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Physics - Polarisation (Home Work) JEE/NEET

1. When an unpolarized light of intensity /, is incident on a polarizingsheet,the intensity
of the light which does not get transmitted is

(a)Zero (b) , (c) 2 , (d)1,

2. When unpolarised light beam is incident fromair into glass (n=1.5) at the polarising
fayXeflected beam is polarised 100 percent Refoacled beam pastia4
(b) Reflected and refracted beams are partially polarised Pol do Sed
(c) The reason for (a) is that almost all the light is reflected
(d) Allof the above
3 Plane polarised light is passed through a polaroid. On viewing through the polaroid we
find that when the polaroid is given one complete rotation about the direction of the
light, one of the following is observed
(a)The intensity of light gradually decreases to zero and remains at zero
(b)The intensity of light gradually increases to a maximum and
remains at maximum
(c) There is no change in intensity
(cyThe intensity of light is twice maximum and twice zero
Figure shows the dependencce of intensity of transmitted light on the angle
analyser. Choose the correct option between the polariser and


I80° 90° I80
45° 90°
5. Two Nicols are oriented with their
principle planes making an angle of 60°. The
percentage of incident unpolarized light which passes
(a) 50%
(b) 100%
through the system is
(c) 12.5% (d) 37.5%
Ahcam ol unpolarised light of intensityI, is passed through a
polaroid B which is oriented so that its polaroid Aand then through another
The ntensity principat plune makes an angle of45° relative to that of A
)1 ofenerpent light is 4

DDS ACADEMY b 1/2 c) 1/4

KK/Polarisation Home WorkJEE/NEETI Nov 2022
The graph showing the dependencce ofintensity of trans1mitted light on the ungle between polariser
and analyser is

a) b) C) d)
90° 135° 0 90 180°
180 180° A

Asystem of threepolarizers P, P, P, is set up such that the pass axis of P, is crossed with respect to
that of P The pass axis ofP, is inclined at 60° to the pass axis of P, When a beamof unpolarized light
ofintensityl, is incident on Pthe intensity of light trans1nited by the three polarizers is I. The ratio (1,/
I)equals (nearly):
(1)$.33 (2) 16.00 (3) 10.67 (4) 1.80
Two polaroids P,and P, are placeed with their axis perpendicular to each other. Unpolarised light I,
is incicdent on P,. Athird polaroid P,is kept in between P, and P, such that its axis makes an angle
45' with that ofP,. The intensity oftransmitted light through P, is
a) b) C) d)
8 16
10. Unpolarised lightofintensity Ipasesthrough an ideal polariser A. Another identical polariser Bis placed
behind A. The intensity oflight beyond Bis tound to be Now another identical polari ser Cis placed
between Aand B. The intensity beyond Bisnow found to be The angle between polariser Aand C

(A) 45° -(B}60 (C) 0" (D) 30

11. If 10% ofintensity is passed from analyser, then. the angle by which analyser should be rotated such
that transmitted intensity becones zero. (JEE Mains 2020)
(1)60° (2) 18.40 (3) 450 (4)71.6°
12. Unpolarised light is incident from air on aplane surtace of amaterial of retractive index ' 'At a
particular angle of incidence 'i", it is found that the reflected and refracted rays are perpendic lar to
each other. Which of the following options is correct for this situation?

a) i= sin

b) Reflected light is polarised with its electric vector perpendicular to the plane of incidence
c) Reflected light is polarised with its electricvector parallelto the plane of incidence

d) i=tan

KK/Polarisation Home WorkJEE/NEETINOV 2022

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