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Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 1

Section 1 Section 2 Section 5

Place the correct punctuation into this Can you think of more formal synonyms Add a suffix to the word ‘beauty’ to
sentence to show the relative clause. to replace these past tense verbs? (Use a create a verb:
thesaurus if you need to!)
Kirsty who was a very talented dancer 
performed in the school musical. found 


Section 4
Mr Whoops has accidentally jumbled up
two adverbs that show frequency. Can
Section 3 you help him to unjumble them? Section 6
Look at the sentence below and Can you add appropriate
add two modal verbs: punctuation around the
I go to Paris next  parenthesis in this sentence?

year and I make  Prince William the Duke of

sure that I visit the Eiffel Cambridge is second in line
to the throne.
Tower while I’m there.
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 2

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Your opinions
Rewrite this sentence with the adverbial Can you invent the Match the prefix to the correct root word:
are ridiculous!
phrase at the beginning. Add in any other debate speaker’s
extra punctuation that is needed. next sentence and dis see
turn it into a direct
The children found the mis judge
speech sentence that uses
gravitational pull of different
inverted commas?
objects using a newton meter over loyal
during the science experiment. 
Which of the words you have made is a

 synonym of ‘supervise’? 

Section 4 Section 6
Rewrite the sentence below with an Mr Whoops has
embedded relative clause about Mrs been juggling with e
Section 2 Conner. Don’t forget to mark it with the letters from one p
Circle the TWO words that are synonyms commas! of his Y6 spelling
n r
of each other in the following sentence: Mrs Conner cried during the assembly words - can you spot
to celebrate her retirement. what it is? t
Vik was disgusted at the decision to
knock down the local library and he  a a
knew that other community members a

would be outraged too.

Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 3

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Write a sentence about the picture that Rewrite these sentences in the past Mr Whoops has made THREE spelling
contains a modal verb and a fronted progressive (continuous) tense. mistakes in his diary entry. Can you
adverbial. Underline them. Hamid is coming to my party at the underline them and correct them? Use a
weekend. dictionary if you need to.

 Today, I went down to the local

cummunity centre to see what night
courses they had avaleable that might
 In the restaurant kitchen, the chefs interest me. I immediatelly signed
 prepared the three-course meal. myself up for a French course.

Section 2 Section 4
Can you underline the all of Add a prepositional phrase to the
the possessive pronouns in following sentence. Section 6
this passage of dialogue? Read the sentence below and
Using a hosepipe and sponge, Penny add in a word or words to turn
“Once you have moved your left leg, I it into a question.
cleaned her new
will move mine,” instructed Tasha.
You won’t tell anyone, 
“This race is ours to lose,” giggled
Courtney. “We are miles in the lead!” ?
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 4

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Rewrite this sentence in Standard Mr Whoops has lost the antonyms Can you place the commas in the correct
English. to these words. Can you help him to place in these sentences:
I didn’t see nothing. add ‘in’, ‘im’ or ‘il’ prefixes?
The mischievous cat was stuck up the
 literate  highest tree in the street which meant
Mrs Brown had to phone the fire brigade.

Isabelle was learning to play the drums
the recorder the piano and the ukulele.

Section 2 Section 4
Change these nouns/adjectives into verbs In the spaces, write the word class of
Section 6
by adding the suffixes -ise, -ify or -en. each of the underlined words. Use the
Can you add the correct form of the
words from the list given. The first one
verb to make this a subjunctive mood
apology  has been done for you!
false  The owl and the pussycat went (verb)
If I  a NASA
to sea in a beautiful ( ),
astronaut, I would be brave enough to
pea-green boat. They ( ) go on an expedition to Mars.
took some ( ) honey and
( ) plenty of money wrapped up
in ( ) a five-pound note.
preposition verb pronoun adjective
determiner conjunction
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 5

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Correct these sentences that are written Can you think of the correct ‘ei’ words Look at the sentences below. Tick all the
in non-standard English: to match the definitions? sentences that are commands.
You done good in your work. A person that lives next door Where did Benji run off to?

The proof of a purchase My new trainers are cool.

Take your dishes into the kitchen. 
I seen you yesterday.
Section 4 Come back here.

Mr Whoops has got in a terrible muddle
 turning these root words into new words
using the prefixes ‘ir’ or ‘anti’. Can you Section 6
help him? Can you mark the parenthesis in this
sentence with dashes?
Section 2 relevant
The car was stuck in the snow  The evil witch a jealous and bitter
social woman wanted to cast her spells.

Add a subordinating conjunction and
continue the complex sentence.
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 6

Section 1 Section 3 Section 4

Circle all the modal verbs in this passage: Mr Whoops has accidentally jumbled up Match each word class label to the
TWO adverbs that show frequency. Can correct word in the sentence.
Jake might not go to school tomorrow
you help him to unjumble them?
because he has a terrible cold. If he goes
to bed early, he could feel better in the IMESOMSTE VRENE determiner plural noun
 Most of the children had forgotten their
kit but Mia had remembered hers.

coordinating possessive
conjunction pronoun

Section 2 Section 5 Section 6

Write a main clause to go with these Rewrite this informal sentence in a more ‘Change’ can be used as a verb and a
subordinate clauses. Add in commas formal way. noun. Write a sentence where ‘change’ is
where necessary. used as a noun.
When the alarm rings, it’d be cool if you
When she arrived at the hotel  got out of bed fairly sharpish. 


even though it was freezing. 
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 1

Section 1 Section 2 Section 5

Place the correct punctuation into this Can you think of more formal synonyms Add a suffix to the word ‘beauty’ to
sentence to show the relative clause. to replace these past tense verbs? (Use a create a verb:
thesaurus if you need to!)
Kirsty, who was a very talented dancer, beautify
performed in the school musical. found
Accept more formal synonyms, e.g.
discovered/ located/ unearthed, etc.

Accept more formal synonyms, e.g.
enquired/requested/questioned, etc.

Section 3 Section 4 Section 6

Look at the sentence below and Mr Whoops has accidentally jumbled up Can you add appropriate punctuation
add two modal verbs: two adverbs that show frequency. Can around the parenthesis in this sentence?
Accept two modal verbs that you help him to unjumble them?
Prince William the Duke of Cambridge is
make sense in the sentence,
QUFRENYLET NETFO second in line to the throne.
i.e. can, could, may, might,
shall, should, will, would FREQUENTLY OFTEN Accept brackets, dashes or commas
and must. around the parenthesis, e.g. Prince
William (the Duke of Cambridge) is
second in line to the throne.
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 2

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Your opinions
Rewrite this sentence with the adverbial Can you invent the Match the prefix to the correct root word:
are ridiculous!
phrase at the beginning. Add in any other debate speaker’s
extra punctuation that is needed. next sentence and dis see
turn it into a direct
The children found the mis judge
speech sentence that uses
gravitational pull of different
inverted commas?
objects using a newton meter over loyal
Accept any accurately punctuated
during the science experiment. Which of the words you have made is a
speech sentence, e.g. “Well I disagree
During the science experiment, with your views too!” replied the synonym of ‘supervise’? oversee
the children found the debate speaker.
gravitational pull of different
objects using a newton meter. Section 6
Section 4 Mr Whoops has
Rewrite the sentence below with an e
been juggling with
Section 2 embedded relative clause about Mrs p
the letters from one
Circle the TWO words that are synonyms Conner. Don’t forget to mark it with
of his Y6 spelling
commas! n r
of each other in the following sentence: words - can you spot
Accept any relevant embedded relative what it is? t
Vik was disgusted at the decision to
clause that begins with who, whom or
knock down the local library and he apparent a
whose with the correct use of commas, a
knew that other community members
e.g. Mrs Conner, who had worked at the
would be outraged too.
school for many years, cried during the
assembly to celebrate her retirement.
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 3

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Write a sentence about the picture that Rewrite these sentences in the past Mr Whoops has made THREE spelling
contains a modal verb and a fronted progressive (continuous) tense. mistakes in his diary entry. Can you
adverbial. Underline them. underline them and correct them? Use a
Hamid is coming to my party at the
Accept any accurately- punctuated dictionary if you need to.
sentence with an underlined modal Today, I went down to the local
verb and fronted adverbial, e.g. Driving Hamid was coming to my party at the
cummunity centre to see what night
through the snow, the explorer could see courses they had avaleable that might
the South Pole flag in the distance. In the restaurant kitchen, the chefs interest me. I immediatelly signed myself
prepared the three-course meal. up for a French course.
In the restaurant kitchen, the chefs community
Section 2 were preparing the three-course meal. available
Can you underline the all of the possessive
pronouns in this passage of dialogue?

“Once you have moved your left leg, I Section 4

will move mine,” instructed Tasha. Add a prepositional phrase to the
Section 6
“This race is ours to lose,” giggled following sentence.
Read the sentence below and
Courtney. “We are miles in the lead!”
Accept any sensible prepositional add in a word or words to turn
Note to teachers: Possessive pronouns phrase that it into a question.
take the place of a possessive noun, i.e. explains where or
‘my leg’ and ‘our race’. The personal when, e.g. ‘out on You won’t tell anyone,
pronouns (you/we) and the determiner her driveway’. Accept ‘will you?’
(your) should not be underlined.
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 4

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Rewrite this sentence in Standard Mr Whoops has lost the antonyms Can you place the commas in the correct
English. to these words. Can you help him to place in these sentences:
I didn’t see nothing. add ‘in’, ‘im’ or ‘il’ prefixes?
The mischievous cat was stuck up the
Accept I didn’t see anything or I saw literate illiterate highest tree in the street, which meant
nothing. Mrs Brown had to phone the fire brigade.
mobile immobile
Isabelle was learning to play the drums,
the recorder, the piano and the ukulele.

Section 2 Section 4
Change these nouns/adjectives into verbs In the spaces, write the word class of
Section 6
by adding the suffixes -ise, -ify or -en. each of the underlined words. Use the
Can you add the correct form of the
words from the list given. The first one
verb to make this a subjunctive mood
apology - apologise has been done for you!
false - falsify The owl and the pussycat went (verb)
to sea in a beautiful (adjective), If I were a NASA astronaut, I would be
pea-green boat. They (pronoun) took brave enough to go on an expedition to
some (determiner) honey and Mars.
(conjunction) plenty of money wrapped
up in (preposition) a five-pound note.
preposition verb pronoun adjective
determiner conjunction
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 5

Section 1 Section 3 Section 5

Correct these sentences that are written Can you think of the correct ‘ei’ words Look at the sentences below. Tick all the
in non-standard English: to match the definitions? sentences that are commands.
You done good in your work. A person that lives next door neighbour Where did Benji run off to?
You did well in your work.
The proof of a purchase receipt My new trainers are cool.
I seen you yesterday.
Take your dishes into the kitchen. 
I saw you yesterday.
Section 4 Come back here.
Mr Whoops has got in a terrible muddle
turning these root words into new words
using the suffixes ‘ir’ or ‘anti’. Can you Section 6
help him? Can you mark the parenthesis in this
sentence with dashes?
Section 2 relevant - irrelevant
The car was stuck in the snow  The evil witch a jealous and bitter
social - antisocial woman wanted to cast her spells.
Add a subordinating conjunction and
continue the complex sentence. The evil witch - a jealous and bitter
woman - wanted to cast her spells.
Accept any sensible idea for a complex
sentence containing a subordinating
conjunction, e.g. The car was stuck in
the snow after the blizzard had struck
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 SPaG Mat 6

Section 1 Section 3 Section 4

Circle all the modal verbs in this passage: Mr Whoops has accidentally jumbled up Match each word class label to the
TWO adverbs that show frequency. Can correct word in the sentence.
Jake might not go to school
you help him to unjumble them?
tomorrow because he has a
terrible cold. If he goes to IMESOMSTE VRENE determiner plural noun
bed early, he could feel
better in the morning. Most of the children had forgotten their
kit but Mia had remembered hers.

coordinating possessive
Section 2 conjunction pronoun
Write a main clause to go with these
subordinate clauses. Add in commas
where necessary.
Accept any sensible main clause after Section 5 Section 6
the opening subordinate clause and Rewrite this informal sentence in a more ‘Change’ can be used as a verb and a
added comma, e.g. When she arrived formal way. noun. Write a sentence where ‘change’ is
at the hotel, Gina began to unpack her When the alarm rings, it’d be cool if you used as a noun.
suitcase. got out of bed fairly sharpish. Accept any sentence with ‘change’ used
Accept any sensible main clause, e.g. Accept a more formal version of the as a noun, e.g. After buying a magazine,
Jamie jumped straight into the hotel sentence, e.g. It is vitally important the man at the till gave Sebastian £1.01
swimming pool even though it was that as soon as the alarm sounds, you change.
freezing. get up promptly.

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