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Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

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Spectrochimica Acta Part B

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / s a b


Neutron activation analysis: A primary method of measurement☆

Robert R. Greenberg a,⁎, Peter Bode b, Elisabete A. De Nadai Fernandes c
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8395, USA
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Neutron activation analysis (NAA), based on the comparator method, has the potential to fulfill the
Received 12 September 2010 requirements of a primary ratio method as defined in 1998 by the Comité Consultatif pour la Quantité de
Accepted 23 December 2010 Matière — Métrologie en Chimie (CCQM, Consultative Committee on Amount of Substance — Metrology in
Available online 27 January 2011
Chemistry). This thesis is evidenced in this paper in three chapters by: demonstration that the method is fully
physically and chemically understood; that a measurement equation can be written down in which the values
Neutron activation analysis
of all parameters have dimensions in SI units and thus having the potential for metrological traceability to
Metrology these units; that all contributions to uncertainty of measurement can be quantitatively evaluated,
Primary method of measurement underpinning the metrological traceability; and that the performance of NAA in CCQM key-comparisons of
Uncertainty budget trace elements in complex matrices between 2000 and 2007 is similar to the performance of Isotope Dilution
Metrological traceability Mass Spectrometry (IDMS), which had been formerly designated by the CCQM as a primary ratio method.
Published by Elsevier B.V.

Background methods in the sense that a complete mathematical description of the

method, and a complete uncertainty budget, can be developed. This
The Comité Consultatif pour la Quantité de Matière — Métrologie hypothesis should be further tested at the international level, e.g.,
en Chimie (CCQM, Consultative Committee on Amount of Substance — through a series of CCQM “pilot” exercises which might eventually
Metrology in Chemistry) has defined [Minutes from the Fifth Meeting lead to one or more key comparisons. In CCQM discussions of so-
(February 1998) of the CCQM, held at the Bureau International des called “primary” methods, the only technique relevant to the
Poids et Mésures (BIPM), Sèvres, France] a primary method as: “A production of certified reference materials for inorganic trace analysis
primary method of measurement is a method having the highest is Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS). There would be great
metrological properties, whose operation can be completely de- benefit in having another method, in particular one which does not
scribed and understood, for which a complete uncertainty statement require prior dissolution of solid samples.”
can be written down in terms of SI units”. More specifically, a primary The metrological basis for neutron activation analysis (NAA) was
direct method was defined as “a primary method of measurement firmly established in the mid-to-late 1990s, although the fundamental
that measures the value of an unknown without reference to a research was largely completed earlier. NAA was proposed by P. Bode,
standard of the same quantity”; and a primary ratio method as “a R. R. Greenberg and E. A. De Nadai Fernandes as a primary ratio
primary method of measurement that measures the value of a ratio of method to the CCQM as part of the Primary Methods Symposium at
an unknown to a standard of the same quantity; its operation must be the April 2000 meeting of the CCQM. However, despite previously
completely described by a measurement equation.” identifying 5 potentially primary methods, the CCQM declined to
The draft report of a CCQM external peer review panel for the identify and add additional primary methods at that time. Since April
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Chemical 2000, various forms of NAA have been used in a large number of CCQM
Metrology Program (October 1999) stated: “… The discussion of key comparisons and pilot studies.
sources of error … provided strong evidence that, under certain In a meeting of the Inorganic Analysis Working Group (IAWG) of
circumstances, nuclear methods have the potential to be “primary” the CCQM on April 17, 2007, P. Bode, R. R. Greenberg and E. A. De
Nadai Fernandes sustained their thesis that NAA based on the
comparator method has the potentials fulfilling the requirements of
a primary ratio method with evidence on the methods' metrological
☆ With contributions by: Richard M. Lindstrom, Elizabeth A. Mackey, Rolf Zeisler and
fundamentals including the measurement equation, the evaluation
Márcio Arruda Bacchi.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 301 975 6285; fax: +1 301 208 9279.
and quantitation of all sources of uncertainty, the aspects of
E-mail addresses:, (R.R. Greenberg), metrological traceability and the performance of NAA in CCQM pilot (P. Bode), (E.A. De Nadai Fernandes). studies and key comparisons between the years 2000 and 2007.

0584-8547/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier B.V.

194 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Subsequently, the IAWG agreed accepting the thesis and proposed the during recent years, it was recognised that NAA had claims to a similar
CCQM recognizing NAA as having the potentials of a primary ratio status to that of the five methods listed originally by the CCQM and
method. The CCQM, in its meeting of April 19, 2007, has followed this that NAA will be added to that list….”
suggestion, and in the minutes of that meeting, approved on March The considerations leading to the three presentations given on
31, 2008, it is explicitly stated that “…The President said that although April 17, 2007 and the thesis of NAA being a primary ratio method are
the CCQM had not discussed the list of ‘potentially primary methods’ described in the three chapters in this paper.

Chapter 1. Neutron activation analysis: Principles and analytical characteristics

Peter Bode ⁎

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Radiation, Radionuclides and Reactors, Section Radiation and Isotopes for Health, Reactor Institute Delft,
Mekelweg 15, 2629JB Delft, The Netherlands

1.1. Introduction marked the onset of neutron activation analysis. They made their own
neutron source by pulverizing beryllium in an agate mortar by hand
Activation analysis is a method for the determination of elements and mixing it in a glass ampoule with 222Rn (half life 3.8 days) from a
based upon the conversion of stable nuclei to other, mostly solution of radium salt, which was available at the cancer hospital
radioactive nuclei via nuclear reactions, and measurement of the in Copenhagen [1]. The α particles (4He nuclei), emitted by 222Rn,
reaction products. In neutron activation analysis (NAA) the nuclear cause a nuclear reaction in beryllium with the emission of neutrons:
reactions occur via bombarding the material to be analyzed with He + 9Be → 12C + 1n. Once they observed the large differences in
neutrons. The reaction products to be measured are either the induced radioactivity between the various (pure) lanthanides, and
radiation, released nearly instantaneously upon neutron capture; or, if especially the very high induced radioactivity of dysprosium, De
the resulting new nuclei are radioactive, the induced radioactivity by Hevesy realized that even the smallest amount of dysprosium might
which they decay. Only the latter mode will here be discussed since it be detected as impurity in any other of the rare earth elements. The
is the most common way to perform NAA. proof of principle was given in their 1936 publication [2] by
All of the stable elements have properties suitable for production of demonstrating the ability of determining the dysprosium content of
radioactive isotopes albeit at different reaction rates. Each radionuclide yttrium preparations. This was followed by, according to Levi [1], the
is uniquely characterized by its decay constant – the probability for the really decisive analytical experiment of determining the europium
nuclear decay in unit time – and the type and energy of the emitted impurities in gadolinium samples [3]. George De Hevesy and Hilde
radiation. Among the several types of radiation that can be emitted, Levi stated in their first publication [2]:
gamma-radiation offers the best characteristics for the selective and
simultaneous detection of radionuclides and thus of elements. “… The usual chemical methods of analysis fail, as is well known, for
The activation will result in a mixture of radioactivities, which can most of the rare earth elements and have to be replaced by
be analyzed for individual contributions by two approaches: spectroscopic, X-ray, and magnetic methods. The latter methods can
now be supplemented by the application of neutrons to analytical
(i) The resulting radioactive sample is decomposed, and through problems by making use of the artificial radioactivity and of the great
chemical separations it is divided into fractions with a few absorbing power of some of the rare earth elements for slow neutrons….”
elements each: Destructive or Radiochemical Neutron Activa-
tion Analysis (RNAA).
In 1949 Boyd [4] suggested to term the procedure “… the method
(ii) The resulting radioactive sample is kept intact, and the elements
of radioactivation analysis …”, or, more succinctly, “… activation
are determined by taking advantage of the differences in decay
analysis…” and he discussed the use of the “… chain-reacting pile …”
rates via measurements at different decay intervals utilizing
as a source of neutrons and an example of an analysis was given. In the
equipment with a high energy resolution: Non-destructive or
same year Brown and Goldberg [5] gave a new impulse to this method
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA).
by demonstrating that with the “… neutron pile (nuclear reactor)…
A procedure in INAA is characterized by (i) activation via very high specific activities …” could be obtained – as compared with
irradiation with reactor neutrons, (ii) measurement of the gamma- isotopic neutron sources used so far – thereby extending the
radiation after one or more decay times and (iii) interpretation of the capabilities of NAA. Kohman reported already also in 1949 on errors
resulting gamma-ray spectra in terms of radionuclides, associated in the measurement of radioactivity [6], identifying problems such as
elements and their mass fractions. sample self-absorption and measurement geometries.
The potentials of NAA method were explored in the 1950s and
1.2. History 1960s, initially by the analysis of the decay and characteristic
absorption of the radiation emitted, and/or radiochemical separations.
After the discovery of the neutron by Chadwick in 1932, Frédéric Gamma-ray spectrometry with scintillation detectors gave a great
and Irène Joliot Curie discovered in 1934 the induced radioactivity. impulse to the improvement of the radionuclide – and thus element –
Enrico Fermi was one of the first in the 1930s using neutrons to selectivity of the technique. Chemical separations of the mixture of
produce artificial radioactive isotopes with George de Hevesy radioactivities were in those years still a necessity in many
following this direction of research for studies on the rare earth applications for selective determination of the element(s) of interest.
elements. Results of these experiments on the action of neutrons on The introduction of the semiconductor detector in the early 1960s
the rare earth elements by George de Hevesy and Hilde Levi in 1935 increased the selectivity in gamma-ray spectrometry with orders of
magnitude, and to such an extent that the individual radionuclides
* E -mail address: could be identified in a mixture of radioactivities directly, without the
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 195

need for chemical separations. It marked the onset of INAA as many biological applications of INAA and for the analysis of minute
principal form of neutron activation analysis which development was quantities of material such as atmospheric and cosmic dust.
further stimulated by the availability of multi-channel pulse height Since the signals in INAA are related to the properties of the atomic
analyzers and laboratory computers. nucleus, the results in INAA are not affected by the chemical and
In the 1956 bi-annual review ‘Nucleonics’ [7] of the journal physical state of the elements.2 The method is well described by physical
Analytical Chemistry, the first papers are cited dealing with sources of law and specificity is unambiguous for all elements because of the
error in activation analysis, some of them already published in 1954 combination of the nuclear properties (i) decay constant (often
[8–11]. Aspects of neutron fluence rate perturbation, geometry errors, converted to the half-life, i.e. — for a single radioactive decay process,
counting efficiency are discussed and it is described how to minimize the time required for the activity to decrease to half its value) and (ii) the
errors. The first practical solutions to e.g. effects of neutron self- energies and intensities of the gamma-radiation, uniquely characteristic
shielding and gamma-ray self-attenuation came also in the 1950s era, for each radionuclide.
e.g. by the introduction of the internal standard method by Leliart et. Although many forms of NAA have been identified by various
al. [12]. In 1960, at the Vienna Radioactivation Analysis Symposium practitioners, the discussions in this presentation will be limited to
[13], Cook presented, among others, many potential sources of error only the standard forms of INAA and RNAA for normal size samples (a
and the documented lively discussion indicates the already estab- few grams or less). Other forms of NAA such as prompt gamma NAA
lished quality assurance awareness. [20], epithermal NAA [21], preconcentration NAA [22], cyclic NAA
“Errors in activation analysis” is one of the chapters in the first [23], large sample NAA [24], molecular NAA [25], etc. are considered
book, published in 1963, on activation analysis [14]. About a decade beyond the scope of this presentation since only the standard forms of
later, probably the most elaborate book on this technique by De Soete, INAA and RNAA have been directly compared with other primary
Gijbels and Hoste was published [15], with a very extensive treatment methods in CCQM comparisons.
of systematic errors in activation analysis.
The use of NAA for the development and certification of reference 1.3. Fundamentals of neutron activation analysis
materials at organizations such as the former National Bureau of
Standards (NBS, now the National Institute of Standards and Technol- Activation
ogy, NIST) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) [16,17]
has strongly contributed to the awareness and evaluation of sources of The activation with neutrons is, upon preparation of the test portion,
error, the quantization of their contribution and impact, and the the first stage in an INAA procedure. Its purpose is to convert some of the
development of methods to minimize their occurrence. It is therefore stable nuclei in radioactive nuclei emitting radiation that can be used for
not surprising that the 3rd International Conference in Modern Trends analytical purposes. Insight into the reactions that may take place during
in Activation Analysis, held at the NBS in 1968, had already a session on activation facilitates the identification of the relation between the
accuracy and precision, the predecessor on current conference sessions observed radioactive nucleus, its target nucleus and associated element.
like Quality Control and Quality Assurance. These terms became familiar Insight into the reaction rates is of importance for the quantitative
to the community since the end of the 1970s, though they were – and analysis and for a priori estimates of the feasibility of an analysis.
still are – often used loosely to their definition. The awareness of a Each atomic nucleus can capture a neutron during irradiation,
structured implementation of quality assurance practices culminating resulting in a nuclear reaction in which often the nuclear mass
into quality management [18] was introduced in the 1990s and many changes; immediately (typically 10− 14 s) after the capture excess
NAA laboratories, some of them supported by the IAEA [19] have energy in the form of photons and/or particles will be emitted.3 The
successfully implemented such management systems. newly formed nucleus may be unstable. If unstable after activation, it
All these developments contributed to the very thorough under- starts decaying to a stable state by the emission of radiation through
standing of the principles of NAA, its sources of error and one or more of the following processes: α-decay, β−-decay, electron
methodologies to account for them and/or quantify their contribu- capture, β+-decay, or internal transition decay. In most cases γ and
tions to the uncertainty of measurement. This forms the basis of the X-radiation will be emitted too.
demonstrated capability of operating NAA at the highest metrological The capture of a neutron by an atomic nucleus and the resulting
level, as a primary ratio method of measurement. reaction may be illustrated, in the case of a cobalt target nucleus, by
INAA has found its usage in many fields of science. Particularly
59 1 60
advantage is taken of the fact that the samples do not have to undergo Co þ n→ Co + ðpromptÞγ  radiation:
any chemical treatment, neither prior, nor after the activation: INAA is
‘non-destructive’.1 In addition, low atomic number elements such as The resulting 60Co nucleus is radioactive and decays (and thereby
H, C, N, O, Si which in many materials belong to the major matrix converts) by emission of β− radiation to excited nuclear levels of the
components, do not produce radioactive products upon neutron stable 60Ni nucleus, followed by the emission of γ-radiation from the
activation that interfere with the determination of the other activities. internal transition of the nucleus from these excited levels to its
It enables the observation of trace elements, often at amounts in the ground state; see Fig. 1.1. Commonly, the reaction is written in the
order of microgram to nanogram or even less in matrices composed of shorthand notation as
the low Z elements. The high selectivity of gamma-ray spectrometry
allows for simultaneous determination of many radionuclides. Hence, 59 60
Coðn; γÞ Co
INAA is a technique for multi-element determination.
The non-destructive character makes INAA attractive for applica- in which ‘γ ’refers to the prompt emitted radiation, not to the gamma-
tion in e.g. geochemistry and related sciences. Because of the limited radiation following the β− decay.
sample handling operations, there is also a lower risk of contamina-
tions compared to other element determination techniques in which 2
When a radionuclide decays by emission of gamma-radiation in cascade and
the sample has to be dissolved. This advantage has been exploited in fulfills certain constraints, in principle the intensity of sum-peaks in the gamma-ray
spectrum can be affected by the chemical form of the element due to perturbation of
the directional correlation between the gamma-rays involved. The extent of this effect
The description ‘non-destructive’ is commonly used to emphasize that the test can be neglected in INAA considering the way the measurements are carried-out and
portion does not have to be dissolved prior to the analysis. As will be further described the relative unimportance of sum-peaks.
in Sections 1.3 and 1.6, under certain conditions also in INAA the test portion may be This prompt radiation can also be used for analytical purposes. It requires
considered as ‘damaged’. measurement during activation. This method is not considered here further.
196 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

radiolysis and radiation tracks by e.g. fission fragments and α-radiation

emitting nuclei.
During activation the material is heated by primarily the
absorption of both reactor gamma rays (uranium fission, the fission
and activation products in the construction materials) and prompt
gamma-rays released upon neutron capture. Radiolysis is another
effect caused by the gamma-rays. H2, O2 and H2O2 are formed from
e.g. hydrate water, proteins or other organic molecules. Fission
fragments and α-particles may produce small holes in dedicated
plastic foils; these holes can be made visible under a microscope after
chemical treatment of the foil.


Radioactive nuclei are instable and decay resulting in product(s)

Fig. 1.1. Decay scheme of 60Co [27].
with mass(es) less than that of the parent. The decay involves emission
of various types of ionizing radiation towards the ground state of a stable
The most common reaction occurring in NAA is the (n,γ) reaction, nucleus. Radioactive decay is a statistically random process; the
but also reactions such as (n,p), (n,α), (n,n′) and (n,2n) are important. probability that a given nucleus will decay in a certain time interval
The neutron cross section, σ, is a measure for the probability that a depends only on the time of observation. It is not possible to predict
reaction will take place, and can be strongly different for different when a given nucleus will decay, but the decay characteristics can be
reaction types, elements and energy distributions of the bombarding described by the physical laws of radioactive decay, which are
neutrons. Some nuclei, like 235U are fissionable by neutron capture comparable to first order chemical kinetics. This is further elaborated
and the reaction is denoted as (n,f), yielding fission products and fast in the paragraph on the derivation of the measurement equation.
(highly energetic) neutrons. Decay schemes provide the details of the decay of radionuclides, such
Neutrons are produced via as, e.g., the energy levels and half lives involved, the transitions, spins,
multipolarities and branching ratios, types of radiation emitted, relative
– Isotopic neutron sources, like 226Ra(Be), 124Sb(Be),241Am(Be), intensities, conversion coefficients [26]. Decay scheme data are based on
Cf. The neutrons have different energy distributions with a direct experimental information with full references towards the
maximum in the order of 3–4 MeV; the total output is typically original literature. An example of such a decay scheme is given in Fig. 1.1.
105–107 s− 1 GBq− 1 or, for 252Cf, 2.2 · 1012 s− 1 g− 1.
– Particle accelerators or neutron generators.4 The most common Measurement
types are based on the acceleration of deuterium ions towards a
target containing either deuterium or tritium, resulting in the The radioactivity induced is measured by the detection of the
reactions 2H(2H,n)3He and 3H(2H,n)4He, respectively. The first radiation, emitted during the decay of the radionuclide. In principle
reaction, often denoted as (D,D), yields monoenergetic neutrons of both the beta radiation from the nuclear transformation and the often
2.5 MeV and typical outputs in the order of 108–1010 s− 1; the following gamma-radiation from the isomeric transition to the ground
second reaction (D,T) results in monoenergetic neutrons of state can be used for this; moreover, the decay rate of the radionuclide can
14.7 MeV and outputs of 109–1011 s− 1. be measured. In NAA, nearly exclusively the (energy of the) gamma-
– Nuclear research reactors. The neutron energy distribution radiation is measured because of its higher penetrating power of this type
depends on design of the reactor and its irradiation facilities. An of radiation, and the selectivity that can be obtained from distinct energies
example of an energy distribution in a light water moderated of the photons — differently from beta radiation which is a continuous
reactor is given in Fig. 1.4 from which it can be seen that the major energy distribution. The interaction of gamma- and X-radiation with
part of the neutrons has a much lower energy distribution that in matter results, among others, in ionization processes and subsequent
isotopic sources and neutron generators. The neutron output of generation of electrical signals (currents) that can be detected and
research reactors is often quoted as neutron fluence rate in an recorded. A radiation detector therefore consists of an absorbing material
irradiation facility and varies, depending on reactor design and in which at least part of the radiation energy is converted into detectable
reactor power, between 1015 and 1018 m− 2 s− 1. products, and a system for the detection of these products.
In ionization detectors such as gas-filled detectors and semicon-
In the majority of INAA procedures thermal reactor neutrons are ductor detectors, the ions or the electrons are collected directly by
used for the activation: neutrons in thermal equilibrium with their applying an electric field over the absorbing medium and subsequent
environment (see Section 1.4). Sometimes activation with epithermal collection of the free charge carriers on the electrodes. There are two
reactor neutrons (neutrons in the process of slowing down after their great advantages of using a solid material above a gas for detection of
formation from fission of 235U) is preferred to enhance the activation radiation. Firstly, radiation is much more effective being absorbed in
of elements with a high ratio of resonance neutron cross section over solid than in gas due to the much higher density of the material.
thermal neutron cross section relatively to the activation of elements Secondly, the energy required to form a single ion pair in a solid is
with a lower such a ratio. equal to the forbidden energy gap between the valence and
In principle materials can be activated in any physical state, viz. conduction energy bands, which is usually much smaller than the
solid, liquid or gaseous. There is no fundamental necessity to convert ionization potential of an isolated gas atom. As a result, more ion pairs
solid material into a solution prior to activation; INAA is essentially are formed upon interaction and the energy resolution is improved.
considered to be a non-destructive method although under certain Solid state ionization detectors must have a very low leakage current
conditions some material damage may occur due to thermal heating, to make the signals from ionizing radiation detectable, and contain
little impurities that might trap the charge carriers before detection.
Neutrons at very high energies are also produced in spallation sources. Although
Crystals of semiconductor materials as such best meet these
mainly tuned for realizing neutron beams, some spallation sources have also facilities requirements. Intrinsic silicon and germanium crystals are the most
for NAA (e.g. at Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland). widely applied. The detector is constructed in such a way that it acts as
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 197

a diode rectifier so that a high voltage can be applied in one direction energy photopeak. Compton scattering interaction results in a
without discharging current. Cooling the detectors to at least − 30 °C photoelectron and a scattered Compton photon, which may interact
(Si) or − 160 °C (Ge) reduces the leakage current. again via one of the three interaction mechanisms. In these successive
In scintillation detectors the ionization is measured indirectly scattering processes the scattered gamma ray contains less and less
through the secondary detection of light scintillations to which the energy until all photoelectric absorption becomes inevitable. In that
absorbing material is transparent. The difference between direct and case, the original event will again contribute to the full energy
indirect detection of the ionization products results directly in a photopeak. However, there is a distinct probability that the scattered
considerable difference in statistical distribution of the observed Compton photon will escape from the crystal, taking the remaining
events and thus of radiation energy resolution capability. energy with it. This probability depends on the size of the active
Si, and especially Ge semiconductor detectors are currently the volume of the crystal and the surface area of the detector, and the
most applied detectors in NAA because of their energy resolution, energy of the photons. The detector response to the absorption of the
which is superior to the resolution of scintillation detectors. Compton scattered photoelectrons only is referred to as the Compton
The performance of the various types of semiconductor and continuum. Above a threshold of 1022 keV, the incident photon may
scintillation detectors in terms of detection efficiency and energy interact with the electric field of the atomic nucleus. It results in the
resolution depend strongly on the size and construction of the conversion of the photon into an electron-positron pair, and the
detector, and the energy of the radiation to be measured. The output process is called ‘pair production’. The photon is completely absorbed
of a radiation detector is a current pulse. The amount of energy in this process. The threshold energy arises from the energy,
deposited by ionization is reflected by the integral of this pulse with required to create the electron–positron pair, which is equivalent to
time. It is generally assumed that the shape of the output pulse of a 2mec2 = 1022 keV. The excess energy of Eγ-1022 keV is carried by the 2
radiation detector does not change from one event to another. The electrons as kinetic energy. Initially this energy is transferred to the
integral is directly proportional to the amplitude or pulse height of the absorber. When the positron has lost its kinetic energy it will meet an
output pulse. The relation between the energy of the incident radiation electron and annihilate, resulting in two annihilation photons of
and the total charge deposited in the detector crystal or pulse height of 511 keV each. These photons can escape or deposit their energy
the output signal is referred to as the response of the detector. For partially or totally in the absorber. The net energy absorbed as a
semiconductor detectors, the response is linear for different energies. consequence of pair production is therefore:
The shape of the response function or gamma ray spectrum reflects the
three different interaction processes of photons with matter: photo-
if 1 annihilation photon escapes: Eγ minus 511 keV
electric effect, Compton scattering and pair production. If an
if 2 annihilation photons escape: Eγ minus 1022 keV
interaction results in photoelectric effect, the total energy Eγ of the
if both annihilation photons undergo photoelectric effect and
photon is transferred to an atomic electron. This photoelectron will
complete absorption: Eγ keV.
lose its energy Eγ − Eb in the absorber. During filling of the vacancy in
the electron shell, Eb is released through emission of X-rays or Auger The peaks in the gamma-ray spectrum resulting from escape of the
electrons. The energy carried by the low energy Auger electron will be annihilation photons are denoted as the single and double escape
transferred completely to the absorber. As a result of the subsequent peak, respectively. An illustrative gamma-ray spectrum as measured
process, the energy deposited in the absorber totals Eγ − Eb + Eb = Eγ with a Ge semiconductor detector is depicted in Fig. 1.2, showing the
which becomes visible in the gamma-ray spectrum as the so-called full photopeak as the result of photoelectric absorption, the ‘Compton

Fig. 1.2. Gamma-ray spectrum of 60Co as measured with a Ge semiconductor detector showing full energy photopeaks at 1173 and 1332 keV, the Compton continuum, annihilation
peak, single (S.E.) and double (D.E.) escape peaks and backscatter peak. [28].
198 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

continuum’ reflecting the distribution of the energies deposited in the however, the masses of the elements are determined from the net
crystal after photons resulting from Compton interaction have peak areas by comparison with the induced radioactivity of the same
escaped from the crystal and the single and double escape peaks neutron activation produced radionuclides from known amounts of
which reflect the energy deposited in the crystal due to escape of one, the element of interest.
or both 511 keV quanta after pair production. The combination of energy of emitted radiation, relative intensities
Since the probabilities of all three interacting processes are if photons of different energies are emitted and the half life of the
dependent on the photon energy, the detection efficiency is also radionuclide is unique for each radionuclide, and forms the basis of
energy dependent. The detection efficiency is the fraction of all the the qualitative information in NAA. The amount of the radiation is
radiation emitted from a source which produces some recorded directly proportional to the number of radioactive nuclei produced
interaction in the sensitive volume of the detector. The detection (and decaying), and thus with the number of nuclei of the stable
efficiency is composed of the following principal factors: isotope that underwent the nuclear reaction. It provides the
quantitative information in NAA. This is described in more detail in
(i) The interaction efficiency, i, which is the fraction of the Sections 1.4 and 1.5.
radiation striking the sensitive volume of the detector and
producing a recorded event. Measurand
(ii) The geometrical factor, Gf, which is the fraction of all emitted
radiation which are emitted in the direction of the detector. The The measurand in NAA – the quantity intended to be measured,
geometrical factor is related to the solid angle Ω: Gf = Ω / (4π). [29] – is the total mass of a given element in a test portion of a sample
(iii) The peak-to-total ratio, pt, which is the fraction of recorded of a given matrix in all physico-chemical states. The quantity ‘subject
events, which result in the photopeak corresponding with the to measurement’ is the number of disintegrating nuclei of a
energy of the emitted radiation. radionuclide. The measurement results in the number of counts in a
given period of time, from which the disintegration rate and the
In calculations of the detection efficiency also has to be included a number of disintegrating nuclei is calculated; the latter number is
term for the attenuation of the radiation in the source itself, and in the directly proportional to the number of nuclei of the stable isotope
materials between source and sensitive volume of the detector. subject to the nuclear reaction, and thus to the number of nuclei of the
The product of interaction efficiency and geometrical factor is element, which finally provides information on the mass and amount
denoted as total efficiency T : T = iGf while the product of total of substance of that element.
efficiency and peak-to-total ratio results in the full energy photopeak
efficiency p : p = T pt. Practice of NAA
The energy resolution of a gamma-ray detector is a function of the
energy deposited in the detector. Fluctuations in the number of In the practice, a NAA procedure consists of the simultaneous
ionizations and excitations in the detector causes that the peaks in the irradiation of test portions of the unknown sample and a known
spectrum have a finite width normally considered as a Gaussian amount of a comparator of the same element — serving as a calibrator,
distribution. The probability that an incident radiation produces and the sequential measurements of the induced radioactivities. An
electron–hole pairs and thus charges carriers is such a process that, in INAA procedure has the following steps:
a first approximation, Poisson statistics can be applied. The actual width
of the peaks in the spectrum is determined by the intrinsic resolution of – Preparation (e.g. drying) and weighing of test portions of sample
the detector — which is determined by the number and statistical and comparator; no need for dissolution
distribution of the charge carriers, created in the crystal upon interaction – Encapsulation of the test portions in e.g. plastic foil, plastic
of the gamma-radiation-, and the extrinsic resolution, e.g., in semicon- capsules or quartz ampoules
ductor detectors the leakage current through or around the active – Activation via simultaneous irradiation of test portions and
volume and the broadening effects of all electronic components comparators with neutrons
following the detector. The intrinsic resolution is also related to the – No chemical separations, material remains intact
size and type of the detector crystal, and its temperature. In addition, the – Sequential measurements of the induced radioactivities in each test
actual width of the peaks depends on the type of radiation. Nuclear portion and comparator by gamma-ray spectrometry after one or
energy levels involved in the emission of gamma-radiation have very more decay periods. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.3 which shows the
small widths with a negligible impact on the shape of the peaks in the changes with time of the shape of the gamma-ray spectrum. Thus,
spectrum, differently from natural line width of X-ray emissions. The complementary information on various elements can be obtained.
shape of the 511 keV peak in the spectrum results from annihilation – Interpretation of the gamma-ray spectra towards elements and
radiation, which is Doppler broadened. their masses.
The gamma-spectrum is analyzed to identify the radionuclides
produced and their amounts of radioactivity in order to derive the
target elements from which they have been produced and their Like any other analytical method, test portions of internal quality
masses in the activated sample. The spectrum analysis starts with the control materials (including blanks) are following the same steps as
determination of the location of the (centroids of the) peaks. the samples and comparators, and are simultaneously irradiated and
Secondly, the peaks are fitted to obtain their precise positions and measured separately.
net peak areas. The positions – often expressed as channel numbers of An RNAA procedure differs from the steps in the above only by the
the memory of a multi-channel pulse height analyzer – can be chemical separations of the test portion of the sample after the
converted into the energies of the radiation emitted; this is the basis irradiation: so the various steps are:
for the identification of the radioactive nuclei. On basis of knowledge
of possible nuclear reactions upon neutron activation, the (stable) – Preparation (e.g. drying) and weighing of test portions of sample
element composition is derived. The values of the net peak areas can and comparator; no need for dissolution
be used to calculate the amounts of radioactivity of the radionuclides – Encapsulation of the test portions in e.g. plastic foil, plastic
using the full energy photopeak efficiency of the detector. The capsules or quartz ampoules
amounts (mass) of the elements may then be determined if the – Activation via simultaneous irradiation of test portions and
neutron fluence rate and cross sections are known. In the practice, comparators with neutrons
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 199

Fig. 1.3. Gamma-ray spectra, recorded at different intervals after neutron activation [30].

– Chemical separations of element(s) of interest (and related radio- in which

nuclides) from other elements in the sample test portion; the test
portion of the comparator (e.g. in case of a single element standard) N0 number of target nuclei.
may be left intact. N number of radioactive nuclei.
– Sequential measurements of the induced radioactivities in each λ the decay constant, s− 1; λ = ln2/t1/2 with
test portion by gamma-ray spectrometry after one or more decay t1/2 the half-life of the radionuclide, s.
– Interpretation of the gamma-ray spectra in terms of elements and The disintegration rate of the produced radionuclide at the end of
their masses. the irradiation time ti follows from
An example of typical ranges of experimental conditions is given in λt
Dðti Þ = N ðti Þλ = N0 R 1  e i ð1  3Þ
Table 1.1.
1.4. Derivation of the measurement equation
D disintegration rate, Bq, of the produced radionuclide,
The reaction rate R per nucleus capturing a neutron is given by assuming that N = 0 at t = 0 and N0 = constant

R = ∫ nðvÞvσ ðvÞdv ð1  1Þ The cross section and the neutron fluence rate are neutron energy
0 dependent. In nuclear research reactors – which are intense sources of
neutrons – three types of neutrons can be distinguished (see Fig. 1.4):
(i) Fission or fast neutrons released in the fission of 235U. Their
−1 energy distribution ranges from 100 keV to 25 MeV with a
v the neutron velocity (m s ).
σ(v) the neutron cross section (in m2)5 for neutrons with maximum fraction at 2 MeV. These neutrons are slowed down
velocity v; by interaction with a moderator, e.g. H2O, to enhance the
n(v)dv the neutron density (m− 3) of neutrons with velocities probability of them causing a fission chain reaction in the 235U.
between v and v + dv, considered to be constant in time.
The production of radioactive nuclei is described by
Table 1.1
Example of typical ranges of experimental conditions of an INAA procedure.
= RN0 −λN ð1  2Þ Test portion mass: 5–500 mg
Neutron fluence rates available 1016–1018 m− 2 s− 1

Irradiation Decay Measurement

5–30 s 5–600 s 15–300 s
1–8 h 3–5 days 1–4 h
In many tabulations and for sake of simplicity, the term ‘barn’ (notation for dimension:
20 days 1–16 h
‘b’) is still used and preferred by many practitioners; 1 barn (b)= 10−28 m2.
200 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Fig. 1.4. Schematic representation of the neutron fluence rate spectrum in a nuclear Fig. 1.5. Relation between neutron cross section and neutron energy for the 59Co(n,γ)
reactor [31]. 60
Co reaction[32].

(ii) Epithermal neutrons. These are neutrons in the process of in which

slowing down by collisions with the nuclei of the moderator.
Epithermal neutrons have energies between approximately
n = ∫ nðvÞdv ð1  6Þ
0.5 eV and 100 keV.
(iii) Thermal neutrons, i.e. neutrons in thermal equilibrium with the
atoms of the moderator. The energy distribution of these is called the thermal neutron density and, when Φth = nv0,
thermal neutrons is Maxwellian, with a most probable velocity
v0 of 2200 m s− 1 at 20 °C, corresponding to an energy of Φth the ‘conventional’ thermal neutron fluence rate, m− 2 s− 1,
0.025 eV. for energies up to the Cd cut-off energy of 0.55 eV.
Typically thermal neutron fluence rates in a nuclear research σ0 the thermal neutron activation cross section, m2, at 0.025 eV.
reactor are in the order of 1016–1018 m− 2 s− 1. As can be seen from υ0 the most probable neutron velocity at 20 °C: 2200 m s− 1.
Fig. 1.4, the thermal neutrons have the highest fluence rate. The
epithermal and fast neutron fluence rates strongly depend on the The second term is re-formulated in terms of neutron energy
configuration of the reactor, particularly on the choice of moderator. rather than neutron velocity and the infinite dilution resonance
The epithermal neutron fluence rate in the irradiation facilities of a integral I0 – which effectively is also a cross section (m2) – is
light water moderated reactor is typically a factor 40–50 lower than introduced:
the thermal neutron fluence rate.
Reactions of the (n,γ) and (n,f) type have the highest cross section ∞ E max
(typically in the order of 0.1–100 b) for thermal neutrons whereas the σ ðEn Þd En
∫ nðvÞvdv = Φepi ∫ = Φepi I0 ð1  7Þ
other reactions ((n,p), (n,α), (n,n′), (n,2n)) mainly occur with fast vCd ECd
neutrons at cross sections 2 or 3 orders of magnitude lower. In several
cases nuclear reactions result into the conversion of a stable nucleus
into another stable nucleus.
The cross section for thermal neutrons is often inversely
E max
proportional to the neutron velocity; in the epithermal region the σ ðEn Þd En
neutron cross section can be very high for neutrons of a discrete I0 = ∫ ð1  8Þ
energy and the neutron cross section versus neutron energy
relationship shows ‘resonance peaks’ (see Fig. 1.5).
The dependence of the activation cross section and neutron in which
fluence rate to the neutron energy can be taken into account in
Eq. (1-1) by dividing the neutron spectrum into a thermal and an Φepi the ‘conventional’ epithermal neutron fluence rate per unit
epithermal region; the division is made at En = 0.55 eV (the so-called energy interval, at 1 eV.
cadmium cut-off energy). This approach is commonly known as the
Høgdahl convention [33]. The integral in Eq. (1-1) can then be From this definition of I0 it can be seen that it assumes that the
rewritten as energy dependency of the epithermal neutron fluence rate is
proportional to 1/En. This requirement is fulfilled to a good
approximation by most of the (n,γ) reactions.
vCd ∞
In the practice of nuclear reactor facilities the epithermal
R = ∫ nðvÞvσ ðvÞdv + ∫ nðvÞvσ ðvÞdv: ð1  4Þ
0 vCd
neutron fluence rate Φepi is not precisely following the inverse
proportionality to the neutron energy; the small deviation can be
accounted for by introducing an epithermal fluence rate distribution
The first term can be integrated straightforward: parameter α:

vCd vCd Emax

α σ ðEn Þd En
∫ nðvÞvdv = v0 σ 0 ∫ nðvÞdv = nv0 σ 0 ð1  5Þ I0 ðαÞ = ð1 eVÞ ∫ ð1 + α Þ
: ð1  9Þ
0 0 ECd En
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 201

The expression for the reaction rate can thus be re-written as with

C net counts in the γ-ray peak of Eγ

R = Φth σ0 + Φepi I0 ðαÞ ð1  10Þ NAv Avogadro's number, mol− 1
θ isotopic abundance of the target isotope
Expressing the ratio of the thermal neutron fluence rate and the mx mass of the irradiated element, g
epithermal neutron fluence rate as f = Φth/Φepi and the ratio of the Ma atomic mass, g mol− 1
resonance integral and the thermal activation cross section as Q0(α) = Γ the gamma-ray abundance, i.e. the probability of the
I0(α) / σ0, an effective cross section can be defined: disintegrating nucleus emitting a photon of Eγ (photons
disintegration− 1)

Q ðαÞ
 ε the full energy photopeak efficiency of the detector, i.e. the
σ eff = σ 0 1 + 0 : ð1  11Þ probability that an emitted photon of given energy will be
detected and contribute to the photopeak at energy Eγ in
the spectrum
It simplifies the Eq. (1-10) for the reaction rate to

Although the photons emitted have energies ranging from tens of

R = Φth σ eff : ð1  12Þ
keVs to MeVs and have high penetrating powers, they still can be
absorbed or scattered in the sample itself depending on the sample
This reaction rate applies to infinite thin objects. In objects of size, composition and photon energy. This effect is called gamma-ray
defined dimensions, the inside part will experience a lower neutron self-attenuation. Also, two or more photons may be detected
fluence rate than the outside part because neutrons are removed by simultaneously within the time resolution of the detector; this effect
absorption. Corrections have to be applied for this self-shielding is called summation. The corrections to Eq. (1-15) for gamma-ray self-
to thermal and epithermal neutrons; this is further described in attenuation and summation effects are described in Chapter 2.
Chapter 2. Eq. (1-15) can be simply rewritten towards the measurement
equation of NAA, which shows how the mass of an element measured
Decay and measurement can be derived from the net peak area C:

The nuclear transformations are established by measurement of the

number of nuclear decays. The number of activated nuclei N(ti,td) λ Ma
mx = C  ⋅ : ð1  16Þ
1−e−λti ⋅e−λtd ⋅ 1−e−λtm ⋅Φth ⋅σeff ⋅Γ⋅ε θ⋅NAv
present at the start of the measurement is given by6

RN0  −λt

Nðti ; td Þ = 1e i e d ð1  13Þ
λ 1.5. Metrology

and the number of nuclei ΔN disintegrating during the measurement Nuclear reaction
is given by
All possible nuclear reactions can be completely enumerated
RN0  −λt


 by knowledge of the incoming particles (thermal neutrons, epithermal
ΔNðti ; td ; tm Þ = 1−e i e d 1−e m ð1  14Þ
λ neutrons, and fast neutrons), their energy and the chart of nuclides.

in which Nuclear decay

td the decay or waiting time, i.e. the time between the end of The decay schemes of the radionuclides are well established
the irradiation and the start of the measurement and unambiguous. Gamma-ray energies, absolute decay intensities and
tm the duration of the measurement half-lives are known [26]. The combination of decay scheme and half-life
is a unique characteristic of each decaying radionuclide.
Additional correction resulting from high counting rates may be The decay process is a property of the atomic nucleus. The binding
necessary depending upon the gamma-ray spectrometer hardware electrons, chemical species and temperature do not influence the decay
used. This is further elaborated in Chapter 2. process.7
Replacing the number of target nuclei N0 by (NAvm)/M and using
the Eq. (1-12) for the reaction rate, the resulting net counts C in a peak
in the spectrum corresponding with a given photon energy is
approximated by the ‘activation formula’:

There are a few exceptions: the chemical binding, in electron capture and internal
−λtm conversion decay, may have an effect to the half-life of the radionuclide since the
NAv θmx  −λt

1−e electron capture rate is inversely proportional to the electron density at the nucleus,
C = ΔNγε = Φth σeff 1−e i e d Γε ð1  15Þ which is almost entirely determined by s-electrons. If the removed or added
Ma λ
outermost electron is in the s-state, there will be an effect on the capture rate.
However, the measured effects to the decay constant are in the order of 10− 2% and
only measurable for selected, metallic or crystalline chemical species [34]. Secondly,
the chemical binding may also have a measurable effect to the nuclear decay if this
decay – under very specific conditions – includes a cascade of gamma-rays along an
intermediate state of nanosecond half life. Differences of 1–2% in the intensity ratios
The representation given here is correct only for the simplest of cases. between the sumpeak of the cascade and the peaks of the individual gamma-rays have
Complications may arise when the activated nucleus decays to another unstable been observed for different chemical species of 111In [35]. This phenomenon also
nucleus of which the activity is measured, e.g. 46Ca(n,γ)47Ca(β−)47Sc; here 47Ca is the causes the observed intensity of full energy photopeaks of certain radionuclides to
activation product, but 47Sc is the radionuclide assessed. appear less than the true intensities [36].
202 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Measurand over, the metrological traceability of the values of the physical

constants is not known for all radionuclides. The other parameters C,
The area of a photopeak is a measure of the current transfer mx, Φ, ε, ti, td, tm are determined, calculated or measured for the given
in the detector, resulting from interaction of gamma-radiation of circumstances and uncertainties can be established.
corresponding energy in the radiation detector. The current is directly
proportional to the number of decaying radioactive nuclei. Relative calibration
The number of decaying radioactive nuclei is directly proportional
to the number of stable nuclei of the isotope that underwent a nuclear Direct comparator method
The number of stable nuclei of the isotope is directly proportional The unknown sample is irradiated together with a calibrator8
to the total number of nuclei of the corresponding element and, containing a known amount of the element(s) of interest. The calibrator
assuming given abundances of the stable isotopes, to the total mass of is measured under the same conditions as the sample (sample-to-
that element in the irradiated test portion. detector distance, equivalent sample size and if possible equivalent in
composition). From comparison of the net peak areas in the two
Measurement equation and metrological traceability measured spectra the mass of the element of interest can be calculated:

The metrological traceability of the values of the masses obtained !

by an NAA procedure, can be derived from the measurement equation C
[Eq. (1-16)]. The dimensional units of the physical constants in this tm :e−λtd · 1−e−λtm
equation are: mxðunkÞ = mxðcalÞ · !unk ð1  18Þ
tm :e−λtd · 1−e−λtm
λ decay constant (= ln 2/t1/2) s− 1 cal
σeff spectrum averaged cross section, m2
Γ fraction of decays producing γ-ray of Eγ, dimensionless in which
NAv Avogadro's number, mol− 1
θ isotopic abundance of the target isotope, dimensionless mx(unk), mx(cal) mass of the element of interest, in unknown sample
Ma atomic mass, g mol− 1 and calibrator, respectively; in g
of the experimental parameters are:
ϕeff neutron fluence rate during irradiation, s− 1 m− 2 In this procedure many of the experimental parameters — such as
ε detection efficiency for γ-ray of Eγ, dimensionless neutron fluence rate, cross section and photopeak efficiency cancel
and of the measured quantities out at the calculation of the mass and the remaining parameters are
C net counts in the γ-ray peak of Eγ, dimensionless all known. This calibration procedure is used if the highest degree of
ti irradiation duration, s accuracy is required.
td decay time to start of count, s The relative calibration on basis of element calibrators is not
tm duration of the measurement, s immediately suitable for laboratories aiming at the full multi-element
mx mass of the irradiated element, g powers of INAA. It takes considerable effort to prepare multi-element
calibrators for all 70 elements measurable via NAA with adequate
degree of accuracy in a volume closely matching the size and the
Hence, the values of all constants, parameters and measured
shape of the samples.
quantities in the measurement equation have the potential of being
metrologically traceable to the S.I. Single comparator method

Calibration Multi-element INAA on basis of the relative calibration method is

feasible when performed according to the principles of the single-
Calibration is based on the determination of the proportionality comparator method. Assuming stability in time of all relevant
factors F that relate the net peak areas in the gamma-ray spectrum to experimental conditions, calibrators for all elements are co-irradiated
the amounts of the elements present in the sample under given each in turn with the chosen single comparator element. Once the
experimental conditions: sensitivity for all elements relative to the comparator element has
been determined (expressed as the so-called k-factor, see below),
only the comparator element has to be used in routine measurements
C instead of individual calibrators for each element.
F= : ð1  17Þ
m The single comparator method for multi-element INAA was based
on the ratio of proportionality factors of the element of interest and
of the comparator element after correction for saturation, decay,
Both absolute and relative methods of calibration exist. counting and sample weights. Girardi et al. [38] defined the k-factor
for each element i as
Absolute calibration

The values of the physical parameters determining the propor-

tionality factor θ, NAv, M, σeff Γ, λ, are taken from literature. The ðMa Þi;cal γcomp εcomp θcomp σ eff ;comp
parameters σeff respectively Γ, λ are not precisely known for many ki = : ð1  19Þ
Ma;comp γi;cal εi;cal θi;cal ðσ eff Þi;cal
(n,γ) reactions and radionuclides, and in some cases θ is also not
accurately known. Since the various parameters were often achieved
via independent methods, their individual uncertainties will add up in
the combined uncertainty of measurement of the elemental amounts,
leading to a relatively large combined standard uncertainty. More- 8
A calibrator is defined as a measurement standard used in calibration [37].
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 203

Masses for each element i then can be calculated from these ki- elsewhere measured ratio(s) of the activation rate(s) of element(s)
factors; for an element determined via a directly produced radionu- and the standard element, Au. Some of these values and parameters
clide the mass mx(unk) follows from are still regularly updated. The neutron fluence rate parameters f
(ratio of thermal to epithermal neutron fluence rate) and α no longer
cancel out in mass calculations and must be measured in each
irradiation facility, preferably even for each irradiation and sample
1−e−λti ⋅tm ⋅e−λtd ⋅ 1−e−λtm unk
mxðunkÞ = mxðcompÞ ⋅ ! ⋅ki ð1  20Þ [42]. At least three isotopes must be activated and measured
C to determine these parameters. A composed fluence rate monitor
1−e−λti ⋅tm ⋅e−λtd ⋅ 1−e−λtm comp
containing adequate quantities of Au and Zr is suitable for this
with purpose; in a single measurement the induced activities of
Au, 95Zr and 97Zr can be assessed; recently an alternative set of
mx(comp) mass of element x in comparator, in g. Mo, Cr and Au was suggested for monitoring of well-thermalized
facilities [43]. As such, the k0-method is not a single comparator
These experimentally determined k-factors are often more but e.g. a triple comparator method. The photopeak efficiencies of the
accurate than when calculated on basis of literature data as in the detector must also be (experimentally) determined in this approach.
absolute calibration method. However, the k-factors are only valid for The k0-method requires tedious characterizations of the irradia-
a specific detector, a specific counting geometry and irradiation tion and measurement conditions and results, like the single
facility, and remain valid only as long as the neutron fluence rate comparator method, in relatively high uncertainties of the measured
parameters of the irradiation facility remain stable. values of the masses. Moreover, metrological traceability of the
The single comparator method requires laborious calibrations in currently existing k0 values and associated parameters to the S.I. is not
advance, and finally yield relatively (compared to the direct yet transparent and most probably not possible.
comparator method) higher uncertainties of the measured values. Summarizing, relative calibration by the direct comparator
Moreover, it requires experimental determination of the photopeak method renders the lowest uncertainties of the measured values
efficiencies of the detector. Metrological traceability of the measured whereas metrological traceability of these values to the S.I. can easily
values to the S.I. may be demonstrated. be demonstrated. As such, this approach is often preferred from a
metrological viewpoint. The measurement equation can be further
The k0-comparator method simplified, substituting

At the Institute for Nuclear Sciences in Ghent, Belgium, an attempt λCeλtd

A0 =  ð1  23Þ
1−eλtm ⋅ 1−eλti
has been made to define k-factors which should be independent of
neutron fluence rate parameters as well as of spectrometer char-
acteristics. In this approach, the irradiation parameter (1 + Q0(α)/f) to
(Eq. (1-11)) and the detection efficiency ε are separated in the
expression (1-19) of the k-factor, which resulted at the definition of A0ðunkÞ
the k0-factor [39] munk = mcal R R R R ð1  24Þ
A0ðcalÞ θ Φ σ ε

Q0;comp ðαÞ in which

1 1+ f εcomp Mcomp θcal σ0;cal γcal
k0 = Q0;cal ðαÞ
= ð1  21Þ
ki 1 + εcal Mcal θcomp σ0;comp γcomp
f Rθ ratio of isotopic abundances for unknown sample and
Rϕ ratio of neutron fluence rates (including fluence gradient,
and the mass, again for an element determined via a directly produced neutron self shielding, and scattering) for unknown sample
radionuclide, is found from and calibrator.
Rσ ratio of effective cross sections if neutron spectrum shape
! differs from unknown sample to calibrator.
Q0;comp ðαÞ C
1−e−λti ⋅tm ⋅e−λtd ⋅ 1−e−λtm ⋅m unk 1
   Rε ratio of counting efficiencies (differences due to geometry
f εcomp
mxðunkÞ = mxðcompÞ
Q0;unk ðαÞ εunk
! ⋅k : and γ-ray self shielding) for unknown sample and calibrator.
1+ C 0
1−e−λti ⋅tm ⋅e−λtd ⋅ 1−e−λtm ⋅m comp

ð1  22Þ
1.6. Analytical characteristics

Total sample analysis

All in the above is based on the assumption that the cross section in
the thermal energy region varies with the inverse of the neutron Neutron activation analysis provides information on the total mass
energy. For a small group of nuclear reactions (151Eu(n, γ) 152,152mEu, of elements in the sample processed. Since INAA, originally denoted as
Yb(n, γ)169Yb, 176Lu(n, γ)177Lu) this assumption results in ‘non-destructive NAA’ does not require dissolution of the sample,
significant deviations, requiring the use of the Westcott formalism there are in principle no losses by incomplete digestion, precipitation
instead of the Høgdahl convention for describing the relation between or wall adsorption effects nor does the technique suffer from
activation cross section and neutron energy, thereby introducing the contaminations that might be introduced by the solvents used. It is
neutron temperature as a parameter. The impact of the equations is well known that special measures have to be taken to prevent losses
well documented [40]. by volatilization of some elements during irradiation (e.g. Hg and Br);
The k0-factor thus has become a purely nuclear parameter for in such cases often sealed quartz ampoules are preferred above
the thermal neutron spectrum. In the k0-convention, Au is often polyethylene vials. The degree of volatilization depends whether the
proposed as comparator element. The k0 values and associated element is bound to an inorganic or organic ligand, and the irradiation
parameters such as Q0 are tabulated [e.g., 41] and based on conditions (neutron and gamma-ray fluences and temperature).
204 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

In an INAA procedure the element mass in the entire (bulk) sample of the differences in half lives of the radionuclides (e.g., 51Ti: 5.8 m,
is determined, which distinguishes the technique from X-ray Cr: 27.7 days) and/or the information obtained from other radio-
fluorescence analysis, which provides information only on the surface nuclides formed from the element of interest and intensity ratios
composition of a sample. from different gamma-ray lines (e.g., in the decay of 51Ti also gamma-
In an RNAA procedure the dissolution takes place after the rays of 605 keV and 928 keV is emitted, which does not occur in the
irradiation. The chemical yield determination can be done with high decay of 51Cr).
degree of accuracy by either addition of a non-radioactive spike of The impact of some of these interferences is mass dependent
the same element(s) to be separated, and or by quantitation of the but such interferences can easily be identified and quantified by
recovery of a radiotracer (same element(s), produced separately) measurements after different decay intervals. Multiple measure-
added after irradiation. ments after different decay intervals also serve for assessing pile-
up effects and interference corrections, and to test all counting-
No effects from the chemical state and physical form of the element to be related nonlinearities. The degree of gamma-ray self-attenuation
determined can be derived from the intensity ratios of peaks in the spectrum
or calculated after experimental determination of the measured
All phenomena (nuclear reaction, decay, and emission of radia- transmission through the sample of an external beam of gamma-
tion) are related to the properties of the atomic nucleus. The valence rays.
electrons are with some exceptions (see footnote 7) not involved in The peak areas can be determined in several ways – e.g., with
these processes. Hence, the determination of an element via fitting routines or via channel-by channel counting and background
measurement of its induced radioactivity is in principle independent subtraction – thus providing an additional validation of this step.
of its chemical state or physical form; there is no difference whether Finally, as will be demonstrated in detail in Chapter 2 (Evaluation
an element is bound to an inorganic compound or an organic of Uncertainties for NAA Measurements Using the Comparator
compound, or if it is present as a pure metal, provided the degrees Method of Standardization) of this paper, the type A evaluations of
of gamma-ray self-attenuation in sample and calibrator are equivalent contribution to uncertainty of measurement are mass dependent
and can be quantified (cf. parameter Rε in Eq. (1-24)). Chemical and can be measured. Most of the type B evaluations of contribution
matrix effects, known to be significant sources of error in some other to uncertainty of measurement are not mass dependent, and affect
types of instrumental chemical analysis, are insignificant in NAA or all elements in the same irradiation or measurement to the same
can be quantified and corrected for. extent.
This characteristic implies that the calibrators (standards) in NAA
do not have to be identical in composition than the measurands. It Many adjustable experimental parameters for optimization of
allows for use of single element comparators of the highest purity and experimental design
known stoichiometry (e.g. metal foils) with relatively small contri-
bution to the combined standard uncertainty of measurement. The A NAA procedure has many adjustable experimental para-
differences in neutron and gamma-ray self-shielding, and in irradi- meters, which is reflected by the measurement (Eq. (1-16)).
ation and counting geometry between calibrator and sample These can be used for optimizing the design of the NAA procedure
are described by physical parameters, and can be calculated and/or towards e.g. minimization of uncertainty of measurement, mini-
experimentally determined. mization of interfering effects during irradiation and/or measure-
ment, minimization of the limit of detection or reduction of the
Self-validating characteristics total analysis (turnaround) time. Sample and calibrator mass may
be optimized for e.g. reduction of geometric effects during
The nuclear physical principles of NAA also provide many self- irradiation and measurement, for reduction of self attenuation
validating opportunities of the measurement results, contributing effects or for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Irradiation time
favorably to the degree of accuracy. and neutron fluence rate have an effect to the amount of induced
Most of these result from the fact that many elements have radioactivity of the radionuclide of interest but irradiation time
multiple stable isotopes from which more than one radionuclide can may also be varied for changing the ratio of induced radioactivity of
be produced upon neutron irradiation (e.g. 122Sb and 124Sb). this radionuclide and interfering ones. Cadmium or boron filters in
Moreover, these multiple radionuclides from one element have the irradiation facility remove the thermal neutrons and thus
different half-lives (e.g. 122Sb: 64 h and 124Sb: 60 days), and emit change the neutron energy spectrum. This is a well-established
several gamma-rays with different energies with accurately known approach for selective activation of elements with epithermal and
emission probabilities (intensity ratios) e.g. 122Sb: 564 keV (63% fast reactor neutrons.
emission probability) and 693 keV (3.3%), and 124Sb: 602.7 keV (98%), It was illustrated already by Fig. 1.3 that complementary
723 keV (11%) and 1691 keV (52%). information can be obtained from measurements after different
The combination of half-life and gamma-ray energy makes decay periods. This is also an approach for reduction of spectral
confirmation of identity of the radionuclide 100% and confirmation interferences such as closely spaced gamma-ray peaks, or for
of identity of the element (on basis of known nuclear reactions) in improvement of the detection limit of small amounts of induced
most cases also 100%. In addition, quantitative results derived from radioactivity of radionuclides with long half lives in the presence of
the different peak areas of one radionuclide, as well as from different high amounts of radionuclides with shorter half lives. Moreover, such
radionuclides of the same element should be in agreement. Equally so, multiple measurements are often preferred for taking full advantage
results from the same radionuclide, registered after different decay of the self-validating opportunities of the various radionuclides
intervals, should agree with each other. produced from activation of a given element.
Interferences during irradiation may occur. As an example,
the radionuclide 28Al may result from the nuclear reactions 27Al Elements such as H, C, N, O, and Si do not affect the determination of
(n,γ)28Al, 28Si(n,p)28Al or 31P(n,α)28Al. Such interferences can be other elements
identified, quantified and corrected for. Similarly, interferences
during measurement may occur (e.g., the gamma-ray line at The neutron activation of a number of low Z elements (H, He, Be, Li,
320 keV may result from either the decay of 51Ti or 51Cr to levels in B, C, N, and O — which belong often to the most abundant in many
V) but identification and correction is possible taking advantage materials-) and of a few high Z elements (Bi, Tl, and Pb) is
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 205

characterized by either one, or a combination of (i) very low Table 1.2

activation cross sections, (ii) activation products with very short Detection limits for elements in mg kg− 1 as observed in a NAA procedure of a plant material
and a soil material [33]. Experimental conditions: plant: ti =4 h at 5⁎1016 m− 2 s− 1,
half-lives (in the order of seconds) and (iii) the emission of radiation td =5 days, tm =0.5 h at coaxial detector, followed at td =3 weeks and tm =2 h at well-type
which is not recorded in the gamma-ray spectrum and therefore does detector; sample size=200 mg; soil: ti =1.5 h at 5⁎1016 m− 2 s− 1, td =5 days, tm =1 h at
not interfere with the measurement of the gamma radiation emitted coaxial detector, followed at td =3 weeks and tm =1 h at well-type detector; sample
by the other activation products. As such, these elements are virtually size=200 mg.
absent in gamma-ray spectrometry in NAA, making the sample Plant Soil Plant Soil
‘transparent’ for the signals from the radionuclides.
Na 2 10 K 200 1500
Ca 700 4000 Sc 0.001 0.02
Suitable for measurement of total element mass in the order of 10− 6 Cr 1 1 Fe 8 100
to 10− 9 g, or less Co 0.02 0.3 Ni 2 30
Zn 0.4 6 Ga 2 10
As 0.2 0.8 Se 0.1 1
The detection limit in NAA is based on the signal-to-noise ratio, the
Br 0.3 0.8 Rb 0.4 6
selectivity of determining, with a certain degree of confidence, a peak in Sr 5 60 Zr 5 80
the gamma-ray spectrum. The photopeak in the spectrum of the Mo 4 10 Ag 0.2 2
gamma-ray emission by the radionuclide of interest is the ‘signal’. The Cd 3 8 Sn 10 20
Sb 0.02 0.2 Te 0.3 3
‘noise’ results from the detection of photons from the ambient
Cs 0.02 0.3 Ba 10 40
background, from the Compton continuum due to the interaction of La 0.1 0.3 Ce 0.2 1
higher energy γ-rays, as well as from γ-ray spectrum interferences from Nd 0.7 8 Sm 0.01 0.03
e.g. the blank from pre-irradiation treatment, from packing materials Eu 0.006 0.05 Tb 0.008 0.1
and from (partly) overlapping peaks. The detection limit depends on the Yb 0.03 0.2 Lu 0.004 0.02
Hf 0.01 0.1 Ta 0.01 0.2
irradiation, the decay and the counting conditions. It is quite common to
W 0.3 1 Re 0.08 0.2
estimate the detection limit using Currie's formula [44]: Os 0.1 0.6 Ir 0.0006 0.004
pffiffiffi Au 0.003 0.01 Hg 0.05 0.4
DL = 2:71 + 4:65 B ð1  25Þ Th 0.01 0.1 U 0.2 2

where DL is the detection limit and B is the background under a γ-ray

radionuclides produces such as half life and energies of the gamma-
peak. This approach is valid only when the γ-ray background
ray emission. As was mentioned in the above, the very low Z elements
(counting statistical error) is the major interference.
(like H, He, B, Be, C, N, and O) are therefore not suitable for detection
The detection limits depends in the practice of INAA on:
by NAA, but also a few other elements cannot be determined too (e.g.,
Tl and Bi) or at least not at a low level. The activation of lead (Pb), for
– The amount of material to be irradiated and to be counted: often instance, results only at milligram quantities to measurable activities
set by availability, sample encapsulation aspects and safety limits which is for many applications an inadequate sensitivity.
both related to irradiation and measurement, and possibly because The sample matrix should not have both high density (resulting in
of neutron self-shielding and gamma-ray self-absorption effects. strong gamma-ray self-attenuation), high atomic number (also
For these reasons in the practice of INAA the sample mass is often affecting gamma-ray self attenuation) and extremely high neutron
limited to approximately 250 mg. absorbing properties. With respect to the latter, high mass fractions of
– The neutron fluence rates: set by available irradiation facilities. B, Cd, Gd, and Dy will cause neutron self-absorption of the thermal
– The duration of the irradiation time: set by practical aspects, such neutrons inside the sample, resulting in a neutron energy distribution
as the limitations in total irradiation dose of the plastic containers different from the distribution in the standard. Moreover, it may cause
because of radiation damage, or by reactor operation cycles. a neutron fluence rate depression outside the sample, affecting the
– The total induced radioactivity that can be measured is set by the neutron fluence in the calibrators which surround the sample. Large
state-of-the-art of counting and signal processing equipment, with amounts of the elements with strong neutron absorbing properties
additional radiation dose and shielding considerations. are also unwanted in NAA if their neutron capture results in the
– The detector size, measurement geometry and background emission of charged particles such as α-radiation (either prompt or
shielding. delayed). This occurs mainly with the elements B, Li and U and may
cause excessive thermal heating during the irradiation.

It all illustrates that the detection limit for a given element by INAA
Samples particularly suited for NAA
may be different for each individual type of material, and analysis
conditions. In Table 1.2 [45] are given, as an indication, typical detection
The analytical characteristics of neutron activation analysis are
limits as derived from the analysis of a plant and a soil material.
employed at full advantage for the analysis of three major categories
of materials:
1.7. Applicability of NAA
• Solid materials that are difficult to bring completely into a solution
Neutron activation analysis, like any other trace element analysis Examples are:
technique, is not a panacea for any trace element determination in any – soils, rocks, minerals, ores, cosmic material, air particulate matter,
type of material. The selection of NAA as a method of choice may be zeolites, and new composite materials
based on the fact that element of interest and sample material – materials in with C, H, N, and O as major elements: plants and
(matrix) should have specific chemical properties, physical forms and similar biological material, plastics
physical characteristics for analysis by NAA. • Solid materials that are easy to contaminate during preparation of
the test portion, if e.g. digestion would be needed for a different
Preferred conditions for selection of NAA analytical technique
Examples are:
The nuclear properties of the element of interest are of – ultra pure substances: Si semiconductor material and carbon fiber
importance: the activation rate and the decay characteristics of the – ultra small quantities: air particulate matter and cosmic dust
206 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

– biological tissues and fluids (blood, serum, and urine) with sample vials of specific dimensions and different detector types
• Solid materials that are unique and should keep their integrity (e.g. well-type detectors) are limited commercially available. In most
Examples are: cases a laboratory has to develop and build its own automation.
– materials from forensic studies Spectrum analysis and interpretation software is nowadays available
– archaeological, cultural and art objects with all major suppliers of gamma-ray spectrometers as well as the
• Solid materials of which the bulk composition has to be determined International Atomic Energy Agency. However, getting started with NAA
and for which surface techniques such as XRF and solid-state still requires considerable effort, especially with respect to mastering
spectroscopic techniques (e.g. LIBS and laser ablation ICP) are sources of error in the conduct of the technique and with the
therefore inadequate. interferences in the spectrum analysis and interpretation. The merge
of a physical method and chemical analysis requires simultaneous
expertise from both disciplines for an effective operation.
Examples of such samples, within a selected group of disciplines, are: The NAA laboratory has to meet the legal requirements for
radiological safety. This may imply high investment costs if a non-
(1) Archaeology — amber, bone, ceramics, coins, glasses, jewelry,
radiological laboratory has to be adapted to such requirements. A
metal artifacts and sculptures, paintings, pigments, pottery,
radiological health officer may be required (which could be a part-
soils and clays, and stone artifacts.
time function of an employee of the NAA laboratory) and provisions
(2) Biomedicine — animal and human tissues, blood and blood
have to exist for storage and disposal of radioactive waste. Employees
components, bone, drugs and medicines, gallstones, hair,
have to be trained in the radiological safety and practical aspects of
implant corrosion, kidney and kidney stones, medical plants
handling radioactivity. If the research reactor is not on-side of the NAA
and herbs, milk, nails, placenta, snake venom, teeth, dental
laboratory, the safety in transportation of the radioactive samples
enamel and dental fillings, urine and urinary stones.
requires attention too.
(3) Environmental science and related fields — aerosols, atmo-
The fundamentals of NAA are further described in detail in e.g.
spheric particulates (size fractionated), fossil fuels and their
reference [15].
ashes, animals, birds, insects, fish, aquatic and marine biota,
seaweed, algae, lichens, mosses, plants, trees, household and
municipal waste, soils, sediments, and sewage sludges. 1.8. References for Chapter 1
(4) Forensics — bomb debris, bullet lead, explosives detection, glass
fragments, paint, hair, gunshot residue swabs, and shotgun pellets. [1] H. Levi, Semicentennial Lecture, held on June 23, 1986 at the opening of the
(5) Geology and geochemistry — asbestos, bore hole samples, bulk 7th International Conference Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, Copenha-
coals and coal products, coal and oil shale components, crude gen, Denmark.
[2] G. Hevesy, Hilde Levi, The Action of Neutrons on the Rare Earth Elements, Det.
oils, cosmo-chemical samples, cosmic dust, coral, diamonds, Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Mathematisk-fysiske Meddelelser XIV, 5
exploration and biogeochemistry, meteorites, ocean nodules, (1936) 3–34.
rocks, sediments, soils, glacial till, ores and separated minerals. [3] G. Hevesy, Hilde Levi, Artificial Activity of Hafnium and some other Elements,
(6) Industrial products — alloys, catalysts, ceramics and refractory Det. Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Mathematisk-fysiske Meddelelser
XV, (1938) 11–21.
materials, coatings, electronic materials, fertilizers, fissile
[4] G.E. Boyd, Method of Activation Analysis, Anal. Chem. 21 (1949) 335–347.
material detection and other safeguard materials, graphite, [5] H. Brown, E. Goldberg, The Neutron Pile as a Tool in Quantitative Analysis;
high purity and high-tech materials, integrated circuit packing The Gallium and Palladium Content of Iron Meteorites, Science 109 (1949)
materials, oil products, pharmaceutical products, plastics, 347–353.
semiconductors, pure silicon and silicon processing. [6] T.P. Kohman, Measurement Techniques of Applied Radiochemistry, Anal.
Chem. 21 (1949) 352–364.
(7) Nutrition — composite diets, foods, honey, seeds, spices,
[7] W. Wayne Meinke, Nucleonics, Anal. Chem. 28 (1956) 736–756.
vegetables, milk and milk formulae, and yeast. [8] W.B. Lewis, Isotope production, how to choose irradiation times, Nucleonics
12 (1954) 30–33.
[9] W.B. Lewis, Flux perturbations by material under irradiation, Nucleonics 13
Additional aspects of the use of NAA (1955) 82–88.
[10] R.C. Plumb, J. E. Lewis, How to minimize errors in neutron activation analysis,
Some additional operational aspects of NAA are worth mentioning Nucleonics 13, (1955) 42–46.
[11] L.H. Rietjens, G.J. Arkenbout, G.F. Wolters, J.C. Kluyver, Influence of distance
here for completeness. NAA is not available as a stand-alone push- between source and crystal on detection efficiency of gamma-ray scintillation
button apparatus with a fully integrated software package to be spectrometers, Physica 21 (1955) 110–116.
operated ‘on-the-spot’ at just any analytical laboratory. First, access to [12] G. Leliart, J. Hoste, J. Eeckhaut, Activation analysis of Vanadium in high
a nuclear research reactor is essential, obviously. Though most NAA alloy steels using Manganese as internal standard, Anal. Chim. Acta 19 (1958)
laboratories are found on-site of the reactor, there are quite a few
[13] G.B. Cook, Radioactivation analysis in a nuclear reactor, Pure and Applied
other cases in which the NAA laboratory is not on-site and samples Chemistry 1(1960) 15–30.
(before and after irradiation) are transported over distances up to [14] H.J.M. Bowen, D. Gibbons, Radioactivation Analysis, Oxford University Press,
more than 100 km.9 This implies limitations with respect to the Oxford, UK, 1963, 295 pp.
measurement of radionuclides with (very) short half lives. The [15] D. De Soete, R. Gijbels, J. Hoste, Neutron Activation Analysis, Wiley-
Interscience, London, 1972.
reactor's irradiation facilities define the available neutron fluence [16] Advisory Group of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Quality
rates, neutron energy distributions and set technical constraints with assurance in biomedical neutron activation analysis, Anal. Chim. Acta
respect to sample encapsulation, maximum and minimum irradiation 165 (1984) 1–29.
duration. [17] H. Kawamura, R.M. Parr, H.S. Dang, W. Tian, R.M. Barnes, G.V. Iyengar, Analytical
quality assurance procedures developed for the IAEA's Reference Asian Man
The required instrumentation for measurement of the induced
Project (Phase 2), J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 245, (2000) 123–126.
radioactivity, viz. the gamma-ray spectrometer with semiconductor [18] P. Bode, J.P. van Dalen, Accreditation: a prerequisite, also for neutron activation
detector, is build up with modular units that all are commercially analysis laboratories, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem.179 (1994)141–148.
available. Sample changers for NAA, versatile with respect to be used [19] M. Rossbach, J. Gerardo-Abaya, A. Fajgelj, P. Bode, P. Vermaercke, M. Bickel,
Quality system implementation in Member States of the IAEA, Accred. Qualit.
Assur. 10 (2006) 583–589.
[20] G.L. Molnar (Ed). Handbook of prompt gamma activation analysis with
The NAA laboratory of one of the authors of this paper (EADNF) is at neutron beams. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, (2004) ISBN
approximately 150 km from the research reactor in São Paulo. 1402013043, 423 pages.
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A0 decay corrected count rate
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[23] A. Egan, S.A. Kerr, M.J. Minski, Determination of selenium in biological C net peak counts
materials using Se-77 m (T = 17.5 s) and cyclic activation analysis, Radio- a as subscript denoting element of interest in sample
chem. Radioanal. Lett. 28 (1977) 369–378.
c as subscript denoting element of interest in comparator
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Chem. 167 (1993) 169–176. Dti disintegration rate (Bq) at the end of the irradiation time ti
[25] L.R. Opelanio, E.P. Rack, A.J. Blotcky, F.W. Crow, Determination of chlorinated d as subscript denoting decay
pesticides in urine by molecular neutron activation analysis, Anal. Chem. 55 Eγ gamma-ray energy
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[26] Table of Isotopes, Eight Edition, R.B. Firestone, V.S. Shirley, Eds., J. Wiley, New
ECd neutron energy at the cadmium cut-off point, 0.55 eV
York, 1996. Emax maximum energy of epithermal neutrons
[27] D.D. Sood, A.V.R. Reddy, N. Ramamoorthy, ‘Fundamentals of Radiochemistry’, En neutron energy
IANCAS, Mumbai, India, 2000. F C/m
[28] Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue, CD-ROM 1999, Dr. R.G. Helmer. Idaho
f Φth/Φepi
National Energy & Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA.
[29] International Vocabulary of Metrology — Basic and General Concepts and I0 resonance integral
Associated Terms (VIM) 3rd edition, 2007. I0(α) resonance integral, taking into account the not perfect
[30] Adapted from: P. Bode, J.J.M. de Goeij, Activation Analysis, in; Encyclopedia of inverse proportionality of Φepi to the neutron energy
Environmental Analysis and Remediation, R.A. Meyers, Ed., J. Wiley, New York i as subscript denoting irradiation
(1998), ISBN 0-471-11708-0, pages 68-84.
k Girardi's proportionality factor for calibration in NAA
[31] Adapted from: G. Erdtmann, H. Petri, Neutron Activation Analysis: Fundamentals
and Techniques, in: Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part 1, Theory and Practice, k0 proportionality factor for the k0-method of calibration in
Volume 14, P.J. Elving, Ed., J. Wiley, New York (1986), ISBN0-471-80648-X, 795 NAA
pages. Ma atomic mass
[32] Reference neutron Activation Library, IAEA Technical Document TECDOC-1285 m mass
(2002) Vienna, Austria.
m as subscript denoting measurement
[33] O.T. Høgdahl, Neutron Absorption in Pile Neutron Activation Analysis,
N number of radioactive nuclei produced
Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA,
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NAv Avogadro's number
[34] H. Daniel, Influence of Chemical Environment on Lifetimes in Nuclear N0 number of target nuclei
Physics, in: The Use of selective Nuclear Techniques for the Elucidation of n neutron density
Chemical Bonding, Topical Issue of Atomic Energy Review 17 2 (1979), n(v)dv neutron density of neutrons with velocities between v and v +
dv, considered to be constant in time
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[36] R.J. Gehrke, R.H. Helmer, R.C. Greenwood, Precise relative χ-ray intensities Rj ratio of parameter j (= θ, Φ, σ, ε) for unknown sample and
for calibration of Ge-semiconductor detectors, Nucl. Instr. Meth. 147 (1977)
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t time
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[38] F. Girardi, G. Guzzi, J. Pauly, Reactor Neutron Activation Analysis by the Single v neutron velocity
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[39] A. Simonits, F. de Corte, J. Hoste, Single Comparator Methods in Reactor Neutron
vCd neutron velocity at the cadmium cut-off point, ECd = 0.55 eV
Activation Analysis, J. Radioanal. Chem. 24 (1975) 31–46.
[40] F. de Corte, A. Simonits, F. Bellemans, M.C. Freitas, S. Jovanovic, B. Smodis, mx mass of the irradiated element
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208 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Chapter 2. Evaluation of uncertainties for neutron activation analysis measurements

using the comparator method of standardization
Robert R. Greenberg *, Richard M. Lindstrom, Elizabeth A. Mackey, Rolf Zeisler

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Analytical Chemistry Division, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8395, USA

2.1. Introduction fP correction for pulse pileup (correction method depends

upon the actual hardware used)
This chapter describes the individual uncertainty components fltc correction for inadequacy of live time extension (correction
associated with measurements made with neutron activation analysis method depends upon the actual hardware used)
(NAA) using the comparator method of standardization (calibration),
as well as methods to evaluate each one of these uncertainty Note that the “R” values are normally very close to unity, and all
components. This description assumes basic knowledge of the NAA units are either SI-based or dimensionless ratios. Thus an uncertainty
method, and that experimental parameters including sample and budget can be developed using only SI units and dimensionless ratios
standard masses, as well as activation, decay, and counting times have for an NAA measurement by evaluating the uncertainties for each of
been optimized for each measurement. It also assumes that the the terms in Eqs. (2-1) and (2-2), and for any additional corrections
neutron irradiation facilities and gamma-ray spectrometry systems required (e.g., interferences, dry mass conversion factors, etc.).
have been characterized and optimized appropriately, and that the Uncertainties for some of the terms in Eq. (2-1) have multiple
choice of irradiation facility and detection system is appropriate for components. If we sub-divide the uncertainty for each term in the
the measurement performed. Careful and thoughtful experimental above equations into individual components, add terms for potential
design is often the best means of reducing uncertainties. corrections, and separate into the four stages of the measurement
The comparator method involves irradiating and counting a known process, including: pre-irradiation (sample preparation); irradia-
amount of each element under investigation using the same or very tion; post-irradiation (gamma-ray spectrometry), and radiochemis-
similar conditions as used for the unknown samples. The NAA process try, we arrive at the complete list of individual uncertainty
can be described by the following measurement equation (Eq. (2-1)): components for NAA listed in Table 2.1. Only uncertainties from the
first three stages should be considered for instrumental neutron
  activation analysis (INAA) measurements, while all four stages
mxðunkÞ = mxðstdÞ   Rθ Rϕ Rσ Rε −blank ð2  1Þ should be considered for radiochemical neutron activation analysis
(RNAA) measurements.
2.2. General irradiation and gamma-ray spectrometry
facility considerations
mx(unk) mass of element x in the unknown sample
mx(std) mass of element x in the comparator standard (calibrator)
A brief discussion of the facility and equipment characterization
A0(unk) decay corrected count rate in the unknown sample
that is necessary before complete uncertainty budgets can be
A0(std) decay corrected count rate in the comparator standard
evaluated is provided here as a precondition for the uncertainty
Rθ ratio of isotopic abundances for unknown and standard
evaluation process addressed later in this chapter. This characteriza-
Rϕ ratio of neutron fluences (including fluence drop off, self
tion addresses the general facility parameters that do not substantially
shielding, and scattering)
change from one measurement to the next; the characterization
Rσ ratio of effective cross section differences (if neutron
required to evaluate components of uncertainty specific to an
spectrum shape changes)
individual measurement is addressed point-by-point in subsequent
Rε ratio of counting efficiencies (differences due to geometry
and γ-ray self-shielding)
Neutron field characterization: gradients and energy spectrum —
blank mass of element x in the blank
characterization of the neutron irradiation field is necessary to correct
for any potential differences in neutron exposure among samples and
standards, to correct for potential interferences caused by reactions with
high-energy (fast) neutrons, and to evaluate the uncertainties for such
λCeλtd corrections. It is important to characterize both the neutron fluence rate
A0 =   fP fltc ð2  2Þ
1−e−λtL 1−e−λti and the neutron energy spectrum as functions of location and time

within each irradiation facility. Although specific corrections may differ
from measurement to measurement, an initial characterization of each
with: irradiation facility allows the analyst to select the best facility to use for a
particular measurement, and to estimate the magnitudes of potential
A0 decay corrected count rate, irradiation interferences and other effects due to potential variations in
C net counts in γ-ray peak, the neutron fluence rate and spectrum shape. The initial characteriza-
λ decay constant ln 2/t1/2 tion allows the analyst to decide in advance for each analysis how best to
td decay time to start of count position samples and standards within an irradiation container (e.g., a
tL live time of count “rabbit”), and whether precise determinations of correction factors
ti irradiation time (with uncertainties) for fluence-rate variations and/or fast neutron
interferences will be necessary, or whether the likely effects are
⁎ E-mail address: insignificant and uncertainty estimates only are sufficient.
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 209

Table 2.1 analyses. The uncertainties associated with these corrections can be
Complete list of individual uncertainty components for NAA measurements using the estimated based on the results of characterization measurements. If
comparator method of standardization; line numbers in this table reflect subsection
where the uncertainty component is discussed.
this method is used, it is a good practice to include at least a few
fluence-rate monitors with each experiment to verify that the facility
2.3 Pre-irradiation (sample and standard preparation) stage is still stable. If the initial characterization indicates that the fluence-
2.3.1 Elemental content of standards (comparators)
rate gradients are not stable, a sufficient number of fluence-rate
2.3.2 Target isotope abundance ratio — unknown samples/standards
2.3.3 Basis mass (or other sample basis) — including drying monitors (or some other method) must be used to provide corrections
2.3.4 Sample and standard blanks for each analysis (see Section 2.4.1).
2.4 Irradiation stage Initial characterization of the neutron energy spectrum provides
2.4.1 Neutron fluence exposure differences (ratios) for unknown samples
valuable information regarding the general magnitude of effects such
compared to standards (comparators) Physical effects (fluence gradients within a single irradiation)
as interferences from fast neutron reactions (see Section 2.4.2), the Temporal effects (fluence variations with time) potential for neutron energy spectrum changes from neutron Neutron self shielding (absorption and scattering) effects within a scattering interactions within the sample, and resonance self-
single sample or standard shielding (see Section 2.4.3). This initial characterization allows the Neutron shielding effects from neighboring samples or standards
analyst to evaluate whether more precise measurements are needed
2.4.2 Irradiation interferences Fast (high energy) neutron interferences (for a particular measurement) to fully evaluate a correction factor Fission interferences (with an uncertainty), or whether the likely contribution is insignif- Multiple neutron capture interferences icant and an uncertainty estimate alone is sufficient. For example, if
2.4.3 Effective cross section differences between samples and standards the irradiation facility is very highly thermalized and the fast neutron
2.4.4 Irradiation losses and gains Hot atom transfer (losses and gains by recoil, nanometer movement)
component is very small, a shift in the energy spectrum due to Transfer of material through irradiation container neutron scattering is not likely to occur and therefore not likely to Sample loss during transfer from irradiation container significantly contribute to measurement uncertainty. Similarly, con- Target isotope burn up differences tributions from threshold reactions may be less important, depending
2.4.5 Irradiation timing and decay corrections during irradiation (effects of half
on the matrix and relative amounts of the elements of interest (see
life and timing uncertainties)
2.5 Gamma-ray spectrometry stage Section 2.4.2). Activation foils are commonly used, e.g., [1], to
2.5.1 Measurement replication or counting statistics (depending on number of characterize the neutron energy spectrum by determining the
replicates) for unknown samples absolute thermal, epithermal, and fast (fission spectrum) neutron
2.5.2 Measurement replication or counting statistics (depending on number of fluence rates in reactor irradiation facilities and other neutron fields. A
replicates) for comparator standards
2.5.3 Corrections for radioactive decay (effects of half life and timing
known mass of the appropriate monitor element is irradiated, and the
uncertainties for each measurement) induced activity is measured with a detector of known efficiency. The From end of irradiation to start of measurement fluence rates are then calculated through use of the appropriate cross Effects of clock time uncertainty section values (see e.g., [2]). Effects of live time uncertainty
Gamma-ray spectrometry system characterization: stability over Count-rate effects for each measurement (either and
or but not all three) dynamic range — the uncertainty components associated with Corrections for losses due to pulse pileup for conventional analyzer gamma-ray spectrometry cannot be evaluated in any meaningful
systems way without first assuring that the spectrometry systems are properly Effects due to inadequacy of live-time extension for conventional calibrated and optimized for the energy and count-rates ranges to be
analyzer systems Uncertainties due to hardware corrections for Loss-Free or Zero
used. Gamma-ray spectrometry system optimization and character-
Dead Time systems ization are performed to achieve the best resolution and most
2.5.4 Corrections for gamma-ray interferences symmetric peak shapes, and to determine the dynamic range over
2.5.5 Corrections for counting efficiency differences (if necessary), or uncertainty which the system is stable. System stability is needed to assure the
for potential differences
accuracy of software pileup corrections (based on determinations of Effects resulting from physical differences in size and shape of samples
versus standards the pileup constant), or the accuracy of corrections provided by Corrections for gamma-ray self absorption hardware to compensate for losses during system dead times, as well
2.5.6 Potential bias due to peak integration method as to assure that peak shapes and resolution are optimal over the
2.5.7 Potential bias due to perturbed angular correlations (γ-ray directional range of count-rates and system dead-times used. After the system is
2.6 Radiochemical stage (only if radiochemical separations are employed)
optimized and the dynamic range for a given system is established,
2.6.1 Losses during chemical separation the analyst should verify that the system is stable over this range at
2.6.2 Losses before equilibration with carrier or tracer appropriate intervals (possibly at each use). These procedures help to
reduce uncertainties associated with corrections for pileup, loss-free
or zero dead-time system corrections, and peak integration.
Neutron fluence-rate monitoring (e.g., [1]), is typically used for the
initial characterization of the spatial neutron fluence rate gradient, 2.3. Uncertainty evaluation — pre-irradiation
and the temporal differences in neutron exposure for each irradiation (sample preparation) stage
facility. Appropriate metal wires or foils are rigidly positioned at
different locations within an irradiation container or containers, 2.3.1 Elemental content of comparator standards
irradiated, and counted under identical conditions. The decay
corrected count rate per unit mass for each piece of wire or foil is The method used to evaluate this uncertainty will depend upon the
proportional to the monitor's neutron exposure; a comparison of nature of each standard used [3,4]. For highest accuracy work, a high-
these values can be used to establish a “map” of the relative neutron purity material may be used directly, or more typically, a standard
intensity as a function of position within each facility. Repeating this solution prepared from a high-purity material is deposited onto filter
process at different points in the reactor fuel cycle provides paper. In this case there will be uncertainties associated with:
information on temporal variability. When such measurements
indicate that the fluence rate gradient is stable for a given irradiation • the purity and/or stoichiometry of the high-purity material used
facility, it may be useful to fully characterize that gradient and use • potential losses during dissolution
correction factors derived from those measurements for subsequent • gravimetric or volumetric standard solution preparation
210 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

• gravimetric or volumetric deposition onto individual filter papers and 2.3.2. Target isotope abundance ratio — unknowns/standards
• contamination during the standard preparation process
• losses of solvent during the standard preparation process NAA is an isotopic technique and Eq. (2-1) considers differences in
• determination of the element content of the filter paper, acids and the isotopic abundances of elements (Rθ = ratio of isotopic abun-
water or other diluent used in preparation, or “blank” [5,6]. dances for unknown and standard). While no corrections or
uncertainties are needed for the determination of monoisotopic
If a high-purity material CRM is used as the starting material, the elements (Rθ = 1 with absolutely no uncertainty), corrections and
uncertainty for the elemental content of the material is given on the uncertainties may be necessary for elements with more than one
certificate supplied by the CRM provider. If a high-purity CRM solution isotope and whose abundances vary in nature or are perturbed by
is used, the uncertainty for dissolution losses is included in the man. Table 2.2 lists the elements relevant for NAA for which IUPAC [7]
uncertainty of the certified value. If multielemental standards are identified uncertainties in their atomic weights due to natural or man-
prepared, special caution must be taken to evaluate impurity made variations in their isotopic composition.
contributions of one element to another, since typically multi- The isotopic abundance variability influences the NAA results in
elemental standards for NAA contain widely differing amounts of widely varying degrees depending on the isotope used in the
the different elements [3]. In some cases, matrix CRMs are used as measurement. In many instances the uncertainty of the abundance
standards for lower-accuracy NAA measurements, however, care ratio is insignificant, in particular for determinations based on a highly
must be taken to include the uncertainty of the certified value of the abundant isotope. However, if a minor isotope is used, the isotopic
content of each element in the CRM, since these are often quite large. abundance ratio between unknown and standard may differ

Table 2.2
Elements relevant in NAA with natural or man-made uncertainties in their isotopic composition; abundance values are expressed as a range or as a single value with an uncertainty
[9]. Values of u(Rθ ) given in the last column were calculated assuming a triangular distribution for the ratio of isotopic abundances of unknowns and standards.

Atomic number Element Name Atomic weight Note NAA target Abundance (%) u(Rθ)
8 O Oxygen 15.9994(3) a,b O 0.2217–0.1877 4.8%
10 Ne Neon 20.1797(6) a,c Ne 9.96–9.20 2.3%
14 Si Silicon 28.0855(3) b Si 3.102–3.082 0.19%
16 S Sulfur 32.065(5) a,b S 0.019–0.013 10.8%
17 Cl Chlorine 35.453(2) c Cl 24.356–24.077 0.33%
18 Ar Argon 39.948(1) a,b Ar 99.6003 (6) 0.0009%
19 K Potassium 39.0983(1) a K 6.73022 (292) 0.06%
20 Ca Calcium 40.078(4) a Ca 0.188–0.186 0.31%
23 V Vanadium 50.9415(1) a V 99.7513–99.7498 0.0004%
29 Cu Copper 63.546(3) b Cu 69.338–68.983 0.15%
Cu 31.017–30.662 0.33%
36 Kr Krypton 83.798(2) a,c Kr 17.29835(26) 0.002%
37 Rb Rubidium 85.4678(3) a Rb 72.1654 (132) 0.03%
38 Sr Strontium 87.62(1) a,b Sr 0.58–0.55 1.5%
Sr 82.75–82.29 0.16%
40 Zr Zirconium 91.224(2) a Zr 17.380 (12) 0.98%
42 Mo Molybdenum 95.96(2) a Mo 24.19 (26) 1.52%
44 Ru Ruthenium 101.07(2) a Ru 31.55 (14) 0.63%
46 Pd Palladium 106.42(1) a Pd 11.72 (9) 1.1%
47 Ag Silver 107.8682(2) a Ag 48.161 (8) 0.02%
48 Cd Cadmium 112.411(8) a Cd 28.73 (42) 2.1%
50 Sn Tin 118.710(7) a Sn 14.54 (9) 0.88%
51 Sb Antimony 121.760(1) a Sb 57.21 (5) 0.12%
Sb 42.79 (5) 0.17%
52 Te Tellurium 127.60(3) a Te 34.08 (64) 2.7%
54 Xe Xenon 131.293(6) a,c Xe 10.4357 (21) 0.03%
57 La Lanthanum 138.90547(7) a La 99.910 (1) 0.001%
58 Ce Cerium 140.116(1) a Ce 88.449–88.446 0.001%
60 Nd Neodymium 144.242(3) a Nd 17.35–17.06 0.49%
62 Sm Samarium 150.36(2) a Sm 26.75 (16) 0.85%
63 Eu Europium 151.964(1) a Eu 52.19 (6) 0.16%
64 Gd Gadolinium 157.25(3) a Gd 0.20 (1) 7.1%
Gd 21.86 (19) 1.2%
66 Dy Dysprosium 162.500(1) a Dy 28.260 (54) 0.27%
68 Er Erbium 167.259(3) a Er 14.910 (36) 0.34%
70 Yb Ytterbium 173.054(5) a Yb 0.13 (1) 11%
Yb 12.76 (41) 4.5%
71 Lu Lutetium 174.9668(1) a Lu 2.59 (2) 1.1%
72 Hf Hafnium 178.49(2) a Hf 35.100–35.076 0.02%
76 Os Osmium 190.23(3) a Os 0.02 (1) 71%
Os 40.78 (19) 0.66%
92 U Uranium 238.02891(3) a,c,d U 0.7207–0.7198 0.036%
U 99.2752–99.2739 0.0004%
Geological specimens are known in which the element has an isotopic composition outside the limits for normal material. The difference between the atomic weight of the element
in such specimens and that given in the Table may exceed the stated uncertainty.
Range in isotopic composition of normal terrestrial material prevents a more precise value being given; the tabulated value should be applicable to any normal material.
Modified isotopic compositions may be found in commercially available material because it has been subject to an undisclosed or inadvertent isotopic fractionation. Substantial
deviations in atomic weight of the element from that given in the table can occur.
Element has no stable nuclides. However a characteristic terrestrial isotopic composition and an atomic weight are tabulated.
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 211

significantly from unity. An extreme example in which the isotopic Table 2.2 are intended to draw attention to the possibility of
ratio between unknown and standard can be significantly different deviations in rare cases of special geological materials, or samples
from unity is the determination of sulfur by NAA using the reaction 36S from industrial materials where elements with enriched or depleted
(n,γ)37S [8]. In this example, Rθ can range from 1.4 to 0.7 depending abundances are used. Obtaining assurance of the true isotopic
whether the sample or the standard, or both, exhibit an extreme abundance of the unknown sample will be necessary for a reliable
variation in the abundance of 36S, resulting in a bias of up to 40% if NAA determination based on isotopes with abundances exhibiting
these abundance differences are ignored. However, most isotopes significant variability in the types of samples analyzed or standards
used for NAA vary only slightly in nature. used.
Corrections and uncertainties associated with isotopic abundance
differences between samples and standards may be directly included 2.3.3. Determination of the basis mass (or other sample basis)
in the uncertainty budget if they are known (or have been measured). The uncertainty associated with determining the mass basis of the
However, this type of information is rarely available. When the actual sample may be simply the uncertainty associated with use of an
abundances are not known, no corrections can be applied and Rθ must analytical balance. For the analysis of many biological or environ-
be assume to be unity. However, the uncertainty for Rθ = 1 can be mental samples such as tissues or sediments, the element mass
estimated from the degree of natural variability for samples and fractions of the sample are typically reported on the basis of dry mass.
standards that have not been isotopically manipulated using the data The sample used for NAA may have been dried in advance or may be
from Table 2.2. analyzed as received and the dry mass basis determined using
For a simple case where accurate values for the isotopic separate portions. In either case the uncertainty associated with the
abundances in samples and standards are not known, it is reasonable determination of the correction factor will be that associated with the
to assume that the abundance values for samples and standards lie mass determinations. Similarly, in the analysis of biological tissues,
within the range given in Table 2.2. The relative range of potential the mass fraction values may be reported on a fresh tissue basis, a lipid
values for the isotope abundance for either sample or standard would basis, or protein basis but the material will be analyzed as a dried
be: material. The uncertainty is calculated from the determination of each
! of the components of that correction factor, i.e., the wet mass to dry
θH −θL mass, the lipid to wet mass, or protein to wet mass ratios. Changes in
rangeð%Þ = 1  100; ð2  3Þ
2 ðθH + θL Þ the mass basis that occur as a result of irradiation are discussed in a
separate section below.
where θH = highest abundance, and θL = lowest abundance in
Table 2.2. 2.3.4. Sample blanks
If we assume that the actual (“true”) value of sample and standard Due to time constraints in the determination of elements for which
isotope abundances can lie anywhere between the two extremes of the products of neutron irradiation are short-lived isotopes, or due to
this range, but the actual (“true”) isotopic abundances of both sample the nature of the samples, it may not be practical or possible to
and standard most likely lie at the midpoint of the two extremes, our transfer each sample from the irradiation container or packaging
best estimate of Rθ is 1. The uncertainty for Rθ will be 1/2 the relative material into a clean (unirradiated) container prior to performing
range divided by √6 (for a triangular distribution) multiplied by √2 to gamma-ray spectrometry. In these cases, a complete characterization
account for the uncertainty of both the sample and standard. On the of the element content of the packaging material (and its variability
other hand, if we have no reason to believe that both sample and within a lot) may be required to account for its contribution to the
standard abundances most likely lie at the midpoint of the two total amount of element measured. Where possible, it is preferable to
extremes, or if we wish to be more conservative, our best estimate of transfer the samples from the packaging material into non-irradiated
Rθ is still 1, however, to evaluate the uncertainty for Rθ, we should containers to eliminate the need for this type of correction. Where
divide 1/2 the relative range by √3 (for a rectangular/uniform transfer is not practical or preferred, a statistically valid number of
distribution) instead of √6 and multiply by √2 to account for the blanks must be analyzed to determine the amount of element per unit
uncertainty of both the sample and standard. If an abundance mass of packaging material in order to derive appropriate corrections
uncertainty in Table 2.2 is given for the isotope abundance, instead for those elements. Evaluation of the uncertainty will include the
of an abundance range, the uncertainty in Rθ, can be estimated by variability of amount of element in the blank and the uncertainty
dividing the abundance uncertainty by the isotope abundance, and associated with the analytical determination of amount content.
multiplying by √2 (to account for differences in samples and Uncertainty associated with analyte losses (or gains) during irradi-
standards). ation is discussed in a separate section below.
In the case of the determination of S via the 36S(n,γ)37S reaction
discussed above, if we wished to make the measurement (despite the 2.4. Uncertainty evaluation: irradiation stage
large potential bias resulting from a potential Rθ range of 40%), and we
assume that the actual (“true”) isotopic abundances of both sample 2.4.1. Neutron fluence exposure differences (ratios) for samples
and standard most likely lie at the midpoint of the two extremes of compared to comparator standards
0.019% and 0.013% (e.g. there are multiple sources of S composing
both samples and standards), our best estimate of Rθ would be 1, and As induced activity is directly proportional to the neutron
we would assume a triangular distribution. The relative standard exposure, the ratio of decay-corrected activities of unknown samples
uncertainty for Rθ would be 38%/2* √6*√2, or 10.8%. However, if we and comparator standards is also directly proportional to the neutron
wish to be more conservative, or we have no reason to believe that exposure of the samples versus the standards. Assuming that they are
both sample and standard abundances most likely lie at the midpoint irradiated at nominally the same neutron fluence rate in the same
of the two extremes, our best estimate of Rθ would still be 1, however, reactor facility, for the same amount of time, there are four factors that
we would assume a uniform/rectangular distribution, and evaluate result in unequal neutron exposures: temporal and spatial neutron
the relative standard uncertainty for Rθ as 38%/2* √3*√2, or 15.3%. The fluence-rate variations, and neutron absorption and scattering effects.
choice between these two possibilities should be based on chemical Spatial neutron fluence rate variations or irradiation geometry effects
knowledge of the samples and standards. result from differences in neutron fluence rate at the different
For practically all NAA applications the mid-point of the range or positions of each sample and standard in the irradiation facility.
the stated isotopic abundance is a valid assumption. The notes in Temporal neutron fluence rate changes are also common within many
212 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

facilities and must be evaluated when more than one irradiation is steady state and thus the neutron spectrum will change during this
required. Neutron self-shielding can be significant when the outer time. As the fuel is consumed, regulating rods move in the lattice,
portion of a sample or standard absorbs a significant fraction of the changing the spatial distribution of the neutron field. It is essential
neutrons, and so the interior of that sample or standard gets a reduced that each irradiation facility be fully characterized for both spatial
neutron exposure. Neutron scattering effects, although very small for neutron gradients within a given irradiation, and temporal differences
NAA, may perturb the neutron exposure of some samples in a manner in neutron fluence rates from one irradiation to the next for NAA
similar to absorption effects. Although it is possible to evaluate the experiments that involve more than one irradiation.
absorption and scattering effects separately, it is most convenient to Corrections for both physical and temporal differences in
evaluate their combined effect as described below. neutron exposure (described in Sections and, and
their associated uncertainties can be evaluated using historical data Differences in neutron exposures for unknown samples compared and/or fluence monitoring measurements. Historical data is partic-
to standards (comparators) due to physical effects (fluence gradients ularly useful for facilities that are stable over time, especially when
within a single irradiation) no corrections are necessary. In this case, a large number of identical
In a typical irradiation facility, the reactor fuel is not symmetri- samples are irradiated and counted (preferably far from the
cally located around the irradiation position, and therefore the detector) with very good counting statistics for one or more
neutron fluence rate differs in different locations within the rabbit gamma rays. The relative uncertainty due to irradiation geometry
leading to potential differences in neutron exposures among and is the observed relative standard deviation (rsd), reduced in
between standards and unknowns within one irradiation. In general, quadrature by the uncertainty due to counting statistics. As an
the neutron fluence rate decreases with distance from the reactor example, an irradiation container filled with identical samples is
core and if the rabbit's axis is perpendicular to the flux contours, the irradiated. The samples are individually counted, and the observed
gradient is nearly linear. The analytical bias introduced by this rsd of the decay corrected count rate per unit sample mass of a
gradient can be compensated by inverting the rabbit midway radionuclide is 0.5%. If the typical counting uncertainty for each
through the irradiation time (i.e., by removing the rabbit midway sample is 0.3%, and all other sources of variation are negligible, the
through the irradiation, rotating (flipping) it 180°, and reinserting uncertainty due to irradiation geometry effects would be the square
the rabbit for the second half of the irradiation). The results of using root of [(0.5%)2–(0.3%)2], or 0.4% for each sample (or standard). If
this procedure to minimize the linear gradient at the NBSR are shown there are additional significant sources of variation, such as counting
in Fig. 2.1. This procedure greatly decreases but does not entirely geometry differences, those uncertainties can also be subtracted (in
eliminate effects of the neutron gradient within the irradiation quadrature) from the observed rsd. This uncertainty of 0.4% can be
container. used to characterize each sample and standard irradiated in all
Other physical manipulations can be used to equalize the neutron future irradiations in this facility, as long as nothing is done to
exposure within the irradiation container. Many reactors have a change the flux distribution. If one sample and one standard are
“Lazy-Susan” facility for long irradiations where the samples are irradiated together in this facility, the combined irradiation
rotated throughout the irradiation. In either case, residual differ- geometry uncertainty for sample and standard would be the square
ences can be corrected, and uncertainties evaluated, as described root of [(0.4%)2 + (0.4%)2], or 0.57%. If multiple samples (of the same
under the flux-monitoring approach, or if corrections are not material) and/or standards are irradiated together, the sample
necessary, uncertainties can be evaluated as for the historical-data counting geometry uncertainty and the standard counting geometry
approach. uncertainty (for the mean value) would be reduced by the square
root of the number of samples and/or standards irradiated. Differences in neutron exposures for unknown samples compared Neutron fluence monitors (also known as flux monitors) are often
to standards (comparators) due to temporal effects used to determine the static spatial gradient, the temporal gradient,
Over the course of a reactor cycle, neutron fluence rates within a and neutron spectrum changes. Results from NAA experiments are
single facility vary as a function of time so that differences in neutron often normalized by irradiating fluence monitors of known mass and
exposures exist from one irradiation to the next. During the first hours uniform composition along with the samples. A number of monitors
of reactor operation, the moderator temperature gradually reaches a have been used: foil and wire of iron, copper, nickel, zinc, or other
metals, standard solutions pipetted onto filter paper, or specially
fabricated alloys such as Au/Al (IRMM-530R) or Co/Al (NIST SRM
953). For relative measurements it is not necessary to determine the
absolute activity of the monitors. After irradiation, the monitors are
0.9 removed and gamma rays counted to determine the relative neutron
exposure for each sample, and corrections applied, if necessary.
Uncertainties for these corrections can be determined from the
Relative fluence rate

counting statistics observed for the monitors. As with the historical
data case, if multiple samples (of the same material) and/or standards
0.7 are irradiated together, the sample counting geometry uncertainty
and the standard counting geometry uncertainty (for the mean value)
would be reduced by the square root of the number of samples and/or
0.6 standards irradiated.

0.5 Neutron self-shielding: neutron absorption and scattering effects
within a single sample or standard
When a sample or standard is immersed in a neutron field, its
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
interior will be exposed to a smaller neutron fluence rate than the
exterior due to neutron absorption and scattering by the sample. This
Axial position, cm
effect, neutron self-shielding, varies with the macroscopic scattering
Fig. 2.1. Neutron fluence exposure variations for samples irradiated in one irradiation and absorption cross-sections and the size and shape of the sample.
facility in the NBSR. The correction factor for neutron self-shielding, fϕ, is the ratio of the
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 213

mean fluence rate over the entire sample volume, compared to the
fluence rate incident on the sample. For an absorbing and scattering
sample surrounded by an isotropic neutron field, the value of fϕ is 0.999

Self-shielding factor f
always less than unity [10], unless the sample contains fissile
materials. 0.998 Monte Carlo methods and calculated values 0.997

A rigorous calculation of self-shielding correction factors requires
knowledge of the neutron energy spectrum inside and outside the 0.996
sample, and the absorption and scattering cross sections as a function
of energy. Monte Carlo methods may be used to determine values 0.995
for fϕ, but few calculations performed to date have included both Sphere
changes in the neutron energy spectrum due to neutron scattering 0.994
and spectrum averaged cross-section values for the nuclides of 0.1 1 10
interest. Length/Diameter
Scattering affects the history of neutrons in the sample even if
there is no change in neutron energy. Copley [10] studied the effects Fig. 2.2. Calculated self-shielding factor fϕ for 250-mg cylinders and a sphere of SRM
of neutron scattering and absorption within spherical samples 1632c bituminous coal. For this material Σa = 0.015 cm− 1 and Σs = 2.7 cm− 1: the
major absorbers are hydrogen, boron, and nitrogen, and the major scattering elements
immersed in an isotropic neutron field and calculated the values of hydrogen and carbon.
fϕ using an iterative solution to the neutron transport equation and
Monte Carlo methods. Results from both approaches were consis-
tent and indicate that neutron scattering may decrease fϕ values,
contributing to further self-shielding, for samples that both scatter cross sections between 10 and 20 b. Based on Copley's results for
and absorb neutrons within an isotropic neutron field. Similar spheres within a range of macroscopic absorption and scattering
results are expected and have been demonstrated for other sample cross-sections corresponding to the ranges expected of most
shapes. Copley's results for spherical samples in an isotropic biological and environmental samples, the bias introduced by
neutron field were approximated by Blaauw [11] using a modifica- ignoring scattering is typically between ≤0.1% and 0.3%, depending
tion of the Stewart and Zweifel [12] formulation. Subsequently on the diameter of the sphere and the values for those cross-sections
Salgado et al. [13] modified Blaauw's formulation with similar [10]. The bias introduced would be worse for very strong absorbers
agreement. (∑a ≥ 2 cm− 1), though there are few examples of materials this
Analytic expressions for fϕ as a function of the scalar cross sections strongly absorbing.
and sample composition have been derived for a few specific Spreadsheets for calculating fϕ for the Fleming geometries are
geometries. A frequently cited summary paper is that of Fleming, available on request from one of the authors (richard.lindstrom@nist.
[14], who collected the equations for a sphere, an infinite slab, and an gov). An example for a 200-mg pellet (radius = 0.65 cm) of Bovine
infinite cylinder, irradiated in either an isotropic mono-energetic Liver (SRM 1577c) is given in Fig. 2.3. Note that the calculated
neutron field or a monoenergetic parallel neutron beam. By employ- correction for scattering is significantly smaller for the pellet (0.995)
ing a geometrical argument [15], these equations have been extended compared to the sphere (0.991), which is listed in Table 2.3.
to finite cylinders, a common configuration in many irradiation When these spreadsheets are used to calculate fϕ values for
experiments. In addition, Fleming tabulated macroscopic cross- samples and standards, an uncertainty estimate of about 10% of the
section values for a large number of materials and mixtures. For correction is reasonable in cases where the mass fractions of all
most materials, where the comparator standard and standard have major absorbing and scattering components reasonably well-known.
similar scattering properties, an approximation based on calculations When the neutron spectrum contains epithermal neutrons then
for absorption only using a slab geometry introduces little or no bias, resonance self-shielding must also be taken into account [16]. A
e.g., when comparing biological samples with comparator standards quasi-universal self-shielding expression has been formulated [17,
prepared using filter paper matrices. The approximation of fϕ for a slab 18] and shown to be adequate for most work in a mixed neutron
of thickness T, taking into account only absorption is field [19]. Experimental fϕ evaluation

1 = 2−E3 ð∑a T Þ
fϕ = ; ð2  4Þ The consequence of thermal scattering by hydrogen on induced
∑a t
activity for NAA has been determined experimentally [20] by
where ∑a is the macroscopic absorption cross section and E3 is the irradiating sandwiches of iron foils in the well-thermalized NIST
exponential integral of order 3. Corrections for neutron self-shielding reactor with and without polyethylene spacers. No significant
for typical 200-mg biological or environmental samples are normally difference was detectable at a precision of order 0.1%. One may best
on the order of several tenths of a percent, and are rarely greater than
a percent or two. Strongly absorbing materials such as some metals or
some ceramics may require more careful evaluation. The shape of the Table 2.3
sample may be important. For a cylindrical sample fϕ as a function of Calculated self-shielding factors for 200 mg spherical samples of representative
the length/diameter ratio is shown in Fig. 2.2. The maximum materials.
absorption occurs when the shape is most nearly spherical.
Material Self-shielding factor Principal absorbers
Self-shielding factors (including both absorption and scattering)
Quartz 0.999 Si
have been calculated for 200-mg spherical samples of some represen-
SRM 2709a Soil 0.997 Si, Fe
tative materials typically analyzed by NAA and are given in Table 2.3. SRM 1632c Coal 0.994 H, C
In practice, hydrogen is the most important scattering element, SRM 1633b Fly Ash 0.998 B, Fe
with a free-atom absorption cross-section of 20.5 b and a maximum Cellulose 0.996 H
bound atom cross-section of 82 b. Other important scattering SRM 1577c Bovine Liver 0.991 H, N
Iron 0.970 Fe
elements in typical samples are N, Cl, Fe, Ni, and Pb, with scattering
214 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Fig. 2.3. Calculated self-shielding for a 200-mg pellet of SRM 1577c bovine liver.

estimate the value of fϕ for a given material experimentally by The number and placement of fluence monitors will depend upon
performing NAA on a series of samples of varying thicknesses and the number, mass, shape, composition, closeness (or packing density)
determining the correction factors based on comparison with a thin of the samples and standards, as well as knowledge of the fluence
sample for which the fϕ value is essentially 1. Indeed, for a material of gradients in the irradiation facility when no samples or standards are
unknown composition this is the only possible method. present. For example, in an irradiation facility with a linear drop-off
perpendicular to the samples/standards, which are all relatively small, Uncertainty in fϕ estimates well-separated and not particularly absorbing, one fluence monitor at
Correction factors may be determined by appropriate Monte Carlo each end of the irradiation container and one in the middle of the
methods, calculated using one of the approximations, or determined sample/standard pack may be sufficient. However, for relatively
experimentally. Where determined experimentally or by Monte Carlo absorbing samples that are closely packed, a fluence monitor between
simulation, the uncertainty associated with the correction factor may every sample and/or standard may be necessary. The average decay
be determined based on statistical considerations of the method used. corrected activity for the two surrounding fluence monitors provides
Where formulaic approximations are used, the uncertainty of the the correction factors for each sample and/or standard. Uncertainties
correction factor may be estimated as 10% of the correction. Note that for the corrections will depend upon the counting statistics for each of
for either Monte Carlo simulations or calculated corrections based on surrounding monitors, combined in quadrature.
either ∑a or ∑a and ∑s, additional uncertainty may need to be added The NAA measurement with the perhaps the highest demonstrat-
when the sample composition is partially unknown. ed accuracy and smallest uncertainty to date was the measurement of
Cr in stainless steel (SRM 1152a) by Zeisler et al. [21]. Iron fluence Neutron shielding effects from neighboring samples or standards monitors were used to correct for neutron exposure differences at the
When a set of multiple samples and standards are irradiated surface of the samples and standards, and neutron self-shielding
together, neutron absorption and scattering effects on individual corrections were calculated as described in Section The
samples/standards resulting from absorption and scattering by neigh- measured Cr value (for 300 mg samples) with an expanded relative
boring ones should be considered, especially when they are of large size, uncertainty of 0.2% agreed within 0.05% relative to the certified value,
closely packed, and/or are composed of highly absorbing constituents. which also had an expanded relative uncertainty of 0.2%. Chromium
Correction for fluence depression by neighboring samples/standards calibration was accomplished with pure metal chips and slabs
can often be calculated if the sizes, shapes and compositions of all (approx. 1.5 mg and 80 mg each). The uncertainty from the neutron
materials are known; however, corrections are often most conveniently self-shielding corrections actually dominated all other uncertainty
accomplished by normalizing to embedded fluence monitors, at least for components (approx. 90% of the combined uncertainty) due to the
samples with sizes and compositions typically analyzed by NAA. Large difficulties in characterizing the actual dimensions and shapes of the
samples (i.e., much greater than 1 g), especially those with a high metal pieces used. Most of the samples and standards each required
content of neutron absorbing materials, may require additional relative self-shielding corrections of several percent.
corrections. In addition to fluence monitoring corrections for effects
external to the samples/standards, neutron fluence monitors can be 2.4.2. Irradiation interferences
used to determine and correct for the effects of static spatial fluence
gradient, the temporal gradient, and neutron spectrum changes (as During the irradiation step, three types of interferences are
discussed in Sections and However, the effects of possible for some of the elements frequently determined by NAA.
neutron self-shielding within each sample (or standard) need to be Most nuclear reactions used for NAA are based on reactions with
addressed separately (as discussed in Section thermal or epithermal neutrons. However, high-energy neutrons can
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 215

knock out a proton or alpha particle from a nucleus, and interfere with of magnitude greater. Even in RT-2, there are several significant
the determination of some elements. For example, Al is typically interferences that are routinely encountered: the (n,p) interference of
determined via the reaction 27Al(n,γ)28Al. 28Al can also be produced Al on the determination of Mg in geological and related materials, and
by Si and P with high-energy neutrons via the reactions 28Si(n,p) 28Al the (n,α) interference of 31P on the determination of Al in biological
and 31P(n,α) 28Al [22]. The relative size of the interference will materials. Other interferences have been significant in a few selected
depend upon both the mass fraction of Al compared to that of each applications, such as the (n,α) interference of 54Fe on the determi-
interfering element in the sample, as well as the fraction of fast nation of Cr in whole blood.
neutrons in the irradiation facility relative to the amount of thermal These interferences were calculated using published fission-
neutrons. Fortunately, these (n,p) and (n,α) reactions cannot occur spectrum cross sections [23] to calculate products that have not been
unless the incoming neutron carries enough energy to equal the mass measured directly. Most values were normalized to the measured 28Si
difference between reactants and products, as well as the additional (n,p) 28Al interference. It should be noted that although these
energy needed to overcome the Coulomb barrier for emission of interferences were normalized to the (n,p) reaction on 28Si, the
charged particles. Only a few such reactions are typically encountered measured 51Cr interference for the (n,α) reaction on 54Fe was within
in neutron activation analysis. In a similar manner, thermal fission of 10% of the similarly calculated value in RT-4, which has a neutron
U will produce (as fission fragments) some of the same nuclides spectrum very similar to RT-2. The measured 28Si (n,p) 28Al) interference
used to determine other elements by NAA, e.g., 99Mo is one of the in RT-4 was measured to be 43 μg-Al/g-Si versus 46 μg-Al/g-Si in RT-2.
most commonly produced fission products and is also used to As mentioned above, interferences in a light water reactor are
determine Mo via the reaction 98Mo(n,γ) 99Mo. Finally, in rare cases considerably higher. To estimate the severity of interferences, the fast-
interferences can be caused by double neutron capture. neutron fluence rate in the irradiation facility can be determined [1] by
irradiation of any of the pure nuclides in the preceding table and scaling to Fast (high energy) neutron interferences the fast/thermal ratio in RT-2. It is relatively easy to determine the (n,p)
The more significant fast neutron interferences for the RT-2 interference of 28Si on 28Al, by irradiating some high purity Si (e.g., a piece
pneumatic tube facility of the NIST (NBSR) reactor are listed in of semiconductor grade Si metal) with a small piece of Al foil, and
Table 2.4, where the thermal and fission fluence rates are 3.4 × 1013 determine the apparent Al content of the Si. The scaling factor for other
and 1.4 × 109 cm− 2s− 1, respectively. The interferences (X0) listed fast reactions will be the ratio of the measured Si interference (in μg/g) to
represent the apparent μg of the interference per gram of the the value of interference (46 μg/g) determined for RT-2. However, the
interfering element irradiated. Note that this facility is exceptionally calculated interference values should only be used as a guide to determine
well thermalized, since the NBSR is a D2O moderated reactor and RT-2 which interferences may be significant. If interference is judged to be
is located far from the reactor core. Fast neutron interferences in most significant, it should be measured and corrected. The uncertainty for the
light water moderated reactors would typically be two to three orders corrected value is determined from the uncertainty of the interference
ratio measurement, the uncertainty of the content of the interfering
element in the sample of interest, and the uncertainty of the
determination of the element of interest before the correction is applied.
Table 2.4
Fast neutron interferences for the RT-2 facility of the NBSR. Fission interferences
Fission of 235U will produce (as fission fragments) some of the same
Analyte Activation Half life Interfering σ(fast), mb X0, μg/g
element product nuclide nuclides that are used to determine other elements by NAA. Some of the
more important interferences are for molybdenum and barium. These
(n,p) interference
Na 24
Na 15 h 24
Mg 1.53 4.0
and other potentially significant ones are listed in Table 2.5, with the
Mg 27
Mg 9m 27
Al 4.0 1566 apparent interference in μg of element per μg of natural uranium in the
Al 28
Al 2m 28
Si 6.6 46 sample. Since the interferences are due to 235U fission, they will be
31 31
Si S 3h P 36 17,353 different for samples with non-natural isotope abundances of uranium.
32 32
P P 14 days S 69 626
35 35 Two of the interferences listed need further discussion. Although 131Ba is
S S 88 days Cl 78 7811
S 37
S 5m 37
Cl 0.218 2657 not produced by fission, the 496 keV gamma ray from 131Ba, frequently
Sc 46
Sc 80 days 46
Ti 12.5 0.064 used for the determine barium by NAA, can be interfered with by the
497 keV gamma ray of 103Ru, which is a fission product. This can be an
51 51
Ti Ti 6m V 0.87 157
52 52
V V 4m Cr 1.09 0.33 important interference, especially in geological type materials. Due to
56 56
Mn Mn 3h Fe 1.07 0.13
Fe 59
Fe 40 days 59
Co 1.42 653
the difference in half-lives of 131Ba (11.5 days) and 103Ru (39 days), the
Co 60
Co 5y 60
Ni 2.1 0.026 apparent interference increases with decay time. In addition, 140La
65 65
Ni Ni 3h Cu 0.48 15.8 (40.3 h) is not produced directly from uranium fission, but as a daughter
64 64
Cu 13 h
Zn 31 8.8 of the 140Ba (11.7 days) fission product. Since most geological materials
Cu Cu 5m Zn 0.62 0.4
76 76 have much higher mass fractions of lanthanum compared to uranium,
As As 26 h Se 0.17 0.007
Rb 88
Rb 18 m 88
Sr 0.15 7.2 this interference is rarely significant about a week or so after irradiation,
Sr 89
Sr 50 days 89
Y 0.31 113.5 but becomes increasingly more important as the decay time increases.
In view of the potential for fission interferences, it is important to
(n,α) interference know the approximate level of uranium in samples when determining
24 27
Na Na 15 h Al 0.725 2.1
Mg 27
Mg 9m 30
Si 0.155 1.8
elements that have fission interferences. If the amount (or mass
Al 28
Al 2m 31
P 1.9 13.0 fraction) of uranium is known, the potential interferences can be
P 32
P 14 days 35
Cl 8.8 57.6 approximated using the information in Table 2.5 (data from [24]),
52 55
V V 4m Mn 0.11 0.038 however, if the uranium content is not known, and if elements with
51 54
Cr Cr 30 days Fe 0.6 0.09
56 59 potential interferences are under investigation, it is important to
Mn Mn 3h Co 0.156 0.02
Fe 59
Fe 40 days 62
Ni 0.09 1.49 determine uranium in the samples under investigation, subtract any
Co 60
Co 5y 63
Cu 0.50 0.02 relevant interferences, and calculate uncertainties. This can be
65 68
Ni Ni 3h Zn 0.05 1.02 accomplished by preparing single-element uranium standards,
76 79
As As 26 h Br 0.02 0.004 irradiating these standards with the samples under investigation,
89 92
Sr Sr 50 days Zr 0.01 0.86
and counting them with the samples. The standards are first used to
216 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Table 2.5 given neutron energy E. However, if an irradiation facility is not well
Typical uranium fission interferences — apparent μg of element per μg uranium. thermalized, neutron scattering within a sample may change the
Element Isotope Thermal neutrons Epithermal neutrons neutron energy spectrum within a sample, with quantitative
99 consequences. With a harder neutron spectrum (a larger epithermal
Molybdenum Mo 1.4–31 0.1
Barium2 131
Ba 3.4 e0.0402D component), scattering of high-energy neutrons within the sample
Barium 139
Ba 0.6 shifts the spectrum downward in energy. Because neutron cross
Cerium Ce 0.3 sections typically are inversely proportional to neutron velocity (the
Lanthanum La 0.02 (after 6 days decay)3
147 “1/v law”), this leads to an increase in reaction rate, and results in an
Neodymium Nd 0.2
Ruthenium 103
Ru 0.1 increase in apparent element mass fraction in highly scattering
Tellurium 131
Te 0.8 0.5 samples when compared to a standard that scatters less. While this
Zirconium Zr 10 3 may be significant in a poorly thermalized facility, there is no large
Zirconium Zr 20 change in effective cross section for a well-thermalized irradiation
Dependent on thermal to epithermal ratio due to high resonance integral for Mo facility, since thermal neutrons dominate the reaction rate and
activation. scattering overall will not result in a net change in the average
Contribution to the 496.2 keV line from 103Ru. D signified decay time (td) in days
energy of the neutrons. Although most irradiation facilities in light
from end of irradiation to start of count. Greater decay intervals result in greater
apparent interferences. water or heavy water reactors are well thermalized, the degree of
3 140
La daughter (40.3 h) fed by longer lived 140Ba (11.7 days). Interference can be thermalization should be evaluated during the initial reactor
very significant after long decay. characterization measurements. An example has been given by St.
Pierre and Kennedy [28].
determine the uranium mass fractions in the samples. The U In a few very rare cases, a change in the neutron energy spectrum
standards are then are processed as samples themselves to determine may be caused by resonance self-shielding. This effect refers to
the interference ratios, i.e., the apparent amounts of the interfered removal of a significant portion of resonance energy neutrons by a
elements per μg (or μg/g) of uranium (in the standard). The material with a large resonance absorption cross-section, for instance
uncertainty for each fission interference correction will include the gold, indium, samarium and gadolinium. Because activation is
uncertainty of the determination of the uranium content in each proportional to the product of the neutron fluence rate and the
sample (predominantly from the counting statistics of the sample and energy-spectrum averaged absorption cross-section, any change in
the standard), as well as the uncertainty of the interference ratio the energy spectrum will affect the amount of activity produced. The
determined from the counting uncertainty of the individual fission magnitude of the effect is greatest for facilities with poorly
products in the uranium standard. It should be noted that the thermalized neutron spectra, and samples/standards with a large
interferences listed in Table 2.5 are for bulk samples, i.e., a mg or more amount of a strong neutron absorber with a sharp low resonance
total mass. Samples consisting of thin films, surface deposits, or energy. Correction factors for epithermal neutron resonance self-
having very small total masses may appear to have lower levels of shielding have been calculated using Monte Carlo methods [29].
interferences due recoil losses of fission fragments from surfaces, Where very highly absorbing samples with significant resonance
especially if samples are transferred after irradiation. absorption are analyzed, these effects should be determined exper-
imentally through irradiation of successively diluted portions and Multiple neutron capture interferences determination of the correction factors needed to account for
Interferences due to double neutron capture are very rare, since high differences between the samples and comparator standards with
cross sections are usually necessary for both the target and daughter respect to effective neutron exposures.
isotopes. The classic example is the determination of Pt via the 198Pt
(n, γ) 199Pt, which decays to 199Au, and is used to quantify Pt. Gold 2.4.4. Irradiation losses and gains
interferes with this determination via the double neutron capture of
Au [25]. This interference is highly significant, since both 197Au and There are several mechanisms that have the potential to produce
Au have very high (n,γ) cross sections, and Au and Pt are often found losses and or gains during the irradiation process. Although in the vast
at similar mass fractions in many materials [26]. Double neutron capture majority of cases these effects are very small, it is important to
by 45Sc can interfere with the determination of Ca via the reaction 46Ca consider them since they can be significant in a few cases. These
(n,γ) 47Ca, which decays to 47Sc. This interference may be important in include: transfer of material to or from the sample through the
geological type materials mainly due to the extremely low isotope irradiation container; hot atom transfer to or from the sample
abundance and cross section of 46Ca and the high (8 b) cross section of container itself; target isotope burn up differences when samples
Sc. The measurement of 129I/127I ratios in nature by NAA via 130I is and standards are irradiated under different conditions, sample mass
limited by triple neutron capture in stable 127I [27]. change during irradiation [30,31], and loss of sample material upon
When double capture interferences are potentially significant, they transfer of sample out of the irradiation container. Such gains and
must be measured and corrected with the uncertainty propagated. Since losses are typically extremely small, and thus uncertainties are
the double-capture interference rate depends on (ϕ•ti)2, while the typically negligible. However, in the rare cases where gains or losses
activation rate of the element of interest will increase as (ϕ•ti), the are significant, corrections should be applied and uncertainties
relative interference will increase as a function of irradiation time. For the evaluated.
Au interference on the determination of Pt via 199Au, the authors [25]
determined the apparent Au interference as a function of irradiation time Hot atom transfer to and from the surface of a sample during
in each facility used, determined the Au content of each sample, and then irradiation as a result of recoil
subtracted the interference. The uncertainty for the interference correc- Upon activation, nearly all nuclides emit gamma or other radiation
tion included the uncertainty in the interference ratio combined in and recoil with enough energy to break the chemical bonds between the
quadrature with the uncertainty of the Au determination for each sample. atoms within the molecules that comprise the sample or standard
(Szilard–Chalmers effect). There is often enough recoil energy to
2.4.3. Effective cross section differences between samples and standards transfer some of the activated nuclides from the surface of a sample to
the walls of the material used to encapsulate the sample. This will result
A central tenet of activation analysis is that in dilute samples the in losses of a portion of the activated material if the sample is transferred
probability of neutron capture σ(E) per target atom is a constant for a out of the irradiation container. However, since the maximum recoil
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 217

distance is typically much less than about 10 nm, the amount of material distribution of these elements within the container [33]. If samples
lost through hot atom transfer is rarely significant for bulk samples must be transferred, e.g., to perform a radiochemical separation for
unless the element of interest is predominantly at or very near the Hg, extreme care must be taken to prevent losses. Freezing in liquid
surface of the sample or the sample encapsulation material. For most nitrogen prior to opening the sample, followed by a very rapid
samples, this effect is negligible. For example, if a 1 mm thick transfer, has been effectively used for this purpose.
homogeneous sample is irradiated, 0.0005% of a nuclide recoiling Mass loss may also be observed due to radiolysis or exposure to
10 nm will be lost. A similar loss would be expected from a 1 mm thick heat in the irradiation position generated by gamma rays from the
standard. Although maximum recoil energy can be obtained for each reactor and the sample itself. This is often the case for materials that
nuclear reaction, and the corresponding distance in various matrices have appreciable moisture content providing an added complication
calculated [32], this potential loss of material can be considered to the determination of the mass basis. Iyengar [30] and Kiem et al.
negligible (with a negligible uncertainty) for bulk samples. However, [31] have studied weight losses in blood samples during irradiation as
if thin film samples are analyzed, potential losses should be calculated, a function of irradiation and other experimental conditions and
or samples should not be transferred from the irradiation container discussed the effects of weight loss on analytical uncertainty.
before counting, eliminating the possibility of losses. Corrections for this type of mass loss may be determined experimen-
Hot atom transfer can also result in unexpected transfers (gains) tally by determination of the differences between individual or
from the surface of the container (blank) to the sample or standard if combined masses of the containers and samples before and after
an element is concentrated at or near the surface of the encapsulation irradiation. The standard uncertainty is then calculated from
material, resulting in a higher than expected blank if the sample is measurement replication, i.e., s/√n.
transferred. This has been frequently observed for the determination
of low-level Cr in biological samples encapsulated in polyethylene Sample loss during transfer from irradiation container
bags. Polyethylene films used to prepare bags are often left with a This loss mechanism corresponds to the bulk material left behind
surface deposit of Cr during the manufacturing process that is difficult when a sample is transferred out of an irradiation container such as a
to remove by acid washes. Up to about 20% of the total (activated) Cr polyethylene bag. Powders, even when pressed into pellets, often
in a polyethylene bag may be transferred to the sample during leave a small surface film behind upon transfer. This is rarely
irradiation. Of course this will depend on the distribution of Cr in the significant for bulk samples when no visible residue is left in the
polyethylene, as well as the amount of surface area of the bag that is in sample container, however, it is important to visually inspect each
direct contact with the sample. It is thus important to assess the container for residue if the samples are transferred. If residue is
amount of each element to be determined in the encapsulation visible, it is important to assess whether a significant amount has
material compared to the sample, and to assess the amount of been left behind. The simplest way to do this is to record the mass
potential transfer via recoil. Alternatively, acid-washed, high-purity of the irradiated sample in the container before and after transfer
quartz can be used to encapsulate samples with very low mass and to record the mass of each empty container prior to irradiation
fractions of Cr and other common elements, where recoil transfer of and reweigh after sample transfer post irradiation. Note that although
surface deposits is extremely unlikely. the mass of the irradiation container is not likely to change during
One way to assess the amount surface transfer (blank) from irradiation, one must record the mass of the sample in the irra-
polyethylene or another plastic is to prepare samples of a test material diation container after irradiation because the mass of the sample
with very low, but known, mass fractions of the element(s) of interest. may change during the irradiation. This procedure is necessary to
These samples can then be encapsulated in the irradiation containers determine the proportion of mass loss that is attributable to
to be tested, irradiated, counted after sample transfer, and mass incomplete transfer in addition to that attributable to loss during
fractions of the elements of interest determined. The transfer blank is irradiation.
just the difference between the observed elemental content compared
to the known content. Uncertainties can be calculated by combining Target isotope burn up differences (when samples and standards
the uncertainty of the known value and the measurement uncertainty are irradiated under different conditions)
for the test material. Unlike many analytical methods, consumption of the analyte
during the INAA process is entirely negligible, although for the most Transfer of material through irradiation container exacting work it should be considered when standards and samples
Upon activation, volatile Hg species can be formed as a result of are irradiated for different times or in different facilities [34]. The
recoil, and can pass through polyethylene under certain conditions extreme case is the determination of gadolinium, which has the
that may occur during sample irradiation. This can result in a loss or a largest neutron capture cross section σ of any element, 47,700 b; the
gain of activated mercury in each sample when only polyethylene next, samarium, is nearly an order of magnitude less. If a sample is
encapsulation is used for irradiation. It is thus a good practice to irradiated for ti = 12 h in a neutron fluence ϕ = 1013 cm− 2s− 1, the
encapsulate samples in quartz when Hg is to be determined, thus fraction of Gd transmuted is σϕti = 2.1%. However, Gd is determined
eliminating the possibility of gains or losses. Smaller losses have been through 153Gd, produced from 152Gd with a cross section of 811 b, so
observed for selenium from standards prepared using selenium metal the error in INAA even under these extreme irradiation conditions is
in dilute nitric acid dried on filter paper, but the selenium is retained 0.03%. The uncertainty of this correction may be estimated as a
by the polyethylene film packaging. When Se-containing standards significant fraction of the correction, such as 10%. However, when
are transferred from the inner-most irradiation container, it is a good standards and samples are irradiated for the same time in same
practice to count the empty container to check for Se loss. Corrections facility, the fraction of each isotope lost in the standard(s) will be
with uncertainties should be applied if appropriate. identical to that for the sample(s), and so the activity ratio will be not
In a similar manner, activated forms of mercury and the halogens be affected.
are sometimes found in the vapor phase of an encapsulated sample,
and may be lost upon transfer. This is a rare occurrence, and to the 2.4.5. Irradiation timing and decay corrections
best of our knowledge, has only been observed when reducing liquids
(e.g., urine, oil, etc.) have been irradiated. If reducing liquids are When samples and standards are irradiated separately, the actual
analyzed for Hg or halogens, it is probably best to leave the sample in start times of irradiation will have uncertainties, as will the lengths of
the original encapsulation, if possible, and count the samples in irradiation. Although these are rarely significant, they should be
several different orientations to check for non-homogeneous spatial considered for the irradiation systems are used.
218 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

2.5. Uncertainty evaluation: gamma-ray spectrometry a recently published and compiled half-life gave a serious and
readily detected bias in the analytical results. Re-determination of
2.5.1. Measurement replication or counting statistics (depending on that half-life [36] and of three other nuclides [37] that had been
number of replicates) for unknown samples measured by the same author gave values compatible with the
consensus of the earlier literature. More recently, a determination of
Uncertainties for measurement replication are common to all Ge in Ge–Si alloy via 77Ge was hampered by a poor half-life in the
analytical measurement methods. Typically uncertainties need to be literature, and again a new determination was necessary to achieve
considered separately for samples and standards. The most common satisfactory results [38].
way to evaluate the standard uncertainty for measurement replica-
tion of the unknown samples is to divide the observed standard Decay corrections from end of irradiation to start of each
deviation by the square root of the number of independent samples measurement
measured. However, such an evaluation is not possible if only one Since timing information for irradiation and counting is usually
sample is analyzed. In addition, if only a few samples are analyzed, determined from different instruments, timing errors resulting from
the observed standard deviation is not very meaningful (i.e., there is improperly synchronized clocks are possible. However, in most
a high degree of uncertainty for the standard deviation). In these cases, the potential biases, and uncertainties for corrections due to
cases, it is often more appropriate to compute the uncertainty for radioactive decay from the end of irradiation to start of measure-
measurement replication using the uncertainties from counting ment are typically extremely small (and insignificant). If samples
statistics, since radioactive decay follows a Poisson distribution. Thus and standards are irradiated together, any effects resulting from
the replication uncertainty of a single measurement would just be timing errors will cancel when ratios of A0s are calculated. If half-
the square root of the net peak area combined with twice the lives of the nuclides under investigation are relatively long
background area under the peak if equal numbers of peak and compared to possible timing errors of the different clocks, biases
background channels are used [35]. will also be insignificant. Only when the half-life of the nuclide
under investigation is very short and the samples and standards are
2.5.2. Measurement replication or counting statistics (depending on irradiated separately is there any possibility of significant bias or
number of replicates) for standards uncertainty. In such cases, the bias can be evaluated (and corrected
if necessary) by comparing the times of the different clocks. If no
Discussion for the standards is essentially the same as for the difference is observed, the maximum possible difference can be
unknown samples in the preceding section (2.5.1). The uncertainty estimated, and an uncertainty calculated by calculating the effect of
for measurement replication of the standards may be evaluated either the maximum possible difference on A0 (when samples and
as the observed standard deviation of the mean A0 value for the standards are irradiated separately). A standard uncertainty can
standards (typically A0 per µg of each element) when multiple then be assessed by assuming a uniform distribution and dividing by
standards for are used each element, or as the propagated uncertainty the square root of 3.
from counting. If only a limited number of standards are measured, it
is often more appropriate to use the observed uncertainty due Clock time uncertainty
counting statistics. If only a limited number of standards are Early multichannel analyzer systems (MCAs) often had timing
measured, it is often more appropriate to use the propagated resolutions of one second. When measurements were performed to
uncertainty due to counting statistics. Note that when counting a preset live time, the clock time could be off by nearly a full second.
statistics uncertainties are used for the measurement replication This could result in minor biases in decay corrections for nuclides
uncertainty for the standards, it is extremely important to make sure with very short half-lives. However, current MCAs typically have
that all other standard preparation, irradiation, and counting time resolutions of 0.01 s or better, making any potential bias
uncertainties are considered and fully evaluated. insignificant for nuclides with half-lives more than about one
second. The potential bias can be evaluated by calculating the effect
2.5.3. – Corrections for radioactive decay (effects of timing and half-life on A0 by adding an additional increment of analyzer time (i.e., an
uncertainties) additional 0.01 s) to the clock time of a count. That would represent
the maximum possible bias. A standard uncertainty can be evaluated
Radioactive decay strictly follows A = A0e− λt, where λ = ln(2)/t1/2. by assuming a uniform distribution and dividing by the square root
If the error in the decay time td is δ, then the error in the decay of 3.
correction fd is Live time uncertainty
δðfd Þ = e−λtd −e−λðtd + δÞ : ð2  5Þ In a manner similar to that described above for clock time
uncertainty, live time measurements could be in error by up to one
For example, a 1% error in either td or λ corresponds to a relative second for early MCAs when measurements were performed to preset
error of 0.01λt. clock times. However, most measurements are made using preset live
Since quantification of NAA measurements depends upon times rather than preset clock times, eliminating this error. As above,
comparing the decay corrected count rates of unknown samples to biases are typically insignificant with current MCAs, but can still be
comparator standards, uncertainties due to the corrections for evaluated by calculating the effect of adding an extra unit of time
radioactive decay of samples and standards during irradiation, resolution.
prior to gamma spectrometry and during the gamma spectrometry
process itself must be considered. Uncertainties due to the half-lives Count-rate effects for each measurement
of each radionuclide, as well as uncertainties in establishing the Depending upon the type of analyzer system used the corrections
various decay times and counting intervals (live time, clock time) all and uncertainties described in Sections and, or those
contribute to the overall uncertainty of the measurement. Fortu- described in Section should be considered, but not all three.
nately, half-lives of the radionuclides used in NAA are generally so
well known that the decay corrections are rarely significant for the Correction for pulse pileup losses
total uncertainty budget. Some exceptions have been noted, Pulse pileup is the result of two or more gamma rays arriving at
however. In a high-precision analysis of arsenic via 76As, the use of the detector during a time period too short to be resolved by the
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 219

amplifier, and results in lost counts. Hardware corrections for these Table 2.6
losses can be made using: pileup rejection/live-time correction Differences in corrections for inadequacy of live time extension.

circuitry in the amplifier; a high-accuracy pulser where the pulser 28

Al (t1/2 = 2.24 min)
loss rate equals the loss rate of all counts in the spectrum; or loss-
Live time Clock time Dead time Correction (Cs) Correction (Cc) Ratio
free or zero dead time hardware to assess count losses as they occur (s) (s) (%) for single for constant of Cs/Cc
and correct the spectra by adding a number of counts for the time radionuclide dead time
that the counting system is unavailable to record gamma rays or 300 360 20 1.172 1.119 1.047
calculating a correction factor for each channel. Uncertainties for the 600 720 20 1.385 1.174 1.179
hardware corrections depend on the actual hardware used. Uncer-
tainties for corrections using a high-accuracy pulser can be
determined by combining in quadrature the relative counting Equations [41] for the correction of live-time extension losses
statistics uncertainty for the number of counts in the pulser peak using conventional counting for single radioisotope and for constant
with the relative uncertainty of the pulser count rate when dead time are given below:
radioactive source is being counted. Uncertainties for the loss-free
or zero-dead-time systems depend on the linearity of these systems, eλðtc −tL Þ −1
FltcðsÞ = Single radioisotope ð2  7Þ
which can be evaluated by collecting multiple counts of a decaying λðtc −tL Þ
source over the appropriate range of system count-rates; the effects
of the corrections on the counting statistical uncertainty are further 

discussed in Section 1−e L ðtc Þ
FltcðcÞ = Constant dead time ð2  8Þ
Software solutions are also possible. For example, corrections for 1−e−λtc ÞðtL Þ
pileup losses (FP) can be made via Eq. (2-6):
where: Fltc = the correction factor of the inadequacy of live time
P ðtc −tL Þ
FP = e tL
ð2  6Þ correction (the ratio of “true” count rate compared to the observed
count rate; tc = clock or real time; tL = live time and λ = the decay
constant for the nuclide under investigation. Table 2.6 shows the
where: FP = Pileup Correction, tc = Clock (or Real) Time, tL = Live differences for the two correction factors for cases where the dead time
Time, and P is an experimentally determined pileup constant [39,40]. is 20% and the count time is nominally two and four times the half
The constant P is usually evaluated by a least squares regression of life of the radionuclide under investigation, 28Al (t1/2 = 2.24 min)
count rates of a single (fixed) source at varying dead times (often in this case. There is almost a 5% difference in the correction factors
through the use of a second radioactive source at varying distances to for a live time of 300 s, and an 18% difference for a live time of 600 s.
the detector). Using the uncertainty of P from the least squares Unless the analyst has recorded separately the dead time at the start
regression, the standard uncertainty for the count rate is calculated by and/or end of the count, it can be difficult to determine which
comparing the ratios of FP's for a sample/standard pair calculated correction to apply. However, if shorter counting intervals are used,
using P, versus the ratios of FP's calculated using P + uP, where uP is the the difference between the two corrections becomes smaller, and
uncertainty in determining the pileup constant P. therefore it is less important which one is used. As a general rule of
thumb, when the clock (real) time of a count is less than half of the Inadequacy of live-time extension (for conventional counting half-life of the radionuclide of interest, the difference between the two
systems) corrections becomes insignificant in all but the highest accuracy
Conventional gamma-ray spectrometry systems extend the applications. Although shorter counts will result in poorer counting
counting time to make up for time that the analogue to digital statistics, multiple short counts can provide nearly the same counting
converter (ADC) of the MCA was unavailable (system dead time). statistics uncertainty as a longer count without the problem of
This does not fully correct for lost events due to radioactive decay choosing which correction factor to use. Table 2.7 shows actual
because the probability of observing an event after the original measurement data for multiple counts of the same sample and the
counting period is lower during the extended counting period. values of the two different correction factors for 28Al. The first count
This loss can be corrected either with hardware (loss-free or zero was started when the 28Al activity was approximately the same as the
dead time systems), or through software. If hardware corrections are next most intense peak, and the sample was counted for a clock time of
used, no additional uncertainty is necessary since there is no 72 s, just over 50% of the 28Al half-life. As shown in Table 2.7, the
extension of counting time. Any residual uncertainty will be included difference for the two correction factors was only 0.2%. In addition,
in the uncertainty evaluated as described in Section since the 28Al activity did not dominate, and all other significant
However, if software corrections are used, information about how sources of activity had longer half lives, the midpoint of the two
the dead time varies with time may be necessary for an accurate correction factors was the most appropriate to use. The relative
correction and uncertainty evaluation. Since this information (variation standard uncertainty for this correction would be 0.1% (the difference
of dead time as a function of time) is typically not recorded by most between the correction used and the two boundary conditions)
gamma spectrometry systems, an exact solution is not often possible. A divided by the square root of 6 (triangular distribution), or 0.4%.
complete discussion of these effects using conventional gamma Although the difference between the two correction factors became
spectrometry systems can be found in De Soete et al. [41]. Normally,
Eqs. (2-7) and (2-8) for the corrections of two boundary cases are Table 2.7
considered: the case of a single radioisotope and the case where dead Corrections for 28Al in multiple counts of one sample of SRM 1633b (fly ash) following a
time is constant over the duration of the count. The correction for a short irradiation.
single radioisotope is the maximum correction necessary for nearly all Decay Live Clock Dead Correction (Cs) Correction (Cc) Ratio
NAA measurements. The correction for constant dead time is the (min) time time time for single for constant of Cs/Cc
minimum correction necessary, and rapidly goes to unity as the half-life (s) (s) (%) radionuclide dead time
of the isotope under investigation greatly exceeds the counting interval. 19 60 72 17 1.0316 1.0297 1.0019
However, when the counting interval approaches or exceeds the half- 21 120 134 10 1.0370 1.0327 1.0041
life of the nuclide under investigation, the constant dead time correction 24 300 319 6 1.0506 1.0371 1.0130
31 900 937 4 1.1018 1.0394 1.0601
may significantly underestimate the losses.
220 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Table 2.8 where dW/W is the relative statistical uncertainty of the weighting
Validation of pulse pileup and live — time extension corrections. Data for multiple
factors. Under the reasonable assumption of Poisson statistics for the
counts of one sample of SRM 1633b (fly ash) following a short irradiation.
number N of analog-to-digital conversions into a channel the total
Count Dead Live Al (%) V (μg/g) Mn (μg/g) Na (μg/g) relative uncertainty dM/M may be rewritten as:
time time t1/2 = 2.24 min t1/2 = 3.75 min t1/2 = 2.58 h t1/2 = 14.9 h
(%) (s)
2 1=2
h i
–1 = 2
#1 17 60 14.90 ± 0.101 305 ± 7 130.7 ± 2.1 2033 ± 157 dM = M = N 1 + ðdW =W Þ ; ð2  10Þ
#2 10 120 15.03 ± 0.11 294 ± 5 134.2 ± 1.4 1930 ± 77
#3 6 300 14.97 ± 0.13 291 ± 5 132.8 ± 0.8 1979 ± 39
#4 4 900 14.48 ± 0.46 313 ± 9 133.9 ± 0.5 1994 ± 23 illustrating the increase over the basic relative uncertainty which is
#5 3 600 – – 133.6 ± 0.7 1991 ± 27 caused by the correction procedure.
Red. Chi. Sq. 0.615 2.089 0.858 0.196
The relative uncertainty dW/W of weighting factors is determined
Probability of 60.5% 9.9% 48.8% 94.1%
exceeding for every peak in the spectrum by direct comparison of simulta-
neously measured loss-corrected and non-corrected spectra in the
Uncertainties represent 1 sigma counting statistics.
respective regions of interest, according to the formula for the
variance of grouped data:
significantly greater for subsequent counts, since the 28Al activity
constituted a minor contribution to the total activity, the correction for
1 Mi
constant dead time was appropriate, and uncertainties for this 2
σW = ∑ Ni −W ; ð2  11Þ
ðn−1Þ n Ni
correction were insignificant.
Another advantage to the use of multiple shorter counts
(instead of one longer one) is that multiple counts provide the ∑ Mi
opportunity for quality assurance checks of the pileup and W= ; and ð2  12Þ
∑ Ni
inadequacy of live time extension corrections. Table 2.8 shows n

the mass fraction results for Al, V, Mn and Na based on the counts
described in Table 2.7. Additional data for Mn and Na are also listed
for a fifth count of the same sample. Both Mn and Na have half- dW σ
= W; ð2  13Þ
lives that are many times longer than any of the counting intervals, W W
so the choice of correction factor for live time extension is
insignificant. Therefore, any trend in the data for Mn and Na as a where Mi and Ni are the contents of corresponding loss-corrected and
function of dead time would be due to bias in the pileup correction. non-corrected channels. The weighting factors for each channel are
Looking at the data for these two elements in Table 2.8, it is apparent calculated and the average weighting factor W is determined. The
that there is no increasing or decreasing trend. It is often instructive to standard uncertainty σ W of W over each peak region is calculated
calculate the probability that a random sample of n points taken from a and Eq. (2-9) is applied to the calculation of the standard uncertainty
normal distribution of mean xw and standard deviation sẋ˙ = n will of each peak area.
exceed the observed value of reduced chi-squared [42,43]. The reduced An alternate method to determine the uncertainty is implemented
chi squared values for Mn and Na in Table 2.8 indicate that all variation in the DSPECPLUS ™ digital spectrometer where a variance spectrum
can be explained by counting statistics alone. Because the half-lives of represents the statistical uncertainty of the loss correction process. In
the isotopes used for both Al and V are relatively short, corrections for the interpretation of Pommé [46], the variance spectrum ∑n2 is
both pileup and live time extension can be both significant and difficult formed by multiplication of the loss corrected channel content with
to separate. However, since pileup affects all peaks in a spectrum to the its weighting factor (Eq. (2-14), using the same symbols as above):
same degree, and has been shown not to be a significant problem for Mn
and Na in these data, it is not a significant problem for the Al and V ∑n2 = wM: ð2  14Þ
determinations listed in Table 2.8. Thus the lack of any trend in the data
for Al and V, combined with reduced chi squared values indicating that
all observed variations can be explained solely by counting statistics Integration of the variance spectrum in the regions of interest (peak
(95% confidence), provide a great deal of confidence in the corrections areas) provides the uncertainty of the peak area in the usual manner.
applied. Table 2.9 gives an example for the uncertainties encountered with
loss-free data acquisition. A 152Eu source was counted together with a Uncertainties due to hardware corrections for Loss-Free10 or 137
Cs source placed at different distances. Peak areas N and M are
Zero Dead Time10 (ZDT) systems calculated from the channel contents in the spectrum, the number of
Commercially available systems for loss-free data acquisition [44] channels for the background is set equal to the number of channels in
may overcome the inadequacies of live-time extension and pulse the peak. Columns in the table show data according to Eq. (2-9). The
pileup calibrations. The uncertainty associated with the use of these next to last column of Table 2.9 shows the relative increase over the
real-time correction modes is experimentally evaluated by compar- counting statistics uncertainty due to the ZDT process, and the last
ison of corrected and uncorrected spectral data. column gives an estimate of the total uncertainty using the model of the
The statistical uncertainty of the channel content M of a spectrum variance spectrum, which was artificially created from the example data
measured with real-time correction of counting losses essentially using Eq. (2-14) for each channel. The estimates are slightly different
depends on the number N of analog-to-digital conversions into that because of the experimental uncertainty in W. The increases are nearly
channel and has been described by Westphal [45] as: insignificant in peaks with excellent counting statistics. Here the
uncertainty in the correction factor W is small as well. For peaks with
2 2 2 larger uncertainties the additional uncertainty may gain significance.
ðdM =MÞ = ðdN =NÞ + ð1 = NÞðdW =W Þ ; ð2  9Þ
For practical purposes, an upper limit can be estimated by determining
the variance of the correction factor W in the high-energy region of the
Certain commercial equipment and materials are identified in this work for the
spectrum and using the applicable part of Eq. (2-9). If dW/W were as
purpose of adequately describing experimental procedures. Such mention does not high as 10% relative, the additional uncertainty would not exceed 0.5% of
imply endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. the uncertainty of the uncorrected peak counts. Thus if dW/W is ≤ 10%,
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 221

Table 2.9
Example data for loss-free counting of a 152Eu source with a 137
Cs source placed at different distances to create different count rates.

Energy (keV) N dN/N (%) M W dW/W (%) dM/M Relative increase (%) uZDT (%)

Count rate 76 kHz

121 142,134 0.72374 1,639,975 11.551 0.60 0.72376 0.0018 0.72482
661 8,557,932 0.03520 98,827,818 11.511 2.50 0.03521 0.031 0.035204
1408 14,134 0.92784 161,797 11.48 5.74 0.92937 0.16 0.93409

Count rate 15 kHz

121 262,799 0.286775 399,800 1.523 0.57 0.286779 0.0016 0.28707
661 1,982,894 0.071777 3,011,938 1.517 1.55 0.071786 0.012 0.071784
1408 26,422 0.62465 40,199 1.521 7.57 0.62644 0.29 0.62452

the total uncertainty (including ZDT-related uncertainties) for a peak interference ratio for the 265/1221 keV lines is obtained by counting a
with a counting statistics uncertainty of 1.000% would be ≤1.005%. 182
Ta source (with the same gamma attenuation characteristics) on
the counting system used for the unknown samples. The number of
2.5.4. Corrections and uncertainties for gamma-ray interferences counts of the 1221 keV peak in each unknown sample is multiplied by
the 182Ta 265/1221 interference ratio to determine the contribution of
Although there are many interference-free gamma lines, there are Ta to the 265 keV peak. This interference is then subtracted from
more interferences than most NAA practitioners expect. Examples of the gross 265 keV peak to obtain the net 75Se peak area. The absolute
interferences observed in three geological materials are listed in uncertainty (in counts) for the interference contribution is obtained
Table 2.10. by multiplying the absolute uncertainty of the 1221 keV peak in each
However, rarely (if ever) do interfering nuclides have half-lives unknown sample by the uncertainty of the interference ratio, which is
similar to that of the nuclide of interest. Therefore, agreement of determined by combining in quadrature the (relative) counting
results from replicate measurements made at different decay intervals statistics of the 265 keV and 1221 keV peaks used to determine
(with no apparent trends) gives added confidence that there are no interference ratio. The absolute uncertainty of the corrected (net)
significant, unrecognized interferences, since the relative contribution 265 keV peak of 75Se is determined by combining in quadrature the
from interfering nuclides would increase or decrease with decrease absolute counting uncertainty of the 265 keV peak with the absolute
with decay time depending upon the whether the half-life of the uncertainty of the interference contribution.
interfering nuclide was greater or smaller than the nuclide of interest. This method for interference correction and uncertainty evalua-
Similarly, in cases where interference corrections are applied, tion depends upon the sample and 182Ta source having the same
agreement of results from replicate measurements made at different gamma-ray attenuation characteristics. This is especially important
decay times gives added confidence that interferences have been when the energy of the gamma ray of interest (in this case 265 keV)
accurately corrected. The authors have seen about 40 significant and the gamma ray indicating the interference (in this case 1221 keV)
interferences, listed in Table 2.11, however, none of these were is relatively far apart. Although a 182Ta source with matching
from radioisotopes with half-lives similar to the isotope under characteristics to the sample can be readily prepared by pipetting
investigation. and mixing a liquid 182Ta spike onto unirradiated sample material (of
Correcting interferences can be relatively simple when they are the same size and shape as actual samples under investigation, it is
recognized since most potentially interfering nuclides typically have often more convenient to choose an interference indicator with an
additional gamma rays that can be used for identification and energy closer to the gamma ray of interest. For example, 182Ta
correction. For example, in many geological/environmental samples, has a 222 keV gamma ray in addition to the 265 keV and
Ta often interferes with the determination of Se when using the 1221 keV gammas, which is close enough to the 265 keV peak
265 keV gamma ray from 75Se. The presence of 182Ta is indicated by to minimize gamma attenuation differences for most materials.
the presence of a 1221 keV gamma ray in the unknown spectrum. An Although 82Br (t1/2 = 35 h) has a 222 keV gamma ray, most measure-
ments of Se via 75Se are performed after a decay period of at least a
month (N20 half-lives of 82Br), at which time essentially all the 82Br
222 keV gamma rays are gone.
Table 2.10 In cases where an interference is possible (or expected), but the
Typical errors that would be observed in three geological certified reference materials if indicator gamma ray is not observed, an upper limit value (at 95%
interferences were not corrected. confidence level) for the indicator gamma ray in the spectrum of
Nuclide Energy Interfering Brick clay Buffalo River Sed. Fly ash interest can be calculated [47], and an upper limit on the interference
(keV) nuclide SRM 279 SRM 2704 SRM 1633 can be calculated via an interference ratio determined as above. One
Sc 1120.5 182
Ta 0.5% 0.4% 0.4%
possible approach would be to make no correction and use a standard
Cr 320.1 147
Nd 1% 0.3% 0.1% uncertainty equal to 1/2 of the upper limit value. An alternative
Cr 320.1 177m + g
Lu 0.5% 0.2% 0.05% approach would be to subtract 1/2 of the upper limit value from the
65 160
Zn 1115.6 Tb 3% 1% 2% potentially interfered peak. Assuming a uniform distribution, the
75 181
Se 136.0 Hf N 100%1 500% 90%
75 182 standard uncertainty would then be 1/2 of the upper limit value
Se 264.7 Ta N 100%1 150% 30%
Sb 564.2 76
As 5% 2% 7% divided by the square root of 3.
122 134
Sb 564.2 Cs 15% 4% 2%
131 103
Ba 496.3 Ru – 50% 40% 2.5.5. Corrections and uncertainties for counting efficiency differences
153 239
Sm 103.1 Np 1.5% 2% 3%
153 233
Sm 103.1 Pa 0.5% 2% 0.3%
Gd 103.2 233
Pa 60% 70% 40%
The NAA measurement equation (Eq. (2-1)) listed earlier in this
Lu 208.4 239
Np 3% 2% 10% section includes a factor (Rε) to account for any differences in
Au 411.8 152
Eu 100% 100% 100% counting efficiency between samples and standards. Although this
Within counting statistics, the 136 and 265 keV peaks observed for brick clay were ratio is usually very close to unity, two factors are may contribute to
due entirely to 181Hf and 182Ta interferences to 75Se. significant deviations. The first results from differences in the physical
222 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Table 2.11
Interferences observed in several common matrices.

Analyte nuclide γ-ray energy Interfering Interference energy Indicator energy Typical ratio of interference Range of relative Comment codes4
(keV) nuclide (keV) (keV) to indicator peak2 errors if uncorrected3

Geological materials
46 182
Sc 1120.5 Ta 1121.3 1221.4 1.4 0–75%
51 147
Cr 320.1 Nd 319.4 531.0 0.2 0.5–1000% M,S
51 177m + g
Cr 320.1 Lu 321.3 208.4 0.02 0.2–100% M
51 177m
Cr 320.1 Lu 319.0 208.1 0.001 0–2% M
65 160
Zn 1115.6 Tb 1115.1 879.4 0.05 1–10%
75 182
Se 264.7 Ta 264.1 222.1 0.4 10–200%
75 181
Se 136.0 Hf 136.55 133.1 0.15 20–500% D
110m 152
Ag 657.8 Eu 656.5 1408.1 0.01 0–20%
122 76
Sb 564.2 As 563.2 559.1 0.03 3–15%
122 134
Sb 564.2 Cs 563.2 795.8 0.13 5–30% S
131 103
Ba 496.3 Ru6 497.0 None – 2–100% X,S
152 152m
Eu 964.0 Eu 963.5 841.6 0.8 0–100% D
153 239
Sm 103.1 Np 103.7 106.37 0.8 0.5–5%
153 233
Sm 103.1 Pa 103.8 312.0 0.03 0.2–3% S
153 153
Sm 103.1 Gd 103.2 None – 0.1–100% X,S
153 233
Gd 103.2 Pa 103.8 312.0 0.03 50–500%
177 239
Lu 208.4 Np 209.8 106.3 0.1 1–20%
177 183
Lu 208.4 Ta 209.9 246.4 0.1 0–1%
198 152
Au 411.8 Eu 411.0 1408.1 0.4 10–100% S

Botanical materials
51 147
Cr 320.1 Nd 319.4 531.0 0.2 5–100% D
75 181
Se 136.0 Hf 136.55 133.1 0.15 10–50% D
75 182
Se 264.7 Ta 264.1 222.1 0.4 5–30%
110m 152
Ag 657.8 Eu 656.5 1408.1 0.01 10–1000%
113 160
Sn 391.7 Tb 392.5 298.6 0.03 100–1000%
122 76
Sb 564.0 As 562.8 559.1 0.01 1–10%
122 152
Sb 564.0 Eu 564.0 1408.1 0.3 0–5% S
153 239
Sm 103.1 Np 103.7 106.37 0.8 1–10%
198 152
Au 411.8 Eu 411.0 1408.1 0.4 1–10% S
203 75
Hg 279.1 Se 279.5 264.7 0.4 20–100% S

Biological tissues
46 182
Sc 1120.5 Ta 1121.3 1221.4 1.4 0–75%
64 24
Cu 511 Na 5118 1368 0.1 10–500%
64 65
Cu 511 Zn 511 1115 0.1 0–5%
122 76
Sb 564.0 As 562.8 559.1 0.01 1–10%
122 134
Sb 564.2 Cs 563.2 795.8 0.13 0–20%
124 134
Sb 602.7 Cs 604.6 795.8 1 0–300%
203 75
Hg 279.1 Se 279.5 264.7 0.4 20–100%

Additional miscellaneous interferences observed

60 82
Co 1173.2 Br9 1173.4 554.3 Varies
60 82
Co 1332.5 Br9 1330.8 554.3 Varies
Cu 511.0 cosmic10 511.0 1460 5
Cu 511.0 β+, PP11 511.0 Various Varies
80 80m
Br all Br all half-life Varies
Sr 513.9 β+, PP11 511.0 Various Varies
116m 41
In 1293.3 Ar 1293.6 None –
140 131
La 487.0 Ba 486.5 496.3 0.04
181 131
Hf 133.1 Ba 133.6 496.3 0.1
197 198
Hg 68.8, 80.2 Au 69.0, 80.1 411.8 0.04, 0.02
199 47
Au 158.3 Sc 159.4 None –
199 177
Au 208.2 Lu 208.4 None –
Nominally clean indicator peak used to identify interfering nuclide.
Typical ratio of interfering peak to interference indicator observed for the interfering nuclide.
Relative range of errors observed if interference is not corrected.
Comment codes:
M – Multiple peaks often present – can be difficult to integrate accurately.
D — Interfering nuclide has significantly shorter half-life than analyte nuclide. Better results obtained after additional decay.
S — Interfering nuclide has significantly longer half-life than analyte nuclide. Shorter decay intervals often provide better results.
X — Cannot be accurately subtracted by interference ratio technique; track half-life or use other correction method.
Includes equal intensity 181Hf peaks at 136.3 and 136.9 keV.
Fission product.
Includes equal intensity 239Np peaks at 106.1 and 106.5 keV.
Result of pair production events, which often occur in the detector shield. Other sources of high-energy gamma rays may similarly interfere.
Interferences from 82Br to 60Co are sum peaks; γ-ray ratios will vary with counting geometry.
Although the 1460 keV peak is from 40K, it can be used as an indicator for natural radiation.
Resulting from pair production (PP) events, normally in the Pb detector shield.
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 223

size and shape of the samples, and can be highly significant since analytically [35]. For the most common geometry in INAA, a
radiation decreases as distance squared. In fact, ignoring these effects homogeneous plane source of thickness T (in cm), the self-absorption
is frequently a common source of significant bias for NAA measure- factor is:
ments. The second results from differences in the fraction of the
gamma rays internally absorbed by the sample and standard due 1−e−μT
Fγ = ð2  15Þ
difference in size, shape and composition. μT Effects resulting from physical differences in size and shape of where the density ρ is incorporated into the linear attenuation
samples versus standards coefficient μ. The standard uncertainty may be difficult to assess
Since radiation decreases as a function of distance squared, small quantitatively, since μ/ρ depends on the composition which, for the
differences in sample size and shape relative to the standards can cause sample is not fully known. However, the major elements can usually
significant differences in the fraction of radiation reaching the detector, be estimated within reasonable limits, and minor elements have a
and lead to biased results if ignored. Although it is possible to calculate relatively small effect on self-absorption. In addition, varying the
the solid angle differences for samples and standards to the active region sample size will give empirical information about the importance of
of the detector, the bulk of this effect in most cases is largely due to this effect. Since the physics of XCOM is so complete, and the
differences in sample/standard thickness. A simple model based upon program is so widely accepted, the uncertainty in composition
average sample/standard distance to the detector works well for small usually dominates. Therefore it is usually reasonable to estimate a
and thin samples and standards counted more than several cm from the relative standard uncertainty of 5% to 10% of the correction
detector, i.e., the samples and standards are smaller than about half the depending upon how well the major constituents of the sample
diameter of the detector, and are less than about 0.5 cm thick. Using this are known.
model, the average distance to the active region of the detector is the Because gamma radiation is highly penetrating, NAA practitioners
sum of half the thickness of the sample or standard, the distance from often do not consider the effects of gamma ray absorption. However,
the sample/standard to the surface of the detector surface, and an significant bias can be introduced in many cases by ignoring this effect,
estimate of the distance from the detector surface to the average especially when samples and standards have significantly different
distance below the surface that the interaction between gamma ray and densities, thicknesses, and/or contents of higher-Z elements (i.e., mass
the crystal occurs. A value of 3 cm works well for the detector surface to fractions greater than about several g/kg). Thus it is important to be
interaction distance for most modern coaxial Ge(HP) detectors with familiar with methods to calculate gamma-ray self-shielding factors.
relative efficiencies of about 25% to 100% of a 3 in.× 3 in. Na(Tl)I One method is to use the NIST web resource for XCOM at http://www.
detector. A value of 2 cm may be more appropriate for detectors with (updated November 2010, last
relative efficiencies less than 25%, and a value of 4 cm may be more accessed December 17, 2010). First, use the “Database Search Form” to
appropriate for detectors with relative efficiencies greater than 100%. calculate the gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients for each gamma
However, at typical sample-to-detector counting distances for activated ray of interest for the material under investigation. Elements,
samples, the value chosen has only a small effect on the calculation for compounds or mixtures can be specified in the search form. Total
the efficiency correction, which is obtained by squaring the ratio of mass attenuation coefficients without coherent scattering should be
average distances to the detector for sample to standard. As an example, used for most matrices; however, total mass attenuation coefficients
assume that samples are 0.3 cm thick, standards are 0.2 cm thick, with coherent scattering (that is, including diffraction) may be more
gamma-ray spectrometry measurements are made 10 cm from the appropriate for single crystals.
surface of the detector, and the average interaction of the gamma ray The next step is to calculate the gamma-ray attenuation factor for
occurs 3 cm below the surface of the detector endcap. Then the average each energy of interest in the samples and standards using Eq. (2-15).
distance for the samples is 10 + (0.3/2) + 3 cm or 13.15 cm, and the The mass attenuation coefficients need to be multiplied by the sample
average distance for the standards is 10 + (0.2/2) + 3 cm or 13.10 cm. or standard density to determine each attenuation coefficient (μ).
The sample count rates need to be multiplied by (13.15/13.10)2, or Examples of the calculated gamma-ray self-absorption correction
1.00765 to account for the thickness differences. Estimating a standard factors for 2 mm thick pellets of the above matrices (assuming
uncertainty of 1 cm (33%) for the interaction depth, the correction densities of 1) are given in Table 2.12. Corrections are applied by
would become (12.15/12.10)2 or 1.00828. The relative uncertainty for dividing the observed gamma-ray intensity by the calculated
the efficiency correction would be the difference between the two correction factor.
corrections, or 0.06%. Note that there is very little difference among the correction
factors for these common matrices as long as the thicknesses and Corrections for gamma ray self absorption densities are the same; thus the ratio between samples and standards
A major advantage of INAA is that both the probing (neutron) and would be very close to unity. A small admixture of heavy elements, for
indicating (gamma) radiations are highly penetrating. Neutron self- example 0.1% Pb, makes little difference. However, when there are
shielding, generally the larger term, was discussed in Section differences in either density or thickness, significant bias may occur.
Most gamma rays employed in INAA have energies on the order of
1 MeV. At this energy, the transmission through 1 mm of wood, bone,
and steel is 99.6%, 99.3%, and 96%, respectively.
Gamma-ray absorption is strictly exponential with thickness. For a Table 2.12
pencil beam through a material of density ρ (g/cm3) and thickness T Calculated gamma-ray self-absorption correction factors for 2 mm thick pellets (with
  densities of 1) for some typical matrices and energies.
(cm), the attenuation factor Iout = Iin = exp − μρ ⋅ρT , where the mass
Energy Matrix
attenuation coefficient μ/ρ (dimensionally cm2/g) depends on the (keV)
SiO2 Cellulose Cellulose (99.9%) Al2O3 Na2SiO3
composition. Values of μ/ρ for many elements and composite (CH2O) with 0.1% Pb
materials have been tabulated [48], but are most conveniently 100 0.9844 0.9844 0.9839 0.9849 0.9849
calculated by the widely available XCOM program [49]. To calculate 300 0.9895 0.9888 0.9887 0.9897 0.9896
the attenuation for a finite source, integration over the sample volume 500 0.9914 0.9908 0.9908 0.9915 0.9915
is necessary. While in the general case a Monte Carlo calculation may 1000 0.9937 0.9933 0.9933 0.9938 0.9938
1500 0.9948 0.9945 0.9945 0.9949 0.9949
be necessary, many geometries of interest have been solved
224 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Table 2.13 of two gamma rays emitted in rapid sequence in the decay of a single
Comparison of calculated self-absorption corrections for 2 mm thick pellets of CH2O nucleus may be correlated. This perturbed angular correlation is
with density 1 compared to 2 mm thick pellets of SiO2 with density 2.
exploited in materials science to study the microscopic environment
Energy Matrix Matrix Correction ratio for Potential bias of certain tracer nuclides, of which only a few are encountered in
(keV) CH2O SiO2 CH2O w/density = 1 Resulting from NAA [50]. Because angular correlation is measurable with good
Density = 1 Density = 2 versus SiO2 density differences
efficiency only by gamma-gamma coincidence with two or more
w/density = 2
detectors, this effect is not experienced in the usual one-detector
100 0.9844 0.9691 1.0158 1.6%
configuration used in INAA unless a cascade sum peak were to be
300 0.9888 0.9791 1.0099 1.0%
500 0.9908 0.9828 1.0081 0.8% used for analysis, or if loss of counts via summing is significant. In
1000 0.9933 0.9874 1.0060 0.6% practice, this is the case only when the counting efficiency is very
1500 0.9945 0.9897 1.0048 0.5% high, for example within a well detector. Furthermore, in comparator
NAA the effect cancels in the ratio of sample to standard if both are
counted using the same geometry, with the caveat that a subtle
dependence on chemical form has been observed in a few rare cases
For example, Table 2.13 shows the differences in self-absorption [51, 52].
correction factors and the potential biases for 2 mm thick samples of
SiO2 compared to dilute standard solutions pipetted onto cellulose 2.6. Uncertainty evaluation: radiochemical stage
(i.e., CH2O). (only if radiochemical procedures are used)

2.5.6. Potential bias and uncertainty due to peak integration method 2.6.1. Losses during chemical separation

The method used to integrate the areas of gamma ray peaks can lead Loss of analyte can present a significant bias for RNAA measure-
to measurement bias if peak size, shape and background regions are ments, especially if samples and standards are not processed in an
significantly different for samples and standards. Although this bias is identical manner. To avoid such problems, carriers or radiotracers are
typically negligible for large, well-resolved peaks, it is important to look typically used to evaluate the chemical yield [41] for each element
for potential integration biases for multiplets, small peaks, and peaks determined in every sample, unless the separation is known to be
overlying complex background regions. Often the peaks for the quantitative, and both samples and standards are processed in an
comparator standard are well defined, without complicated background identical manner (standards are dissolved with unirradiated sample
and without nearby interferences that may affect peak shape, whereas material). Based on the yield determination, corrections can be
the peaks for samples may be much more difficult to integrate. applied to all samples and standards. Uncertainties are derived from
One method that may be used to estimate the uncertainty associated the determination of the chemical yield, and will depend on the
with the determination of the peak areas involves comparing different method used. For example, when radiotracers are used, uncertainties
peak integration methods for singlets including: peak search with will be largely due to a combination of counting statistics (before and
channel-by-channel summation; standard peak fitting using automatic after separation), and the pipetting precision. When gravimetric
routines; interactive peak fitting in which peak boundaries and numbers measurement of carrier is used for yield determination, the
of channels used for background subtraction are selected manually. It is uncertainty of the chemical yield will depend largely on mass
often useful to vary the number of peak and background channels to determination of the carrier before and after separation, and purity
observe potential effects. If significant differences are observed for the of the separated carrier, i.e., moisture content, stoichiometry and
ratio of samples to standards, the most appropriate integration method impurities.
should be selected for use, and a standard uncertainty estimated from
the distance between sample/standard ratio of the selected method to 2.6.2. Losses before equilibration with carrier or tracer
that of the other method(s). In cases where one method is obviously
more appropriate than the others, it may be appropriate to assume a Losses prior to equilibration with carrier and/or tracer are often
triangular distribution and divide this distance by √6 to determine the not detected by yield determinations and can lead to measurement
standard uncertainty. In other cases, a rectangular/uniform distribution bias. Similar problems are possible for IDMS measurements if losses
may be more appropriate, and the distance from the selected method to occur prior to equilibration of sample and isotopic spikes. The most
other methods divided by √3. common types of these losses include incomplete sample decompo-
Evaluating the uncertainty for peak integration methods for sition (leaving residual undissolved material), and volatility of specific
multiplets may be more difficult since fewer methods of integration chemical species found in the unknown samples. Losses due to
are available. However, comparison of two or more peak fitting undissolved material can be evaluated by filtering representative
routines is essential, unless the estimated uncertainty can be obtained sample solutions and counting the filters. Volatility losses are often
by other methods, e.g., evaluation of residuals. Many commercially more difficult to detect; however, a closed-vessel dissolution is useful
available routines display the residuals. Alternatively, other mathe- when analyzing new matrices, or determining analytes that have
matical models can be used. The different parameters used for the potentially volatile species.
fitting routines should be varied to observe the effects of small
changes. An interactive peak fitting routine is particularly useful in 2.7. Methods to evaluate complete uncertainty budgets for NAA
that the effects of small changes in peak and background channel
selection demonstrate how the net peak area changes. Again it is 2.7.1. Manual approach general considerations
important to compare the sample/standard ratios of the different
methods to estimate the standard uncertainty. Once the standard uncertainties for each uncertainty component
have been evaluated, a combined uncertainty for the can be
2.5.7. Potential bias due to perturbed angular correlations (γ-ray determined manually from the measurement equation (Eq. (2-1)).
directional effects)
Although gamma rays from irradiated samples are emitted mxðunkÞ = mxðstdÞ   Rθ Rϕ Rσ Rε −blank: ð2  1Þ
isotropically (in the absence of strong magnetic fields), the directions A0ðstdÞ
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 225

Note that mx(unk) and mx(std) are the masses of the element of irradiated for four hours in the RT1 pneumatic tube of the NIST research
interest in sample and standard. If mass fractions are desired, this reactor (NBSR) at a thermal fluence rate of 7.7 × 1013 cm− 2s− 1,
equation becomes: inverting the rabbit halfway through the irradiation to equalize to the
wxðstdÞ mstd A0ðunkÞ
! first order for the linear axial fluence rate gradient along the rabbit.
wxðunkÞ = Rθ Rϕ Rσ Rε − ð2  16Þ After irradiation the gamma-ray activity was assayed at 10 cm
munk A0ðstdÞ munk
from a Ge detector with a 1.71 keV resolution and 40% relative
efficiency at 1333 keV, with the ion-implanted surface toward the
where wx,unk and wx,std are mass fractions of element x in the unknown
detector. Pulse pileup rejection/live time correction was performed by
and standard, munk and mstd are the (total) masses of sample and standard,
hardware (in the amplifier). Spectra were acquired with a conversion
and blank/munk is the relative blank.
gain of 0.4 keV/channel. The order of sample counting was random-
Since A0 is determined from a complex equation, the uncertainty
ized for the first count, and the sequence reversed for the second
of the A0 ratio of unknowns and standards should first be evaluated
count in order to equalize precision from counting statistics. On
from the standard uncertainties of each term in the A0 equation
average more than 200,000 counts were collected in the 76As peak in
(Eq. (2-2)):
each sample and standard spectra, with a mean Poisson relative
λCeλtd standard deviation of 0.25%. A few samples were re-counted as long as
A0 = fP f : ð2  2Þ
ð1−eλtL Þð1−eλti Þ ltc six days after irradiation to check the half-life and search for long-
lived radioactive impurities. The combined 559 + 563 keV doublet of
The most straightforward method to combine the uncertainties for 76
As in each spectrum was integrated using a channel-by-channel
the terms of the A0 equation (Eq. (2-2)) is to increase or decrease each
summation routine.
parameter (individually) by its standard uncertainty and evaluate the
relative effect on the sample/standard A0 ratio. In many cases it is Pre-irradiation (sample preparation)
appropriate to use the average value of the samples compared to the
standards. These relative effects are then combined in quadrature to Elemental content of standards (comparators) [3]
establish the relative A0 ratio uncertainty.
Two solution standards were used: SRM 3103a and one prepared
The relative uncertainty for the A0 ratio is then combined in
gravimetrically from As2O3 (stated purity 99.999%). The certified
quadrature with the relative uncertainties for the other terms (except
(expanded) uncertainty for SRM 3103a was 0.3%, which approx-
for the blank) in the measurement equation (Eq. (2-1)), and
imates a 95% confidence interval. Therefore a 1 s relative standard
converted to an absolute uncertainty. This absolute uncertainty
uncertainty was essentially 0.15%. An uncertainty for the second
(calculated from the uncertainties of all terms except blank) is then
standard was difficult to evaluate directly. If an uncertainty were
combined in quadrature with the absolute uncertainty of the blank to
calculated from the uncertainties in gravimetric preparation com-
establish the combined standard uncertainty.
bined with the stated purity, the resulting value would be a few
Alternatively, a term of (1 − blank/munk) can be substituted for the
hundredths of a percent. However, stated purities often do not
relative blank subtraction in the mass fraction equation (Eq. (2-16)),
consider all contaminants, or non-stoichiometric behavior of
and a standard uncertainty evaluated for (1 − blank/munk). This makes
compounds. Since no differences were observed (over the counting
all operations multiplicative, allowing a combination in quadrature of
statistics) between the decay-corrected count rates (per unit mass of
all the relative standard uncertainties in this form of the measurement
As) for the standards prepared from the As2O3 solution, and those
equation (Eq. (2-17)).
prepared from SRM 3103a, the relative standard uncertainty the
! As2O3 solution was conservatively assumed to be equal to that of
wxðstdÞ mstd A0ðunkÞ blank
SRM 3103a, or 0.15%. The combined relative standard uncertainty for
wxðunkÞ = Rθ Rϕ Rσ Rε 1− ð2  17Þ
munk A0ðstdÞ munk concentrations of the two standard solutions (1 s) was approximat-
ed as 0.15%/√2, or 0.106%. The standard solutions were deposited
gravimetrically onto filter papers. Since ≈ 100 mg of solution was
2.7.2. Manual approach — example of a calculation of a complete transferred, and readings were made to 0.1 mg, the uncertainty per
uncertainty budget weighing is 0.1/√3 (rectangular distribution) or 0.058%. Two mass
determinations were required for each standard prepared (i.e., Measurement description before and after deposition), and four individual filters standards
Arsenic in Silicon – Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2134 were used in this analysis. Therefore the overall relative standard
(Arsenic Implant in Silicon) was produced at the National Institute of uncertainty for transfer of standard solutions is 0.058% · √2/√4 or
Standards and Technology (NIST) to serve as a calibrant for secondary 0.041%. The uncertainty for the standards concentration was
ion mass spectrometry, and its arsenic content was certified using combined in quadrature with that of the uncertainty for standards
INAA as a primary method of measurement [53]. Ten samples of SRM deposition to obtain standard uncertainty of the As content of the
2134 and two blank chips of silicon were heat-sealed into envelopes comparator standards of 0.114%.
of conventional polyethylene that had been cleaned in high-purity Target isotope abundance ratio (unknowns/standards) — since
HNO3. A dilute solution standard was prepared by gravimetrically As is monoisotopic the standard uncertainty was 0%.
diluting a 10-mg/g solution of As2O3 (stated purity 99.999%) in dilute
ammonia to about 2 mg/kg. Another solution was prepared similarly Basis mass (in this case sample area)
from SRM 3103a Arsenic Spectrometric Solution. Aliquants of both All samples were cut with nearly identical sizes from the original
solutions were weighed from a polyethylene pipette onto 1-cm disks wafer. The micrometer used to measure the length and width of the
of acid-leached filter paper and dried to produce standards with about samples had a resolution of 0.001 mm. This micrometer was checked
200 ng As each. Two standards from each solution were irradiated with a calibrated gauge, and found to be accurate to within 0.001 mm.
with the samples. A blank filter paper was shown in a separate Assuming a uniform (rectangular) distribution, the 0.001 mm
experiment to contain no significant arsenic (≪0.01% of the amount absolute accuracy was divided by √3 to obtain the standard
in the standards). uncertainty, or 0.00058 mm. Therefore the relative standard uncer-
Samples, standards, and blanks were stacked in the irradiation tainty for the accuracy basis for computing sample area (≈1 cm2) was
container (rabbit) in a quasi-random sequence: standard, blank, five equal to [(1.000058 cm/1 cm)2 − 1]/100, or 0.012%. An additional
samples, two standards, five samples, blank, and standard. The stack was uncertainty resulted from the reproducibility of measuring the
226 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

dimensions of the wafers. Three replicate measurements were made and γ (Euler's constant) is 0.577216. Note that if using Eq. (2-19) to
of the area of nine of the wafers, yielding an average relative standard calculate the self-shielding factor for a slab, the definition of x changes
deviation of 0.046% for each measurement. Dividing by the square to T∑, where T is slab thickness. In a similar manner, if Eq. (2-20) is
root of 27 yielded a measurement replication uncertainty of 0.009%, used to calculate the self-shielding factor for an infinite cylinder, x
which was combined in quadrature with the micrometer accuracy becomes R∑ [14].
uncertainty of 0.012% to obtain the total uncertainty for sample area of The resulting self-shielding factor (absorption) for each sample
0.015%. was 0.9985, and for each standard was 0.9986. A correction factor of
1.0001 (0.01% difference) was applied, and a standard uncertainty Sample blanks equal to 10% of the correction, or 0.001% was approximated.
No arsenic was seen in the blanks, with a detection limit of 50 Scattering effects contributing to self-shielding were not significant
counts. The samples each had approximately 200,000 counts in the since the cellulose standard used was only 0.2 mm thick, and
559 keV peak of 76As, and so the blank detection limit (at 95% scattering effects go to zero as thickness goes to zero. In addition,
confidence) was 0.025% of the As content of the samples. The blank there are no significant scattering effects from the silicon matrix of the
relative standard uncertainty was estimated as half of the detection samples. Because this measurement employed nearly isotropic
limit (2σ), or 0.013%. irradiation conditions, any potential changes in activation due to
scattering within the sample stack were undetectable [20] 0.001%. Irradiation stage Neutron shielding (absorption and scattering) effects — effects Neutron fluence exposure differences (ratios) for unknown on the average sample versus the average standard due to combined
samples compared to comparator standards (4 individual components) effects of neighboring samples and standards
The combined cumulative self-shielding effects for the multiple Neutron fluence exposure differences (ratios) for unknowns samples and standards depended upon actual path length for each
compared to standards due to physical effects (fluence gradients) neutron passing through samples or standards. Since the standards
This uncertainty was approximated from previous measurements were placed on the ends of the stack of samples as well as in the center
in the same irradiation facility from the previously observed relative of the samples, we considered two boundary conditions: neutrons
standard deviations (RSDs) observed for samples (of the same passing parallel and perpendicular to stack of samples and standards.
material) irradiated within a single irradiated rabbit. Since observed The self-shielding for the two boundary conditions was calculated
RSDs also include effects of other sources of variation, such as using a simple exponential function for neutron transmission. In one
counting statistics and material heterogeneity, the previous measure- case, the samples see 0.033% greater neutron exposure than do the
ment with the smallest observed RSD among a relatively large standards, and in the other case the samples see 0.05% less. A
number of samples (to minimize fortuitous agreement) was selected correction factor of 1.00009 (midpoint of two cases) applied, and the
for evaluation. Previously, the smallest variation observed for samples uncertainty calculated by dividing the range from the correction to
irradiated in RT-1 was 0.2% (1 s relative) for Br among 12 aliquants of either limiting case (0.042%) by √3, or 0.024%.
a coal SRM that entirely filled a rabbit. For the current (As)
measurement, approximately one third of the length of the rabbit Irradiation interferences (3 individual components)
was filled and so we divide the previously observed variation value by
3. The overall uncertainty in the mean value due to geometry Fast (high energy) neutron interferences
differences for the 10 samples for the As in silicon measurement was Possible interferences are from 76Se (n,p) or 79Br (n,α). No
therefore 0.2%/3/√10 or 0.021% relative. The overall uncertainty for activation products of Se or Br were observed; Se and Br detection
the mean of the 4 standards was 0.2%/3/√4 or 0.033%, and the limits were calculated (95% confidence level) with fast neutron
combined relative standard uncertainty (in quadrature) for samples fluence rates and appropriate fast neutron cross sections. The
and standards was 0.039%. maximum interference from Se = 0.00069%, and the maximum
interference from Br = 2 × 10− 8%. Using half of maximum interfer- Neutron fluence exposure differences (ratios) for unknowns ences based on the 95% detection limits for the (1 s) standard
compared to standards due to temporal effects (fluence variations with uncertainties and combining in quadrature, the uncertainty for the
time) interference from fast neutron reactions was 0.0003%.
All unknown samples, standards and blanks were irradiated
together, so there are no temporal effects, and the uncertainty was 0%. Fission neutron interferences
As cannot be made by fission reactions, therefore the standard Neutron self shielding (absorption and scattering) effects – uncertainty was 0%.
the difference in the self shielding for each sample compared to each Double neutron capture interferences
standard As cannot be made by a double neutron capture of a stable
The self-shielding for a finite cylinder [14] was calculated via: nuclide. Double neutron capture on 74Ge produces 76Ge, which is
stable; therefore the standard uncertainty was 0%.
R⋅fslab + L⋅f∞ cyl R⋅L
ffinite cyl: ≅ ; with x ≡ ∑ ð2  18Þ Effective cross section differences between samples and
where R and L are the radius and the length of the cylinder, ∑ is the The uncertainty component and potential correction are due to
macroscopic cross section, and differences in the resonance integral due to removal of narrow, high-σ
resonance peaks. The largest resonance peak of 75As has a cross
x x 3
2 section of 1000 b (10− 21 cm2). Assuming that the entire resonance
fslab = 1− lnð1 = xÞ− −γ − ð2  19Þ cross section for arsenic has a value of 10− 21 cm2, which is a gross
2 2 2 6
overestimation, and that 14% of activation comes from resonance
neutrons, self-shielding calculation were performed in same manner
4x x2 x2 5
f∞ cyl = 1− + lnð2 = xÞ + −γ ð2  20Þ as for normal neutron self-shielding (except for zero contribution
3 2 2 4 from the matrix). In one case the samples see 0.0000013% greater
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 227

neutron fluence than standards, and in the other case the samples see Clock time uncertainty
0.000008% less. Since this is an overestimation no correction was Since all measurements were made to a preset clock time, the
applied, and the standard uncertainty was (estimated by dividing the effect of clock inaccuracy was 0%.
larger correction by √3 (uniform distribution between 0 and
0.000008) or 0.000005%. Live time uncertainty
Since all measurements were made to a preset clock time, Irradiation losses and gains (4 individual components) uncertainties for live time may be significant for counts of short
duration. In this case, the multichannel analyzer system used records Hot atom transfer (losses and by recoil, the live time to the nearest centisecond. Thus each count has a live time
nanometer movement) uncertainty of 0.005 s. Since live times for all counts were 7200 s (or
Since the As was present as a near surface implant, evaluation of more in a few cases), the relative uncertainty for each count is 0.00007%.
the potential transfer during irradiation via recoil was necessary. Any The combined live time uncertainty for samples (20 counts) and
potential gains were evaluated as part of the blank determination. For standards (7 counts) was [(0.00007%/√20)2 + (0.00007%/√7)2]1/2, or
potential losses, the maximum possible recoil energy for the 0.00003%.
absorption of a neutron by 75As is 380 eV. The maximum range of
As with this energy in silicon was calculated by the TRIM program [32] Uncertainties due to count rate effects for conventional
to be 2.2 nm + 1.0 nm for straggling. Since the implant depth was counting systems (2 individual components)
nominally 100 nm, both losses and uncertainty were considered to be
0%. Inadequacy of live-time extension
The dead time for this measurement was controlled entirely Transfer of material through irradiation container by 76As after the 2.62 h 31Si decayed away. The samples decayed
As is not volatilized during neutron irradiation of a solid sample from 0.81 to 2.96 days prior to start of counts, corresponding to
under the irradiation conditions used, therefore the uncertainty was 7.5 to 27 half lives of 31Si. The single nuclide decay correction
0%. was applied to samples and standards. This may provide a very
slight underestimation for the first few counts of unknowns, and Sample loss during transfer from irradiation container a very slight overestimation for the last few counts of the
Since element of interest was below the surface, there is no unknowns. The corrections ranged from factors of 1.00025 to
possibility of loss, and the uncertainty was 0%. 1.00285. Using a conservative estimate of 10% for each
correction, and an average correction of 0.067%, the standard Target isotope burn up differences uncertainty for the 20 counts of the samples was (.067%) (10%)/
Samples and standards were irradiated for the same time so there √20 or 0.001%.
is no burn up differences and the uncertainty was 0%. Correction for pulse pileup losses Irradiation timing and decay corrections Pileup rejection/live time correction was performed via hard-
Since the samples and standards were irradiated together no decay ware, however, it became apparent through a comparison of
correction was necessary. The standard uncertainty was 0%. counts of the same samples/standards at different dead times that
a small degree of overcompensation was applied. This is not Gamma-ray spectrometry stage unexpected, since various types of electronic noise can be
interpreted by the rejection circuit as gamma rays arriving at the Measurement replication or counting statistics) for unknown amplifier at the same time as real gamma rays. The overcompen-
samples sation for the measurement was evaluated through subsequent
The standard uncertainty was just the observed relative standard counts at different dead times using a high-accuracy pulser and
deviation of the mass fractions of the 10 samples divided by √10 or counting. The samples and standards for the As measurement were
0.081%. both counted over the same fractional dead time range of 0.5% to
10%, and so no bias was introduced; however some additional Measurement replication or counting statistics) for standards measurement uncertainty needed to be considered. The pulser
Since only 4 individual standards were measured, the propagated count rate was observed to increase by 0.52% over the dead-time
counting statistics uncertainty (1σ) for the 7 counts of the standards range of 0.5% to 10%. The midpoint of the overcompensation range
was used, which was equal to 0.073%. was 0.26%. If we treat the overcompensation for each count of
sample or standard as a uniform (rectangular) distribution and Corrections for radioactive decay for each measurement (effects divide by √3 to obtain 1 s, we obtain a relative standard
of timing and half-life uncertainties — 4 components) uncertainty of 0.150% per count. Thus the combined uncertainty
for the mean of 20 counts of samples is 0.150%/√20 or 0.034%, and Decay correction from end of irradiation to start of each for the mean of 7 counts of standards the uncertainty is 0.150%/√7
measurement or 0.057%. Combined in quadrature the total relative standard
The half-life used for 76As was 1.097 day with a standard uncertainty was 0.066%.
uncertainty (1 s) of 0.0011 day [54]. The unknown samples measured
in this study decayed from 0.81 day to 2.96 days prior to start of Corrections for gamma-ray interferences
counting and no trend was observed for samples as function of decay The only possible significant interference for the 559 keV peak
time during this interval. The standards decayed from 1.77 day to of 76As in this measurement was from the 564 keV peak of 122Sb,
3.66 days prior to start of count. The difference between samples and which also has a 697 keV gamma ray. No 697 keV peak from
standards for the midpoints of these counts is 0.83 day. The decay Sb was observed in the spectrum for the sample that was
correction for 0.83 day for a t1/2 of 1.097 day = 1.6895, and the decay counted for longest time. The detection limit at 95% confidence
correction for 0.83 day for a t1/2 of (1.097 + 0.0011) day = 1.6886 corresponds to an interference of 0.000007% for the 76As peak.
which is equivalent to a relative difference of 0.053%. Thus the The uncertainty was estimated as half of this 2σ detection limit,
measurement uncertainty due to the half-life uncertainty was 0.053%. or 0.000004%.
228 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 Corrections for counting efficiency differences (2 individual nents in quadrature. Based on the effective degrees of freedom, a
components) k value of 2.04 was chosen, and the expanded uncertainty was 0.38%.
Results are summarized in Table 2.14. Effects resulting from physical differences in size and shape of
samples versus standards 2.7.3. Kragten spreadsheet approach (for one sample and one standard) –
All counts were made at a distance of 10 cm from the detector. The general considerations and example
sample thickness was 0.00002 cm (surface implant) and the standard
thickness was 0.02 cm with the As distributed uniformly. The average When a measurement equation f(x1 … xn) is at all complicated,
gamma-ray interaction with the detector used was estimated to occur calculating the propagation of uncertainties can require substantial
1 cm below the detector endcap. The correction for the (midpoint) skill in calculus to construct all the required derivatives. Kragten [56]
counting geometry difference between samples and standards was has proposed a straightforward spreadsheet method in which
(11.01/11.00001)2 or 1.00182, which was applied. This geometry standard uncertainties Δx replace derivatives dx. This numerical
estimate was tested by counting one sample in two orientations: with
the implanted face up and with the implanted face down. The Table 2.14
observed ratio of corrected counting rates was 1.014, with a 1σ Uncertainty evaluation for the determination of arsenic in silicon, SRM 2134.
uncertainty of 0.004 from counting statistics alone. The expected ratio
Uncertainty component ui (%)
from a 1/r2 model of counting efficiency, as described above, gives a
ratio 1.013, in good agreement with the observed value. If the Pre-irradiation stage
standard uncertainty on the interaction depth were estimated to be Elemental content of standards
Elemental content of standard solutions 0.106
50%, or 0.5 cm, the correction factor would become (10.51/
Amount of standard solutions used 0.041
10.500001)2 or 1.00191, 0.009% different. Thus the uncertainty on Target isotope abundances 0
geometry correction was 0.009%. Basis mass (or other basis unit) 0.015
Blank (1 — relative blank) — see Eq. (2-16) to permit 0.013 Corrections for gamma-ray self-absorption combination in quadrature

The calculated self-absorption factor for the 559 keV gamma ray
Irradiation stage
within the 0.02 cm cellulose standard is 0.99962. The applied Neutron fluence exposure differences (ratios) between
correction was therefore 0.038%. If we estimate the relative samples and standards
uncertainty as 10% of the correction it is equivalent to 0.004%. The Irradiation geometry differences (ratios) between samples 0.039
and standards
attenuation factor for the 559 keV gamma-ray through the
Neutron fluence exposure differences due to temporal 0
0.00002 cm silicon layer on top of the As in the samples (surface effects
implant) is 0.9999985. The correction is therefore ≈10− 4%, and if we Neutron self shielding differences (for individual samples 0.001
again estimate the uncertainty for the correction as 10% of the and standards)
correction it is equivalent to 10− 5% relative. Combining these two Neutron shielding differences (effects of neighboring 0.024
uncertainties in quadrature, the relative standard uncertainty for
Irradiation interferences
gamma-ray self-absorption was 0.004%. Fast neutron 0.0003
Fission neutron 0 Potential bias due to peak integration method Double neutron capture 0
Effective neutron cross section differences between samples 0.000005
The spectra for samples and standards were nearly identical
and standards
(essentially only 76As). Peak integration was accomplished by a Irradiation losses and gains
channel-by-channel summation using the same peak and baseline Hot atom transfer (losses and gains by recoil, nanometer 0
regions (background channels) for both the samples and the movement)
standards. This summation method was essentially the same as Transfer of material through irradiation container 0
Sample loss during transfer from irradiation container 0
used previously for high-accuracy gamma-spectrometry measure-
Target isotope burn up (for samples and stds. irradiated 0
ments of uranium isotopic compositions in bulk U3O8 standards [55]. under diff. conditions)
In that study, the mean relative difference between the gamma Irradiation timing and decay corrections (if samples and 0
spectrometry measurements and the ultimately certified values for 5 standards irradiated separately)
sets of materials (at different isotopic ratios) was 0.033% (0.012% to
Post irradiation
0.090%). We conservatively estimated the total peak integration Measurement replication (or counting statistics) of samples 0.081
uncertainty for the current arsenic study as equivalent to entire Measurement replication (or counting statistics) of standards 0.073
(average) difference for the U isotopic study. The relative standard Corrections for radioactive decay (due to timing and half-life
uncertainty was calculated assuming a rectangular distribution and uncertainties for each measurement)
Decay correction to start of count 0.053
dividing by √3 to obtain a value of 0.019%.
Clock time uncertainty 0
Live time uncertainty 0.00003 Potential bias due to perturbed angular correlations (γ-ray Count-rate effects for each measurement
directional effects) Inadequacy of live-time extension for very short lived nuclides 0.001
As is not subject to perturbed angular correlation effects, and Corrections for pulse pileup 0.066
Corrections for gamma-ray interferences 0.000004
both samples and standards were counted under identical geometries, Corrections for counting efficiency differences
therefore the uncertainty was 0%. Physical differences in shape and thickness of samples and 0.009
standards Potential losses during chemical decomposition and processing Gamma-ray self absorption differences between samples 0.004
and standards
Since radiochemistry was not performed for this measurement,
Peak integration biases 0.019
the uncertainty was 0%. Perturbed angular correlation (almost never encountered) 0
Losses during chemical decomposition and separation (for RNAA) 0 Combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty Relative combined uncertainty (uc) 0.19%
The combined standard uncertainty for this measurement was k-value 2.04
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.38%
calculated by combining each of the individual uncertainty compo-
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 229

Fig. 2.4. Example of uncertainty calculation for mass fraction using the Kragten procedure.

Fig. 2.5. Calculation of A0 uncertainty for the unknown sample in the example of the Kragten procedure.

procedure is especially useful in studying the sensitivity of individual sample. Note that the A0 equation above is just the general equation given
sources of uncertainty to the final result [57]. previously with FP and Fltc(s) replaced with an explicit pileup correction,
As an example, in Fig. 2.4 the Kragten procedure has been applied to and using the live-time extension correction for a single decaying nuclide.
the simplest form of the INAA equation, in which the mass fraction wx is For all its convenience in identifying the most important sources of
calculated from the fundamental measurement equation. uncertainty in an analytical process, the Kragten method has several
Fig. 2.4 illustrates the uncertainty calculation for one sample of drawbacks. Compensating errors and other kinds of covariance are
arsenic implant in silicon, and one comparator of an evaporated ignored, and the experimental design that is implicitly modeled (one
standard arsenic solution taken from the example of the manual variable changed at a time) is not the most efficient one for optimizing
calculation described in Section 2.7.2. The calculation of wx is performed a multivariate experiment. When a large numbers of parameters are
five times, once with all four variables as measured and again with each involved, or when multiple samples and standards are involved, the
parameter incremented by one standard uncertainty u. Examination of spreadsheets become unwieldy. The method is further discussed in
the four variance contributions shows clearly that the counting the Eurachem quality manual [58]. A detailed uncertainty budget for
precision of the unknown sample is the dominant contributor to the k0 NAA has been constructed by this procedure [59].
overall uncertainty, as it should in a well-designed measurement. The
combined relative standard uncertainty (shown in Fig. 2.4) is 0.35%. 2.7.5 Partial derivatives approach (for one sample and one standard) –
Calculations of uncertainties for both the A0 value of the sample general considerations
and the A0 value of the standard are approached in a similar manner,
conveniently on separate pages of the spreadsheet. Fig. 2.5 shows the Calculation of uncertainty
uncertainty calculation of A0 for the unknown sample.
In this version of the A0 equation there are seven parameters, so the The combined standard uncertainty of a quantity of interest, the
calculation is performed eight times. For this example, significant measurand y, is the effect of all variables' uncertainties on the
uncertainty in A0 once again comes from only counting statistics of the uncertainty of the measurement function based on them. Thus the
230 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

combined standard uncertainty of y, uc(y), is calculated in terms of tainty uc is a function of the uncertainties of the independent
component uncertainties, u(xi): parameters M.
n ∂y
ðuðxi ÞÞ2 ;
uc ðyðx1 ; …xn Þ = ∑ ð2  21Þ uc = f wxðstdÞ ; A0ðunkÞ ; A0ðstdÞ ; Rθ ; Rϕ ; Rσ ; Rε ; B; mstd ; munk ; αunk ð2  23Þ
i=1 ∂xi

where y(x1,x2,…xn) is a function of several parameters x1,x2,…xn. 2 2
uwxðunkÞ = ∑ uxi ð2  24Þ
Each variable's contribution is just the square of the associated i=1 ∂xi
uncertainty expressed as the standard deviation multiplied by the
square of the associated partial derivative. ∂f  
u2wxðunkÞ = A0ðunkÞ ; A0ðstdÞ ; Rθ ; Rϕ ; Rσ ; Rε ; B; mstd ; munk ; αunk u2wxðstdÞ
The above Eq. (2-21) is valid only if the quantities xi are ∂wxðstdÞ

independent (uncorrelated), the distribution of each xi is a Gaussian

∂f  2
+ wxðstdÞ ; A0ðunkÞ ; A0ðstdÞ ; Rθ ; Rϕ ; Rσ ; Rε ; B; mstd ; munk ; αunk uA0ðunkÞ + …
distribution, and if u(xi) ≪ xi. In most cases Eq. (2-21) is used even ∂A0ðstdÞ
when the aforementioned restrictions are not met. (Deviations of ð2  25Þ
parameter distributions from the Gaussian distribution are not so
important. According to the central limit theorem of statistics, the λt
C⋅λe d
distribution for the values of the derived quantity y approaches the with A0 = , and t L = live time of count with appropriate
Gaussian distribution as the number of individual quantities xi 1−e−λtL
corrections applied.
increases, independent of the details of the distribution.)
The expanded uncertainty u is obtained by multiplying the λe−λtL
combined standard uncertainty by a suitable coverage factor kα. The Let ftL = , then
unknown value of the measurand is believed to lie in the interval y ± u
with a confidence level of approximately α. uA0 u 2
u 2
λ 2
= + ð1 + λtd −tL ⋅ftL Þ + u2td λ2 + u2tL ft2L : ð2  26Þ
Applying this calculation to a slightly modified form of activation A0 C λ
equation (Eq. (2-22))
Quantification of uncertainty
A0ðunkÞ mstd Not all from the above-mentioned uncertainty components will
wxðunkÞ = wxðstdÞ ⋅ ⋅Rθ ⋅Rϕ ⋅Rσ ⋅Rε −B ⋅ ; ð2  22Þ
A0ðstdÞ αunk ⋅munk contribute significantly to the combined uncertainty. An initial
evaluation should be made to identify the relevant uncertainties in
with B = blank, and α = appropriate corrections to mass leads to accordance with the experiment that is to be evaluated, for example is
the following expressions for the uncertainty. The combined uncer- it an individual measurement or a series of similar measurements that

Table 2.15
Partial-derivative equation evaluations of relative standard uncertainties, and an evaluation of the relative combined standard uncertainty for the arsenic in silicon measurement
using one unknown sample and one comparator standard.

Parameter Source Standard uncertainty Type A/B Description ui

wx(std) (%) Purity uwxðstdÞ = pffiffiffi B Mass fraction in primary assay standard 0.033%
2 3
mu (kg) Balance um = balance
pffiffiffi A Mass of sample used 0.015%
k n
ms (kg) A Mass of primary assay standard used 0.121%
α Between units um = pffiffiffi A Standard uncertainty of n dry mass determinations n/a
k n
A0 calculations pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Cx,u Poisson statistics uN = N + 2B A Number of counts in indicator gamma-ray peak for sample 0.251%
Cx,s A Number of counts in indicator gamma-ray peak for standard 0.189%
λ (s− 1) Literature values uλ = pffiffiffi ð1 + λtd −tL ftL Þ B Decay constant 0.026%
2 3
td(unk) (s) Time tag utd = pffiffiffi λ B Decay time until start of measurement for sample 0.00021%
2 3
td(std) (s) B Decay time until start of measurement for standard 0.00021%
tL(unk) (s) Time tag utL = pffiffiffi ftL B Elapsed time of measurement for sample 0.0044%
2 3
tL(std) (s) B Elapsed time of measurement for standard 0.0090%
Irradiation and counting
Rθ Literature values uRθ = pffiffiffi B Ratio of isotopic abundances for sample and standard n/a
2 6
Rϕ Absorption, flux gradient uRϕ = pffiffiffi B Ratio of neutron fluences (including fluence gradient, 0.033%
2 3 self absorption and scattering)
δσ ϕ
Rσ Neutron spectrum uRσ = pffiffiffi B Ratio of effective cross section if neutron spectrum shape 0.0004%
2 3 differs between sample and standard
δσ ε
Rε Geometry, density uRε = pffiffiffi B Ratio of counting efficiencies (including geometry, gamma-ray 0.069%
2 3 self shielding and counting effects)
Measurement blank vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u n  2
u ∑ yB;i −B
ti = 1
B Measured uB = B Amount of analyte in blank in g; most INAA procedures can 0.013%
be carried out essentially blank free. An estimate from the limit
of detection is included.
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 231

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[60] Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, Evaluation of measurement data –
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Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo method (2008) JCGM 101:2008 wx mass fraction of element x in the unknown sample or
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[61] Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, Evaluation of measurement data —
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(ISO/IEC Guide 98-3. Symbols used for evaluation of neutron self-shielding corrections
in the example of the determination of arsenic in silicon

2.9 List of Symbols used in Chapter 2 L length of cylinder

R radius of cylinder
A count rate ∑ macroscopic cross section
A0 decay corrected count rate T thickness of slab
C net counts in γ-ray peak γ Euler's constant
fp correction for pulse pileup (general case)
fltc correction for inadequacy of live time extension (general case) Symbols used for discussion of hardware corrections for Loss-Free
fϕ correction for neutron self shielding (general case) or Zero Dead Time systems
FP calculated correction factor for pulse pileup
Fltc calculated correction factor for inadequacy of live time extension B blank
Fγ gamma-ray attenuation factor M channel contents of a multichannel analyzer
ϕ neutron fluence rate N analog-to-digital conversions into that channel and
λ decay constant (ln 2/t1/2) W weighting factors
m total mass of the unknown sample standard (munk, mstd) dM/M statistical uncertainty of the channel with content M
mx mass of element x in the unknown sample or standard (mx(unk), dN/N statistical uncertainty for the number of analog-to-digital
mx(std)) conversions into channel with content M
μ gamma-ray attenuation coefficient dW/W relative statistical (uncertainty) of the weighting
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 233

Chapter 3. Performance of neutron activation analysis laboratories in CCQM key

comparisons and pilot studies
Elisabete A. De Nadai Fernandes *, Márcio Arruda Bacchi

Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de São Paulo

Avenida Centenário 303, 13416-000 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

3.1. Introduction In total eleven laboratories participated in CCQM-P11, six of them

used NAA. In the CCQM-K31, a total of eight laboratories participated.
The CCQM, after a Primary Methods Symposium in April 2000 at the Three laboratories used NAA including two NMIs, and one university
BIPM in Sèvres, France, concluded that insufficient evidence was affiliated laboratory (the authors’ laboratory, CENA/USP), as an
available on the actual performance of NAA at the highest metrological unofficial participant. The results are presented in Figs. 3.1 and 3.2,
level (as reflected by key comparisons) to accept the claim that NAA respectively. Dashed lines in these and subsequent figures represent
meets all the requirements in the definition of a primary ratio method. the best estimate of the central value uncertainty (k≈2) for each
Both the CCQM and its Inorganic Analytical Working Group (IAWG) study.
questioned whether multiple laboratories could make NAA measure- The results from the CCQM-P11 demonstrated good agreement
ments with the highest metrological properties, and in particular submit among the six NAA laboratories. The observed relative standard
results in CCQM comparisons that demonstrated agreements and deviation was 1.5%, compared to 5.9% for the five non-NAA
uncertainties similar to those demonstrated by IDMS; IDMS had been laboratories. The reported measurement uncertainties for the NAA
designated by the CCQM in 1997 as one of the potentially primary ratio laboratories were in general similar to the uncertainties reported by
methods for determining amounts of substance. Shortly after the laboratories employing other methods (ICP-AES, HR-ICP-MS, GFAAS
Primary Methods Symposium, the Inorganic Analytical Working Group and FI-HGAAS).
began organizing pilot studies and key comparisons on matrices and The observed relative standard deviation among the three NAA
measurands that were appropriate for NAA measurements, and a laboratories participating in CCQM-K31 was 1.4%, and considerably
number of NAA laboratories were encouraged to participate. smaller than the observed relative standard deviation of 8.2% for the
NAA is not available at most national metrology institutes (NMIs), results reported by laboratories employing other methods (GFAAS,
which distinguishes it somewhat from other methods for determining ICPMS, and FI-HG-GFAAS). In addition, the three NAA values appear
amount of substance (such as IDMS or AAS). This is largely due to lack towards the middle of all reported values. It can also be seen from
of access to nuclear research reactors, radiological laboratories, and Fig. 3.2 that the estimated measurement uncertainties of the three
trained personnel. It would be difficult drawing conclusions about NAA laboratories were similar to, and in some cases smaller than, the
NAA's performance from results of only the few NMIs with such NAA ones reported by the non-NAA laboratories.
laboratories in their facilities. However, the participation of selected The results from these first two studies demonstrated that a significant
NAA laboratories in pilot studies, and in particular those pilot studies number of NAA laboratories, distributed among three continents, each
organized in parallel to many key comparisons, enabled a direct with different levels of metrological expertise, different nuclear reactors,
comparison of the results of NAA and IDMS laboratories. It should be and different NAA instrumentation can provide results that are in good
noted that unless these laboratories were officially designated by an
NMI, their results could not be included in the BIPM MRA Appendix B
nor used for establishing the key comparison reference value (KCRV).
In the period 2000–2006, 13 NAA laboratories have participated in
Table 3.1
pilot studies and key comparisons (Table 3.1). Except for a few cases,
Overview of all pilot studies and key comparisons (with reference to their organizer) in
which are identified below, the laboratories used the instrumental (non- which NAA laboratories participated since the year 2001. The authors' laboratory
destructive) variety of NAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis or (CENA/USP) participated in pilot studies and key comparisons listed in this table,
INAA). These NAA results have been used to evaluate the method's except for P33, P62, K44, P74, and P86.
potential as a primary ratio method by comparing NAA's performance Year study CCQM key comparison (K) or pilot study (P) and organizing NMI
with the performance of a previously-recognized primary ratio method, began
i.e. IDMS. The comparison is based on agreement with accepted values 2001 –P11 arsenic in shellfish, NIST
(i.e., the KCRV if available), magnitude and completeness of the –P29 cadmium and zinc amount content in rice, IRMM
estimated uncertainty budgets, and dispersion of the results among –K24 cadmium amount content in rice, IRMM
laboratories operating the same method. –P34 constituents in Al alloy, BAM
2002 –K31 arsenic in shellfish, NIST
2003 –P39 As, Hg, Pb, Se and methylmercury in tuna fish, IRMM
3.2. NAA performance of various laboratories: mono-isotopic –P33/P56 boron in Si, PTB
elements –K33/P56 minor elements in steel, NMIJ/NIST/BAM
2004 –P34.1 constituents of an aluminum alloy, BAM
The first opportunity for NAA laboratories to demonstrate the –K42 constituents of an aluminum alloy, BAM
–P39.1 As, Hg, Pb, Se and methylmercury in salmon, IRMM
performance of the method occurred in 2001, via the CCQM Pilot –K43 As, Hg, Pb, Se and methylmercury in salmon, IRMM
Study P11 (CCQM-P11) “Arsenic in Shellfish” [1] followed in 2002 by –P62 trace analysis of high purity nickel, BAM
the associated CCQM Key Comparison K31 (CCQM-K31) “Arsenic in –P65 chemical composition of clay, CENAM
Shellfish” [2]. Selection of arsenic as a measurand was largely due to 2005 –P64 nonfat soybean powder, NRCCRM
–P66 key metals in fertilizer, NIST
its importance as a common, toxic element, and the lack of a primary
–K44/P70 trace metals in sewage sludge, IRMM
method available for its determination. It is not possible to determine –P74 composition of fine ceramics, NMIJ
arsenic by IDMS since the element is mono-isotopic. 2006 –K49/P85 essential and toxic elements in bovine liver, NIST
–P86 total Se and Se–methionine in yeast, LGC/NRC
⁎ Email address:
234 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241


Percentage difference (%)


mmol kg-1
0.13 0




Fig. 3.1. Results from CCQM-P11 “Arsenic in shellfish”, adapted from [1].


Percentage difference (%)

0.12 INAA
mmol kg-1


0.10 -10


0.09 -20

Fig. 3.2. Results from CCQM-K31 “Arsenic in shellfish”, adapted from [2].

agreement with each other and with other analytical methods. In addition, “Cadmium Amount Content in Rice” and “Cadmium and Zinc Amount
the observed relative standard deviations among the NAA laboratories, as Content in Rice”, respectively. In addition, CCQM-P39, “As, Hg, Pb, Se and
well as the magnitudes of their reported uncertainty statements, appeared Methylmercury in Tuna Fish” and CCQM-K43, “As, Hg, Pb, Se and
to be similar to those observed for IDMS measurements in other CCQM Methylmercury in Salmon” allowed comparisons of Se mass fractions
studies of trace element content in complex matrices. reported by similar numbers of INAA and IDMS laboratories.
The NAA and IDMS results reported for CCQM-K24/P29 are shown
3.3. NAA performance compared to IDMS performance: in Figs. 3.3 and 3.4. These figures have been adapted from the original
initial studies of the determination of trace element content in reports to facilitate the comparison between performance of NAA and
complex matrices IDMS. It can be seen from these figures that the mean values of the Cd
and Zn amount contents determined by NAA and IDMS, as well as the
The next step was to directly compare the performance of NAA and variability among the NAA and IDMS laboratories and the estimates of
IDMS in the same study. This first became possible via CCQM-K24/P29, measurement uncertainty are similar for the two techniques. Note

17 Cd
Percentage difference (%)


nmol g-1


13 -10






i-T A





















Fig. 3.3. Cadmium amount content in rice, results from CCQM-K24/P29, adapted from [3, 4].
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 235

0.42 20

Percentage difference (%)


µmol g-1

0.32 -10




















i- T


Fig. 3.4. Zinc results of CCQM-P29 “Cadmium and zinc amount content in rice”, adapted from [4].

that, in general, results from pilot studies are not publically available. K43). A numerical comparison of the results for the two methods
However, in a few cases agreement was obtained from all participants (NAA and IDMS) is given in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Note that in Fig. 3.6, the
to make the results public. When such agreement was reached, and Se result from the authors' laboratory (CENA/USP) is included since
the data from the pilot studies are publically available, the the laboratory participated as an invited expert laboratory in
participating laboratories will be identified here. When pilot study the associated pilot study CCQM-P39.1 that was carried out in parallel
data is not publically available laboratories will not be identified, to CCQM-K43, as well as CENA/USP's long history of successful
except for the authors' own laboratory (CENA/USP). participation in CCQM studies. CCQM-P39.1 involved the determina-
The Se data from CCQM-P39, “As, Hg, Pb, Se and Methylmercury in tion of the same measurands in the same salmon material as CCQM-
Tuna Fish” and CCQM-K43, “As, Hg, Pb, Se and Methylmercury in K43. However, CENA/USP's results have not been included in the
Salmon” are presented in Fig. 3.5 (CCQM-P39) and Fig. 3.6 (CCQM- calculation of the Key Comparison Reference Value since the

95 Se


Percentage difference (%)

µmol kg-1

80 0














Fig. 3.5. Selenium results from CCQM-P39 “As, Hg, Pb, Se and methylmercury in tuna fish”, adapted from [5].

Percentage difference (%)

µmol kg-1

















Fig. 3.6. Selenium results from CCQM-K43 “As, Hg, Pb, Se and methylmercury in salmon”, adapted from [6]. Also includes results from CENA in the parallel Pilot Study CCQM-P39.1.
236 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

Table 3.2 those of the NAA laboratories in the same study (CCQM-K43), despite
Comparison of results of Se determination in CCQM-P39 “Hg, Pb, Se, As and a greater number of NAA labs reporting results (5 versus 4). The
methylmercury in tuna fish” by NAA and IDMS.
difference between the IDMS results for the two studies seems, at
NAA IDMS least partially, to be due to the order of magnitude lower Se mass
Mean1 79.7 80.1 fractions for the key comparison. In conclusion, the results of the two
U (2 s/√n)1 1.7 0.94 studies of Se in fish indicate that for similar number of laboratories,
# of labs 5 4 the NAA results were similar, or perhaps a little better, than the IDMS
1 s% 2.4 1.2
Range (%) 6.0 2.7
Units are 10−6 mol kg− 1. 3.4. NAA performance compared to IDMS performance: additional
complex matrices

Table 3.3 Subsequent key comparisons and pilot studies provided additional
Comparison of results of Se determination in CCQM-K43 “As, Hg, Pb, Se and opportunities to compare the performance of IDMS and NAA for more
methylmercury in salmon” by NAA and IDMS.
measurands in other complex matrices. Additional CCQM compar-
NAA IDMS isons including CCQM-P70 “Trace Elements in Sewage Sludge”; CCQM
Mean1 7.36 7.33 P64 “Nonfat Soybean Powder”; CCQM-P65/K57 “Chemical Composi-
U (2 s/√n)1 0.17 0.43 tion of Clay”; and CCQM-K49/P85 “Essential and Toxic Elements in
# of labs 5 4 Bovine Liver” will be discussed.
1 s% 2.4 5.8
Sewage sludge offers analytical challenges since it can be quite
Range (%) 5.4 13
difficult to dissolve, and the high levels of many elements provide
Units are 10−6 mol kg− 1. many opportunities for potential interferences. The results of four
NAA laboratories and four IDMS laboratories for Zn in sewage
laboratory is not affiliated to an NMI or an NMI designated laboratory; sludge pilot study (CCQM-P70) are compared in Fig. 3.7. Note that
hence CENA/USP's results were not included in the data of Table 3.3. although the mean of the NAA and IDMS appears to be relatively
The mean Se content reported by the NAA laboratories in CCQM- similar, there is a much greater interlaboratory dispersion among
P39 was very close to the mean Se content reported by the IDMS the IDMS values. Although two of the IDMS values have much
laboratories (79.7 μmol kg− 1 versus 80.1 μmol kg− 1), and well within smaller uncertainties than the NAA values, there is little overlap of
expanded uncertainties calculated as 2 s/√n for each method any of the IDMS values within reported uncertainties compared to
(1.7 μmol kg− 1 and 0.94 μmol kg− 1). The relative standard deviation, strong overlap of the uncertainties of all NAA values. Clearly this
and the range of results for the NAA laboratories in CCQM-P39 (2.4% measurand/matrix combination provided unrecognized challenges
and 6.0%) were about twice as large as the corresponding values for to the IDMS method despite the relatively high amount content of
the IDMS laboratories (1.2% and 2.7%). However, this may be partially Zn.
due to the larger number of NAA laboratories (5 versus 4). In addition, Results for three NAA laboratories for Fe and Zn in CCQM-P64
the NAA RSD and range appear relatively typical for most CCQM “Nonfat Soybean Powder” are compared with those of six (Fe) or
comparisons of trace elements in complex matrices, and are quite seven (Zn) IDMS laboratories in Figs. 3.8 and 3.9. Although all NAA
small for most non-CCQM comparisons. values agree with all IDMS values within expanded uncertainties, one
The mean Se content reported by the NAA laboratories in CCQM- NAA laboratory reported results with significantly larger uncertainties
K43 was very close to the mean Se content reported by the IDMS for both Fe and Zn compared to the other two NAA laboratories, as
laboratories (7.36 μmol kg− 1 versus 7.33 μmol kg− 1), and well within well as to all the IDMS laboratories. The large uncertainty appears to
expanded uncertainties calculated as 2 s/√n for each method be a result of lack of metrological experience, as this laboratory was a
(0.17 μmol kg− 1 and 0.43 μmol kg− 1). The relative standard deviation relative newcomer to the field of metrology, and had very limited
and the range of results for the NAA laboratories in CCQM-K43 (2.4% experience participating in high-level intercomparisons.
and 5.4%) were quite similar to the NAA results for CCQM-P39 (2.4% Some clays can be quite difficult to totally dissolve, and thus provide
and 6.0%); however, the corresponding values for the IDMS analytical challenges for methods requiring sample dissolution. CCQM-
laboratories in CCQM-K43 (5.8% and 13%) were significantly greater P65, “Chemical Composition of Clay” allowed the comparison of Ca, Fe
than those of CCQM-P39 (1.2% and 2.7%). In addition, the dispersion and K results from one NAA and one IDMS laboratory. Results from all
values were more than twice as large for the IDMS laboratories as methods are included in Figs. 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12. The results of all three

Percentage difference (%)


µmol kg-1




Fig. 3.7. Zinc results from CCQM-P70 “Trace metals in sewage sludge”, adapted from [7].
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 237


Percentage difference (%)


mg kg-1


120 -20


Fig. 3.8. Iron results from CCQM-P64 “Nonfat soybean powder”, adapted from [8].


Percentage difference (%)


mg kg-1


40 -10

36 -20


Fig. 3.9. Zinc results from CCQM-P64 “Nonfat soybean powder”, adapted from [8].

elements determined by the NAA laboratory (the authors' laboratory at results of only the key comparison will be compared in Figs. 3.13 to
CENA/USP) fall well within the range of results reported by laboratories 3.17. However, results from the authors' laboratory (CENA/USP) that
using other methods, as do the results from the IDMS laboratory. The were submitted to the CCQM-P85 pilot study have been included in
uncertainties of the NAA measurements appear to be similar to those these figures in view of CENA/USP's long history of successful
reported by most other laboratories and smaller than those reported by participation in CCQM studies (since 2001).
the IDMS laboratory. The uncertainty reported for Ca by IDMS appears to CCQM-K49/P85 included measurands of varying degrees of difficulty
be the largest uncertainty reported. in this matrix. Iron and zinc were considered to be relatively easy due to
Quite a few laboratories participated in CCQM-K49/P85 “Essential their high levels, and the ease of matrix decomposition. The results for
and Toxic Elements in Bovine Liver”, including some with limited NAA and IDMS participants in the key comparison are compared in
experience in such high-level, metrological comparisons. In fact, some Figs. 3.13 and 3.14. Note that the dashed lines in these figures,
laboratories were participating for the first time in a CCQM representing the relative key comparison reference uncertainties, are
comparison. In view of this lack of metrological experience, the both about 1%. Overall, the INAA and IDMS mean values agree quite well.

Percentage difference (%)

CaO (mg g-1)



75 -10



Fig. 3.10. Calcium results from CCQM-P65 “Chemical composition of clay”, adapted from [9].
238 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241


Percentage difference (%)


Fe2O3 (mg g-1)


48 -10



Fig. 3.11. Iron results from CCQM-P65 “Chemical composition of clay”, adapted from [9].

30 K

Percentage difference (%)

28 10
K2O (mg g-1)





Fig. 3.12. Potassium results from CCQM-P65 “Chemical composition of clay”, adapted from [9].

The magnitudes of the expanded uncertainties of the NAA laboratories were within the uncertainties of the key comparison. The magnitudes
appear quite similar to those of the IDMS laboratories. of the reported expanded uncertainties for the two techniques are
Selenium, Cd and Cr were considered to be more challenging due similar, with the uncertainty from one IDMS laboratory larger and one
to their lower content and the higher potential for matrix interfer- smaller than those of the three NAA laboratories.
ences. The IDMS and NAA results from the key comparison are Six IDMS results and one RNAA result were reported for Cd in
compared in Figs. 3.15 (Se), 3.16 (Cd), and 3.17 (Cr). Results from the CCQM-K49. One laboratory reported both IDMS and RNAA results. As
three laboratories using INAA and two laboratories using IDMS to can be seen in Fig. 3.16, the reported Cd mass fraction and uncertainty
determine Se in CCQM-K49 are compared in Fig. 3.15. All five results determined by RNAA was indistinguishable from the IDMS values.

Percentage difference (%)



mg kg-1



180 -10















160 -20

Fig. 3.13. Iron results from CCQM-K49 “Essential and toxic elements in bovine liver”, adapted from [10]. Also includes results from CENA in the parallel Pilot Study CCQM-P85.
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 239


Percentage difference (%)

200 IDMS INAA 10


mg kg-1

















Fig. 3.14. Zinc results from CCQM-K49 “Essential and toxic elements in bovine liver”, adapted from [10]. Also includes results from CENA in the parallel Pilot Study CCQM-P85.

2.4 Se


Percentage difference (%)

mg kg-1

2.1 IDMS








Fig. 3.15. Selenium results from CCQM-K49 “Essential and toxic elements in bovine liver”, adapted from [10]. Also includes results from CENA in the parallel Pilot Study CCQM-P85.

Three IDMS laboratories and one INAA laboratory reported results for sources of neutrons, have different neutron intensities and energy
Cr in CCQM-K49. Note that this measurement is extremely challeng- spectra available for activation; the gamma-ray spectrometers are
ing with Cr present at approximately 50 μg/kg in a solid, complex composed of individual detectors, amplifiers and multichannel analy-
matrix. As can be seen from Fig. 3.17, both mean values and expanded zers, and can therefore not be compared with e.g. a standard
uncertainties from the individual laboratories were similar. (catalogued) AAS or ICP instrument. In addition, software for gamma-
ray spectrum analysis and interpretation is also often not standardized,
3.5. Discussion but developed in-house. The very good agreement among the NAA
laboratories submitting results for the CCQM studies demonstrates the
Neutron activation analysis differs from other methods of chemical robustness of the method, and the typically good agreement (within
analysis in that there is an absence of integral, commercially-available uncertainties) of the NAA values with the reference values of the
instruments and standardized software. Nuclear research reactors, as comparisons indicates that the metrological principles of NAA are well

0.115 Cd

Percentage difference (%)

mg kg-1

0.100 IDMS
0.090 IDMS










Fig. 3.16. Cadmium results from CCQM-K49 “Essential and toxic elements in bovine liver”, adapted from [10].
240 R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241

0.060 Cr

Percentage difference (%)

0.057 INAA


mg kg-1

0.045 IDMS






Fig. 3.17. Chromium results from CCQM-K49 “Essential and toxic elements in bovine liver”, adapted from [10].

Table 3.4
Comparison of IDMS and NAA characteristics for trace element determination; the symbols mark the characteristics in which a technique differs favorably from the other.


Instrumentation availability ++
Expanded uncertainties (U) — g/kg level ++
Expanded uncertainties (U) — mg/kg level (+) (+)
Blank ++
Dissolution losses ++
Elemental coverage Missing mono-isotopic elements Missing some key elements (Pb etc.)
Metrological expertise required yes yes
Agreement in comparisons Quite good, but dependent on level, Quite good, but dependent on level,
element, and matrix element, and matrix

understood and practiced in many NAA laboratories; even in ones that comparison of the characteristics and potential metrological perfor-
are not affiliated with an NMI. However, metrological experience is mance of both methods could be made, and is given in Table 3.4.
extremely important, and laboratories with less experience are more
likely to provide less reliable results and have problems in developing 3.6. Conclusion
complete uncertainty budgets.
It should be noted that the NAA laboratories participating in the It has been demonstrated, via participation in CCQM key comparisons
studies presented here applied the comparator method of standard- and pilot studies starting between 2001 and 2006, that results
ization, in which a calibrator consisting of a known amount of each determined by metrologically-experienced NAA laboratories have
element to be determined in the sample of interest was used. The so- properties similar to those obtained by metrologically-experienced
called k0 method for standardization, often applied in many field IDMS laboratories for the determination of many trace elements in
laboratories for direct multi-element determinations, was not used in complex matrices. INAA, because of the non-destructive nature, its
these comparisons because of the relatively high uncertainties of freedom from blank, and its elemental coverage provides a good
some of the physical constants needed, and the still existing lack of complement to IDMS methods. Neutron activation analysis, based on the
clarity on the traceability of the results obtained by this method of comparator method for calibration, can therefore meet all requirements
standardization. of a primary ratio method, and has been accepted as such by the CCQM.
The niches and limitations of neutron activation analysis for trace The CCQM, in its meeting of April 19, 2007, decided subsequently “…that
element determinations have been described and discussed in Chapter NAA had claims to a similar status to that of the five methods listed
1. During the last decade, NAA laboratories have participated in key originally by the CCQM and that NAA will be added to that list….” [11,12].
comparisons and pilot studies in which both the matrices and the
elements of interest were suitable for this method. A number of these Acknowledgements
studies, beginning between 2001 and 2006, allowed for direct
comparison of NAA and IDMS determinations of amount content, The authors wish to express their thanks to all laboratories that
uncertainty budgets, and dispersion of reported results for each method. participated between 2001 and 2006 in the CCQM key comparisons
As a result, it may be concluded that, in general, the metrological and pilot studies discussed above.
properties of NAA and IDMS appear to be similar for the determination
of trace elements in complex matrices. Dissolution aspects may explain 3.7 References for Chapter 3
that in some cases the range in NAA results was smaller than in IDMS
results. Lack of metrological experience may explain some of the results [1] R. R. Greenberg, E.A. Mackey, CCQM-P11 Pilot Study Arsenic in Shellfish, Final
with larger uncertainty budgets and deviations from the accepted study Report November 28, (2001) NIST, Gaithersburg, USA.
[2] R.R. Greenberg, E.A. Mackey, CCQM-K31 Key Comparison: Arsenic in Shellfish,
values. Metrologia 43, (2006) 08003.
Although only a limited type of matrices and measurands were [3] Y. Aregbe P. Taylor, CCQM-K24 Key Comparison. Cadmium Amount Content in
involved in the key comparisons and pilot studies, a general Rice, Metrologia 40, (2003) 08001.
R.R. Greenberg et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66 (2011) 193–241 241

[4] Y. Aregbe P. Taylor, CCQM-P29 pilot study. Cadmium and Zinc Amount Content HR-ICP-MS high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass
in Rice, Metrologia 40, (2003) 08002.
[5] Y. Aregbe, C. Quétel, P.D.P. Taylor, CCQM-P39: As, Hg, Pb, Se and
Methylmercury in Tuna Fish, Metrologia 41, (2004) 08004. ICP inductively coupled plasma
[6] Y. Aregbe, P.D.P. Taylor, CCQM-K43: As, Hg, Pb, Se and Methylmercury in ICP-AES inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Salmon, Metrologia 43, (2006) 08005. ICPMS inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
[7] Y. Aregbe, P.D.P. Taylor, presentation at CCQM-IAWG Meeting, Oct. (2005), IDMS isotope dilution mass spectrometry
CCQM-K44 and P70: Trace Metals in Sewage Sludge.
[8] M. Liandi et al., 2006, Report of the CCQM-P64 & APMP.QM-P07, Cu, Zn, Fe and
IMGC Institute of Metrology Gustavo Colonnetti, Italy
Ca in Nonfat Soybean Powder. INMETRO Instituto Nacional de Metrologia Normalização e Qualidade
[9] J.A. Salas, E.M. Ramírez, (2006) Report of CCQM-P65 Study, Chemical Industrial, Brazil
Composition of Clay. INRIM Instituto Nazionale di Metrologia delle Radiazioni
[10] R.R. Greenberg, Final Report on Key Comparison CCQM-K49: Essential and
Ionizzanti, Italy
Toxic Elements in Bovine Liver, Metrologia 45, (2008) 08016.
[11] Report of the 13th meeting of the CCQM, 19–20 April (2007), http://www. IRMM Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, (last accessed August 19, 2010). European Commission
[12] Report of the 14th meeting of the CCQM, 3–4 April (2008), http://www.bipm. KRISS Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science,
org/utils/common/pdf/CCQM14.pdf (last accessed August 19, 2010). Republic of Korea
LGC Laboratory of the Government Chemist, United Kingdom
3.8 Acronyms used in Chapter 3 LNE Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais, France
MRA Mutual Recognition Arrangement
NARL National Analytical Reference Laboratory, Australia
AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy NIM National Institute of Metrology, China
BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Germany NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, United
BIPM Bureau International des Poids et Mesures States of America
BNM-LNE Bureau National de Métrologie – Laboratoire National d’Essais, NMi Nederlands Meetinstituut, The Netherlands
France NMI national metrology institute
CCQM Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance – Metrology NMIA National Measurement Institute, Australia
in Chemistry NMIJ National Metrology Institute of Japan, Japan
CENAM Centro Nacional de Metrología, México NMI-TUDELFT Nederlands Meetinstituut, Delft University of
CENA/USP Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura – Universidade de Technology, The Netherlands
São Paulo, Brazil NRC National Research Council of Canada, Canada
CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa NRCCRM National Research Centre for Certified Reference Materials,
EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, China
Switzerland PTB Physikalisch-TechnischeBundesanstalt, Germany
FI-HGAAS flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption SCK Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Belgium
spectroscopy VNIIM D.I. Mendeleyev Scientific and Research Institute for
FI-HG-GFAAS flow injection hydride generation graphite furnace Metrology, Russia
atomic absorption spectroscopy
GFAAS graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
HKGL Hong Kong Government Laboratory, Hong Kong

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