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Final Research Proposal Project

Due Date: Tuesday, December 12th through Blackboard Safe Assign.

Put it all together! Take all the parts of the research project and make it one cohesive research
proposal. Make sure you edit all suggestions and really polish it all up!

You should write it in your own words. Do not write in the first person. Avoid the use of the words, I
or me.

It is primarily based on the work you have already done. You may use your own words from your
previous work, but as stated, this should be YOUR WORK. If you must use another author's words,
they must be in quotes, and these should be limited.

You can label the sections of your proposal if you want. The paper should be a minimum of 7 pages


Abstract – Save the abstract for last! This should be written last since it is a short project summary.
The highlights should be the topic/hypothesis, proposed research approach, and conclusion.

Introduction- should include your topic and your hypothesis. Why is this topic significant? Explain.
You may use your work from previous intros, but some of you may need to write it again if significant
changes have been made in the original hypothesis or you never wrote it in the first place.

Literature Review – Adapted and taken from your Lab 2 - You can use your work from Lab 2. This
should be a review of the topic sources. This should be written differently than the original lab. This
should be a discussion of your topic with arguments and evidence presented from the literature. It
should be developed from one summary of each source to a discussion of your topic using citations
from sources.

Exploring Each of the other Methodologies – Adapted and Taken from Labs 6- Surveys, Lab 9 -
Secondary Analysis or Lab 10 – Observations. Describe 2 or 3 of these methodologies that are not
being proposed in the next section of this proposal. Why were they not applicable choices?

Future Research Proposal – Which of all the methodologies would be the best for your research
topic? This could be one of the research designs that did not have a lab associated with it, such as
ethnographies, experiments or historical comparative research, OR It could highlight surveys(Lab 6),
Secondary analysis (Lab 9) or observations (lab 10) Which do you propose? How should it be
implemented? Best practices.

This should include:

The Proposed Research Methodology
Measurement (adaptation of Lab 5 as applicable to the methodology being proposed)
Sampling Methodology (from Chapter 4)
Reasoning for this application
Limitations- Were there limitations? HINT- yes, there was…What were the limitations of your

Conclusion –/Summary and– This is the conclusion to your research. This should be a high-level
summary of the project and findings. This should be an overall discussion of the topic, the study and
the results.

Bibliography – Any formal source citation format will be acceptable.

Make sure you thoroughly edit everything. Make sure it is in your own words. Make sure you include
your graph and charts. Don’t forget to cite sources!!!

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