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1. AAA Electronics Company manufactures two products: air conditioners and fans. The
assembly process for each product is the same at the wiring and drilling stages. Each air
conditioner requires 3 hours of wiring and 2 hours of drilling. Each fan requires 2 hours of
wiring and 1 hour of drilling. Maximum wiring time is 240 hours and drilling time is 140
hours. Each air conditioner sold has a profit of $25 and each fan has a profit of $15. To
guarantee the signed contracts, AAA company must produce at least 45 air conditioners but
no more than 80 fans.Formulate a linear programming problem and calculate the quantity of
each product that needs to be produced for optimal profit by graphical solution.

2. An enterprise manufactures water tanks with two types of tanks: A and B. Each type of
tank A produced requires 125kg of steel and 20kg of other alloys while the quantity required
in tank B is 100kg of steel and 30kg of alloy, respectively. other. The enterprise currently has
25000kg of steel and 6000kg of other alloys. Tanks A and B when consumed will have a
profit per unit of $90 and $70 respectively. Let's create a linear programming problem to
calculate the optimal quantity of production graphically.

4. The union of a corporation has a capital of $250000 to invest within 12 months. This
capital can be invested in public bonds with a rate of 7% or deposited in a bank with a rate of
7.5%. The regulation of the organization is to diversify investment forms with at least 50% of
capital in bonds but deposits in banks cannot be more than 40% of total capital. So how much
capital must the organization invest in banks and bonds to get the most profit?

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