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Babies' language development undergoes significant changes around

nine months of age. Initially, they will unconsciously make sounds

such as crying, which are called "vegetative" noises. Within a few
weeks, however, this changes, and by around 18 months, most babies
begin to say their first words.

Skinner, Chomsky, and Bruner proposed different factors that

contribute to language learning in infants. Skinner believed that babies
learn to speak by imitating the speech of those around them and
receiving positive reinforcement. Chomsky disagrees with this view.
He believes that babies have an innate language ability that needs to
be activated. Bruner emphasized the role of parents and caregivers in
providing ongoing feedback and engaging in interactive dialogue to
help infants acquire language.

In bilingual or multilingual families, early exposure to a second or third

language before nine months of age is expected to provide
advantages for future language skills, especially pronunciation.
a) The meanings of each verb:

Debate: Engage in a formal discussion or argument on a particular

Speak (to): Express thoughts or communicate verbally.
Talk (to): Engage in conversation or discourse.
Copy: Reproduce or imitate something that has been said or written.
Communicate: Share or exchange information or ideas.
Praise: Express approval or admiration.
Emphasize: Highlight or give importance to something.
Reject: Refuse or decline something.
Say: Express or convey words or opinions.
Tell: Share or impart information or instructions.

b) While "say," "speak," "tell," and "talk" can have similar meanings,
there are some differences in their usage:

Say: Generally refers to expressing or conveying words, opinions, or

Speak: Usually involves expressing thoughts or communicating
Tell: Typically involves imparting or sharing information or instructions
to someone.
Talk: Generally refers to engaging in conversation or discourse.

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