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brief communications

Water capture by a desert beetle

This insect has a tailor-made covering for collecting water from early-morning fog.

ome beetles in the Namib Desert col- it may bounce or be blown to a hydrophilic
lect drinking water from fog-laden region. Each attached droplet eventually
wind on their backs1. We show here reaches a size at which its contact area
that these large droplets form by virtue of covers the entire hydrophilic island. Beyond
the insect’s bumpy surface, which consists this size, the ratio of its mass to its surface-
of alternating hydrophobic, wax-coated and contact area increases rapidly until the cap-
hydrophilic, non-waxy regions. The design illary force that attaches it to the surface is
of this fog-collecting structure can be overcome (this force is dictated by the area
reproduced cheaply on a commercial scale of the hydrophilic island). At this point, the
and may find application in water-trapping droplet detaches and rolls down the tilted
tent and building coverings, for example, or beetle’s surface, guided by the slight pur-
in water condensers and engines. chase afforded by other peaks along its path.
The Namib Desert in southern Africa By this stage, the droplet is sufficiently
supports a unique sand-dune fauna2 and massive to roll into the wind, its cross-
experiences high winds, extreme daytime section (the area of contact with the wind)
temperatures and dense, early-morning having increased far more slowly than its
fog3,4, but rainfall is so low and variable volume. Using the control volume form of
as to be considered negligible here5. The Euler’s first law10, it is possible to estimate
tenebrionid beetle Stenocara sp. (Fig. 1a) the windspeed, v, below which the droplets
tilts its body forwards into the wind to will roll downwards:
collect water in a manner that is typical of
the family3. Droplets form on the top

31}r}§ §u)4§
(front) fused ‘wings’ (elytra) and roll down vö
the beetle’s surface to its mouthparts. The
mechanism by which water is extracted
from the air and formed into large droplets where R is the droplet radius, g is the gravi-
has so far not been explained, despite its tational constant (9.8 m s12), u is the tilt
biomimetic potential. angle and r is the density of a medium
A similar rolling of water droplets occurs (rair41 kg m13, rwater41,000 kg m13). This
on lotus leaves, which repel raindrops on predicts that the diameter of a spherical
their uniformly superhydrophobic surface6. droplet must exceed 5 mm if it is to roll
But a surface of this nature would not help down a 457 incline into a headwind of
the beetle — the fog water droplets encoun- 5 m s11 (as measured in Namibia). This is
tered by Stenocara are much finer (1–40 mm fairly consistent with video footage of the
diameter7) than raindrops and, without beetles in their natural environment, in
a special controlling mechanism, would which droplets of roughly 4–5-mm diameter Figure 1 The water-capturing surface of the fused overwings
quickly be lost to the heat and winds of form in a steady, self-replenishing stream. (elytra) of the desert beetle Stenocara sp. a, Adult female, dorsal
the desert (water droplets in fog are so light To determine the biomimetic potential view; peaks and troughs are evident on the surface of the elytra.
that they travel almost horizontally in a of the structure, we partially embedded b, A ‘bump’ on the elytra, stained with Red O for 15 min and then
breeze)7–9. Water collection is therefore not 0.6-mm glass spheres into microscope slides with 60% isopropanol for 10 min, a procedure that tests for
as simple as it may seem. coated with warm wax. In one model, waxes. Depressed areas of the otherwise black elytra are stained
On a macroscopic scale, the elytra of spheres were arranged in a square array positively (waxy, coloured), whereas the peaks of the bumps
Stenocara are covered in a near-random with a spacing of 0.6 mm; in another, remain unstained (wax-free; black). c, Scanning electron micro-
array of bumps 0.5–1.5 mm apart, each spheres were randomly arranged with an graph of the textured surface of the depressed areas. Scale bars,
about 0.5 mm in diameter (Fig. 1a). At the average spacing of 0.5 mm. For compari- a, 10 mm; b, 0.2 mm; c, 10 mm.
microscopic level, the peaks of these bumps son, we used a uniformly hydrophobic
are smooth, with no covering (Fig. 1b), surface of smooth wax and a uniformly about 1 mm diameter; many droplets were
whereas the troughs, including their sloping hydrophilic surface of bare glass, which was lost when blown off the edges of the slide.
sides, are covered by a microstructure coated cleaned by ultrasonic agitation in isopropyl Bare glass gave the most variable results: a
in wax (Fig. 1b). The microstructure consists alcohol for 15 min. The four samples were single large (over 7 mm) flat droplet formed
of flattened hemispheres, 10 mm in diameter inclined at 457 and sprayed equally with a on the surface and ran down the slide by
and arranged in a regular hexagonal array fine mist of water, which was collected at a specific route that varied within each
(Fig. 1c), creating a superhydrophobic sys- the base of each slide. We repeated this experiment. If the route led to the collecting
tem reminiscent of the lotus leaf. experiment 10 times using samples at 22 7C. vial, as in four of the experiments, 1 unit of
The droplet-producing system works by The square array of beads collected the water was collected. If it did not, as in six
‘growing’ droplets on the hydrophilic seed- most water (1 unit), with large, almost experiments, no water was collected.
ing points of the peaks (as seen in video spherical droplets quickly forming to roll The results were virtually identical at
recordings). The water in the fog settles on downwards when they reached a diameter of substrate temperatures of 66 7C to those at
the peaks, forming fast-growing droplets 3.8–4.0 mm. The random array collected an 22 7C, except in the case of bare glass, where
that bind to the elytra; water striking the average of 0.95 units and the bare wax the flat droplets evaporated because of their
hydrophobic slopes can also be collected as sample an average of 0.5 units, as droplets of large surface area. We conclude that the
NATURE | VOL 414 | 1 NOVEMBER 2001 | © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 33
brief communications
combination of hydrophilic and hydro- Farnborough GU14 0LX, UK increased mass of adipose tissue. These
phobic points was best for collecting water 1. Hamilton, W. J. & Seely, M. K. Nature 262, 284–285 (1976).
observations are supported by studies of
from mist at both 22 7C and 66 7C. 2. Koch, C. Ann. Trans. Mus. 24, 61–106 (1962). leptin deficiency in rodents — heterozygous
The Stenocara structure11 can easily be 3. Crawford, C. S. Biology of Desert Invertebrates (Springer, Lepob/& mice have about 32% more fat and
Berlin, 1981).
reproduced in sheet form by injection- adjusted serum leptin concentrations that
4. Roberts, C. S., Seely, M. K., Ward, D., Mitchell, D. &
moulding or printing techniques, allowing a Campbell, J. D. Physiol. Entomol. 16, 463–475 (1991).
are about 27% lower than their wild-type
variety of uncooled devices to be produced 5. Louw, G. N. Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. 31, 297–314 (1972). littermates6, which is strikingly similar to
for controlled collection of vapour, including 6. Watanabe, K. J. Jap. Soc. Tribol. 45, 354–359 (2000). our findings in humans.
water for drinking or farming in inhospitable If leptin evolved principally to signal the
regions7,9 (see supplementary information). 8. Machin, J. J. Exp. Biol. 53, 753–762 (1970). transition between states of starvation and
Andrew R. Parker*, Chris R. Lawrence† 9. nutritional adequacy7, then sensitivity to
*Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, 10. McGill, D. J. & King W. W. Statics and an Introduction to changes in its circulating concentration
Dynamics 2nd edn (PWS-Kent, Boston, 1989).
Oxford OX1 3PS, UK
11. UK Patent Application no. 0109814.4, filed 23/04/01.
should be enhanced at very low values. This
e-mail: Supplementary information accompanies the paper on Nature’s could account for inconsistent effects on
†Mechanical Sciences Sector, QinetiQ, website ( appetite or weight when leptin in normal or
obese humans is supplemented by injection
of recombinant human leptin8. If the
human energy-balance system is insensitive
Metabolism only a surrogate measure of body fat, we to positive perturbations of leptin, is it also
measured body fat directly by dual-energy insensitive to negative ones? Our results
Partial leptin deficiency X-ray absorptiometry in 12 of the DG133 would suggest that this is not the case.
heterozygotes and in 6 Pakistani subjects Our findings show that a relatively small
and human adiposity who were wild-type at the leptin locus. We drop in leptin production may be sensed by

he adipocyte-derived hormone leptin compared these direct measures of body fat the homeostatic feedback system that
is crucial for energy homeostasis in to body-fat predictions on the basis of age, controls energy balance, with fat mass
mammals; mice1 and humans2,3 with- sex, height and weight5. being increased in an attempt to restore
out it suffer from a voracious appetite and In wild-type subjects, the mean mea- leptin levels to some ‘set point’. As a sub-
extreme obesity. The effect on energy bal- sured percentage of body fat was similar to stantial minority of subjects with common
ance of variations in plasma leptin above a the predicted value (Fig. 1c). In DG133 het- forms of obesity, not associated with leptin
minimal threshold is uncertain, however, erozygotes, however, it significantly exceed- mutations, have relatively low levels of
particularly in humans. Here we examine a ed the predicted proportion of body fat circulating leptin9, our results indicate that
group of individuals who are genetically (41.4% and 34.4%, respectively; P*0.001), augmenting serum leptin in this subgroup
partially deficient in leptin, and show with all 12 heterozygous individuals show- may be therapeutically worthwhile.
that differences in circulating leptin levels ing a deviation in the same direction. I. Sadaf Farooqi*, Julia M. Keogh*,
within the range found in normal human Humans who inherit only one function- Sri Kamath†, Sarah Jones‡, William T.
populations can directly influence the al copy of the leptin gene therefore have Gibson§, Rebecca Trussell||, Susan A. Jebb‡,
laying down of fat tissue (adiposity). markedly lower serum leptin levels than Gregory Y. H. Lip†, Stephen O’Rahilly*
In three unrelated families of Pakistani control subjects, particularly in view of their *University Departments of Medicine and Clinical
origin, we identified 13 subjects who were
heterozygous for a frameshift mutation 30 a b 40
Serum leptin level (ng ml–1)

(deletion of a glycine at residue 133; DG133) 25 Controls

in the ob gene, which encodes leptin. We also ∆G133 heterozygotes
identified three of their relatives as homo- 20 Wild-type relatives
zygous for the wild-type ob sequence. Serum 15
leptin levels and anthropometric measure- 30
Serum leptin level (ng ml–1)

ments in these subjects were compared with

those in 96 ethnically matched controls with 5
a similar sex distribution (38% and 44% 0
male, respectively) and age (41512 yr and ∆G133 Controls
heterozygotes 20
48515 yr, respectively).
Difference between measured and
predicted body-fat percentages

Serum leptin concentrations in DG133 30

heterozygotes were markedly lower than in +
controls (Fig. 1a). As expected, these were
positively correlated with body-mass index 10
(BMI) in control subjects (r40.54) and in
the wild-type relatives of the heterozygotes 0 +
(Fig. 1b). In contrast, there was no signifi-
cant correlation between BMI and serum –10
leptin in the DG133 heterozygotes. 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
In all human populations studied so far, ∆G133 Wild type
heterozygotes BMI (kg m–2)
serum leptin is positively correlated with
indices of adiposity4. However, lower leptin Figure 1 Human heterozygotes for the DG133 mutation in the leptin gene have low serum leptin levels and increased body-fat
levels in DG133 heterozygotes were accom- percentage relative to controls. a, Serum leptin concentrations (mean5s.d.) in 13 Pakistani subjects who are heterozygous for the
panied by an increased prevalence of DG133 leptin mutation and in 96 control subjects from the same ethnic group; ** denotes P*0.001. b, Serum leptin concentrations
obesity, with 76% of heterozygotes having a plotted against body-mass index (BMI), showing the regression line for controls; correlation coefficient, 0.54. c, Body-fat percentage,
BMI greater than 30 kg m12, compared measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 12 DG133 heterozygotes and 6 wild-type subjects, compared to that predicted by the
with 26% of controls (P*0.01). As BMI is Deurenberg formula5 for both groups. Values are means52 s.e.m.

34 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 414 | 1 NOVEMBER 2001 |

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