Science Education in The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Cabiao, Nueva Ecija 3107

1. Science Education in
the Philippines
Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque
Science Instructor
1.1 The Concept of Science Education
- focuses on teaching, learning & understanding
- Teaching:
→ explore pedagogical theories & models
- Learning:
→ pedagogy
→ understand & love science

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.1 The Concept of Science Education
“Understanding science implies developing &
applying science process skills and using scientific
literacy* in understanding the natural world & activities
in daily life.”
→ utilize the natural
environment to teach (J. Dewey)
→ Marx (1994): science
as one of the most important subject
of the future
STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque
1.1 The Concept of Science Education
- “provides skills & knowledge necessary for a
person to live in the age of science (Knight, 1986).”
- “develop a citizenry that will meet the goals of
science in the society (Tilghman, 2005).”

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.1a Science Education in Basic Ed.
- helps students learn important concepts & facts
that are related to everyday life
→ skills:
- process
- critical thinking
- life
- positive attitude
→ love for knowledge
→ passion for innovative things
→ curiosity to study about nature
STS: Unit I (Chapter 3)
→ creativity Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque
1.1a Science Education in Basic Ed.
- develops strong foundation for:
→ studying science
→ considering science-related careers in the

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.1a Science Education in Tertiary Ed.
- deals with developing students’ understanding &
appreciation of science ideas & science works
→ GE courses
- prepares students majoring in science & other
related fields
→ DOST scholarship

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.2 Science Schools in the Phil.
a) Pisay (PSHSS)
b) Kisay (QCRSHS)
c) MaSci (MSHS)
d) SSES Project
e) SSC / STE / LHS

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.2a Philippine Sci. HS System

- RA 3661: An Act to Establish PSHS

- dormitory / travel allowance
- stipend
- sci. & tech. electives
- science (related) degree only for tertiary level

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

3.2a Philippine Sci. HS System

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.2b Quezon City Regional Sci. HS
- DepED
→ Sep. 1967
→ 1999
- sci. & tech. electives
- Alumni:
→ Tonisito Umali
→ Mikaela Fudolig

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.2c Manila Sci. HS
- Municipal Resolution 426
→ DepED
- 1st Sci. HS of the country
(October 1, 1963)
- “scientists with soul”
- humanities for elective
- Alumni
→ Michael V
→ Tuesday Vargas
→ Alvin Patrimonio
STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque
1.2d Special Sci. Elem. Schools Proj.
- June 2007
→ 57 pilot schools
- DepED Order No. 73, s. 2008 &
DepED Order No. 51, s. 2010
- Science
→ Gr. 1 – 3: 70 min
→ Gr. 4 – 6: 80 min
- IP: Investigatory Project

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

1.2d Special Sci. Elem. Schools Proj.
- provide learning
environment to science-
inclined children through a
special curriculum that
recognizes the learners MIs
- promote the
development of lifelong
learning skills
- foster the learner’s
holistic development
STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque
1.2e Special Sci. Class / Sci., Tech. &
Eng’g. Class / Laboratory HS

STS: Unit I (Chapter 3) Reyes, VinCENT Paul Roque

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