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Reaction Paper to the Topic: Government Budgeting

As an employee of the Department of Agriculture in the Philippines, I find myself deeply

dismayed by the prevailing budgeting practices in the agriculture sector. While recognizing the
importance of budget allocation for the sector's development, it is disheartening to witness
the allocation of funds to programs that may not be directly aligned with the sector's urgent
needs. It becomes evident that some programs are prioritized over agriculture-related
initiatives, hindering the sector's growth and ability to address crucial challenges.

In addition to the misalignment of priorities, another pressing issue is the inefficiency

in the use of allocated funds. The late delivery of interventions and slow project
implementation have adverse effects on farmers and rural communities who rely on timely
support. Take for example the delay in the accomplishment of the roads and networks that
could have helped in the transportation of goods of the farmers. This inefficiency leads to
underspending and a failure to make the most of the budget intended to improve the
agriculture sector. As a government employee working within the department, I feel the
frustration and impact of these delays on the ground, as it directly affects the lives of those
who depend on our support.

Furthermore, the absorptive capacity of other attached agencies within the

Department of Agriculture poses a significant challenge. While some agencies may have the
potential to utilize funds effectively and efficiently for the benefit of the sector, it appears that
budget allocation sometimes favors agencies with inadequate absorptive capacities. This
allocation discrepancy leaves resources underutilized or mismanaged, hindering the sector's
progress and the fulfillment of its developmental goals.

Considering these challenges, I believe it is crucial for the budgeting system to

undergo reforms that prioritize the Agriculture Sector's immediate needs. The government
must conduct thorough assessments to identify key areas requiring support and allocate
funds accordingly. Additionally, there is a need for a more streamlined and efficient project
implementation process to ensure that interventions reach farmers and rural communities

As an employee of the Department of Agriculture, I am committed to advocating for

an improved budgeting system that empowers the sector and maximizes the impact of
allocated resources. It is my hope that through proactive measures, strategic planning, and
better absorptive capacities, the Agriculture Sector can truly flourish, supporting the
livelihoods of countless farmers and fostering sustainable growth in the Philippines.

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