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Конспект уроку aнглійської мови з використанням навчального посібника

Г. К. Мітчелл «Smart Junior 2».

Form: 2
Lesson: 1
Topic: “We’re back!”
Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to say ABC, to
point and name the school supplies, to spell the words.
Objectives: to review ABC, to introduce and practise new vocabulary, to spell
the words, to develop students` listening and speaking skills.
Materials: Power Point presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity Book.

1. Warm-up:
Slide 2. Greeting.
Slide 3. Greeting. How are you today?
Slide 4. Greeting. Sing a song!

2. Pre-activity:

Slide 5. The icons of the lesson.

3. Main activity:

Slide 6. Work with Pupils’ Book. Listen and sing. (ex.1, p.4)
Slide 7. ABC. Listen and repeat.
Slide 8. “Catch a letter!” Game.
Slide 9. Sing an ABC song.
Slide 10. Moving exercise.
Slide 11-12. Introduction of new vocabulary. Listen and repeat.
Slide 13. Listen and repeat.
Slide 14. Listen and circle.
Slide 15-18. “What’s behind the books?” guessing game.
Slide 19. Interactive task.
Slide 20. Work with Pupils’ Book. Listen, point and say. (ex.2, p.5)
Slide 21. Physical exercise.
Slide 22. “Spell it!” Listen and repeat.
Slide 23-25. “Spell it!” Game.
Slide 26. Work with Pupils’ Book. Let’s play! (ex.3, p.5)
Slide 27. Moving exercise.
4. Practice:
Slide 28. Work in Activity Book. Listen and circle. (ex.1, p.2)
Slide 29. Work in Activity Book. Look and match. (ex.2, p.2)

5. Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 30. Reflection.
Slide 31. Ending of the lesson. Sing a song!
Slide 32. Ending of the lesson. Say “Goodbye!”

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