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Summative Assessment Task for the Second Term

Task 1. Listening. Listen to the text and write the missing words.

Hello, everyone. Hello! It's nice to see you all here. Welcome to British Life and
Language. I am your teacher. My name is Lindsay Black. That's L-I-N-D-S-A-Y Black. Before
we begin, some 1) ___________ about the class. Our class is in room 13, on the first floor. When
you go upstairs, turn 2) ___________ to find the room. Again, that's room 13. We have class
twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday. Our class begins at 4.30 p.m. and lasts 3) ______
minutes, so we finish at 6 p.m. That's 4.30 to 6. Please arrive on time, OK?

Also, I have an office hour if you have questions. I'm in office 7B on the 4) ___________
floor. My office hour is Friday at 6 p.m. So, if you have any questions or problems or want to
talk to me, it's Friday at 6 p.m. in office 7B. We begin next week, on March the 13 th. That's
Monday, March the 13th. The course ends on May the 20th. May the 20th is the last day. I think
that's all ... Oh, one more 5) ___________. For this course you need the book. Here it
is: British Life and Language Level 1 Student's Book. So, please get a copy of the book. I don't
want to see any photocopies of the book, thank you! Remember, it's level 1 student's book. Don't
buy the teacher's book. I think that's all, 6) ___________. I look forward to working with you.
See you next Monday!

Task 2. Reading. Read the text and decide if the statements are “True” or “False”.

There are five major oceans that make up much of our planet. They are the Pacific, Atlantic,
Indian, Southern and Arctic Oceans. Water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface. The Earth's
oceans are all joined to each other.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. It covers 165,250,000 km². It also has the
deepest waters. The Mariana Trench is 11,034 metres deep and 2,550 km²long. The Pacific
Ocean has very bad weather. Many powerful storms form out in the open ocean every year.
There is also a lot of volcanic activity in this ocean. In the Pacific, there are many small volcanic
islands such as Hawaii, Tonga and Samoa.
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world. It covers an area of over
82,000,000 km². Under the Atlantic Ocean lies a mountain range called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Atlantic. It covers about 73,000,000 km². It usually has
gentle breezes. However, from the months of April to October monsoons form over the ocean.
They carry a lot of rain into India that causes terrible floods.
The Southern Ocean is the fourth largest ocean. It covers an area of more than 20,000,000 km².
It’s a very cold ocean because it’s near the Antarctic and much of it is covered in ice.
The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of all five oceans. It covers about 14,000,000 km². It isn’t as
deep as the other oceans. It’s one of the coldest oceans. Ice covers the central part of the ocean
all year round.

1) The Atlantic Ocean is smaller than the Indian Ocean. ____

2) The Mariana, is the deepest trench and located in the Pacific Ocean. ____
3) The Pacific is the biggest ocean on Earth. ____
4) The Earth's oceans are not joined to each other. ____
5) The Pacific is known for having bad weather and volcanic activity. ____
6) The Southern is the coldest ocean with 20,000,000 km² and is the smallest among them. ____

Task 3. Writing. Write a short story about “Oliver Twist: Life in the workhouse” in just 50-60















Task 4. Speaking. Talk about your favorite movie.

when talking about favorite movie:

1. Intro: Start with the movie's name and genre.
2. Plot: Give a short summary.
3. Characters: Talk about main characters.
4. Music: Mention the soundtrack.
5. Why: Explain why it's your favorite.
6. Recommend: Conclude with a recommendation.
Assessment criteria Task Descriptor Mark
Ability to understand and identify the primary information 1
subject of the talk.
1 left 1
90 1
second 1
thing 1
everyone 1
Matching Information: Statements should 2 FALSE 1
match what the text actually says.
Understanding Context: Statements must
show an understanding of the story's context TRUE 1
and events.
No Assumptions: Avoid adding information
that isn't in the text. TRUE 1
Logical Inferences: Making sensible
inferences based on the provided information
is acceptable.
Overall Story: Grasp the main storyline and FALSE 1
significant moments.



3 Essence: Capture key characters and plot. 1

Write a short story about Oliver Twist in Clarity: Ensure clear communication. 1
50-60 words.
Grammar: Check for proper language use. 1

Story Arc: Ensure a complete narrative. 1

Originality: Encourage unique perspectives. 1

Creativity: Encourage imaginative twists. 1

Talk about your favorite movie. Intro: Start with the movie's name and genre. 1
Plot: Give a short summary. 1
4 Characters: Talk about main characters. 1
Music: Mention the soundtrack. 1
Why: Explain why it's your favorite. 1
Recommend: Conclude with a 1
Total marks 24

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