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The objective of this Standard Operating Procedure is to provide guidelines to In-
charge HSE on project to collect, record, analyze HSE data, and share the findings
with Incharge HSE at head office to seek advice for corrective measures if
Purpose of this exercise is to achieve good HSE performance operating in a
proactive and preventive manner following applicable HSE standards and
industry norms.

This SOP is applicable to all projects of the company.

The Project/Site Manager with the assistance of In-charge Site HSE will be
responsible for effective implementation of HSE Plan to maintain good HSE
performance looking at the benchmarks as described in this SOP.

In-charge Site HSE will furnish HSE data according to requirements of weekly
HSE report (HSE/FRM-12) and feed into the HSE Data Analysis Sheet
(HSE/FRM-34) that has been prepared for the purpose. Results will automatically
appear revealing the health of the project in terms of HSE performance.
Corrective actions will be taken accordingly.

Area In-charges and HSE staff will encourage and motivate the execution staff to
report all incidents for necessary investigation in order to prevent them from
being hurt due to recurrence of incidents. Analysis would be meaningless unless
all incidents are reported and reports submitted on specified formats with
required information.

HSE Health, Safety and Environment
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US Labor dept.)
NSC National Safety Council (USA)
OGP International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
SOP Standard Operating Procedure


Lost Time Injury (LTI)

A lost time injury is any work–related injury that causes the employee’s absence
from scheduled work for one day (or shift) or more excluding the day of injury.

Work Loss Day

When an employee missed one full day or more of a scheduled work due to work
related injury.

Note: If LTI occurs during a project, the project Man-hours will become zero after
LTI and will again start from there on.

Restricted Work Injury (RWI)

When as a result of a work-related injury, health care professional keeps, or

recommends keeping an employee from doing the routine functions of his or her
job or from working the full workday that the employee would have been
scheduled to work before the injury or illness occurred.

Medical Treatment (MT)

Significant work related injuries beyond first aid that are diagnosed and / or
treated by a physician or other licensed health care professional. These include
any work related case involving a fracture or cracked bone, or a punctured
eardrum etc.
Additional criteria that can result in medical treatment case include:
• Any needle-stick injury or cut from a sharp object that is contaminated with
another person's blood or other potentially infectious material.
• Any case requiring an employee to be medically removed under the
requirements of an OSHA health standard.

OSHA Recordable Cases

LTI, RWI and MT are considered as OSHA record able cases.

First Aid (FA)

First aid means the following treatments for work-related injuries and illnesses.
• Visit(s) to a health care provider limited to observation.
• Diagnostic procedures, including the use of prescription medications solely
for diagnostic purposes (e.g. eye drops to dilate pupils).
• Use of nonprescription medications, including antiseptics.
• Simple administration of oxygen.
• Administration of tetanus or diphtheria shot(s) or booster(s).
• Cleaning, flushing or soaking wounds on skin surface.
• Use of wound coverings such as bandages, gauze pads, etc.

• Use of any hot/cold therapy (e.g. compresses, soaking, whirlpools, non-

prescription skin creams/lotions for local relief, etc.) except for
musculoskeletal disorders Use of any totally non-rigid, non-immobilizing
means of support (e.g. elastic bandages).
• Use of eye patches.
• Removal of foreign bodies not embedded in the eye if only irrigation or
removal with a cotton swab is required.
• Removal of splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eyes by
irrigation, tweezers, cotton swabs or other simple means Health care provider
is a person operating within the scope of his or her license, registration or
certification in health care.

First Aid cases must be reported and analyzed to suggest corrective actions in
order to avoid major injuries.

Nearmiss (NM)
A near Miss is a potential hazard or incident that has not resulted in any personal
injury. Modern way of HSE management is to encourage reporting of near
misses. These must be reported and analyzed to reach to the root cause to
avoid recurrence. Note that casual attitude in handling the near miss cases may
lead to serious incidents.

This includes fire, property loss, environment impact, and community related
incidents that are not covered in incident reporting otherwise.


Incident Rate/ Frequency Rate is the number of injuries and/or illnesses per
100 full-time workers in one year and calculated as:
N X 200,000
• N = number of injuries and/or illnesses
• EH = total hours worked by all employees during the calendar year
• 200,000 = For 100 full-time equivalent workers working 40 hours per week and
50 weeks per year
Severity rate is the total lost workdays due to injury or illnesses per 100 full-time
workers per year and calculated as:
L X 200,000

• L = number of lost work days due to injuries or illnesses

• EH = total hours worked by all employees during the calendar year
• 200,000 = For 100 full-time equivalent workers working 40 hours per week and
50 weeks per year

Note: For month and week analysis of data the constant figure of 200,000 has
been reduced to 16667 for month and 4167 for week. Man-hours and incidents or
lost work days of that particular period must be fed for rational analysis.

A mechanism has been devised for monitoring project HSE performance through
incident reporting that includes LTI, RWI, MT, First Aid, Near miss cases and
other incidents that include property loss, environment impact and community
related incidents.
The collected data will enable users to analyze the situation against pre-
established benchmarks and develop clear understanding to plan corrective
The purpose for this analysis is to show compliance with OHSAS 18001 and ISO
14001 standards on the project site/BAs that will ultimately help to develop a safe
system of work and to ensure that Best Available Technology (BAT) is used and
best practices followed Company wide. working environment for workers,
company and community at large.

A typical mathematical approach is applied for data analysis. Last five years HSE
statistics of Construction, Manufacturing and Process Plants published by OSHA,
NSC and OGP has been taken as standards. This analysis will help management
to learn about HSE performance of various projects to rate them on this basis.

Data Collection, Analysis And Reporting

HSE data will be collected from daily inspection, monthly audit and incident
reports, first aid (HSE/FRM-33) and near miss record sheets (HSE/FRM-35).
OSHA definitions will be referred for better understanding of types of incidents.
Calculations will be made according to formula defined by OSHA.

HSE Data analysis sheets (HSE/FRM-34) have been provided for weekly,
monthly and to date analysis with required calculation formula in various cells of
the sheets. Man-hours for that specific period need to be fed in the sheet to have
a rational analysis. Data will be entered in the spreadsheet and results will
appear in various colors automatically.

A color-coding scheme is assigned for classification of incidents in the analysis


Severity Matrix (Annex-B) will show values in three colors that are green, orange
& yellow for low, medium & high severity levels. Frequency rates will show values
in two colors, green for acceptable performance and red for poor performance
that needs corrective actions. Band limit values for color change have also been
taken from OSHA and construction industry statistics as benchmark.

For example Near miss record sheet (HSE/FRM-35) showing less than minimum
band value will reveal that project team is not concerned about recording and
analyzing the near miss cases. More than maximum band value will reflect that
project team not taking matter seriously to control potential incidents.

A graphic profile for LTI, RWI, MT, FA, Near miss and other incidents will be
generated automatically at the bottom of each analysis sheet.

Analysis results will be communicated to site/project manager for immediate

corrective actions. Appropriate corrective actions will be taken to control situation
if analysis show results beyond defined limits. Advice from head office can be
requested if needed.

Analysis of various projects will be carried out at head office on basis of data
provided through weekly HSE reports. Weekly HSE report (HSE/FRM-12) format
asks for the HSE data as well as findings of data analysis carried out at project.

Weekly HSE report must be communicated to In-charge HSE at head office

latest by every Monday for data analysis and for presenting in management
meeting on Wednesday. Report should be sent through E-mail to save cost and
avoid paper handling. Fax copy or hard copy can be forwarded only if e-mail is
not available.

Requirements of Feedback
HSE data analysis of the projects is important not only for the project but also
significant for the corporate management to assess project HSE performance
and to rate various projects on basis of defined key variables.

Performance Recognition & Motivation

Subject to approval from the business area and Projects site management, the
projects showing better HSE performance (Green Values) for consecutive three
months will be awarded with:

HSE Performance Certificate

Incentives (Cash/Kind)


7.1 HSE Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting Flow Chart (Annex – A)
7.2 Severity Matrix (Annex.- B)
7.3 Weekly HSE Report HSE/FRM-12
7.4 Injuries Record Sheet HSE/FRM-13
7.5 First Aid Record Sheet HSE/FRM-33
7.6 HSE Data Analysis Sheet HSE/FRM-34
7.7 Near Miss Record Sheet HSE/FRM-35



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