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Etect-vomic Painciplep § Circuits LLSsfgNMENT -of Summary + Bape -Biaged Amplitier d coupling occuvp when the weactance of phe coupling capacitor ie much smaller than phe mopiptance at the lowest frequency of the ac pounce In & bape -biaged amplifies, the input gignal tp coupled into the bage. This produces an ac Collector voltage. The am pli pred. and vested ac cotlectow voltage it then coupled to the load wesigtance. Goo in Emitter -Biaged fimplitier Good by papeing occurs lohen the reactance of dre coupling capacitos ft much gmatler than oe wrepist ance at the lowest prequency of the re Source. The byPoebed ete ee | wound, with either a VB oF & TSEBR Armplt ber, a the base. The c atgn coupled te the load pied OF 7 propigtance- the & ampli Smalt- Signal operation. te oo bop Veer hap a dc Component and. an ac com ponent - these pet Vp de and ac componente of emitter cumvent. One Wad to avetd excepsive ty towtion tt to Upe gmall- gignal operation. Thle means keeping the peak- mittesr current lege than one- emi ttew cuvsent to- peak ac e tenth of the de | flc BETA i mike wee bebe: 06 ,o tmOneltiCoe ty degined a6 the ac collector cuwsent clivided by the ac bose | current. The values of the ac beta vguatly dithes only plightly bro the values of the cle beta. When prouble phooting, You Can Uge ! the same value for eithes beta.On data he ft equivalent to Pye, and hue ip Fe equivalent te B bheety Ac Restgtance ob the Emitter diode e base- emities voltage of co trangigtor hap a dc component Vaca Ond an ac Component Vig TRE ac base- emitter voltage Bets Lp an ac emitter cusrent ob ie, The oc regiptance of the emitey diode ig defined 28 Vbe divided by ig. With mathematics, we Can Preve that oe ac eregigtance of the emitter diode equals semv divided by the de emitter Current, Tuo transig tor models. Ag far ag ac signalp Ave concesne d, a trangiptor can be replaced by either of two equivalent civcuity: the 7 model ow the Tmodel. The T | model indicates that the input impedance of | the bape 8 pre Anatyaing an amplifier . The simplest way to analyae an amplities (& to pplit the onalyslt Into two parte O de analysig and on ac analysis In the de onalypis, En eae ae Tr the ac analysis, ape capacttore OFS shorted and the de . supply pointe are ac grounds. ac quantities oN the cata gheet- The h parame tere are used on data sheets cavpe theg ave eagier to MeaZuvE than o arametevs- The coe pawame bere one eagter to Geek im OMe ENe pecavse we Can UEe Ohm's law dnd other basic (dees - The nore tmapon tant quantitres on che data gheet ase hte cud. bias TRey can be easpily converted into B and %'. — Voltage gain ita ' the Voltage gain of a CE ampligiew eq ac collector vepiptance divided by equals the west of the emitles diode. they or The loading effect of input impedance input tmpedance of the ptage includes ewegigtots And the fnput impedan when the pourwce ip not etith input impedance, the than the pounce voltage gtance The the biartng “ce of the bose. emporned to thle Cc oltage fe lepe input Swamped amoplt tier. By leaving gorme of the emitter wegstptance unbypassed , We Jet negative feedback . TATE gtabiliaes the voltoge gain, increcket the input tmpedances ond weduces large - $i =n. gnal dip tortio Troubleshooting, with tingle -8toge am pli fiers, ptawt with de meapusement ft. Th they do not tpolate the trouble, yor Continue with &c meaguwe ments ave found the trouble ontil you h De binitiong D Good coupling, a) Voltage gain It Vout Ay = Vout Vi th Vin ‘nf AN < Xe —= Vout Vout = AvVin 2) AC input voltage Vine TE Vet Vine Vout Ay 3) AC ~weptgstance —h., t fe &) input Tmpedance [* : . Zin Chose) oe i. ZinCbagen = Pe’ 5) CE voltage gain. th os 6) Loading ef hect Ry | Zincheary EPCeeird) | : te) Swamped fnput impedance Ztnlato os — ge. — \V, Re 4 Zincy tage + Tete | litt 2 Swamped are ibiew | te | | 2% flv: Be | i ° | ee = | = q) input impedance | — Zincvagey = PC%e+ ee) | ) 2 Chae) : Br ZinCharey = B% gxample problem pt ¢xample 8-! rh Re ak-% and the prequency wange fp a to ao kts, bind the value rae Reeiare oO good Coupling capaci tow Following the toz| wale, X< phould be lo tires w~ than R at the lowest prequency. These fore Ke Yee ~Yoe Tea rr av-oaV Ikan Teas tama al cea fow the pmall-pignal ernitter Then polve Current Ceci 59 VPB ampli prem (c> TSEB Amplibter giq. 815 Eantiey, we calculated a dc emitter Cuvrent ok Cppr scimately BmA gow thip Ciwcuft. with €qn the ac wesiptance of the emitters dtede f% wed 2 OSmY 2 8:33. Bma Ercample Bs tn #64 £156, whot doeg % Cqual? We anatyaed thip VRB amplifier cantiew and catculated a dc emitter Current of I:lma The ac wertetance of the emitter diode rg+ eres BSmY Lima 2 294 Example 8-6 what fe the ac wepfsetance ef the emitters clfode for the two-eupply emitter-bfag amplifier of bq BOS 2 Faom an eanttew Ccolculatton, we got a de emittes Current of 1eBmA,. Now, we can Catcurate the ac neoptgtance of the ernitley diode. we + BSamV_ = (a Vama- €xcample 8-7 the voltage gain 2 The ovbput you. the load weslttor? ‘de VPB ampltgiey TSEB ampli tien what if ACVOSE (a> Example of (> Example of | | The ac cliecte ras titceice te Bez Rett Rp = C36K-O lI lo 1.) 225k we Catculated an we of 28-4AN go, the volte goin fp | Ay 2 Ops Q-6s km we 22.30 | The output Wwoltage fe AM? CUAI@mvd = 234myv. 2 llg. i Vout * | ae example g§-8 apat fg the voltage gatn 2 The out put voltage 4 acrost the load wep tp tow? The ac collector wepigtance iF ae = Re URL= Ca 66-2 Uo aak-2) = 135k dc emitter Current if cupproxtm ately The Te = Av =O Z0-B3MA [oR are ac resistance of the emitter Clrode fe: wel = BSmMY. = Bon oS BMA The Vokage gain fet ee ie Laven 24S The output voltage fe: Vour = Ayvin =(4s-a) Cemv)= aasmvy Example 8-9 enerator hag an internal wegfiptance of The ac goo what fe the output voltage in beg. Tb B= 3007, bq 3-23 - Re Here ave tuo quant ties calcu lated 7 earlier example Fe = 22°79 and Ay =F We witl uge these values tA golving the problem when Bz 300, the input the bage fe= impedance © & tn | ZinCbasey = (300) (22-92) = 6-86- The fnput fmpedance of the tage f% Zincptage) = loka Ha-BEe NG-BK= bo ake with @&g"Cs-lad, we can caiculate the empet voltage Mins __ 142k O° amv = lbulmy Goon 4 4a This fp the ac voltage that appease At the bo, of the tvangistes, equivalent te the ac volta’ acwopp the emitter diode The amplibied Outpug Voltage equal. Vous 2 Av¥in = Cua) Chelmy) = 165m | Example 8-10 Repeat the preceding example for P=So Lihen ps0, the *nput impedance of the barge clecreapes to? Zincbazey = (5029.3 WD = Ie Ke The, input” impedance of the ttage decweoves to Zincpeage = fokK- DU QaAKOIN IY KA = 6a with &97 (8-24), %e COn colcutate the tnput voltage! tay = oe ORE SD ray a-Si, Coo2+ 618 The output voltage equals: Vout = AvVin = (tla) Chogmy) = lagmv This example flluptrates how the ac current gain of the transitter Can change the outpat Voltage. when PB decreases , the tnput impedance of the bape decreages, the Input impedance 0} the stage Gecweanea, the frput Wwoltage decveatt and the output voltage decreases yr Voltage Gain: phowe @ volt age-olivider biased Cvpa) Figus’ . | Paitiey, Voltage gain war defined the ac or put voltage divided by the ac input voltage. Ooch this cebinitvon, we Can deaive another a or voltage gain that tg Fe but equation b in troublephooting. or CE amplifier , (2 Ac equivalent Circuit with 7 model (2 ac-equivalent circuit with T model Re ot Vee Devtved prom the T Model the ac- equivalent Ciwcuit Opin, The ac bape ci, | Erquee shows tvangiptor- the inpat impedance of thy, the can writes | ap model of the tf, blows throegh bose Cpr!) with Vine igbve collec tow ciwautt , the Cavrent pource an ac current fe theough the Paratiel of Re and R- There poses the ac outpyy Canny Ent Ohm's law, we En the pape Connection ‘ voltage equala: ie CR URL) = Pine U RD Vout = Vout by Vin to get: Now, we can divide Ay = Nout, = Bip Rett Re) Vin i,Pre pimpligien to% Ay = Rett RD which e AC Collector Resistance the total ac load repiptance geen by the collectow ip the parallel combinatton of Rand total wegistance if called the ac RL. Thi collector wepiptance ,pymboliaed we. AE a detin ~ition: wet RU Now, we Can rewrite Eq” agi- ays Be Ve | Tr words: The voltage gain equals the ac collector erepiptance divided by the ac wegigtance of the emitter diode Devived trom the T Modet Gither trangigtor model gives the game wert Later, we will upe the Tmedel when analyaing Aigperenti at amplifiers. Fow practice , let us devive the equation fer voltage gain Using the T model. how - : phows the AC-equivalent circuit Uping the voltage ea pique’ me cdel of the trangiptow . the Input law, We acwope TL. with ohm’t |v | Ven OPPeEree Can write: | Vine | | tn the Collector Ciwcutt , the Curvent gounce | umpb An ac cuwmvent tc through the ac collec toe wenlptance. Thewe fore, the ac outpet volt ar | ge equate. | Vout = fete Vout bY Vin to geté Now, we can divide Ay = Vout = le®e Vin lieve can pimpligy the equation Since tceie » WE to get* Ay = Ze ve This fe the fame equation devived with the T model. Tt applies to all CE annrpltfrese becavee att have an ac Collectow wepfgtaince ob Ve and en emitters diode with an ac azance of Sal.

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