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What are you doing later? Having dinner.

Where are you eating dinner? In town.
Why didn’t you eat at home? I didn’t have any food in the house.
Who did you eat with? With my family.
How are you finding the meal? Quite pleasant.
When are you eating dinner? At seven.

Where is he working at the moment?
How do you get to school normally?
What did you eat yesterday?
Where are you living this year?
What are you studying tomorrow?

1. You live near here, don’t you?
2. You don’t know the answer, do you?
3. You’re older than me, aren’t you?
4. They’re confused, aren’t they?
5. She’s smart, isn’t she?
6. He isn’t serious, is he?
7. You’ve been to the shops, haven’t you?
8. He has been to England already, hasn’t he?
9. You haven’t finished the exercise yet, have you?
10. He hasn’t slept enough, has he?

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