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Create negative, general question, short answers and Wh- question to each sentence.

1. I am a strong gymnast from Russia.

2. You are a great friend.
3. He is a talented German athlete.
4. She is a kind cook.
5. It is a sunny day outside.
6. I am a smart student.
7. You are a creative thinker.
8. He is a fantastic Spanish student.
9. She is a wonderful artist.
10. It is a beautiful flower.
11. My favourite vegetable is onion.
12. You are a good doctor.
13. My mom’s favourite fruit is papaya.
14. She is a helpful firefighter.
15. It is a fluffy puppy.
16. My uncle’s name is Julian.
17. My Japanese brother is in Australia now.
18. He is a funny and cheerful person.
19. She is a talented musician.
20. It is a colorful butterfly.

Put the correct words in a text and copy the text to your notebook.

Title: My Day at the Park

I …Lewis. I … from England, London. Today, I … at the park. I… there with my friend. … name …
Tymon. He…a boy. There is also Maya. She …a girl and… is 10 years…. It … a sunny day.
I … playing on the swings. Maya…laughing and having fun. Tymon … running and jumping. …
is climbing on the jungle gym. It … a colorful playground.
…am eating a yummy strawberry ice cream cone but my …………. fruit is lemon. It is not
sweet, it is……..Tymon…sharing his snacks. ….. is drinking a cold lemonade. Maya … smiling
and enjoying a popsicle. It …. a tasty treat. Her favourite fruit…….. watermelon.
I …… feeling happy. Tymon ……. feeling happy too. …… excited to play. Maya …. also having
a great time. …. is a perfect day at the park.
At home, there is my favourite dinner. ….. is a salad with red peppers, corn, lettuce and
tomatoes. Tomato….. my…………. vegetable. My mom’s favourite………….. is carrot. I don’t like

COMPLETE THE CONVERSATIONS WITH am, is, are, I'm, I'm not, isn't, aren't
1. Julie: Hello, I……Julie,
Oskar: Hi, my name…..Oskar.
Julie: Nice to meet ….. Oskar.
Oskar: How old….you, Julie?
Julie:….. 24 years old, and you?
Oskar:… ….. 26. ……Canadian. What about you?
Julie: …… from Berlin.
Miko: Where… from?
Joe:…. from Australia, from Drawin.
Miko:…………… Darwin?
………near Sidney?
Joe:…., it is.
Miko:…. it nice?
Joe: ….. is beautiful.

4. Daniel: Hi Em, how …………..
Emily: Hi Danny, ……… great! ……. are you?
Daniel: Absolutely fine.
Emily: Where……….. now?
Daniel: I am in New York City.
Emily: wow, that …. awesome!
Daniel:.…….you now?
Emily:……. in Moscow.
Daniel: What…………………. Fruit?
Emily: …..favourite……is orange. What…………………..?
Daniel: My……………….vegetables is potato.

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