Player's Secrets of Tuarhievel

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- W

elcome to Tuarhievel, the last elven

realm in the Aelvinnwode. This
a ancient land holds a culture that
I predates human presence on Cerilia. But the
march of time has worn elven traditions thin,
player's secre2s and now the nation is threatened with destruc-
tion from within and without. Only the most
of cunning of characters will be able t o save

T. 1 Tuarhievel from t h e downfall t h a t seems

table of contents what you need

A Letter from Savane Mhoried , . . , , , . , , . - 2 . to play
History ............................. .3
Geography ............................ 7 This accessory is for use with the BIRTHRIGHP
Government ......................... 14 campaign setting; you or your Dungeon Mas-
-ranreif& (map). .................... 16 ter should have the BIRTHRIGHT boxed set. The
ThePeope ........................... 18 Player's Handbook is also required to use this
Holdings and Interests ................ .26 material. Much of the material in this book
Phantom Tales, . , , , . . , , . , , , , . , , , , . , , , . 3 0
Strategy., .......................... ,32
can be used in any campaign setting t o add
color and detail to an elven kingdom.

how *o use this

domain sourcebook
This sourcebook was designed with the assump-
tion that players migbt or migbt not wish to play
the regent of Tuarhievel. Much of this material
is geared toward playing an elven noble who
rules a province within the domain. In this case,
you will be on one side of the nation's current
Graphif Design &Don qanowski struggle: keeping the kingdom intact for the day
when the heir of Prince Fhderaene will take her
L.L. Hundal seat on the Thorn Throne, or thrusting Fhiler-
Bene's human consort and her unborn child
from power and attempting to chart a path to a
new age of elven glory.
thereof M tradernub owned by TSR,Inc. You may also choose to assume the role of
01996 TSR, Ins. AU Rlghtl Reserved. Printed in the USA. regent, thus becoming the target of intrigues.
Distributed to the book trade in the United States b a n d o m Perhaps the threats to Fhileraene's mistress
HOUK, Ins. and in Canada by Random House of C m d : Ltd.
Disvibuted in the United Kihgdom TSR LKI.
become so severe that she must go into hiding
Dimribuud w the toy and hobby =a%; by ntionrl distributors. with the future ruler of Tuarhievel.
Thir materid i i profected under the cowright hwr ofthe United As with all game accessories, feel free to
S u m of America. Anv rrmoductiw or unauthoriwd use of the
material or artwork c k i i n c d herein i.prohibited without the ignore or alter any material that doesn't fit
express written consent of TSR, Inc. your character. Consult with your DM to cus-
tomize this material to fit your own campaign.
TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. This book explores Tuarhievel, providing
201 Sheridan Springs 120 Church End information about the people, towns, and sites
lake Geneva Cherry Hinton of interest. Once you've read this sourcebook,
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USA United Kingdom pass it to your DM and tell him what you want
3124XXX1501 ISBN 0-7864.0398-8 to keep or change. The DM has the right to
veto any changes or add a few of his own.
heard less flattering titles attached to my tali@-my hu&n frailGhas seen &J that-but
name, the least of which would be “human the blood of Fhileraene flows through herveins.
trollop” and “defiler of the Thorn Throne.” I That alone is enough to compensate for any
am painfully aware of the opinions that are. weaknesses she may earn from me!
held of me and my unborn child among many I hope you share my thoughts
members of the Council of the Moon. “What ters. But even if you don’t-even i
right does a human have to sit on the Thorn with Rhuandice Tuarlachiem th
Throne, and how can we permit a half-breed to stained the honor of all elves when he placed
assume it after her?”they ask. ne-I would at least ask

an overnewz.E:z:
1 do not presume to claii that I am the bet- House Tuarlachiem is
ter of any elf of this vehement in its
land,but I have been desire to take all
charged with the
custodianship of the
child of Prince invest in indiidual

of tuwhievel
Fhderaene’s nobles. Further,
they would drive all
liege and mine. My humans from these
b~~~~~ will end on
regency forests, and the
the day that child comes of age, or when our gheallie Sidhe is the muscle with which they
Iiege has his freedom from the Gorgon and hope to accomplish this. The result may well be
ak. For now, however, that this land will be split into seven kingdoms. A
e in my effort6 to divided Twrhievel will not survive, nor will this
nd of a great ruler nation continue to exist if humans are violently
re than life itself, driven from its borders and we make enemies of
ed all. Between the Gorgon and vengeful humans,
me with his bloodline e;B the beautiful forests will be reduced to smolder-
of ing ash and our bodies will serve as nourishment
for the new trees that will gmw here some day.
I have some allies. You have no doubt heard
that Tara,the disowned wife of the Gorgon him-
about the glory days self, supports me in this matter, But what you
when the forest may not have heard is that several members of
the taclinri support my attempts to carry on the
legacy of Fhikaene, as feeble as my efforts may
about the end of your civilizat be at present. But, with the support of individu-
ab such as you, 1 will someday
presence on the throne. You have ity along to Tuarhitves righthJ
heard much talk about the habv I beloved or his child. In the meantime.. I hone
that you will continue your support of the %om
r -
c a m . and that no self-respecting
~ ~~~ ~

elf should ever need to Can a Throne, not for me, but for the rightful heir who
half-breed Queen. is growing in my womb. I ask you to stand by
err is me, and help me learn the ways of your beauti-
eternal people, inferior though I may be. 1
not your enemy. Help me keep Tuarhieve
e for the future.
' .* .:.

formally disconnect Rhuobhe Manslayer from Tuarhievel and Dhoesone and continued to
any claims to titles and holdings of Llyrandor. expand elven and human relations. As a ges-
But as Fhilerwyn was trying to bring peace, the ture of goodwill and a symbol that House
Gorgon's armies smashed into Tuarhievel as Llyrandor still controlled all of Tuarhievel
part of the awnshegh's desire to rule the known through the Thorn Throne, Fhileraene even
world. The army was repelled, but at great cost: granted Fhiele Dhoesone shared authority
Fhilerwyn was killed defending Cymryr, and the over some of the provinces where House
entire province of Sideath was made uninhabit- Tuarlachiem was strongest. Tuarlachiem, still
able when Lord Siebharrinn, one of the mighti- stinging from losing power, became increas-

When Siebharrinn' umankind continued to

again. However, eve

in Sideath was gone

vane. His last act before t

elves native to the forest, rangers, or charac-

mountains of the Gorgon's domains. leads from Cariele's capital of Caerlinien to

Tuaranreigh, the home of the Throne Thorn.


A ummers in Tuarhievel are cool, with

l l U lfl2 and fauna
' 85°F.
temperatures rarely going higher than he southern provinces of Bhindraith,

Winters are frequently harsh, 'Cwmbheir, Llyrandor, and Sideath are
however, with heavy snowfali and tempera- 1 covered by oldgr h forests consist-
tures as low as -5°F.The forests are covered in ing of maple and oak tre ,s.Toward the north,
snow for almost three months out of the year. these hardwood trees give way to pine trees,
Heavy rains in the spring, when coupled with particularly En Bra
of Dower, this is

t h e most populous province i6 Tuarhievel.
Home to over 31,000 elves, 1,000 half-elves,
200 humans, and a handful of halflings. it is
the destination of most humans who venture
into t h e domain. The northern part of t h e
province is mostly flat; here, the forest briefly
gives way to elven vineyards and small human
farm fields. In the south, the land rises into
the foothills of the Stonecrown Mountains.
Few threats lie in this province aside from the
backstabbing politicos of the elven court. Even
humans are relatively safe here, as many who
dwell in Cwmbheir are foreign dignitaries
whose harassment would create incidents of a
kind that the backers of the gbeallie Sidhe are
not prepared to confront.

The single road in Tuarhievel terminates here, in
Tuaranreigh, a large, sprawling town consisting
of typical elven dwellings. Houses are nestled
high in the ancient trees, with catwalks connect-
ing them. Below, wooden houses constructed by
human merchants and diplomatic missions are
maintained. To many humans, Tuaranreigh
appears more like a collection of villages than an
actual city, but the elves see it as a carefully
planned pattern of dwellings and paths radiating
from the Thorn Throne at the heart of the city.
Many elven nobles maintain small estates in
Tuaranreigh, so they may be close t o t h e
regent during extended sessions of the Coun-
cil of the Moon. The finest craftsmen and
artists in Tuarhievel may also be found here, as
may a sizable number of t h e realm's bat-
tlemages. Most wizards, however, live in the
more desolate foothills of the Stonecrown
Mountains, where they have near-total soli-
tude except for the occasional goblin raiding
party. The wizards are essentially the border-
watch in this area, and they destroy goblin
raiders without mercy.
Two of the greater houses share dominion
over this province: House Llyrandor (the fam.
ily currently ruling Tuarhievel) and House
Tuarlachiem (the fa
all caravans reach their destinations. Aside
from marauding elves, dangers in this realm
include the wandering, vengeful spirits of
slain elves and humans (banshees and

, and have been

tracing the province line between it and

Bhindraith, then branches off toward
Dhoesone near the community of Dagasim.
Flat in the western reaches and rising to hills
in the east and the north, the dense forests
(which are mostly oak with some evergreens
mixed in) make the heart of this province the
most tranquil of all of Tuarhievel. Political
tered across the rest of the province. Addition- upheaval has no effect here. No permanent
ally, a settlement of 500 halflings has established human presence exists here. The elves live
a comical mirror of the Thorn Throne. They much as they have for millennia-in such close
serve the elven noble houses, primarily as court harmony with nature t h a t even t h e most
jesters. Human merchants deal extensively with sharp-eyed of human rangers might think that
the elven craftsmen in the area. this part of the kingdom was uninhabited until
he stumbled upon an elven settlement. Dryads
and nymphs dwell in fair numbers in this area,
dryad's meadow along with at least one forest giant. No young
elf in this region is accustomed t o seeing
Dryad's Meadow is perhaps one of the more humans, and will likely view them a s great
unusual manifestations of mebbaighl in all of curiosities should they see them. The nobles of
Cerilia: An ancient, semi-sentient tree serves House Peranwyr want to keep it that way.
as the nexus of several ley lines. A dryad is the
loving companion of this creature.
Mistletoe cut from this area is purported to settlements
be very powerful, and the tree is said t o be a
source of great nature lore. It is not uncom- Nearly 6,000 elves live here in blissful peace,
mon for druids to risk both the wrath of the although the occasional older elf remembers
gheallie Sidhe and the charm of the dryad to the elven glory days and holds resentment
reach the area. toward humans. These elves live in graceful

I 1
main- was more than happy to share his great

I his treasure, thus destr

repel the Gbrgon's advancing army. However, have traveled into Sideath since that fateful
rumors state that some of them are also deal- day, but those who have done so report that
ing directly with the Master of Lychgate and while the forests of Tuarhievel are usually alive
probing into the Shadow World for reasons with the sounds of birds and other animals,
onlythey understand. The growing numbers of Sideath is eerily silent. The shadows are
roaming shadows, wraiths, and banshees seem deeper, and where the sun shines, the light is
to support this theory. Some estimate that 500 so bright as to cause eyes to water and sting. A
elves dwell in the wizard compounds, and they sense of unreality surrounds the place, and
serve admirably as border guards, taking a dim more than one group has ventured in and
view of their projects being disturbed by filthy never returned.
goblins and other invaders. Aside from the
undead and the goblins, eccentric elven wiz- unknown. Commu
irds are the greatest threat to visitors.
Additionally, a town of 1,000or so elves lies but he clai
in the eastern part of the province. This is the the elves
remnant of the support settlement of a vast World. So
garrison that was once stationed at a now- have made

sore than a token forc

the throne, that they support

rincess (see the NPC section) too

in Tuarhievel, for they fear Tara

Fhileraene’s daughter is

those families can offer no

that the families loyal

her so far are not likely to d

Savane’s investiture has
m exile in Dhoesone,

,, .. . . ..,.,....
7=Commonerr’ & Warriors’ Dirtrict
&Unity River
domain; even hu&ns visit-
realm are warned not to discuss their
religious ideologies withii the realm. More than
one proselytizing priest has become a victim of
ctions may disgust some people, but no the gbeallie Sidbe.
)ne questions their ferocity and battle skill. To the elves, spiritual development is the
To make up for the great numerical superi- responsibility of the individual. The path an elf
mity of her enemies, Tuarhievel has learned to takes is a decision that only he or she can make.
incorporate battle magic into her defensive So strong is this belief that if an elf chooses to
plans like no other realm in Cerilia. Her battle worship one of the human gods, so be it. The
mages use all aspects of both normal sorcery only restriction placed on such an individual is
and realm magic to defend the nation. that of silence while withii elven lands.
Savane has maintained the tradition of allow- Within each elven community, however,
ing the domain's war mages access t o there exist taelinri, or teachers, who act as
Tuarhievel's sources. This is a risky political both loremasters and philosophers. They study
move, for many of them are scions of families and record the past and reflect on what the
who oppose her. It has been a deeply-noted tra- future may bring. These teachers are highly
dition that all of Tuarhievel's defenders renounce respected among the Sidbelien, for their inter-
their ties to their kin while providing for the pretations are what guidi the emotional heart
defense of the realm. This custom has survived of the people. They are not priests, but in
despite millennia of trying times, and when some ways serve a similar function. Very few
Savane ascended to the Thorn Throne, the com- humans know of the tadinri and the function
mander of the army was one of the first t o
pledge his honor in the defense of the realm.

andcrstandii,,e ccvmoassinn. and vision, As I

a result, only ekes i f pod alignment with
Intelligence scores of 16 or bata and Wis-
dom scare of 17 or better are liiely to meet
the demands of the extensive training,
Whil direct wrwience
one of the immortal
i . Others were outraged
risk his immortal blood-
House Tuarlachiem

ruarhievel, led by Prince Fhileraene, came to

her uncle's court to visit and to discuss various
some of the legends of Cerilia S:
r time, the Sidhelien had told to D:
the humans. These tales had always delighted C: 12
her, and she became fascinated with elves.
A year ago, when Savane learned t h a t W.
Mhoried guilders were sending a trade mission Ch
to Tuarhievel through the guilds in Cariele,
she disguised herself as a caravan scout and AC:
went along. The tales she had heard as a child, hp:
however, could not prepare her for what she MV:
found in Tuarhievel. She discovered a people THACO
at once passionate and aloof, courteous and #AT
mocking, delightful and dangerous.
Savane was introduced to Fhileraene by the
Bloodline: Aaduuaa
Blood Abilities: He
her his own, she spumed him, so he appealed
to Azrai, his god, for aid. Azrai desired that
Raesene beget an imperial line, so he lent him
a measure of his divine aura, with which Rae-
sene bent Tara to his will. Although Raesene
had bent her, he had not broken her, and she
nursed her hatred of him for centuries.
Virtually no word has been spoken of her in
the centuries since Deismaar: conjecture has it
that Tara escaped the Gorgon during his ill-fated
expedition into the Aelvinnwode over two cen-
turies ago, What she has done since that time, no
one knows,for the world thought her dead until
very recently, when she arrived in Tuarhievel.
When a pair of assassins, sent presumably
by the gheallie Sidhe, tried to murder Savane,
the Black Princess was the one who foiled the
attempt on Savane’s life, slaying the assassins
in the process. When Savane asked her rescuer
to remain as her personal bodyguard, Tara
demurred. She revealed her identity, offered
instead to be her ally, and waited for Savane’s
reaction. Savane, after overcoming her initial
disbelief and surprise, reluctantly agreed. The
two women have spent much time in secret
discussions since then. Few know what it is
they talk about, but it seems certain t h at
Savane’smistrust of Tara dwindles with time.
The Black Princess’s arrival in Tuarhievel and
her subsequent declaration of alliance with
Savane has thrown the domain into even more
disarray than did Fhileraene’s investiture of
Savane. Many of the elven families do not
believe that the woman is really Tara, although
few are willing to test her temper, considering
how easily she destroyed the assassins sent to
kill Savane. Others, believing t h at the
ebony-skinned woman is who she claims, see
Savane’s alliance with her as an alliance with the
Gorgon himself. Tara appears unconcerned with
these speculations, for she does nothing to alle-
viate those fears. Perhaps Savane knows Tara’s
ultimate goals and reasons for aiding her, but
she has chosen t o respect Tara’s desire for pri-
vacy. Thus, no one else knows whether to trust
the Black Princess.
were children?Who dragged
the prince out from under the furious
blows of the orog champion at the battle for
Cymryr? And who took those wounds upon
himself instead, nearly dying as a result? But
then consider, who is it who seems likely to gain
the most from F'hiieraene'simprisonment?

portrays her as an evil seductrarr b d 4 n

1 destroying Tuarhievel.When asked for proof,
hn: 27
, Rhuandice led the reprisals against he became her ward in Tuaranreigh. She sent
them. She trapped the raiders from the Gor- him to Gylvain Taeline to learn the path of the
gon’s Crown in valleys and ambushed them taelinri. He spent many years in study, and 20
from the high ground. She even led her sol- years ago was the first half-elf to become a
diers into Markazor, where they put entire vil- taelinir. By tradition, he gave up his last name
l a p s and encampments to the sword. and adopted Taeline instead.
Rhuandice’s enemies saw her as some sort of Ibelcoris had meant for Rhuimach t o
avenging spirit. She soon learned, however, that become an adviser to her son, Prince Fhiler-
fforts to defend Tuarhievel were being aene. Rhuimach’s cousin, Llytha Damaan,
rmined. When Queen Ibelcoris began feared that the half-bred would try to steer
ing Tuarhievel’s borders to humans, she Fhileraene toward a more conciliatory stance
erased all of Rhuandice’s accomplishments. toward humans, so he engineered his cousin’s
Rhuandice secretIy began to summon warriors banishment by falsely accusing him of the
R human domains. Most obviously, no
are in

temple holdings exist anywhere in the domain,

and most wild holdins are controlled bv out-
their way of
life. Traditio
regent has allo
mazes in th
< .

the Sidhelien ca

magical skill sits on the.Thorn,Throne.Savane

,.s& , realm and ,

controls the sources of ~uarhievel,but she has

no ability to tap them?. Despite current
.,,, &&&&&,#s;,;&,~'$
.. ,
(. V '
:: . . ' . . ' ' A::l:.,,
inability to boxed set states that the Gorgon controls a
collect regency from level 5 source in t h e province, a n d t h e
Tuarhievel’s magical sources, remaining 2 levels are uncontrolled. This is
Savane has no intention of giving not precisely true. Although “the Lich” does
House Tuarlachiem even the slightest control not tap those 2 levels of magical power, his
over them; she refuses to allow her weakness control of the vale gives him access to them.
to become Rhuandice’s strength. Most of his power comes from the Shadow
Even Savane’staelinir, Gylvain, is unable to World (the level of source he can tap there is
use realm magic, for he divested himself of his unknown, but is thought to be very powerful,
bloodline to become one of the taelinri. In a t least rivalling t h a t of t h e province of
addition, she cannot allow an ally like the Sideath), so he does not need t o t a p the
Black Princess unrestricted access to ‘s magical energy, Furthermore, he does
sources, for the outrage would crippl wish to arouse the Gorgon’s anger by
weak political hold over Tuarhievel. Since antly demonstrating t h a t the Gorgon
has become regent, she has allowed ma t control the vale.
who are not opposed t o her access t o r, the Gorgon has not found it neces-
sources, and has refused such access to ontest “the Lich” for control of the
houses arrayed against her. She is aware that
Tuarhievel’s sources are a key prize in the suc-
cession dispute, and she is determined to pass in
them intact to her daughter. , especially those derived from the
Although technically no longer part of World, for they do not want to face
Tuarhievel, the province of Sideath in the that power if ever they anger Siebharrinn-
Gorgon’s Crown requires a special note or worse, if the Gorgon ever gains control of
regarding its magical sources. The BIRTHRIGHT the vale.

,,-, 1- ~
ip 01Tuarhievei. no mr, no Iur-
1 I attempts have been made by the church
reenter the domain, but Savane knows that
interest remains.
nother church seeking a foothold in
ievel is the Northern Reformed Church
of Sarimie. Savane is less sure of their goals,
but she suspects that they are linked to foreign
he foreign guilds seem rea' guilds attempting t o expand their control of
Tuarhievel's economy. They met the same flat
refusal as did Haelyn's Bastion of Truth.
The third church interested in establishing a
tei holding within Tuarhievel is the Oaken Grove
of Aeric. It has been the least offensive of the
three. This church is the one that Savane her-

s mentioned, no temple holdings exist self follows, so her decision regarding them is
anywhere within Tuarhievel. Elves have more difficult. This is further complicated by
long memories; following Deismaar, her acquaintance with some of the druids.
they vowed never again to interact with human Savane believes that several similarities exist
gods. A rare individual elf may choose to wor- between elven cultural beliefs and those prac-
ship one of the gods, but no organized human ticed by Aeric's druids. For now, she has kept
religious institution may exist anywhere within them out of Tuarhievel, but the decision has
the domain. The rulers of Tuarhievel have tol- not been easy to live with.
erated human priests in their realm only as
long as they remained silent on the topic of The holdings chart from Ruins ofEmpire is
their religious beliefs. reprinted here for convenience.
Savane is under considerable pressure by
various of the human faiths to allow the estab-
Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
lishment of small religious holdings. So far, - MB(2) L ( 5 )
these human priests have been unsuccessful.
Avallaigh (2/6) FD(1)
Sa(0) - - -
Savane is aware that the eyes of Tuarhievel's Bhindraith (216) Sa(1)
-- M B ( 2 ) Sa(4)
people are upon her in this matter, and she has
chosen not to do anything that seems to chal-
Braethindyr (415) FD(2)
Sa(2) -

lenge their cultural traditions. Cwmbheir ( 6 / 5 ) Sa(4) -- AD(3)

MB (2)
Three principal human churches desire FD(2)
- - Sa(0) -
access to Tuarhievel. The first is Haelyn's Sa(2) - - Sa(5)
Bastion of Truth. It hopes t
out of the darkness of their
with Azrai. Two enterprising crusaders of:
truth came t o Tuaranreigh recently, where
they arrogantly announced t h a t they had
arrived t o establish the first of many temples
dedicated to Haelyn, and that all would be
welcome. They followed this announcement
with a demand to t with Savane t o work
out the details.
Savane ordered these upstarts arrested and
escorted under heavy guard to the border with
Dhoesone, where they were warn
return. She did this as much out of
their safety as for any other reason
elves at court seemed ready to kill them. Hei
uponthec 5
the Shadow World. The depletion of
energy caused the separation

e , F a r more adept a t being

umans t h a n a r e elves, these
halflings travel abroad and gather information
about the actions of other domains. This infor-
mation gets back to Tuarhievel quickly by
some unknown means. As a result, the regents
of Tuarhievel are very well informed about the
to consolidate her hold on trade in the northern activities of their counterparts in other realms.
portiom of Anuire. Gaelin Thuried of the Upper The halfling who controls this effort is
Anuire Traders guild was badly injured in a called “the Fisherman.” The Fisherman is not
recent attack on his home, and other merchants’ a nickname: rather, it is a title that has been
holdings have been targeted as well. Only Mheal- passed down through generations of halfling
lie Bireon’s Stonecrown Coster seems immune spymasters. The few outsiders who have heard
to these assaults, so most speculation points to rumors of the Fisherman believe him to be an
her as their instigator. So far, this conflict has not ancient elf. Since the Fisherman never leaves
spilled over into Twhievel, but the idea that the the realm once he or she gains the title, no one
Stonecrown Coster may be attempting t o in the rest of the world is the wiser.
squeeze out other mercantile holdings may make The halfliig who currently holds this title is
it difficult for Savane to establish trade guilds a matronly female. She bas offered her ser-
more benevolent to the domain of Tuarhievel. vices to Savane, but has warned her that her
people work only to gain information about
secreTs foreign governments. She has sworn an oath
never to becQme involved in internal matters,
and she intends to abide by that oath.
When Fhileraene invested Savane with his blood-
line and regency, he also gave her information
about some of Tuarhievel’s political dealings.
the steward of the throne,
of other secrets as well.

or many years, Tuarhi
ilitarv aid to the rebels in Kiereard to keeo
them &ng enough to occupy some of the GO;-
gon’s troops. This aid exits Tuarhievel through
vcs wrre to dlly thernsclvq$& probdbly
openly with thr humani Ilbffi+nt;M %f
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, , ,_

.. r ..
i Caelorar


I -
! - I
Player's Secrets of

by Duane Maxwe d Steve Mill

B efore the humans descended on Cerilia, the continent was virtually

untouched, inhabited only by those who understood how to live in harmony
with nature. Since the human incursion, however, the natives have been
forced to realign themselves with their homelands and their neighbors. N o group has
felt the effects of these maneuverings as much as the elves, who now engage in a daily
struggle to keep a hold on their lands, fight off human interests, and preserve their
In Tuarhievel, matters have recently gotten worse. Prince Fhileraene has disappeared
after being coerced into answering a summons from the Gorgon-but before he went
away, he transferred his bloodline to his consort, a human female named Savane
Mhoried. Many of the elves of Tuarhievel consider this act to have been a betrayal of
their heritage, even though the interim regent has romised to pass the bloodline to
her yet unborn child as soon as that child comes o age. But in the meantime, the
elven nation is in upheaval. The land needs a strong leader to prevent traditional
values from clashin with the needs of the nation, lest it be torn apart. Can your
character walk the me line between tradition and neccessity to unify Tuarhievel?

This BIRTHRIGHT domain sourcebook is designed for players who wish to take part in
the rulership of Tuarhievel, either as the regent or as the leader of one of the
domain's noble families. This information is invaluable to anyone who might wish to
approach Tuarhievel as a political ally or embark on adventures
in the area. C 0

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