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Social Science (History)

Class IX
1 A. Indian History. l To know the structure of the l To understand about the Act of l To start the
Constitution and Government, Legislative 1858 chapter with key
Administrative system, local self l To get acquainted with the points of
Development (1858- government and structure of governance discussions and
1905) Indianisation of civil introduced by the British end with a
services. government under the Act of summary.
(7 marks) 1858.

l To be familiar with the l Sufficient
legislative history of central numbers of
government. questions to be
l To get acquainted with the provided in the
Council Act of 1861. Exercise.
l To understand about Ripon’s
role towards evolution of local-
self government in India (urban
and rural).
l To understand about the
process of Indianisation of the
Indian civil services.

2 Growth of Indian l To get Familiar with the l To understand the role of l -Do-
Nationalism and its transport and Transport and communication
aftermath. communication, modern system with special emphasis on
education, role of different railways in awkening Nationalism
among the Indians.
(8 marks) Associations, vernicular
l To be acquainted with the role and l Exercise will
press, Arms Act, Vernicular impact of modern education in the consist question
press Act, Economic drain, evolution of Nationalism. Mention of Multple-choice
birth of Indian National of names like Vivekananda, Raja short and long
Congress and its aims and Rammohan Roy etc. and their Answer types.
objectives. Russo- contribution in the evolution of

Japanese war and its

impact of Indian. l To understand the role of different
Association in awakening of
l To help students to know about the
role of vernicular Press, Arms Act,
vernicular Press Act and other
l To understand Dadabhai Naorajis’
Assam Board Class 9 Social Science Syllabus

Economic Drain theory and others

in the evolution of Nationalism.
l To understand the circumstances
leading to the birth of Indian
National Congress (INC).
3 B. History of Assam l To know about the l A brief writing on the socio- l Activities may be
Moamaria uprising monarchial oppression, political background during suggested for
causes, results and exaction of the Paiks and Ahom rulers before the uprising project works.
Captain Welsh’s other causes as well as of Moamoria.
expedition to Assam. results of the moamoria l To understand the crises
uprising with special arising due to the monarchial
(8 marks) emphasis on the expedition oppression, demolition of
of Captain Welsh and his monasteries, exaction of paiks.
Report on Assam l To understand other causes of
the Moamoria uprising.

l To understand the effects of the
Moamoria uprising.
l To be familiar with the role
played by Captain Welsh in
quelling the moamoria uprising,
challenges of bairagi raja and
Krishna Narayan.
l To get acqainted with the
Report of captain welsh on

4. Burmese invasions l To know about the l To understand about the l Some Exercises
of Assam (1817- Burmese invasions of causes and effects of the like objective, short
1826) Assam Burmese invasions of Assam type, long
(1817, 1819 and 1821) questions to tbe
added after each
(6 marks) l To understand the Anglo
Burmese war and the treaty of l A summery at the
Yandabo. end of each
l Maps and picture at
appropriate places.

5. Beginning of l To know the beginning of l The understand briefly Company’s

company’s rule in East India Company’s rule rule under David scott, Robertson and
in Assam. Jenkins
l To understand the company’s motive
of annexation of various parts of
(6 marks) Assam like Upper Assam, Lower
Assam, Khasi, Jayantia, cachar,
Naga hills, Garo hills, Luchai hill,
Khamti, Matak and Gova.
l To understand the early uprisings
against British by Gomadhar Konwar,
Dhananjoy Borgohain, Dhantua
Gohain, Gadadhar and effects.
Social Science (Geography)
Class IX
1. Changes of the l Exogenic factors of l To know about the different l To provide a brief idea of
Earth’s Surface change exogenic processes operating on different exogenic agents/
the earth’s surface and to factors that are responsibile for
(7 Marks) understand their role on landform bringing about changes on the
development. surface of the earth. The areas
of their operation should be
specifically mentioned.

l Works of River l To understand the works of river l That the running water (river)
on landform development bring about great change in
the landform development in
the tropical and temperate
region should be focused with
necessary diagrams.
l Works of Wind l To understand the works of wind l The works of wind and
in landform development in the associated landform
dry areas development should be briefly


l Works of Glacier l To understand the landform l To works of glaciers, especially
developed by the glaciers mountain glaciers should be
briefly discussed with
l Woks of Sea Waves l To understand the works of sea l The coastal landform resulting
waves in coastal landform from sea wave actions should
development be briefly discussed.

2. Atmosphere : l Meaning of l To introduce the meaning and l The meaning and extent of
Pressure Belts Atmosphere and its composition of Atmosphere and Atmosphere should be clearly
and Wind system Layers its Layers defined. The gases that

constitute the Atmosphere

(8 Marks) should be mentioned and then
the layers of the Atmosphere
(Troposphere, Stratosphere,
Mesosphere and Exosphere)
should be discussed and
presented diagrammatically.
l Pressure Belts l The relation between the
l To introduce the relation between distribution of temperature
temperature and pressure and and pressure should be
the distribution of pressure belts defined. The pressure belts
should be shown over a globe.
l Wind system l To introduce the origin and l The origin and direction ofthe
direction of winds and their permanent winds should be
relation with pressure distribution. discussed clearly with
The major global wind systems diagrams. Brief discussion
should be introduced and should be made with regard
discussed. to particularly trade wind,
westerly’s and monsoons.

3. Geography of l Location l To show the absolute and relative l To show the latitudinal and
India location longitudinal extension of India.
Laction of the country in the

(10 Marks) context of South Asia should
be indicated.
l To show the physiography l To divide India in to major
l Physiography
diversity of the country physiographic divisions and to
show the divisions on a map.
The Major rivers and the
mountains of the country
should be incorporated in the


l Climate and Natural l To duscuss different climatic l To focus mainly on the climatic
Vegetation characteristics with special seasons and the distribution
reference to monsoons and the pattern of rainfall. The forest
major forest types. types should be shown on a
map and richness in biodiversity
should be focussed.
l To depict the population
l Population Growth l To present the trend of population growth of the country since
and Distribution growth and the distribution with 1901. The regional variation in
reference to the states the growth should be focused.
l To show the distribution of

population with the reference

to the physiography divisions
and the states.
l To provide a background of l To highlight the problems of
l Migration causes and nature of migration over population.
of people from neighboring
country to assam.
l Population and l To give the concept of sustainable l To focus on the role of the
Sustainable development. present generation how they
Development can preserve the resources and
protect the environment of the
earth for the coming gereration.
l Economy l To provide brief idea on the l To give a generalized picture
economy of the country of the national economy. Brief
mention should be made on
the agricultural, industrial and
transport sector. Maps should
be incorporated wherever
l Political Divisions l To show the States and Union l To give the picture of the
Territories and their capitals. States and Union Territories
with respect to their capitals
and areas and population on

a map.
4. Geography of l Assam in the context l To get an understanding of the l A clear understanding of the
Assam on North East India location characteristics of Assam location in terms of latitude and
in the context of North East India longitude and relative location
(10 Marks) in the context of NE India.
l Physiographic l To know relief characteristics of l A clear picture of the
Framework Assam and its relation with topography and division of the
climate, soil and natural state on the basis of
vegetation of the state. physiography. An outline of the
drainage system (major rivers)
has to be included.


l C l i m a t i c l To understand the climatice l An understanding of the
characteristics characteristics and climatic climatic pattern with respect to
pattern. season and monsoons
(South-west and North-East
monsoon). Topographic
influence on climate should be

l Soils l To understand the soil types and l That Assam has diverse soil
their distribution. types, the details of soil types
and their distribution to be


l Forests l To understand the Forest types l That Assam has diverse forest
and their distribution. types, the details of forest
types and their distribution to
be focused.
l To know the Administrative l To present a list of Districts and
l Administrative
Divisions. Divisions of Assam. their Head quarters along with
their areas and population.
5 Marks

Types of 5 Marks

Economics for Class-IX

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