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= New Vision International School Academic year 2023-2024 First Quarter Week 4 English Department Instructor: Qadiry Grade: 11 Student’s Name: Exercise 1 Recognizing Sentence Fragments Your co-worker has asked you to review the rough draft of a memo. Read the text, and underline each sentence fragment. EXAMPLE Please e-mail this memo by Tuesday morning. All employees of the company, inall divisions. 'The company’s Safety Committee wants to remind you that participation in fire drills is mandatory. When important deadlines are looming. It’s easy to say, “I'll just finish this and then go downstairs.” ‘However, your safety is more important. ‘Than any deadline. ‘If a fire or another emergency were to take place. ’A speedy response would be essential. “When we have an official fire drill. ’Representatives from the local fire department. "They measure how quickly we are able to evacuate all employees from the building. ''Last month, it took six minutes. "Could be better. "Safety matters! “When you hear that alarm bell sound. “Please react quickly and calmly. NVIS-Marmara AY- 2022/2023 we Vocabs: Please, choose the correct option. 1- to urge on; to stir up, start, incite a) instigate b) tether ©) dlite d) incapacitate 2+ extremely nervous and easily frightened; shy or timid; extremely cautious; unstable, undependable a) skittish b) tether ©) allot 4) incapacitate 3. to fasten with a rope or chain a) tether b) amass ©) instigate d) unison 4 bold, adventurous, recklessly daring a) instigate b) willful ©) audacious d) elite 5- to assign or distribute in shares or portions a) comply b) unison ©) grapple 4) allot NVIS-Marmara AY- 2022/2023

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