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2 Sequence/Series Problems from Past Papers

1. The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence is Sn = 3n2 – 2n. Find the nth term un.

2. The nth term, un, of a geometric sequence is given by un = 3(4)n+1, n ∈Z+.

(a) Find the common ratio r.

(b) Hence, or otherwise, find Sn, the sum of the first n terms of this sequence.

3. Consider the arithmetic series 2 + 5 + 8 +....

(a) Find an expression for Sn, the sum of the first n terms.

(b) Find the value of n for which Sn = 1365.

4. A sequence {un} is defined by u0 = 1, u1 = 2, un+1 = 3un – 2un-1 where n ∈ Z+.

(a) Find u2,u3,u4.

(b) (i) Express un in terms of n.

(ii) Verify that your answer to part (b)(i) satisfies the equation
un+1 = 3un – 2un-1.

5. A geometric sequence has all positive terms. The sum of the first two terms is 15 and the
sum to infinity is 27. Find the value of

(a) the common ratio;

(b) the first term.

6. The first four terms of an arithmetic sequence are 2, a – b, 2a +b + 7, and a – 3b, where a
and b are constants. Find a and b.
7. The three terms a, 1, b are in arithmetic progression. The three terms 1, a, b are in
geometric progression. Find the value of a and of b given that a ≠ b.

8. Let {un}, n∈Z+, be an arithmetic sequence with the first term equal to a and common difference of
d, where d ≠ 0. Let another sequence {vn}, n∈Z+, be defined by .

i. Show that is a constant.

ii. Write down the first term of the sequence {vn}.
iii. Write down a formula for vn in terms of a, d, and n.
Let Sn be the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {vn}

i. Find Sn, in terms of a, d, and n

ii. Find the values of d for which exists.

You are now told that does exist and is denoted by S∞.
iii. Write down S∞ in terms of a and d.
iv. Given that S∞= 2a+1 find the value of d.

Let {wn}, n∈Z+, be a geometric sequence with first term equal to p and common ratio q, where p and q
are both greater than zero. Let another sequence {zn} be defined by zn=ln wn.

c. Find , giving your answer in the form ln k with k in terms of n, p, and q.

9. Evaluate

a. c.

b. d.
Caution: telescoping series

1. un=6n-5 2a. r=4 b. Sn=16(4n-1) 3a. Sn=(n/2)(4+3(n-1)) b. n=30
4. a. 4,8,16 bi. un=2n ii. LS=2n+1 RS=3(2n)-2(2n-1), prove LS=RS
5. a. ⅔ b. 9 6. a=2, b=-3 7. a=-2, b=4

8. ai. vn=2d aii. v1=2a iii. vn=2a(2d)n-1 bi. bii. d<0

iii. iv. d=-1

9a. 15550 b. 6/31 c. 11900 d. 1668550

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