the meaning and nature of organizational

task control
2) Examine the role of organizational control
Interaction 1) Post any four points on the role of organizational control
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 9.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Areas and process of organizational control

9.2.2 Areas and Process of Organizational Control

Organizational control usually focus on specific areas of an organization. Most
organizations define areas of control in terms of the four basic types of resources including
physical, human, information, and financial resources. In addition, the process of controlling
has a series of distinct stages that starts with determination of areas of control and ends with
initiation of corrective action. E-tivity 9.2.2 is intended to familiarize you with areas and
Page 57
process of organizational control.

E-tivity 9.2.2: Areas and Process of Organizational Control

Numbering, 9.2.2
pacing and
Title Areas and process of organizational control
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to explain the areas
and process of organizational control
Brief summary Review the content in the links below and then explain the areas
of overall task and process of organizational control
controlling by Junainah Idris
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Individual task 1) Develop a summary on areas of organizational control

2) Examine the process of organizational control
Interaction 1) Post any four steps in the process of organizational control
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.

Page 58
4) Close the discussions

Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes

Next Features of an effective control system and barriers to
organizational control

9.2.3 Features of Effective Control System and Barriers to Organizational Control

Generally, it’s necessary for managers of organizations to be aware of the features of
effective control systems. Similarly, desire to establish effective organizational control
requires that managers are familiar with the various barriers to organizational control. E-
tivity 9.2.3 is intended to help you to broaden your insights on the features of effective
control system and barriers to organizational control.

E-tivity 9.2.1: Features of Effective Control System and Barriers to Organizational

Numbering, 9.2.1
pacing and
Title Features of an effective control system and barriers to organizational
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to analyze the features of
an effective control system and barriers to organizational control

Brief Review the content in the links below and then analyze the features of
summary of an effective control system and barriers to organizational control
overall task 1)
effective-control-system by Aglaia
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Individual 1) Develop a summary on the features of effective control systems

Page 59
task 2) Examine the various barriers to organizational control

Interaction 1) Post any four barriers to organizational control

begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a matching
constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 9.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Decision making

9.4Assessment Questions
1) Which one among the following is a characteristic of effective control system?
a) Flexibility
b) Fit the organization climate
c) Economical
d) Participatory
a) None of the above
2) Which of the following does not fit in the group?
b) Operations control
c) Financial control
d) Budgetary control
3) Which of the f the following is a role of controlling?
a) Coping with uncertainty
b) Determine the flow of information
c) Clarifying responsibilities

1) Slide share by S. R. Tripathi retrieved from
2) Carpenter, M., Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2012). Management Principles retrieved
3) Your article library by Aglaia retrieved from

Page 60



Decision making is the cornerstone for effective performance of management functions of
planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Decision making is a basic part of
every task and activity that is performed in an organization. In this lesson, we will examine
the concept of decision making, factors affecting quality of decisions, types of decision,
process of decision making and, tools and techniques for making decisions.

10.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
10.2.1 Explain the concept of decision making and factors affecting quality of decision
10.2.2 Discuss the various types of decisions and decision making process
10.2.3 Evaluate the tools and techniques for making decisions

10.2.1 Concept of Decision Making and Factors Affecting Quality of Decision

As you may have may have noted from the discussion in lesson five one of the primary task
that a manager has to contend with on a day to day basis is concerned with management of
organizational environment. Managers are expected to accurately perceive changes in the
organizational environment and respond appropriately to opportunities and threats by
analyzing all options that are available for each problem situation. There is also a need for a
manager to be aware of the factors that affect the quality of decisions in an organization. E-
tivity 10.2.1 is intended to provide you with an insightful learning experience that will enable
you to explain the concept of decision making and factors affecting quality of managerial

Page 61
E-tivity 10.2.1: Concept of Decision Making and Factors Affecting Quality of Decision
Numbering, 10.2.1
pacing and
Title Concept of decision making and factors affecting the quality
of decisions
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to explain concept
of decision making and factors affecting quality of decision.
Brief summary of Review the content in the links below and then explain
overall task concept of decision making and factors affecting quality of
1) by Goal
principles-v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Individual task 1) Write a summary on the concept of decision making

2) Discuss the factors that affect quality of decisions in an
Interaction begins 1) Post any four factors affecting quality of decisions
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.

Page 62
4) Close the discussions

Schedule and time This activity should take 25 minutes

Next Types of decisions and decision making process

10.2.2 Types of Decisions and Decision Making Process

In an organizations different types of decisions are made in a variety of situations and for
diverse organizational problems. Similarly, making of decision encompasses a series of
systematic steps. Your participation in E-tivity 10.2.2 is help you to acquire insights
concerning the types of decisions as well as the process of decision making.

E-tivity 10.2.2: Types of Decisions and Decision Making Process

Numbering, 10.2.2
pacing and
Title Types of decisions and decision making process
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to discuss the various
types of decisions and decision making process
Brief Review the content in the links below and then discuss the various
summary of types of decisions and decision making process
overall task 1) by Dr. Book
2) by Naim Shaikh
3) by Goal Project
v1.0.pdf by Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan

Individual 1) Write a summary on the various types of decision in an organization

task 2) Discuss the stages involved in decision making process

Page 63
Interaction 1) Post any five key points relating to types of decision and the process
begins of decision making
2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 10.2.2
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 20 minutes
Next Tools and techniques for decision making

10.2.3 Tools and Techniques for Decision Making

When making decisions in organizations, managers rely on a variety of relevant tools and
techniques. As you engage in E-tivity 10.2.3, it’s is expected that you will have an insightful
learning experience upon which you will be able to evaluate the tools and techniques for
making decisions.

E-tivity 10.2.2: Tools and Techniques for Decision Making

Numbering, 10.2.3
pacing and
Title Tools and techniques for decision making
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to evaluate the tools and
techniques for making decisions
Brief Review the content in the links below and then evaluate the tools
summary of and techniques for making decisions
overall task 1) by Nicholas
2) by Sprouts
3) by Audiopedia

Page 64
decision-making by HimanshuVerma


Individual 1) Write a summary on the various tools and techniques for making
task decisions
2) Discuss the tools and techniques for making decisions
Interaction 1) Post any three techniques for making decisions
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a
matching constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 10.2.3
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
interventions discussion.
2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the discussions
Schedule and This activity should take 30 minutes
Next Issues and trends in management

10.3Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following is not a potential challenge to decision making?
a) Anchoring
b) Sequencing bias
c) Framing bias
2) Which one of the following conditions affects the possibility of decision failure?
a) Ambiguity
b) Size of the organization
c) Competence of organizational members
3) Which of the following statements is true about programmed decisions?
Page 65
a) Programmed decisions are common at the top of the organization
b) Programmed decisions are common at the bottom of the organization
c) Programmed decisions deal with conflicting points of view

1) Slide share by HimanshuVerma retrieved from
2) Youtube by Nicholas Fahey retrieved from
3) Youtube by Sprouts retrieved from
4) Youtube by Audiopedia retrieved from
5) Youtube by Goal Project retrieved from
6) Carpenter, M., Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2012). Management Principles retrieved from

Page 66


The dynamic nature of business environment guarantees that no matter how careful and
focused a manager may be, organizations will continue to experience dramatic changes at
unpredicted pace. These changes becomes even more intricate to perceive accurately because
by their very nature, the elements of organization environment are in a state of constant
interaction, affecting one another and creating new forces which singularly or collectively
impact on operations, behaviour and performance of organizations. It’s necessary to note
that the constant changes in environmental variables usually engender new organizational
phenomena that entrenches a pattern of behaviour intended to restore the fit between
organizations and their environment.

11.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
12.2.1 Appraise the issues in management of modern organizations and the corresponding
trends in management practices

11.2.1 Issues and Trends in Management

The fast changing volatile and dynamic environment is changing the landscape of the
business and forcing management to adopt the changes at a fast pace than before. Emerging
issues have potential to favor or hamper operations of organizations. The following are some
of the issues and their corresponding trends that managers ought be familiar with when
making decisions;
Page 67
1) Social Responsibility
Social responsibility refers to the obligation of an organization to seek actions that
protect and improve the welfare of society along with its own interests. It is concerned
with how organisations and managers deal with the issues and problems confronting
society. Organizations are expected to be responsible morally to the stakeholders,
society, environment, and towards a sustainable planet. To have a better understanding of
corporate social responsibility, it important for one to be familiar with the perspectives of
corporate social responsibility, pyramid of corporate social responsibility, and the triple
bottom line among others. The trends that are associated with social responsibility
include green investment initiatives, Eco innovations in product packaging, product
stewardship, recycling of waste, paperless communication, paperless financial services
2) Technological Changes
An organization’s technology is the process by which inputs from its environment are
transformed into outputs. Technology includes tools, machinery, equipment, work
procedures, and employee knowledge skills and abilities. In the present competitive
world, technological breakthroughs can dramatically influence organization’s products,
services markets, suppliers, distributors, competitors, customers, manufacturing
processes, marketing practices and competitive position. The trends that are associated
with technological changes include downsizing and rightsizing, telecommuting/
teleworking, temporariness, cloud computing etc
3) Workforce Diversity
Workforce diversity refers to similarities and differences among employees in terms of
age, cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities, race, religion, sex, and sexual
orientation, social status, education etc. These differences are a potential cause of
communication problems, reduced cohesiveness, stereotyping, mistrust and tension
amongst employees in an organization. The trends that are associated with workforce
diversity include flexible work practices, diversity training and skills building program,
team assignments etc
4) Talent Management
In the past couple of years, there has been a growing realization that people are the most
important strategic assets of an organization. In the absence of their positive
contributions, organizations cannot be able to actualize their strategic intent. Human
resource is the backbone of an organization and is a primary sources of competitive
Page 68
advantage. The trends that are associated with talent management include talent
recognition programs, meaningful work assignment etc
5) Globalization
The process of interconnecting the world’s people with respect to the cultural, economic,
political, technological and environmental aspects of their lives has become the order of
the day. People, goods, capital and information are moving around the globe like never
before with faster communication, transportation and financial flow, the barriers between
nations have disappeared and the world is becoming a borderless market. The trends that
are associated with globalization include shifting of production to low cost countries,
recruitment policy etc
As you participate in E-tivity 11.2.1, you will have a better understanding of other emerging
issues have that have potential to favor or hamper operations of organizations. In addition, it
is expected that you will be able appraise the trends that are associated with each of the
issues in management.

E-tivity 11.2.1 – Emerging Issues and Trends in Management

Numbering, 11.2.1
pacing and
Title Emerging issues and trends in management
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to appraise the issues in
management of modern organizations and the corresponding trends in
management practices
Brief Review the content in the links below and then appraise the issues in
summary of management of modern organizations and the corresponding trends in
overall task management practices;
issues-and-challenges-29471136 by Vishal Koirala
management-in-the-context-of by omkrishnashrestha

Individual 1) Write a summary of the emerging issues in management

Page 69
task 2) Appraise the trends that are associated with emerging issues in
Interaction 1) Post any two emerging issues in management and the corresponding trends
begins 2) Examine the views posted by your team learners and give a matching
constructive feedback and ideas in discussion forum 11.2.1
E-moderator 1) Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of discussion.
interventions 2) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4) Close the e-tivity
Schedule and This task should take 1hour
Next Revision

11.3Assessment Questions
1) Which one of the following best explain the origin of issues in management?
a) Environmental dynamism
b) Globalization
c) Telecommuting
2) Which of the following relates to workforce diversity?
a) Stereotyping
b) Industrial unrest
c) diversification
3) Which of the following statement is not correct?
a) Success in the market place is contingent upon emerging issues
b) Automation is a trend associated with technological changes
c) Emerging issue always present opportunities for organization

1) LinkedIn Slideshare by Vishal Koirala retrieved from
2) LinkedIn Slideshare by omkrishnashrestha retrieved from

Page 70

1. B
2. A
3. A

2.3 Answers
1. C
2. A
3. B

3.2 Answers
1. B
2. C
3. C

4.3 Answers
1. B
2. A
3. B

Page 71
5.3 Answers
1. B
2. A
3. C

6.3 Answers
1. A
2. C
3. B

7.3 Answers
1. A
2. B
3. A

8.3 Answers
1. B
2. B
3. C

9.3 Answers
1. D
2. D
3. A

10.3 Answers
1. B
2. A
2. B
Page 72
11.3 Answers
1. A
2. A
3. C

Page 73

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