1 English

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Name ____________________________ Sec. ___ R.N o. ____


INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following paragraphs carefully and answer the questions
that follow
Physiologically women may be more sensitive to environmental facts such as stress, seasonal changes and
social rank. And this responsiveness might help explain the high rates of depression among them. The
symptoms of depression range from uncomfortable to debilitating: sleep disturbances, hopelessness, feeling of
worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, and exhaustion and sometimes even delusions. Few people realize just
how common depression is, how severe it can be or that it is most prevalent among women. Today 20 % of
the female population in the developed world suffers from depression.
____1. The main thought of the text is _____________________________
A) why women are more affected by changes in the environment
B) most people do not know how common depressions
C) the symptoms of depression vary between a feeling of uneasiness and exhaustion
D) men are not as sensitive to changes around them as women are
E) the symptoms of depression and why women suffer more from it
____2.Which of the following is not an indication of depression?
A) Feeling exhausted
B) Lack of sleep
C) Hallucination
D) Lack of self-esteem
E) Having false opinions and beliefs
____3.In accordance with the text , _____________________________
A) the percentage of men who suffer from depression is almost nil in developed countries
B) a woman suffering from depression cannot focus her attention on anything for a long time
C) only women are affected by seasonal changes
D) women with depression may have hope for the near future only
E) at present, 20% of the female population in the world suffer from the burden of depression
Whether you have a family member who is born or becomes handicapped, or you yourself become disabled, it
is vital to feel your grief for what could have been. Until you experience all your anger, sadness, fear and guilt
over your lost dreams, you will be closed to the possible gifts offered by the new reality. It is a great challenge
to live with your loss, especially if the diagnosis means further disablement, even death is likely. Regularly, it


is not only the handicapped person who has lost his previous life - choices, but also his immediate family.
However, so many handicapped people and their family members describe the wonderful love and aliveness
that can be experienced in what may seem unlikely situations.
____4. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A) If you become disabled one day, it will be only you to suffer from it.
B) Feeling grief for the handicapped only makes matters worse.
C) In some cases, the condition of the disabled person may get even more serious.
D) Fortunately, disablement alone cannot cause death.
E) A person who has lost his dreams because of disablement is to live alone all his life.
____5. Which of the following titles would be suitable for the text?
A) Living with Handicapped D) If You Become Disabled
B) Unlikely Situations E) Lost Life-Choices
C) Love and Aliveness
____6. The author has used “previous life-choices" for_____________________________
A) People born handicapped
B) people born handicapped
C) people born disabled
D) family members who do not experience love and aliveness
E) people who become handicapped sometime later in their lives
The common cold is a mild, contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat and larynx).
The common cold is most prevalent during the winter. It is estimated that about 50% of all people acquire
colds during the winter, while only about 20% are infected during the summer. The disease is also more
prevalent among certain age groups. Pre-school children average from 6 to 12colds a year, while their parents
have about 6 colds a year. Other adults average only 2 or 3 a year. The principal cause of the common cold is
a group of 50to 60 different viruses known as rhinoviruses. In addition to rhinoviruses, which seem to account
for the majority of common colds, certain other viruses have also been associated with the disease. Since so
many viruses cause the common cold, it is unlikely that artificial immunization, that is any medication to
prevent it, will be probable for some time. A natural form of immunity does exist, but an individual must be
infected with all of the many cold-producing viruses before he is truly immune to the disease. Evidence of
natural immunity is the fact that colds occur less frequently in older persons. This is the result of immunity
acquired from cold infections in the past. It also reflects their lessened contact with small children, a major
source of infection.
____7. The common cold is more usually seen in _____________________________
A) people who are artificially immunized B) people who become naturally immune to disease
C) parents with small children D) small children
E) all adults
____8. Artificial immunization to common cold will not protect a person from it all his life as____________
A) the common cold is not caused by one specific virus
B) there is no medication to fight against the common cold
C) the common cold is a very contagious virus infection
D) he or she will be now and then in contact with others with the common cold
E) particularly because the common cold is an infection of the nose, throat and larynx
____9. "The disease is also more prevalent among certain age groups" refers to _______________________
A) certain age groups are likely to suffer from the disease more frequently
B) the disease is milder as you get older


C) the disease can be really serious among certain age groups
D) the disease is not very common in adults
E) the disease lasts longer at a certain age
Generally, educational processes involve not only learning but teaching as well. There is, however, no logical
connection in this case. Education can go on without any teaching. We can say it was a "real education" for
someone to take a boat out on his own, implying that he learnt something desirable without anybody having
been there to teach him the lesson. There are many forms of learning that go on without teaching, and
'educative' learning does not mean that the learning must take place in a teaching situation. It may be argued
that most things are learnt more rapidly and more reliably in a classroom situation. But even so, learning is not
dependent upon teaching.
____10. As is emphasized in the passage, it is generally assumed that _____________________________.
A) schools are not important at all in the learning process
B) teachers do not further take place in the learning process
C) education means both learning and teaching
D) people learn most effectively by themselves
E) a good education makes teaching a-priority
____11. The writer confesses that a teacher may often make the process of learning ____________________.
A) more interesting D) quicker and more dependable
B) safer and more regular E) a purely formal affair
C) too "educative" to be effective
____12. The writer states that true education _____________________________.
A) is what everybody desires to have
B) can only be provided in a classroom
C) results from the acquisition of all kinds of knowledge
D) is an ideal that cannot be achieved in life
E) can be acquired without the help of a teacher

Computers should never have acquired the exalted status they now have. Fascinating and invaluable as they
are, even the most advanced have less brainpower than a three-year-old. They do, however, score on single-
mindedness. The three-year-old uses his brain not only to think but also to do tasks like seeing, hearing and
running about, which need rapid and sophisticated electro-mechanical interactions we too run on electricity.
But the computer just sits there and sends spacecraft to the moon or reorganizes the world banking system,
which is very much easier. That's why man's dream of robot servants is still a long way off.
____13.The main point made in the passage is that the human brain_____________________________.
A) is much inferior to any known computer
B) is infinitely more complex and powerful than any known computer
C) reaches its maximum efficiency at the age of three
D) is not as complicated and mysterious as has usually been taught
E) has been entirely reproduced in computer form
____14. It is explained in the passage that the efficiency of the computer_____________________________.
A) will soon make it possible for the man to be served by robots
B) depends on the speed with which the data are fed
C) can best be appreciated in the decision-making positions
D) is the result of its being concentrated on one task at a time
E) depends upon sophisticated electro-mechanical in


____15. The author feels that the computers _____________________________.
A) are becoming unaffordable as they get more advanced
B) have contributed immensely to the improvement of living standards
C) have been unnecessarily overrated
D) will be a major force behind all future progress
E) are capable of doing all the tasks the human brain performs even more efficient interactions
The fact the brain is divided into a left and a right half is not a new discovery. Once the skull is
removed, the division is clear to the naked eye, and it is a common feature of brains throughout the animal
kingdom. What is interesting about this division in man is that each half seems to have developed specialized
functions, the left side appearing to be better at some tasks, and the right side better at others. The most
obvious difference in functioning is that the left side of the brain receives sensations from and controls the
right side of the body and vice versa. The reasons for this are still unclear. Despite a number of interesting
theories, there is no obvious advantage in such a cross over.
____16. We can learn from the text that, in man, each half of the brain_____________________________.
A) is characterized by a crossover of innumerable nerves
B) functions in full harmony with the other in all activities
C) performs certain specialized tasks
D) controls the corresponding side of the body
E) can be removed without damage being caused to the other
____17. The passage is mainly about_____________________________.
A) the recent history of brain studies
B) how the body is controlled by the brain
C) the reason why there is a crossover of nerves in the brain
D) the division of the brain into two halves and the way each half functions
E) how the sensations of the body are transmitted to the brain
____18. As the writer stresses, it has long been known that _____________________________.
A) damage to the left half of the brain produces far more serious defects
B) the human brain, unlike that of other animals, has a very complicated structure
C) the right side of the brain has the same functions as the left side
D) the left side of the brain works more efficiently than the right
E) in the animal world, brains consist of two halves
____19. The collection of foreign intelligence, which is the pursuit of a special kind of information, is an
obligatory service for any government having even the most elementary international associations. Nations
must devise a strategy to provide for both their security and well-being. History teaches us that responsibility
cannot be met without knowledge of the political, economic and military capabilities and intentions of other
nations. Indeed, advanced knowledge of these matters or its absence could well settle the fate of a great nation,
especially in an era when a single nation or consortium of nations is capable of smashing another society in a
single stroke, or of controlling it under the threat of poised catastrophe. The well-being of any great nation will
depend on decisions taken by others, which must before seen, correctly analyzed, and countered.
____20. As is obvious from the passage, a nation for its own well-being even survival __________________.
A) needs to know what is going on in other countries and what is being planned
B) must have a good standing army to defend itself
C) should be on good terms with several other countries as a safeguard
D) must be prepared to counteract any internal revolt
E) should not put much faith in foreign intelligence to maintain its security


____20.The writer stresses that, in our time, it is _____________________________.
A) a major concern in foreign intelligence to study the political and economic developments in neighbor
B) usual for governments to rely more on military strength than on foreign intelligence
C) possible for one nation to be completely wiped out by another or others
D) almost impossible to get reliable intelligence about other nations
E) scarcely necessary to anticipate attack from, consortium of nations
____21. According to the passage, foreign intelligence is regarded as ............
A) the unfair pursuit of the data relating to the military potential of another nation
B) essential for the economic well-being of a country
C) clandestine interference in the affairs of another nation
D) the acquirement of a particular type of information
E) a series of strategies devised to counter any military threat
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives
____ 10. Mary says “I clean my room every day.” Mary says that ____________________.
A) I clean her room every day. D) she cleans my room every day.
B) she cleaned her room every day. D) she cleans her room every day.
C) her room was cleaned every day.
____11. "Have you seen my daughter?" a woman is asking her neighbor. A woman is asking her neighbor
____________________.her daughter.
A) has she seen D) if they have seen
B) have I seen E) have you seen
C) if she has seen
____12. He _______________me if I _______________a taxi yesterday.
A) will ask / takes D) asked / had taken
B) ask / take E) will ask / take
C) is asking / shall take
____13. She asked in surprise _______________.
A) if he had really read all the books D) whether I have already read his article
B) if this is what her mother buys her E) did she caused much trouble
C) if the cafe is still open
____14. The doctor asked his nurse _______________.
A) when is she going to give the medicine to the medical center
B) if she would come in time the following day
C) if the patient prepared for the operation
D) if the tests are ready for applicants
E) when the patient feels asleep tell me

____17. I wondered _______________.

A) if the train had come on time D) if the train will come on time
B) had the train come on time E) when the train is due to come
C) whether the train comes on time
____19. “You must do what you are told”. She said _______________.


A) that must do what I was told D) that she must do what she was told
B) what have to do what I was told E) she had to do what she was told
C) what had to do what I was told
____20. The sergeant said that nothing ______from the two boys since they ________at the Victoria Station.
A) was heard / saw D) had heard / saw
B) will be heard / were seen E) would have heard / were seen
C) had been heard / were seen
____21. I ___ about my father’s death before my mother.
A) is told B) shall be told C) had been told D) were told E) have been told
____22. Someone wrote this report last week. This report _______________.last week.
A) is written D) had been written
B) was written E) would be written
C) has been written
____23. Finally he decided to come back and live in the house of his parents which __________by his aunt.
A) kept B) was kept C) are kept D) were kept E) keeps
____24. The people next door disappeared 6 months ago. They ____________since then.
A) aren’t seen D) weren’t being seen
B) haven’t been seen E) aren’t being seen C) weren’t seen
____25. The men ____________after the explosion.
A) are said to be arrested D) are said to have been arrested
B) said to be arrested E) are said to arrest
C) are said to being arrested
____26. - "Did someone throw those letters away?" - "Yes, but it was a mistake. They ____________away."
A) mustn’t be thrown D) can’t be thrown
B) shouldn’t be thrown E) need to be thrown
C) shouldn’t have been thrown
____27. In winter he spends much time in the mountains, he is fond of ____________.
A) to skate B) skated C) skating D) to be skated E) having skated
____28. She saw the girl ____________in the yard.
A) playing B) ) to play C) played D) on playing E) was playing
____29. He usually left us without ____________a word.
A) to say B) saying C) said D) say E) having been said
____30. Miss Benson was looking forward to ____________the title role in the new play.
A) play B) playing C) to be played D) played E) being played
____31. I hope my dream will come true this year. - And what do you dream of? - Oh, I dream of ___ a law
school and ____________a lawyer.
A) to enter / to become D) entered / become
B) enter / become E) to enter / becoming
C) entering / becoming

____32. The young man didn’t stop ____________although I asked him twice.
A) is smoking B) smoked C) smoking D) smoked E) to smoke
____33. He introduced me to an acquaintance ____________that I did not know her.
A) to believe D) of believing
B) believing E) to have believed
C) not to believe


____34. John is ____________but ____________boy in the family.
A) taller / the youngest D) more tall / the most young
B) the tallest / the youngest E) the tallest / more young
C) taller / younger
____35.They showed me their best suits but, if these are their ___ suits, what are their ___ ones like.
A) best / worst D) worse / better
B) better / worst E) good / worst
C) best / worse
____36. Everybody should visit Goreme, ____________?
A) should they D) should we
B) should he E) shouldn't we
C) shouldn't they
____37. It is breaking news. Something bad must have happened at the airport. Pass the remote control tome,
A) isn't it B) didn't you C) aren't I D) will you E) shall we
____38. Nobody in the family believes Carl has paid the heating bill, ____________? So, he needs some time
to prove himself to be reliable.
A) do they B) has he C) doesn't he D) won't they E) did they
____39. It would have been a more tactful decision to leave them alone when they told us to have a break,
A) shouldn't we B) didn't they C) wouldn't it D) hasn't it E) wouldn't they
____40. They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish they
A) had not done D) would not have done
B) have not done E) never do
C) would not do
____41. As ____________of our employees can afford cars of ____________own, they all have to rely on
public transport.
A) few / them D) most / our
B) some / his E) many / its
C) none / their
____42. It seems likely that, by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge
____________by the Ministry.
A) would have been announced D) will have been announced
B) would be announced E) have been announced
C) are being announced
____43. In the past few months, our company director ____________more mettle than most industrialists
____________in an entire career.____________


A) had shown / have done C) shows / did
B) showed / would do D) was showing / may have done
____44. If they ____________what sort of a person he was, they ____________him their support.
A) would know / didn’t give D) would have known / hadn’t given
B) knew / won’t give E) have known / haven’t given
C) had known / wouldn’t have given
____45. Of the many attempts that __________to regulate language one way or another, very few ________.
A) were made / had succeeded D) could have been made / will succeed
B) have been made / have succeeded E) are being made / may have succeeded
C) are made / succeeded
____46. I don’t imagine he wrote the speech _________but ________did so, certainly made a good job of it.
A) for them / whomsoever D) himself / whoever
B) of his / somebody E) themselves / whichever
C) by him / they
____47. His proposal __________the new social security policy seems more viable than any of the others.
A) by way of B) due to C) owing to D) in case of E) as regards
____48. There are situations __________the best way to heal the patient is to help him die peacefully.
A) from where B) in that C) whence D) for whom E) in which
____49. Had they apologized for deliberately overcharging me, I __________a complaint with the
Consumers’ Rights Office.
A) will not have filed D) was not filing
B) may not have filed E) may not file
C) would not have filed
____50. He’s certainly going to recommend that the changes in the structure of the company be introduced
step by step; and __________
A) so I am B) so am I C) so do I D) I do, too E) I also do
____51. Do you really believe that the party program __________it now stands, is democratic __________to
influence the vote in our favor.
A) as / enough D) such as / too
B) since / also E) that / even
C) where / as well
____52. __________the recent rise in unemployment largely affects eastern Germany, there is considerable
unrest in western Germany, too.
A) Since B) In case C) Although D) Unless E) Until
____53. __________he was campaigning for re-election last year, he promised that __________re-elected, he
would undertake to restructure the party.
A) Wherever / lest D) While / unless
B) Because / while E) When / if
C) As / since
____54. _______the terms of the forthcoming trade agreement, Japan wins parity _______the United States.
A) Through / above D) Under / with
B) By / of E) After / over
C) From / from
____55. We have yet to take __________consideration the problem of how large future national armies should
eventually be, regardless __________their current size.
A) onto / at B) in / in C) for / with D) under / from E) into / of


____56. Of all the policies put into effect by the Thatcher government, __________controversial was the
economic one.
A) most B) the more C) the most D) more E) mostly
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the alternatives THAT best completes the given statements
____57.In spite of the fact that there was little rain in summer, __________
A) there was neither enough fruit nor vegetables to eat
B) the floods gave a considerable harm to agriculture
C) I'd like to walk in the park
D) the government had to buy more crops from the neighboring countries
E) the crops seemed healthy enough to be manufactured
____58. David was clearly the only pupil in the classroom __________.
A) with whose grades the teachers were completely satisfied
B) that everybody is ready to help him with his studies
C) yet he was one of the most successful ones
D) which nobody in the classroom liked at all
E) whether somebody has organized the meeting about it
____59. I'm afraid we're out of bread and there is no fruit left, __________.
A) although there's hardly anything left in the cupboard
B) so we'll just have to have soup and make the best of it
C) while she's preparing the dinner
D) and then we had to go out for a little shopping
E) therefore I think I'll be better off soon
____60. __________they were able to prove his involvement in the crime.
A) Because the firm is under threat of closure
B) As soon as Sue confessed her guilt to the officers
C) When the police examined the evidence in more detail
D) If we approached them again on the subject
E) Having stolen the jewellery
____61. Since John was employed as Dick's assistant for many years, __________.
A) we regarded it as a foregone conclusion that he would succeed him when he retired
B) Dick's daughter took over the position
C) some members of staff objected to smoking in the office
D) he is quite thin but fit
E) they will find the sharpest brain in the country someday
____62. __________, it was too late to help thousands of people.
A) Unless they have the information
B) Until they told the news to the government
C) By the time they informed the international aid agencies
D) Instead of warning the Red Cross
E) As soon as the police discovered whom the murderer had been
____63. It was not until he had sent his book to more than 20publishers __________.
A) though he was an efficient writer D) when the agreement was signed


B) where they demanded too much money E) that one agreed to publish it
C) who refused his offer
____64. __________when fresh fighting broke out.
A) No sooner had Jason left the town D) Not only did they evacuate the city
B) Hardly had the peace agreement been signed E) The more fiercely the war goes on
C) She neither abandoned the war field
____65. Not knowing anyone in her new neighborhood, __________.
A) he was too desperate to find a friend
B) it barked all day
C) she could find nothing to do except going for a walk on her own
D) no one visited her in her new apartment
E) John moved to his mother's home back again
____66. Unless the two countries begin to negotiate seriously, __________.
A) there won't be any wars from now on
B) the both sides can find a solution easily
C) a violence in the region will be unavoidable
D) regional similarities were in front
E) one of them would have given an end to the going on retaliation
____67. The citizens will hold a big protest __________.
A) just as the farmers were cutting down many trees
B) provided that the council went on pulling the historical buildings down
C) if the government builds a road through the region which involves residential areas and parks
D) if only the amount of taxes has been brought down a little by the government
E) while the committee was organizing a ceremony for the opening of the new high way
____68. __________ go ahead and start without me.
A) Under the bush lay the body of the actor
B) If I'd known that you weren't going to come
C) Should I not get there on time
D) As if he was unknown to everyone there
E) Although the case was explained properly
____69. It was obvious that the response which I gave to his question was not __________.
A) what he'd expected to hear D) that he tells his family
B) which one cares for E) whose student will give
C) to whom I'd spoken
____70. __________but he claimed he himself was infallible too.
A) No sooner had he turned on the computer
B) Not only did Jason believe that his rude behaviors were normal
C) Hardly had any of us seen such an arrogant man
D) Were he not so selfish and mean
E) Had the assassination attempt succeeded
____71. The spacecraft, having been melted by the high surface temperature of Venus, __________.
A) stopped transmitting radio signals D) will have halted on its way home
B) which launched the wrong missile E) get frozen
C) it could be the same person as I saw at the meeting
____72. __________Dian Fosse was never able to complete her studies of the great apes.
A) Since she has great achievements in biology


B) However slow and weak she has proved
C) What an exceptionally clever woman she was
D) So intelligent and hardworking was she that
E) Being alone and undistracted in the African jungle for several years
____73. Since leaving the presidency in 1980, __________.
A) Ronald Reagan to rest at home
B) Washington worked as a consultant for companies
C) Margaret had lost her temper
D) Jimmy Carter has taught law at Emory University in Atlanta
E) we had been searching for a better job
____74. Fuel gases consist principally of hydrocarbons, __________.
A) that is, of molecular compounds of carbon and hydrogen
B) why manufactured gas has an unpleasant smell
C) that are sometimes normally present in other gases
D) when drawn from gas deposits in the earth
E) before they reached a burner nozzle
____75. Should the governments of both countries fail to start negotiations soon, __________.
A) both sides are hopeful that a possible war can be avoided
B) most of the authorities have long feared a rebel
C) many people have considered the possibility of a civil war
D) nevertheless the peacekeeping treaties are pessimistic
E) a war is highly likely to be the result
____76. __________, the kiwi is the prime fruit to eat if you have the flu.
A) Since it has more vitamin C than any other one
B) Because of its calorie amount
C) Had you been overweight
D) That you're not allowed to consume fruit
E) The reason why you eat fresh fruit may be
____77. __________, I've forgotten his name.
A) Though they organized a perfect wedding ceremony
B) Since we've been close friends
C) In spite of the fact that I attended Julia's son’s birthday party only recently
D) Although I've never attended any occasion with him
E) Because he's been popular worldwide
____78. __________, many foreigners want to make a second or even a third visit.
A) Because it's one of the most beautiful cities in the world
B) Though it has many facilities and natural beauties to host tourists
C) Since the country had declined as a world power
D) Despite its great popularity for its hotels which have international standards
E) Owing to its bad reputation for hosting tourists.
____79. My mother made sure to take her umbrella __________.
A) in spite of the heavy storms which broke suddenly
B) thus the thunderstorm's been going on since yesterday
C) if it has stopped raining when she leaves
D) therefore, she'll get soaked thoroughly
E) in case it rained on her way to the grocery


____80. __________her poem was chosen the best out of the over a hundred entries in the competition.
A) The reason why she had been amazed was D) It will be my ideal that
B) When the football fans E) In spite of the other precious paintings
C) What surprised her was that
____81. It's a pity that there are some professions in which people work so hard __________.
A) where opportunities are rather fewer D) that they never find time to enjoy life
B) in case they can find a perfect job E) while they're not allowed any time off
C) which they should make a lot of expenses
INSTRUCTION: Read the Following Situations and Answer the Questions That Follow
____82. While you’re walking to work one day, you see a blind woman standing at the traffic lights. She
obviously wants to walk across the street but she seems to get confused about the car horns and
crowd. And nobody helps her. Hoping to help her, you approach and a skin a polite manner:
A) Excuse me, madam, but I was wondering whether I could be of any assistance.
B) Why are you still waiting? Don't you see the cars have just stopped?
C) The lights are red now, why don't you stop and wait, you old woman?
D) You're too passive. Be active and jump into the street!
E) You look so miserable! Is it because you're blind?
____83. You're preparing for the university entrance exams and decided that you want to study foreign
languages. But your parents are of the idea that foreign languages don't promise a wealthy future.
Namely, it's not a good career planning. Nevertheless, you've t-already decided and you're so
determined. You tell them forcefully by saying:
A) Why are you insisting on science? I prefer engineering.
B) It's not yet certain I'll pass the exams, so it's no use talking about these
C) I haven't decided yet; if you were in my position, what would you do?
D) I'm just determined and I'm going to study what I want to study and this is my final decision.
E) I think you speak too early. We'll wait and see.
____84. You've just arranged a job interview with the manager of a well-established firm. When you arrive
there, you approach the officer at the reception and tell her politely the reason for your presence.
A) Excuse me, I can't find the interview room.
B) Do you know where the other applicants are?
C) Good morning. I’d like to ask you if I'm in the right place for the is! Interview?
D) I’m sorry but wouldn't it be better to set up a better organization for the interviews?
E) Good afternoon. I’m John Melbourne and I'm here for a job interview with Mr. Dawson.
____85. You've planned a trip up to the mountains with your wife for Sunday. On Saturday night, you watch
the weather report and see that heavy rain is predicted. You get disappointed and you at once talk to
your wife and say:
A) It seems as if we may have to postpone our trip to another day.
B) If I were you, I'd prepare an umbrella.
C) Being together is important, and then who cares about the rain?
D) Did you put the jumpers in the suitcase?
E) Darling, I've changed my mind. Under such favorable weather conditions, why don't we go for a


____86. You are a university student and you're staying in a dormitory room with your best friend. One day, in
the middle of the night you suddenly wake up because of a nightmare. And since you're afraid, you ask
your roommate to switch on the lights. You say:
A) Do you mind if I switch on the lights? You seem to be horrified.
B) I don't know what my problem is. I'm always like this nowadays.
C) Would you mind turning the lights on as I'm a bit scared?
D) Why are you looking at me like that? I just had a bad dream.
E) If I turn on the television, I'll feel better. Don’t worry about me.
____87. On your way home, you see a woman who seems to have got lost. You want to help her. So you
approach her and say:
A) Excuse me, ma'am. I thought you were looking a little apprehensive. Can I help you?
B) Hello. No matter how courageous you are, you can’t find your way here.
C) I wonder why you look so sad!
D) I'm sorry; could you help me to find my way? I think I'm lost.
E) Pardon me; I'm very glad that I ran into you today. Shall we have a meal together?
____88. Your father has lost his job due to the recent economic crisis. He was a successful architect. Now he
feels rather sad. You know how qualified he is, so as to comfort and encourage him, you say:
A) This crisis has made many people homeless or jobless.
B) Why don't you understand the company's financial situation? They must have many other problems
more important than you.
C) If I were you, I would sue the company because of this foolish decision.
D) I feel pity for you and you should feel it for yourself. You've lost such a good past for nothing.
E) Please, don't be so upset. I'm certain an architect having your qualifications can find a job easily.
INSTRUCTION: From the given alternatives, choose the one that best completes the
____89. The doctor seemed to be __________about the recovery of the patient.
A) optimistic B) deserved C) nourished D) rejected E) dismissed
____90. She was __________to see all her dreams come to nothing.
A) disappointed B) pleased C) enthusiastic D) excited E) expected
____91. He is an __________worker. He doesn't obey the office rules at all.
A) insulted B) insubordinate C) intellectual D) intelligent E) insufficient
____92.She __________her father a lot, especially in the psychological aspect.
A) influences B) obeys C) resembles D) follows E) agrees
____93. The members have been _______the subject for six hours but they haven't come to an _________yet.
A) discussing / accepting D) arguing / acceptance
B) discussing / common point E) debating / agreement
C) debating / common point
____94. The earliest __________of America as far as we know were the Indians.
A) inhabitants B) immigrants C) governments D) visitors E) settlements
____95. It is said that there is a big __________between brown and white rice.
A) difficulty B) process C) distinguished D) separation E) difference
____96. According to the _____of advertising, consumers can shop more intelligently as a result of advertising.
A) supporters B) advertisers C) critiques D) advocates E) components


____97. The secretary has become quite __________to the company because no one knows the filing system
except for her.
A) indiscernible D) indefinite
B) influential E) indeterminable
C) indispensable
____ 98. Wes topped to let each other talk, then we started talking __________, and laughed at each other.
A) same time B) simultaneously C) punctually D) meantime E) meanwhile
INSTRUCTION: Read the given sentences and choose the alternatives that best represent
the meaning of the given statements
____99. Hadn't I missed that plane on that day, I wouldn’t be alive now.
A) Aren't I lucky to have missed that plane!
B) If I am alive today, it is because I didn't get on that plane that day.
C) The fact that I am alive today is due to the fact that I didn't miss that plane.
D) If I hadn't missed that plane, I wouldn't be here talking to you now.
E) I owe my life to the fact that I missed that planet hat day.
____100. His father pretended not to know what the boy had done.
A) His father preferred not to show that he knew what the boy had done.
B) His father didn't choose to show that he knew what the boy had done.
C) His father knew perfectly well what the boy had done.
D) What the boy had done was not unknown to his father.
E) His father wanted to forget what the boy had done.
____101. My friend used to visit her aunt once a month only.
A) Only once a month did my friend use to visit her aunt.
B) My friend didn't visit her aunt more than once a month.
C) Only one visit per month was paid by my friend to her aunt.
D) My friend visited her aunt not more than once a month.
E) Her aunt was used to and pleased about being visited by my friend once a month only.
____102. He must have had a new lock put on the door.
A) He must have had someone come and put a new lock on the door.
B) It seems that he has put a new lock on the door.
C) There seems to be a new lock on the door because-- I suppose -- he wanted it to be changed.
D) I suppose he asked someone to come and put anew lock on the door.
E) This old key I have here is no good. Obviously, he has had the lock changed.
____103. I'll help you provided that you promise to be more careful from now on.
A) I'll help you on condition that you promise to be more careful from now on.
B) Whether or not I will help you depends on whether or not you promise to be more careful in the
C) If you promise to provide some help from now on, I will be careful, too.
D) That you promise to be more careful in the future is the necessary condition for me to help you.
E) If you promise me that you'll be more careful in the future, I will help you.
____104. Naturally, one doesn't expect polar bears to live happily in the desert.
A) A desert would be an unnatural environment for polar bears to live and multiply in.
B) Polar bears cannot be expected to live happily in the desert.
C) It would go against their natural self for polar bears to live in deserts.


D) It would be unnatural to see polar bears live happily in the desert.
E) There is nothing unnatural about polar bears living in the desert happily.
____105. Where have you been and why are you so late?
A) Welcome back, but you are late.
B) You shouldn't have gone out, because you had to be here early.
C) Are you late because you went somewhere?
D) Are you late because you went to some far-away place?
E) I just want to know two things: Where were you? And, what made you late?
____106. She is much thinner than she used to be.
A) She’s no thinner now than she used to be.
B) She was used to weighing more in the past.
C) She is hardly any thinner than she used to be.
D) In the past, she weighed more than she does now.
E) Though she is much thinner now, she didn't weigh more in the past.
____107. We ought to do all we can to reduce air pollution.
A) To pollute the air we breathe, all of us must reduce it all together.
B) We should do our best to improve the quality of the air we breathe.
C) We are all trying as much as we can not to increase air pollution.
D) Air pollution can be improved if all of us stop reducing it.
E) All of us are guilty of polluting the atmosphere.
____108. He took these photographs hanging upside-down from a cliff, which was a very difficult thing to do.
A) Taking a photograph of upside-down hanging cliffs is a very difficult thing to do.
B) He took some difficult photographs of his friends hanging him upside down from a cliff.
C) It was very difficult to hang him upside down from a cliff so that he could take these photographs.
D) He took these photographs hanging upside down from a cliff, and that was a very difficult thing to
E) It is very difficult to take photographs if you are hanged upside down from a cliff.
____109. Her father told me that she was to leave for Ankara that evening.
A) I know that her father told her to go to Ankara that evening.
B) Her father was of the opinion that she should not leave for Ankara that evening.
C) It had been arranged that she would leave for Ankara that evening. That is what her father said to me.
D) Would she leave for Ankara that evening if her father hadn't told me so?
E) Her father told me that she wanted to leave for Ankara that evening.
____110. Fortune knocks at their door, but they answer not.
A) They are stupid enough to answer fortune's call.
B) They aren't stupid enough to answer fortune's call.
C) They aren't stupid enough not to answer fortune’s call.
D) They are stupid enough not to answer fortune’s call.
E) Fortune knocks at their door, but nobody is in.
F) They want fortune to go and knock at their neighbors’ doors.
____111.. Medical authorities recommend that smoking should be discouraged by the state.
A) People are recommended by medical authorities to encourage the state to stop smoking.
B) It is recommended by medical authorities that people should be encouraged by the state to smoke.
C) It is the view of medical authorities that the state should take steps to encourage people to stop
D) People who smoke are recommended by medical authorities to encourage the state to stop public


E) Medical authorities recommend that smoking should be encouraged by the state for the good of
____112. One of the men who snatched her handbag had a black patch over one eye.
A) There were more than one man; and one of them snatched her black patchy handbag.
B) The men, one of whom snatched her handbag, had black patches over both eyes.
C) Her handbag was snatched by a man wearing patchy black eye.
D) Some men snatched her handbag. One of them had a black patch over one eye.
E) One of the men, who snatched her handbag, covered one of her eyes with a black patch.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the Alternative That Best Completes the Dialogues
____113. A : Can you help me with this work?
B : I'm afraid, I can't. I'm very busy now.
A : ____________________
B : Yes, certainly. I think I'll be free in an hour.
A) Can you help me tomorrow?
B) Can I come a little later?
C) When will you be free?
D) When can I come?
E) What are you busy with?
____114. A : We are going on an excursion tomorrow. Would you like to join us?
B : ____________________
A : Shall I take any food with me?
B : ____________________
A : We'll be away for 2 days.
A) No, I wouldn't / Oh, no D) I'd love to / Certainly
B) No, I don't / Yes, please E) Certainly / No, you won't
C) Yes / You needn't
____115. A : Your sons are very interested in ship building.
B : Really?
A : ____________________
B : Not yet, but they have many books about ships.
A) How old are they? D) Is their father a sailor?
B) Did they like this subject? E) Have they got books about shipbuilding?
C) Have you ever been to the sea?
____116. A : John is going to buy an expensive car.
B : _____ . He told me that himself.
A) How do you know? D) Why are you speaking?
B) Where did you take it? E) Do you live in the south?
C) Are you in need of food?
____117. A : Who is the woman crossing the street?
B : ____________________
A : She is so pretty.
B : ____________________


A) She is our teacher. / What about you? D) These are Ann and Mary. / You are right.
B) Why are you asking? / I don't know her. E) She is my friend. / You know him well.
C) She is Mrs. green. / He is coming to us.
____118. A : When are you leaving?
B : ____________________
A) I live not far from here. D) I'm flying on Saturday.
B) May I see you off? E) I'm leaving home.
C) I'm not flying.
____119. A : ____________________
B : Because I need it for my job.
A) Why have you come here?
B) Why are you learning English?
C) Who made you buy this book?
D) Why are these books on your table?
E) Why don't you learn a foreign language?
____120. A : Where did you see The New Year in?
B : ____________________
A : Really?
A) Fishing in the river next week.
B) I prefer to go there by train.
C) As usual, in the open air.
D) It's hard to say.
E) My friend and I will get to our place.


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